Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, November 03, 1886, Image 1

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Because We had a large stock'of Clothing, Hats,' Goods and Notions, and are selling off odds ahd I below cost, in the brick house, where the Post ’ Offk to make a change in our business, we are called Pricidy Ash. Poke Root. Potassium, NThe Greatest Blood Purifier Of the Age ! Simply because we ttpttl (lir casl » r el!, this is the n-a,v it .tccurreri, kind of a bargain, and then it, and foine V.iie l... _ „ , , ready to say tliat \JC rn Pn >llV< ‘ r 1 .the 'bri<-k corner, next to the *' “1. X ctl IVcI , {-1 kadi.igiit > office, “Is the Biggest Fool in Town,” hut at the same time, w hile some are f*»o].n for tlii,lack of sense, we are a fool for the want of money. We ftinke it a point to (dck up Imrguins with cash and give bargains for orish. We al ways hold prices dbwn on’goods, so as to iiidiUe tlifc cash buyer, 1 and sell goods so very low that people do not think of asking tis to sell oil time. rtnr/ C^aiao I We do liot ask any man in a DUggieS 000 MOVeS. wor ,,, tlie si)!) , ()f this any odds. Tlti.ik <.f it—a *ftia*liitig ni< e, uarraiiteil buggy and iiarnoss, delivered, and freight |»aitj, ft»r ' fnrry-iulie ddHars 'nnil fifty cents. I ant snip owner and inaimfacuturer of the •• • “Georgia Wife,” Cooking-stove. This stove recommends itself. Our No. 7, at $15.00 is the most popular size, and will recommend itself. Coiiije to me for Stove-pipes and Stove-fixtures, Lock, Hinges, Nails.ete. 'A man ciime to VVttycressfBn the train and coining into our steie began tt> price and buy. and rather than miss the trades he saw he could mi tke, he spent his money and left town afoot. He seemed to regret not tieing*ah!e to but more from the “Biggest Fdol in T-ewa.” Reinemlier, j;uu most not expect to find a cottiplele lino when y u- emneito our store; for We ire selling off to make tj fchaitge iti business, but almost anyone can find something they need, . ' Meat, Flour, K 'ofiee, Tobacco, OcLds and FGnds In Flothimy, .I>ry 'Mard-' ware, Hats, Shoes, life. there than jyc.ilo ot Tiny come aif-l _ off ami talk to other|pe knowing what the goods really ctet f W m ldron ""' r ! For All Who Buy Goods From Tty* Bottle tad ie Courlaeed. Head our book and hoc what those who have taken P. 1*. P. sar. Respeetfullv, p.'p.; p.irrci co. Waycross, Ga. t July 1st, 1886. Certificates : “ 15 Yearn a "nff< icr from Rheumatism. WHAT THE 1ION. W. II. WILDER, MAYOR, OK ALBANY, SAYS. He suffered fifteen years ,w.ith Rheu matism, and during tluit-.time tried all the so-called .that, he could hear of.. One. *.*i them he paid L0 |H*r bottle for and took nine battles and received uq Ix-nefit from any of them.— His grandson, who rims on .the it. *fc W railroad, finally got a b"f J?e ti P. I*. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke-root amt Potassium) whilc.iii Way cross and induced him.to take it.. The first Is'ttl.e. sh<(We«l its wonderful effects and utter continuing the use of it for a uliMt tune, the rlu u- mutism disappeared and lu* feels like.p new man and takes great- plesisutr. in in reconiiiieuding it to sufferers ir on rhvntuuti^ni, W. Ji. IViLUl^l!. , imrc&oss, Georgia# Has in Rtorq and is constantly receiving, his stork of FALL AND WINTER 'GOODS, For Ladies and Gents, Youths and Misses, He makes specialties of Gents’ and Ladies’ Fine SHOES, Gehts Ready Made Clothing! 1 '.Office Ala hah a .Star . •Alajialuv, tia.,. June 5th,.lS$0 P. P. P. Mfo Go : Oeiit’vmen—. nino months ag«x i was attacked infiauiatory BL<uwr,ti>m. in my bavk, alH»ui*h rs.aud.hre.Lrt. TIivj wert excruciating and eom.niK six weeks I was <onfined t > id? nndtpaxt of the I'nif h 1 :•* 1“ Valdosta, fin Ge.nts ahd Ladies Fttrn idling Goods, and many hundred tirtic-letr thut are tmrd^d tp .coii>ideto the toilets of both sexes Ho carnes‘ ^ * w a full stork of u- Give him a trial at your d<» >r, with ness. Lulij Puovisi^r ill he^Bir:deliV^^ quality und prorsrp* 1 WAYCROSS, GA. Paints, OilS, ,; : - Brushes, Pure White Lead, And Colors', W. Mi W1LSIN that I had Im make a lougst< take the mod P three.imlji Jmi bingjdl the whi hind notit ing a ■ Khenmati.-m. [fourth quart w (Quick Sales—Small Profits) Glass, I*«itty, <-\ Varntshc 1 WAYCROSS, GEORGIA, ■DEALER IN- This is the motto I have adopted, and I find that it pays, I cause 1 sell more goods, and customers are willing to pay t cash when the marks are so low.*, aud this is the reason why t goods are always fresh and new. I have now, and am rcceivi by every arriving train . Fall and Winter Goods, fof Ladies, Misses, Boys and G e /its, besides a heavy stock Family Groceries, Crockery war; •iun;i.ti? n». i*nd rt I luivv Is on •tfili the* litre. It siliCG.OJl oucasioiiid tfoueJn-f HI. ii p.Finec* ti*kiu« th*» firtt iju. rt ;nb!e«to,ulU*iid to n.y ce.ii*^ inothaAinjr-Urt a lomeitt count otin>* 1*inner enemy I 1 slvid toKe two or. tj.rev of P.. P. P., bejriniiinirnb.ii: frumtlie tjijje’.I left ( ; ff t:.k nin. confident that th«* h tl»e dreadful malady tvs:l b* [mv I 1 do nut say that p. P. this wyjnderhil cure, l.ut most emphniy. -ixa* i perRiani nt relic: nft- tirst bo::Je. Yc* rstn y&segy am nmT GROGS HIS S, Specialties'—^Magnolia Ilams, High Grade SfigKrs, Coffees, Kice, Butter, Lard, Bacon', Dried Fruit, Irish Potatoes, Segars, Pipes, Tobaccoes, Canned Goods, etc. Stoves, Hardware, 'Cutlery and everything else in the dry goods and grocery business JVIV.H-vNLON. Prices on all goods warranted to he as l6w Us thfe quality of goods can be purchased anywhere. Connected with store is a , Billiard and Pool Room. ALL GOODS DELIVERED FREE. .[liov lst, 12rt. Greenville, Fla., J,ane2o, *fi6. Du. Wiiiteiiead :-In the year 1S7S 1 was attacked with a Fever..; i.i*e if Bloo<] tii.it ik-iird all ircatux-nt. I went to Fev* nil-Phy-irianr hut fouml no relief. Fim.lly I w : . ni l<*,-£*-re a l ;ird of Physic-uns at Tallahassee a«»I was examined and my ia<». was declare** to | h*»*n virulent ea.-e«*tf Poim-h. and I all the nudUdiRF the;- jravcAu** faded j toxwada-ate the drcad«ti d ^e: o :u*l’ my.h>-was iitdanser* I ,l**>t the use. of my left arm alal a .physh-iAUint this plain *»aid my arm wodM have. t«* In* ampurated. the corruj*. ; >n -t liat eajne from the vs\ri«*us son:.^ was. so offen.-iv*» that 1 disliked to eoiue in iTDtaKt with friends and m-ieh'bor.-. I. toox 32 l»**t- tlos- of an i AilauialBlooii. Purjik r, al^o a lot mado in Baltimore, amt in fact everythiuaJhat I Could heat of but r«- eeived n*Ucuetit. I had entirely d*^ Spairetl when y**ur Ge»er:il A^ent, Mr. Clarkwn, came here advertijin;* the Sash Weights, com ' Tinges, ' Lime,' ^iasteF,! . Hair, Cement, Etc., Etc. v * * ■ * ' Write for prices. {an 6-86-1 y ” ——The Largest Stock of—— -• Fall and Winter Clothing , . For Gents, Youths ®oys and Cliildreti Ever Exhibited in Georgia! : . Is now displayed in out immense* 1 Establishment and the = public is. invited to c#ll and inspect-it. Business Suits, Dress Suits. Wed ding Suits, Fuil sv tail gw H*ress Suits, VoduwiMT, Keeinai, Eeslerj, Etc., Stiff Soft and Straw Hats, The Very Latest Metrc»politan Styles. gWT' Suits sent C. O. D., with privilege of examination before paying. Sules for sedf-measurement sent on application.' Foi the Country Retail Trade our Jobbing facilities are nmy letter than ever, aiidwecnn give give'dehlers some good bargainr., an 4 1 m*ke it to their interest to place their orders With us.> B. II Levy& Bro , 161 Cooficee ^trecl, Ravaimili, Ga A very desirable property in “New Waycross,” at wjiat is known as “Old Nine,” consist ing of One Acre of land, more or less; improved with a modern arranged brand new dwelling, with four finished rooms.. . It is also enclosed with a new slat fence with divisions* This prop- erty will he sold cheap, on easy terms, as there is no reason for selling except the desire oflhe owner to own less real estate. For particulars.-apply to S. P;-SETTLES, Pnih. Waycross High School, or to Eds. of the Headlight. [Oct 13 has been before in ten vears. I i?uns*«l- erit the grand.est Bloixl Medicine.*>f tlie age, as such u small amount fIio as ii< wonderful- effects. . I am agent of tke F. R. A S. R. R. at this place.Grc»m- ville, Finl and take, great pleasure in recommending a medicine that has per- fnrmiul xncli Uiinilt-r^ /itr JUi«. Bt>sn'll- LANIER & YOUMANS, Pronrietors. Temperance, Truth tad Justice. $1.00 Per Annum, in Advance. Vol.3. - Waycross, Georgia, A^cjibcr S, 1S88. Ao »«. X • -v - -" • '