Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, January 20, 1886, Image 4

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■H Pi .OSS HEADLIGHT. Tlii* paper mil I e mailed to iliers, postage free, at ihe fol- ing price: year, ------ $1 50, 31 x months. ...... 75. Three months, ----- 50. Invariably in advance. No devi- IfvUCc.- GEORGIA—Ware County. * -Will be let to iife lowest bidder at public outcry at the co.irthousc of fcMd county. at 10 o'ciock. a. m., on the 3oih day of January. 1886, the contract lor lniihlittg a public hrl ’ge over Kettle Creek on the public road leading from WaycroM ationwiUbc made from the abo\e j to the Cason bridge on the Satilla prices. CnxfrakMM ~Krmi*wleV Circuit. Clinch—Frst Mondays ill March and October. Appling— Second Mondays in March and October. Wayne—Third Mondays In March and October. Pierce—Fourth Mondays in March and Octolier. Were—First Mondays in April and November. Coffee—Tuesday after second "Monday in April and November. Charlton—Tuesday after Third Monday in April and November. Camden—Fourth Mondays in April and November. Glynn—Beginning on the first Mondays in May and DeccmW, and to continue for two weeks, or sis long as the business may re quire. Fierce Lodge, So 97,1. 0. 0. F. "Meets in their hall in Waycross every 1st and 3rd Thursday even ing at 8. o’clock, P. M. Wm Noble, N. G. W. J. Carswell, Sec. nver: Said bridge to be 3R0 ft long, and 16 ft wide, post to be at least 8 inches in diameter, and to be of good lightwood or heart cypress, three posts to the bent, and bents 10 ft apart: caps to be CxS, and 14 ft long, 4 rows of stringers, 4x12, to be of good heart lumber, either wed or hewn square; ilooring to be 5 inches thick, with good and substantial* balusters on each side 4 ft high. Plan and specifications in my office for inspection, said bridge to be completed by March 15th, 18SG, and to be paid for when completed. Contractor will l*e required to give bond with good irityin double the amount ol the bid, for the faithful perform ance of the contract, and to keep said bridge in good repair for sev en years. This Dee. 23d, 1885. •WARREN LOTT, Dec 30-41 (pr fee 900) Ord’ry. Savannah, Florida & West ern Railway. All trains or this road are run i»- Central (90) Meridian time, which i* 86 minutes slower than Sava>.n-v time. On and after Sunday, Nov. 15th, 1885, PasiSacngtr trains on this road ill run as follows : SAVANNAH EXPRESS. Bead Down Read -Up 6 42 arc lv Savannah tr 1 25 pin 8 45 a n lv Jesup ar 11 29 am 10 10 amar Wivcrosg ar 1 00 a in 2 16 |.ni ar Jacksonville lv 7 30 am Stops at all regular Stations on signair. Pullman buffet sleeping New York to Ja« ksonville io to Wusbi gion. Pullman palace sleeping car St Louis to Jucksovilie via Evansville, Atlanta and Savan nah. FAST MAIL 7 10 am lv Sa\annah ar 7 40 pm 8 38 am lv Jesup ar 5 55 pin 9 34 am lv Bla.-Kshetir nr 4 57 o>u 9 50 ain a.* Waycross lv 4 40 pm 11 2G am ar Callahan iv 2 25 pm 12 00 mar Jacksonville lv 1 40 pm 7 30 am lv Jackso ville ar - terarrivul fast mail train. :V Tickets sold and sleeping car berths secured at Bren’sTickct of fice, and at the passenger station. jas.l taylor, General l**~ eng«J v«e R. •. FLEMING jtopeiiut^id lo p>i VVavcross Lodge, No 305 f. A- HI- Mcctotn BucU.nnan Hull, corner Church .nil I’oml Street*, on the 1 and 4th Wednesday* of every nth, at 8 o-elock, i>. m. W. I*. Pakkkb, W. 11. 5. Wainnos, Sac. bf H.-Wavcross Lodge, NO. 2, 911, ic 2udj and 4th Friday lof every month in their Hall pTaldron and Ivey’s stoic, 3nirstreet and Albany Ave- ^Iknrt Houenstein, Dictator pss, Reporter. LltaOPS SERVICES. ^rian Church, Rev J. IV. i Pastor—Preaching 19 30 [j30, p. m., the 3rd Sab- 1 month. Rev. .T. M. Cross, filing at 10:30 a. m., , the 2nd ano 4lh Sab- |monlli. Prayer ineet- dnesday evening 7 :30 Hay-school at 4 p. m. p, South, Rev. E. M. : Preaching at 10 :30 ., on 2d, 3rd every month gj\ ery Thursday ehool, 4 p. m. r>—Rev. 1). Wat- i Winn, Rector: Services, even '1st and 3rd Sunday, at 10 :30 A, M. and 7:30 P. M. Sunday School at A P. M. Bible Reading every Wed nesday evening at 7 :30. A. M. E. Church, Rev. John <Cea«ar, Pastor-Preaching on l-l jin«l 3id S .hhaths in every month at 10:30 a. in., 3, ami 7:30 p m. M. E. Church, Kev. 11. Boston, Pastor—Preaching the 2d Sabbath in every mouth at 11:30 a. m. and 8 p. m. Admlulstrntoi’s Sale. GORGIA —Ware County Will be sold before the court house door in the town of Wav- .eross, in said county, between the legal hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in February, 18S6, the JjaUowing property, to-wit: Lot of ffnd No. 399, in the 8th-district of laid county, containing 490 acres, more or less. Sold under and by virtue of an order from the Court <of Ordinary of said County, as tin property of the estate of Bun ell Douglass, deceased, for the pttr- gtase of paying the debts and making distribution among the Jieirs of said estate. Terms cash. This Dee, 23,1885. . James R. Doiiolass, Hex by Douglass, Admrs est. Burrell Douglass, dec*d dec 30 41 (prs fie 381) To A I Wham It Stay Cor.cei a (GK( »RGIA—Ware County. ~ ' Anna G. Hardy, widow of Sca- 1n>m C. llnrd.v, iate of said court-' fr, deceased, has, in due form, np [ *2i#4 for the settino u ytiffr s \~ Tor herself and minor chil dren o«t of the estate of said do C&ifti. Appraiser were duly ap pointed for .hat purpose, who file** iheir -report in my office on the jt8thinstant. Now, therefore, no tice U 'hegeby given that I will pass upon the return of said ap praisers, at my office, at 10 o’clock u. it), on tha first Monday in Fc!>- yi^rv next. Given under my hand and official signature, this Dec. 23,1885. WARREN LOTT, /lec 30-4t (prs fee 342) Ordy. Mrs. E. Highsmith. DEALER IN GENERAL UMBISE, just opened a large assortment FALL AND WINTER BOOBS, Consisting in pail of DRY GOODS. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes Gents’ Clothing m YANKEE NOTIONS, s& »!>&£», BUGGY HARNESS, HARDWARE, 1ISWARE, CROCKERY- WARE, READY MIXED PAINTS. White Lad, Varnishes. Linseed Oil, Colorings, ETC., ETC. Vlso full Line uf floll, and Gold Jilted JEWELRY, 30LD AND SILVER WALTHAM ASC ELEIH Watches, SOLD BREAST Pi-JS 'SHAWL PINS EAR RINGS, FsNGER LINGS, SOLE P-N3, ETC., ETC. £8P* V.'c are lieu.Kjuarters foi line Jewelry. All ;,o 'i!s at tin luwi's: ca.- h prices. stj>9 9ms. “BilisffSals. Resident Dentists, Georgia. -Upstairs in the Talker sep 12 ly. OFFICiE- fiutldiug. Jenkins House, DuPont Georgia Table supplied with the best the market affords at all times. Atten tive servants and good beds. aotice. GEORGIA—Charltou County. Superior Court of said County, No venitier Term, 1885. Sallie Burrs LIU-1 for d vorce F *C. FOLKS. K. W. CARSWEL ar 9 20 am lv 6 4* am Iv 6 25 am Iv 6 06 an lv 5 49 am lv 5 00 I am now offering real estate l’ r sal-4 both improved and valuabli Wa well to cal! on :o tell. - a 26-Cm ml unimproved — n business will do * earlw as I intend J. A. JONKS, Agent. penetrative, POSITIVELY BURNS IMA,?. (GE0i>''lA--\Ti.rc jCoontr, ff, S. Johnston has applied for exemption of per-ocinltv, anti I >rill pa** upon tlie *a«uc at 10 /,’clock, a. m., on the 30th day of J^pjlirv, 1886, at tho eourtlioua:- in s^id eounte. This Dpe, 23d 65. • >ViUREN LOTT. dso (fts ftoS-Ic) Ordy' 1 our orderi b Pri Bend us for T. E. HANEURY & CO.. ADVERTISING AGENTS, ATIjAIMTA, ga. A’her^ ad» «rti*in* oo^t r^rt* may b« a -t cur beat raw*. J?. O. Drawer 30. We now have mourning paper and envelopes in boxes. Laxiek & Youmaxs. Oohbius House, m?po\T. tiEonoiA. Mrs. P. B. Dobbiqs, Pro. Rates, 32 03 per day; special Vales lo railroad ••nuwbneea. and to 'esrnlar Ixi.ii-Vjts by Jlic |j»ontb or »eek- Th^ h»,yje nf *^r and new- 'urnlahjf*the table supplied s c^o. 8 08 am lv Callahan ar 6 30 ptu 10 20 am Iv Waycross ar 4 20 pm 11 06 am lv Huinrrvillc lv 3 33 p-« 11 20 am ar D.ipout lv 3 20 pm 4 54 pm nr Live Oak lv 9 35 a 8 25 pm ar Gaiuesu.le lv 6 20 am 6 20 aiu !v Gaiucsulie ai 8 25 pm 9 35 am lv Live Oak ar 4 54 pm 11 25 am ar Dupont a 3 15 pin 12 13 pm lv Valdosta lv 2 31 pn 12 43 pm lv Quitman Iv 2 03 pm I 3'J pm ar Tlumiasville lv l 20 ptu 3 35 pm ar Baiubridge lv 1 10 am 4 0! pro ar Chattuhoocbee lv 1110 am Slop* at all stations named an i all regulai stations between Duponi and Gainesville and Thomasville ami Chattahoochee. Pullman buftW sleeping cars 'Washington to Jack nonville. Jacksonville to New Y«uk. and to and from dacksouvTle and ia Pensacola and Alo- hile. P dlroan palace sle*»pins4 cars Jacksonville to 8t Louis via Savau- h, Atlauta, Nashville and Evans lie, ATLANTIC COA8T LINE EX PRESS. 4 32 pm b’ Savannah 6 45 pin lv Jesup 6 42 pm Screven 7 05 pin lv Pa tie iso n 7 24 'im lv Blacksltcai ar Way crus 8 45 pm ar Callahan 10 30 pm or Jacksonville 5 00 pm lv Jacksonville ar 7 55 am 5 43 pin lv l alia hail ar 7 11 pm lv Waycross ar5 10 8 46 ,-m lv Uoinerville lv 4 25 i 9 00 p ra ar Dupont Iv 4 10 3 50 pm lv Gainesville ar 9 i5 7 15 pro lv Live Oak ar 5^0 am 9 10 pin lv Dupjnt ar4 30 am 9 59 p m lv Vuldhsta lv 3 »7 .» m 10 30 pro lv Quitman lv 3 48 am II 20 pro lv i horossville lv 2 03 am • 2 11 am ar Camilla lv 12 44 am 1 41 urn ar Albany lv 11 58 am Stops on!j* at stations named.— Pullman bullet sleeping cars Wasii- ingiou to Jacksouvillve. Pullman palace sleeping cars to and from Jacksonville and Louisville, ami Gainesville and Montgomery, via riiomasviUe and Aibauv. . ALBANY EXtMiSAS. 8 15 pm In Savannah ar 5 35 am 10 50 pm iv Jesup l\ 3 02 am 1 35 am ar Waycross lv 12 30 am >20 amar Calahan lv 9 50 pm j'OOamar Jacksonville lv9 00pm > OOain lv Jacksonville ar 7 00an. 5 50 pm lv Callahan arGOOau 200 am lv Waycross nr 11 15 pm i 30 am ar Dupont lv 10 15 pm > 50 am ar Live Oak lv 7 15 pm f 15 am ar Gainesville lv 3 50 pm 1 05 am lv Dupont ar 9 50 pm > 10 am lv Valdosta lv 828 pm >02 am lv Quitman lv 7 43 pm T 15 am ar Thomasville lv 6 30 pm 12 00 in ar Albany lv 3 30 pm Stops at ali regular stations.— Pullman palace sleeping cars tv aid from Savannah and Jackson- ille, Savanr.ali and Gainesville* Jacksonville and Louisville vi~ t homasville, Albany and Mont gomery. Pullman buffett sleeping cars Jacksonville to Washington. JESUP BXi'iuss*. ) 55 pin lv Savann.ih ar 8 45 an. 5 20 pm ar Jesup lv 5 45 am Stops at all. je^ulftr- s tat ton s. CONNECTIONS. At Savannah for Charleston at 7:10 a in, 1:45 p in and 8:00 p m ; 5>r Augusta and Atlauta at 8:40 \ •»i and 8:10 p m ; with steamship*- for New York Monday, Wednes day and Friday; for Boston Thurs day ; for Baltimore Tuesday and Friday. At Jesup for Brunswick at 2:10 a m and 8 ;50 a ra; for Macon 1135 a m and 12 ;20 midnight At Waycross for Brunswick at 3:40 a m and 3:10 p m (except Sunday) At Callahan for Fernandina at 7:50 a m and 2:30 p m (except otmday); for Waldo, Cedar Key, Ocala, etc., at 11 ;33 a m (except SundayJlkqd 6:50 p in. At Jacksonville, with rail and steamer lines diverging. At Live Os.k for Madison, Talla hassee, etc., at 10;36 a m. At Gainesville for Ocala, Tava res, Pemheiton’s Ferry, Brooks- ville and Tampa at 11 *,20a m; for Cedar Keys at 4 ;00' (except Sun day.)- At Albany for Macon and Mont- goincrx*- At Chatt«liop<^ee for Pensacola Moldie, Npw* Orleans; with "Peo ple’s finjo stoimers advertising to fe»r ApalacMeola on Sunday^ for.CoJujsbns on Tuesday af £2i' Drs. Foils & Carswell, Waycross, *!»ra., Offer their professional services to i he citizens ot ; Wat cross and sur rounding i Tsountry. ty All calls promptly att-mle<l to. Office ^ v er Folks & Morgan’* drug store. July 4-12 uios. Black-Smith Shop.. Buggies, Carts and Wagons Repaired, and ail kind of Black mithing done in the best man»e> I lie roanvfactmiog of Carts. Uu-* [ies and Wagons and tin* repairing •f Guns, Pistols, made a specialty All kinds of wore will receiv prouij.t attention W. R' NEWSOME, Prop. Shop, .west of the jail, on Pond aud Pj.ru 1 lei streets, aug 19-6 mos. B SUMWiii i art fasten fi. B. H CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. and after Sunday, Dec. 20, 85 passenger trains on this road will , un as follows: Brunswick, lv 6 30 a r Wavcross, ar 9 55 a n Wayer- ss.lv 10 25 a i Albany, ar 3 40 p i Macon, ar : : Atlanta ar : : Chattanooga, ar : Cincinnati ar' : : RETURNIN’ Cincinnati, lv : Chattanooga lv : Atlanta, Iv : Macon, lv : Albany, Iv 11 30 a m Waycross ar 4 20 p in W i\*cro.«*. lv 4 42 p in 3 55 Biu-tswick. nr 8 lop m 7 08 Pullman Palace Buffet SIeepim> v'ar upon through trains between lack son ville aud Cincinnati. J. A. McDuffie, A. A. Gaddis, Gen Pass Agt. Fice-Pres and Gen'l Man’r. F. W. Angier, As’t Gen’l Pass Agt. George But is. It appealing to the Court by tlv- return ot tiu^Sheriff aud other sat isfactory evidence, t tat the defend ant does not reside in sail Count'*, nor Stale, it is ordered by the Court that service U* p« rlVeted on the de fendant by the pul>lic£iion of this notice in the legal organ or the County, in terms of the law, ami said cause b* rctiiruahh U* die in xi term of tliis C ourt. This N«> *-iuhe. 17, 18^5. Granted in oj*en Court. Al. L. Mkiohon. Judge s. .C It C. JNo C. McDonald Libellants Alt* A true extract from the luiuutes * f Lliailtou Superior Court. A. G. Gowex. Clerk S. C. C. C. NOTICE. Ware County Superior Court, N« ven.ber Term, 1885. GEORGIA, Ware County. Wm Mosely ( vs. <Libel for Axx Eliza Mosely ( Divorce. It appearing to the Court by the return of the Sheriff, in the above stated case that the defendant doe. not reside in the county, and i, further appearing that she does m t reside - inttic State : Ivucfun-, ordered by the Court, that service oe perfected on the defendant b\ publication of this order once u month for four months before tin- oext term ot this court, in the Waycross Headlight, a ncwspupc; published in Ware county, G 'or gut. Granted this November 4i;.. LS8o. M. L. Mf.usilon, Judge S. C. i>. C. il. P. Brewer, Pltfs Atty. Clerk’s Office, Sup. Ct. Ware Co , I hereby certify that the above- < a true extract from the minute- f this court. W. M. Wilson, . Clerk S. C. W. C. J. R. KNIGHT u-mdlcs \SewinA Macbires. Parlor *•],;*. -j - , and Coitim (iins. A'.-o or-- • ;1 t ever knocked On* butter out of .i Be Bsni/esr Qaty Firsl-Chss Articles, t8S~ The New Ho\ine Mnohine a specialty. M;J:h 1193 sold on easy tortus and delivered with full lessnnfe . any where within hi* rcaA’i. Just look out for ‘ Old .Black Charlie when he i? making his rounds. Oct ce is-oa m c-go / At Folks & Morgan’s Old Stand, Are now Ileadqmu oi ; (>r FANCY AND FAMILY mCEtHES, Hav** now i Choice Lot o* \ | Flour, Pearl firits, Bacon, Hams, Ki e, JLnrd,\||Lttcr,* C’hccsc, Sugar, < 6 45 p 1 10 13 p 1 10 35 p 1 1 4 00 a 1 8 10 a 1 12 40 p 1 7 00 p 1 6 50 a 1 2 45 p 1 6 15 p 1 10 47 pj 3 38 a 1 NOTICE. Ware County Superior Court, No vember Term, 1885. GEORGIA, Ware County. J. J. Riggins. ) Libel Canned ^ood and a • Ise usually f ■mid in eoi,viu<*e 1 that this i liitle cash. In cquil^y^w- All g > »As leliv *re l in a t v p irt of the to i nice Assortment of Confcctio iaY s , i a tir-t-elass grocery store. G i'JLa s the place to gel good g«>xls an<f 1 everythin? rail Hid be > of then lor ^ Ot C Mir*—. •A Bukrry, and parties can '^>t fresh Bread everyday. 28 ° h SPOT GASHif H. A. McGEE S B81 BT H“'i'ju-t npe e ! a f ill line of KKKSI1 FAMILY OU JCBKIE Bacon, Lard, Flour, Butter, ltice, Grits and Meal. Also a full line of canned goods, and Confection eries. cigars and Tobaccoes. All of which we sell at low fig ures for “Spot Cash.” Saraii Riggins. ) Divorce It appearing to tiie Court by tin return of the Sheriff that the de feudal)t does not reside in sail .-ountv, and it further uppearim • iuit she does not reside in the Gute, It is therefore ordered by • ie* Court that service be perfected 0 i die defendant bv the publica tion of this orde. once a month f >r four months before the next 1 -rut of this Court, in the Way- cross Headlight, a newspaper pub lished in VV are County, Georgia. iraoied this November 4th, 188: M. L. Muitsnox, Judge S. C B. C. ri. P. Brewer, Plffs Atty. Clerk’s Office Sup Ct Ware Co. 1 hereby certif, that the above h true extrac. fr -M) the mi iu c ot ds Court. W. M. W l3 )V, doe 9- 4in Clerk S. U W. C The Live Grocer. W. S. Johnston. Will sell you provisions cheapei CHSAFEB. tii m anv other house in town, and no mist ike. Give ««e a trial. Store near M>*tliodi«t. church aug 26-6 in sog. ■fMWHEN,.CUBED as«s either 8«*. lio-»«*«.rc»iiHed.iind r*c#i»*p*y after JACKSON GRIMES. W. E. SPP yV ayeross, Greo H. P. BREWER, Attorney at Law, Waycross, Georgia. SSS- Practices in all the courts ;>f the Brunswick circuit, and else where by.^special contract. Office in the courthouse. £ Brown House. Folkston, Go. fts. A. L Bran, Prop’s. Board. $2.00 per day ; >-|ieeiul rates lithe week or month. tf 13 $1 ~\V eeks. The Police Gazette will be mailed securely wrapped, to any address in the United States for three months on receipt of One Hollar. Liberal discounts allowed to postmasters, Agents and clubs.— Sample copies mailed free. Ad dress all orders to - RICHARD K. FOX Frauklin Square, N. Y. jonx c. xicholls. | wtg. bbaxtley it ; TTO& CVS AT Law ’ Blackslier, Georgia. £C«-- Praciico ju Boot il Bios Her, (Nort’i side of Courth-iuse Square) Waycross, Ga. m L*gia. Tin-Smith ajid Jobber, / Moofmg and Valley-fluttering at- tended to Fromptiy. Pumps and Driven Wells made a specialty. Old repaired at a very small dost. OROtKG from the country solicited, and prompt attention will be given. CASTINGS 1 furnished to fit any stove. CHAU .1 C I ADD .* . . .y , r } thonso, next to Postoffice., SHOP uikI STORE, on north si<Je of-Co oct ce-eu in vog< —-—-— —i - - — . /1 t -.; i LANIER & Y0UMANNS, srs & Jewel