Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, July 02, 1904, Image 2

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kinds n ever and The ■come . jD flier- j become import. ...ofacturing regions; have _,>idly increased their produc tion of raw materia!. There are few business houses, even in Chicago or Boston, which do not feel instantly the effect of re duced activity in the South. There is no class of working pro ducers in the North which would not suffer if any serious interfer ence should ho thrown across the path of Southern trade. Yet these Republican sec- ] tionalists do not stop at a move ment to trample upon the eonsti tutional rights of States in their prejudice against the South ; do not hesitate at an attempt not hesitate at an attempt to; Miss Nettie Blackmore, Minneapolis, arou80 passions ami disturbance. ; tells how any young woman may be per- They uro willing direcrly to sail the very ouusos of Southern advancement. With every successful effort of the South to improve internal government, to insure the su premacy of education; honor and responsibility, its business af fairs have been placed on a firm er foundation, confidence lias boen increased, capital has been attracted, railroads have jjbeen built and factories have boen started. To gratify political prejudice tho Republican party lias deliberately declared that it proposes to undo tills work as far as it can, to usurp new power over the States and force upon Soutlieruors the insult of tne in feriority of tho Union—the in sult of reduced representation. It cannot lie believed that this threatened assault on the Sjutli will meet u favorable response in the North of the Twentieth Century. If a fooling of section al IlOSti lit V — atilt uiivu ItPV ousmess necessities of the times would cause a verdict of dtsap proval. But there is no section al hostility. Tlio people of all soctions are united. All States are and are admitted to bo citual under the Constitution. The blutidor of tho Republican poll ticinns will bo punisliod at the polls —St. Louis Republic. There are two classes of people that will always remain poor— thoso w ho hug tile eagle so close ho can’t go out and bring back returns, and those ivno turn him loose and laugh at him as lie files away never to return. 50,000 Free Samples You Can Got One. # BLACK WEED, the great vegetable remedy for Rheumatism, Catarrh, and Kidney and Madder complaint*, has nu>‘ with almost matalitaueooa smvoi cans*' it has made some noteworthy cures of very n-ven* case*. Mr. John 1W, « f tho Atlanta Pi Dept , writes: " For months I » ney*. but failed until I Tha relief ob great before half tho first Kittle had been used, that 1 put aside all other medicim-a and am now sound and v. rl having boon cured oomplvtolv by Vtaok Weed. At the same time 1 hud xu jq* gravatesl caso of Catarrh of the head and throat. ^Black Wins! has coropletelv cored this, iut<l m. nuad U low c> h M a bell." 13LACK W "ifED is sold i»y all drug- gists at $1 A) a bottle, or we will send prepaid upon receipt of price. , and sddrvss l once for trial sample of this great remedy. Which will be sent absolutely free, to gether with our book containing valua ble information and endorsements. Please mention this paper. Address, Black Weed Medicine Co., Atlanta, Ca. mancntly cured of monthly pains by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. “ Young Women: —I had frequent headaches of a severe nature, dark spots before my eyes, and at my menstrual periods I suffered untold agony. A member of tho lodge advised mo to try Lydia E. rink ham's Vegetable Compound, but I only scorned good advice and felt that my ease was hopeless, but sho kept at me until I bought a bot'.lo and started taking it. I soon hnd the best reason In the world to change my opinion of (ho medicine, os each day my health improved, and finally I was entirely without pain at my menstruation periods. I am most grateful.”— Nina Blackmoiie, 2-S Central Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Painful Periods — —* arc quickly and permanently overcome by Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound. The above letter in only one of hundreds of thousands which prove this statement to be a fact. Menstruation Is a severe strain on a woman's vitality, — If it is painful something Is wrong. Don't take narcotics to deaden the pain, but remove tho cause —perhaps it is caused by irregularity or womb displace ments, or the development of a tumor. Whatever it is, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is guaranteed to.curo it. i If thero is anything about your case about which you would like special advice, write freely to Mr a. l'ink ham. She will treat your letter as strictly confidential. She can surely holp you, for no person in America can apeak from a wider experience in treating female ills. She has helped hundreds of thousands of women hack to health. Her address is Lynn, Mass., and her advice is free. You are very foolish if you do not accept her kind invitation. Details of Another Case. “Dear Mbs. Pinkiiam:—Ignorance and carelessness is tho causo of most of the suffer ings of women. I believe that if we properly understood the laws of health we would all bo welL hut if tho sick women only knew the truth about Lydia E, Vegetable compound, they would be saved much suffer ing anil would soon bo cured. “ I used it for flvo months for a local diffi culty which had troubled me for years, and for which I hod spent hundreds of dollars in the vain endeavor to rec tify. My life forces were being sapped, tud I was dally losing my vitality. « Lydia E. Plnkliom's Vegetable Compound cured mo completely, and I am now enjoying the best of health, and am most grateful, and only too pleased to endorse such a great remedy."—Miss Jennie L. Edwards, 604 II St, N. W, Washington, D. C. Mrs. Plnkhom, whose address is Lynn, Mass, will answer cheer* fully and without cost all letters addressed to her by sick women. Miss Barney Here. Miss Burney of Madison, Ga.,1 is bore today in tho interest of \ Short r *'o'logo. Quite n num ber of Wavorsss girls have ut- i ded Shorter and Miss Burney Mug warmly welcomed hero. We besneak for the voting linlv Ta-bi Uniaii, rornere.l battle hundred tlmus v a.-eii i- Send Your Name :; u - THE YOUNG VULTURE HE tS WILLING TO FIGHT BEFORE HE IS ABLE TO FLY The PUdffellair »*■■ Wonderful Strength of Bill. I* tournK«*one nnd A(Rre«il«e and la aa Quirk Aluioat M • Flash of Lightning. In the south there Is one bird which everybody knows whether he U a na ture student or not I refer to the turkey vulture, or turkey buzzard, ns most people call him. This bird seems to be an ever present feature of the southern landscape, for look upward when you will you may see him sweep Imk the sky with outspread whins, wheeling In broad circles or soaring In graceful spirals, with seeming never u stroke of the mighty pinions for hours nt a time. One day 1 saw a vulture sailing thus says Ernest HanM Haynes in the Hoston Her:.Id. r.ti.l I carefully marked his flight until he deaceiulcl from the white clouds ami disappear'd m ar tin edge of u distant wood. Supposing that he had conn* down to feed tin some carrion—a dead horse perhaps, which had been dragged just outside of the woods and left—I made the best or uiy way to the spot where 1 lost sight of the bird, that I might lie a witness to The feast. I arrived nt the wood, but neither bird nor carcass could I see. Then 1 bethought me that this was the month of May. and that perhaps the buzzard bad u nest thereabout I hunted un der the bushes, along the side of fallen trees and In some old stumps which were standing near, but uot a feather was to be seen. Presently 1 spied a log which lay somewhat apart in the shadow* of some shrubs, and us 1 approached It out from somewhere came n big turkey buzzard, which quickly disappeared behind the trees. On coming up to the log. which wub a large one, 1 found that it was hollow, nud In the cavity then* were two eggs, which doubtless belonged to the vulture which hnd just departed. They were considerably lar ger than the eggs of a domestic hen. and In color they were dirty white, heavily spotted with chocolate brown. I left them that I might huve an op portunity to study the young. The next time I visited the hollow log the parent birds were not In sight, but - In the nest I found two downy fledgelings, which could scarcely be called pretty. They were in every less attractive than young hawks of the same age. They expressed their disapproval of my presence by a weak growling sound. I could not visit the spot again for some weeks, and when 1 did one of them had disappeared. The other was no longer In the hollow log, but stand* Ing at a little distance, and I was in terested to see the change In his ap- poarnnee. In the first place, he bad grown tremendously; the down which had formerly covered the whole body was now confined chiefly to the head, neck and under parts, and the rest of the bird was clothed with firm black feathers. He looked fat and well fed. I reached out my hand and caught him by one wing. But here he had a surprise for me, for he seised my An ger In his hooked bill and with a turn of bis heed twisted off a bit of the flesh before I had time even to object Aher hurriedly cleansing the wound I again advanced on the enemy, who was game enough to satisfy any one and come to the attack with open blit Of course he was not dangerous lu the ist, for be was very young and could not even fly. but for a fledgeling the grip ho could give with his bill was us ton lulling. '•!* i liroe However, I picked him up, took him home and tethered him In the garden with p strap to one leg. Tho first night he nte a good meal of liver, and after that he took almost any kind of meat that was given him. I let him have carrion whenever It was convenient, but nt other times he nte freshly killed frogs, fresh beef, opossum and even fish. One night soon after I hnd brought him home 1 went out to see how lie looked when he was asleep. It was so lark that his black plumage was not visible against the grass. All I could e of him was a white spot, his bead. It hung near the ground. ~ l 1 approached very quietly and was within five feet when something hap pened. Out o? tlie dnriiness there came a flash of white straight toward me with n speed which caused me to step quickly backward, and at the same in stunt there was a startling, rustling sound, accompanied by a guttural growl, which for, a moment 1 did not recognize aa the voice of the young vulture. Altogether It was a most startling phenomenon, and. although 1 realized in a moment that the bird was In some way the cause of It. I do not know even yet Just what happened. This much I know, however, that the bird rushed at 'fire, growling with a|I his might, and that the flash of white was the white down of the body uncovered by the opening of the black wings. The rushing sound was, I think, caused in some way by the wing feath ers or tall feathers, or both, but wheth er by dragging them along the ground or otherwise I cannot tell. I tried on •erersl occasions to find this out by ap proaching the ybung vulture when there was Just light enough for me to see what bappcnal. but be would never net lu Just the same way unless It was quite dark. *■* No doubt this is some provision of nature to protect the bird when It Is young and helpless, and I can testify that It Is a good one. for I am sure that few night prowling animals would cart a pursue their Investigations after be* as given so startling a reception. J tin** 28. -The Athlete tells of wonderful cure AFFLICTED BY BLOOD POI80N CURED BY FOERG'S REMEDY Physicians marvel and praise. Sufferers wonder and rejoice. A remarkable remedy for blood poison Is an absolute, unfailing remedy for Blood Poison entitled to rank among the Great Discoveries of the Age ? . We say no, unless it is a complete and perfect remedy, effecting a curs In every cats of blood poisoning, whether constitutional or acquired. We did not aim at mere relief. There are other means of relief. We want to provide a permanent cure. There is no other means. In Foerg's Remedy, have we a certain permanent cure ? Physicians say we have, sufferers say we have. We have a countless mass of letters from them. They speak of many cures, but not of a single failure. Read this letter, one of an endless number: •• I have used six bottles of Foerg’s Remedy for a case of blood disease of long standing, i n « most everything recommended s trial, but without success, and by luck heard of Foert’s Remedy so I decided to give It a trial, which I did. and 1 am glad to aay it completely cured me I am an acrobat, and recommended it to many of my profession, and bear of good results from all who take my advice. Wish you success and hope Foerg's Remedy will be standard amongst men of the future." — The writer of this letter is a well known athlete, whose name we withhold because all eorrospondoneo with our patrons It strictly confidential. We stake our com mercial honor and standing on the statement that the letter is here faithfully reproduced. For many years we worked upon this problem. Other diseases, we reasoned, are curable. Why not this one? And so we continued our work until our efforts found tne highest success, when we were ready to fuarantM a euro In tvtry oase. i Foerg’s Remedy is for sale at your druggist's, or by us upon receipt of $1 for one bottle or $5 for six bottles. * t FOERG REMEDY CO., Evansville, Ind. A Wonderful Sating. The lament J/ethodiat cl.urch in Geer gi. calculated t<> II-C over one hundred eallona -Jibe u-utl kind of mix'd paint to paiotiuir their church They u-rd only 32 gjliona of the Longman A .1/ar- tinets Paint mixed with 24 gallona ».f iin-eed oii. Actual coat of paint made wax lea. than $1 20 per gallon Saved over eighty ($S0) d-d'a-e in paint and g it a hig donation be- de- Kverv church will he given a libe-a quantity whenever’ rhpy paint .!/.'!!' hnu.e* are well paimed wiLhjjfmr gal lons of L A J/snd three gallon- of lin seed o'l tnixad therewith Wear, end covers like gold This celebrated paint i- sold by The P. N. Barley Hardware t’o. Officers Elected. Waycross Council, No 21. Junior Order United American Meehanicsy-ftt a regular; meeting held last night, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term: Councilor—Dr. G. R. Love lace. Vice Councilor—O J Alien. Conductor—R E Finn. Warden—B. G. Finn. Inside Sentinel—L. Hurst. Outside Sentinel—W. T. Sliu- ford. Chaplain—Earl Finn. Assistant Recording Secretary —T. H. Finn. Trustees—S. T. B.aton and A. C. Blythe. mcLROV-SHAmton SPRINGS NOT SPRUNG Keep your guns ready for the night prowlers. out of shapo-never weak nor wobbly— never creak nor squeak. Victor Ifo. 1 are built to wear. Soma springs are Just built to sell. Each cone of wire has its individual point of support on a patented croes- wire foundation. The smaller end of the spiral being rigidly connected to two cross-wires in such a manner that the coil cannot be depressed below these supports, or twisted to one side or tie other. This insures a uniform level mattress surface. Also, as the separate springe cannot touch each other or the various coils of each iprlng rub together when compressed, there is absolute freedom from noise. Do not buy any other eprlnge until you eee these, and do not buy these until you find that they are all we say. Guaranteed for five full yean. THE LUXURIOUS COMFORT of this spring ran he enjoyed by everybody n: d it will cost but little, all through our jou’ll find tempting Furnitute temp tlnyly priced. Eithercmhor payments. Singleton Furniture Company. •Subscribe fur the Herald. Tho Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and wh!c In uso for over 30 years, has homo t’r , and has been nm-’ sonnl supervision Allow no ono to dc. as been tiiro of bis per- tf'incy. . in this, are but ”' —...... .iiuu ...... ...... auuugvi- uie Health of Infants and Children—Experience ngaiud experiment. All Counterfeits, Imitations and «Just-ax- Expcriinents that trlflo with and ouilaugct What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms «md allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ^ relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation And Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sloop, Tho Children's Panacea—Tho Mother's Friend* genuine CASTORIA always Sears the Signature of The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years.