Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, June 11, 1904, Image 2

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$510011 The Ro»nl <»f DirectOM of the Utiis- iatm Pu chase Houvanir * «»*»* « 'Miij>any will net abide »n appropriation of f.V',* jEXACT number of paid admiaihma lo the Lou'.iiiaiia Pur- chaw Kxpositi.iii. which open* at Ht. \/,u n April :jmh and cloati IJeceiubar ail! U prem nted to the .me who W»u»ls u« the w-arasi coriwt estimate. TliD Golden opportunity o aecure a inairni- lircnt Fortune «o»U NO Til I NO Our obj et in making »hi» unprecedented of. id promote the «ale of our Souvenir Coin* of admiaMon the Word - Fair. The»eSouvenir of Ad mis* ion are of urjittie and « pp priate design, are invaiti »h e a* monie i toe* of this tc ea*i-t of »l‘ Kxpofitioo* an* are Him liar to the ‘oiunii.ian Half Dollar, aside from tl we Will accept the GIVEN AWAY. 'based we allow one e-ti e and filed. *.fth- tota *f paid a Imieaiona to the Hal World 1 main tii Kchange for purpose will Fair Ground*. which • lay dr,rim f i<- \V.> Fair period. Ky.-rvU.dy wants or . . tie lies any advantage hi th teat YOU are just at likely to get the I'iO.no in Gold as any One It is all pure lu. k. Should there be int-re than ..ne correct eatimate. the $50,000 will he divided equally between the persons making tlie exact or nearest correct es timate* There may be no ties or divid ing of this money; the enormois»umi of $50,000 may he received bjr one p.- son. WHY NOT Y »U? The lucky win et vHIIhj notified the instant o-tkial a’>- nouncenient of the total number of paid uuniiasions it mtde by the Louisian* Purchase Kxposition Company W# wit! also pay all of your expeii-es to St. Louis and will deliver the $50,000 IN ONK GKKAT HAG OF GOLD a finis*! Chi. •ach the city, o World' ota! paid B. iM.IAo HI; DON'T DKLAY! Write im and remember that all yon li t.. entitle you to r» flic" telle, tiia! and profitable .•;me 50 cents fora b*-i liateiy • *o do ipate In this in- SOUVENIR COIN OF ADMISSION WORLD S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. COUPON 73 Notice: ' " • 1' »> -• '-up ti. t» 1, «'!,*■, vMr«i am! -s*. mat-. ,1, , , • Loulnhtna Purckone Souvenir Coin Co., St. Loulm, Mo. Name LOUISIANA PURCHASE SOUVEKIP. IM CO, ST. LOUIS, U. S A, AMraii • City State < ut out ti is address and j<a>t‘ on the envelope you send us , im Che Cvcning IHcrnld. 4. P. Parham, S'-. >_ ElltJ.'lfcll 4. P. Parham,\Jr. | Pjiili'ijfl. uns ;r snmrRM: j. tai TW 15 .0 U|, :,I IllltU I 55 llily, Tbm VosiU Ml PmU;, On Tw 65 »H«7, Oil UltlU SJ iVAYCKOSS, (14., JUNE 10. 1904. Roosevelt is to visit London ut nn early data. The liaorgiii peach ia very much in evidunce m the north and west. Kent tick,< v *ill send all it,* ■tructud I’arker delegation lo St. Louis. Bob Davis will he the choice of Florida today for governor of that stale. It has licau suggested that the boll weevil is on to the Heard boom in the South. Fifty-seven carloads of st.'uw- berries shipped from Conway, S. 0., u month ago brought SSKl.tHX*. ll is said that tile "old soldiers" is lo be a tenure of the Nashville reunion. This will be „ new role for the "old soldiers" at a r> s The iz.ir ..I Kussia husordi ted tl at 1‘. it Aril.ur be l„-l 1 ami the Mikado has .adored tli.it a lie taken. We hope the Mikado’s orders nill bo curried out. i If Mr. Bryan -.ud Mr. Clews’ land will now both take a seal, among lint audience and Keep quiet during the proformanco, I they may see something worth; toiling the neighbors about when j they go homo. Co of A grim! tun o U stevor.s ieaws tonight | Bowden Wluvie, Spnngs. A:.,,' where ho will -p i d th,. next fea weeks recuperaung fioui his ,e cent illness. Colonel Sieven- has only recently recovered from j quite a sev.-ie attack of fever. ! Mr. Fiudiuv having been re lieved Of bis duties as postmaster at Douglas,n.ay now find time i. introduce himself to the voters o the lltli district as ' oh Bruit- ley's opponent for congress. We would be pleased to see Mr. Findley and lind out exactly; what be looks like. $50,00 Cash Given Away fe LION CO We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Linn Coffee. Not only will the Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers, but In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums the same Lion-Heads will entitle you to estimates in our $30,000.00 Grand Prize Contents, which will make some of our patrons rich men and women. You can send in as many estimates as desired. There will be TWO GREAT CONTESTS The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St. Louts World’s Pair; the second relates to Total Vote For President to be cast Nov. 8, 1904. $20,000.00 will be distributed in each of these contests, making $40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, in addition to this amount, we will give a to the one who is nearest correct on both contests, and thus your estimates have two opportunities of winning a big cash prize. Brand First Prize of $5,080.00 Five Lion-Heads cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a 2 cent stamp entitle you (in addition to the reg ular free premiums) to one vote in either contest: Mi 1 WORLD'S FAIR CONTEST What will be the total July 4th attendance at the St. Louis orld'a Fair? At Chicago. July 4.1*93. the attendance was 283.273. office. Toledo, Ohio, ‘stlmates received In Woolson Spice Com- 1900elrctlnn. 13. give first prite for 1 Second Prlae 1,000.00 ....1,000.00 .... 1,000.00 ....1,000.00 20 frlaea- ft0.00 •• 1,000.00 ftO Priaea- 30.00 •• 1,000.00 2SO Prizes— 10.00 „ “ 3,000.00 “ ...e,000.00 $30,000.00 ftO Priaea - mo Prltr* 1 MOO Prltea 2139 PRIZES, TOTAL, Printed blanks to vote on found In every Lion Coffee Pack age. The 2 cent stamp covers the expense of our acknowledgment to you that your es- M* tlmate Is recorded. PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST J What will be the total Popular Vote cast for President (votes for all candidates combined) at the election November 8.19047 Ia election. 11959.653people voted for President. For nearest cor- estimates received In Woolson Spice Co.’s, office. Toledo, O., on or before Nov. 5.1904. we will rive first priie for the nearest cor rect estimate, second prise to theneatneareat,etc..etc..as follows: 1 First Prlt* $3,000.00 1 Second Prize 1.000.00 3 Priaea - $000.00 aacb 1.000.00 0 Prizoa— 300.00 ‘ "* 10 Prises - 30 Prize*— ftO Prizes 300 Prises 1800 Prizes 100.1 00.00 Prize*— 30.00 10.00 0.00 3130 PRIZE8, TOTAL. .. 1,000.00 ... 1,000.00 ... 1.000.00 .. .3.000.00 . . .0,000.00 •20,000.00 4279—PRIZES—4279 Distributed to the Public—aggregating S45.000.0f)—In addition fo whlch'wo shall give S5.000 to Crocirs’ Clerks (see particulars In LION COFFEE esses) miking s grind total ct $50,000.00. COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS !N EVERY PACKAGE OF LION COFFEE WOOLSON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEP’T.) TOLEDO, OHIO. ■ on sale o ., Harriv mas. Abe I II J" the following first-class grocers: T. ros , Dinkins-V Altman, A. J. * weat. Oiler, W. C. u'Vr, A. J Vonmans, I . i ibb ; . •. J ne , H \ K. Bo ise, J J. r r Lamar's Lemon Laxative is the original lemon medicine. U is made of lemona and other harmless 1* it powerful vege table ingredients, is a wife, sure and dy cure for Indigestion, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Headache. It cleanse* tho «ystem of alt impuritio*, tones up the stomach ami bon.’!*, puts the liver an.! k itinera in perfect order in short “make* you new.” It is gentle but prompt and powerful in aettou, pleaMut to take and always reliable. FOB SALE ItY Ul mtlOGIsTS. UMAR, TAYLOR A RIUY DRUG CO., Htnuf.ctartrs. Macon, fit. The Kind Von Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne tho signature of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since Us Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Jnst-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and ChUdren—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- gorie, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its ago is its gnurnnteo. It destroys Worms tool allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie.' It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It nssimllates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Are You Going North or West? THE, Louisville .and Nashville, R. R. ffers Unexcelled Passenger Service. Modtrn train carrying Pullman Sleepers. Up-to-dale coaches, free Reclining Chair Cars and Dining Can Ixtwten Southern and Northern Cities. The finest Dining Car Service in ihe South, ALL AGENTS SELL THROUGH TICKETS VIA L, & Ni For rntes, ached,lie, „n<! sleeping car reservations apply to J. M. FLEMMING, Florida Passenger Agent, C. L.-.STONE, G. P. A., 206 IVest Bay Street, Louisville, Ky. Jacksonville,'Fla WORLD’S FHIRI - — Free of Charge* : THIS:iS THEZCOVPON. Herald, Waycross, Ga.: Please register this Coupon to .No.. • Street.. Town This coupon•inuFt he returned to the Herald office within fifteen days from JUNE 9th. It will not be counted if received later. Vole For Whom You Please. | Where Are You Going f My pretty maid? I’m goiug tc Tv bee, Si r t she stid. And that’s the place where the pe. pie are goiug this v ea: lo have a go, d time, * HOTEL TYBEE With its many attractions, its fine orchestra, its spleiid;. ’ -it 1 its excellent cuisine is the most popular seaside tesort on the South At lantic Coast. Rates, 82.50 ptr dav; $12 50 fe and 4? 15 00 per week. £ THE PULASKI HOUSE L 1" lire most popular place in Savannah and should be youricnci^iiar [ ten win n In the city. WRITE FOR II.LUSTHA EU HOOKI.ET. CHAS. F. GRAHAM. Prop. Gives aMWiMKKanBi Perfect Full y m nine -t e nths of the ills of mankind can be rr '1,1 traced to irregularities of the stomach and bow- tlealth els ‘ When these important organs fail to act regularly the system becomes clogged with imparities, and perfect health is impossible. Mozley's Lemon Elixir is a pleasant lemon drink which acts gently and thoroughly cleanses the system. It is the perfect liquid laxative, and is good for every member of the family. Filty cents a bottle at all drug-stores. JMOZiey Motlty‘,L*monHotDropt are without any equal / otYtn for coughs, colds, bronchitis, sore throat etc L’OUlOi