Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, December 30, 1885, Image 3

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WAYCROSS HEADLIGHT. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 30,1885 HEADLIGHT FUSSES. Communication from “Kap pa” too late for this issue. Two tickets for Mayor and council men; sorry wc caii’t elect both. Mr. JWnrreti Lott is not a can didate for Mayor, see notice else where. # Mr. Stanton, brother of our fellow-townsman, V. L. Stanton, was in town lust week. Mrs Oleman’s school opens next Monday. She is too well known for any words from us to aid her. The contest fur Mayor prom ises to be exciting. Let every thing be fair and square, so that we won’t need a returning board. Mrs. E. D. Waldron has receiv ed the check of the knights of Honor for $2,000, the amount of insurance |on her husband’s life. Sara Ann Higgins, Deacon Skinner. Polly Skinner and*G. Washington Trowser aie among our special features for the New year. Mr. James D. Knowles, form erly of this place, but now of Eastman, book-keeper for Amos- keag Lumber Co. was in town last Monday. Wavcross stands greatly in need of a competent in ale-teach - cr for a high school. Such person, sober and well recom mended might do well here. J. J. Saxon, ono of our sub scribers from Nahunta, Wayne Co. was in our office last Monday, ilc looked fat and saucy, as if he had eaten his Christmas dinner. Rev. W. A. McDonald will de liver a sermon 'at Oleman’s hall on the night of the 2nd Sunday in January, 1880. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. Miss Willie Lowtbcr, cousin of our friend. Charley Lowther, is visiting friends in town. Do ing clever and pretty sho may ensnare the affections ot some ofour boys. The party hisq Monday night at Col. II. 1\ Jirewer’s residence n \succ&s, just like every thing else tlmt dur friends gw lip. We could not attend, bu were kinJlv remembered. A coronet's jury was sum moned Sunday morning to in vestigate the shooting of Lucy Reed, last Friday, which result ed in death Saturday night, fol lowing, and the crime was fixed oil Columbus Newcoart. Both colored. Miss Miiie Stead opens her scl ool at her father's residence, op posite the Presiding Elder’s ho oe, next Monday. Miss Stead is i splendid teacher for the vo mg. and those who patronize lie ■ will ho sure of receiving moral training, good advice and kindness. Wo have recently examined the books of Ool. H. P. Brewer, clerk of tho town council and Judge of the County Court, and find tho dockets of both offices neiatly and handsomely kept. Ool. Brewer is the right man in tiiesc positions and we hope lie will retain them as long as he wants thorn. “Sights and Scones” in the large cities, by a racy correspond ent who is not unknown to our readers will appear in these col umns in duo time. Subscribe now, and take in all these sensa tional and interesting letters from New Orleans, CincinuaUi, Louisville, Richmond, Atlanta, Charleston and other places. Miss May McLendon of Thom- asvillc is on a visit to her sis ters, Mrs. W. S. Johnson and Mrs. W. E. Butler, of this place. Miss McLendon is quite a bril liant .musician and a charming young lady, and we hope the young peoplo of our town will seo to it that she lids an enjoya- • Ue visit. I C/*rt /»» Cbri stmas with its joys and festival fes commenced in our town f illy one week before the usuul t ime, and was opened at the Grind Central Hotel with a Ball, C apt. Austin, the genial landlo *d clearing away the ta bles fr )m his spacious dining room i n order that the revelers might have full swjiv. There would be but little need for us to att *rnpt to particularize on this a; fair, because everything was ii order, and fully, carried by successful management. Numerous parties, at private residences were on the pro- gramlme for the week, and as the wjeather clerk seemed to be in a nappy huinqr, the nights were propitious, the days the very kind desired and nog,event of a shd tenor had a tendency to cast a gloom ovef the spirits of the young and. tho gay, and happiness was tjhe order of the day. _ ] On Christmas Eve., the pa rents and friends of the children of tho Sunday Schools of the Methodist and Baptist church es arrayed in gorgeous costume and Brilliant beauty Christmas trees jin each church with pres ents for the little ones. The Methodist Christmas tree came off ahd was robbed of its fruit between 7 and 8 o’clock, the ex ercise being opened with sing- ing by the choir, prayer by Un cle Thomas and an address by Rev Mr. Whiting. Santa Claus arrived about that time, dressed in becoming garb, bedecked with flakes of snow and made the little ones roar with joyous laughter. As a success, Santa Claus, in the pevson of our young friend of the Reporter, D. B. Sweat, was a trump, and did his part well At the Baptist church the crowd was not so dense, but the children were just as anxious, the music equally as sweet, the prayer and address by Rev. J W. Quartcrman ju3$*a« eloquent ft erything equally as siic- 1 only tho tree was on a F scale. The only regret d expressed by any one present was from a little boy who was sorry that Christmas didn’t'come every day and Sun day, too. At Oleman's hail the young people were preparing for anoth er Ball, which was not as grand an affair as could be desired, be cause with the stripping of two Christmas trees the populace hud become tired, therefore, all, except a few departed for their respective homes after the lust Sunday School affair. The Waycross Orchestra was in at tendance at botli balls that we have attended recently, and al though composed almost entire ly of anietours, exhibit by their splendid music a wonderful pro ficiency, and before many moons ive shall boast of musical talent second to none in the State. The parents, teachers and friends of the Episcopal church Sunday school did Hot forget their little ones. When the noise and bustle of Christmas had passed away, they reared a Christmas tree iu their church, last Moudav night, splendidly arrayed with presents for the old, the voting and the gay. Ev- erything passed aivav pleasantly, we are told, and tho children blessed the kind Providence that scnds'Christmas day. 1 a T'filtttrtl Probably the most, beautifuj and ’highly-prized present taken from the Christmas tree at the Metliodist church last Thursday nigflt was a small box, three by four inches, addressed “James M. Freeman, Waycross, Ga.,” and which contained a ’ hand some gold (ininature) compos ing stick (a printer’s stick, in which type are set into lines) valued by the recipient at $50. and c an be worn as an emblem, breast or scarf-pin. With this valued treasure was a note which read: Waycross, Ga., Dee. 24th. Mr. Jame§ M. Freeman : In consideration of our high appreciation of your valuable services to us please accept this small token. Yours, very respectfully, Lanier & Youmans. The short, crisp business like note was in the well-known chirography of Mr. T. E. Lanier, the senior member of the firm of Lanier & Youmans, proprie tors of the Headlight, whom we have tried to serve faithful ly for the past year, and in whose employ we expect to re main. Kind and generous, both gentlemen are more like brothers toward us than employ ers, and their treatment has long ago convinced us of their kind regards. This token of their appreciation of our ser vices will ever be cherished ns the composing stick of stronger fraternal feeling, which, when cemented with the bonds of mutual tenderness will last far beyond tho time when our eyes grow dim with weeping because we are not more worthy. Here’s success to you, gentle men; may your boat sail smooth ly o’er the sea of life; and may your hands be full of the sweets of ioy and happiness, and when 'the deafening roar of the catar act at the end of the river of Time sounds in your tars as you approach the end of your journeys may you both be able to take a retrospective glance of a well spent life. GEORG/A—AY aie. County. Will bidet-to ilid lowest at public outcry at the edart house At said county, At 10 ociock. a. m.. on the 30ih day pf January, 1880, the contract lor buildiug a public l»ri *ge over Kettle Creek on the public road leading from Waycross to the Cason bridge on the Satilla river: Said bridge tofbfe* 380 ft long, and 16 ft wide, post to be at least 8 inches in diameter, and to be of good lightwood or heart cypress, three posts to the bent, and bents 10 ft apart: caps to be 6x8, and 14 ft long, 4 rows of stringers, 4x12, to be of good heart lumber, either sawed or hewn square; flooring to he 2 inches thick, with good and substantial balusters on each side 4 ft high. Plan and specifications in my office for inspection, said bridge to he completed by March loth, 1886, and to be paid fi r wiien completed.’ Contractor will be required to give bond with good security in double the amount of the bid, for the faithful perform ancc of the contract, and to keep said bridge in good repair for sev- years. This Dec. 23d, 1885. WARREN LOTT, Dec 30-4t (pr-fee 681) Ord’rv. Mr. Hamp Mattox, of Homer •file, planted this year, fifteen acres in Couch peas (commonly known as the acre pea. The pens arc planted two to three in a liiil, fifteen feet each way; they arc im mense runners, in the fall covering the ground, and it is not unusual for the vines to run fifty feet each way. They make a fine pasture for cattle, horse or sheep, though they are not regarded as fine bear ers. They are inexpensive, inas much ns it takes only a few quarts to plant several acres, and as a fertilizer, when properly turned under they are invaluable.— Should any of our farming frien*ffir ** wish to try them they can get seed from Mr. Mattox, by addressing him at Homcrville. Administrator's Sale. GEORGIA -Ware County Will be sold before the court house door in , the town of Way- cross, in said county, between the legal hours of sale, on the first sday in February, 1886, the following property to-wit: Lot of land No. 399, in the 8th district of said county, containing 41)0 acres, more or less. Sold under and by irtue of an order from the Court of Ordinary of said County, as the property of the estate of Bur: ell Douglass, deceased, for the pur pose of paying the debts ami making distribution among the heirs of said estate. Terms cash. Tins Dec. 23,1885. James R. Douglass, Henry DcHjclass, Admrs est. Burrell Douglass, dcc’d dec 30-4t (pro fee 381) $50,000,000 Fire and Accident Insurance, Waycross, Ga. NOTICE. GEORGIA—Charlton County. The legal advertising of Charl ton county will hereafter he done in the Waycross Headlight in stead of the Jesup Sentinel, as heretofore. W. O. Gibson. Ordinary. N. F. Robinson, Sheriff, This Dee. 7, 1885. LANIER Notice. GEORGIA—Ware County. W. S. Johnston hhs applied for exemption of personalty, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. in., on the 2Ulh da, January, 1886, at the courthouse in said countv. This Dee. 23d 65. WARREN LOTT, dec30-2t(j rs fee 8-lc) Ordy Tw A 1 Whom it 3Inj Concern. GEORGIA—Ware County. Anna G. Hardy, widow of Sea born C. Ilardy, late of said coun ty, deceased, has, in duo fi rm, ap plied for the setting apart a year s support for herself and minor eh. - dren out of the estate of said de cease. Appraisets were duly ap pointed for «hat purpose, who filed their report in my office on t: e 18th instant. Now, therefore, no- dee is hereby given that I w.ll >ass upon the return of said ap praisers, at my office, ai 10 o’clock a. in. on the first Monday in Feb ruary next. Given under my hand and official signature, tl.is Dec. 23, 18S5. WARREN LOTT, dec 30-4t (i fee 342) Ordy. To All Whom it May Concern. GEORGIA—Ware County. All persons interested, are here by notified that, if no good cause be shown to the contrary, the fol lowing orders will he granted by he undersigned, on the 11th day oi January, 1886, to-wit: Establish ing a new road as marked out by the Road Commissioners appoint ed fur that purpose : From Glen- more to Coxes hammock, by the way of L. P. Steed ley’s residence. Also, changing a portion of the public road as marked out by the Road Commissioners appointed for that purpose, from the Baptist church, near the residence of Geo. Lee, jr., so as to run parallel with the railroad to the Rowell place. Also, to discontinue the public road from Waresboro to the Doug lass fcr**y on the Satilla river. Al-o, tu discontinue the public road from Green Roberts’ planta tion to the Coffee county line. Also, will pass upon the validity ot an order heretofore* granted, making the road Bom O. F. Hop per’s old still to the end of Win. Tyre’s lane, by the way of Waiter- town bridge, a public road, and at the same timo will pass upon the complaint and petition asking for a discontinuance of the same, said petition having been filed by the citizens of the neighborhood.— Given under my hand and official signature. WARREN LOTT, dec 9 Ordinarv. JACKSON GRIMES. W. E. Spangler lias moved Ills tin shop to bis iron weather board ed bouse,' cfn the north side of courthouse;square, where lie is prepared tip do anything in his lme. Mr. Spangler is a splendid workman And never fails to give satisfaction. He deals largely iriJstoves, will re pair Unaware, fijt piping or do anything you may desire. SCHOOL IIT^Z. Miss Maie Stead will open a school for- primary anil .intermediate Married. Last Thursday, Christmas Eve., in LaGrange, Ga., Mr. R. A. Baker, of Waycross, and Miss Carrie B. Greene, of the former place, at the residence of tho bride’s parents. Mr. Baker and his bride arrived at their Lome in WaySross on Saturday night following the weddin] and were recipients of the hearty congratulations of numerous friends. The groom is a worthy NOTICE Georgia — Charlton county. Will be leased to the liigliesj bidder, on January the Pth, 1886 at Folkston, Ga. untill January 1st, 1S87, the following property belonging to the estate of J. R. Buclilot, to-wit: One good stor e bouse, with ware house. ( tin Bachelot old stand. ) One fin oiling house, two stories high with eight rooms, with kitchen and all other suitable out build ing, also two or three acres of open land under fence, a good garden, peach trees and graje vines, in connection with said dwelling. One field containing seven or eight acres under good fence suitable fir trucking- Terms will be cash on the day of lease, or note with good se curity payable on January the 1st. 1887. J, Rawls, Administrator. Estate J. R. Babiielot. Dec' the 12tb 1885. 3 t Printing $3.27. W. D. lloyl & Co., Wholesale and Rr tail Druggists of Rome, Ga.. sav: We have been selling Dr. Kin ’s New Discovery, Electric Bit ters and Buchlen’s Arnica Naive for i. flare neverhuu.lied reme dies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfaction. Tiiere have been some rvonderhd cures cffecled by these medicines in this city. Sev eral cases of pronounced Consump tion have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters.. We guarantee them always. Sold by Folk:; & Morgan. quarc) Waycross, Ga. Dee 2—If. Practical Jewelers and Publish ers Waycross Headlight. Just Received—A new slot of Jewelry’. Lanier & Youmans. OTJR W1H and HI Ilcpairiugis under the care of Mr. G. R. YOriiARS, therefore, our customers may expect prompt and careful work’. JOB PRINTINO Of all kind’; made a specialty. Lauier & Youmans, W ay cross, Gra. DRV GOODS FAMILY YUPPIES. t Attention. All persons indebted to me, are respectfully requested to settle their accounts by January All who do not settle by that time, their accounts will be dis con tin ctrar*- ^Respectfully, • E. H. Crawley. 13 $1 A\ r eeks. NOTICE. Ware County Superior Court, No vember Term, 1885. GEORGIA, Ware County. J. J. Riggins, ) vs. / Libel fur Sarah Riggins. ) Divorce. It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff’ that the de fendant does not reside in said county, and it further .appearing that she does not reside in the State, It is therefore ordered by the Court that service be perfected on the defendant by the publica tion of this oxde. once a month for four months before the next term of this. Court, in the Way-1 cross Headlight, a newspaper pub-j lished in W are County, Georgia. Granted this November 4th, 1885 M. L. Mershon, Judge S. C. B. C. H. P. Brewer, Tiffs Atty. Clerk’s Office Sup Ct Ware Co. I hereby certify that the above is f a true extract from thejidnutes of this Court. W. M. Wilson, dec 9-4m Clerk S. C. W. C A.. R. BENNETT, Waycross €fa. Has in store and i* constantly reeemiii large. complete stocks of Dry Good?, 15 not S' 8 hoes, CJloth- ing, Dress a woods, Furnishing Goods For Xiadieg £5 . His-entir* stock is complete, with household Whenever yon go to Ilia oti need under one roof, thereby av town, and at reasonable piL-es. emen. ted in the family ii find everything f running all over i-lv # Ibranches on y, 1880, fence, opp: r’s homo. • month; tho l>t Monday ill at her f.Uher.’s i tho I’rosidii young man of our town- am the selection of a bride ne has taken one of Georgia's fairest flowers. May jov and peace ho their nortjy^i during life. The Police Gazette will he mailed securely wrapped, to nnv address in the United States for three months on receipt of One Dollar. Liberal disconnts allowed to postmasters. Agents and clubs.— Sample copies mailed free. Ad dross all orders to RICHARD K. FOX j Dec 2, Franklin Square, SEW!NG*MACHINE| HAS NO EQUAL. PERFECrsnilSFACTION MeigSefisi Mails Co. —ORANGE, MAGS.— Ct. tods, Co. ZSZarfcu.. rraa&cc,Cat "mm NOTICE. Ware County Superior Court, No vember Term, 1S85. GEORGIA, Ware County. Wm Mosely ( vs. <Libcl for Ann Eliza Mosely ( Divorce. It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, in the above stilted case that the defendant doe? not reside in the county, and it further appearing that she does not ^reside in the State: It is, therefore, j ordered by the Court, that service j be perfected on the defendant by publication of this order once a month for four months before the next term ot this court, in the Waycross Headlight, a newspapei published in Ware county, Geor gia. Granted this November 4tli, 1885. M. L. Mkrshon, Judge S. C. B. C. H. P. Brewer, Tiffs Atty. Clerk’s Office, Surt. Ct. Ware Co I hereby certify) that the above is a true extract yom the minut< of this court. V L M. Wilson, I WHERE THE FASHIONS ARE. ' The Clothing Palace! We have removed to our magnificent ne-* Iron Front Building, 161 Congress Street, Suvaonah. Ga., have on hand a grand stock of ma® ram ■ Hats, Underwear and Furnishing GOODS. Overcoats, Overcoats, Every Garment of latest style and best mate nil. X SU1TS SENT C- 0* P to responsible panics with privilege to examine before.paying. Rules for self measurement sent free on application. D >n*l fori nobbiest stock or GENTS’. YOUTHS’, BUYS’ AND Savannafj. V* ' To Country jflercha. With increased rooi tik* facility we are^ ;r inducements i^ub Wjl of Clothing an :aminc onr barg^^^,’'""' us your that wa have tbs |3* clotting in m W