Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, September 17, 1904, Image 2

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Cbe evening ‘Herald. a. P. f»#r.'UW, Sr. I Editors and . 4. P. Ptntn,\4r. j Pjill\\m. mu i uli;. ImUf ImU U »siMii:iTir7 •*«t*i •**!* C Ik* WMK7 Bmii iTiry &tsrt»7. ill itMttNi H7»^.U Unw*. g vlTinlti* j ntn rnmsM*. ul **l* ***** u ijjHa- i uixs or t/, Om i**r ®9 hDr. Six K«ttki ikHj, Tim KiatM r*Stf 7. Om T*r e*i«7,a«Ko*tk* WAYCROSS, OA., SEPT. I7. I*04. Let’i cut some of it out aod mil them “O K” ami “Parker Judgo Patterson has defeated Mayfield forCongreas io 2d South Carolina District. The Russians any tlio Japs are keeping quiet. It is perhaps the calm before the storm. If this train wrecking keeps up every follow will he compelled to ride in liis own automobile. Tlio Russians say that Kuro- patkin is now out of danger. Then why don’t lie stop running. A reward of $l!t)C0 is ottered tor tlio detention of and evidence to convict tlio parties who wreck ed the Central Railway trains at Rocky Ford and Ogoechee on Fri day and Saturday nights. While tlio great Russian divine was praying for victory, some Jap might liavu hoen’setidiug up a counter prayer, and at the sumo time keeping his powdordry aud looking for the whites of his ene- ■yie “tip” has been officially .'Cognized by .Senator Morton, 1 an order permitting oflicors raveling on official business to icludo “tip” at hotels aud on ail roads in their expense vouch- Brother Eeltll is disqualified as an doctor, but that doesn't me&n that lie will ho disqualiticd for election to tlio big chair in tho state house two’yoars hence.— Dawson Nows. “A self-willed adventurer upou the high Bcas of public lite, having no rudder or comiass ex- copt his own ambition,’’ is one of Col. Wnttorson's characteristics of President Roosevelt. And it arums to tit admirably. Nicholas Nicholiiicvitch will probably supersede Gen. Kurov ]>atktn. We are not very well acquainlo l wil^t the party, but in mentioning Ids exploits in Manchuria wc will take the lib erty to call him Nick, for short. An interesting law suit is prom ised in a Now Jersey town. Col. Miller of Montclair, complains that tho church bells, ringing Sunday mornings, area nuisance and are destroying his nerves and his health, lie has threatened lo sue if the ringing is not stop ped. A crusade was inaugurated yesterday afternoon against tho professional gamblers of the city bv Solicitor D Cl. Fogarty, of the city court, savdu arrests were tiiaJc and number of warrants are yet in the hands of the offi- cars of the court tor service.—Ex The kissing habit among wo uld! is about to play out, and well it may. A few years ago s girl was expected to kiss every fitrl she met, and when she went to a gathering she was expected to kiss every girl in sight. Such ■ waste of lip use! Now the girls meet without this useless waste of affection, aud there is very little kissing going on ex- ccpt in the old way with the ■hades pulled down.—Ex. JAPS Ah SEEN BY CAPTIVES. George Kennan, writ'ng for the Qutl'iok, prelects an inter view with Russian prisoners of war whom ho found in impro vised barracks at Matsuyama, Japau. An extract follows: “How are you getting on here?" I inquired. "Are you comfortable?” "Da nitchevo" (it’a not so bad), said a sergeant who step; ped forward as spokfSmaD. “Of course it’s a prisoner's life, the place is rather close, and it's very tiresome; but what’s to be done? Sudba”’ (It’s our luck ) “How do the Japanese treat you? They seem to me to be very go.nl sort of people, anil I’m sorrrv you Russians are fighting them.” “They treat us very well,” he said, “and I've nothing to com plain of at all. I didn’t come to fight them because I bore them and ill-will, but 1 was a soldier, and when the Gossudar (the Czar) ordered me to tight, I had to flght. As you say, they seem to be very good people, aud I wish them all prosperity.” This sentiment seemed to have '.lie approval of the rest of the men. They have some reason for hating the Turks, but they regard the Japanese either with indiffernce or with the kindly iuterest that tho Russian peas ant takes in all “good people.” CONDENSED ^STORIES. NATURE 8PARE8 Tto SMan Raw From Crt.f. What a fortunate provtaton of naturt It Is. that dtprlvsa tho row of montal fluttering: for bow poignant would be lu grief to dlaeovor, Ul tho height of tt. blooming glory, that a canker fed at Us heart, and that Ita baaoty and fragrance were doomed forever. Nature atwayi •parea the lutferlng; aha la a veritable etore-houoe of Fleeting reward*, for thaw.who seek her aid. In the year, goha by falling hair and grajmesa hare caat a gloom over tha ttvre of thousand, of young women, but thanks to the In vestigations of sdonUata tha true cause of hair deatrucUon u now known to be a germ or parasite that burrows Into tho hair follicle.. Nowbro'a Herplclde absolutely dentroyV thin germ, thui permitting tho .hair to grow as na turt Intended, ■old by loading drug gists. Bend ISO. la stamps for aamplo to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mich. CHEROKEE PdABMACY. Chinese Secretary's Quickly Learned Lr ...go Jn American Humor. "Have you cut been natural ized i” "Yen, but it didn't take.” “Now, that is what wc Ameri cans call n joke,” explained the Washingtonian to the hrund new •ecrctury of the Chinese legation, rho had indicated his desire to be come conversant with the customs of this country. In spite of the alleged humor, however, he failed to laugh, and hie informant considered a furthor ex planation proper. “You see,” lie continued, “the word naturalized has been confused with vaccinate.*’ Tho meaning of the two words was then delmed, together with the phrase “didn’t take.” The convcrtntion was continued in a general wav until the wise resi dent of Washington suddenly, fan cied it would lie humorous to relieve himself of a joke at the expense of the Celestial. With a patronizing air, ho put t query to the attache in jaw breaking words snd then laughed at hie own brilliancy. The secretary stared blandly it him tor a moment, utterly bewilder ed by the question. Hu face was expressionless, but he gave a faint smile when the American explained he had been joking. “A joke—yes; hut it didn’t toko," he replied, with a naive smile.— Washington Timet. on the front rest, the next size fol lows above, until the entire set is placed. The w hole service not only shows to advantage, but is safely held so that each platter can be se lected at once. By this simple means these large ’dishes take up little room on the pantry shelf, and there is no longur uoise or confusion in restoring them to their places. To Preisrvo Insects Cet some bottles with mouth from V/j inches to ?Vi inches in. diameter. Put. into these bottles) two tablcspoonfuls of alcohol in four tablcspoonfuls of water. Now put in bugs or insects and let them stay there two hours. Provide some insect pins of dif ferent sizes. Get a wooden box 23 inches long by 15 inches wide by S inches deep, put sorno cotton bat- ; ting in the box aud place the bug I or insect upon it. Now take a pin, push it through the body, of the in sect into the cotton and the bottom of the box.—Boston Globe. A Boy’s Wild Ride For Life. tVitt. the laojily around expecting him to die, ami a son riding for life, is uil.es, to g.-l Dr. King's New Discov ery for Consumption, Cougneaod Colds W II llrowo, of Loesvltle, ind., end ed death's agonies irom asthma; I this wonderful medicine gi~es instant relief and soon cared him. He writes "I now steep soundly every night " Dike marvelous cares of consumption, pneumonia, bronchitis, coughs, colds sod Grip proros its ( matchless inoril tor all thrust and lung troubles. Guar anteed bottles .iOc ana 81. Trial bot- tlea free at Seals Plisrmacr and Brin* son .V Hay's drug store. The Stomach Is the M in. A weak stomach weakens tne u because it eannot transform the food ho eats Into nourishment. Health and strength cunnot be restored to sick man or w ,ak woman without iiral restoring health and strength to the stomach. A weak stomach cannot di gest enough food to feed the tissues uod revive the tired and rue down Irubs and orgaus of thu body. Ki-.ol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, cleanses and strengthens the clan-l and membranes of the stomach, ulid :s indigestion, dyspepsia and all stomach troubles. Solp by Seale Pharmacy and Brin mo A Hay. | Feaiful Odds Against Him. ffedridden, alone and destitute. Such, in brief ivit the coa lition of I old soldier bv name of •? J Havens, Versailles. O. For years he troubled with Uldnev disease and thcr doctors nor medicines pave I telief. At length he trion Electric lli'ters. It put him ou his feet :n short I order and now he testifies. ‘‘I am on tne road to complete reoovery. M II *st on earth for Liver and Kidney trouble and Ail forms of hiumacb end bowel complaints. Only VU Ounrenteed by Brinson A H tv end .Seals Puarm icy. A'tNOlXl'EttEsVr. Wares boro, Os., July 28. 1904. Editors Wsycross Herald: You may an:.ounce to the public that I am a candidate for Representative ot Ware County to the Georgia Legislature, at the next October elect! in. I do not feel that I need anv introduction to the people of Ware County, they all know me. If'I am elected I shall favor a bill to make elective by the people, the mem hers of the Board of County Commis sioners and the members of the Board of Education, and County .School Com mi siouer. Very Respectfully, j. u McDonald. A Power For Good. The pills that are potent in their ac tion aud pleasant in effect are De Will's Little Early Risers. W 8 I’mlpot, Al bany, Go.. aays:**Durlng a busineaa at tack I took one. Small as If*was it did me more good than calomel, blue mass or any other pill I ever took and at the same time the effect was pleas ant. Little Early Kitar* are certainly an ideal plH." Sold by Seals Phtrmaey and Brinson A Hsy. Uucklen’s Arnica Salve. Has world-wWle faius for marvellous cures It surpasses auv other salve, lotiou or ointment or balm for cuts, coma, burns, bohes, sores, felons ul cers, tetter, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped hands, skin eruptions: infal lible for plies. Cure guaranteed. O.ilv 25c at Seals Paarm&cy aud Hr m sou Bay’s. . From 148 to 92 Pounds. One of the most remarkable eases of ccld, deep-seated on the lunits caus ing pneumonia, is that of Mrs. Gers trude E Fenner, Marion, Ind., who was entirely cured by the use cf O ie Minute Cough Cure. Sue *iys: ’J^ae couffhimr and straining -o U cakened me that 1 ran down in weight irom 14$ to Pi pounds. 1 tried a number of rem edies to no uyail until 1 used O ie Min ute Cough Cure Four boitle* of this wonderful remedy cured me eatirely os the cough, strengthened rov lungs and rcstorsd me to mv norma! weight, health and strength." Sold bv Seals Pharmacy and Brinson A Hay. Two Great Remedies FM ovov SS Years me Standard •f Homo Preparations. isyWoa. ntcs.kK.sl Globe ar..teh."ss£s: Pills pSSKM •OU) SV SEALS PHARMACY. Wliat is Life? In thu last analysis nobody knows, but we do know thu it •* under strtei law. Abuse that law even slightly and paio results. Irregular living mean- derangement of the organs, re sulting ia constipation, luadacne or liver troub’e. Dr. King’s New Life Pills quickly readjusts this. It’s gentle' vet thorough. Only 25c at llrlnsona 4k Hay’s and Seals Pharmacy. What’s in a Name? tiroiytbiag lo In a nans when ll cornea to Witch Haul 6,1 re. ETC Da. Witt A On. of Chicago, discovered tome jjmre ago haw to make a halva from Witch Hue! mat It a specific for Piles. Kor bllod. bleeding, itching and pro- landtag Piles, eea.ni, cut. boras, braise, and all Ala direstDoWItX halva has no equal. This baa given Hm to annaroo, worthless coaster- j*. ** k for DoWllf^ihv genuine. Sold by heals Pharmacy and Brinson * Bay. am | A LITTLE NONSENSE.. ■ Why the Sneering Remark, Did Net Bother the Clergyman. A clergyman who was traveling •topped at a hotel much frequented by wags and jokers. The host, not being used to haT- ing a clergyman at his table, looked at him with surprise. The guests used all their raillery of wit upon him without eliciting a remark. The clergyman ate ilia dinner quietly, apparently without observ- ! ui£ the gibes and sneers ^f his neighbors. One of them at last, in despair of his forbearance, said to him: “.Well, I wonder at your patience! Have you not heard all that has been said to you ?” “Oh, vea; hut I am used to it. Do you know who I am f" “No, air.” “Well, I will inform you. I am chaplain of a lunatic asylum. Such remarks have no effect upon me.”— Short Stories. “Dropping into verse.” H,r Memory. Gayley—You haven’t had occa sion to accuse me of playing poker for two years now. Mrs. Gayley — Three years, my dear. Gayley—How do you know it’s three years? Mrs. Gayley—Because I’ve worn this dress that long, and-I got it the last time I caught you.—Philadel phia Press. Forca of Habit. “Your church organist ii fine, bnt the effect of his execution ii marred somewhat by tbs words ha mumbles to himself during tha ma lic. Why don’t he quit itr* “He can't, old. man.’ He waa ■ passenger brakeman in hia youth and hoe never quite recovered from the habit of calling out the atopal” —New Orleans Times-Dcmocrat. A Practical Olrl. He—I know my income ia small, but don’t you think we could get along? She—I’m afraid not Ho—Yon told me that you want to a cooking school. She—Yes, but they did not teach me how to make wind padding.— Now York Weekly. Matter of Relationships Her—I can only be a sister to you. Him—Oh, that won’t do. You'll have to be a daughter to me or noth- -Because why? Him—Because I’vo been a “pop- par” to you.—Cincinnati Enquirer. Rare Taltnt Social Settlement Visitor—-Your daughter plays very well, Mr*. Smith, and has quite a talent for music. lira. Smith — Sure, aha inherits that. Her grandfather was killed with a blow of a cornet at a picnic. —Lippincott’s Magazine. Unlucky. . Publisher—Your book ia fine up to the seventeenth chapter. .After that it is mere drivel. Author—Sir, it is my misfortune, not my fault. Just aa I wai begin- ningitnc seventeenth chapter I dis covered, quite accidentally, what I was driving at.—Puck. Something Now. Young Writer—My heroins hu S ffdcn hair, bnt I don’t like it olden hair is so old.- I wish I had something new. Hia Friend—Why not make it ra dium hair, my ‘boy?—Pittsburg Post. Ha Isn’t tha Last “I thought you laid one* you wouldn’t be seen witlwhim if ha ware tha lost man on earth?” “Oh, but he lias tha swiftest auto mobile in town.”—Chicago Record- Ilerald. Whan Summer Tima la Hare. Wh»n tho fifes are In tho trattsr * Ar.J th, milk curds Into chssaa. Whan yea try to chut tho akootare That are watted on tho breena When Tor oorry that yer Uvta’ and a swelterin’ all the while. When yer clothe, are tuckin’ to nr -And you fool as It ye’d bUe, Then yer wtsh the darned old calends. Would nop buck halt a roar. And you stab for winter brew When tho summer Umo to hero. —UL J. Fnbner In Mow Tee* Free The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which lias been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature Of and bos been inode under Ilia per sonal saperviflon since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you I u this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and •• Juat-aa-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infanta aud Children—Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castor!;; Is a harmless substitute for Castor OU, Pare goric, Drops and Southing Syrups, It ia Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo substance. Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind- Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the Stomach find Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ai-wavs Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. KODOL ‘digest* what you eat' KODOL cleanses, purifies. - strengthens snd sweet* ens tho stomsch. KODOL cure * ,n <Hcestlon. dyv- pepsis, snd si) stomsch snd bowel troubles. KODOL accelerates the action of — the gastric glands snd gives tons to ths digestivs organs. KODOL rftl,ovw * n overworked — ■ ■ stomsch of all nervous strain* gives to the heart s full, fro# and untrammeled action, nourishes the nervous avstsm snd feeds the brain. KODOL *•wonderful remedy — that Is making so many sick psople well snd weak people strong by giving to their bodies all of ths nourishment that is contained In the food thsy eat. ^ T#«r Dealer Caa Safety Tn. Bottlasenty. $1.0-3 SUatioi-dlne2H — tha trial sirs, which Mils for 80c TomocblchisTribe Improved; Order of RedIMen meets every F-r 1 d a y night at Council Hall In Masonic building Visit, ing members cor dtally invited. WA1TK0SN LODGE, NO. 97,1.0.0. F, s®!^ 1 *. Wednesday night at 8:00o clock. Lodge room Lou A Hitch building, i third floor. £rery member ts expected to attend, and ......... v- *-viavVi cordially- lm—• *- liortant business^to be tranasoted. R. H. WALDEN. Noble Grand. J C Huber- Sec’v _ WsrerosR Lodge. No 306, F. AA. M. Moots on socond and fourth ^Tuesdays, at 7:10 p. m. In .Masonic Building All qualified brethren cordially invited to attend. . A G. Vlllee, W. M. J. Morton Young, Secretary. De'tx Encampment No. 8,1.0,0. F. meets in lodge room in Lott-Hiteh build ing every second and fourth Tuesday nights. Visiting brothers are cordially wel come. tf Notice, Itebekabs. Bather Robekab Lodge, No. fl, 1. Q O F.. meet* EVERY TUE8DAY NIGHT Avcis Basov. Secretary Regular Convention ot Wakefield Lodge, No. 27, K. of P-, Monday £veim>g 7:30. bltmoers sad visiting brothers cordially in- vital. The Crowning Triumph of our laundry work is whiteness where it it called for. Colored goods we cleanse thoroughly without esuaidg color to run in the Isast. Wo do high grade work and our flm domtftie finish excels all other methods. CoUirs and Cuffs are ironed smooth so the skin of wearer is not irritated. Tbe Wilson Steam Laundry Lott, Fain & Co. m FUME m A. S. Morton. ;c. E. Stun Morton & Dunn, Contractors and Builders, Estimate, furnlahod on all elaaan ol work. Address Wayctoaa poetoffice or •re u, at 79 Eads 8t» 43 Bows 6L TF YOU don’t have the cash * to pay in full, we'll wait for the balance. We'll make it ■n easy matter to buy what you need and lee (hat the price is ri"bt. No chance for disappointment in dealing with ut. CASTORIA utt ’ Fain & ^ tor Infants sad Children