Waycross headlight. (Waycross, Ga.) 1884-1???, December 07, 1887, Image 4

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Anlrnl ud Diputan ofMtUt AT WAYCROSS.-GA. Savannah & Vtrtt 1*1 Malta At 9 SAm Atlanta* W Malta -via Alla' Ar ft Mtam Albany,Cia. A W via A1b.,GaAr • 50am -Brunswick J*a. rtfs Bruns. A* 9 50am Jsrk’rioutli A E. Fla. ArOSOam M*ia via Live -Oak, Chatahoochee, Florida. „ Ar4 40pm Mails via Tliomaavilta, <Ga, At 4 40am DEPARTURES. Northern mails Lv 10 00am •• •• Lv 11 30pm Western via Atlanta * Lv 10 60am .. •« Lv 1130pm Florida mail via Jaek*o£v Lv JO •• •• “ Cha’t, Ha ,L.v 10 Wpro Thomas’v A W. Thomas' GaLv 10 JOam Jlnms v .Ga. A Albany Ga., Lv 10 10am Office Hours. C.enorat Delivery srindowa opened at 7:30am to 12 am. « .00 pro to 5:30pm. Money Order wind"* opened at 4:00 am* to 12 pm. 1pm to 4 pm. Letters Registered during business jiours. _ .. • A. II. Morgaw, Post Master. HEADLIGHT FLASHES. Bathe nd op la Town, on Both BaUroaii, Up and Down. Christmas toys at B. Birmans*. Sugar boiling is going on now. ^Jellies and Jams at B.Sirmats’. Notice lire advertised letter list. Iron clad not*® for sale at this office. £B~ Watch the cork* at Smith Sharp’s. Toys for the children, at E. H. Crawley’s. Dolls, for the little girls, at E. H. Crawley’s. , your orders for job trurk to this office. Let every man vote on the School hill. Best Patent flour, six per Bid; at. Birmans, '*%' Clothing, yeryy cheap, at B. Birmans’. Mixed Nuts, 25e, per lb, at B. Birmans’. Doves are said to be plentiful in the eon* fields. Nice things for Christmas pres ents. at B. Birmans’. .Sheriff's deeds to w Id land for wale at this oflicc. Attend the school meeting next Friday night. Gentleman's Flannel under tv are, ut B. Birmans’. Ladies’ cow-pen shoes, in the Brick house, at Wm. Parker’s. Tliis office is run Right and day. Send in the orders. Just recojv- -d, a line of Hand Be wed Shoes, at B. Simians’. I)r. J. L. Walker went to Americus last Sunday night. Mr. G. T Nu.igezer was up from Brunswick last Sunday. Itev. Mr Curraway, of Stock* ton, was in tow'll this inorning Mrs- Parker and her daughter, Agnes, went to Pearson last Fri day. Quarterly meeting next Sun day. The Presiding Slder will preach. Christmas anu holiday presents for the old and young, at E. If. Crawley’s. £flTTf you wish to reach the farmers and mechanics, advertise in the He plight. Good, round thread, stripped homespun, for 7 cts a yard, at AVm. Parker’s The Methodist Sunday School will have a Christinas tree. Date pot settled. you wish to reach the mechanic, advertise in the Headlight. The Baptist Sunday School wilt, have a Christmas tree on Friday pight before ChristmAs. Wedding cards printed at this office with neatness and-dispatch, good wishes thrown in. John S. Sharp is too busy to write locals to-day, but he has sixty tons of guano for sale, Miss Kate Cannon has in store s hsmlsome stock of ladies* and children’s plosks and wraps. Jjjst received, call earley and get you pliotec. The “Ruby Barber Shop” is the place to get a good, clean share. The boys are clever and polite. Send to this office for flue job work. Come and see sam ples. No blurred work sent .out. Mrs, H. Holienstein, of Savan pah, has recently'been visiting her father-in-law's family, in Way pros*. Quarterly conference, to morrow (Thursday) night, at the Meth odist oburphr A fall attendance ^ desired. The finest hit of stationery for job printing in this section atthi: office, and we turn out work that .can’t be beaten. Go tQ E. H. Crawleys’ for all kind of Christinas and holiday goods. Clothing, groceries, can dies, crackers nuts, etc. Turpentine and saw. mill men pan be furnished with! punch—and denominational checks,at this office, on. shprt ngtipe. ^ Mr. Wm. ftrketsofd twenty-one pne hundred- <fo.Uurs] v :worth of property in Pearson** last week. • peapsop royst bp booipjng. XUe Ordinary is going to huve a chimney built to the offices at the court honee. Rev. Mr. Scruggs fills the pulpit at the Baptist church every Sunday. The congrega Icons are growing. Remember the W. C. T. U„ festival to-morrow (Thursday night) at Mallon’s ball. Object: “Band of Hope” organization. Freeh Prunes, Citrons, Currents Mince Meats, and all kinds of Jellies, Apples, Butter, etc., at bottom prices, at W. M. Wilson’s. The engine thrown from the track tfiis morning was w mogul —No, 17, one of the finest on the road. It was considerably bruised up.. B. Sirinans is head and ears in Christmas goods. His store is full and each train brings in fresh supplies. ’Rah for B. Prof. ft’. J. Gardner, late, of Darien, Ga.,ha* pitched bis tent near Mullon’a halt, on the court house square, and is prepared to <lo all kinds of photograph ing, in groups, in pairs, or single. Scenery a specialty. Jim Miller has purchased the resturaut on the bridge from R. C. Cannon, and will be pleased to see the public at att times. Mr. Howard, tinder the Head light office, had turnips on sale last week, one of which measured 2 feet and 4 inches in circumfer ence. Charley Blackshear was in Thoraasville yesterday, hut will lie hack in time to tell all about the cliristmas goods in our next. Tom Henderson’s first year as sheriff is near its end, and the verdict is : *W*re county never had a better sheriff.” We helped make that sheriff. The Rev. Edwin Reed, Bishop of Florida, will preach in the Episcopal church, in Waycroas.on Monday, Deeember 12, at 11 a. m. All invited to attend. Master Joseph Walker, neph ew of Di. J. L. Walker, and late of Johnson county, is a pupil at the High School. Prof Groff will make a man of hitn. Mr. E. H. Crawley has made considerable iinppovement in his store and will soon be ready to show the public an jmmeuse stock of goods. His store is now hand somely arranged. Lieutenant Colonel James Mc Donald, of Coffee county, was the passeenger train going west last Fri'luy, and *eeined “tickled all to peices” when he’d think about his new grandson. Ladies’ and gentlemen’s overcoats heavy and light, long and short, at prices never before offered. He pro poses to give a coat ton man or woman who can Hnd one like bis at same prices. You will find them at Wm Parker's in ths brick hous^-, at Wavcross, and never forget it. The genial and polite conductoi on the 11. it W. U. U. Captain. Ed, Smith,)- an honor to his company. Every man and woman traveling on l»is train, invariably receive courteous treatment, Parries visiting Wavcross for a day or a longer time are informed that good fare and accommoda lions can be had >it the Tatum, house, near the Methodist church. Her charges are rersonable. . The artesian man has gone through the hard flipt rock, and is pegging away on lime rock, some SCO feet below, and thinks lie will get on all right now. Miss S. G. Taylor, of Sappville, three miles above Warcsboro. is a member of theW aTesboro Teachers’ Institute, She is a fascinating young lady and a good member. The chance of schedule on the Brunswick & Western Railroad .went into effect last Sunday. The trains go east and west at ten o’clock A. M., instead of five P. M. as hc.etofore. The material for our Christ mas pape: has arrived Send in your advertisements. Contracts for regular issues will take in that also if made now, with slight advance. J. F. Nelson, Jr., of the B. & W. R. R. won the prize at the Hospital Fair at Brunswick, running against Richard Harris of the E. T. V. & G. R. R. as the most popular conductor. Prof, J. P. Lanier is having a handsome photograph gallery fitted up, uext door to *A. J. Sweat’s store. Go around and Sweet Violets,” and the fine picture of J. E. Baker’s, daughter, of Alapalia, Mr, Rozier, of the firm of Rozier «fc Taylor, who lives now ut Glen mote, informs us that his wife is very ill, and he anticipates the worst. He has our sympathy and best wishes. Oar old iriend R. Hohenstein is away in Baltimore and New Y°rk, buying more fall and winter goods. Mr. Hohenstein is one of our. leading merchants apd people save money by trading with him. The .Grand Cent ml Hotel is always alive with, travelers from different points. It is a favorite With the puolic, and Charley Bowen ths p«lite clerk, is known If you want to lake a Christmas holiday, the B.& W. &. ft. offers the opportunity at redoeedrates. The 6. <fc W. R. R. managers are liberal, progressive and accommodating gentlemen, and the Company can tower secure better material! Cap*. B. R. Gray told us some weeks ago tint he had arranged for a locomotive engine that could pull heavy loads of logs oyer tram- roads made of round pine logs. This seems incredible, but the Captain aays it is true. George Ricketeon,of Warcsboro, is a member of the High School and Teacher’« Institute. George is a thorough gentleman and is g»iug to make a man some of these days; He has the brains— cultivation is only necessary. Persons visiting this of fice are respectfullly requested not to read the copy on the print ers,cases or ou the hook. We’ll give the news in time aud you’ll not show the want of polite- ness yl 45ce advertisement in another place, Wanted, aud carry your otter and raccoon skins to A. J. ('onoly. at Glen more. He pays highest cash prices, and you cun make yourchrist nuts money easy, aud buy your best girl a present. Work on the artesian well pro gresses slowly, owing to the fact that flint rock and quick-sand makes the downward course slow. Mr. Muliean is very faithful and we live in hope if it is a long way to water. The well is between 350 and 400 feet deep, with the drill pointing towards China. Go to C. J. Blackshear for Stoves, Guns* Buggies, Sewing machines, nails Bedsteads Tables, crockery ware and everything else you want in their line. They are the rhea jest people in this country and pay money tor what the farmer has to sell. They can and will give you bargains you cant get else where. The many friends of Mrs. James B. Baker will be pleased to learn that she is slowly re covering from her recent severe illness. As a matter of course, her heavy bereavements have told terribly upon her physical condition, still, she takes all like th« Christian that she has always been. The water-tower at Thomas- ville, a solid piece of brick masonry six feet in diameter, fell yesterday inorning, killing three men instantly and wouud- :ng four others. The Headlight is not pub lished in the interest of Way- cross alone. Our little sister towns shall have a place with us, and we with them, and Wavcross is not jealous. Our motto: “For our country and our churches.” Th* well known firm of Blrn-k- shenr <k Mitchell has been dis solved, Mr.W.R. Mitchell retiring, and Mr. C. J. Blaeshear assuming the full nnme, luring sole proprie tor of the la-g«* hardware bu si nest. Mr. Blackshear has just .etuned from the northern markets where he purchased an immense stock of hardware, builder’s pnpplies etc., which is now arriving, and the house is fuM to overflowing. Go round and see the big stock of goods. * Ojr»t*r«. Wiu&SH dk C*. hove rented the stall near Ac MHlmdu* «eharch and will keep * M aad -oysters on hand all the time, when in wesson, Go and see them and get prices. Adr«itl«H Lcttww Iter Urrk Eadlig »•». M.IWZ. GENTLEMEN** UST. Burke Chas. Bennett J E B, Coleman H, Daria E Q, Good- M L, Hall J F, Jaynes T J., Johnson Lawzn, Jane* Archer, Mitchell Beach, Mack Peter 1. Masseugale T M, Moidy Tobe. Murvhy W, Mizie—. Nash George, Kohen Cha«, Rnusoin Anthony, Riesan Frank, Kinney Patsy, Per ry Victoria, Rogers* A M,’ Scott w, Man leu Sarah. Sill Berry, Taylor Slinin, Taylor Jim, Tin dall Titurs, Wilson Chas, Woten • f has. Wort hem G B, Williams King, Williams J E, McNarrv W R. LAWES’ LISV. Adams Margaret, Crnil Miss Mace, Co|»elaiid Eliza, Durden Emma, Durden Cruido, Faison Mattis, Hills Henrietta, Howell Mrs Anna, Jordon Lula* Wilker- son Mary, Wallis Miss Nora, Wii- liauis Trena, Me Van Nancy. Persons calling for above let ters will please say “advertise d.* A. H. Morgan. Post Muster. Ch«*pe«t Pine* Id Town JuBt across the bridge, where Jim McGee once kept, you will find soap at 2$ cents per bap, apples ’ aud .anions low down, ba con at cost. In fact all kinds of I revisions to l»w to |»ice,fnr fear somebody will think I stole them. no9-lm ' W. C. Bum-ira. GIVE THEM A CH ANCE, That is to say, your lungs. Al so all your breathing machinery. Very wondeifu, machinery it is. Not only the larger air-passages, landing from them. When tl»*e are clogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your tungseanaot half do their »«k. Aud what they do they cannot do well. Call it cold,cough, croup, pneu monia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstruc tions, nil are had. All ought to he got rid ol. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boschee’s German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed you, you may depend upon this f.r certain. II. Vlek.r. A s..n, L.li.ton, G... These gentlemen are dealers in general merchandise, anil carry a handsome stock of ready made clothing, hoots, shoes and fur nishing goods. They hare in store a nice lot of dry goods, la dies cloaks and wraps, hose etc, for thsdcar ladies and the little children, whom they are at all times pleased to sec at their store. Besides keeping on hand a com plete stock cf every thing usnally iiiund in a first-class country store. They have just received a full car-load of salt, which is lieing sold at remarkably lew figures. When you need any tiling in their line remember H. Vickebs it Son. no23-tf Leliaton, Ga. s Il.llro.d Wreck. This morning at 3:30 o’clock, a heavy freight train from the Savannah end of the S. P, & W. Ry„ rail into a special train on the B, & \V. going west, when the engine of the former was thrown from the track and three or four flat cars of tire latter smashed and over-turned. It appears, from ft’hat we can learn of the accident, that both trains arived at the crossing (the two roads cross each oilier) about the same time and both stopped, as is the custom. Then the engineer oh the B. & W. engine attempted to cross, thinking the mud was clear, and, so too, the engineer ou the S. F. & W. Ry, started to cioss when he ran into the B. & W. as before stated. We heard the engineer of the S. F. 4 W. R . say that the headlight of his engine threw tire lignt over the flat cars and he did not see them until-'within two oar- lengths of. them, and as his train was a heavy one, he could not stop it) time to avoid the crash We-do not attempt to say vbowasto blame, if any one v as, but think-it one of those accidents which could not be avoided. The combined forcea of the two roads were quickly on the spot, and by 8 ((clock, the track was clear aud the East Tennes see train pushed the freight traininto t he yard. We nevpr saw bands and managers work faster .and ac- complish so mueli in so short a time as did the railroad men on this occasion, j The engineer on the S. F. & to always hg happy to see friends, IW. Ry was slightly serstehed, ^ eyea if Oapt, Austin the proprietor I and had .one of his legs iiiunit'. God bless them,"is" the »*w» * O. Iv <3. [Old Imfiaa Cure. I A PURELY VEGETABLE BMMffJll Me! It Is The Original! THE OLDEST AND THE BEST. NEVER K1WN f FAIL! NOT A CURE-ALL, O. I. C. Don't .cose every rJeral. but at «£31 eareevetyaYisint denis iwpnrebt—d. It in aeta eaaaneees Aetg, eutiplean- at palatable yanaagaae, u excellent ipprlreiT aed aadto<g/|crtiat, amd dec Female Complaints a certain cure. Wfll toe leased at ftalkston, December 24th 1337 for the year 1888, commencing January 1* and ending January lat 18«ft; tl ' longing to the estate c f'Drctrell to FcrrotypM, The time has come at last, and now you can go to Prof. Lanier’s and get card size photographs for 50 cents, 4 for $1 00 or $2,00 jierdoz. Cabinets 3 for $1.50, G 2.50 or $3.75 per doz. Now these are prices within the reach of all, and you can say farewell to the old smutty tent tin pictures, as you can get two nice card photo graphs for 50 cents by going to Prof. Lanier,s gallery. The above! reduction will only Iasi, for 30 1 days. Come ut once Prof. Lanier’s Gallery, will on the l«t of December, l»e uext door to A. J. Sweat’s on the levei. No more climbing up stairs. The public is cordially invited to call and see my new room*. I have also ad led to my g.iltery a lot of new scenery; such as interiors, xteriors, lake a d grove scenes; dsn a Combination of interior and exterior scenery. Mr. Goeliel, of (he well known firm of Launey & Uoeble, of Savannah will sj»end a few days with Prof. Lanier soon, ml all ure asked to keep a look ut for him and give him a call as iie w : ll show you things to your interest. J. P. Lanier,* Artist. Excnnloa KxtM for the Hotllilaye. The B. & W. R. U. Will sell Ex cursion Tickets at one fare for the round trip to the following places: Atlanta, Macon, Montgomery, Birmingham, Eufaula, Columbus, Americus. Chattanooga* Albany and points North during the Christmas and New Year holli- davs. Tickets on sale Dec. 22nd and 25th, good for return on or !»efore January 2nd—Dec 29th to 31st good to return on or before January 5th. F.*\V. Angier. V’. L. Stanton, A. F. G. P. Agt, Mr. W. A. Cason, who was re cently married to Miss Gertrude Du Bignon, of Brunswick, is at home, at hislieautiful residence in this place. Mr.Cason has one of the prettiest homes in the city; and now having brought there a charming bride, one of the most accomplished ladies of the eountry, we hope hia future will be liappy, bright and prosperous. Harntttt. M. L. Haruett, proprietor of the Harnett House. Savanah, Ga., is a constant advertising patron of the local papers, a fact which stamps him as a level-headed and appre ciative business man.—Daily Na tional Hotel Rcpoter. A NOTE OF WARNING. O. I. C. is the only original, genuine )ld Indian Cure, and no other prepara tion is made by the receipt which wa own. Sold by leading druggists at 81.50 for large bottles; small bo'tles, $1 00. The O.I.€. Co., PERRY. GA. Sheriff's Sale. GEORGIA—Coffee-County. ■Will be sold before the courthouse doeria Coffoe county,between the legal hour* of sale on the 1st Tuesday in ~ * *next, the following prop* - - and.* half acres of lot ol land, No. 888, is the 5th district ol ‘ r of £Kjah Paulk, Jqmyhisa Ktoe, d! said cauty. Levy i me by James E. Stevens, Can Viable. 4. H, Hall, SOd Sheriff. Coffee Co. Buy a Farm. Truck, Dain f , Sheep, Cattle and Fruit farms for Sale—bees and chick- cens kept with great profit. Houses and lots for sale or rent. We are f lowing fast. People are Bottling here rom upper Georgia and Florida, and in fact we have some here from many states. Come or write and secure land while you can get it. Neat De pot, and at low prices and long time. Get facts from J. M. Stiger, Glenmore. G* SHOW CASES Sss CASES Blaaonle. The annual communication of Wavcross Lodge 30-5, F. and A. M., convenes on Dec. 14, for the election of officers for the ensuing year. Also business of importance on that date, and a large at tendance is earnestly requested. E. P. Hawkins, Sec, llucklen’a .irtneu Salts. The best Salve in the world .or Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum. Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positive ly cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to giveperfeet sat isfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale at Folks & Morgan. Already at Baad. Those *vide-awake, enterprising drugists and physicians, Messrs. Redding & Walker, have in store and arriving a handsome stock of Christmas toys, vases, confec tioneries, perfumes, albums, etc- for the holiday trade, and will be pleased to see the ladies and child ren, at any time. Besides being the leading druggist of this section, thi*y are also as clever genelemen in-l skilled physicians a3 can be found in* this section. Our readers in Charlton, Camden,^Coffee and Clinch would do well to remember this taut, and govern themselves accordingly. HU Latt S-rmon. Rev. E J. Burch preached Inst Sunday t«i a full and appreciative congregation. He will leave next Monday for conference, and whether we will have him with us another year is a matter of con jecture. Every member of the church would no doubt be pleased to have him return, for he is be loved as a pastor, esteemed as a good cilixen, and respected and honored as a Christian gentleman. Mrs. ami Miss Burch will also be iiiisae 1, should conference decide to emovp them front our midst, but then, sume otlie place would obtain a noble man, and two Christian tadias who are jewels in For Sale. Will be sold the first Tuesday m Jan uary next if not disposed private sale, in the town or Waycroas, Ga., the following property to wit: One half acre lot, on which there is a good dwelling house containing four rooms with dining room and kitchen attached, good well of water, careen, horse lot. small barn, and stable, all In good repair. Also one lot containing two acres with two small tenement houses. These latter are corner lots . Any desiring property in the growing town of Waycross can get a bargain in this property. I am determined to sell to invest in other property. Apply to tne undersighed at Layton, Ga., or to Capt. Crawley or W. B. Hamilton at Waycross . J. M. Cross. dc7-4t Layton, Ga, lingi kitchen and diningroom __ with all suitable out-buildings. _ garden, grape arbors, fruit trees «ets*, also four seres of land under good fence specially adapted to tracking. One good store with warehouse, and one other ware hoese. One field under fencecontaining tea acres, very good -for tracking. Terms Cash on day ot lease or notes with good security. J- Rawls, ‘ ~ ‘ -J. R. Rocklett, Administrator’s Sale a/ Lands. Will be sold before the courthouse door at Trader's Hill, Charttra cioenty, Georgia, on the first Tuesday In De cember, 18X7, within the legal hoursof sale, the real estate of the late Harvey W. Lathrop, situated in said county of Chariton, to wit: Lots of land number fifty-seven (57), three hundred and seventy-six (376), one hundred and two (102), eighty-one (81), eighty three (83), thtee hundred and twenty- one (321), two hundred and thirty-five (235), one hundred and twenty-one (121), and twenty-seven (27), in fhe first (1st) first district. Also lots number ninety-five (95), two hundred and four (204), and one hundrea ant thirty three (103) in the 2nd district ct said county of Charlton, each lot con ning four hundred and ninety (490) es. more or less. To be sold under order from the Court of Ordinary of Pulaski county, Ga., for the purpose cl paying debts aud making distribution. Terms cash. W. C. BRUCE, OctfiOtk, Adair, de bonis non. Mexican Mustang Liniment Galls, Sores, Epsvia THIS GOOD OLD 8TAMD-SY •ccompUSbe* tor everybody exactly whatlseUlM* forn. Om of thateuons forth* fruit popularity of 1* found la 1U ilnft For Sale. 40 FARMS, 40 ACRES EACH On Long Time One Hundred Small Farm of from Five to Twenty acres, as well as Large tracts of land for gra zing, and some of the best im proved phtcea at Very low rates, on long time. Also, One of the best places of One Thou-* sand Acres—about Two Hundred cleared, twelve buildings on the same, with soino Fruit and Shade trees etc. Can be cut into most any tdse farms to suit, or sold together for 82000— cash and % in three years, with seven per cent interest. J. M. STIfiZR, Glenmore, Ga. RlUkUfhfd Lo»t Note*. Motion to Estab- John Rancher 1 lisb Copy of lost vs > Note. Jacob R. Spangler ) pererior Court No vember Term 1887. It appearing to the Court that a Rule Nisi issued in the above suited case in Term of the Law, and it further ap the State of Georgia. It is therefore ordered that said J. R. Spangler, br served by publiertion of said Rul Nisi for three mo ths before next Term of this Court, in the WayctoM Headlight a newspaper published T this corn ty. Granted. Spences tt Atkinson, Judge S. C. B. C. W. N. Wright. Atty. for PUT. I certify that the above is a true ex tract from the minutes of Ware Supe rior Court. This Nov, 28. 1KS7. W. M, Wilson. Clerk S. C. W. C. Tax-Collectors Rouna THIRD ROUND Waltertown District, Thursday, Dec I. Sweat District, Friday, Dec. 2. Denton club ground, Saturday morn ing Dec 3. Denton Store, Sat eve, Dec 3. Millwood District, Tuesday, Dec. fi. Manor, Wednesday, Dec 7. Glenmore District, Thursday, Dee 8 Rosin Still, Friday December 9 H C Williams A Co., Saturday, Dec 18 Wares boro, Thursday, Dec 15 Bragansa District, Friday Dec It McCall’s Store, 8., F. A W. Depot, Dre. 17. Wsycross, Monday, Dec It sad fit. J. A. CASON, T. C, GEORGIA—Coflee County. Will be sold before the Courthouse door at Douglass, Ga., on the first Tuesday in January next 1887 between the legal hours of eale, the following property to wit: Eight and a quarter scree of lot of land No 478 is the 6th District, Raid land being situate! in the cown of Waycross on the B. A W. R. R. adjoiding the lands of A. Moore, J. B. C4dy, B. T. Summerilin, C. A. Gasxin and Mn .Millie Daniel. Sold as the property of W. M. Gaskin to satisfy au execution in favor of John Cunningham. fcThis 23rd 1887, J. H. Hall, Sheriff C. C Ga. GEORGIA—Ware County. • Whereas, Cora L. Bird, formerly Cora L. Waldron, administratrix on the estate of E. D. Waldron, deceased, applies to the undersigned for letters dismissory from ber administratrix- ship ; therefore, all persons concerned are hereby required to show cans#, if any they have, why said administra trix, on the first Monday in January next, should not be discharged. Given under my hand and official signature, this October 3, 1887. - WARREN LOTT, Ordinary. (he crown of any Christian com- bm>3e4. No one else burl-' J prayer ol the Hoabmoht. TV. H.nc-fanelir nMa K-n maw friend sad MfMt reU*nee. Th© 8t*ek-*r*wer need* It—It win Inflate It s* an antidote for tb# danger* to life, Keeaa Battle lathe Hesse. HeaehmleC *Xm*B«tlblatlsT*comlal» ■Jjjhg Ke*» a Bettis AHsajslathsStahtefar see wfces wasted. Road Notice. GEORGIA—Coffee County. We, the undersigned road reviewers, submit the following report of a road leading from the Waresboro and Jacksonvelle crossing at W. B. Teston’s store and running through the lands, of said Teaton, James Carter, H C Wilson, and B H Tanner, to the new bridge on Seventeen mile creek, and said reviewers report it of public retility to the neighborti*»od through which it will pass, aud these are. therefore to notify all persons that said road will be established on first Mon day in January 1887, if no good cause is shown to the { Given under my hand ,au4 saal| XhU December 5th, 1887< - Elijah Paulk. Ordinary. Libel for Diet F. M, Young, | Ware Superior Court vs >• Nov. Term, Thursday, Mollie Young.) Nov. 10th 1887. It appearing to the Cuurt by the re turn of the Sheriff* in the above stated case that the Defendant does not reside in said county, and it farther appeal thst 8ht does not reside in the State, it is therefore ordered by the Court that Service be parfeeted by publica tion of this order one a month for font mont’is before the next Term of this Court in the Wapcrosa Headlight, a newsp tper published in Ware Coun ty, Georgia. Granted SrexKR B. Atkinson. Judge S. C. B. C. L. A. Wilson, Attorney for Libellant. I hereby certify that the above la a troe ct py copy from the miminntes of '*’are Superior Court. Nov. 28,1887. W.M Wilson, Clerk S.C. W.C. GFORGIA—Ware County, To all whom it may concern:—Joels Johns haring applied for Guardian- application will be bean! at my at 10 o’clock a. m , on the first Mon day in February next. This Decem ber 5th 1887. WaxkkxLott, 4*t Ordinary. Notice. GEORGIA—Coffee Bounty. Will be let to the lowost bidder, on the first Monday in January next, the repairing of the courthouse, as recom mended- by the late Grand Jury. Plana ami specifications made known OP day of letting. This 5th day of De cember, 1887, ’F.iritn Pauls, Notice. Notice. Notice. GEORGIA—Ware County. To all whom it may concern:—J. M. McQuaig has In due form applied to the undersigned for permanent let ters of administration oil the estate of J. M. Johns, late of said county, de ceased, and l will pass upon said ap plication on the first .Monday in December, 1887. Given under my hand and official pis tare, this 26th day o( October,1887. w abru Lott, Ordinary Ware County .Ga. Notice. GEORGIA—Coffee County. Whereas, Hamm Kirkland, Jr., ol said county, has applied to me for let ters of dismissory of the person and property of Hsriaon Kirkland, minor heir of Emma Trowell, also of mid county. Now, those are to cite and admonish all concerned, to show rinse if they cxn, why loch letter, .betid not.be greeted. as^Htqned far. Strew EtuiaP.rajt Ordinary. nnder my hand no23-4t Notice. Wfll^be sold before the courV» hoose door in the town of Dourisss on W i 7 **?*? 7 MBjuy b5i da- ■*»* S» W*- Co.Coffee8tat»G«. 400 S3 , .. SO SO 6 •• «• d 400 *S «' H " >. .. Ja&ssMsrsrt gjfgsjstdstfia °“*?l < 5K I ! W 4 *“>»«• on twtir, month.. Tbiehov. 18th 1887. O. P. ban. Xfcatar.