Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, October 01, 1904, Image 2

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Cbc Evening ‘Herald. M. P. Par'.ia it, Sr. 4. P. Par tt n, Jr. Editors Mid Pjiliihtr,. t »muu wnamatu. Ml Mil bm aiifUtf i i uni it mmm It,Ow Tmi MM lalljr, Ks Kwlii »M kll;, nm IM trull., Cm Iiii M eiXnltl W WAYCROSS. OA., OCT. I. 1904. The Archbiihop of Canterbury nays it is tbo mission of the Eng lish-spanking races to civilize the world, it is beginning to be thorough ly understood north and south that Roosevelt is responsible for the increase of race troubles in the South. The cranberry crop has bocti ruined, but this will not interfere with the whole-huartedness -of the democratic thanksgiving when the glad day rolls around after the ides of November. Kipling declares tbut prosper ity is ruining the English people, strange that free trade in Eng land should produce tho same doubtful brand of “prosperity” as that produced by protection in this country. The vivacious Washington Post says that “Governor Odell is now scoring tho Democrats in the Non- York Legislature for not im peaching him.” Give 'em time, and they uiay settle all those old scores. Mr. Watson declares that he does not pr fer . the election of Mr. Koosovoll to tliut of Judge Parker, but, it will be noticed thnt he continues to abuse Judge Parker and has but little to say agaiust Mr. Roosevolt.—Colum bus Sun- Watson is a fraud of the first water. A Louisville society woman has just died of a cancerous af fection, said to have been enuss od by the wearing of Inghsheeled shoes. In au effort to save her life her leg was amputated be low the kneo; but the poison had done Its fatal work. Neverthe less, society women will contin ue to wear high-heeled shoe?.— Savannah News. A little glr, »role the follow ing essay on 'hoys; "Hoys aro men that have out sot as-big as their pa| a •, and girls aro women that will be ladies bye and bye. When God looked at A,dam he said to himself: “Well, I think l enn do betler if I try again, arid bomadoKvo. Bovs are a trouble. They wear out everything but soap. If I laid my way the world would be girls ami tho rest dull My papa is so nice that l think he pm at have jleeu a little girl when ho was n /little toy. Map was made, nud mi the 7th day he rested. Woman was theu made f snd ho has never rested siuce.” An American who was travel ing in South Africa in 1898, to ward the close of the Matnbele troubles, recalls hts first, sight of Earl Gray, tho new Governor General of Canada. “His lord ship,” says tho American refer red to. "did not look a hit like a belted Earl. Though a lmimstra* tor of Rhodesia at the time,-be was in bis shirt sleeves, w ith u pair of obviously readymade troUcera and a disreputable slouch hat. lie and a couple of his friends were having s drink st the bar of the BuluwayoUlub " Lord Orsy, by the way, was boro in s royal residence. Bis father was private secietary to Qeeeu. Victoria and Lady Gray was stopping in St. James palace at tte time. WANTS PEACE_ The Albany Herald in a very sensible enj nmol;- editorial on the Broughton-Westbrook affair, which has attracted to much ai- tention, winds up with the fol lowing aj peal foy peace: Now let us In, ve peace, and let us hope that ii will be a long time before another sensational pulpiteer who makes personal attacks io the pulpit will be brought to Albany to convert or reform tbe town. What has the harvest been? In the bitter af termath and estrangement of former friends, including some who are professed followers of the meek and lowly Nazarene, we have the warning answer. Let us give to our owu ministers of the Gospel and respective churches the moral und material support that they deserveaud te content in futu'O to oe rational in our religious pursuits. Broughton's Mistake. The Albany Herald makes I Ins statement in regard to the clos ing of the Westbrook case io that city :— In summing up yesterday af ternoon, Col. Wooten took occa sion locuustically denounce Rev. Lon G. Broughton, the Atlanta divine, who tirst made the charg es against Chief Westbrook last June, and who was cow hided iu consequence thereof. Dr. Brough ton stated when he made the charges that ho had alii luvits to i sustain them, hut ul! efforts of I Chief Westbrook and his friends Io have the documents produced were without effect. During tho entire hearing no evidence was furnished to show that Dr. Broughton really hud those »fii- davits, and Coll Wooten’s charge that the evangelist did not huvo the affidavits when liestuted that they were actually in his posses ■ion, was not controverted or disputed. DISCRIMINATING LADIES. Eilw tilaf HerpleMa am Amul .1 Its DlatlaettTnae*. Th, lAdfM Who btn .uMS Newbro's HorpleM* apeak M It In the bXhest t-rmel for IU quick effect In cUftiulo# the b *t!p of dandruff and Also for Its ex* -:Id.ice u a general halr-dreoelnr It : ;.<*» the scalp feel fresh and It allays .that itching which dandruff will causa. Newire's. ITerplefdo effectively cures fUndrtiff, as It destroys the g»rm that cause* it* The same germ cadaCs hair to _ _ , and prevents boldness. It Is also an Ideal hair drsas* fng, for ft lend* an aristocratic charm to the hair that la Quite distinctive. Sold by leading druggists. ■ Bend 10c. In stamps for sample to The Herptdde Co.. De troit. Mich. CHEROKEE PHARMACY A Boy’s Wild Hide For Life. With the family around expecting him to die. and a son riding for life. If" umes, to get Dr. King's New Discov erv for Consumption, Coughs and Colds W I! Brown, of Leesvlll*, Ind., endur ed death's a/oniea from asthms; Out this wonderful medicine gl~es instant relief and soon cured him. He writes “I now sleep soundly every night Like marvelous cures of consumption pne uuonia, bronchitis, coughs, colds and Grip provos its matchless morit for all tnrost and lung troubles. Guar anteed bottles 50c and 81. Trial bot tles free atSeals Pharmacy and Brin son A IIay’s - ^ rug store. 'The Stomach is the Man. A weak stomach weakens tne man, because it eannot transform the food he cats into nourishment. Health and strength cunnnt be restored to sick man or w >ak woman without first restoring health and strength to the stomach. A weak stomach cannot d „ enough food to feed the tissi and revive the tired and run dow IImbs and organs of the body. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you est, cleanses and strengthens the glands and membranes of tbe stomach, abd cures Indigestion, dyspepsia and ail fctotnach troubles. Solp by Seal Pharmacy and Brm»on A Uav. Thu Savannah News thinks that “it is altogether unlikely that tbe liiunciuLconter of New York will ever move away from Wall streot.’’ Maybe, but we should thiuk that the tender lamb should be shorn elsewhere just as easily, City Tax Notice. The city tax books are now open at council chamber, where 1 can be found ready to receipt nil who w'th to pay their taxes for the year 1904. :Ciias. A. Hiieldos, 220 ' City Tax Collector. THE TRUE BEAUTIFIER or THE COMPLEXION Is the thing which purifies the blood nml makes the digestion what it ought to be—that is ■* SEVEN BARKS Under its use the entire System Is kept in perfect condition—the akin becomes firm, smootk and clear. Try it thoroughly auJ ftu will find it successful. NUM SEAL’S PHAKMA1Y Fearful Odds Against Him. Bedridden, alone gand idestitute. Such, in brief was tho condition of a old soldier bv name of .1 J ilavem Versailles. O For years he* was troubled with kidney disease and r thor doctors nor medicines gave Ii relief. At length he-tried Electric Bitters. It put nun on his feet In short order and now he testifies. "I ni tne road to complete recovery.” Best oh earth for Liver and Kidney trouble and all forms of stomach and bowel complaints. Only 50e Guaranteed bv Brinson A Hsv and Seals Pharmacy. OABTORZA. Bear, tbs* y* IM KW YOI few f Bougll ANNOUNCEMENT* ‘ NVaresboro, Ga., July 28, 1904. Editors Waycross Herald: You may Announce to the public that I am a candidate for Representative oi Ware County to tbe Georgia Legislature, at ihe next October election, I. do not feel that I need nnv introduction to the people of Ware County, they all know me. If I am elected I shall favor a bill to make elective by the people, the mem bers of the Board of County Commis sioners and the members of the Board of Education, and County School Commis sioner. Very Respectfully, j. r. McDonald. CASTOR IA for Infant* and Children ' h s wntr ^'TA Power For Good: The pills that are potent in their oc* tlon and pleasant In effect are DeWitt's Little Early Risers. W 8 Philpot, Al bany, Ga.. says:* During a business at tack I took one. Small as it was it did me more good than calomel, blue mass or any other pill I ever took and at the same time the effect was pleat* ant Little Early Risers are certainly an Ideal pill.” Sold by Seals Ph-iriuaer and Brinson A Uay. rr. --©'poTtx j\.. Basra tbs ■...hj.t AlaflS fagb Signature Bucklcn’s Aruica Salve. lias world*wide fams for marvellous cures. It surpasses uuv other salve, lotiou or ointment or balm for cuts, corns, burns, boiies, sores, felons, ul* tiers, tetter, salt rheum, fever sores, chapped hands, skiu eruptions; infal lible for piles. Cure guaranteed. Ooly nt Seals Pnsrinuey and Brinson Bay’s. From 148 to 92 Pounds. One of the most remarkable cases of cold. Ueep*sested on (he lunA, caus ing pneumonia, is that of Mr*. Ger* trude E Fenner, Marion, lad., who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. Sue says: ‘-Tne coughing and straining -o weakened. iuc that I ran down m weight from MS to W pounds. I tried a number of rem edies to no avail until 1 used One Min* ute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely os the cough, strengthened inv lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strsngth.” Sold by Seals Pharmacy and Brinson .t Uay. Upon the advent of a new season, Your Shoe Store—the store to which you always look for the Best Shoes at right prices—sends greeting and announces the arrival of Fall and Winter Footwear. We want you to continue to tie to us—to make this your Shoe Store and to bring your friends here. We want you to say good things about us and we shall endeavor never to disappoint you. ^ Humphreys & Williamson, Dry Goods and Shoes. Plant Avc. Wayoross, O-a ens the? stomach. and bowel troubles. KODOL accelerates tho action of —- the gastric flands and gives tone to the digestive organs. KODOL reIleves an overworked - — ' stomach of all nervous strain, gives to the heart s full, free and untrammeied action, nourishes the nervous svstem and feeds the brain. KODOL <s the wonderful remedy that is making so many sick people well and weak people strong by giving to their bodies all of the nourishment that U contained In the food they eat. Tnr Dialer Can Supply Ym. Bottles only. SI. 00 Size hoi Jin* 2H Om** tho tdal alM. which soils (or 50c. E. C. OcWITT A CO., CHICAOO R. t.. SINGLETON. C. Of R. Tomochlchi Tribe Improved Order of Rcd-'Meamects every night at Council Ball In Masonic building Visit Iny member* cor dtally invited. II. IX FINN. Sachem. Seals I’harmacj Brinson & Hay WAYtTtOSS LODGE, NO. 07,1.0.0. F. Meets Wednesdny'nlght nt 8:00o’clock. Lodge room Lott & Hitch building, third floor. Every member Is expected to attend, nnd vs cordially Invited. portant business to be transacted. .. .. •*** * — Si Noble Grand. J G Hither. See' cross Lodge, No 90b. A. M. Meets on second Wsj F.Ai and fourth ^Tuesdays, at 7:10 p. m. In Masonic Building >11 Qualified brethren cotdUUy invited to attend. A. (k villee, W. M. J. Morton Young, Secretary• Dc’ts Encampment No. 8,1.0, O- F. meets in lodge room in LotPHitch build, tng every second and fourth Tuesday nights. Visitinj brothers are cordially wel Notice, Rebeknhs. Esther Rebekab Lodge, Na 8,1. a O. F., meets EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT Altai* Eason. Secretary c Regular Convention of Wakefield Lodge, Na 27, K. of P., Monday Evening 7:80. Members and visiting brothers cordially in vitet,; The Crowning Triumph of our laundry work is whiteness where It It called for. Colored goods we oleanse thoroughly without cauaidg color to run in the least. We do high grade work and our fint domestic finish excels all other methods. Cone’s and Cuffs are ironed smooth so the skin of wearer is not irritated. Tbe VilsoD Steam Laundry What’s to a Xante? K.eJylhlnr (• In a name when it eoinee-to-WItch Il.t.l Stir.. E C Oe. tVitiACo. of Cnic.ro. dlecovored iom« year, uo how to mail* o Solve from U'tteh Uti.l toot is a ipretfa (or Pitta. For blind. Mrodiar tlchlM ood pro- lauding Pile- eczema, caW, burn*, bruitet and oil skio dltrwm. DeWItf, Sale, hu no oqnoL Th„ bos ptreo r.M to Boatoron. mrthlOM counter feit. Aik (or DeWill-*—thr genuine. Sold by Stole Pharmacy and Brinaon A Bay. ^ * —- — Subscribe for the Herald] What is Life? tout we do know that it »• under strict Ikw. Abuse that law even slightly lit pain results. Irregular living a or New Life I i|«rr uuiiuir. ur- ividkr *,ew bile Will qnick'y readjntuJhU. It-a rontla rrt thoronpb. Ooly Sic at Brioaooi A Hay’a and Seal. Pharmacy. * A. 8. KortoB. — 0. S. Sunn Moi*ton & Dunn, Contractors and Builders, Estimate* furnished on all. claasc work. Address Waycroaa postoffice or nee us at 79 Eads St.. 48 Howe St. J. G. REESE, First Class Shoe Maker Mallos Blocs, Albany Ayx All work Matty dene to sati,- faction, sUo price* pleaac. GIVE ME A CALL- i-roniA.. Tf YOU don't have the cash A to pay in lull, we'll wait lor the balance. We’ll make it an easy matter to buy what you need and see that the price is rijhL No chance for disappointment in dealing wtfh us.. — Lott, Fain & Co. An Inspection Is All We Ask Iffyou’do this we will get your patronage] We Have the Largest and Best Selected Stock of FURNITURE In this part of the State. If you will come to our store we will prove what we say, Either Cash or Payments. Singleton Furniture Co. Gassett & Elliston, And Builders, WAYCKbSS, GA. Estimates cheerfully furnished on all kinds of buildings. Mill Blocks Seasoned^ just right. Quick delivery to any part of the city - S. E. Cannon, “ Crawley's old wood yard, Albany Avenue. Telephone No. 7, Waycross, Ga. For Your Own Protection • See to it, that all the chimneys and flues in. your dwellings are Built of Brick and Built From the Ground, Then I will write your Fire Insurance at» Reduction of 10 per Cent. L. JOHNSON, Fire Insurance Agent. Office neat door to Poet Office: . WAYCROSS, • - • O BORGIA JUST OPEN Bp Blacksmith and Wheelwright ' Owner Faad Brewer Street*.! « SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Campbell & Co. A. P. PERHAM. JR. Notary Public, ' Evening Herald Office. Telephones: office as, residence ia Wf'l Open Sept. Hth. Brown & Co., Jfanufocturen of ALL KINDS OF Fancy Candies, Chocolates & Bon Bons WHOLESALE end RETAIL Special Orders Hide os Short Retie*. Goods Delivered. For every poeod pm relumed ■ ticket la ■inn and when the amount puichaMd reachea twenty pound, the cutomer will raoeive on* pound free. 100 Plant in, Phone Bo. *01. OASVORI*.