Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, August 06, 1904, Image 2

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Cbe evening fferdtd. M. F. Farham, Sr. S. F. Parham,','!* Editor, Ml PjblUhin. KTU ItiiIii Iinil !■ (illliWJw ram rati Tuir. Tka *«m? *mli tnn RKrtay. ill ntoEttftlui tvtUOi amt* ■llmttiUf mu mmrtU, ui mil tun a ttylltt- luni'cr nuninisifc Om Imi 15 CJ hUr, Si Vntto *« Mlf.nmXnUt «m». mw Ontly, Ki X:;tti «J WAVCROSS, OA., Alia. t. IM4. Port Arthur and the G.- O. are evidently doomed. It now looks as if tlie Japs could take their time in the re duction of Port Arthur. Gold democrats and silver democrats are all rallying under the Parker banner. Ex-governor Hogg of Texas, says that I’arkor will be elected. That ought to sottlo it. Sanitary precautions are gen erally observed in St. Lcuis, Even grievances are being aired. If thoro is anything otlior peo ple want that Joe Hill Hall wants, we would bo pleased to learn what it is. Oil will be sprinklod on tho roads in the District of ('oluni- bia. Dust will bo thick this year on tho roads leading to tho District. A Pbrco county womau struck her husband over the head with n broom and made him crazy. Ware county husbands have learned to dodgo the broomstick. Kipling's now poem, "Once on u time there was a man," will be a valuable asset for the au thor if Joseph Chamberlin should take the British helm of state. The maximum boodle vote is estimated at 5,000. That, is nearly accurate. But it is hards ly fair to pxposO tho strength of tike Republican machine. Tho report of Port Arthur's fall will be -Inly confirmqtl. So big isTfio bottle and so long has it beeu corked that tho noise of tho release will ho heard around tho world. An employe in a state build ing at tho World's Pair rotused to accopt her salary on Sunday. It is doubtful whether women would makegood campaign man agers. The Republicans of Missouri have surrendered to the notor ious machine gang of St. Louis. And they cull that reform It's liko a band of pilifors operating under a tlag of truce. Foreign immigration will eventually solve tbe negro prob lem in the south. A race that will uot till the productive lands of the south must givo place to n race that will <lo it. As Not then Negroes View II, The following highly interest log communication to the Wash ington Post presents, in a nut shell as ii'were, the race ques tion as it appears to the negroes of the north: Editor Post: As a colored man I wish to call attention to the difference-between the re. publican and tho democratic na tional conventions At the repub lican convention the colored man was treated as a companion friend, and brother. There he was made to feel as if he were not only a political, but a s cial equal. The delegates follows the ad vice and example of our beloved President Theodore Roosevelt, who teaches that the color ed man deserves to be treated as a social equal. To emphasize this fact, he had the courage to have at his table Professor Booker T. Washing ton. If Roosevelt is elected it will so encourage tho colored men that we will demand that Professor Booker Washington shall 1st the republican candidate for vice president in 1908. Let not my colored brethren forget that scene in tho rpublican convention when a beautif white girl was placed upon the stage, and by her side a negro boy. They then placed (lags in their Imnd and allowed them to lead the cheering, thus making the tirst and grandest axample of SCIENCE PREVENT8 BALDNESS- THE DAGUERREOTYPE. n> ratal Carat ama Ita Hoardr Haw 044 (rollout caaoaralaar IU rraaaaa Facta at fClear*. | When It Waa Xetr. tt la the rarest thing In the world for ‘ Many nmaalng remark* wore made a man to be neceisartly bald. No man at the doora Of daguerreotype galleries whose hair la not dead at the roots, need (hey were first opened la this be bold If be will use Newhro’e Herpi- coantry. A small frame containing a clde. th* new acatp antiseptic. Herpi- iaux fpc clineol would draw a crowd, cldc deitroys the germ that cuts the hair rr~‘ . - nnHwUa describe off at ths root; and deans the acatp o t, One man would undertake WQeKno* dandruff and Imtm it In a *p#rfsctly bow they were mode, too look in the healthy condition. Mr. Mannstt, in ths machine, and the picture cotne*-lf you Maryland Block, ^lutte. Mont., waa en- look long enough." Another would tlraly bald. Zn less than a month Herpi- M .. “it not so much the looking that clda had removed the enemies of hali lt The gan burn8 lt \ Q if you growth, and nature did lt» work by eov- ■•Anothermade ltaU very •ring hla bead with thick hair an inch *f«P .AnotDer maue it an very lenf, and in six weeks he bad a normal plMo hy stating. The plate Is a look* •ult of hair. Sold by leading druggists. | lng giau, and when you alt In front of Send 10c. in atampe for sample to The t it your shadow sticks on tbe plate." How It cMtne about was never known, but the Impression became general that the sitter must not wink. No operator of Intelligence ever told fitter not to wlnk^ for the effort to refrain would Lave given the eye an nsbaturol expression. We found lt a duty to tell I he sitter to wink us usual; that natural winking did oot affect tbe picture. Even then it was not always Harplcide Co.. Detroit. Mich. CHEROKEE PHARMACY Suicide Prevented. Tbe startling announcement that a preventive of suicide had been discov ered will interest many. A run down system, or despondency invariaolypre* cede suicide and something has been (ound that will prevent tb.t condition \ n^eretwii. On."- old" Indy Jumped o'u’t which makes suicide llke»y At the* - . <ri __ „ oltt , n „ . vam h( .i# tirst thought af self destruction take ot ibe c J» ,r Electric Bitters. It being a tonic and over, raising both bunds and exclaim- nervine will strengthen the nerves and build up the system. It is also a great Stomach, Liver, and Kidoey reg ulator. Only 50c. Satisfaction guar anteed by Seals Pharmacy and Brinson A a ay. DeWitt is The Name, When yon go to buy Witch Hazel Salve look for the trame Dr.WITT on every box. The pure, unadulterated Witch Hazel is used in making De- Witt's Witch HazJt Sa'.ye, which lathe best »aiye in the world for cuts,burns bruises, boils, eczema and' plies. The ipularity of DeWitt's Witch Hazel .lye, due to its many cures, has caus ed numerous worthless counterfeits to be placed on the market. The genu ine bears the name E. C. DeWitt A Co Chicago Sold by Seals Pharmacy and *• isou A Hay. End of Bitter Fight. o physicians had a long aud the equality of the races that I »tubbon fight with ,n .abcet, on mv . , ' J I right lung 1 ’write* J. F. Uughee, ot history records. j DuPont, tin., “and gave mo up Every' In the democratic convention b«ly thougut my time had eomo. ‘ , ...» I»«l resort I tried Dr. King's N there was not u single colored ~ ‘ . man. It was in word nnd in deed white man's convention of a white liiau’a party. All hail to Roosevelt, who lias given the poor negro so much to encou rage him to persist in his poli ticnl and social rights. Hunky S. Bai-ek. received wa, striking end oq my feet In a few day.. Now I hove enttroly regained mv health." It coo. quere all Cough,, Cold, aud Throat and t.liug troubles. Guaranteed by llrin.on .t Hoy aud Seats Pharmacy. Price liOe, and 81. Trial bottles tree. log: “Stop It atop ltl I wlnkedl" Another remarkable fact waa that cittern seldom acknowledged their own llkeneasca. “All good but mine,” waa the common decision. An aged couplo after examining their picture* came to thla conclusion, “Marla, your, la per fect but thla doe. oot look Ilk. me." But the <gd lady anewered, “Jenna, youra la na natural aa life, but mine la a failure." After a longer consultation the old gentleman said. "We must know each other better than we know ourselves.” At ono time when Daniel Webster sat for a daguerreotype tbe finished picture waa held before him. Turnlqg away, be said: “I am not to Judge of my own looks. It la for you to Judge, and you must decide whether tbe work ta worthy of your reputa tion.-—A. Dognrdus In Century. MISTAKES IN LIFE. am* Russia's hope of war success, rays an observer, is tike the Mukdeu Railway; It might well bo added that the country's pros perity ttiul order in peace de pend upon improvements in that other system, the Government. The recent murder of the Hodge, family by negroes near Statesboro is one of the most brutal crimes in the annals of this or any other state. The negroes will bo hanged, bit this and other crimes will be repost ed and prow more frequent ss tbo dpfs go by. God only knows how the negro problem is to be solved- Continued disasters cause gloom in St. Petersburg. It transpires that the assassin of Von Plolive was once a school teacher. Brooks County’s tirst bale of cottou is In aud brought a good price. Sinkers out off Chicago's ice supply w)iich still further com plicates a situation alreudy euN liciontly interesting, Editor AV>01N(KWKNT. Wqresboro, Ga„ July 28, 1904 i Wsycrosa Herald: tuny unuonuv* u> the public that I am a candidate for Representative ot Ware County to the Georgia Legislature at thi* next October electi- a, 1 do uot I tv I that I need any introduction to the pfop'e of Ware Coun'v, ♦hfy all know me, II I mu elected I shall favor a hill to make e'ec«ive by the people, ths? mem hem nf the Board of C»onty Commls- •UmeM a»i*l ihe member* of the Board of Education, mid Counts School Comm s- •lorer. Very Reapectfnllv. •* V. '? D NsMs’h a A SUlUiuc sold is ti A Perfect P.unless Pill i- the one that will cleanse the system set the liver to actio i,remove the bile, cl*nr the complexion, cure headache and leave a good taste in the mouth. The famouslittle pills for doincr such work pleasantly and effectually ^r« DeWitl’a Little Early RUerf? ilol Moore of LsFavette, Ind.. says: *A1 other Pills I have used gripe and sick en, tvhile Do Witt’s Little Early Risers are simply perfect" Sold by Seals Pharmacy and Brinson A Hay. Puts an End to it All. ' A grievous wall oftimes comes as a result of unbearable pain from nvc taxed organs, dizziness, backache, liv er complaint and constipation Hut thanks to Dr. King's New Life Pills they put an end to It all. They are gentle but thorough. Try them. Ooly 25c. Guaranteed by Seal* Pharmacy and Brinson A Hay. Ff7FklA nttt. PtMHtt, ois «mii. ch lli/rMA CIS kf CURED AT Mill COST.- LVLLIIIG arjO THE fOUlllU LETTED. Th« Be bins Co., Chicago- DEAD gll! fOUO,r,M lSTTE> * —Bncloard find on* dollar to pay . . . fj Gsmti-rmsw—Bndoaed find on* dollar to •nothtr bold* of RC*/I NK and «j cenfa for I Soap. I have used nearly all ih*T'*'Ule T« and It baa dons nune for mo than all othn . menu combined that I have employed .for fonr ears. I have Bctems on both leg* flora ant * “ net’ and I have bran so bad at timet ) had I have Kciema jd 1 have bran s — stilts. Sines I commenced the my iron bis haa nearly disapp-'i i waa veil, but both leg* ftom ankle 1 had to go of KC ZINK fact it feels few rough spots yet mthe in) and then I will tell yoi ... with bottle as toon as pcMible and a It I esnect to lie perfectly I bavt A Nitmmet but if not r« the nrotittbl** result hr fsli. On- Mm- ttt«» Omugh Cure"d»»ttri the t»nik-,fcn. dra w- out the inti tinination, (teals. so,»th«*H and Htrengtbena tlung- and bronchial tubes Oo*» Miuutw i’iugh Curt* is an Ideal remedy^r the chil dren. It is pleasant to (he taste and perfectly ha miles*. A *w»rtpin «*u»v for Croup. Congh^ml C )M. Slid by Brinson A Hav and Seals Pharmacy. The peath Penalty. A Blt’e thing sometimes result* in death. Thus » mere scratch, insigni ficant cutaor puuv boils have paid the death penally, tt Is wise to have llni*ttlen’* Arntct Salve ever handy. It is the best salve on earth and will pie- vent fatality, when hurns.sore», ulcers and plies threaten. Oulv S5c, at Seals Piiat maey and Brinson A Hay. ^,7 - ? A Sweet Breath l trouble and mpause I Iwve endnrvd in th but I have g. cat hope* th a I will «**» l»s rd I oartalnly baliavo I h-svo struck the right With bavt wish*.* t am D. I- ALt XANDKR Wt. Pleasant, N I be paid for any akin dL . ttiwA. run, ut»c mss, rsnft,tts» mi«. which thenaw Radium remedy- EC-XINX, lot cure promptly. Send today for ■ FRhB cant, Hufecicnttocnre any ordinary casa. THE KC-ZINK COMPANY W. KtThRMK!?:R, Sales Agml ‘«arbvtn Stncr. Chicago, HI. Broodln*r Over Them tm fad I'nprofltabla Work. One of tbe most unprofitable ways of spending time is tbe practice, to which many persons are addicted, of brooding over tbe mistakes one has made In life and thinking what he might have been or achieved If he bad not done at certain times Just what he did do. Almost every nnsnccessfnl man In looking over hla past career is Inclined to think that lt would have been wholly different but for certain slips and blunders—certain hasty, ill considered acts into wnich he waa be trayed almost unconsciously and with out a suspicion of their consequences. Aa be thinks of all the good things of this world—bopor, position, power and Influence—of which he has been deprived In some mysterious. Inexplica ble way. he has no patience with him self, and as It Is painful and humiliat ing to dwell long upon one's own fol lies lt Is fortunate If he doeMthot Im plicate others—friends and relatives— In bis disappointment*. Perhaps, as education has never been free from mistakes—mistakes Indeed of every kind—he Imputes the blame to his early training. In which habits of thor oughness and accuracy or, again, of~ self reliance and independence of thought may not have been Implant ed. Perhaps a calling was cboaen for him by his parents without regard to Ms peculiar talents or tastes and pref erences. or If he was allowed to choose for himself It was when bis Judgment was Immature and unfit for the respon sibility. Tbe result was that the square man got Into tho round bo|e or the tri angular man got Into the square hols or the round man squeezed himself Into the triangular bole.—Success. AVegelable PrepataUonforAs simflating meFoodandBegula-n | ting the Stomata andBorels of | ■iiiiffiLsui!ii»[rtSyi Promotes DtgestionCheerful- nessandRest.Conlaina neither pium.Morphine norMineral. >TIC. (vnmaas itjiusja- A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion , Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms,Convulsions,Feverish ness and Loss or SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or dt^fffOSSat NEW YORK. J5 I) (ISIS - }^Cl INIS EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. GASTORIA For Infanta and Children, The Kind You hu.d _ Always Bought ■ For Over Thirty Years GASTDRiA ft Spot Cash $28.00 Celebrated Auburn One-Horse Wagon. lixlj Auburn one-horse wagons $28. lAxlI Auburn one-bore* wagons$29 Our goods are made to order by first-class manufac turers Turpentine wagons Open and top Bug gies. Cross • Tie a Wood Wagons. Light farm wagons Harness made to order *- Light and Heavy Team Collars. J* A. JONES, Way cross, G-a. -loir Prmtin o* Send y° ur for i l lllllllgj 0b print j ng to the EVENINQ HERALD Low prees. First-class work A Hard Critic. A clergyman wa* rebuked by one of ths ruling elders for sauntering oo the Sunday nloug the hillside above tbe manse. Tbe clergyman took the re buke in good purt, but tried to show the reuioutitrant that the actlou of which he complained was innocent and lawfuL and he was about to cite the famous example of a Sabbath walk, with tpe plucking of the ears of corn, aa set forth in the gospels, when be was interrupted with the remark, “On aye. sir. I ken weel what you mean to say. but for my pairt 1 ba© nefer tboebt the better o' them for breakln’ the Hawbbath." — Gelkle’s "Scotch Rem lntscences." it a never falling sign of a healthy stomach. When the breath is ba t the stomach is out of order. There (a no remedy In the world equal to Krutoi Drspepola Cure for curing indigestion, dvspepala aud all stomach disorders. Mr* Mary & Crick, of Whit# Plains, Ky., write*: "l have bra a dyspeptic for years; tried all kinds of remedies but continued to grow worse. Bv life use ot Kodol 1 begin to improve at once, and after taking a few bottle* am fullv restored in weight, health and strength and ean eat whatever I like.** Kodol digests what you eat and mike* the stomach sweet Sold by Seale Pharmacy and Bifnton & Hay. Y J- G. REESE, ; S First Cluss Shoo Maker 9 \ Mai.kox Hi.ock, Albany Ave S fi All »orlc neatly 'tonn to .alia- j® faction, at,n price, p'ea.e * OIVB ME A CALL J. '«9e»S9«S<SSS SM81 A. S. Morton. , IC. E. Dana Morton & Dunn, Contractors and Builders t 1 Estimates furnished on all classes or Address Way cross poatolfice or Th* Ksnssro* Rot. . One of tbe queerest little animats or ths antipodean wilds of the paradox ical continent of Australia la a Uttle sooioglcal oddity which the naturalists have called the kangaroo cat. It av-< era get no larger than tho common ro dent of tbe Norway variety, but la a miniature kntigaroo in every respect Ita mode of locomotion is precisely ths same as that of Mscfopus glganteus. Besides this, the femsle carries its young In pouches which nature has provided for that purpose and in many other respects imitate^ the habits and characteristics of Its* gigantic relative. work, see us st 79 Cods St., 43 Howe St. CASTORIA For Intuit* anil Children ' j. Room roe Do*bl. "Oh, my, yea, he'*-*w*y op In Shake- ■peare.” , "I* be? I shouldn’t bar* gueraed tbit be bed ever read a Une of Sbaka- Thtr* atren**. Havent you noticed that every llttlo wbll* be aaya In •ootnr--Chicago Reconl-Qcrald. A Uttle ImeUaaA t* It Hlmeeli. Town#—Ibera’e notbtng I bate SQ much a* a laay man. Browua—Well, I wlab there were more ot tbecn. Town. -Too do? Broom* Borv Tbo more Ixry men there are the tea* compatttlan wa’d bare ta buxlncaa.—Philadelphia _ KODOL digests what you oat.' I 1 KODOL cleanse* purities, I; strer.^;:ie:»a and ivtust- ins the stomach. KODOL cures Indigestion, dy»• -■ ■ ■ pep&ia. and all stomach and bowel troubles. KODOL accelerates tho action at —■ i ■ the gastric glands and gives tone to the digestive organs. KODOL re,,tVM * n overworked ■■■" — stomach cf all nervous strain, gives to th* heart a fuh. free and untrammeled action, r.ourtahes ths nervous svstsm and feeds the brain. KODOL 11 ,he wonderful remedy that is mak:r. t - so many sick people well and wc*>. peep?* strong by giving to their be dies all of the nourishment thst l« contained in ths food they eat. Taer Dultf Cu Strati? T Beuman^. gi.oc s. B L. SING LETO.V, B. t\ FI s. \yor r. Tomochlchi Tribe Improved! Order of Red|Men meets evory Friday night ai* Council Halt In Manoalc building Visit ing member* cor dlall)- Invited. FINN. Sac hern. WAYCK08# LODGE, XO. 97,1.0.0. I\ Mecu Wedneodny night at S:UOo'cloefe. Loflgeroom Lou & hitch building, third floor. Every member in ekpt’cted to attend, nnd cordially Invited, tm- bti.Hlnostt to be transacted. R. H. WALDEN. Noble Grand. the trial ait*. »h.oh seiiwfcr 5Cc. rusvaiBn iwu at R*c. oswrrr 4 co., Chicago Sell* Pbaraw' Brinson. Palace Barber Shop, Uary Street. 6n Bareoue Paoratnba, Shartn*. Shampooing. HatrOotting la Flnt Clam Style, Polite and cate- (bl aitentton. irmsgiaiaB«g Hcb . Sec'* Lodge. No 80j, .‘ond 7:Z0 F. 4 A. M. Meets on second and fourth JTutsdnya, at 7:2f p. to. In Masonic HuRdlng All nullified brethren coidially invited to attend A. G. Vtllee, W. M. J. Morton Voting. Secretary De'tz Kncampmeot No. 8. I. O, *?. K. meets in iodgo room in Idllt-Hitch build ing every second and fourth Tuesday nights. Visiting ■brother* are. cordially wel come. tf Kolias Kebekabf. Bather Rebekab Lodge, • .aUOO F.. meets on the lit. 3rd end lib Tues days at 7:30 p m.. and Sftd snd 4tb Tuesdays at 3 p. m. I'to at bekshs •wo, and visiting eordisliy invited, ss A no IB Easgk. SecreUry. Regular Convention ot Wakefield Lodge, No. 27, K. of P. t Monday Evening 7:30. Members and visiting brothers cordially in vitel OABTORIj dignstai* vf