Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1893-190?, September 13, 1902, Image 1

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m Ordinary eeiiiy erald. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CITY OF WAYCROSS AND OF WARE AND CHARLTON COUNTIES. VOLUME XXIII WAYCROSS, GA., SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 13,/i902. NUMBER 15 Henry Grady found. IS NOW IN PRIVATE SANITARIUM IN NEW YORK CITY. The following it a special to the Savannah News j'eater dry afternoon: Atlanta, Sept 10.—Henry YV. Grad, was ^found in City Hal^.^rk, Net Yortf City, this afternoon by,Alfred* C. Newell, formerly of jAWanta, but now of the New York Wo$&* Newell was on his way Homily building when be saw Mr. Gra^dv, sit» ting on a bjench and wentup^io htmt*y “It seems to me I know you; where have I seen you?'' Grady aakefP.Kim. They had been associated together on the ( Constitution. Mr. Newell tdoi^him over to the World office, where he was cared for bj the newspaper men jfnom Atlanta. He said he was hungry* and asked for something to eat Thep he slept for several hours, after which he was taken to*a private sanitarium^ Eugene R. Black, his brother4n>law and other friends in New York search ing for him* were notified, and he was placed in the care of the best phvsi* cians in New York. Mr. Grady was dazed and weak and worn out jvheu found, and could not remember any* thing about his movements. He seemed to have no recollection of any thing that had happened to him, and did not recognize his friends. The news of hia being discovered was at onte telegraphed to Atlanta and brought great relief to his relative* and friends here. He will remain in New York until he i» able to truy<*l, when he will be tr night home by M-. Black. He was suffering intensely from hay fever at the time he disap peared, and hia friends are now satis fled his min'd became unbalanced as the result of his sickness. It is be lieved that when be boarded a train for New York Mr. Grady waa y under the impression he waft coming to At* lanto. A special from New York says when Grady waa first found he asked for a pistol, saying people were after him. He did not recall his visit to Norfo.k at all. A pen and paper were giv^A him and he scribbled a report of a council meeting in Atlanta. There was a complete lapse of memory as to the past. % Eloping Couple Arretted. Columbus, Ga, Sept. 9.—An eloping couple from South Gsqrgia were ar» rested last night by the Columbus po lice and are now at police beadquar* ters awaiting the arrival of an officer from Monltrie, Ga. Early last night Chief Reynolds received a telegram from Deputy Sheriff J. A. Collier, at Moultrie, Ga , directing him to arrest Eugehe Madden and Mrs. Minnie Lee White, an eloping eonple from that section. In a short time Chief Rey nolds succeeded in finding Madden on .Tenth - street and immediately placed him under arrest Mrs. White was located at the- home of relatives on Thirteenth-street by Chief Rey nolds and Detective Moore and was carried to headqaarters. It seems that the eonple have been here severs! days. Madden was a young man who formerly lived in C >1 umbos. He mar ried here and his-wife is now said w be la Fitzgerald, Atlanta, Sept la—Jno. Cody, thirty years old, attempted to kill bima^if in' a drug store in Atlanta Tuesday night, by drinking a bottle of lauds* ,num. He was teen when he drank the laudanum sod au ambulance carried nim to Grady Hospital. This morning », « was out of danger, but sick from trie effects of the drug. JAMESTOlMl'-JfEWH. Protracted meeting began here Sunday. There' was quite an interesting sermon j,reached by Rev. B, A. Johnson: There was quite a large attendance T'leaelfas been an abundance of sickness in this community during 4h& past month. Mrs, Phoebe 'McQuaig, of iVVevcfOfS.^waS'the gnf,3t 4< of her sister, Mrs. W. N. McQuaig, Sunday;* J. XVPervis is quite sick. (r ! Mrs.. B. D. Finn and family of. Waycross were guests of (rails. West Sunday. .. ***; Mrs.. Charles West Jias been very sick for the past, week, but her thany friends hope to see her recover soon. Mr.penryPervis, of Cord el e, came dowh’ and ■ spent Sunday with his father, Mr. J. P. Pervis. Miss . Ari.%, Lee McQuaig was the guest of her frieuds here the first of Jthe week. She re* turned to her home in Waycross last.Tuesday.' i. Mr. Tom Liles, of Waycross, came out last Saturday. and. is spending awhile here. Mr. W. H. Booth,"-from near Waycross, was in town Monday. Mr. J. M. Johnson and family, from near Elsie, were visiting relatives here Sunday. Mrs. A. J. Wainright has been confined to her hbd for several* Scores The Trusts. WILLIAM AN OPENS THE DEMO CRATIC CAMPAIGN IN MISSOURI. he »aid, could not look to the republl cans for reforms in tariff matters, adding: "There were more righteous men in Sodom and Gomorrah than there are tariff reformers in the re publican party ” He declared that President Roosevelt had no remedy' for the trust evil and that aofcrd' utterances on the subject we^e>»bf. surd. Continuing, he said: v I tell you, one. trust magnate In •tripes behind prison wails would do ^nore to break up trusts than all the speeches the president can make. The constitutional amendment the repub licans are talking about i6 not meant for .the regulation of trusts, but to ■take the power to control the trusts awqy from the states, and so protect th*: trusts. d*y%., She WftV taken Satur'iJayVi'iigTr^ tfieff-of asthnhh.' J S’W-k* tack- of agtbrfiH.' Mr. .1. A. Morgan and family, who have been resident* of Jamestown for soaio time, have recently moved to Moultrie, where he will engage in some other business. Mr. Morgau moved here from Clincii county, and has been engaged in farm ing. On last Friday Mrs. D. N Campbell died at her home near this place. Mrs. Campbell suf* fereil for several days, and on Friday about 2 o’clock in the afternoon she passed away. Her remains were taken to Homer an aged hnsband to mourn her loss. 1 We extend our greatest sympathy to the bereaved ones. Sept. 10. , —G. City Court. The September term of the city court of Waycross adjourned this morning, after disposing of nearly all the cases on the civil and criminal docket. . The cases tried and not yet reported are as follows: State vs. Nita Carter, fornica tion and adultery, not guilty State va. Perry Hodges, cheat Ing and swindling, pleaded guilty, 6 months or $80, Includ ing coats. StAce vs. Lott Smith, selling liquor without license, acquitted. State vs. Riley Worth, assault, 8 months or $20, including costs. State vs. L. Bush, wife beat-, ing, acquitted. * Stafo vs. Henry McNair, sim ple larceny, bond estreated. Thosp who are to sing in the Praise Service at the Presby terian church next Tuesday will meet to practice at the home of Mrs. J. R. Whitman on Thurs day afternoon at J o’clock. Joplin, Mo., Sent lft—YViu J. Bry* 3. in opening the democrat ts cam* paign in this city wsterday, suggest- retuedy for the trusts on the Hue of seclusion as oppo*ed to President Roosevelt’s plan Qf publicity. 'Bryan talked at length ou the tariff, saying among other things that it was time to take the tariff off at least all kinds FOI.KSTOX FACTS AND FAMIfS. Sheriff Wainright made a bus iness trip to the Big Bend Satur day. Mrs. W. M. McElfish and chil dren are spending sometime in town. J. M. Robinson, of Savannah, is Visiting relatives in this sec tion this week. if John Roddenberry, Jr., is con (ined to his room with a light at- tWi^r of fever this week. iifiss Flunice Tyler left last Saturday for Luiaton, where she of trust-made goods. The country? h aS accepted a position as aS8ist . aut teacher at that place. J. W. Vickery left Monday for Milledgeville with M.-s.Nancy Dixon, who was recently adjudg ed Insane. Work on the oourthouso is be ing completed this week and the ’baiUjng will be turned over to thejeoiinty authorities next Mon day? 1 ’ Miss Tassie Layton, of Wain right, is spending the 'week with relatives here. E. H. Wright and Miss Jennie Mills were quietly married at the home of Rev. D. Sikes on last Thursday night. We extend the happy young couple the nsunl congratulations. •frtj . L. Hash Write*. qft$j£Jo!lowiUg “ Congratntn* tiob’’ from L. Bush, colored, is published just as it appears in the original. Bush was recently acquitted in the trial of two cases brought against him by his wife: CONGRATULATION FROM A NEGRO CITIStKN TO THE WARE COUNTY COURT. Mr. Editor Kindly allow me space in your daily Herald to express my thanks to the above name court in toto. I (Bush) a prosecuted and supposed condemned than by wife prosecution, from wilful calamities and rumors has been arranged before the above court ville and laid to rest. She leaves jiader the cumbersome weight of The Herald predicts that Waycross will be the finest long cotton market in the south in side of a short time. Try our cheap column quick results. for Subscribe for the Herald. tyro warrants this week, and by the fair dicision and skillfull dissection of the court was toon favored with justice and privi- lidge. No fairer men exist 'and no piore skillful attys pleads than now ranges la ware county court I find myself too enade- quate to express my thanks for they have stepped beyond the line of race prejudice and color mark in the dealing of court in our co. Ool. L. A. Wilson as an attor ney has but few superiors if any e study of law, and show no color disfranchisement in cling ing to his criminal. X again express my thanks as a free, & law abiding citizen. . ♦ L. BUSH. Waycross, Ua. Charlton (trawl and Petit Jjjnr. Thojfoiiowtng juror* wfYggdrawn to nerve for the October term, 1002. of the Charlton superior court : GRAND JURY. Deiin.-Frankllu .1-bn*. WM Cuablug, GW Reynolds,/.l . Mind!, Dixon Thomas. O W S "k ‘s, E D O'Quinn, W L McDuffie. J P Franks. J I Johnson, J It Rogers, R T Thomas, W W Tyler,' A C Warren, M Albertson, F C Whidden, .IK Rigor*, J C Carter, S F Wninwrlght, A J Howard, T J Dowling, D R Wasdin, C 1. Cowart, I O Rowe, J W Cannadv, N Redden* berry, B M Courson, A J II idgea, O F Osteen. PETIT JURY. J W Dinkins, W U Griffin, .1 D Rod- denborry, T E Wsinwrlght, U W An- dor-on, Leonard Harris, T J Uesl, Dred Allen, D*R Hodges, L M llodell, Philip Wsinwrlght. J A Allen, 0 W Gowen, Jee Cowart, W W Davit, Robl Jones, D U Dinkins, O W Alisa. Sr, J M Brooks. R 8 le-ysnt, J R Hodges, O K. Lo.vther, Herns Tom!ln*on. J F Burnside, O W Alien. Jr, A J Crews. G W* Roddenberry. E J Johnson, J L Anderson,. 11 C Chesser, K A Herdte. Din Sikes, J y Stallings. P G Hrtfok*. C A Bryan, J Harden. Miss Peach Entertains. There was a most delightful enter- tsloment anil dance, given at the home o’ Miss Annie Pesch.on Georgia street, last evening. Games end dancing were inJnlged in until e late hour, when the guests departed thanking M *s Annie for ope of the moat enjoy able evenings spent this season. 'those present were: Missee May Martin.' Julia Pinkney, Erie Martin, Mamie Roberson, Ollie lomsu; Mr,. R. H. Hemby; Messrs. Hilt, Martin, Surratt. Solomon, Patterson, Johnson, Houghton, Rowland, Williams. Gor man, Lopez. Pens. Meggs, end Peach. Subscribe tof the Herald tl'hl SS Rost Wind Ageefs Som The discomfort acutely felt by eomc persoua during east winds , probably arise* from the poison tbit ought to have been got rid of by the skin, bnt owing lo the closing of the pores has been thrown bark Into the systeun popular Science Montblv What pipe Bmokere Have to Pour. Those- who use.tbe pipe have to fear epitheliums, otherwise called the can cer of the lips and of Abe tongue. .The first of these la particularly common among those wbo smoke short clay pipes. The cancer of smokers shows itself generally at the point where the stem of the bested pipe Is curried upon the lower Up. That of the tongue ap- iKvrs on the aide where a stream of sinohe Is likely to strike the tongue It each Inhalation. These two forms of a horrible discsse aro without doubt the most serious that smokers can meet with. It is the fear of these formida ble accidents that hat converted many. The frequency of them, however, should not be overrated. Statistics slone ran give us an Ides of the truth. Those of the city of Paris show that there are 15$ esses sacb year of dfsths caused by cancer of the mouth, while the number of smokers In Paris Itself : ■ !i«* at least .'kVr,i*>>. Ad mitting luat half of lbcec make ase of the pipe mid that nil of the cases of caurvr can be sttrlbrted to them, there Is l-nt one victim to every thousand pipe smokers. —'Revue des Deux IXk&XfauXfXfUSXfXfXfaUtfitSHXtXtXXHBSXfXfvssKXfBs Waycross Clothing Store With A Pull Line New Spring Goods At moderate prices. You get a better fit and better goods here for less money than can be found elsewhere. ALL GOODS CARRIED OVER From a previous season will be Closed -Out At Cost. This applies to every department of” our large stock.■ So if you want a bargain crime to see us—if you want to be fitted Up-to-Date come to see us. WAYCROSS CLOTHING STORE. Wo Have 'Em. High Grade Bicycles, Bicycle Lamps, Bells, Tires, Graphaphonds, Records, Ac. We arc agents fpr the Cele brated t‘ Fay-Sho Typewriter. "Its touch is a* light as a feather’s." A full line Type ; writer supplies. Waycross Cycle Co xjjuJ'jjjj'jj-jjj'j22aziuj2jjjjLjjjjjuaj2jus»sc.r.zrnaya2yjL' Real Estate Agency, $ A. P. PERHAM & SON, ' Waycross, Georgia. Wc Buy and Sell' Beal Estate 111 Town or County on Commission. All property placed in our hands is Advertised Free* Correspondence Solicited. No. 8 Jane 81 root. WaycroM. Geoff la. E SaBBBCBEIinfECBaniWBGEBCCBCeECeCBGBBneBECBOBaBCBBeBBIxE THE WORLD BEATER IfJust! Out, It will Make You Money IT IS THE SAFETY INCUBATOR And Brooder. Now at work and on exhibition at M. M. Woodard’s Wayctoss. Georgia, State and County Rights for Sale. See the owner, J. S, Smith. MR. J. S. SMITH. WajrcroM, Oa. DEAK 81K Ttof Incubator that I bought fro ii"You proved perfect sails- ® faction and •• toon si I g*t a tuitabla p’acs built I want another. .1 ran highly b recommend it to anybody. Yonr* very respectfully, ! t - • m. ii. woodard: C EBEBBCGBrBCiyEEBEEBCBBCeBErBBEBCBBOERBBCGBBBBEBBEBBa Good Bread , § flakes Strength. c You can’t have a better bictl than that which we make. It makes he-itli at-d .strength ’ for v* u— Makes you feel hungry f r ,y<mr meals and satisfies that hunger. It’* gootj clear through every day, and fivt^ents buys it, Waycrot*, 6a. J. C. Hube J. 1 -'*... .