Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, June 11, 1904, Image 3

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REMOVAL —NOTICE In New Folks-Johnson Block, opposite Passenger Depot Mill and Turpentine Supplies, Hair, Fire Brick, Blacksmiths’ Haterial, Longview Lime. Wholesale and Retail ® nc ^» Oils, Glass, Cement, jmj < *' ut l er y» Stoves, Plaster, Cutlery, Sash, Blinds, Sporting Doors, Paints, • Goods, Tinware. Farming Implements, American Wire Fence. Come and See Us in Our New Quarters. No Place Like Waycross. Mr. Mitch J. Mock, who has y^teen making his home in Thoms ' asville and Douglas for several years, has returned to Waycross and will again make this city his home. Mr. Mock says there’s no place like Waycross, and that he does not feel at home anywhere else. He was here when Way- cross was a small village. When the town was incoporated he was appointed by the Legislature that passed the act incorporating the place as a member of the town council, Dr. W. B. Folks, now deceased, being appointed at the same rime as mayor oi Waycross. The other members of the council were 0. W. Hil liard and W. F. Parker, both of whom are now dead. Thus it will be seen that Mr. Mock is now the only surviving member! of the first town council Way- cross dud. For seven years Mr. Mock was sheriff of Ware county,.I and during his long life he lias hud many trials to contend wiih j and has witnessed many sad and I happy changes in Waycross and 1 Ware county. The many friends! o? this kind hearted old (.’unfed-! erato veteran are pleased at his l decision to again oast his loti among the people he has known \ and loved for many h>ug years. ] lie is Sleeping. Somehow I don’t believe that] there is any such thing as death j I don’t believe that when we j close our eve-iids, fold our bands i across our breast, and enter into] that sleep we know nothing, bes i cause of our lack of knowledge,. as to the real seed of life, that j the end of us has come. I don’t beleive it, for every day I I see the flower? wither, droop] and pass away, only to spring] forth again more fragrant and in Such abundance as to cover places that once were barren and not pleasant to look upon. And >o I say to the loved ones whose hearts are bleeding and who cover their faces with the crepe of sorrow, dry your eyes, brush away your tears. There is no death at all. ail is life. And what shall I say of my frieud T. S. Singleton? Simply this,he loved his fellow man, he had a 1 tear of pity aud a hand open as the day for charity,” that charity which covereth all. His home was the light of his life; within tls four walls he found that tenderness which gives an inspiration of a high resolve. Home is the tnidwuy stepping stone between earth and heaven, it holds tlto soul a wills ine prisoner; once upon tlstheslis old, it is not far to where the light shines in the windows of the eternal city. Goodbye, my friend, may your sleep be as pleasant as the joy you brought to those you loved through your fidelity. A Fkienij, i Wrong, Editor Word Frof. J. M. tltnlliams ha severed bis connection wi lt the East Florida Semin try of Gaines-: ville, Florida. Prof. Pound, of: Waycross, will succeed Prof. Guilliams ns superintendent of Hip school.—Douglas Gazette. Tiie Herald is pleased to in form tlie editor of the Gazette that he is in error in stating that i’rof. E. A. Pound, of Ways cross, will succeed Prof. Gui!- ltiims at Gainesville. However, it is Prof. J, M. Pound, of Macon, a brother ot our talented Prof. Pound, that is to succeed Prof. Guiiliams as superintend ent of the East Florida Seminary. Use of Hill Tendered. The hall committee of Way- cross Lodge No. 800 E. P. O. Elks take great pleasure in ten dering the use of tneir hall for the proposed meeting to discuss the advisability of organizing a charity hospital for Waycross. Their hall can be had any time except Friday evening and Sun day sby notifying Mr. Geo. Leach at the Yirdie. THANKS, CAPTAIN BEN. We make no apology for re producing the following from the pen of our good friend, Capl. Ben Millikin of the Jesup Senti nel: Hon. A. P. Perhuni. the vete ran soldier and senior editor of the Waycross Herald, was in town a few nights ago on his way to Atlanta to the State Democratic Convention. He has just returned front a few weeks vacatiou where he lias been recuperating in Floridu. The Judge has always been a fighter for b« friends with his pen and lias found that they all don’t deserve what lie has done for them. As he crows older he grows wiser. Ho inn found somo of Itis friends measure up to the dimensions lie gave them many years ago. Some of them,though, are beginning to recognize Iti- wo-th as a man and his servie. •< to his party,and we hops on mg t of them will do so to give him all he deserves the balance of hi- days, wthicb at the ist cao b« only *i few years' b be full of honors ft- and personal friend deserves the be* party and the powers Hint b ecn give him. The Judge is nuni- esl and not an i flice seeker. H, knows only how to work for others. If ho thinks of self he donf say it. If von want to help him you have got to hunt him up an 1 hand it out, he Won’t ask for it. Bnt wo do hope Ins path way many he strew.n with flowers ai d his pockets with plums and persimmons picked from the Democratic orchard of the Empire State of the South. Fire At Blacksheir. Just before going to press, the Herald learned 6f a big fire at Blacashear. The tire was still raging at the time the news was sent out from Blackshear, and up to that time the new Mc Donough hotel and Col. Miitou’s residence had been completely destroyed and the McGee house was threatened. Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half Million Does tins record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Bndotcd with every bottle fa a Ten Cent package of Crove*t Block Root* Liver Pills. j ’A it... iLfMt-.r I The ...! S that t clf'- s i .-?.«(• .. L'!a.,.h of til- Ilf!ir its t?r Wtls anil Wi.ihi.1 .it • IIV-'••iiufttii r, IFF ii r b-ii . tl ! i»t*r inrtir.lj' - h.M Is “crpfrith* \. iM'tii Aii a .r i j»t h fi . ? C : tin - .... ..il. ».•■!..... ni or uy« irii-U- r SCnref.it - ivfto o.i.-iri t tin diiy ms, - t.if. (»i.. f P'.tfl.iutiv. . - . .... .line- i.nri tr.--ri-.iii f o •• .Sai.rin.il !.: N-wbo- a-. .mu of it. -xtror,,- j purity. ex., .’MM mran— *•.■» r-fr-*l.it.fr f|ti.»iUj I.-i'F"*- i i imrtWui!.' tn-s-uti-e . ntliUHI-tiri.r. r 1. l,e*nUM? il k,. | *llt.- lniir I «h: t.tid j*Gi!y ai. i give-it n silk.n .*•"101-.“ nvin.vi L\ar. 4 \Thv. kkeph tub m:u» Cl/. ■ I k:b trout, with .1 'Tulrilir Mlifl if,-hi ((' IK vf.ro s Ih rpU Ulff 1 lit1 my Jicmf - |»o! i'. li, nuri ».»y hair .I m not f.ll on . (i« el) M hb \V. i» I'.v'rr.ifo > N .♦livi’Ie. TtM.ii mjlVKri Till; I>E«IRKD KtYKC’L I have been ii.in? your H< r t »i, «l. i,.l i V k- 111-, T- :nl) Cherokee Pharmacy, SPECIAL AGENTS. ' end 10c in f.itnps te THE I Detroit, Mich., fer simple. A lleslthy llalr. "Destroy f lie Cause, You Remove the Effect ” An Unhealthy Hair. At Lrvg Stores il CO. 'end 10c in entsps to THE HESPIOIEE C5MTA1TV, Eeeroit, Mioh.. fer simple. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.^ n/L »«vi«M»°abesssscMiagn«i?»ostk«. Ttds signature,Sf/J&ynnr