Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1893-190?, October 18, 1902, Image 1

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OftflBi “7 "Waycross "Weekly Herald OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE CITY OF WAYCROSS AND OF WARE AND CHARLTON COUNTIES. VOLUME XXIII WAYCROSS, GA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1902. NUMBER 20 Last Night’s Shooting. A REGULAR FUSILADE OF SHOTS FIRED INTO TWO HOUSES. From Thursday’, Daily. This soDsuming lust to go out and shoot at living creatures that periodically takes possession of many men’s minds each re curring autumn does not nrgue well for our twentieth century civilization, and after all is said in their favor some men are not far removed from the original savage. The thoughtless cruelty of deed and mind, as exhibited at ao unusually early hour this morning by certain citizens of conservative Waycross, is iodic ative of the fact that we still harbor indestructible relics of . barbarism. Why tn it that some people—gentle, courteous and kind though they may be in all matters pertaining to their own class—will, when urged by a damnable spirit of’ unnatural hilarity, think nothing of inflict ing torture equally as excrutiat- ing as death on those whose lot it ii to suffer without many possi bilities or much power of retalia tion or remonstrance. When glorious George Dewey perforated the Spanish ships in Manila bay, P. I., 70,000,000 of civilized people rejoiced, but the actions of the “certain citizens'’ referred to above, who first . loaded up on Heinz’s 67th variety f (tobasco sauce—hot, very hot), and then attempted to blow up an establishment in Waycross "Manila Bay” deserve nothirg but unanimous condemnation. Such a clever display of military maneuverlngs might have been more profitably used for a better purpose. First, the advance guard went forward on a recon noitering expedition, and after ascertaining that the enemy was unprotected and in the arms of morpheus, gave the five-shot sig nal previously arranged upon for a cyclonic advance. Then— gallop! gallop I gallop! Crash! bang! smash 1 The ferocious oc cupants of a buggy drove up at a loop-the-loop rate of speed and bombarded their chosen target for fully twenty minutes. Where were the police? Now, you just mind your own b—. Well, after succeeding in do stroying much property and in timidating the terrified inmates to a vicious extent, the perpetra tors of this unpardonable outrage drove over to the district gener ally designated by the appella tion of “Klondyke”and dispatch ed a few parting leaden mes sages to one of the houses as a demonstration of the fact that 'they—big, husky fellows—were not one bit afraid of the solitary female occupant. Revolvers and 88-caliber winchester rifles were used and one side of the "Manila Bay’’ house contained 86 bullet holeB. Following is a list of the dams aged property at that place: ^ One wardrobe, $26, silk con tents of same, $25; large mirror, ’ (35; piano, (600; sideboard, (28; window panes, (2: dishes, (5; sitting room wall, (60; zinc gut ter, (10; hanging lamp, $5; pic tures, (12; miscellaneous articles amounting to (26. The “Klondyko" houses es caped uninjured, though the oc cupants done much lightning calculation concerning the rapid transit facilities to more peace ful shores. It is sincerely hoped that the generous reward offered in an other colupm for the arrest and conviction of the “certain citi zens * will greatly assist in effec tively and completely eradicat ing this egregious " shooting” I nuisance. —E J. L PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Thimday’f dally Mr. L. E O'Quinn, of Odum, Ga , spent last night in- the citg and left this morniug for Fairfax. ♦ * ♦ Mr. J. M. ParkW, Who -is now conducting a general merchan dise store at NiChOllk, 'Spent last night in the city. . .. Mr. G. W. O'Quiun, Wa.vne county’s representative in- the next general ’assembly, was in Waycross yesterday; | * .+ :* Elder^N- F. Nunez waij in town this morning.' He has recently married a wife in Pierce county, and canfe over to buy her ,a new buggy. The Big Strike Ended. A BOARD OF SIX WILL ARBITRATE DIFFERENCES. JAMC8T0WA NEWS NOTES. Rev. W. L." HArpeK of Way- cross, was here Friday on bnsi nes9. * ... Miss ( Minnie Geiger,, of Way- cros'd, spent Sunday afternoon in town as the guest of Miss MamieVames. , > . Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Liles and family^ of Waycross, came out and spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. WM. -James’. "• j', ; The county commissioners were here Tuesday,looking after the new road leading to Waltertown that is,, just being put through. Mr. aiidMrs. Oharles-West are spending a, wh,ile.,'tev^»ycross under t&e doctor,. MrVWest was stricken wi’itV^al-'alysU-' About three weeks ago, aud has been unable to work ever since, while Mrs. West’s health is not good. The young people of James town enjoyed a most delightful entertainment given at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. James, on Thursday night of last week. Those present were: Misses Susie Sweat, Lula Pervis, Florence Dukes, Bessie Gibson, May Sweat, Mamie James; Messrs. James Lee, Charlie Gib son, Alvin James, Horace Gib son, Bob Joyner, John Gibson, Luther James, Pierce Sweat, Julius James, Elmore Gardner, Rust Thomas, Kemple Carpenter, B. Trice, Simon P. James. The crowd seemed toeDjoy them- selves very much by playing such games as were suitable for the occasion. October 14. Carload Applet, Cabbage and Potatoes. Mr. W. A. Cason will have a carload of apples, cabbage and potatoes, on track near Bank of Waycross, tomorrow and Satur day, to sell to merchants onlv, cheap for cash. Speer Bays the Mill, are Worth More. Toe cotton mllla at MiUoq and Ten* nllle moat aell for mors than ti er brought at the public aaloa recently, or the purchaser* cannot get Judge Emory Speer's .signature to their deed a. Judge Soeer annulled theselea recently mrde at $50,000 for the MlUen plant and $40,000 for the Tennille. H said those prices were not much more than half enough, and he ordered re- aales. Thia time he fixes an upoet price on each property. He said that the lowed price that will be con.id ered for the Milieu property la 100,000 and the lowest that can bo made on the Tennille property is $75,000 — Ma con telegraph. Washington, Oct 10.—The great an thracite coal strike is settled at last. A com mission of-six pursers with .Mr. f Saturday* Carynli D. Wright as recorder will ad just differences between operator, uud miners. President Mitchell of the miners union will taku the necessary measures to call the strike off. The president will urge immediate re sumption of mining, and operations are expected to begin next week. Announcement that the great strike was off was made by Secretary Boot with exuberant good humor at the White House abortly afttr 1 o'clock. Organised labor baa a representative on the commission In the person of E. E. Clark, grand chief of the Order of Railway Conductor* named as a so ciologist. The president added Bishop Spalding of Illinois to the Hat of five members suggested by the operators. At named, the eommleslon is perfectly satisfactory to both miners and opera- ton. Assent of the miners was given through President Mitchell and Mr. Sargent, commissioner of Immigration, and of the operators through Robert Bacon and George W. Perkins of the banking firm of J. Pi Morgan A Co. The final outcome followed a series of conferences, beginning with two dura Ing the day with Mr. Mitchell and two during the night with Messrs Bacon apd Perkins. Events^ moved! quickly at Iasi, the prealdeut being determined on a speedy eettlemeot. The commission will assemble In a w days and choose a chairman, p-obably Gen. Wilson. It will then arrange for sessions and testimony. Phoenix Hotel Arrivals. Y Jaxeaon, T McTharin, F O Mays. Atlanta; Mrs W O Tift, Tlfton; W O Norris, Quttmnr; E W Lsnphlll, Cincinnati; C T Beavers, oily; E D Kfugan, John Labia, 4-Paw A Sells; A B Cqehran, J 8 Bailev, Thomaaville; F A Peacock, city; F I MoRua, Ga; J 8 Myers, Macon; J A Davie, Savannah; JRCogburn, Montgomery; D Fuller, Wright; A Barrett, N Y; J W Boyle, Dalton; C B Thomas Chattanooga; W McCaig, Savannah; 8 J Sykes, H L Gates, A C L; B C Lester, Nash ville, Ga; W II Jeter, B M Herrin, G W Jackson, W W Sharp, Joa Parker, Ga; J W Phillip, MeBae; J Bacot, Sa vannah; T O Bailey, city ; L L Keister, Savannah. FOLKSTOX FACTS AND FANCIES. H. H. Gasoil of Hilliard, Flu , was in town Tuesday afternoon N W. Martin of Hoboken was in town Sunday. Col. Travers of Savannah at tended justice's court here last King Attends the Races. New Market, Got s King Edward spent two houra on horseback this morning and made a tour of the rac ing establishment at Eferton House. Subsequently he watched the horaea exercising oo the heath. Ha drove to the r»ee course In a downpour of rain and reached it ie time for the fir»t Messrs. J. G. Proctor and Wm Donaldson of Blacksbear spent Monday and Tuesday in this section Presiding Elder J. W. Weston was in this section the first of the week. Rev. , Mr, Conley is being as sisted in hie meetings this weak by Rev, Mr. Gliurch of Jackson ville. Mrs. J. M. Marr died suddenly at her ,^otue, ten miles east of here, oa| day last wee*. Rev. jk. O. Gibson and daugh ter attende' 1 ,he Primitive Bap tist Association in Wayne county Saturday and Sunday. J, D Eagan bos returned from Bayard!'Fla., where he has been for the' past two years and is now with, the Folkston Morcan- tsle Gompauy. Winokar & Goldberg have packed op their goods here and shipped. Miem to Dothan, Ala., where ftej have opened a store. Mrs. I&. Mills is off ; bn- a visit to her danghter, Mrs. J. P. Baker of -‘Gampville, Fla., this week. ’ , V :f) Mrs. D.-F. Roddenberry is in Telfair Hospital, in Savannah, undergoing treatment fur goitre; of the neck, We hope to see her return home Boon restored to health. Good Groceries, fair treatment Shopping should hWA pleasure and prompt delivery usually sat- botll t0 the buyer and lo the isties our customers and they n tt a. • stay. Suppose you try us. seller. Have a talk with some of VV. J. Smith. our customers aud see how uicely You want good groceries, want we along together, We will them us cheap as they can be try to make it pleasant for you. >' ou . 1 . i . ve i,, . fha cit ,y Come and see us or give our por- you want them delivered prompt- * lv by polite porters. Try us. lets your order. W J. Smith. W. J. Smith. Waycross Clothing Store With A Full Line New Fall Goods At moderate prices. You get a better fit and better goods here for less money than can be found elsewhere. ALL GOODS CARRIED OVER From a previous season will be Closed Out At Cost. This applies to every dejartmeut ot our large stock. So if you want a bargain come to see us—if you want to be fitted Up-to-Date come to see us.£ WAYCROSS CLOTHING STORE. € Good Bread flakes Strength. $135 Reward. MRS. WEBB WANTS LAST NIQHT’S DISTURBERS ARRESTED. There has been deposited with the oditore of the Evening Herald one hundred And thirty Ml voj dollars, n cash and certified chcckn, to be ueed for the arrest and conviction of the party or parties who fired into the house of Mrs. Lily Webb, on Haczartl Hill, last night. One hundred dollar* of thi* amount wm put up by Mil Webb and thirty*five dollars wm added by two citiuneof Waycroo*. The Herald ha* boen Instructed to pay over this amount to the person who may be inatrumenUl in securing the arrest and conviction of the guilty parties immediately after guilt hun been e»Ubh»l»ed before the courts. Mr*. Webb bu also instructed the Herald to pay a reward of one bun* dred dollar*, from funds which wlllt*? furnished by her. for prof to convict »ny party or partie* who uiay in fu ture rane a disturbance on her p. iscs in u lUu nature u U«t • ifht. Sign painting of all kinds at McGee’s shop. 16 fit You can’t have a better btead than that which we make. It makes health and strength for you— Makes you feel hungry for your mea 1 and satisfies that hunger. It* good clear through every day, and five cents buys it, Waycrost, 6a, J* C. Htlbcr, The Baker. MHtHWMHKVn We Have ’Em, High Grade Bicycles Bicycle Lamps, Bells, Tires Graphaphoncs, Records, &• We arc agents for the Cell brated Fay-Sho ’Typewriter ** "Its touch is as light as a 9 feather's." , A full line Type- # writer supplies Waycross Cycle Co 2 tKttummmutumanmmmm* SEND YOUR CATTLE. SWINE SHEEP and POULTRY ATLANTA'S BIG FAIR Enter you hones st the great Hons Show. Fain- ous Seventh Cava ry wilt be there Greatest die* piny of borsee ever seen In the South RACES EVERY DAY. FIREWORKS AT NIGHT. Vmnltr ratr—Vlvucloua. Bat Not Vmlgun Bar, Bui Mot Ooaraa. One bulMInq filled with Farm Im|lemouts. Ve hicles Maohlnery and F~od Products ONE BUILDING FILLED WITH ATLANTA MANUFACTURES. Many Fran Attractions. OCT. 0-23,1902• :OW RAT « O*’ ALL ROA18. Por premium lUts and Information write to PffAKK WCLDON, Seoretary. D uUUUo 1c. The bursting ot a water pipe oo the second story over Gor man Bros’, grocery store last night damaged a few of their goods. We are Now Displaying a New and Complete line of Dry Cools, Notions and I'ouskhoi.d Goods We buy.for cash and sell for cash, therefore, can and DO quote lowest prices We believe in honest “ advertising, and always sell goods just as represented. As an advertisement we will sell for One Cent cash for one week, the following articles: i paper of puis; i paper of needles; i box school _ crayons; 4 slate pencils; i lead pencil; i crochet hook; i spool basting cottuu; i package hair pins; a cents will buy t quire of paper; t key ring; i chrochet hook; I spool embroidery cotton; 3 cents will buv one pair arm bands; 1 wire bound slate; 1 doz. good writing pen*; 1 receipt book; t cake turner; 1 doz. shell hairpins; 1 doz. best safety pins; 4 cents will buy j spool best cottoni 1 cqrd agate shirt buttons; 1 card large agate buttons;! Hoz. pearl buttons; 1 bunch of velveteen shirt binding; 1 spool sewing silk, 1 pin tablet; 1 pencil tablet; 1 ladies' linen handkerchief; 1 box toothpicks. The Spot Sash Store, Johnson Block, Paedleton Street. XX. O’. Benton Ob Oo., Prop*. •