Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, November 25, 1885, Image 3

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pirfroe Uigr, No »}, I. O. O. P. Jt lets in their hall in Waycross - ver f let and 3rd Thursday even ing ?t 8 o’clock. P. M.' Wu Nobi.b, N. 6. ■W. J- Cabswsll, Sac. Christmas is coming. Have our people decided to give up the school house project? no accidents, If there are Christmas is just one month off. Joe Jones has .recovered from Wa^ross Lodge, No 3Q5 ■Medial K. of H.-Wavcross Lodge, , xa 2,9tt, wfccts the 2nd and «h Friday nights ofeverv month in their Hall audita of every month OVetlWaldron and Ivey-a atoie, comer Guff street nor. Heniiy Ho B. 8i»scxs,'Rep Albany Ave- , Dictator VICES. Rev J. W. [reaching 10 30 the 3rd Sab- belhjiocss Prealivtcrian Chm Qnnrterman Pastor- a. m., and T :30, p. ay, bath; In every month. Baptist Ctmrcb, Ref- J- M- Cross, Pastor—Preaching af a.m., and 7:30 p. m., die bath in every month.VPrnyer meet ing every ’Wednesday [ eviping 7:30 ohilock. Sunday-school at 4 p. m. hi. E, Clmrcli, SoiitN, Rev- E. M. Whiting, Pastor sPrcadliing at 10:30 a. ip., and 8 p. m.,\ on 2d, 3rd and Mb Sabbaths in every month Prayer meeting eroding; Sunday-: Episcopal Chnrch—-i sonjWinn, Rector: 1st and 3rd Sunday, a and [7:30 P.M. 4 Vl U. Bible ncailav evening at 7 A.M. K Chnrch. Ceaaar, Pastor-Preaching on 1st and 3rd Sabbaths in every m.potb at 10:30 a. in., 3, and 7:3D pm; II. E; Chnrch, Kov. ]{. Boston, Piudor—Prcachine tiie 2d Sabbath in overy month at 11:30 a. in. and 8 p. ro . Ague-Shaken Si Who resort to Hostctter’S Stom ach Hitters, experience speedier and more complete relief than they enn hope to do by theiuse of of quinine. Th‘ uinine. This well authentica ted! fact is of itself sufficient to hnvc established ia high Reputa tion for tiio Bitters. But the article is not a specific inertly for the various forms of malarial disease, --it endows tiW system; with ad- groo of vigor, and “ ^^jdlMitiea.wiHv constitutes ita la disorders of the hud bowels, spccii the atmostpherc and water arc miasma tainted. Fever and ague, miasma | . bilious remittent, dumb ague and aguo cake arc romedied ami pre vented by it, and it also removes [dyspepsia, constipation, rheum a, Jtism, Ac. Take this medicine on the first indication that the system is out of order, and jest assured that you will bo grateml for the 4upt. Gentlemens’ tints, of the latest designs, at B. Sfrmans. The finest assortment of plain and fancy cando ever at DuPont at B. J. Sirmans) store, in -front of the depot" j Medium and fine, overcoats at B. Birmans. If you boots made, world, go an, son Grimes, new shoos or best fits in the [see old man Jack- Frank James' .tisfaction gtiar- oe*28 tf.' My stock of ladies and gents hand-made shoes can’t bo ex celled auywhere in the city, in fact nothing to compare with it. B SlKMAXS. ’ The best TJoad Pencil made’, for fire cents, at the Headlight of- fiw - BXADLIGBT HASSES. bis illness and gone to “chewing sugar cane.” O. C. Harper delivers all goods purchased, from him, iu any part of the town, free of charge. Watch these colnmns if you want to find the place where Christmas goods dan bo purchas ed. No fire company has been or ganized up to tins date, neither have we seen any signs for the building of a theatrical hall. Whenever you want tailoring or dressmaking Jono’with neat ness and dispatch, don't forget to call on Mrs. S. V. Louis, at the Mock House. Now, we are going to have an other pull at the artesian well. A long puli, a strong pull and a pull altogether, will bring suc cess to the enterprise. Jasper Love came in to see us last Saturday, as he passed through town en route to Jasper, Fla., where his wife is visiting her father. Ho looks well and ^iappy. Mrs. Lucy McCall, of Florida one of the elevorest little ladies in all this land, is visiting rela tives in town. The Headlight bids her welcome, and we hope she may enjoy her visit to the “full extent of the law.” Mr. J. A. Jones was down town last Saturday, after a con finement from sickness of sev eral weeks. His friends were simply overjoyed at grasping his hand, and wo hope" for his complete restoration to health. The lady we board with says there ia no rest for her from the tiroej&g. opens -bet-eyes in the morning until she closes them at night The same foij us and more, too: wo dreafi^ mie'beat' us with tli|fryiiigjBj>n last night. Even our dreams are resiles: Ladies glovos at cheap. Blank Bi The Christmas paper of the Headlight will be on colored paper, filled with choice reading and a splendid advertising me dium. Extra copies can be had by. leaving orders in time. Don’t forget this, and come in whin it is too late. The reader’s attention is called to the advertisement of Mr. A. R. Bennett, to be found else where. He has jtfst opened his stock of fall and winter goods, and is prepared to sell all that you heed at reduced figures. Mr. B. is a very pleasant gentleman to deal with, and seldom fails to give satisfaction. '■■Judge Simmons, of Bibb cottn ty, was at the Grand Central Ho tel last Saturday. We find him to bo a gentleman with more than nil ordiuary*supply of good, hard, common sense, conserva tive in views and outspoken in opinion. He thinks well of the Headlight and the Headlight returns the compliment. -Christmas will .soon he herfg and as you may heed candies,, huts, raisins, dried fvijit, cheeqj, tobacco and other articles, was Would advise voii to "buy from Mr. J. A. Connellee, next door to Mrs. Cottinghi-in's Millinery Mr. Leon Roddcnberry, from Charlton county, was in town last week on a visit to the tooth carpen ter to hare some repair; made. We like Leon. The ladies of the Episcopal church will hold their festival at Krom’B hall on the 16th of De cember. We hope they may have a'largc attendance with plenty of cash. Died—On November 15th, at 6 o’clock, a. m., of indigestion, the infant son of J. J. and M. J. Wilkcrson, at their residence on Kettle Creek. Aged two yca^s and twenty one days. Cbl. H. P. Brower brought to our office yesterday, a hag of the finest potatoes of the season. CSol. Breivet is not only a scholar and a gentleman but one of the best truck farmers in these digging. We call the readers’ attention to the advertisement, of .tire -Dob, bins liOusc, at DuPOft% Ga/, We. ha%-c : known Mrs.. Dobbins for so/nc time, and- have stopped at her house and take pleasure in commending her as one worthy the patronage and respect of the traveling public. A suppliment and specimen sheet of the New, York World, now before us presents sworn af fidavits that the circulation of that journal has required the printing of 41,110,616 copies of the paper in the past ten months. If there is any other paper in the United States with a larger circulation wo do not know it. Send for specimen copy of the greatest paper in the Union. In our notice of the last ball at Olenuins Hall, we sorrow to learn, that one of the ladies has taken exception at a word we used, which we assure her was not intended to wound feeliugS or convey false impression. The lady’s relatives, at her home, are known to us, and we take pleas- in making an honorable amende to one who hails from our birth place and ante bellura home. Some people condemn tis.for our article last week, .in which we denie<b~tha--efasirge that ■ pro hibition had , materially dam- ngeerthe condition-of this sec tion. Equally as many approve our course, however, and we can’t expect to please everybody. It’s a mighty poor chicken that won’t fight for its own barnyard, and under that principle we ex pect to tell the peftple to "hands off.” If tlir Header will look,ove^, the files of this paper it will be found that our motto has always been “Temperance, Truth and Justice.” Wo have tried to con duct this journal in a temperate, truthful manner; if we have ever failed to do justice it was the fault of our brain and judg ment, not our heart. We mere ly called your attention to this matter for fear you thought we had taken a new departure. is determined to.havc the well *ud arrangements will be made to Bart the work in' a short time, aiii we hope our people at large will,take hold and help in the enterprise. * Oh, So Nice. Our lady readers will be pleas ed to learn that-Mrs. Cottihgham has just received her stock of hew goods. Her store is on th« corner near the post office, whetp she is prepared to offer special bargains through the holidays. /She will have new goods arriving daily to supply the demand. Be sure to go and price her goods and you will buy them. adv. store. ,Ho soils clieap, on. (ho. motto of live and let live. / Jennings’ jy bv J. W. Leigh, - who have fever will .Jo well forgive R a trial, as Mr; Jcjinirigs warrants Ra trial,: a cure. A full line of 1 jjeai, fer ladies ni airmnyi.’ J Two'carloads of* IV II arrived.. Parlor bureaus beautiful chant able bedsteads, maiting, s, cots; stands,wardrobes, Idng iu me furniture line, J .[ Phillip Tanner .a negro, at work at McDonald’s mill, was cutting down a'large! pine ; tree last Thursday, and when the tree commenced cracking P to set out of danger, but tunately going in the wroiRg di rection was caught by the' fall ing mass of limbs and trunfv and. instantly killed. Mr. J. H. Brovyn, one of the most faithful printers we ever had about us, and withal a clever gentleman, has left our eipploy, and seexs favor in anotheripface. He has the consolation of Harry ing with hith our'best wisjes for . |his future-and a coramei: tleb A Co. . jo tb e frajwnity. Long cceso annel tmder- I genlsj Ut B. I furniture just marble top , walnu sets, single The Iron lit Mr. W. J. Spear has handed tls a circular containing in' concerning this new life order, which was first organised in 1SS1. The plan seems simple and reliable, and would no doubt lea boon for those who hive small sums of money occasionly' to iu- veststo insure against sickness, ac cident and death. See Mr. Spear for information. Headquarter a. Santa Clause is no* preparing to start out with a full cargo of nice things for all the good chil dren in the land and no doubt will make many little hi. ,rts hap py while ’Miss Kate Cannon’s store is his headquarters, and Miss Kate will make older hearts happy, because f;he trill sell her now millinery sti cheap that hus bands and fathers will not mind buying a new bonnet for Christ- Ah Address. Rev. J. M. Muliis, of Waresboro, will deliver an address in the Con thouse next Sunday. Gil lum a hearing as he may have something to say that will interest you y: A Itemoval. ‘ W. E^Spahgler has moved liis repair shop to hisnew fire-proof building, next door to the pqft oft ftcc ;; where he will be. pleascd to iiavc you call oa him for any syork you may need in his line. Found Murdered. The body of George Dickson was.found near Trader’s-hill, last Sunday, riddled with buckshot. Circumstantial evidence, points strongly to one John Roberts as being the murderer, we learn. We Furniture. ave' just -TcecSved : a large and well selected stock of Furni ture which we offci to the citizens of DuP >nt arid surrounding coun try at v :ry low prices* B. J SihMans A.Sojj,. DuPont, Ga. . The Artesian Well Company met at the Courthouse adv. The Harbor Convention. A special train from Brunswick with delegates for the Harbor Con vention which convened at Savai - nah yesterday, arrived at 3.30, hist Monday. The party consisted of the following gentleman: Hon. A. J. Crovatt. mayor of Brunswick, Hon. Boiling Whitfield, Manager A. A. Gaddis, M. Ullman Esq., Col. D. T. Dunn, Capt. J. H. Me Cullogh, Hon. M. J. Colson, S. C. Littlefield, Esq., Col. C. L. Schlat ter, and Editor. Iilidge, of the Breeze. , , ‘ Henry Hohenstein, ltEl’RESENTING $50,000,000 Fire and Accident Insurance, Waycross, Ga. a ah -i* A a a up in its manufacture. We were over there last Saturday and found it boxed and stacked in great piles, ready for shipment to all parts of the country. P. P. P. is a great medicine. At Home. We stopped in at Col. H. P. Brower’s new home last Sunday night, for the first time since he lias moved to liis new quarters, or, it was the first -time he had compelled (he didn’t try hard before) us to take-supper with him, and we had the pleasure of meeting, besides his estimable family, Miss Maud Johnson, one of our most highly esteemed lady acquaintances and Miss Lclia Lanier, of Screven county. Miss Lanier is a daughter of Dr. A. B. Lanier, (whom we had the fortune to meet last winter) and is on a visit to Col. Brewer’s family. We hope her visit may be made pleasant, that she may have a desire to come again. -- - _Explanatory, ~~\ *'cssrs. Editors: I wish to ex plain the way Robert Pascal was delivered to me last Friday: Ab I was passing Capt. Knox’s store •Jake Knox called mo and said Charley Brown wanted to see me down at the B. A W. depot at once. I started, and met Charley and Pascal walking together.— Pascal gave mo his hand, and 1 asked Charley Brown: “Do you turn Pascal over to mo?” He said “yes,” and I gave Charley Brown a receipt for Pascal. S. F. Miller, -Sheriff. A New Invention. Mr. W. E. Spangler, our Tin- Sniitli, has invented a now ma chine and one very much needed by all tinsmiths. The machine will make a double lock-edge at one motion, so that he can make a water-tight joint without the use of solder. The price of the ma chine is $20, and what we have seen satisfies our mind that the time, labor and soldering saved in a few jobs of tin-roofing will pay for the machine.- Address W. E Spangler, inventor and patentee, Waycross, G.i. The Banner Class The contest for the banner, by the classes of the Baptist .church was decided last Sunday. The provisions of the contest, were that the class raising the largest sum of money for the pastors salary,’ should receive the Ban ner, and retain it for one year. Tlie'claSses -contesting, raised the following amounts. Mrs. Pierce class’ $75,25 Mr. Knight’s class 33,20 Amount raised......... 108,45 Mrs. Pierce’s class overplus 42,05 The Banner was resigned to the superintendent by Mr. Kuightnadj in turn, he (Col, Brewer)presented it to the class in a grapeful manner, accompa nied by a few well-tftjfe remarks, Walter Lyons xr /hiving the same amid some/ pplausc, with a nice little speech. The affair was well managed, and the cot: testants carried through the race the kindliest spirit of com petition. The Largest Stock Ever Brought to Waycross. The demand for plain and fauev stationery haviug hicrrlsed with th growJh of ihe country, ive have on sale „ Note-Pap^r. Grilt-Edge and Plain, Mourning-paper and Enve lopes, Letter, A Bill-paper, Fools-cap and Legal Cap-paper and Envelopes, all colors and ; Blank-books, Ba\y-bpoks, Pass booksyii&crap - books, AutograpksAlbums, Penn ells, Pens, Inks, Playingj V^ iting and Business Cards, OR PRINTED TO OR- der On short notice. Mucilage, and Prepared glue, Envelopes and fancy box ’ Paper, in profusion,^ Wedding and Ball Invitations,- LEGAL BLANKS—ALL KINDS, ' iS*? BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER' r HEADS, STATEMENTS, POSTERS, CIRCULARS, Etc / In connection with the above enumeration, which only contains a few of the items in our stock, wo have a first-class job office where the latest-styles of fancy and commercial printing is exe cuted with artistic skill and attractive ..beaut}’. Orders from abroad for all kinds of printing promptly atieh'ded-to-tt3ad satis faction guaranteed as to price and work. Lauier & Youmans, W DRY m Mass Meeting. A muss meeting -of.the citizens of Waycross is called to meet at the academy at 3 o’ploek’next Fri day evening, for. taking; proper steps to raise money to complete the artesian well. The dailies are especially invited and we hope they will come out as we need their aid, and if we will all work together there will be. no trouble in raising a 'sufficient amount to complete the well, with what isjiow on hand. Respectfully, W. M Wilson, J. D. Smith, V. L. Stanton, S. F. Miller, L A Wil son, W. A-. Wright, E..H. Crawley, U. E. Brewer, J. I\ Cason, James Knox, H. Murphy, George Krom, and- others. Hunted Down. Some months ago, one’ Sun day morning, the news reached our town that the body of a negro woman had been found in pond, some distanco from town, on the S. F. & W. R. R. and the Sheriff and others went out to investigate the matter. It was found that one Bob Pascal, a well known colored man had fol lowed his daughter, who ran away from his home* and took refuge at the shanties of a saw mill or turpentine farm, and in his anger to compcll her to return to his domicile had mur dered her, beating her so severe that her limbs were broken and lacerated. The body was then hidden under a log and covered with trash, but: was discovered by a bunter whr» £ave the alarm. She was last Keen with her fa ther, consequently the finger of the law pointed at him as the guilty one, and the grand jury found a true bill-to that effect, but no arrest was - made, the cul prit havingevaded the clutch of FIMILY SUPPLI Hr. W. H. Whitehead. Wheif we moved tothis town, something over one year-ago, we met this gentleman, and one day in a confidential chat he told us about his neuv medicine, the now celebrated “l\ P. P.” Time on Iasi Saturday to make arrange- ^ Viought noth- the work of J \ - mentslto commence tuu u iu.k ui. . - , . r . , , , - , . ~ completing the. well. On. inquiry wore «f what \ doctor had ulat.ng iumself upon his good : t was 1 foupd that’there was ailo:-* sanL^oiutil.some months siucelie fortune, while the blood of a ay he $1,000 en hand for that purpd R .was thought as much justice. One day last-week, hen tlio horrors of this tale of crime had been forgotten, Pas cal was seen roaming around the depot of the B. A W. R. R. and Charley Brown a well known drayman of the town, laid his hand upon the arm of the ac cused who had. so long cheated justice of her dues,.and turned him over to Sheriff Miller. He was at once placed in jail, and as the Governor hod offer ed a reward of - two hundred dollars for this murderer’s arrest. Charles Brown is now congrat- iV. R. BEIsTNE Wayasma, Gk Has in store and is constantly receiving large, ■ Dry Good?, Boots, 2$h< ing, Dress < woods Furnishing Goods For es and stock is complete,' with every article needed in thefartillv Whenever you gb to liis store to trade you find'everythltig town, nnd iinter one roof, thereby avoiding the,'trouble-of - runutng.'sU Ovfer at reasonable pikes!" apr 15-1 y WHERE THE- FASHIONS AREr' The We have removed to our magnificent notr Iron Front Buildiog,' 161 Congress Street, Savannah, Ga., have on hand a grand slookot' tin YHT8I. Ml — OS0V3£RH<V; Hats, Underwear and Furnishing GOODS. Overcoat®, Overcoats, linal Jack Every Garment or latest stylo and best material. SUITS SEMI G- 0- D to responsible panics with privilege to examine befoi'C paying. Rules for self measurement sent free on application. Don’t forgei that we have tbs nobbiest stock of GENTS 1 * YOUTHS*, B3YS 1 AND CHILDRENS’ doaingis Savannah, To Country Merchant. With increased room and facility we are better prepared than ever to ill pay to The Con .. , , murdered daughter cries from offer inducements in Job Lots oi Clotli)ng and tin-lei w—r. commenced manufacturing and thfi gronD<1 her lH1|iat . exu , iDe w bargains or send us y Let juetiefi be , advertising this great medicine, U ral & parent. r' and now his entire time is ?5*ken' done. ;y -i& liio.