Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, December 31, 1884, Image 3

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WAYCROSS HEADLIGHT. WEDNESDAY Dr.c 3hr, 1884. Wavcoss Lodge, No 305 r. a. «• Uctts in Uuchantmn 11*11, corner yburcb anil .j’oml Street*, on the tnd and 4th Saturday* at every month, at 2 o‘dook„p. m. W. P. Fauea. W. M. 1..11. Cvciunn, Bwretary, ft. of H*-Wavcross Lodge NO. 2, 911, Meet* the 2nd and 4th Friday night* of every month In their Hall aver Waldion and Iver'a etoie, corner Gulf street and Albany Ave- hnf. K. C. Folks, DicraiOB, Hxxnr lloaitnsTitiit, lteporter. BEUOIOIS SERVICES, Presbyterian Church, Uov J. IV. Quarteviaan Pastor—Preaching 10 80 a. m., and 7 JO, p. m., the Brit Sab bath, in every month. llaptist Church, Rev. J. M. Cross, Pastor—Preaching at 10:30 a. m., and 7:30 p. m., the 2nd and 4th Sab bath in every month. Prayer meet- log every Wednesday evening 7:30 o> clock. Sundav-school at 4 p. m. M. E, Chureli, South, Kev. L. A. Daracy, Pastor—Preaching at 10:30 a. ul, and 8 p. m., on 2d, 3rd ar.d 4th Sabbath* in every month Prarer meeting every Thursday evening. Sunday-school, 4 p. m, Eplacopal Chureli, Bev. A. G. P. Dodge, Pastor—Preaching (in Mrs. Oleman'a School room) at 11a. m. and 8 p. m„ the 1st and 8,1 Sabbath, in every month. Sunbath-school 4 p. ID. A. M. K. Cbnrch, Rev. A. J. Johnson, Pastor—Prcacuing on 1st and 2nd Subbatha in every month at 10 :80 a. o»., 3, and 7:30 ra. M. E. Chureli, Rev. B. Boston, Pastor—Preaching the 2d Sabbath in every mouth at 11:30 a. m. and $ p. m. CITY COUNCIL Mayor—W. B. Folks. Councilman—A. J. Sweat, T. n. Morton* W. .1. Smith, H. W. Reed Clerk of Council and Tax Assess or—H. P. Brewei. Marshal—S. F, MiUer. • Corporation Attorney— \V. A. Wiright. Night Watchman—C D. Todd. N COUNTY OFFICERS- Clerk of the Superior Court—W. SL, Wjlfon. uOrtlinary—j. K. Butler. . aShedfr-.S, J^Jillci. .. Tax Receiver—D. H. Bennett. County Treasurer—W. ‘8. Bailey. Tax Collector—J. W. Million. County Surrogate—W.T. Bennett. Coroner—I). Rowell. Postal BfRulatUiiM. Post Omm, Wsycrow, Qi»., May Htii, 1H64. Tlio following rales sre pnblisbrd for tb« Ruidiiuce ol the patrons of this office : Oil ami aft^r MmuUy, May 10th, the office will Iks open tor the transaction of business, proa, pile at 8 o'clock, a. w.. nnd will close promptly at On. in. Money orders and postal notes will bo issued any time betwesn 8 s. m. snd 4 p. m. Letters to b. regtatorsd wl 11 b. vw> Jv*d. “ d "8; Ut.radmatUVVUl bS deliveredtie to that hour when lb. won.J order window will b. dint down, until 8 n. m, umrt (toy. in order to write np nnd butane, my boota. Ah lone na the train. rm w they uow do the office will b. open Ibr the delivery of mail for thirty miuntei otter the “rival of the moil, from Jnckamvill. nnd Chatta hoochee. These role, will not bo devintod from. Soul Uvnenr, f. M. Go to E. H, Crawley’s' for tho latest novelties in Christmas toys. 3t Go to E. Higlismith A Co. for the host jewelry and silverwaro. No cross-road stock, non# but first class goods sold, 3t Cannon & Whitlock keep tho best flour in town, wo aro told. For first class jewelry go to E. Higlismith & Co. 3t Notice.—All watches anil jew elry left with mo for repairs uncall ed for in six months, will ho sold for tho bill of repair*. T. E. Laxif.ii. Just received nt Folks <t Mor gan’s, a full lino of latest styles iu Indie’s and gents jewelry. 3t Tho boat assortment of Christ- nm tricks at E. H. Craw- ley’s, 3t Fill your lamps with fire-proof oil from Folks k Morgans drug •tore. 8t Call and seo those bondsome voces and toilet sets at Folks & Morgans drug store. 3t DESTBOVin BY WORSTS. CAN WB iuauixe A moro horrible death: Gnawing— gnawing— gnawing night and day until the vitals aro eaten away. ShrincrjS Indian Vermifrigo will dostroy and e- ject those disgusting creatures from tho intestines. Ask fop Shriucr,s Indian VormifUgo. Ask you* druggist for Shrlnor, Indian vormiAijm and" he fails to supply you, address tho I’ropri- ctor, David E Pouts' Baltimore. Md. Christinas is over. Swearing off is in order. Forming good resolutions comes next. 4*Ti Ami then the next thing is something else. Christmas is over,, but the sound of tho tin horn- is still hoard in tho distance. Charley Thomas spent tho holidays with his parents. Charley looks improved. Now it tho time to plant iiew advertisements to bring good re turns of trade in tho spring. There was a considerable quantity of hu-rah-juico and some Christmas-drops destroyed last week, One of tho large tanks at the 8., F. A W. R. R. depot, burs ted a few nights ago and let out all of tho water. The advertisement of B. H. Levy & Bro., was received too late for this issue, but the change will be promptly attended to next week Remorse tingles tho bosom of a good many who so fur forgot thomselvcsus to embibc to much “firo water” recently. Experi ence teaches this. John C. McDonald Esq. is a candidate for mayor of Way. cross. Mac. is a rising young lawyer of W'aycross and would makg a good mayor.—Darien Timber Gnzotte. J. W. Strickland, of Pearson, was in town lost week. He came to squaro his accounts with the Headlight, after which lie bade us adieu. Good bye John, you may take passage with us again. The 8100 note promised us ns a Christmas present has not been received. The fault must be with John Murphy, and we hope Mr. Murphy will not let this thing oc cur again. Wc are pained to chronicle the death of Mrs. W. A. Ecord, of Homcrvillo, which occurred on last Monday. The Headlight ex tends heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved family. Mr. J. Stephens’ name hns lieen plnccd on the “Citizens’ Ticket” for Alderman in place of Mr. W. II. Cason, withdrawn, nnd we honest: ly believe Mr. Stephens will make a good Alderman. Brother Win. Parker and family, of l’cnrson, have been s|icnding the past w’eck in Wnycross. His daughters, Misses Arlua, Annabcll and Agnes are having a delightful timo with their many friends. There are quite a number of names on our kooks whose time expire next week, nnd if they do not renew their subscription this may bo tho last Headlight they will receive. Of course, we do not desire to stop any papers, but Im.i iness is business, nnd printing pa pers cost money. Miss Kate Cannon is making preparation for a Christmas tree for the pleasure of her Sundny school class. Miss Kate isa mod el young lady, and there arc quito a number of young men who would like her as a life-time Sunday- school teacher, wo think, but won’t sny so. A note from HomcrviUc informs us that the IIeadlioiit mailed to that place, last week, was not re ceived, and that our subscribers there aro very much annoyed at not receiving their Cristinas paper. Wo dp not wish to be hard on any one udjustly,.butit does seem that there is some unpardonable carelessness somewhere, among those who handle the moils. n.lillHt Clirl.tniH.t Tree. Last Wednesday night, Christmas Evo, found a beau tifully arranged Christmas Tree at the Baptist Chureli, and the interesting occasion .also found quito a number of old .and young people thor*. Tlioso who had the arrangement of the'tree in hand seemed to have been adepts in tho business, for every thing passed off .nicely, while nearly all the little ones were dolighted. Messrs Knight, Bates, Carsoiyell and' Brewor per formed their parts well, tho lat ter gentlemen making a few very appropriate remarks, but one of the best Christmas spee ches we have. heard in a. long time, fell from tho lips of Rev. J. M. Cross, pastor of tho Bop- list church. - After speeches wore over, tho presents were distributed, some of tho ladies and gontlcmcn receiving very- queer and amusing ones, among those was tho "Saturday Night” man, who received a bright, new tin horn, and a splendid silk hundkorchiof. JsonfclMgfisr BUBla Ctaua*. Last Saturisy night—just bo. lore the shires were clused, wo wore returning lo bur home, when we c*inosuddenly on Uolittlsgirls of tender ago, perhaps five and seven, both jot them baietuotod, and both were crying..' Wo were preparing lor our j "Saturday Nilit” rambles, any . hew, but we hud fooled around unui it was rslliur lata. "What 4s the trouble, little ones, wo inquired.” ‘•Please ■lr, eon you toll us if Unele Ralph has gillie hem!” asked the largest oue of the chil dren. ‘•Indeed we cannot—who it Un cle Ralph?” "Uncle Ralph it our Unde who come to town with us this morn, ina, lie has lett we think, and gene holne without at," auawtrd th* little oues. “lleybe not—lie may he in some uf those stores! you had bet ter look lor him.” The little ones willini aegswe FV vvvv vwvvwt l Henry Hohenstein, RBPBR«Bsm«a $50,000,000 Fire and Accident Insurance, Waycross, Ga. to this, and tiisiug tbi X’ •greed by the liaml we walked on down in AftSlT dhection ol' the post uflToe, look. ing, us ive went,'intonit tho stores hut could not find Unde Italpli. Down al Me»sra Waldron ik Ivey'* we were standing on the platform when a ono horse.cart Wo have no idea who the *T S * .‘I* ? i , l !',‘, , *- d ' , .. , “flint* Uncle Ralph!” donors were, but wo shall blow claimed ono of the little girls, our horn whenever we can, and dry our tears, with our new linndkorcliicf ns long as its boautiful rod'color lasts. Tho Buptist Sunday School is noted for its clover lady teachers und scholars, kind ami attentiv male participants uml pretty children. Wo feel liko claiming kin wittt the whole pilc-loek- stock-nnd barrel; ble.t if w don’t. At Brogansn, Ga., by Rev. H. Sand ford, on the 25th of December, 1884, Mr. R. D, Osbura and Miss Maggie Alberton, all of Ware eo. The Hiadliont sends congratula tions. At tha residence of the bride’s parents, December 28th, 1884, in )Vayp>0ts,by Rov. IL Sand ford, Mr! W. H. Gilbert, Of Iowa, and Miss Jennie Sanuford. Wo beg tho happy couple to‘accept bur warmest congratulations, together with a kind wish far their rature happiness and prosperity. At Baco Pond, Ga., bjr Bov W. H. Thomas, of Waycross, Dec. 24, 1884, Mr. Wm. A. Meigs end Miss Susan Taylor. A happy Key Year to Mr. and Mrs. Meigs. Th. II.stint FH.tlval. Tho fostival gotten up for tho benefit of the Baptist church, camo off last Friday night, and was a success in every respect, savo one, and that was no par ticular fault of tho management, viz: tho organ advertised to -bo voted to tho most popular, lady in Southwest Georgia from sonjo cause did not "go through.” A doll, voted to tho most popular Miss, wont to Miss Minnie Knight, sho receiving the high est number of votes, the occa sion affording much enjoyment to the young peoplo. Wo learn that 355,00 dollars were realized, and that this amount will be ex pended to have tile cburcli ceiled or plastered. Will S.tanl.jr Eight b. DUe.atluuedr* Not that any body knows of. Wouldn’t we bo a prcttyjfool to drop tiio most interesting feature •four paper? We nro resting up n little now, but our “Satur day Night” journoys will soon he resumed, and kept ap all tho year. And “Saturday Night” is not all, cither. We expect to add other departments which will be quite, if not moro inter tsting than any thing over be- fore published. Don’t let your subscription run out, and don’t cheat us cither by borrowing your neighbor’s pnpor. Recol lect that, please. Lust Bali of the Oltl Year Came off last night nt Olonmn hall, with a largo und select at tendance, there being present many young ladies and gentleman from abroad, together with those of our town. There was also pres ent some married people who as sisted, with their experience, in making tho occasion pleasant and enjoyable. Too much credit can not be given tho management for getting up such an elegant amt so cial entertainment for those who delight to “trip the light fantastic toe.” It Was the grandest kind of a grand success, tmaucialiy, so cinlly, lovably und dancingly.-* We’ll stop, before wo say some thing. ami so it The kindly faced old gentleman expiaiued to us that ho had eomo lo lowu in tho afternoon witli the children to “hunt Santa Clause.” Toward night h*> had, seen the ebiliireu in the cart auj as night came on, and when he had tiaish. cb his trading he hitched up and drove out of town, supposing the little «*l»i!dion were asleep in the call. When he had -reached a distunes of three or four miles Iroin town ho discovered his mis take, and came buck. The Jiltle children were very happy on being rescored to Uucle Ralph (h© told us his nkme, but not having otr book, it has slip ped our memory,) while the old gentleman regretted his error, thanked us (or eur trouble with tiie little one*, and begged us to not attribute his forgetfulness to Christmas drops. Full lino of Fireworks at J.R. May’s. Ilk . Wanted—5,000 pouSjfe black moss, by B. E. Flint, Wnycross, On. Dont fail to see ray lino fancy candies and tho biggest lot of fresh family groceries of all kinds before you buy. It W. M. Wilson. Choice groceries of nil kinds at J. If. M.iy,s. Big lot of Christmas goods nt W. J. .Smith’s, 3 t L. Q. C. L. cigars at Cannon & Whitlocks. Chinee sugar cured hams nt 15 cts per pound at W, J. .Smith Fresh lot of fruit at Cannon it Whitlocks. A. It. Bennett is just os busy as a bee in a tar gourd. Bon Simians is getting well. Self raising buck wheat ut \V J. Smith's. B AWR. R. ClUSOI Off SCHEDULE. Wist ward—No. 1. On and after Sunday. Dec. 21st, passeeger trains on this road will run as follows: For Savannah and Jacksonwille, Now Orleans nnd St Louis Leave Brunswick 0:50 a m Arrive Waycross 9:48 8avannnh/(S F it W R R 1:30 p in „ 12:00 m 10:05 p m vntir uctt I. H. LEVY & BRO Men’s, Boys’ and Children's , J HAT8, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, etc. ( nov 12-1 y. 18V, 191 sml 193 Congress St, fiavtsssii Ga Arrive Jucksonvfli Arrive Pensacola.. “ Mobile “ New Orleans. Lcnvo Waycross.. 2:40 a m . 7:45 .10:10 . 2:40 p 111 2:.® '• 7 :15 .11:25 5:13 a lu 11:4!i For Mayor, W. J. SMITH, For Couiiciliucn, B. Sweat. B. Sibmons. T. J. Ivky. A. J. Sweat. A full lino of Christmas Gooils of nil kinds, ut Folks'it Mor gans. 3t Bon. T. Apple Esq, tlio pop ular drummer has just pubtisii- ed his first' produotiou entitled Drummer’s Waltz”' It was played in Savannuh Theatre last week and pronounced one of the successes in recent com- position^, Tlio, style is perfect, and is haying a largo sale in Savannah. Copies can be - pro cured [hero at drug store of Folks & Morgan and at News Depot. Pay your subscription to tho tf§£tuaBf wo want the pioney If you want the sweetest sug ar, tho*sourcst vinegar, the lon gest molasses, tlio saltiest fish, the best butter, the whitest lard, the freshest fruits, and tho best flour in town, go to J. R. May’s. Mr. Weiss, the clever host of th* Satilla House, taken us by forco of arms und malice afore thought on Christmas day and gave us a glass of cggiiog fit' for tho gods. ‘ 14 pounds Golden C. sugar for 91 at Cason & Millor’s. Dont forgot Capn'on >fc Whit- look under tho Grand Central Hotel is selling the bost hignrs in town. To buy thd ehoapust groceries in the country go to No. 12] south-east corner of Albany av- onuo and B. street. Cason & Miller aro tho men you nro look ing for, Leave Albany Arrive Macon ... “ Atlanta “ Chattanooga “ Nauhvillo .. “ Evansville 8:05 p m “ St Louis 8:00 am No. *3. Cincinnati and Jacksonville Ex- pross. Leave Brunswick (5:50 pm Jacksonville via 8., F. & W 7:00 p m Leave Waycross 10:20 a in Albany X.... 3:40 am Macon 8:20 a in Arrive Atlanta 12:25 p m Arrive Chattanooga.... 8:20 p m Cincinnati 7:15 am Eastwvbd—No. 2. Jacksonville and St Louis Mail and Express. Leave St Louis 7:50 p m Evansville 7:50 am Leave Nashville 3:50 p m Leave Chattanooga 10:15 p m Leave Atlanta 3:50 a m Leave Macon 7:50 a m Arrive Albany 12:30 p m Arrive Waycross 6:15 p m Arrive Jacksonville via S., F.ifc W. KR. 8:00 pm Arrive Brunswick 8:1G p in Pass eng eu No. 4. From Cincinnati and Atlanta. Lcnvo Cincinnati 8:47 p m Leave Chattanooga 7 :40 a m Leave Atiunta 2:50 p m Leave Macon 7:1/5 pm Leave Albany 11:20 p m Leave Waycross 10:20 a m Arrivo at Brunswick 1:10 p m Arrive at Jacksonville via S. F.ifc W. R. R. 7:50 Train no 1 connects at Waycross with 8., F.ifc W. It. R. train no 12, leaving Jacksonville at 4 a m., and arriving nt Savannah 1:30 p. m., also with is. F. ifc W. It. It., (fast mail) leaving Savannah nt 7:10 a m., arriving at Jacksonville at 12, noon. Train no 3 connects nt Waycross with train no. 4, S., F. ifc w* leav ing Jacksonville at 7 300 p m; and with the S., l‘\, it to. train no 5, leaving Waycross at 12:00. mid night, for Thomasvillo, Gainesville und intermediate points. Train no 2 connects at Way- cross with S., F. ifc w. train no *2, leaving Jacksonville at 2:30p m., arriving at Savannah 8:17 pm; and with the S. F.ifc w. no 11, leaving Savannuh 1:30 p in., and arriving at Jacksonville nt 8:00 Train no 4 connects at Waycross with S.,F. <fc W. train no 3, nrriv ingat Jacksonville 7 50 a in. and with fast mail no 1, leaving .Savan nah 7 10 a. in., ulso with New Or leans Express, leaving Wavcross at 10 10 a m. Pullman hotel cars and sleepers between St Louis and Jacksonville without change, on no. 1 and no 2, and between Jacksonville and Cin cinnati without change on no 3 and 4. Turough tickets to nil points. Ask fur tickets via. Brunswick and Western Railroad. Summed Remkts Special rates to excursion parties of tun, or more, to Brunswick, Cum berland aud Su Simon’s Inland. Through tickets to all poiutaoa •ale at Waycross. II. 8. MORSE, •Gen’i Mau’r. J. A. McDUFFIE, A. G. P. A. s. Money Saved! DT WRITING TO W. BENTLEY, For Prices on Clocks, Jewelry, Silver Ware, Pianos, Organs, eta. Valdosta, Georgia. Nor 12, tf. CANNON & WHITLOCK, (Uuder Murphy’s Hotel near S.« F. Depot) Waycross Georgia. Dealers In— Fancy and Family Groceries, FLOim A SPECIALTY Sugar, Colli e, Rice, Butter, Lard, Cheese, Hams, < ulined-goods in Endless Variety. Pool and Billiard Tables. TIicsq gentlemen Lave a liamlsmuo saloon Gtteil op la slegsat style, furnished with modem improved Pool and lidl'ard Tahiti* with smplh *0- voiumodatious for the public to pass an evuniug. uov. 12-1 y. T*. world*. K.ptHlUo..t N.w Orl.ua.- As commissioner of tho county of Wore, I beg to say that I tiu ready to recoivo any contributions uf tiie citizens of this county, or articles for the purpose of making an exhibit of tho resources of our section. Ijhopo all that fool nn inter est will contribute and let our county and town be represented. Rcmcnmbcr Waycross and South Georgia has a bright friture before it, and the only way to put our selves before tho country,is, to take advantage of our opportu nity, nnd at this exposition ivo can show what we havo if wd d% siro, - E. II. Cbawi.kv. Commissioner \V C, Positively Cured by Van Pelt’s Anti-Malarial, or Fever and Ague Tonic Price One dollar per Bottle. No ! More ! Pills ! Whila you cr.u Get Van Pelt’s Liver Invigorator. Price only 2*> cents I For Rale by Druggists and Dealers generally. Cori-enpondencs solio- ted Manufactured by Dr. F. S. Van Pell A Ur’)., 2 12, Miller St., Augus ta, Ga. Oct 15, 84-i2uj. MISS KATE CANNON, Fashionable Milliner and Dress Maker, PAItKEHS’8 BRICK BUILDING, WAYCROSS, QA., Han just received a now and elegant atoec of ladies’ clonks, jeraeyt, undervoats, corset* aud child rene’ auits. Tho latest no volt let. in Jewelry and Fancy Notions, Velvetlnc. silk and satfn trimmings, feathers, tips, flowers and ribbons, hosiery, handkerchiefs, gloves and stationary. Also a handsome stock of Rugs, Mats and Window Shades, In fact everything that Is kept in a first class millinery and dries goods csk-blisbineiit. Givt me a call, as I am determined not fto b« oft- dcreold. Nov. 5th, 1 y. >.?, Awake to Your And do not .top before yon git to , A.. tJ. Sweat’s ©tore, Where you o*n get snythl.g y*. mj want In hi* tUek of General Merelismltw, including snvthwg wanted, f His stock consists of fiiUesr*i«H* Dry Goods, Family Groceries and Fancy Notions, and they are i Cheap for Cash. djTOuJ sop !9 till 85 „ '