Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, October 20, 1886, Image 1

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LANIER & YOtJMANS, Proprietors. Temperance, Tfuth an d Justice. $1-00 Per Annum, in Advance. Waycross, Georgia, October 20, 1886. want to see you, m tact nave got something important to say to yon, ami not burning tins entire paper, in fact be- • lag limited *by the gcntlemenly ami geod natured publishers to 10 rnchee , space, we cannot say all we want to, or should; in justice to the stocK ure have for your inspection. It will not only ' delight yon to come «ad see our beautf- {9I Temple -*rf Mtsic 5 and Art, but it will also pay note. Still wo know, how* impossible lui* for everybody to come to Savannah, and to those who cannot come, all we say is write usand we will .do for you all. ire can, by sending yon complete descriptive catalogue of the* goods you may wish to know about. \ Here they arc, eleven of them. t*cul will find full descriptions, of all goods Pricxly Ash. Poke Root. Potassium. The Greatest Blood Southern Chill and Fever Kenedy Catalogue No. 1—Pianos. Catalogue No. 2—Organs. Catalogue No. 3—Music. Catalogue No 4—Band Instruments. Catalogue No. 5—Band and Orches tral Music. ■ Catalogue No. G—Automatic Instru ments. Catalogue No. 7—Small Instruments. Catalogue No. Strings. Catalogue No fHCftmos, Stools, and Covers. Catalogue NO lfafeArtists’ Materials. Catalogue No. n-HFrauiea. Please indicate by numbers the Cata logue you wish. Pi anos.—Chickcring, Mason & Hamlin, Mathusek, Dent & Arion, $200 to $1,000, $23 cosh and $10 a month. i—Mason & Hamlin, Bay State & Pacliard, <J7 <JO to $5 00 cash and $500 per mo. Sheet 100,000 pieces in stock, newMu- Music sic received as soon as publish ed, 2 cents a copy up. Music For Churches, Schools, Sunday Books Schools, Lodges, Choir and Home use. Band Direct importations from.the f world’s best Factory, used by all the leading bands of the South, Be sure and send for prices. There being such n great demand for Fever remedies in this country, I have been making a special study of the different remedies used in malarial troubles ever since I have been in the drug business. 0 I de termined last Fall upon putting up some preparation that would cure the majority of cases of Fever, Ague, Chills, etc., and that would take the place of a great number of Northern and Western Fever and Ague remedies, believing that one living in*this section is capable of preparing something that is better for the peculiar class of fever and the debilitating condition of the system that prevails during the THE WIDE-AWAKE the use of it for a short time, the rheu matism disappeared and he feels like a new man and takes great pleasure in in recommending it to sufferers from rheumatism. _ W. H. WILDER. Band Music We furnish everything publish ed. All new pieces received as soon as published, and our cus tomers furnished at lowest prices. Musical Our stocK is complete in all Mercuan- small goods and we sell at dihe. prices that enables us to claim the largestsales in the South. Buying direct from the largest manufactures in the world we ' can sell at prices that defy! competition. Our goods fully guaranteed, and will be found exactly as represented. Strings. We import our strings di-' rect, anti especially call attorn tion to our l’uginiui string which is used by all leading players. Artist’s \\e keep everything needed Material by Professionals and Ama teurs, and furnish all materials used in Painting on Canvass, Cloth t Brass, Class or China. Pic- The-finest and largest assort tures ment ever shown in the South. It will pay prospective purchas- And Dealers In- Valdosta, WATCHES, CLOCKS, bottoms of them were so tender that walking was a source of the liveliest misery. It would be impossible to ex- f rcssin words the agony that 1 endured. tried a number of remedies, so-called, and some of them afforded temporary relief, but it was only temporary, and I began to despair of finding a cure. I had heard several gentlemen speak of a new Klieumatism cure manufactured at Waycross, and while I listened, I doubted. Finally, I met two or three parties who had tried this new medi cine and had been cured, and I decided to procure a pint of it and test its vir tues. This, 1 did, and was satisfied that I had been bene fitted. Well to make a long story short, I continued to taxe the medicine until I had used three and a half quart bottles, improv ing all the while in my general health, and noticing a steady decrease in the Rheumatism. When the half of the fourth quart was finished, I felt as well as I ever did in my life, with only an occasional touch of Rheumatism,'and since taking the first quart I havo been able to attend to iny duties in the olfice, not having lost a moment since on ac count of my former enemy. I shall tase two or three quarts more of P. P. P., beginning about two months from the time I left off taking it, and I am confident that the last vestige of * the dreadful malady will be driven from • my system. I I do not say that P. P. P. wrought this wonderful cure, but I do assert most emphatically, that I derived no few of the great number of unsolic-1 ited certificates received in regard to its cures. Paints, Oils, Brushes, Pure White Lead, And Colors, And ail kinds of Plain and Fancy Druggist, Jasper, Fla. era to come to Savannah if for nothing else than to look over our immense stock. Wo have Paintings, Engravings, Pastels, Oleograplis, Intotents, Arto- types, Chromos, Sketches, Ol ass, Putty, Varnishes. W e sell at wholesale to Country Merchants at Savannah prices. Hf^Send us your orders for what you want. We repair Clocks, Watches and Jewelry, in the best man ner possible at as low a price as the quality of work desired will permit. Watches sent to us from abroad will receive prompt at tention; and be returned with out delay. * We make a specialty of the celebrated Waltham watches, the best made, and will send them anywhere C. O. D., on re ceipt of SI 00, balance to be paid when the watch is received, and we guarantee our prices as low as other dealers. We also publish the WAYCROSS HEADLIGHT, A weekly newspaper devoted to the development of Southern Georgia, at the low price of $1.00 per annum, SO cents 6 months, 2S cents 3 months, OflT* Office in iron Building next door to brick building. fucture the finest frames that can be made. Our prices the lowest. Repairing We are throughly equip- Depart- ped with necessary machine- 11 ent. ry and the best class of work men that are to be had in the U. S. for repairing and over hauling Pianos, ^ line. Guitars, i Fla.: ‘ 3 Dear Sir—I can safely and I ^cheerfully recommend Jennings’ SFrver Tonic, a pleasant cure for [bilious fever, etc. j Yours Truly, I v ~ J. D. Joiinston. I Jasper, Fla., July 10,1885. ] Mr T. Albert Jennings, Jasper, I Fla: | Dear Sir—I have used “Jen- |nings’ Fever Tonic,” and find it to [be a success. One bottle cured [three cases of chill and fever on Imy place. I cheerfully recom- Im'end it Yours Respectfully, 1 Thos J. Bryan. I Jennings, Fla., July 21,1885. I Mr. T. Albert Jennings, Jasper, SFla.—Dear Sir : My wife had the Bfever for 12 months, and I could gget nothing to cure her until re- gcently, when she used a bottle of |jenmngs’ Fever Tonic,which cured |her immediately. I have used sev- jeral bottles of Fever Tonic on my Sfarm, and am highly pleased with Sit—it never fails to cure. 1 Respectfully, Banjos, Accor- deons, Orquincttes, Flutes, or any instrument made. Our prices will be reasonable for first-class work and orders will receive prompt attention. DOjYT forget. Pianos and Organs t5 and tlO per Mo. We sell Pianos and Organs on easy terms, and at lowest prices offered by any house in the United St ites." Pianos offered at $5 00 per mo. All new in struments fully guaranteed andean be returned if not entirely satisfactory >ennanent relief until after I took the irst bottle. Yours truly, J. W. HANLON. after fifteen days trial. Ladies 4 Sites’ Southern Mails Routt, Stnttth, St. april 14-12m Notice. GEORGIA.—Charlton County. Application will be made to the Con6 of Charlton county, Ga.. at the first reg ular term after the expiration of thirty days from this notice, for leave to sell one third interest in 13,000 acres land (more or less) lying .in Nassau county state of Florida belonging to the estate of James B. Baker, late of said county, deceased for the benefit of the heirs of said estate. M. N. Baker Admi’r Plaster. Hair, Dement, Etc., Etc. Write for prices. White String, Fla., July 24,1885. Mr. T. Albert Jennings, Jasper, Fla.: Dear Sir—Last spring I had an Way a-oss. - - Georgia- Good board with pleasant rooms at $1 per day. Special Rates by the week < J. T. HALE, Pro. Mp 15th, tf had had the fever for two years, and I have learned that it entirely cured her and slic has not had the I take great pleasure month. ,fevcr since. „ * - in recom mewling it to those suffer ing with chills, fevers, etc. . Very respectfully, J. F. Stewart Assessor. Hamilton Co n Fla.