Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1893-190?, September 20, 1902, Image 1

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Herald. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CITY OF WAYCROSS AND OF WARE AND CHARLTON COUNTIES. VOLUME XXIII WAYCROSS, GA- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 15)02. NUMBER 16 Robber Blows Ip Bank AND KILLS HIMSELF—A STRANGER TO THE BANK OFFICIALS. Seattle, Wash^v Sept 17.-A special to the Times from Slcagtvav, Aia»kft, says: About 3 o’qjoek yesterday after noon an unknown man walked into •• • * * the Canadian Hanlftof Commerce, u re> volver in’one hand and a dynamite bomb in the other, demanded $‘JU, 000, threatening to bldw all intQeter nity. Cashier PooleWand Teller Wal lace were the only two men In the oank. Wullace ducked to get his gun and ran quickly to tie back of the room, calling for Poo^y- *t6 do the same. The clerics had just got out the window when the \f*o dropped the bombs The banlcVas wrecked, The robber’s head was smashed and one arm was torn off. , People living above the bank were blown into the air. J. G. Price, formerly prosecuting attorney, who was entering the bank at the time was hurt, but not seriously. The dynamiter died without regaining consciousness. The bank lost about a thousand dollars, chiefly in gold dust, which was lying on tiie counter. Lilly Whites Nominate In Alabama. * Birmingham Ala., Sept. 17.—The republicans of Alabama today nomi* nated the following ticket : For governor, J. A. W Smith of Bir* mingham; for lieutenant governor, C. P. Lane of lluuisvj’le; for attorney general, W. II. Ambroebt of Mobile' for secretary ot state, .1. H. Carter of Cullman; for auditor, T. B. McNair of Marshall county; for treasurer, H. Lee Brown of Conuef county; for .superin* tendent of education, J. C. Fonville of Crenshaw county; for cojnmissiouer of agriculture, T. B. Morton of Fayette. Clerk-Carrier Exam hint ion. The United States Civil Service Com- m'ssion announces that on October 15. 1902, an examination will be held in this city for the positions of clerk and carrier in the post office service. This examination offers an excellent opportunity for entering Ue Federal teryiceto bright, energetic young per* sons who are not afraid of hard work, and as previous examinations have failed to result in a sufficient number of eligible!, the Commission urges that all persona who are qualified, and wOo may desire to enter the postolfice ser vice, to apply for and take this exam* tion. Age limit, 18 to 45 vears. From the eligtbles reaulting from thia examination it is expected that certification will be made to existing and future vacancies. All persons who have been examined for the position of clerk or carrier and failed to pMcs may be reexamined upon filing new applications in due time. This examination is open to all citi* tens of ihe United Stales who comply with the requirements. Competitors will be rated without regard to any consideration other thsn the qualifica tions shown in their examination papers, and eligible* will be certified ^strictly in accordance with the civil service Isw and rules. For application blank, fall instruc tion, specimen examination questions, and informatioai relative to the duties and salaries of the different positions,and the location of tbs examinattm rodw, application abgmld be made to the board ot examiners at the postoffice No application will bs accepted for this examination nnlem filed with the secretary of the local board before 9 a. *.,rm October 15,1902. J. W. BAXLEY, Acting Secretary Postal fioard.fi Letter From It. M. Iloskiuson. Hoopchtou, III , Sept. 15, 1902. Dear Editor*: In a v recent letter I sent you n lew items <>t interest from this entorprtsiug Htt!e citv. While I lived atnoug you I <nw several nrtic'e* railing for a can* uiog theory. In this article I shall endeavor t • give some idea of whaf a canning factory i* like, especially for Canning corn. |Twn sheJ* each aboui 100 feet 1 ng by forty f&et wide do to which the corn is thrown. A him dred or enure men, women ami children husk the corn into bushel baskets These are emptied into a long trough contain ing an endless belt on each side ot which stands fear women with knifes, cutting away any defects in the passing corn, which is carrie i to the topmost story of the cannery building and here it is dropped down to sixteen cutting machines, attended by as many* men. Each ear is cleaned in about the time required for the tick of a mantle clock The cods and husks are both carried endless belts and dumped into the farmers wagons and the cut corn into double acreans which removes any objectionable substances, thence into a heating vat,from this in a revolving filler, thar fills sixty cans a minute and as these are carried along to the soldering machine, two women put on the caps'. The machine solders twelve cans at a time as they pass on, they are placed in shallow iron boxes, and carried to the cooking vats. 65U cans in each vat, where they are kept an hour and a buartcr, with steam pressure .15 degrees per square inch, and 850 deg-e^s of heatt From this they j*r«- emptied into trough of water, containing an end ess belt, that carrier them 100 "feet to the other-nd in 20 minutes. Here they are gatheied into boxes, two d«-zen esch and stand until ready for labeling and shipment. Two women label the boxes and the cans are put into a machine, that partes and papers them faster than I can count. It takes two active car pentera all thev can do to nail them up as they come out. 1 am aware Nhat ail this is very indefinite, to any one who has not seen it an 1 nearly so to an on looker, as the machinery nearly a l works automatically. gome of the heating is done by steam, other by gaso line. To produce the corn thousands of acres are required. As tar as the eye can teach seem one waiving sea of corn, The factory herein described has three fiillere each filling 60 cant a min* ute. Respectfully, R. M. HQ3KINBON, Didn't Know It Was Loaded. Roanoke, Vs., Sept 16.—Mabel Car- roll, aged 15, shot and instaatly killed her aunt, Mrs. Wto. Emerick, in the Emerick home here this evening. Mrs. Emerick was standing at a bureau dressing when the girl snapped a re volver, which she did not know was loaded- The ball entered the left temple, and lira Emerick died in* stautly. The coroner’s jury tonight exonerated Miss Carroll of all blame. Hilt Wolf Drive In Arkansas. Mom phis, Tenn., September 16.—A special to the Scimitar from Piggott. Ark., sayy arrange me nth have been made for a big wolf drive next Mon day, in which all the people will par ticipate. Tho animals have sxtt-rmin* ated the bogs in the surrounding country, have desimated the poultry add have eveo invaded the suburb* of towns. England Owe. Billion. London, September 1C —A return o' the national debt iantd today .how. that the proa* liabilities March 31 were *1,343,<13,930. an Increase ol tS13.S9T.I4a dee to the Sooth African war. - .- am Oil Company Organized.j^'1S,”'C :t!'>n as salesman wi ll B O, AND WORK OF BORINU, E1X.. WILL: MidcUetim W Sou, and lias already gained the hi.hesi es- BE RAPIDLY PUSHED, , org. i thi» rung f sloc.thu* W*r» in thv Ban* ». A mbjority of the stock vas represented by protni- i of Wrtvcross.and the quea- fWv of Way orob subscribed ueutciti/etj tloa of boriug for all here was dis cussed in ail its phases. It ivas ex* pccted that Mr. Joyce, a well knows uil well borer would be pruseut. but for snme reason he did not arrive here last oi^ht It seemed to he the deter mination of the stockholders to coup mence the boring of a. well at the earliest possible moment. The amount of stock subscribed so far la about *2, fiOO, and it is desired to increase this amount to probably 810,000. , The following temporary officers and board of direclorsof the Waycroaa Oil and Gaa company were elected: W. VV. Sharpe, chairman; C, E. Mur. pby, secretary; Warren Lotttreasur. Hoard of Directors—Oeorare R. Yonmans, Warren Lott, B' D. Finn, W. W. Sharpe, A- Sessoms, .1. L. Walker, J. A Jones, C. E. Murphy, J. H. Hal ley, L Johnson, J. W. Moore and Juo. S. Sharp Mr. J. S. Sharp was in* structcd to spply for a charter at once a committee was appointed to a. a additional suhscrintlons. Auothar nittee ,waa instructed to^fl-re- spond bid* ft .vlth well borers and r sinking the well. NEWS FROM ATKINSON. After assisting in quite a suc cessful meeting at the Methodist church, Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan left Monday for their home in W ayeross. D. C. Johnson attended the Sunday s6hool rally at Wares- boro Saturday. Kev. Sowell, of Hcbols county, has arrived in towu Ho is the new pastor appointed to preach the remainder of the year at the Methodist church. We feel sure the people of Atkin sen are for tunate in securing the serviees of Mr. Sowell. / D. R. Johnson and daughter, Miss Maude, spent Thursday in Brunswick. Miss Pearl Mfddleton will leave shortly for Sparks, where she will enter school. The many friends of Miss Zoe Johnson will be sorry to learn she is quite sick el fever. Miss Nevada Tonies has been quite sick for aetV'eral days, but is improving at ttiii time. J. W. Sasser Mid wife, of Lu- laton, spent SuodJv and Monday in towu. Steve Paxefi, of Brunswick, is in town today. Come again, Steve; glad to hoc! you any time. ' Quite a crovtf of Atkinson folks attended services at High Bluff charcit, boot Schlatter- ville, Sunday. D. B. Middleton, *f Hnrtnnee, spent Saturday and Stnday in town. Rev. M. C. AgRgin, of Bruns wick, preached to a very large sad appreciatfeSlKidieBce Thors day night *4 ftio Methodist chnlph. Wa-fcuH i* will be onr pleasant pnivSnfje to have him with ns agaia yijhrs very long. Mrs. D. B. MMtetoo, who has been quite qMk for several weeks wifi material fever is fast improving. • Mr. and Mrs. Atkins, of Way. teem of his many customers. D. R Johnson & Sons have recently been adding some new machinery to their .alrrudy ex tensive plain at this place September Kith. t fliutnix lintel Arrivals. F A McDonald. Lakeland, II W Adam, i FiUifcritld, C R Knight, Savannah; II A Wcift,. riiftft Itnrdy, Bl (luyu R Worth, Konrpaw.-Sells Show; C R ’fhtn, Thomasyiltc; W 1’ Norris, Quitman; H H Hreen, C T Heavers, A F I’erham, Sr., Goorpo Mayo, city; Jas T llrifme, Jr., Brunswick; Miss Auoie Ellington, Millwood; John T Turn- bull, Mila 1 P Taylor. Monticello: M D McQeljr, A H Lodge, Guy Carswell, E Bullock, A R Steele, Jules Kacot, J J Furen,'Savannah; Moses Lott. Mrs. Lotto/ Nicholls; J D Hargraves, Up. ohuVh; R D Fryer, Alligate; J T Spear, South Carolina; C M Forbes, Eugeae Hester, Moatgomerv; W F It Harrison and jivife, Miss 1’oarl llarrlsop, A Mini *, Fla.| Mrs. M. H. Nixon, Dunellon, Fla.; TJ .Hoesser, New York; J N Scott, Philadelphia; Mrs Sarah A Lee, Leek' burg, Fla ; W L Ingtis, lnglis. Fla. EOLKNTON FACTS ANII FANCIES. Jtdge Haddock made a busi ness trip to Wardin Saturday. R|U. Hopkins, of Brunswick, spetjj,Sunday in town. Mrs. G. F. Uiclfson utul Mrs. Cundilf, of Waj cross, visited relatives hero this week. Col. Ilitcb, of Waycro8S, was hero on business last Saturday. Mrs. H. S, Mattox ban been quite sick for tho past week. Miss Ruth Roddenberry csiro up from Sberly, where sho is teaching, and spent Saturday and Sunday with home folks. Miss Hannah Johnson left Saturday for Hickox, whore she opened school Monday. Mrs. J. Paxton returned home Friday from a visit with relatives in Florida. Miss Lillie Waters has roturued home, after an extended visit lo relatives at Cairo, Ga. Mrs. M. L. Matin and children are visiting relatives at Manor. Our new courthouse lias been completed, and was turned over to tho county Tuesday. The building is a credit to the county, and will stand as a monument to the wisdom of our county commissioners and building committee. However, to our clever contractor, T. J, Darling and his efficient foreman, Virgil C. Parker, belongs the credit for the neat and substantial build ing we have. Notwithstanding the fact that the county kept no superintendent on the building, it was erqcted really bettor than the specifications called for, and we venture the assertion thnt we have tho best ten-thousand- dollar court house iu the statu. Wo cheerfully commend oiip builders to the public as first class honorable builders. The fall term ot the Folkston | school will open Monday, the siOth inst., with Prof. Mallard again in charge. The highest recommendation we can give him It the entire Mtislactlon he bat given in tbit school for the past three years. WANTED—Thrtt (in Agents. Most t»n fifteen doUnn enib Monrlty ud bln* uniform. Apply le Union Ntwt Company, Wiycron. Ga Good Bread Hakes Strength. , Yon can’t have a better btearl than that which we make.' It makes health and strength for you — Makes you feel hungry for your meals and satisfies that hunger. It’s good clear through every day, and five cents buys it, Waycross,0a, J. C. Huber, • |'he Baker. saaaaauaaa'jaaaaaamamaaa-jBamaaauaaaaanr.rhimaaaattatJ u Real Estate Agehcy, 1 A. P. PERHAM & SON, l WaycrosS, Georgia. | I We Buy and Sell Real In Town or County on ConiintaNioii. § q i t) g All property placed in our hands is Advertised Free. “ ' Correspondence Solicited. ■ O No. 8 Jane 8tr«fl. WiycroM, Georgia, u ncrr.cccr.r.'-.rccrcrcrrrr.rcrr.cccrrrrr.encerrnnccrcccrcrru We Have ’Em. . High Grade Bicycled, Bicycle I'arnps, Be Ms, Tires, Graphaphones, Records, &c. We are agents for the Cele brated Fay-Sho Typewriter. “Its touch is as l«K^I a feather’s.” Wv full line Type writer supplies. Waycross Cycle Co «P tn«!9a WHWUQC40US4WI** |mmmmmmHmmtmmHimtmmmtmmmm mmm mmm Waycross Clothing Store l With A Full Line | New Spring Goods | At moderate prices. You get a better fit and a better goods here for less money than can be S found elsewhere. 5 ALL GOODS CARRIED OVER From a previous sea?ou will be . Closed Out At Cost. This applies to every cef arimcnt of rur large stock. So if you want a bargain crime losee u»—if you'Want to be fitted Up-to-Date come to see us. WAYCROSS CLOTKINC STORE. ^DODDaooDaBeiaoBauuoaaBasDaaguaxjaggoasiaiiaaaaooMUQo THE WORLD BEATER JusUOut, It will Make You Money IT 19 Till! ^SAFETY INCUBATCH And Brooder. Noj Jat'w ’k Bud on exhibition at M. M. Wor'dafid.’t, Waycross, Georgia. estate and 'County Rights foriSale. See tho owner, J. S« Smith. MR. J. 9. SMITH. Wnjcrom, Gmr «• DEAR SIR; Tbt Incubator that 1 bought from too proved perfect «lte- fkcffoo end ee toon m 1 let ■ ■uit.ble piece built I want another. I no hlgkl, recommend It to anybody. Ynanv4rTtwpectf.il,, M. M. WOODARD. ....