Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1893-190?, September 27, 1902, Image 1

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\ OnUn.irt tmJ J OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CITY OF WAYCROSS ANI) OF WARE AND CHARLTON COUNTIES. VOLUME XXIII WAYCROSS, GA., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1002. NUMBER 17 An Excellent Address. Will Have Extra Session President Abandons Tour DELIVERED BV BRAND MASTER HENRY M’ALPIN TO ODD FELLOWS. Thursday's dally Hon. Henry MeAIpin, of S.t vannah, Grand Master of the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows of Georgia, arrived in Way cross last night on an official visit to Waycross Lodge, No. 97. He was met at the train by Hon. John W. Bennett, Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge, and es corted to the lodge room in Lott Hitch building, where he re ceived a royal welcome. The members of Esther Rebekah Lodge, No. 6, on invitation, .were present to hear the address of the Grand Master. The address of the Grand Master was full of good, sound advice and suggestions to the members of the order. He paid a high tribute to Waycross lodge, theRebekahs and Odd Fellow ship in general. He urged the members to bend all their en ergies in the upbuilding of the order in this section, thereby showing their appreciation of the great honor recently bestowed upon the state of Georgia by the Sovereign Grand Lodge, I. 0. O. F., in the election of Hon John B. Goodwin, of Atlanta, as Grand Sire of the world, the highest office in the gift of the order. Appropriate remarks were also made by Grand Warden John W. Bennett, Grand Ohief Patriarch Fred Ficken, Grand Secretary of the Rebekali As sembly, Mrs. W. F. Eaton; Past Grands .1 A. Jones, Dr. J. C. Rippard, J. O. Huber, and Col. J. Walter Bennett, R M. Lanier and Past Grand A. H. Lang worthy, of Florida. REPORTS IN WASHINGTON OF EXTRA SESSION CONQRESS BASED ON FACT Washington. Sept. 2y.—From all that eau he learned here the report that an extra a-aalon of conpreas will be called immediately afler adjournment. March 4 next, is based on tael. That President Roosevelt hns been consider, log such a move is known, and the rapid march of eveots sioce Speaker tfenderson's withdrawal has made such action on the port'd the republl- purty advisable, if not imperative. One of the plans suggested to the president is the appointment of a tar iff revision commission during the coming winter to sit during tho recess of congress and report to that bodv next vear. Chairman Griggs, of the democratic campaign committee, saya that Roosevelt is the strongest speaker in the field for the democrats. AT INDIANAPOLIS ON ACCOUNT OF A SWELLING IN THE LEFT LEO. J;l -Pi iiient ‘Dance at May Home. A complimentary, farewell dance was given in honor of Miss Raymonds Virginia Cutter last night at the May House. About fifteen couples partici pated, and all reported a very enjoyable affair. The success of the party is due to Mr. W. D. O’Quinn, the popular Plant Ave nue clothier. Among those pres ent were: Misses Delia Cars well, Oleo Archer, Raymonde Cutter, Gene Mayo, Anita Hen nington, Florence Wooten, Lilia Rousseau, Mildred Wooten, Jimmie Lowther, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. Little, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Williams, Mrs. Reynolds; Messrs. Geo. Mayo, Clifford Johnson, Lige Cushing, W. D. O’Quinn, Owen Phelan, Granville Taylor, Morton Young, Baynard Knight, Mack Mayo, Herndon, and all the guests of the May House. Married Last Night. Mr. Royal H. Walden was mar ried last night to Miss Bessie J. Newton by Rev. W. H. Scruggs at the Baptist parsonage. The father of the bride and a few friends were present. Mr. Walden is a popular young business man of Waycross, and the bride is the accomplished daughter of our most highly- esteemed citizen, Mr. J, W. Newton. The Herald tenders hearty congratulations. Mr. lames C. Pittman, well and favorably known to the peo ple of Waycross, has accepted a position in the popular clothing •tore of Mr. Calvin W. Parker, and will assume bis new duties tomorrow. Mr. Pittman will be pleased to have his friends call and see him when in need of anything in the way of gents’ wearing apparel. Ths President’s Kiddle. Preaident Roosevelt’s speech Cincinnati, like his other speeches his recent tours, reminds the reader of the saying of the witty cynic to the effect that the prime use of speech to is to disguise his thought. What does the president propose to aught or naught ? He reiterates that we must be cautious, but cautious in doing something or doiug nothing ? If in doing something, in doing what ? We read the president’s speech of something like four thousand w upon this subject, an l when we through we are as much in the dark as when we began. One thing is plain. The president believes that he should convince the people that he believes that about the trusts something ougiit to be done. He may go further than that and really and sincerely believe that something ought to be done, may he muruly pretending. Rut whether he be pretending or sincere, it is perfectly mauifent by this time that the president, while he admits a remedy is needed, h&6 no remedy to propose. JAMESTOWN NEWS. Miss Susie Sweat has been very ill for several days. She has many admirers here, and they hope to see her recover soon. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. James at tended church near Blackshear Sunday. B. F. Bryan, of Fairfax, was m town last Saturday. Mrs. Allen James of Way- cross came out and spent Mon day night with W. N. McQuaig’s family. The farmers of this section have been busy housing their corn for the past couple of weeks. James Bennett and Trav Kirk land from near Kirkland school were among friends here Sunday afternoon. Messrs. James and Marvin of Waycross came out and spent Sunday afternoon among friends. There has been quite a lot of cotton picking going on among the farmers of this section for the past week. September 23. Indiauttpoiis, S<*pt Roosevelt's western trip cum* to an untiin*-vud in ti s <ity today. He was fouini to be suffering from a swelling in the le ? t leg, between the knee and the ankle, which required immediate surgical attention, and, instead of being taken to the train to continue his journey to Fort Wayne and Milwaukee, he wag conveyed to St. Vincent’s Hospital, where he was operated on. The operation occurred at 3:45 o'clock and lasted only a short time. Then he was taken to a private room in the hospital to rest. After taking a light luncheon at 7:30 p. m. he was conveyed on a stretcher to his train, which had boeu backed up on a “Y” near the hospital, and at 7:50 o’clock the train left for Washington. A PLEASING FRENCH TRAIT. u>. rn Wrother* n Stronrlv Harked CliiixiM>trr1«tlo. «>ne of the wu.ta in whi* , Ii (he tl union of French family life shows •elf Is the great affection of brothers for each other. There is un Intimacy between them In good and evil f.t: tuue which one does n< t find In other coun tries. A brother who takes a hit !i po fition by his tab ni*. loses no omi rtunl ty to forward tv late rests a! ;.ue of Iftf-ter ability or of no ability. .. never treats the Utter as a dmg o:. 1. and perhaps scarcely feels that he is oue. Married brothers often like to live in the same house, on different tbxirs. and to hire Ktituuicr villas In close pros ftnlt Of the fan I Luo had Cliarlej There Was Method In His Madness. Some of the republican papers have attempted to show that there is no significance in the muchsdincussed ue> tion of Speaker Henderson, but a very differeut view is found in the inde-* pendent press. The New York Eve* uing Fust speaks of it as a volcanic explosion, disclosing a schism in the republican party in the west on the tariff question, and predicts that it will ha/e “tremendous influence in strengthening the purpose of the young and progressive element of the republican party, to burst the bonds of the high tariff." At any rate, it is unmistakable proof, us we have already pointed out, that the senti*> ment id favor of tariff revision is u troug and growing one in the Middle West.—Macon Telngraph. Haring Hold lip In Chicago. Chicago, Hept 23,—A daring hold up in the midst of a crowd in the retail dlserict of Chicago occurred shortly before noon today on State street near Van Buren. An Mrs. Upham, au aunt of Fred W. Upham, president of the Board of Review, was walking along the street she was stopped by a gang of six tnen, who robbed her of a valuable diamond brooch and 850 in cash. Before anyone could interfere the robbers had secured their plunder and escaped. The police nay it was the very audacity of the attack which made itsucccssfuL Frenchmen brother to as devoted. IajuIs and though so dissimilar in testes, disposition, ar. J married to women bo disliked each other, were, m ‘rally iqieultlng, Siamese twins uutll death severed the bond The same might be said of tlve Gurnier- Pages, of Jules J'nvtv and Ills brother Leon, of Ernest nmi A it bur Picard, of Puech, the wuIpLor, and his brother the deputy. Paul and Hlppnlyte Flau drib. the painters, were kuown In their Student days ns the Slunieic tv.Ins. It not iufrcqigmtly happens tbot broth ers go into literary partnership. In Stances that occur to ine are the <»oa Courts, the Rosnys, the XTur^gerUtcs. It would be Impossible to discern the Work ot one of any of these brothers from that of another. What is very curious, each brother, as in the ease of Charles and Louis Blanc, Ernest ami Arthur Picard, Jules and Leon Fnvre. differed strikingly in every characteris tic from the other. The dissimilarity of tho Marguerltte8 is so great thut one wonders how brothers could bo so un like. Alphonse Duudet was not a bit like his brother Ernest, an accom plished novelist also.—Londo^i News. Good Bread ■*■»-> flakes Strength. You can’t have a belter bread than that which we make. It makes health and strength for you— Makes you feel hungry for your meals and satisfies that hunger. It’s good clear through every day, nud five cents buys it. WaycroSs, Da. J. C. Hllber, The Baker. Four Men Killed. Eufsuls, lud* T , September 22.—In a fight among ftudiats, at Spokogec, ImJ T.. to lay,four men were killed, one mor tally wounded and several others slightly injured. The dead are Willis Brooks snd his sous, Clifford snd John Brooks, of the Brooks faction, and ‘‘Old Man” Riddle, of the Riddle faction. John Brooks was •mortally wounded. Of the hall dozen others who were shot three were specta* tors, but none were seriously. Tried to Kill tsar. London, Sepu 23. — In i from St. Petersburg, the correspondent there of the Daily Express reports an attempt to derail the train upon which be Csar might travel; la one instance the plot was discovered, sod in the other ths train was wracked. The Czar retched 8f, Petersburg ftfely. ruriffund Trusts. Ws«hington, Sept. 20.—Tariff and trusts will be the issues in the congres sional campaign. Speaker Henderson’* action baa brought these two subjects to the front in such a way that they wilt dominate all the other issues from now until the day ot the election This is the opinion of politicians of both parties in Washington. Mabel wanted to change, but the bo bemians bad not yet moved on. Thure- ton noted the fact with satisfaction and encouraged Luigi to persevere, cveii going fo the extent of writing up the place while he paid his MIL Ouc August evening the revolt came, fffcfppoup was thinner than Crpton wu* ter. The flab fairly appettfea to the board of health for Investigation. The entree was worse, the roost but little 1 >etter, while the inevitable Ice cream was half melted and utterly without flavor. MahePa Intt story hod come buck that afternoon. She wns sick and discount cod. Their table was In a little nook free from observation. She let her bend drop forward on her hand. Thurston’s hand stole softly toward her own. It wqs convulsively clasped ns a tour dropped on It. "Mabel,” be urged, “don’t you think It ubout time you gave this sort of thing un? You have lived eight months in Bohemia. Ybu see what un empty farce it nil la. Let's go out uud got married und start Housekeeping In the morning. In place of coffco and rolls we will have a real breakfast We will have a real home, and wo wont get indigestion from changing the na tionality of our stomachs every time the lending bohemians exhaust their credit. We aren’t real bohemians, dear. Let’s go back houxx" An energetic nod of the bead an swered tin* question, and Mabel looked up, smiling through her teara. "I wanted to when you flrat asked me,” she said; “now I'm sorry 1 didn't soy ‘yes’ then.” Thurston called the wultor. “Oarto,” be oald Impressively, "you take this MIL Go up to the saloon on the corner and get a bottle of real wine—the real thing, you understand, not tho stuff we get here. Wo want to drink to our last night In Bohemia." lafxraxFM»« *i*ttuiuvc,v«*siviviti'nx9i 3 (xfxfv* We Have ’Em. (ttKKafg High Grade s Bicycles, Bicycle Lamps, Bells, Tires, Grapliaphones, Records, Ac. I We are agents for the Cele brated Fay-Sho Typewriter. | “Its touch is as light as a feather’s." A full line Type writer supplies. Waycross Cycle Co i Banana aauuBanaunaaaaaaa-jaaaaagaraonaoa •oncBCBaaaaaa Real Estate Agency, B A. P. PERHAM & SON, Waycross, Georgia. We Buy and Sell Real Estate In Town or bounty on UoiiuiiisNioii. - All property placed in our hands is Advertised Free. H Correspondence Solicited. a No. H Jnne Slr.it, W.ycrotx, Genrcln. B SoccBcnnr.'inccBBn'iccccccKcnDBcocnr.ccBrnBcrriBcccEBccoL Male Taken I'p. A stray black mare mule taken up by Highimith, the colored blacksmith on Hazzsrd Hill. Owner can get same by calling and paying,expenses. The Virtue* To the virtues of saffron whole vol umes havo been devoted, references to soiuo of tho more Important of which are given In Canou Buncombe's "Plant Loro and Oarden Craft of Shake speare,” where there la a long article on the subject The plant was chiefly used for disease* of the lungs, whence camo Its title of Antma potmonum; lur assisting the eruption of measles, smallpox, etc. (In meoslea It Is atlll oc casionally prescribed); as a cardiac and general atlmnlnnt and as a diges tive and atrengthener of the stomach. To this lust (supposed) virtue its use meats" Is due. Lyfrc says that so taken It "comfortetb ttm storaacke aud uuusi'Lh good digestion, and sod den in wine it pivri t vetk from dronk- **e," It van eb-o ubvd as a love philter nnd still '*;iters lurgrly into some*popular r**< ;»a for ’‘making up" horsti. The tuosf t \ f r. rr’rr.nt :tn*loos of its powers wer*> s. ■ »*;. !>-U. und some old tvrlJvr* nr . -•< tr.r oh to term it the king of vvg-qn:»!<>-. Even so late as the middle •>.* :.!.** century It held a prominent «. our official disputing tone*, hut it !.*e now corns to he used only ns n coloring and flavor- log agent, being medicinally almost Inert, ltd property, (such as it U) Iwlng mildly stimulative.—Notes sod Que- JV-Y 6U.OOO tale. Waycross Clothing Store With A Full Line New Fall Goods At moderate prices. You get a better fit and better goods here for less money than can be found elsewhere. AU GOODS CARRIED OVER From a previous season will fie Closed Out At Cost. Tbis|applies to every re| ailment ot cur large stock. So ifgjou want a bargain icme to see us—if you want to be fitted Up-to-bate eome to fee us. 'WAYCROSS CLOTHING STOfiE. saaaaaaaaaajaaaaaaaaaaaaiaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaap THE WORLD BEATER Just Out, It will Make You Money IT IS tHK SAFETY INCUBATOR And Brooder. Woodard’s, Now at work .and on exhibition at M. M Waycross, Georgia. 8tate and County Rights for.Sale. See the owner, J. S, Smiths MR. J. 8. HMlTH.tJ W s/onm n*. DKAIl SIR: The ii,iub*'or iti.i 1 bou,hi tron >ou uuved perfect firilon and n won u I ,ri * wimble plan (mill I w.M inotli.i I ran highly recommend II to -nr body. Ynnni vtnt reepertfiilly, U, M. WOODARD. jHMMIMBtMHMI—WfilMIHWI—j*——M E Let the BOLD DUST twins do your week' afiefiffi