Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, March 24, 1886, Image 2

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/ ild 5=B WAYCRQSS.HEADLIGHT. WEDNESDAY, March 24,1886 Exitrrcd slthc P«*>t Office at Vtmjcrxjm m second cUw» mail matter The Largest Town Circulation. The Largest Couutjr Circulation. The Largest General Clrcnlatlon. The HEADLIGHT eUlu mere Horn. I fa Kesd by mere 1 ether Paper pehllahed Official Organ of Ware. Official Organ of Charlton. T. K. LAXIKlt, ■TANKS M. rUBEMAN, Editors. Mrs. Carry, of Brunswick is dead. Congress has rejected $50,000,000, Southern Claims. Editor Jones is making a good paj>er .of the Bluflton Springs, we beg the priv ilege to remark. Brunswick and Western Railroad Shops, “The Contract tor building the new railroad shops of the Brunswick and Western railroad was let out last Sat urday to Ed. Braggins, Esq., who promises to do the bpok work in three weeks. The brick and lumber have been ordered, and will soon lie on the ground.”—Brunswick Herald. We are pleased to note the prompt ness with which the Manager of the road has gone about this work, and to be made of brick; that is so much better. Now, Mr. Gad- diss, when this Mr. Bragins is through with the railroad shops, won’t you send him or some other fit and competent person up here and let him build us i brick depot? We need it very much the traffic of the road is increasing; the freight receipts to and from this place demand it, and wc believe the compa ny’s interests require it. Think about , and with your usual promptness attend to this matter, and we’ll climb to the top of the highest hill and shout praise wfth a hearty good will. 8t. Patrick’s Day was celebrated by Irishmen on both hemispheres. Pat was in his glory. The orange trees around Orlando, Fla., are blooming profusely, and a good crop is predicted. The Mayor and Marshal of Palatka, Fla., had a fight last week. The Mar shal was the best man. Master Lewis Sutton, son of our friend W. E. Sutton, of Brunswick is dead. Ilia parents have our condolence. The Breeze says Brunswic’* paid $1-1, 000 for improveinent'of the town, hut it can 1 ! be shown where the imgrovement Appling county has the finest court house in the Brunswick circuit. Every thing considered, Ware has the sorriest one. We learn that the Grand Jury of Wayne county recommended Col L. Sweat to succeed Judge Mcrshon on the bench. Next! Editor lllidge, of the Brunswick Breeze, lias been wrestling with the measles. The measles downed him, ^ Smoke- Stick Cinders. s from all Parts of tbe C-sntrjr/Pst in Shape for Our Headers. I H4JNSWICI/ art Western B.R. R CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. The Macon and Covington railroad ^ follows: road will r EAST BOUND. has been graded a distance of forty miles.- The Florida tourist i» returning home-1 Ar Schlutterville 10 55 u ward. The trains from Jacksonville \ T Hoboken n 10a are often crowrded. •• jfahunta 11 35 a The Savannah, Florida and Western I Railroad car-shops lit Savannah are | preparing for the change of gauge in J On one of the railroads that centre in ^ Macon is employed a conductor who graduated at two colleges. He can punch Brunswick leave 6 30 tickets in five languages. i Jamaica !* ' 7 20 The Brunswick and Western Railroad l Waynesville “ will change guage when the other roads 1 Atkinson of the State ao. The B. & W. will keep ~ ‘ Lulaton * Atkinson * Waynesvilh 1148a 11 59 a m 12 10 p m Jamaica 12 40 p n: Brunswick 1 40 p m RETURNING. 3:45 a r 415a i 4 32 a i 5 00 ai 5 13 a i 5 27 a i SPRtKC GQi The Greatest Variety ever brought to Way- cross. ’ C 15 a but we hope lie’ll get up. Governor McDaniel says he is not in the race for the gubernatorial nomina tion. Governor McDaniel has made a good and faithful officer. Bill Jennings, white scoundrel of Richmond county was jailed last week for raping a white woman 05 years of age. He is in danger of lynching. The police of Brunswick made a raid on the negro gamblers of that place last week and captured four of the gents. They had converted a box car into* gambling saloon. , G*xrge Q. Cs, lormon elder some weeks ago antT released on bond, failed to appear last Wednesday when his case was called, thus forfeiting $25,000. It is rumored that Gen. John B. Gor don has disposed of his Florida interests to Northern capitalists, and the transfer has made him very wealthy. He may become a candidate for Governor. Ex-Gov, Smith's Speech. A reliable correspondent writing from Talbottonin regard to ex-Gov. Smith’s speech in which he endeavored to ar ray the people against the railroad in terests of the State, says: “It was cal culated to arouse hostility between cap ital and labor.” That’s bad business for an ex-Govcrnor to be engaged in— stiring up the two powers that, com bined, furnish a lever with which the world may be moved, and opposed to each t*theYmust bring discord and ha tred. The people of Georgia are warn ed against him. Having some grudge, or being actuated by some motive, we know not what, he bids defiance to the corporations that have opened up the resources of the country, and tries to get the people to adopt his “kill the country policy.” What man is so blind to reason that he should vote for men who oppose protection to the railroad interests of the country? Has not the railroad companies as much right to appeal from the tyranical decisions of the commissioner as a private citizen has to carry his case from a lower to a higher tribunal ? The Headmu ht holds that one has no more rights than the other before the courts. This is all the railroads ask—it is all we ask—and it is all that wo have ever asked for, and notiiing more than justice. We do not desire the destruction of the com- ive want the law governing its mysterious and one-sided workings modified, so that the railroad managers may have a voice in court; that they may have some control of their proper ty, and that capitalists may not be driven from our laud to inves iting fields. T.uit'» the ul position—that's Uio p^siuou maintain, because u is Ik pies’ interest, and we uo so w ward, favor or alfection, and, inasmuch hinted, nay, asserted, las. all.iouruuU intavor^waod- ificaliun oi the cop 1J11 i 831011 >y powen had bc^n bribed,. that Jh&- foul slaudenj^^wm^tJreathei such a whisper concerning us will hav the assertion thrown back into his teeth with the burning letters “mali cious falsifier” branded thereon. Wt are for the people, the country and iiu country’s advancement. up with the procession. The Central Railroad’s gauge will lack half an inch of being standard when changed, but, i.t is claimed, no annoyance will be occasioned. A citizen of Monticello says that when the Covington and Macon railroad is completed, all the people of that town will excurt in a body to Macon. An exchange says a discharged con ductor in Florida has whipped out a whole railroad corporation. This be longs properly under the head of rail road raeket. A Savannah, Florida and Western railroad man, of a colored way of twisting brakes was killed, by^being ^ The Supreme Court of Texas has de cided that a railroad is liable for injury to a free-pass passenger, holding that the same degree of care was incumbent upon the carriers of f^ssengers in the case of one traveling on a free pass as in ic case oi a passenger paying full fare. A corps of engineers will soon com mence a survey of a new railroad to run from Spartanburg to Blackville, S. C., Ex-Governor Smith has commenced operations, that is speech making, in support of the railroad commission. The railroad commission needs no sup port; it needs doctoring—modifying. Ex-Governor Smith is the only per son that has anything wrong to say of Gov. McDaniel, and that ts prompted because our Governor is opjwsed to the absolute powers of the railroad commis sion. • The Albany Medium has suspended publication and brother Hanlon has made an assignment of bis office for the benefit of his creditors. Two papers couldn’t live in Albany and there are a great many towns whore two papers ■wont prosper. “Some call it measles, others roseola, and others scarlet fever, but it is proba bly a combination of all, and danger ous when neglected, or one exposes himself too soon.”—Brunswick Herald. Yes, and some call it German meas les, and the disease is said to be a sec ond cousin to broken bone fever. Mias Emma Norman, of Memphis, Tenn., shot and killed Henry Arnold, her seducer, last Thursday. He com mitted his crime under promise of mar riage and then wedded another lady— and this being too much for Miss Nor man ahe settled the difference with her little pistol. An Old Cltli Mr. J. M. >orris, an old real dent of Rome. Ga., says, that he had been badly trouble with Kidney Complaint for a great many years and with Eczema for three years; at times could scarcely walk and had tried many remedies without benefit, until he begau taking Electric Bit- teis and anointing Ins hand* feet with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. This treatment offordefl him great lief and he strongly recommends Electric Bitters to all wko suffr Kidney Complaints, or need a Blood Purifier, .'sold by Folks & Morgan Lulaton Nahunta “ Hoboken “ Schlatterville Waycross arrive WE8T BOUND. Waycross leave 10 25 a 7 54 a 804 a 816 a 8 30 c 8 58 a 9 15 a Waresboru arrive 10 45 a r Millwood “ 1112 a i Red Bluff Pearson Kirkla«d_ Westoni 68 mile post Gray’s mill Willacoocheu£ Alapaha and thence to the Savannah riv< connect with the Charleston route from Millen to the Savannah river, which is part of the East Florida and Georgia, running from Jacksonville via Jesup, to Millen. Last Wednesday morning, when en- neer Campbell of the S., F. & W. R. ., was leaving Jacksonville, his en gine knocked the body of a negro man from the track, which, upon examina tion, was found to have been first mur dered and then placed on the track. Subsequent developments caused the arrest of another negro, who claims that he killed the man on account of intimacy with his (the murderer’s) wife. A dispatch from Nashville, Tenn., last Thursday says: “John Baxter, of the United States to Albany $3 3 Circuit Court, to-day ordered the sale of proportion, the East Tennessee, Virginia and Geor gia Railroad, «*n application of the Ceil- \ \ tral Trust Company of New York. The sale is to occur alter six weeks advertis ing, and not later than May 25. Pay ment is to be $100,000 cash on the day of sale and the balance either in cash or ortgoge bonds issm-d under the Willingham Poulain Sumner Ty Ty Tifton ‘ Vancovillc ‘ Alapaha * Willacoochee 1 Grays Mill * "" —tile post ‘ 5 40a e 5 58 a r 6 08 a E 623a i 6 49 a n 7 01 an 7 43 an 8 11 a u 8l4an j 8 20ar 8 26 a n J8 35 a n 1844 a $11 37 p i 111 47 pi 112 01 a i Westonia Kirkland Pearson Red Bluff Millwood Waresboro Waycross a i Stops _ Pullman, Palaoi, Sleeping and Mann Beudoir Sleeping; Cars upon Jackson ville and Cincinnati through trains 3 38 a Purchase tickets at B. & W. stations and save extra lire collected or train. Unlimited rates for tickets Way nl Main’r. P. W. Axgiek, j Geivl I’uss Agl. Wouldn’t some of the natives of Geor gia l>e surprised if Ex-Governor Smith should turn out to be a candidate for Governor. He is making speeches against the fostering of railroad enter prises, the building up of the wapte- placcs in the State, but all this racket may be a blind to feel the pulse of the people as to his chances for Governor. Wo hope the masses know how to treat him. A man that will stump the State to check the building up of the country won’t make a good Governor. The wife-of J. U. Barton, llo*. yeui\- su imJlor.-</f • BuUorick pattern' 1 fame at Atlanta, is trying to get J?husband's tine remitted. Barton was convicted of cheat ing and swindling in the City Court and fined $1,000. He lias since been working in the •.•on my gang. Mrs. Barton called on Chief of Police Connoi- iy Wednesday and asked him to, aid her in getting her husband out of the gang. She says that he is in very bad health, and is getting worse daily. She claims that it will kill him to continue working in the g'ang. She thinks that if she can get one- half of the fine remitted she can pay the other half. If she fails in getting the fine reduced or remitted she will endeavor to have her husband tranferred to the jail. She will appeal to Judge Van Epps, and will also call on the Governor. Comprising the latest styles an,d designs, consisting of Ladies, Misses land Childrens’ Dress Goods, Shoes, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, ilibbons and everything a lady , njeeds, in this depart ment of my store. Mens, Youths and Boys’ Cl ing. G nnmnlMn il.. l .i *. .Jx T»E U A TIP This Stock is complete, having ip store the very latest styles o\ kinds and prices, Kerseys, Jeanl^, Water-Proof and all kinds of for yourself. ADE clothing, all ods. Come and see Family and Staple G Particular attention is paid to this Department, and I Housekeeper desires, and of the b sat grades. Fresh groceries Furn iture imAbund Where von can refurnish your jhouse wkh ar petition in this or any oth^yjayi-W ■ •P^^TRrii** — **«*»•— " Farming and plaintatiffn-1 Plows, Hames, Collars; Chains and everything| needed can be Stoves and ffardwal T keep on hand several kinds of stoves. cookiiJg apd heating, isfaction. All kinds of Hardware, Cutlery. Tootfs, Nails, Screws, that a man or woman needs of this life’s 4 Special, Tspecia; If you do not sle whatt; you d as we have not the space for Goods carried over will be sold regardless of price! A large lot c I will sell you goods cheaper than you can huv them in any mar my goods, and I hope all will so regard it and ask’for what they public for patronage in the past, I ask a continuance of the saint Waycross, Gil., March 17, 18SG 4t will pay for Headlight . - - - j Offers in this col- We now have mourning pape> - and envelopes in boxes. Lanier & Youmans. ifchn: ILD LAND-TAX SA KS FI) • JUt Thirteen negroes' were awaiting trial in the courtroom at Greneda, Miss., last Wednesday, when ten whitejnen arm ed with Winchester rifles entered and shot eight of them dead, besides wound- in* others, two of whom have since died. The negroes had murdered a white man in cold-blood. Mr. Thomas Gray, a farmer living near Nashville, Tenn., returned from town last Wednesday and found his wife murdered, shot in the. back of tho head, while the infant child sat beside its mother, playing in her life blood. A negro, John Gillispie, has been arrested for the crime, it being pretty clearly proven that he killed the lady in an at tempt at rape. Lynching is probable. Refcring to an item which appeared in this paper last week, Perham, of the Quitman Free Press says: “Jim Free man, the crazy editor of the Headlight wrote the above. He is always trying to get us into trouble.” This is not the first case on record where a lunatic ac cuses his friends of being crazy. We a*k for an enlargement of the asylop. Go it, “old *h*rct*U!” On the Alabama road, about five miles from town, by the side of the road, is a lonely grave that marks the resting place of an unknown Confederate sol dier, who was killed during Mlie war in a skirmish or while on picket duty nearby. The good people of the neighborhood have placed asubstautial fence around the grave.—Rome Courier. A $60,000 hotel is now on the tapis at Brunswick. Mr. Mil- bank proposes to subscribe $30,000 and the old hotel site opposite the big artesian well at its assessed valuation, if the citizens will subscribe the re maining $30,000. It is pro posed to have the building, ex clusive of furniture or the land ou which it stands, cost 160,000. Mr. R. E. Nichols, of Pulas ki county, bail a young man ploughing a good horse last week and he drove the horse, not no- ticing, into a burning stump hole % and the horse got both hind feet and legs into the fire and before'the suffering animal could extricate himself, all the hair^Mid skin was destroyed and his hodfs will probably shed or grow offii He will.not be fit for ! use for ms&£4Ziontli5. Still the hideous scandals accumulate. No sooner than it had been settled that Grover Cleveland, the boy, did not run away with his grandmother’s cat and singe its tail over a baking fire than it is confident ly asserted that Grover Cleve land, the man, oNce belonged to a fire company and that he used to jump on the steamer and make the other fellows pull him to the scene .of the con flagration. The sickening de tails of such an atrocity are apt to make even the stoutest heart quail. 4 ' A Mr Burkett living in the north end of Appling county, was so enraged at his daughter going to church that he cursed his Maker, and at this juncture lost his speech*and since has be come entirely helpless. GEORGIA—Charlton County.' Under and by virtue of sundry tax fifas against unreturned wild lands, is sued by Johnathan J. Stokes, tax collec tor in and for said county of Charlton, and the State oi Georgia, I will expose for sale, to the highest and best bidder, before the courthouse door at Traders’ Hill, Charlton county, Georgia, on the first Tuesday in July next, between the legal hours of sale, the following de scribed property to-wit: First District. Lots of land No. 4, 12, 14, 16, 23, 20, 34,35,37.60,72,75, 77, 82, 85,-87,88, 89, 90, 91, 94,103, 105, 107,10S, 109, 111, 112,117, 123, 126, 129 and 132. Second District. Also at the same time and place, the following lots in the second district: No. 14,15, 79, 116, 119, 137, 183,186, 189, 202 and 249. Tenth District. Also at the same time and place, the following lots in the 10th district and second section, Nos. 44, 48, 60 and 65. N. F. ROBINSON, Sheriff Charlton County, Ga. inch 24th, 1886. SpdviaC Premium No. 1. For $iu cash with the order, vvu will send y -u the '‘Headlight” i'oi one year, with either a double or s.ngle case, coin silver watch, stem wind and stem seiw>ynrrantfd to he first-class in everjrlJ||^.»et. The Watchs wc are sendin^out will cost you anywhere $15; they have either Waltham, Elgin or Lancas ter movements within them. Order at once. Remember those watches can b3 had as a premium on ly with the “Headlight.” froa\ us, at these prices. Special Premium No. Scar as Soar for We Intend to be Heard ! HONEY I; Nrsved is -fioncy umCtfUslidW: MADE! yUvul our special * REM1U I>. M. PARRY. Prat. FIRST’S PATENT CJOTIOI ■TWO PERFECT MACHINES Itll 0B*E. T^e Only Successful and Perfect made to Plant both Cot ton find Corn. NO SPRINGS. NOT COMPLICATED^ Any^ body can manage and Plants Cotton Seed as it Ccmesfrom the Gin. pP Address- Citation. GEORGIA—Charlton County. Application will be made to the court of Ordinary of Charlton county, Geoi> y (term of Said court for xe hundred and fifty acres eave to sell one! hundred and fifty of land (part of /lot No. 2, in the 2nd District of said county) belonging to estate of JameslB. Baker, late of said county, for thd benefit of heirs and creditors of saiq deceased. j M. N. BAKER, Adxqr. estate J. B. Baker, mch 24, 41 •’ For $5 cash we will send you the “Headlight!’ _ pne year, and give you a stem wind and stem set, open face, nickle watch, worth $8, and is first-class in every re spect. These watches have been tried by farmers, merchants, me chanics and railroad men all over* the country and have always given satisfaction. Send direct to us; no others can give you such bar gains. Special Premium No. 3. To tbe Front Onoe More. Citation—Homestead, Georgia—Ware County. Ann Jane Waldron has applied for exemption, of personality, and I will pass upon the fice. atlOo’clock, the 5th day of April, 1886, at my of- This Mar .-h 15, 1888. •> WARREN LOTT, * ‘THE GIRL I LEFT BEHIND ME.” For $2 cash with the order we will mail you the “Headlight” one year and send you a splendid nic kle Clock. These clocks are the best styles manufactured, and are worth $1 50 each, in any retail store in the land. Thtxjire cor rect time pieces and will run any position. Special Premium No. Jj- Something Mew—Bead On. Something that everybody needs. For $1 50 we will mail the “Head light” one year, and send you five quires good note paper with five packs of New Government, white laid envelopes, worth, at retail, $1. VMMEDOE. .j DEALER eteneral Mexclsm&ise, line of the largest slocks line lias r^ently been opened, and rare bargains eau be obtained. , Millinery and] FancyDress Goods ^ind Custorii-made ^hoes Spe cialties. / Orders from the country sdhieiled, nno i ^niicumkejzj^o the interest { all to huv from me in preference to sending furtlA r away front J umi»o ffl goodsjwhieb 1 sell at reasons) e figu res. I have( one of tbe finest 6loc]| kaiiifiil Lite U Uiae^m ridin= orer *ny other. (-Mlpewtadja»0Hp— ijW5= STAxr.J Pp. 35CA».LiOw^^ o fe&ggia 1 - Cor. Bra. nl Twelfa SU. CnrCCTill. 0. I . DIESES‘SIB HLYE50SEI EQ PTOad C3 PIOHTMTT.R J ■*.-/: V;"!■ Send in your orders at once, as these bargains cau be had only of us, and we only make these special offers in order to extend the circu lation of the “Headlight.” At our present rate we shall add several thousand to our list this year, which enables us to offer these un heard of premiums. Address Lanier & Youmans, . Waycross, Ga. of Miliiner- r db Dreks Goods in K>o^»hwcst Georgia, from v a triaij and l will lie satisfied. ioh purcha select goods. Give i septO -lira a a o j FOLKS & MORGAN 1 , . . irark *r s Bni lJn^, Wayiros*-, Ga. Keppl an hand] a full stocW «.f Drugs. Druggists Si U r ar.OT«d»aixn, Si Sundries mill, Stationery, Intent Medicines. < Full Line of Fresh Garde] Seeds always oij hand. ZV9 Ice ami Soda -.rater when ; u season. Mife hSUb '.iwltt