Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, December 09, 1885, Image 3

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WATCR0S3 HEADLIGHT. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9,1883 HEADLINE? FUSSES. Wedding bells arc ringing. Tinware: 10c Variety store. ' A. B. C. Books at 10c Variety store. Crfnferciieo is in session in Brunswick. ^ Our Cornet Band was on a rognlar raid last Monday night. Young men, don’t forget that \vc know exactly how to print wedding and bull invitations. Mrs. W. R. Ratliff, of our city, is visiting friends and relatives in Hamilton county. Kin., this week. The finest assortment of plain and fancy candy ever at DuPont at I>. J. Birmans’ store, in front of the depot. Household utcnsiU: 10c Vari ety store. Wo learn from those who par • licipated that the party at the Sutillu house last week, was a success. The cold, bleak winds of De cember are whistling around us causing the beautiful flowers to wither ami fade. Selnli. Glassware: 10c Variety storo. If satisfactory arrangements can be made with a contractor work on the artesian well will be commenced at an early day. The voice of NePlus is heard no more in tho land, and the same is like tho rippling of still water. “Whar’s the man ?’’ Mr. J, \V. heigh, of Folkston, gave us a pop call one day last week. Sorry wo were out; come again, Capt., and stay longer. There will Tio a meeting of tlio llomervillo Agricultural club on Friday, the 11th inst., at llomervillo. A full atteud- is desired. store. Wo return thanks to the citi zens of. Clinch county for Un substantial manner in which they showed their appreciation of tin IIuAOMCHTlnsl week. Don’t forgot that we want the money due us before Tunuary; don’t wait to sco us, thcnmounls are small and you can send it by mail, either in ourrency or post age stamps. Mr. E. I*. McCall, formerly of our town, and a conductor on the S., F. & \V. Hy., is visitin w friends in Wnycross’this week. KMkJliai^iUirfm a pleasant sojourn among his tunny friends. Nass Wilson says it “may bo itico #Ti‘o a futbor, but it’s pret ty tongh on a fellow these cold piglits to havo to git up ill the middle of tho night and make a flro to warm the cat-nip tea, for the baby.’’ Mr. Henry McGee is having A handsome dwelling built near the residence of Air W, J. Smith. Mr. L. II. Buchanan is building near Mr A II Bennett’s store and Mr. Joe McQuaig is build ing on the lot whero Col. Brew er was burned out last summer. Sara-Ann Higgins says: “I lias beam how that Sheriff Rob- bersun douu tu Charlton has dun tadk.angot tlier fastest hos9 _fur trottiug what is in titer kounty, an I fs buun tu take a "If 10c Strict} Medium and Sue overcoats at B. Simians. NOTICE. GEORGIA—Charlton County.' Ko Irunbto to ,b„- „| 10e Variety store. The ladies of tho Episcopal Church have indefluitcly post poned the festival advertised for the ICth, inst. The Methodists will have a Christmas treo „u Christmas eve. night. We dare anybody to put anything on there for us. The Jcsup Sentinel man calls the Hiudligiit a “thing.” The Sentinel has the consolation of being a no “thing,” in fact that dish-rag of a paper will nevgr reach the elevation of a “thing” until it’s sub-oditor is caged in a lunatic asylum. Ayers & Son’s Newspaper Di rectory for 1885, has been receiv ed. Its compilation of newspa pers and periodicals throughout tho United States is large and comprehensive. This work is a great help to advertisers, anil can he counted upon as Contain ing reliable information.. Tlio Perry Home Journal and Dawson Appeal both canto to band last week with some of our editorial squibs copied without credit. The former with one and the latter with oleven. This wont do, gentlemen; we have no abjection to helping you edit your paper hut wo desire credit for the job. That’s all, Mrs. Cottingham has been in the millinery business in Way- cross for several years, but nev er before had such a stock as is now in store. Her fair deal ing lias won for her a large pat. ronago and her lady friends will bo surprised at her low prices this season. Ilor stock is complete, her goods new and of the very latest styles. Don’t give her the go-by. ndv. Oh, my! tlmt now hat is so becoming; whore did you get it, Mrs Brown? I do wish I had one; where did you say you got it? Why, Mrs. Smith! your ig norance shocks me; if you had paid close attention to the local columns of the HeAdlight you would have known at mice that 1 bought it of.Miss Kate Can lion, and l saved at hast 23 per cent, by getting it of her. Go and buy one before the stock is picked over. Good-bye ndv. A turpentino man, a verdant stranger, and quite one too, came into Savannah Tuesday, from a point on the Savannah, Florida nnd Western Railway*, He luid soma money and yesterday eve ning went up Liberty street and took in the “Flying horses” and tho other public entertainments on that thoroughfare. He rode on the “Carotiselle” until ho was al most silly, and varied this pastime by visits to a neighboring shop, where he partook of several drink--, He was seen by some thieves who looked upon him ns legitimate .prey, and they succeeded in going through him, and obtaining every dollar he had, The mail had sense enough to know lie laid been rob bed, and endeavored to secure the assistance of some policemen of the Savannah, Florida and Wes tern Railway to aid him in recover- ing las money. They advised him to take copious salt .water baths, or go out in Lover's Lane and hire some one to kick him. ironic nav al store factor will have to send him liolija Times, 4t!). in the Waychoss Headlight in stead of the Jcsup Sentinel, as heretofore. AV. O. Ginsox. Ordinary. X. F. Robixsox, Sheriff, This Dee. 7, 1885. Blank books for sale at the Headlight office. The Breeze says “there is more cotton in Brunswick now than was ever before known. Our Northern friends of the “bloody-shirt stripe” are trying to get up a big howl on account of the burning of the Quitman uegro Academy. The people of Quitman are blameless, we think and have offered a reward of 1300 for the discovery of tlio incendi ary. The Brunswick Breeze man acknowledges that ho spent an hour at the restaurant counter when he was in our town. The restaurant keeper says when lie left there were neither bones, crumbs or scales to remove. -Made a clean sweep, and soap- reuse is on the rise. I have just received the lar gest und grandest display ol Holiday Goods over offered for sale in Waycruss. 1 invite com parison in goods and prices; having the largest stock custom ers will find it to their advan tage to make their selections at my store. (lit) E. II. CttAWLEV. The editor of -the Brunswick Herald was recently declared the most popular editor in Brun swick. lllulge, Nelson and Sta cy will please take a back seat. A young lady, however, says young Stacy is the handsomest, Jliidgo the longest and Will Nel son the most dudish. Santa Clause IIeadqual ters.—I mvite all my old cus tomers and the public generally to call and examine my largo and wtli selected stock of Hoi day Goods,-..comprising every thing that heart could wish in that line, handsome vases and toilet sets, and an endless varie ty of Toys to please the little folks, (3t) E. II. Crawley. From Charlton. Trader's Hill, Ga., Dec 5, ’S3 A grand ball was given at the courthouse in this place last night which was a success in every respect. Alueli credit is due the committeo of arrange ments, Messrs. Hardie, Andrews and Cason, for their unremit ting attention to all. Good Ol der was observed throughout the night, daylight finding neat ly all of us tnorc. The refresh incuts, consisting of fruits, eon fectioneries, and an abundance of cake of all kinds, the hand work of our lady friends, were partaken of with gusto, showing the appreciation of tho compa ny for good things, and wo wish for our friends many returns of such pleasant occasions, the ro- memberanee^f which will long linger in our minds. There is mo news down here; m court is over, crops are genetal- to-dav.—oav.maaii ly gathered and sugar boilings are the order of the day. The late cold snap has made us stay near fire. It begins to look us if our Northern friends arc bringing their frigged cli mate with them. Pick Wick. ride with him if it takes till Krismas to do hit, an so forth.” Jfrs. Crum, tho very clever hostess of the Crum House, at Homervillc, has had n nioe bath- lug house put up for the berjefit of hor numerous guests. Mrs. Crum -is always on the alerl to make her hoarder^ c omfortuWe, hence tlio" popularity of her house. The contest for the three prizes, offered by the Methodist unday School resulted! ns fol- ’ . Walter Stead list, prize; Sinnuus, 2nd. prize; Em- To All Whom It May Concern. GEORGIA—Ware County. All persons interested, arc here by notified that, .if no good cause be shown to the contrary, the fol lowing orders will he grunted bv the undersigned, on the*—~*day of January, 1 >>$*">, n»-\>it; Establish ing a neiv road as marked out by the Road Commissioners appoint ed for that purpose: From Glen- morc to Coxes hummock, by the way of L. I*. Steed ley’s residence. Also, changing n portiou of the public road as marked out by the Road Commissioners appointed for that purpose, from the Baptist church, near the residence of Geo. Lte, jr., so as to run parallel with the railroad to the Uawel place. ' Al s °i to discontinue the public road from Wares boro to the Doug lass fer-y on the Sutilla river. . Ahoj to discontinue the public fond from Green Roberts* planta tion to tlic Cofiee county line* Also, wil*passj upon the validity ol an order .heretofore granted, making the rood fiom O. F- Hop- A <1 w.m In nll.l .. C From Homervllle. <Jn tbo 2nd inst. J. \V. Wood ard stiller for JJ. <S H. Mattox', near Homerville, had a severe wound inflicted on bis bead by ono Williams Owens, col.*, who used a turpentine dipper, GENERAL PRESENT MENTS. Clinch Superior Court— October Adjourned Term, 1883. We, the Grand Jury, selected, chosen and sworn, for tho Octo ber Term of the Superior Court, of said County, beg leave to sub mit tbo following General Pre sentments: We find the public roads in the county in good condition, except in the Saussy district, where we find tho roads have not boon worked. We also find a portion of tho Mobley ferry road not worked. Wo respect fully call the attention oT the Ordinary to this matter. We liavo examined, through a Committee from our body, the public buildings of the county, and recommend that the court house be closed up around the bottom; and we recommend that tlio jail-bo condemned; and we recommend that tlio Valdosta jail be used. We have, also, by committee, examined tlio Dockets of the sev. oral Justices of tbo Peace nnd -Notary Public, and find them all correctly kept, except the dockets of J. II. Mattox, Justice of the Peace of the 1224th district, and J. A. Mikcll, Justice of the Peace of the J8S0;h district. We have appointed a special committee, consisting of John C. Humphries nnd M: M. Caswell, to examine the books of the other county officers and we recom mend that they make a tl orougli investigation of the books and workings of these officers, and tliat said committee be under oath and make tl.eir report to the next Grand Jury, mid we re quest next Grand Jury to em body «aid report in tlieir Gener- eral Presentments, and that they be allowed th:ee dollars,'each’, per day, for tlieir actual service. Wo recommend that J. R Dickenson, bo appointed to fill the vacancy on tho school board We recommend that W. J. Rivas, former Tax Collector, bo paid the sum of $12.05, upon an exe cution on W. F. Monroe; and tlic sum of $35 00 for extra ser vices rendered while tax Collec- tor, jfo also reeommend.tbat J. 8, Mil-gun be paid five dollars for services rendered in the county while Ordinary Wo have been petitioned to recommend the building of a bridge across tho Suwanoochee creek. We think the county, i: not able at this time to do the work. Several applications have b-cn made to ns to iucr, as J the pauper list. We respectfully refer them all to the Ordinary. Wc retpicst the Ordinary to con fer with thq authorities of Lowndes county in regard to building a bridge across .Alapaha river, at Hotchkiss’ mill. Wo recommend that the Jurors, both Grand and Petit, bo jiaid for one day’s service, first Monday in October, besides their services this week. And we recommend that tlic Jurors and Bailiffs for. the en suing year bo paid two (2).doilurs each, per day, We recouinied that the legal ad vertising be done in the Waychoss Headlight; wo nlso recommend that these G ncral Presentments be published in the same paper. Wc acknowledge our gratitude tvwvvvi Henry Hohenstein, REPEKSESTIXG $50,000,000 Fire and Accident Insurance, ?, Ga. To Our Patrons, The year is fast approaching ks end, and as we take a retro spective glance of eleven months that have, been rolled up on the reel of time we hope and believe we have done our duty. We think we have given you a good readable, wide-awake paper, at least wc have tried to do so, and and tho long list of subscribers upon our book is a sufficient gunrentee that our efforts have been appreciated. Some of those subscribers owe us small sums for subscription, while equally as many owe us for ad; vortising, job work, etc.— Through the summer we have not annoyed them with duns because wc did not feel pressed for the money, neither do we stand particularly in need of it now, but this is generally the time when a year’s business should be settled up, and we want what is ours. Our office expenses arc cash down, or no go, so is our ink, paper and other printing material, all of which have been paid that you might liavo your paper, work, etc., and now wc want our mon ey back. Those who find a red cross on the margin of their pa per will know they arc due us something, and tlioy are invited and earnestly requested ‘to waltz to the music’ and soltlo the bill. Those who do*so will receiv receipt with our thanks, and a promise to extend fair treat- ’mont in future with becoming accommodations. Tho best Lead I*cncil made, for five cents, at the Headlight flee. Ladies and gents* fino 1 gloves at B. Birmans’, very cheap. Blank Books,at tho Headlight Office. Just received, ono carload of salt, which is selling at $1.25 per sack at B. J. Sirin an s’, DuPont. If you need a first-class Rub ber-coat or suit, call on B Sir- mans, he can please you. Jennings’ Fever Tonic for sale by J. \V. Leigh, Folkston. Those who have fever will do well to give it a trial, as Mr, Jennings warrants a cure, A full line of Flannel tin dor- wear, for ladies and gents, at B. Sinnans*. nov II Two carloads of furniture" just arrived. Parlor sets, marble top bureaus, beautiful rockers, walnu and fancy chamber sets, single and double bedsteads, malting, mattresses, cots, stands,wardrobes, and anything in the furniture line, for sale by Oct, 28.—tf J, E, Bctleh & Co. A full lino of Cardinal Jack ets at B..Simians’. STATIONERY! t The Largest Stock Rver Brought to Waycross. The demand for plain and fancy stationery having increased with th growth of tlic coun ty, <ve have on sale Notc-Pap^r, Gilt-Eilge and Piain, Mourning-paper and Enve lopes, Letter, Hill-paper, Fnols-cap and Legal Cap-paper and Envelopes, all colors and sizes. Blank-books, < Hay-books, Pass ‘ books, Scrap- books, Autograph Albums, Pen cils, Pens, Inks, Playing, Vis iting and Business Cards, > plain OR PRINTED TO OR- dor on short notice. Mucilage, and Prepared glue, Envelopes and fancy box Paper, in profusion. Wedding and Ball Invitations, LEGAL BLANK-8—ALL KINDS, BILL HEADS. NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, STATI1MENTS, POSTERS, CIRCULARS, Eto In connection with the above enumeration, which only cbntains a few of the items in our stock, wo have a firsf-cli-ss job office where tho latest styles of fancy and commercial printing is exe cuted with artistic skill and attractive beauty. Orders from abroad for all kinds of printing promptly attended to and satis faction guaranteed as to price and work. Lauier & Youmans, Waycross ^ Gra. m coons FAMILY SUPPLIES. MV. R. BENNETT, Waycross, Ga. Has in store and is constantly receiving large, complete stocks of Dry Goods', Boots, Shoes, Cloth ing, Bress Goods, ladies and Q-entleme: Woodard was correcting him in ’ ’ — ’ the negro hit S. W. Register, J. C. Humphries, p;r’s old still to tho, eid of Wm. Tyre’s lane, by the wajr'of Waiter- town bridge, a public road, and rt Jurnev, 3pl. The Xfirizesj the same time wiil pa.-. u|ioi| the awarded in the order giVon ’e-.nipl-iiiit ai d asking mr ... , 1.,-i.., a disvoi.tine. nee of tia-same, ” ’ | petition having' beeit filed In I citizens of tfiA neighbor!io6f£g ; Given uink-nflv Vt-,.1 -uni i lignutunS.J >nes ran i of money fur i: his work when him. On the night of the 28tli inst. a robbery was committed at the Crdrn House, relieving young Crum and the R. R. agent at tbi^’llace, of a couple of watch es aSa some money . and other jowelry to the value of one hun dred dollars, and on tho night of the 4th inst. some one enter ed the store of C.X’. Drawdy at a window and went for tlio mon ey drawer, blit 'found it empty, and left without taking"anything as far a3 could be told, and Oil the same night cut a hole 1 enough toitfM the hand iitthe J-’otii docj^^BLosepli —l'y out. tq the CiuTH, the Solicitor General, and Mr, Roundtree, his assistant, for courtesies to this body, C. A. Smith, Foiomnn. Levey Davis, J. L. Morgan, A. R. Bennett, Jas M. Inman. IV. Crews John White, Sr.„ F. S. Walker Jasper Hughes. John White, jr., W..B, North, John E. Booth, F. M. Jackson, Elias Grifiiis, C. F. Hitch, J. 1’. Tomlinson, Ishain I’atterson, E, D. Hodges, M. M. Caswell. Send us \your'orders for pay checks. Many usesul articles at 10c Variety., store. A Yttlnitblu Medical TreRise The edition for 1880 of the ster ling Medical Annual, known as Hostotter’s Almanac, is now ready, and may be obtainc d, free of cost of druggists and general country dealers in all parts of the Uulted States, Mexico, and - indeed in every civilized portion of the Wes tern Hemisphere. This Almanac has been issued regularly at thi comindcement of every year over one-fifth of a century. It combines, with the soundest prac tical advice for the preservation and restoration of health, a large amount of interesting and amus ing light reading, and the calen dar, astronomical calculations, chronological itenas <fcc.. arc pre pared with great care, and will be found entirely accurate. The issue of Hostetler’s Almanac for 18S6 will probaply be the largest edition of a medical work ever publiuheddn. any country. The My stock of-hglies.and gents proprietor^. Messrs. Hostetler <k hanJ-tmi.de sbtta'H&t ht fX-jCo., Fiji .-burgh, 1V„, on receipt, of celled anywhere in the fact nothing to coinparf**"itli it two .;ent < opy by mail j anuot p His entire Atock is complete, with every article noeded in the -fatal* honsehold- Whenever you go to his storo to trade you find eveiythinj_ you need under one roof, thereby avoiding the trouble of runtiiug ail over town, and at reasonable pi ices. upr :5-l y WSESE TEE FASHIONS ABE. The Clothing Palace! We have removed, to oar magnificent new Iron Front Bail-ling, 101 Congress Sq-eet, Savannah, Ga., liavo oa hand a grand stock of »JH« X». -j Hats, Uiwerwear and Furnishing] upbOOlQ#. . I Overcoats, Overcoats* j Every Garment of fitcst stylo nnd best material. £$U1TS SmT Q 0* to responsible panics tfih privilege to examine before, payiof^ ** * * self measurement sent fne on application. l>on’t forgei thai nobbiest stock- of EENTSi YOUTHS’, BUYS’ AND CHILDREt Savannah.*. .V. To Country Merchai With increased room aidJ ~ ‘jiecments in Jub I uur bargains < pi it 3- we are - better l Clothing and UuJci l your orders.