Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, June 18, 1904, Image 3

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GIVEN AWAY. The Board of Director* of the Loute- iana Purchase Souvenir < oin Company will act aside an appropriation of $50,- 000, which will be presented, in it* en tirety, to the person who send* u» » m* rect estimate of the EXACT number of paid admiation* to the Louisiana Pur chase Exposition, which open* at St. cuaae imposition. which opens at o*. Lou’s April 30th and closes December 1st, 1904. Should no one succeed in e» ti muting the exact number, the money will be presented to the one who sends us the nearest correct estimate. This Golden opportunity to seenre a nmeni- tlcent Fortune costs NOTHING Our obj et in making »hie unprecedented of fer is to advertise and promote the sale of our Souvenir Coins of admission to the Wood’s Fair, These Souvenir Coins of Admission are of artistic and appro priate design, are invaluable as momen toes of this g eatest of all Expositions ami are ssmilar to the Columbian Half Dollar, aside from their intrinsic, value, will accept them in exchange fo maintain a ticket othce at the main en trance to :lie Fair Grounds, which will be open every day during the World’s Fair period. Everybody wants .these 'souvenirs, but only a limited num ber wilt be offered for sale. Price 50 cents. With every Souvenir Coin of Admission purchased we allow < total has any advantage in this test. YOU are just as likely to get the $50,0<X) in Gold as any one. It is all pure luck. Should there be more than one correct estimate, the $50,000 will !>e divided equally between the person-* Purchase Exposition Company. We will also pay alt of your expenses to St. Louis and will deliver the $50,000 IN ONE GREAT BAG OF GOLD as soon you reacli the city, The total paid makfug the exact or .nearest corns t(mates. There may be no ties or divid ing of this money; the enormous sum of $50,000 may be received by one pet ton. WHY NOT Y »U? The lucky win e. * ill be notified the instant oitclal a- nouncement of the total number of paid admissions i> made by the Louisiana admisslo.. ... Chicago World's Fair were, LM.480141: Pari*. France. Exposition. 10.705.107; Pan - An eric m Exposition, 5.300.S50. DON'T DELAY: Write i and remember that all you have to do to entitle you to p rticfpnte in this in tellectual and prolltable contest is to en- ' J * -ents for a beautiful .‘»»o SOUVENIR COIN OF ADMISSION WORLD.S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. LOUISIANA PURCHASE SOUVENIR COIN* CO, ST. LOUIS, U. S A. f’nt out tLis address and past, envelop*) you send us Cbe evening IHcrald. A. P. Perham, Sr. ( Editor* a.nd /!• P. Porhatn,\Jr. } Publisher*. gjThs Cminz Herald fi patlhJulfinr; malag ex:*pt ,■ uaJijr. Ti* Wwl*7 Hinli «?t:7 Saturi»7. SATIS -OP SVB3SSXTTX0I7: y, Oh T*«r ; 15 CO Jelly, Six hily, Tto* koatki ‘ “ FhUj, Oa* Tor rwty. Cis koaths 25 WAYCR0SS, GA„ JUNE 18. 1904. Expresses Determination Union Associated Pres* Loudon, June J5.—It is re ported Iron St. Petersburg that the Czar has expressed the deter mination to eacrilbe one million men if necessary on the field of battle to conquer the Japanese. The Czar is said to be highly con fident of success. He is not in formed of tho real state of.affaiFs in Russia, and seoins to’ believe that the war is extremely popu lar. Iii bad Health, Union Anoc'ateri Preaa. New York, June 15.—Nan Pat terson, the chorus girl, iudietfd for the murder ot Cuesar Young, is rapidly breaking down in health, and her attorney fears that she will not survive’ a long $50,00 Cash Given Away to Users of LION We are going to be more liberal than ever in 1904 to users of Lion Coffee. Not only will the Lion-Heads, cut from the packages, be good, as heretofore, for the valuable premiums we have always given our customers, but In Addition to the Regular Free Premiums the same Lion-Heads will entitle you to estimates in our $50,000.00 Grand Prize Content*, which will make some of our patrons rich men and women. You can send In as many estimates aa desired. There will be TWO GREAT CONTESTS—— The first contest will be on the July 4th attendance at the St. Lonla World’a Fain the second relates to Total ~ ' “ ” Nov. 8, “— - * * ' • *" $40,000.00 on the two, and, to make it still more interesting, in addition to this amount, we will five a Am N J EImaI Dwsvm ml (US flHfl fill to the one who la neareat correct on both bianD rllST ■ NZ6 0l tpUiUUUallU contcata, and thus your estimates have two maaammmmmnmmmmammmam^^mammaamaamammmm opportunities of winning a big cash prise. Five Lion-Heads m^F’ ***■■ Printed blanks to cut from Lion Coffee Packages and a 2 cent stamp entitle you (In addition to the reg ular free premiums) to one vote In either contest: WORLD’S FAIR CONTEST What will be the total July 4th attendance at the St. Louts World’s Pair? At Chicago, July 4,1893, the attendance wai 283,273. Por nearest correct estftnatee' received pany’s office, Toledo, Ohio, vote on found In every Lion Coflee Pack age. The a cent stamp covers the expense of our ^acknowledgment to you that your es- d$m tlmate Is recorded. PRESIDENTIAL VOTE CONTEST ^ What will be the total Popular Vote cast for President (vote* Wootson Spice Com- • w.t.ww, ,uiin,v,wwv, vh «l wivi, --HS 90th. 1904, WS Will give first prise for the.nearest correct estimate, aecond.prise to the next nearest, etc., etc., as follows: 1 Plral Prise for all candidates combined) at the election November 8. 19047 fa 1900 election. 13,939,693people voted for President. Por nearest cor- IvedfaWi - - - - 1 Second Prise 2 Prises—$600.00 each 6 Prises— 200.00 lO Prises— 100.00 20 Prises— 60.00 1800 Prises— 6.00 2130 PRIZES. 12,600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,600.00 0,000.00 120,000^00 rect estimates received fa Woolson Bpke Co.’a. office. Toledo, O., on or before Nov. 9,1104. we will give first prise for the nearest cor rect estimate, second price to the neat nearest, etc., etc., as follows: 1 Plral Prise . $2,600.00 1 Seeend Prise i .ooo.oo 2 Prlsee—1600.00 eaeb 1 .ooo.oO 6 Prlsee— 200.00 " 1 .ooo.oo 10 Prises— 100.00 •• i,ooo.oO 20 Prlsee— 00.00 “ 1,000.00 60 Prlsee— 20.00 •* l,000.00 260 Prlsee— 10.00 ”, 2.000.00 1800 Prlsee— 6.00 JZJt o.ooo.oo TOTAL, 2180 PRIZES, TOTAL, $20,000.00 k ^70—PRIZES—4279 blstributsd to the Pub.ie—aggregating $45,OOO.O0-ln addition to whlch'we thill give $5,000 j to Groctrt’ Clerics (sto particulars In LION COFFEE ottot) nuking t grind total of $50,000.00. COMPLETE DETAILED PARTICULARS IN EVERY PACKAGE OF confinement in the Toombs. A speedy trial \vi 1 he urged- Uer, brother in law, Morgan, Inis not j vet been heard troni. COFFEE WOOLSON SPICE CO., (CONTEST DEP’T.) TOLEDO, OHIO. Saw Search3Liglits.Jj Union A-i j Wood, j 1 i mi <a!e a tl.e fo’lovung Hardy ros , Dir !<i ah, A he I oiler, \Y C, rst-class grocers: T. U. ibb " ro , J. A is i Altman, A. j, - wcat, J. I-. J ne , If V . utier, A J Youmans, L. R. Ro'ise, J. 11, , Che Poo, June 15.—The Cap-; tain of a steamer which passed I through the Gulf of Pechili last Monday night reports that lie' saw the search lights of a larg.-. llect, aud flashes from theirgunsi 28 miles south aeat of Port Ar thur. He could not make out the lights of any opposing vesso'.’ Harbor Again Open. | Union Anocii'rd Pr„«. Tokio, Jane 15.—A dispatch which arrived here today reports that the entrance to Port Arthur harbor is again open. The Rus sian cruiser Novtk made a sortie yesterday, and engaged the Jap anese fleet. No result of fight is given. _ . Lamar’s Lemon Laxative fa the original lemon medicine. It is made of lemons and other harmless hut powerful vege- imfr- 1 f —*- ’■ * * • table ingredient*, is a safe, sure and si»«:cdy cure for Indigestion, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Headache. It cleanses the system of all impurities, tones up the stomach and bowels, puts tho liver and kidneys In perfect order in short “makes you new." It is gentle but prompt And powerful in action, pleasant to take and always reliable. FOB SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. LAMAR, TAYLOR A RILEY DRU9 CO., MaRvfactor«rt, Macon, Ga. 1i£M « <,-) ■'I ■ r r. - Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, and which Ims been In uso for over SO years, has horno tho signature of and has been niado under Ills per sonal supervision slnco Its lufluicy. Allow no one todcccivo you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-ns-gooil” lire but Uxperltucuts that trillo with and endanger the health of Infants and Chlldrou—Experience against experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorin Is n harmless snbstltuto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Plensnnt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine linr other Narcotic substance. Its ngo Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms mat allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation unit Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and uatnrul sloop. The Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. K CENTAUR CIMMMNI ... [ i r—nr hi v i ii ii, jiftasgrsreaa _ J J mm ivs i 1 a a Ready IVlixed Paint. YOU BUY DIRECT FROM FACTORY TO CONSUMER. We pay the freight. FREE! FREE! FREE! The finest assortment of color cards ever Issued. JUST NOW, before you forget It, write for these color cards. The only STRICTLY UNION MADE Paint, on the market,. Honimt k<mh1h Hindu by Hkfllt’d workmen. A SPECIAL PROPOSITION FOR PAINTERS. sj T.’bcrty paint in jrunrnntwd for flvo yimwby u million dullnr cu:r(»ny. •A Active nion nml •.■onu*n nmkn $a)Oii monlh repnwntlui^ us. 1 THE BURSKA PfUNT t EQUIPMENT COMPANY, .% ••iflPWDSW.*' : f f, IRLHANA ; Are You Going North or West? THE. Iiouisville and Nashville, R. R. ffers Unexcelled Passenger Service. M«wiern train rarrjiiiR I’nliiniin fileepers, UiHn-dute touclio, free Rcclininff « hair (‘ars and Dining Gitrs between Bouthcrn and Northern Cities. The finest Dining Car Service in the South. ALL AGENTS SELL THROUGH TICKETS VIA L. & N: For rates, schedules ami sleeping enr reservation,t apply to J. M. FLEMMING, Florida Passenger Agent, . L.*STONE, G. P. A. # 200 West Hay Street, Lonisville^Ky. Jm ksonviile, Fla Whoro Are You Going j \ My pretty maid? I’m going to Tybee, Sir site ^ f said. And that’s the place where the people are going this year to have a good time. HOTEL TYBEE ^— With its many attractions, its fine orchestra, its splendid bathing and its excellent cuisine is the most popular seaside resort on the South At- t lantic Coast. Rates, 82.50 per day; $12.50 and #15.00 per week. * THE PULASKI HOUSE 1 Ie the most popular place In Savannah and should be your headquar ters when In the city. WRITE FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET. CHAS. F. GRAHAM, Prop.