Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, December 02, 1885, Image 3

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Iaycrossheadugi CDNESDAY, DEC. 2,1885 m,sum FLABUJ. Vnotlier Ball is being f'tolk- InbouL” llarpcr will sell and deliver bis [Is cheap. on’t forget the ladies sapper |thc ICtli, at Krom’s hall, lie Headlicut office iis the k to buy all kinds of station- he Sunday School children (talking up the Christmas Mr. Joseph A. Jones is in □nsivick this week, if his bedulc was carried out. Ke arc pleased to learn that " J, M. Cross will probably ■ with us another year, out is going to have a nns treo. Everybody is in- i attend and a grand time nticipation. (any News—"A scared con. le is the heritage of an evil- I’ Yes, it is bud; go and con- | Own up like a little man. I learn that Bishop Bcck- I with will visit Wnycross' on the ' 9th of December and will rc- 1 main probably sevenal days. Last Tuesday "night was tlje coldest day” of the season, our neighbor, Uncle 'William Wil lson says. That settles it; lie Aught to know. Col. Jno. C. McDontl 1 has re turned from Atlanta, whither he jwent to collect the reward for [the arrest of Pascal, by Charles jllrown. B. J. Birmans & Sons, DuPont, iOa., is general headquarters for [Christmas goods in that section. They have on hand n large and linndtomc stock. Dr. Frank Folks wont notice pmnion folks since lie bought 3 horse. He’s a beauty, (of file Wr#) aud vice. lick Breeze wants flense state tlie [inddie, and we’ll D. Wo have 1c, time. id to statu that lung pliotograph- f is, and has been cry ill. Wc hope Mils recovery, k ill* a colored way pistol, took two fair feruggs a B. & W. Brunswick last f She failed to hit Lh.-iin, on the corner ■with the procession, large stock of fine Bs can be found all key goods, ribbons, b, etc. |r of the South Georgia says ho has invested fs town since prohibi- i force, still, if the sale as resumed ho Would i big ticket that shows Inhibition. 1, sir, the Savannah pws is the best daily sir,” was in town (Col. Gentry' tolls the time, sir, and wc } sec him around, Blank books for sale at the Headlight office. Carpenter pencils, 5 cents each, at the Headlight office. Miss Kate Cannon is always ready to please the people, and the ladies especially. She is con stantly adding new goods to her already large stock of millinery goods, and-on accountof the strin gency of the times she has marked the goods down. South Georgia Conference. The South Georgia Annual Conference will convene in Brunswick on the 9th of De cember, and will remain in ses sion about ten days, Bishop A. W. Wilson, of Baltimore, presi ding. The general conference will have three or four bishops to elect. pswiek and Western doing a good busincs ■ Gaddis’ control. Hence pleased to note his s and energy. [A Montano bachelor gives no- i that he is coming in this ircction to hunt for a wife, and rnthe lias $75,000 in clean tslr to take care of her with.—- iris of Waycross, bo on the ert! A communication' from Mr. E. Alexander, Enterprise. t , comes in too late for this e, but will appear next week. |io gentleman sets us right on : St. Cluib Abrums affair, and i arc pleased to announce the Iter's reception, Notice the “Red Cross” on j of The Wag of Sal ration. Elder John Vickers has plac ed upon our tablo a pamphlet, profusely illustrated, displaying beautifully the “Way of Salva tion” as revealed to him some years ago. Those who have had time to examine the book say it is well gotten up, full of valuable information and ought to be widely send. Send to El der John Vickers, Willacoochee, Ga., for one and read it. Return Thanks, Among the items left out last issue on account of the crowded condition of our columns, was one returning the thanks of Mr. Geo'. S. Roach, to the citizens of Waycross generally, and some particularly-, for their sympa thy and assistance in the recent illness and death of his wife, He desires us to say that ho dc sired to see each individual to thank -them personally, but such a pleasure is denied him A Rig Enterprise. Thero is being erected at Poulan, ten milos west of Ty Ty a factory on a largo scales, the pronator, a Mr. Montgomery, i^^Wayiiq^dnu n his founda tion for liis engines and mu* chincry. When the works arc started, which will be in a short time, he will give employment to something near 150 men and will manufacture all kinds of furniture, besides running one or more saw and planing mills, frame and put up buildings of any kind in any part of the eountiy.—Brunswick Breeze. Rev. J. -M. Mull Is Delivered an address in the courthouse last Sunday to a large and attentive audience.— His subject was on the with drawal of the fellowship of the church from him. Mr. Mullis has been a minister of the Primitive Baptist cliureh fora long time, when about two years ago there was some misunder standing between the church and himself and fellowship was was denied, hence the separa tion. After the meeting was ad journed the audience was asked to remain a few moments, when the following preamble and res. olntion were offered by Col J. C. McDonald and others and Vijted on almost unanimously: Whereas, Rev. M. Mullis has this day addressed an audience in Waycross, explaining his po sition, opinion, etc., as to his re moval as a minister from* liis church. Therefore, be it Resolved, As members of the audience who heard his address that "we believe his iuteutious are honest and his purposes pure, and hereby. express our sympathy for him as a man and Christian, and recommend, as non-sectarians that his church reinstate him to full fellowship To Our Pa trons. The year is fast) approaching its end, and as wc take a .retro spective glance ofcleven months that have beeturollcd up on the reel of time we hope and believe we have done our duty. We think we have given you a good readable, wide-awake paper, at least we have tried to do so, and and the long list of subscribers upon our book is a sufficient gunrentee that our efforts have been appreciated. Some of those subscribers owe us small sums for subscription, while equally as maiiy owe us for ad vertising, job work, etc.— Through the summer we have not annoyed them with duns because we did not feel pressed for the money, neither do we stand particularly in need of it now, but this is generally the time when a year’3 business should be settled up, and we want what is ours- Our office expenses are cash down, or no go, so is our ink, paper and other printing material, all oi which have been paid that you might have your paper, work, etc., and now we want our mon ey back. Those who find a red cross on the margin of their pa per will know they are due us something, and they are invited aiid earnestly requested ‘to waltz to the music’ and settle the bill. Those who do so will receive a receipt with our thanks, and a promise to extend fair treat ment in future with becoming accommodations. SARAH-A. HIGGINS. Interesting to Ladies. Our lady readers can hardly fail to have tlicir attention called this week to the latest combina tion of improvements in that most useful of all domestic implements, the “sewing machine.” [ As we ui d rstand it, a machine for family use should meet first of a!]l these requirements: It should l>p simple in its mechanism; it should run easily; it should do wide range of work; it should be a* nearly noiseless as possible; it should be light, handsome, dura- and as cheap as is consistent with ex^Hence throughout. These conditions the “Light-Run ning New Home” ccj^ainly meets, It has also several very important and useful attachments and “no tions” of its own, which go far make good its claims to popular favor. The “New Home” specially recommends itself to purchasers on account of its superjpr me- clianicai construction, case of management and reasonable. Over half a million have been sold in the last three years, all of which are giving universal satisfaction. This unrivalled machine is manu factured by the NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO., Orange, Mass., and 30 Union Square, New York. A Value bio Medical Treatise The edition for 18S6 of the ster ling Medical Annual, known as Hostetler's Almanac, is now ready and may be obtained, free of cost of druggists and general country dcalcrs in all parts of the Uuited States, Mexico, and indeed every civilized portion of the Wes tern Hemisphere. This Almanac has bceu issued regularly at the eommeeoment of every 'year for over one-fifth of a century. It combines, with the soundest prac tical advice for tke preservation and restoration of health, a large amount of interesting' and 'amus ing light-reading, and thp calen dar, astronomical calculations, chronological items *<kc.. are pre pared with great care, and will be found entirely accurate. The issue of Hostcttcr’s Almanac for 1886 will probaply be the largest edition of a medical work, ever published in any country. The Tom Lais ear: — My deer fren: Ef | yu knode what I knode yu’d a died a weak er 2 ago. Ef yu’d a see’d what I see’d tvliar wud yu bin? Ecko ansers wbar? Ther moon shines brite Till broad daylitc Ther possum swings on cr rail Yu must cum—don’t fale ■ Now, ef that ain’t an invite tu cum an spend Chrismus with me an mandy Jane an Polly Skin ner an deacon Skinner an Mis ses Skinner I can’t road plane Englesb. Lemme tel yu Tom, Deacon Skinner is in a fix: yu kno yu got him intu yore Hedlite house tothcr day an sold him sum pa per fur ritin purposes at 5cts, a quyre, invelopos dyto, an last but not leest yu sole him a bot tle of JRoyyal Glue. Ho wus mi- ty proud uv hit calls yu tole him hit wud moml his kart wheel, yoke, buggy shaff an he culd peace his bosses tale ef Lit hap pen tu freze off, caus yu kno las Tuesday wus a mity cold nite an the deacon wus late gitten home. Bout ten er’clock he got tliar, howsumever,' an he hollered at ther bars fur us tu go out an hep him in. “Cum on in,” his wife, sister Sucky Skiuner sed, (yu kno wee is all church momburs) as she took up a hoe-cake, out’en ther ashes. I kaint git down offen ihor critter,” he liollored back, “I’m stuck.” Stuck,” I sod, as I grabbed the iyun fire poker, “who stuck you,” I axed, as I run dow tu him whar he sot on his critter, at the gate. Tom Laincer an George Yu- mans,” lie said as he grinned an pulled an grinned an pulled arf aid “Oh, my grashus, I,m dun an grode tu mi saddle, an the saddle has stuck tu the critter, an nuthin cep tin a jack-screw kin ever git me loose. Oh, me!” “Run here, Suky,” I sclaimed, .“them thar Hedlite men is done gone an stuck yore poor hus band tu deth an he kaint git down offen his critter.” When I sod that Suky an Polly Skin ner,(Silky is the deakons wife yu kno) an Tilda Skinner, an Mandy Iliggins (that’s mi gal) cum tcarin down tu the gate an sed “whar is yu stuck.” “I am stuck hard an fast tu mi saddle.” the dekon blubbered. “Git down yu ole fool!” liis wife sed. “I kaint.” “Whats llior matter with yu, .anyhow;” his wife axed. “George Yumans sold me a bottle of that consumed Royal Glue, an Tom Lainear put bit in my hip poekit so hit wuld brake, an hit broke, an hit’s glued me tu the saddle. Nuthin cepting a rope an tackle will over git mo down offen this crittei-. oh me!” Tiie ole gal was mad now, She climcd up on the critter an got the dekon by the leg, all tlie gals-got hold of her, and I recoil ed up an tuck him by the arms, an we all pulled an be groomed, an liis suspenders broke, bis shoots eura untied, an he turn ed white, an green, an waller, an clay-bank brindle in the face, but the man wus fast. We.’uns unfastened the girth tu (ho sad die, but thar wus a hole in hit an we found on znminatiou that hit wns glued , tli the critter, that wus a prediekutneut we hadn’t kounted on. Bout this time Abe Mofgaino an Mad Kas- well (yu kno Mad is 1 armed; he’s a good feller, any how, an bo's been prowlin down in this end of the woods snmtime) eum up, an thqn spit in ther bauds, Henry Hohenstein,\ REPRESENTING $50,000,000 Fire and Accident Insurance, i < 4 4 i i 'cross, Ga. < Abe Morgaine lie laffed an laffod kaso when we all pulled Mad I-Caswell and Mandy Jane pulled tu hard an fell kerslap in a pile, an Mad ICaswell, a nauty thing put his arm round Mandy-. Abe y-u kno, wus jelous, an ho got af ter Mad. an Mad, lie sed, bein as he didn’t have but one arm he oughter have anutlier squeze at mi gal, an thenshe reeclied over aii pulled his hair. But now cums ther turrible part. _The ole dekon wus mad when lie seed his britches stick- in on the saddle, an ther saddle stickin-on ther critter. He sez sez lie Pm guine to ploy Joelus Sweat, an Jiin Matticks, what ustor ’-'cum tu see Polly Skinner, an Johnny McDonald, an Kernel High Plus Brewer tu bring a sute fur damages before the Klinch kounty gran jury Sperior kouft. He sez of Leon idas AUfired Wilson, ther solici tor gineral on Jedge Meershaum dont give jestice he’ll quit the kountry an peal tu Ordinary korbit. Yourn spectferly Sara A. Higgins P. S-—Dekon Skinner sez ef oil’ll git Jack Grimes tu half- soal his britches he’ll kompro- mise, yu pay kost, damage au give him another bottle er glue. N. B.—Ef yu see Martin Kor bit tell him how-dy-do fur me. He wus mi ole-tirae spark forty- odd year ago. with all the privileges of a min-|P ro P^ t «f s ' M , es * rs - IIostettcr * istor of the eosbcl in the Prirni- ®°-> Pittsburgh, Pa., on receipt of istor of the gospel in the Primi tive Baptist church. .After the foregoing resolu tions had beou read, Rev. Mr. Bennett arose in behalf of tbo church, and made a denial of what Mr. Mullis ' had said, also gave notice that the church could not (consistently consider i the resolution. We give the above’ only as a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot'procurc one in liis neigh- borgood. i Jackson Grimes, one of the best boot, and shoo makers in Georgia has removed bis shop to the building formerly occupi ed by Frank James. .We have au Mad, 1). cot the ole critter by the tale an' pulled frum us (Mad he ivus on the side next tu the sowth an we wus on tlio side next tu the north) an Abe au Mandy Jane (mi gal) got holt of 1 leg an 2 of us clirawled up on the hoss bc|iine him an l ot us climbed up on the hoss in frunt uv him, an Hennerry Yu mans, lie’s fly-in round Zilphy Snoodles (brother tu George) got er feuee rale nit put.hit un der the dekon an'when all wus reddy, Abe Morgaine sed, sedTi when I say all pull, vu nius all - ... - , puli, an pull long, an pull strong 'rear for ladies and gents, bA-o-a i Birmans. novll tuu. So wc wus alHixed, an ar- ter awhile Abe sez all PULL! an we pulled.- Thar wus a rip, a scream, Clinch County Superior Court• Superior Court for Clinch coun ty, convened at Homcrville last Monday. His Honor, Judge Mer- shon on the Bench, Solicitor Car ter in attendance with the usual number of legal lights too numer ous tb mention. Several cases of importance may come up for trial and it is quite probable His Honor will be detain ed several days to transact this business. The Grand and Petit Jurors were composed of intcligent honest men and thcic can be no doubt of Justice being done in all cases that require their attention. Five newspaper men were on he ground shaking hands with the populace, Both hotels arc reaping a liand- ome patronage from the attend ants at court, and they deserve all they receive. The Largest Stock Ever Brought to Waycross. The demand for plain and faiicy stationery 'having increased with th growth of ihe country, we have on sale i. w- Note-Papt>r. Gilt-Edge and Plain, < Mourning-paper and Enve-. lopes, Letter, Hill-paper, Pools-cap and Legal Cap-paper and Envelopes, all colors and. sizes. Blank-books, Day-books, Pass hooks, Scrap - hooks, Autograph Albums, Pen cils, Pens, Inks, Playing, Vis iting and Business Cards, plain OB. FBXHTBD TO OR* der on sshoit notice. Mucilage, and Prepared glue, Envelopes and fancy box Pape!*, in profusion. Wedding and Ball Invitations, LEGAL BLANKS—ALL KINDS, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATIIMENTS, POSTERS, CIRCULARS, Ele In connection with the above enumeration, which only contain* a few of the items in our stock, we have a first-class job office where the latest stylos of fancy and commercial printing is exe cuted with artistic skill and attractive beauty. Orders from abroad for all kinds of printing promptly attended to and aatii- faction guaranteed as to price and Work. Lauier & Youmans, Waycross* Gra. Mrs. McDonald, of North Georgia, a daughter of Mr. W. H. Thomas, accompanied by Miss Minnie Thomas, of Albany, are visiting in Waycross. We trust they may have a pleasant visit. The finest assortment of plai® and fare;- candy ever at DuPont at B. J. Simians’ store, in front of the depot. My stock of ladies and gents hand-made shoes can’t be ex celled nuyivliere in the city, in fact nothing to compare with it. B Sirmaxs. Thy best Load Pencil made, for five cents, at the Headlight of fice. Ladies and gents* fine kid gloves. at B. Simians’, very clieajL, Blank Books, at the Headlight Office. ■ ’ \ Just received, one carload of salt, which is felling at $1.25 per sack at B”. J. Birmans’, DuPont, Ga. If you need a first-class Rub ber-coat or suit, cal^. on -B Sir- mans, lie can please you. Jennings’ Fever Tonfe for sale by J. W. Leigh, Folkston. Thosb who have fever will do wpR to give its trial, as Mr. Jennings warrants a cure. i • A fall line oLFIannel under at B. DRY 0000$ =A^JNTI)= FAMILY SUPPLIES. -A.. Jl. BENNETT, Waycross, Ca-a. Has in store and is constantly receiving large, complete stocks of Dry Good?, Boots, Shoes, Cloth ing, Dress Goods, Furnishing Goods For ladies and Gentlemen. His entire stock is complete, with every article needed In the family household Whenever you go to his store to trade you find everything you need under one roof, thereby avoiding the trouble of rnnning ail over town, and at reasonable pi tees. apr 15-1 y Two carloads, of furniture just arrived. Parlor sets, marble top bureaus, beautiful rockers, walnu „ yipr paper, *““ s h ? ra . hope no dis- icb denote* tliat'you arc doe cussion will be provoked, wouiU>e phwW.tol that our friends ajH known him for fifteen vears and a?1 »keidop like a wet ra J 1 In fka iwum-nw A.. do uot hesitate groan, thp eritcer leaned_ for’d j f ohomber sets> singIe double, bedsteads, matting, . in the corner of the fence- cots > wardrobes, SLLitK.s-ble damage had been “''.' thing in the furniture lino, that part of t,iede ; | tf — "ij what tetehr-* ' J. E. Butler & Co. Tneof Cardinal Jai WHERE THE FASHIONS ARE. The Clothing Palace! “We have removed to our magnificent new Iron Front Building, I St Congress Street, Savannah, Ga., have on hand a grand stock of sfirn sum ram V - mmmm®, : ats, Underwear and Furnishing GOODS. • p Overcoats, Overcoats, Every 'Garment, of latest style and best material. SUITS SENT C 0* P to responsible panics with privilege to examine before paying. Rule* for selfHncasureutent sent free on application. Don't forget that we have the nobbiest s tock'qf SEMTSK YOUTHS’, BOYS' AND CHILDRENS' dotting i« Savannah. V j .. To Country Merchants. With increased roon$ and facility M are better prepared offer inducements in J,Ob Lots of Ctaphiag and Uuderwcar. It exainiygour bargaioa or send as your orders. ‘ < S&SfX « IT Ta