Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, December 16, 1885, Image 3

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m rAYCRQSS HEAPjlGHT. Wednesday, dec. ie, isss HEADLIGHT FIABSSS. FOR MAYOR. XJSTOJF A. WILSON, Household utensils; 10c Variety | store. Send us your orders for pay clicks. Mis* Minnie Cannon lias gone home. The knights of Pytliians have organized. NoTroublc to choir goods at 10c Variety store. Blank books for sale at the l Headlight office, l^illiania yls<w Letra Sandersvllle. f Glassware 10c Variety store ''Miss Minnie Winters jvas I accidentally burned to death in I Savannah last week. Invitation cards aro out for a hall at the Grand Central next Friday night, 18th inst. .Next weeks paper will appear on |ors, nn original idea with us lour Christinas paper. II. C. Books 1 at 10c Variety , Mm T)r Wil on a Visit toSa xoncs. GEORGIA—Charlton County. The legal advertising of Charl ton county will hereafter lie done in the XVaycros* Headlight ire- stead of the desup Sentinel, as ■heretofore, \V. O. Gibson. Ordinary, N. F. Robinson, Sheriff, This Dec. 7, 1885. Xmas toys: 10c Variety store. If you need a first-class Rub ber-coat or suit, call on B Sir- mans, be can pleaso you. Albany wants a savings bank,” remarks an exchange. So does Waycross, wc might add. Jennings’ Fever Tonic tor sale by J. \V. Leigh, Folkston. Those who have fever will do well to give it a trial, as Mr. Jennings warrants a cure. Brother Hanlon, Albany Me dium : Pear Sir—The city tax for 1885 was only 30 per cent.; for 1884,50 per cent., a reduc tion of two-fifths. We don’t sell any whiskey, in Wavcross, either. Pointer for you; see? Editor Parker, of the Laud Agent, was bitten by a dog last week while dim visit to Waresboro. The dog’s teeth failed to enter the fiesh, Air. Pipker was not hurt, but we have nojt learned whether or Xnasmuchas-Jhe nov BRn^kn tUUVulsloWrftiW|g^J f^SS^s bee. lass Wilson goes Ito Savannah jweek to put in' apresh stock of (jffiristinasgoods, groceries &c. j You oan save 25 per cent, by buying your Stationary of all kinds ut the Headlight Office. The taxable property of the town is $33G,125. f Ten years ago it was about $9,000, or per haps less, by many hundreds. Many useful articles at 10c Va riety store. A rumor was afloat last week that a ho-mnlc mar, with she- male clothes on was in town. Mcrcyl 'Spose lie, slio or it had gobbled us up. You cun buy Fancy Station- airy, Autograph Albums and *S|rap Books cheaper at the HbddTfght Office than any other place in Waycross. Tin ware: 10c Variety store. My stock of ladies and gents hand-made shoes can’t be ex celled anywhere in the city, in fact nothing to compuro with it. B SinMAXs. Col. J C. McDonald will not he a eandidato for rc-electionlto theMnyoialty. IIo lias made a good Mayor, anyhow, and if he retires he does so with a sense of having well performed his duty. Xmas cards at 10c Variety store. f The new moon attempted to show its face last week, but the ugliuessrof the weather caused fair Luna to blush and hide be hind a cloud. Like young lov ers, as she grows older she will <!omc to view when the weather js fair. i It appears, according to state ments made in Columbus, that ! the Savonnah, Florida and Wes tern railroad has refused any connection with the Ceutrul line Ijjf boats at Bainbridge. Jn or- »jneet -this, the Centra] has established through rates ou otton and other freights from ^lutchiuson's landing on Flint This is a point opposite iuincy and Tallahasspo and y a go n trains have been put on tho road between these points ; Hutchinson’s lauding. In brdcr to bring cotton to Colum bus from that section they give a rate of 10 cents per bale, or 2 cents per hundred, on all cot ton consigned to Columbus from Hutchinson’s landing. In or der to still further invade what tl»6 Savannah Florida and Wes tern, and tho Florida Railway and Navigation company con ceive to be their territory, they have offered through rates of 10c. per hundred on all cotton from Hutchinson’s lauding to New York, Philadelphia and ceased. I have jijsl received the lar gest and grandest display of Holiday Goods ever offered for sale in Waycross, I invite com parison in goods and prices; having the largest stock custom ers will find it to their advan tage to make their selections at my store. (3t) E. H. Crawley. Tho Central Railroad having injured every railroad within its reach, has now tackled its boss, the S., F. & W. R. R. This move is made by cutting rates on the Chattahoochco territory. The Central is a “rat,” always trying to undermine some cor poration in its lcgitamate busi ness. A “rat” railroad or a "rat 1 mun is the most contemptible of God’s creation, Saxta Clause Headquar ters.—I invite all my old cus tomers and the public generally to call and examine my large and well selected stock of Bo day Goods, comprising every thing that heart could wish in that line, handsome vases and toilet sets, and an endless varie ty of Toys to please the little folks. (3t) E. II. Craiwley We take pleasure, this week, in introducing to the citizens of Waycross and surrounding country, Mr. Black, proprietor of the 10s variety store. Mr. B is an affable gentleman, and his customers find it a pleasure to trade with him. lie has, a va riety of goods and is offering some rare bargains. Next door to G. P. Folks’ drag store, Krom block. The names of A. J. Sweat, H. W. Reed and H. W. Wilson have been mentioned for another year on the municipal ticket. AVc hope they will consent to run, and that the citizens will ugree on another good man, which will make up the ticket. Just before going to press, and after the above was in type, wo have heard Capt. V. L. Stanton’s name suggested for councilman.— .No better man could be mentioned. All will be satisfied. A Valdosta dispatch says that on Saturday afterpoon the east bound fast mail train of the Sa vannah, Florida and Western Railway, in passing over the Witlilacoochee trestle about nine miles west of that place, knock ed gn old man from the trestle to a distance of several feet be low the track. The conductor had the train stopped and the old man placed in the baggage oar. It was found on investiga tion that the right arm of the old man had been terribly man. gled, and that he bad received several other bruises on his side. On reaching Valdosta lie was placed on the platform of the depot and a physician at once other eastern points. They also give through bills of lading cn all general merchandise of I5c per hundred, to and from tin same points. : This looks liki fighting in earnest, but the of- If‘out of sorts’ with headache, stomach disorder, torpid liTer, pain In back or aide, con stipation, rtc.ifKlert mar he lataL Osedose of Btrcnx’a Sanative Pills will give relict A lewdosti restore to new Lealth and vigor. Col. H. P. Brewer has moved his law office into the room over the post office, in Parkers build ing. Go to G. P. Folks’ for nice, ser- vicable Christmas goods, vases, perfume, toys, and other articles too numerous to mention. Miss Floride Burney and Mr. M. N. Baker, of this place, were married last week, Rev. Mr. Thom as officiating. They have our best wishes for the future.. Old eye-sore bool hoSWSSs been blown down, it is hoped the proper movements may be set ou foot to put a build ing suitable for an academy on the ground. The weather for the past week has beeu fair to drippy, when it wasn’t cold it was hot or mod erate. This information is giv en for the benefit of the Signal bureau. The Headlight is the legal organ of Ware and Charlton counties, by announcements al ready made, while the Grand Jury of Clinch county recom mended the legal printing of that county to "be done by us. If you want to make your wife happy with a nice Christ inas present, don’t fail to go to see Miss Kate Cannon hefoic making your purchases. She has an endless variety of goods, comprising everything usually found in a first-class millinery store, and will give you unheard of bargains during the holidays, adv 2t dec 1(5 Mr. J. A. Connellec, of our town, is anxious to get up a lodge of the “Improved Order of Red Men,” It is a good thing we think, and hope a lodge may bo established. The last order of red men that in habited this country were Semi- noles, but Air. Connelle-.’s “Red Men” arc said to bo an improved breed. We hope he’ll get. up a lodge anyhow. Two carloads of furniture just arrived. Parlor sets, marble top bureaus, beautiful rockers, walnut and fancy chamber sets, single and double bedsteads, malting, mattresses, cots, stands,wardrobes, and anything in the furniture line, for sale by Oct. 2b.—tf J. E. Butler & Co. A full line of Cardinal Jack ets ut B. Sirmaus’. Watchmaker’s Work. The work that falls to the lot of the watchmaker to perform is of the most delicate character,- and Remands a high degree of skill to execute in a satisfactory manner. It requires more than mere mechanical knowledge, for some intimacy with the sci ence of horology is needed to make the successful watchma ker. This term, watchmaker, has come to bo something of a misnomer in this country, since the majority of watches are made by machinery, and the work of most of tho skilled watchmakers is confiincd main ly to repairing watches. In near ly every jewelry establishment in the country the repairing of watches is made a special fea ture of the business, and work men, more or less expert, find mdlgn4»tfiauday men t at j. work of this kind. Unfortunate ly, all those claiming to be watchmakers are not proficient at the business, but contrive to botch most of the wort entrust ed to them. The demand for good, skillful watchmakers ex ceeds the supply, and the defi ciency is made up with halffledg- ed journeyman who have picked up what they know about watch making while serving as shop boy somewhere, or who have, ill some other way, obtained a su perficial knowledge of the inside of a watch. Tho number of fine watches that have been ruined by botches calling themselves watchmakers cannot be estima ted. Messrs. Lanier & Youmans, Waycross, Ga., have ha advau. tage of a practical education as Watchmakers and Jewelers, and an experience of fifteen years at tho work bench, and being prepared with all tho nec essary tools and machinery, can give perfect satisfaction to all who entrust their work to them They make the repairing of fine watches a specialty, and warrant their work for twelve months by special certificate. dispatched for. Dr, -Burton soon arrived and pronounced him in tidying coudition. Be seemed to suffer severely from his injuries and lived but a short while after reaching there. He gave his name as John Briggs. No more could be learned as he had no papers oil his person. He was shabbily dressed, and from all .appearances was a tramp. A coroner’s inquest was held, the verdict being that he died from injuries received on 'ailing form a trestle, caused by • rain. JJe was turned over to and reap Its'a re yet to bcjqui undertaker end was burned ‘ e poor fan: It gives us pleasure to again make mention of Mrs, Cotting- hain, the fashionablo milliner, on the corner, near the court, house. Airs. Cottiugliam has Tecently returned from the mar ket with a large and well select ed stock of staple and holiday goods, and her long years of ex perience is a sufficient guarantee that she has made her purchases to suit the wants of her custom ers. 10 dec adv. The town council have reoeiv ed and published the last quar terly report of the officers for this year, and as the month of December draws to a close the time for which they were elected expires. In looking back over the past year, the condition of the town one year ago and the present improved state of Mu nicipal affairs, without the least reflection upon previous officers, we must say that the present Council, Mayor and officers have performed their duty with econo my, judgment aud satisfaction. The streets are cleaned and drained considerably, taxes have been reduced, order has been preserved, and the uhole ma chinery has been handled with skill and ability, and onr citi zens cannot better show their appreciation of these* faithful gentlemen than by unanimously re-electing them to (he respect ive positions they have so well ' iHtif A Valuable Medical Treatise The edition for 1886 of the ster ling Medical Annual, known as Hostettcr’s Almanac, is now ready, and may be obtained, free of cost, of druggists and general country dealers in all parts of the Uuited States, Mexico, and indeed in every civilized portion of the Wes tern Hemisphere. This Almanac has been issued regularly at the cojnmecement of every year for over one-fifth of a century. It combines, with the soundest prac tical advice for the preservation and restoration of health, a large amount of interesting and amus ing light reading, and the calen dar, astronomical calculations, chronological items &c.. are pre pared with great care, and will be found entirely accurate. The issue of Hostetter’s Almanac for 1886 will probaply be the largest edition of a medical work ever published in any country. The proprietors. Messrs. Hostofcter & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., on receipt of a two cent stamp, will forward a copy by mail to any person who cannot procure one in his neigh byrgood. Henry Hohenstein, REPEESEXim $50,000,000 Fire and Accident Insurance, Waycross, Ga. Jr i i i 4 < i i i To Our Patrons. The year is fast approaching, its end, and as we take a retro spective glance of eleven months that have been rolled up on the reel of time we hope and believe ivc have done our duty. We think we have givon you a good readable, wide-awake paper, at least we have tried to do so, and and the long list of subscribers upon our book is a sufficient pnni-nnlee Ibnt mir line. been appreciated. Some of those subscribers owe us small sums for subscription, while equally as many owe us for ad vertising, job work, etc.— Through the summer we have not annoyed them with duns because we did not feel pressed for the money, neither do wc stand particularly in need of it now, but tltis. is generally the time when a year’s business should be settled up, and we want what is ours. Our office expenses are cash down, or no go, so is our ink, paper and other printing material, all oi which have been paid that you might have your paper, work, etc., and now we want our mon ey back. Those who find a red cross on the margin of their pa per will know they are due us something, and they aro invited and earnestly requested ‘to waltz to the music’ and sottle the bill. Those who do so will receive a receipt with our thanks, and a promise to extend fair treat ment in future with becoming accommodations. The best Lead Pencil made, for five cents, at the Headlight of fice. Ladies and gents 1 fine kid gloves at B. Sirmaus’, very cheap. Blank Books, at the Headlight Office. Just received, one carload of salt, which is soiling at $1.25 per sack at B. J. Sirmaus’, DuPont. Ga. STATIONERY! The Largest Btook liver Brought to Waycross. The demand for plain and fanej* stationery liaviug increased vrilh th growth of ihe country, we have on sale Note-Pap*,r. Gilt-Edge and Plain, Mourning-paper and Enve lopes, Letter, Bill-paper, Fools-cap and Legal Cap-paper and Envelopes, all colors and sizes. Blank-books, 4 Bay-books, Pass books, Scrap - books, ^ . - /-V Autograph Albums, Pen cils, Pens, Inks, Playing, Vis iting and Business Cards, plain OR FRIMTBB TO ©R- der on short notice. Mucilage, and Prepared glue, Envelopes and fancy box Paper, in profusion. Wedding and Ball Invitations,- LEGAL BLANKS—ALL KIND?, BILL HEADS, NOTE HEADS. LETTER • HEADS, ST AT IIM E N TS, FOSTERS. CIRCULARS, Etc In connection with the above enumeration, whic h only contains a'few of the items in our stock, we have a first-dess job office where the latest styles of fancy and commercial printing is exe cuted with artistic skill and attractive beauty. Orders from abroad for all kinds of printing promptly attended to and satis faction guaranteed us to price aud work. Lauier & Youmans, Waycross, Gra. ‘ T« All Whom it Stay Concern. GEORGIA—Ware County, f All persons interested, are here by notified that, if no good cause be shown to the contrary, the f u l- iowing orders will be granted by he undersigned, on the 11th day of January, 188(5, to-wit: Establish ing a new road as marked out by the Road Commissioners appoint ed for that purpose: From Glen- more to Coxes hammock, by the way of L. P, Stccdley’s residence. Also, changing a portion of the public road as marked out by the Road Commissioners appointed for that purpose, from the Baptist church, near the residence of Geo. Lee, jr., so as to run parallel with the railroad to the Rowell place. Also, to discontinue the public road from Waresboro to the Doug lass fer-v on the Satilla river. * Also, to discontinue the public road from Green Roberts’ planta tion to the Coffee county line. Also, will pass upon the validity ot an order heretofore granted, making the road fiom O. F. Hop per’s old still to the end of Wm Tyre’s lane, by tho way of Waiter- town bridge, a public road, the shine tiina will pass upon the comjaaint and petition asking for XOTICE. Ware County Superior Court, No vember Term, 1885. GEORGIA, Ware County. J. J. Rigoixs, ) vs. / Libel for Sarah Riggixs. ) Divorce. It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff' that the de fendant does not reside in said county, and it further appearing that she does not reside in the State, It is therefore ordered by the Court that service be perfected on tho defendant by the publica tion of this oidei oucc a month for four months before the next term of this Court, in the Way- cross Headlight, a newspaper pub lished in W are County, Georgia. Granted this November 4th, 1885 M- L. Mershox, Judge S. C. B. C. H. P. Bbewsb, PIffs Atty. Clerk’s Office Sup Ct Wore Co. I hereby certify that the above is a true extract from the miuutes of this Court. W. M. Wilson, dec 9- 4m Clerk S, C, W. G AfcY COW =A]\ D FAMILY SUPPLIES. A. R. BENNETT, Waycross, Ga. Has in store and is constantly receiving large, complete stocks of Dry Good?, Boots, Shoes, Cloth ing, Dress ^«oods, Furnishing Goods For Ladies and Gentlemen. NOTICE, Ware County Superior Court, No vember Term, 1885, GEORGIA, Ware County. Wm Mosely ( vs, <Libel for •Axx Eliza Moselv ( Divorce, It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, in the above stated case that the defendant does not reside in the county, and it further appearing that she docs not reside in the St»to: It is, therefore, ordered by the Court, that service ] be perfected on the defendant hv publication of this order once a month for four months before the next term ot this coart, in the Waycross Headlight, a newspaper published in Ware oounty, Geor gia. Granted this November 4th, 1885. M. L- Mf.bshox, Judge S. C. B. C. H. P. Brewer, PIffs Atty. Clerk’s Office, Sup. Ct. Ware Co, I hereby crtifcythat the. above His entire stock is complete, with every article needad in the family household Whenever you go to his store to trade you find everything you need under one roof, thereby avoiding the trouble of runniug ail over town, and at reasonable prices.. apr 5-1 y ■WHERE THE FASHIONS ARE. The Clothing Palace t We have removed to oar magnificent near Iron Front Bail Hag. 161 Congress Street, Savannah. Ga., have on hand,a grand stock of vxxi& &im inifM c®©®bsh©, • ■ ■: Hats, Underwear and l^urnishing GrOOI3S. Overcoats, Overcoats, Every Garment of latest style and best material. SUITS SENT C Q*P to responsible panics with privilege Jo examine oefbrc paying. .Rule* for selfmdasureineiiv sent free on application. Diii’t forge that wr nobbhk stock or gents*< youths*, 83* s’ km chilqrehs 1