Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, September 24, 1904, Image 2

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Cbc Cvcnina IHcrald a. P. Parha n, Sr. a. P. Part* n, Jr. Editors &nd fc. Tl% VmM7 Ewd iTtrj UtoUj. AH I^KCfURt J»TU'»/.S ki’»-l | il-midii r>'4; muuilJ, | UTW cr SVIKHmW:! t f, Os* T«»r IkUy, Cl* Xatti Iifl7. Tbm Htttto *mU7. Cu 7*» #mM7, C!x VestAi WAYCROSS. fiA., SEPT. 24 1904. If the Japs eve Port Arthur somebt 11 touph time till:iup them. P’lVii thousand tho country are 1 ker for President to overc lican hoodie, and it trip, ■J lio war in the Kart costs Kus- sia three times as triueli a mouth as it does Japan, hut The World thinks she doesn’t get as much for her money. ' Higgins has been selected by the republicans of New York ns iheir candidate for Governor. Wo thought HiiiiriiiR tvasan Irisli- There is 10 be a hot congres sional campaign in Baltimore, and oDG’of the eaudidatos is nam ed MudJ. Tlie Deinociats think it ii very appropriate, for his name will remain the same after t he election . CloD ACYICfi, Hal. I> S h irrp, a colored preacher of Ahihama, recently din so. | preached a sermon a' Cordele ir which he gave his race the fo! r-isaj bmp ; lowing good advice. ! ‘ If you will quit parading the •t eds of this city w ith aspera 1 i»nurn issjpiM- tions far above your conditions I and go to work, acquire proper- ty, pay your dolts when you make them, ioiduct yourself honorably as a gentleman should, there is not a ivbitojnanor white ! l.,dy iu Cordele who will nut help j you and respect you. You can not be a man unless you work, | and unless you are a man you upturn cannot claim the respect of the. I have real men of either race. 1 am opposed to lynching. I would far rather see the law’ take its course—but I see what must be done to stop it. The crime that leads to lynching must le stop ped. The crimes against the homes of people arouse the blood of men until they are beyond all hope of self control and have hutone idea. Tho net result will 60 the samo in any community on earth. If a negro desecrates tho home of the white people he may be prepared to be lynched, or very quickly punished with death Tho law is necessary for the homes of the whites and blacks. The crimes for which our race as whole must suffer in a measure c heed in idleness and avarice. We must fight idleness and must ad wont.” TO CURS ANY DISEASE. to Removed, Sum A LITTLE NONSENSE. from newspapers m upportiug Par- , aim this ought • if that Kepub The edueti >u of rale again (liia year advertisement, for t The Columbus Sun. us 11 reduction in ly it will be a still belt mont for the old slate. it state tax t.ikoi ;i fine .-orpin, say s Now give tilings ami r advertist- Tnis reminds u< of the Way-' cross war again: Governor Ter ion has directed 'he sheriff of Charlton 0 unity to co-aporat with thu Florida sheriffs in pre serving order along thestet) lint — Savannah Press. It hns been said that the Eng lish sparrow is driving tho mockingbird out of existence; but in the progressive—city of Waycross they sing six duyi the week, and only cease on Sunday in deference to the church bolls.—Stanton in Cons't tut ion The Philadelphia I.edger says t ’.it inthc third ward of that city not less than 4,000! voters have been illegally registered by the Republican ring. Only a repetition of former practice*. PUda lolphi 1 is the election fraud city of the United States, admit ted and blasted of. Waycross is a model town, and tins church bells ring there corn, stuitly. Many of the nearby f.iiut,rs sing Imllelulu.songs a- field, and Judge Porham. editor of ThoWaycross Evening Herald, has a lino farm near the city, yvhiclt he recently christened "Saints llest.”- -Frank Stanton in Cunatitution. Down In a Virginia town tho n.od pastor of one of the church es fill ill not long ago, according to. the Washington Post. He was beloved by'all the neighbor hood, and a constant strcimof anxious friends rang the bell to make enquiries. The nurse, in charge was an intelligent negro woman, au I ,hu decided to issuo bulletins at frequent intervals. She wrote them herself and pin ned them tn tho front doort and this it the wav they read at they appeared successively: "R«v. Blank am very sick.” Later— "Kev. Blank am worse.” Night —"Rev. Blank aui sinking.’’ Morning — Kev. Blank have Bunk.*’ Why th* Sneering Remarks Did * : ct Bother the Clergyman. A ciergymair who was traveling r A clergymarr who was traveling stopped at a hotel much frequented The Cause Must XVuy with Kill the germ that causes dandruff, I falling hair and baldness, you will have ... no mor*' dandruff and your hair must bv wags and joken yrow luxuriantly. Kcwbro’s Herpldde The host, not being used to hav- not only contaiiw the dandruff *ern> jn? „ c ! er?vman at his table, looked destroyer, but ft la also a most delight- , . , - ful hair dressing tor regular toilet use. Ct ^ lra ,. KUr P r,se * i he guests So other hair preparation Is on this ! us ^ their raillery of uit upon scientific basis of destoying the dandruff ; Win without eliciting a remark, germs it stops ail irritation. Iters ths j The clergyman ate liis dinner scalp sweet, pure and wholesome. Re-j quietly, apparently without obterv- Ju8t as good," will not do tbs work of genuine Herplclds Bold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sam ple to The HerplcJde Co.. Detroit. Mich. CHfcROKKB PHARMACY I^a ..“°®the gibes arid sneers of his tn*t n. wr> n A « A~ lt> * j peighbOFS, One of them at last, in despair of his forbearance, said to him: "Well, I bonder at your patience! Have you not heard all that has been said to _ “Oh, ves; but 1 am used t<*it. Do you know who I am?'* “No, sir.” “Well, I will inform you. I am chaplain of h lunatic asylum. Such remarks have no effect upon me.”— Short Stories. A Boy ; s Wild Hide For Life. With the iaroily around expecting him to die, ami a son riding for life, is mi.es, to get Dr. King’s -Now Discov ery for Con a u motion. Cougosaml Cold* VV H Drown, of Leesvill*,|nd., endup, eil ticuth's agonies from uMhmu; this wonderful medicine jri-es inst relief ajnl soon cured him. He v. ri i now sleep soundly every higli Dike rourvulous cures of consuuiptt pneumonia, bronchitis, coughs, ut and Grip proves its matchless uu for all thrbst.nnd lung troubles. (*u anteed bo tics .00c and 81. Trial i, ties free at. .<ea’s Pharmacy end Dr son »fc ilay’H drug store.. Th*! Stomach in the M in. weak stomach weakens the man, because it uauuot transform the foo l he eats into nourishment. Health and reugth cunnot b<i restored to any ck m in or w uk woman ivitho.it first storing health and strength to the stomach. A weak stomach cannot di. gest enough food to feed the tissues ' revive the tired and run down limb." and organs of the body. K »iol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. leans*** and strengthens the glands nd membranes of the stomach, uhd •ires indigestion, dyspepsia ami all tomach troubles. 8o!p bv Seales Pharmacy and Brinson *fc IIav_. . | Peatful O lds Ag»Inst“Him. IIOW BUSINESS IS TAUGHT. PBedriddeo, atone 4,»lld ii.deatil.ll Sfich, in brief was theconlitlon of j j old soldier bv name of .1 J Haver *- V-rstilios. O. For years lie w Students in Atlanta Commercial I troubled tvitliUidney disease and n Col i ego Learn Book-keeping | 'XJ'm' Dike Hall 1 layoif. Lofim to Hitter* It pnt'hint on his feet tnshn Illustrated Phrase. “Dropping into verse,” Play Ball, bv Actual Practic Tho ordinarry business 'course :ivo.■ mainly •« theoretical know- edge of bookkeeping and when lie etu.bMit takes a position lie ms to learn than to keep book*; nuny business mon will not cm- jloy thosa fresh from business ullages on account of this weak »oss. Bmkkeeping and bnsi- ness * ir n >t bo divorced : for a student t»» loarn hookkeoping bo ioust do the business and have a conscious knowledge of how ho stands with tho mon with whom ho ilocs the business and rhon tie road in enrapt nVaHth tor Ltvei i4<1 a'I forms of om plain is. QnH Innsnn & 11 *v h.u B ,1 HmiIh P.i O IS *3? 0 > T3.3C S*. - Be«, tie ito Kind Vm limn Alway; BcugtS 7 A.\N01\\(’KMKNT. Warmbora, On., July 23, IOO»4. Elitor-* 'Vtvcrons Herald: You may au on nee to the public that I tin a candidate for Representative ut Ware County to the Georgia Legislature, at the next October elect! m. I do not feci that I need nil introduction to the people of Wure Countv, they nil kn me. If I am electeti I nhall favor a bill lo jnnk*> elective by the people, lb ■ mem hers of the Hoard of Cuimty Com mis- sionera ami the members of the Board of Education, and County School Commis sioner. Very Respectfully, ij. r. McDonald. A Power For Good. L^Thc pill* that are potent in their ac tion and pleasant in effect arc DcWitt’i Little Early Risers. W SJ’hilpot, Al- banv. Go., savs:’ , During a businesa at tack I took one. Small us it *v* did me more good than calomel, mass or any other pill I ever took und ut the »ama time the effect was pleas ant. LUtle Early Riser-are certainly n Ideal pill." Sold bv Seals Phirmaov nd Brinson *V H ty. see what records are necessary in order that his books may show his accounts correctly: aui when this is properly taught ns it is in Atluuta Commercial College the student takes his job with tho knowledge of an exper ienced in in and do full work I he first, day ho goes into the of fice. When you do a thing week after week you will learn how it is done; you will be able to do it, and that is just what and how wo teach. Knowledge uni skill are attended by practice. It is the professor of sciences, who knows throws player who Icarus on the dm** j inond? The student should have the experience iu school which he need when he takes a po>» position, ho should work Slopedhlmu^kio eight hours per day tu school, und have tho work crowded on him during that tune, so that he will not bo overworked when he takes his position ami confused b?cause he is rushed. The Atlanta Coinmericjl OoU lege practices this and teaches business and bookkeeping, be* j sides keeping its students off' the streets. O A » D B**xa tfc’a fi • 1 3Ts. X A . . ih-«AiwftBangit the theory of curves, that j 8 ! *naur* the hall best, or the f " r .. k n 1 .... e ft. . 1. .. • Bucklcn’s Arnica Halve ltsa world-*viJo fa t or unirvolloua other salv din for cutx, felons, ui fever koree, ptionc; infal lible for pile*. Cun* guaranteed. Only J5c at Seals Pnartnacy ami Brtnt>ou UayV latiou or ointment or corus, burns boiics so cor*, tetter, salt rheh From 148 to fl’J Founds. One of the mokt’ remarkable case* of cold, deep-*keatu*d on the lunga, caus ing pneumonia, is that ot Mrs. tier* trude E Fenner, Marion, lad., who was entirely cured b.v the usu of *000 Miuute C jugh Cure. Sue &aya: "The CASTORIA For Infinite and Children e*lTe» to no avail until 1 used One Min ute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely o* the cough, strengthened my lungs and reatorad me to tnv normal weight,' health and strength." Sold by Seals Pharmacy and Brinson k Hay. VI Wbat’s in a Name? E*eJything is in n name when' It comes to Witch Hotel Stive, fi. C Do. Witt kCo. of Chicago, (liscororedsomc years ago how to msice a halve from WUch Hsa*'l toot ia a speeife for Piles. For blind, bleeding, itching and pro* tending Piles, realms, cuts, barns, bruises and all akin diseases, DeWitt'a Salve has no equal. This has given rise to nomtroiie worthless counter* feita. Ask for D«Witt’s—the genuine. 8old by Senls Pharmacy and Brinson A Day. What it Life? In the lost analysis nobody knows, but we do know that it *s under »tnct law. Abuse that law even slightly and pain results. Irregular living mesa* derangement of the organs re* *u1tin? a 1a constipation, htadacne or liver tronb'e. Dr. King's New Life Pills quick' y readjusts this It's gentle vet thorough. Only Me at Briooons A Hay's and Seals Pharmacy. OASTOniA. .nUMtuHwlL-MnBtcgt ' Her Memory. Cayley—You haven’t had occa sion to accuse me of playing poker for two year? now. Mrs. Cayley — Three years, my dear. Cayley—How do you know it’s three years? Mrs. Cayley—Bccaar« I*vo worn this dress that long, and 1 got it the last time I caught you.—Philadel- pliia J'ro'f. \ Force or Habit. “Your C'lilirefi organist is fine, but the effect of fits- execution ia marred somewhat by the words ho mumbles t(r himself during the mu sic. Why don’t lie quit it?” “lie can’t,, old man. He was a passenger brakoman in his youth and lias never quite recovered from the habit of calling out tho^stopsl” —New Orleans Tinies-Demoerot. A Practical Girl. ' He—I know my income is small, hut don’t you think we could get along?. She—I’m afraid not. He—You told me that you went to a cooking school. She—Yes, but they did not teach me how to make wind pudding.— New York Weekly. Mattar of R,lation«hip. - Her—1 can only be a sister to you. Him—Oh, that won’t do. You’ll have to lie a daughter to me or noth- llcr—Because why? Ilini—Because I've been a “pop per” to you.—Cincinnati Enquirer. Rar. Talent. Social Settlement Visitor—Your daughter plays very well, Mrs. Smith, and has quite a talent for music. Mrs. Smith — Sure, she inherits that. Her grandfather was killed with a blow of a cornet at a picnic. —Lippiucott’s Magazine. Unlucky. Publisher—Y'our kook is fine up to the seventeenth chapter. After that it is mere drivel. Author—Sir, it is my misfortune, not my fault. Just as I was be ' ning the seventeenth chapter I covered, quite accidentally, what I was driving at.—Puck. Something New. AYegctable Preperationfor As similating itieFood andReg tria ling the Stomachs and Bowels of Promotes Digcstion.Cheerful- 'hessandRest.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. NotNakcotic, • nafit ifrldHrSAKUaPIKHIH r^Jd. w- dUSmm • AoUOMr- Apetfed Remedy forConstipn Ron, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. EXACT COPT OF WRAPPER. ICASTOIIA For Infanta and Children The Kind j i < Always Bought Bears the [ Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CAST1IIA th* cerrrAun »ck> t Tomochlcbi Trtbe Improved Order of Red‘Men meets every Friday nit?Ul ut Council Hull in Masonic building Visit- tntr member* cor dtally invited. 'TJ. P. PINX. Sarhcm. jp* ^sr.'.a it heaith"'*'4 KODOL dig^.; you eat. KODOL r and fcnwf.l troubles. I KODOL a;celora!es thi action af aj tn* pxstric glands «nd ij ji g iv *i lo tho digeslivo organs. fi KODOL relieves an overworkod }!f i! — ■ i. stomach of all nervous If; S strain, gives Co ths heart a full, fra" k and untrammelsd action, nourishes l *vst«m and feida the brain.- KODOL Is the vondertulY'trTwjdv —■ ■ ■ ■ that»» making so many sick people welf and pe y pl« their bedtex ail ot at ij contained In strong by givim Ihe nourishment ti Ihe food thiy ea;. Yaor 5j»!n C: issl> Y.-i the trial ;h cc~a for 5tt ji rtEPAKSI) OML> n» Ij S. C. D*WITT a CO., CH1CAOO j| %aea ■ 11 mmsssamsisaasJf Seale Pharmacy Rrinson & Hav •omething new.— s , Hi* Friend—Wliy not make it r»- dium hair, my boy?—Pittiburg Post. - Ha Isn’t tha Last. "1 thought you said once yon wouldn’t be seen with him if hi were the last man on earth?” “Oh, but he has the swiftest auto mobile in town.”—Chicago Record- Herald. * • Whan Summer Tima la Haro. When tha flies ara la the butter - And tha milk curds Into cheooa. Whan you try to chase tha ok eaten That ara wafted on tha brass*. Whan yar oonry that yer Ilrtn’ And a swelterin' all tha while. When yar clothe* ara •tickin’ to yar And you feol as If yo’d btla. Then yer wish tha darned old calendar Would flop back half a year. And tou alch for winter breeeea The Crowning Triumph of our laundry work it whiteness where' It it called for. Colored roods we cleaaea thoroughly without cauaidf color to run in tha least. We do birh frode work and oar fim domestic finGh excels all other methods. CoHav and Cuffs ere ironed smooth so 1 the skin of wearer Is not irritated. The Wilson Steam Lanodry A. 8. Morton. ;C. Z. Duan t Morton <1* Dunn, ii Contractors and Builders, - 4 Estimate* furnished on all classes of work, Andrea* War cron pnatofficc or a us at 79 Eads St.. 43 Howe St. UI-E1 ON, H AYCROSS LODGE, MO. 97,1.0.0. F, Meets WednesdayTuight Pt H: 00 ft "clock. Lode*; room J' 0 * 1 . a Hitch building. floor. Every member ‘ri itxpcctod to Rttcnd, nnrt • odil bellow* cordinlly inviteu. Im- ’o bo trnnsnetod. 'Vnycrons Lodge. So 30». 1'. s. A. M. Meet" on uecond md fourth ^Tuesdays, ut 7:ai p. ia In Mu^onic Ituilding <WI qualified brethren cordially A. G. Video; W. M. I. Morton Young. Secroiitr>. De tx Encampment No. 3.1. O, C- V. meets in judge room iu Lott-Hitch build ing every second amt fourth Tuesday nights. Visiting brother* aro cordially wel come. tf holler, Kebeklihs. Esther Rebeksh Lodge, No 0, 1. a O F. meets EVERY TUESDAY ' NIGHT Atfuia Easox Socretarv o Regular Cooveution of Wakefield I>dge, No. 27, K. of P. t Monday EveuCg 7:80. Mtmbers and visiting brothers cordially in vitel. / Palace Barber Shop, » - .. Mnry 8tr«ct. Gr* Rxynold* FRoeuiKroa, hhaving, Shampooing. Hair Cutting i i First '-loss Style, Polite and care- Lott, Fain & Co. «FUME nr TF YOU don’t have the cash * to psy in full, we’ll wait for (be balance. We’ll make it- an easy matter to buy what you need and see that the price is' right. No chance for disappointment in dealing with us. Lott, Fain & Co. f J. G. REESE. % First Class Shoe Maker Mai.lox Block, Albas* Ave All work neatly dene to tatle- (action, also prices p'eue. JUST OPKNED Blacksmith nod Wheelwright Corner Paid BrawarStraata| SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Campbell & Co. OABTOHIA. Bur.it. ^TtUMYiiKanl'