Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, December 24, 1904, Image 1

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WEEKLY EDITION OF THE Wlaycross gsvenmg IMerald ♦ -7 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCRO! S^S ANT l . W A RJjF COUNTY VOLUME XXVI WAYCROSS, GA., SATURDAY. ! pHCKMlIE! i /4.1904. NUMBER ol- Reported Recapture Of Metre' Hill CroGfii and Chitterlings. Vo-S ''room like ch UertiiiK l lorida Full tf Northern People. A private letter from the In dian River section of Florida,, al'y that port!.,.! of the | lu * P-* s8ad « r ' ),1,,d , rdllw , ay c "" lea, at least inont’ the ac- fHjicnt and Chat is the question that is be- liecial'y that port!,,. |stive atonK the beautiful Indian KUROPATKIN SAVS RUSSIANS, HAVE Kiver.is alive w.tli northern peo- j <lu»‘tomncos of.■ tU aecomodattnn Atlantic ( .ast Line et n luc nr. Cap. Cfo nn, as he is lain 1 limy known, waa cal led this week to attend Jud^e RETAKEN PORT ARTHUR FORT London, Dec. 22—Gen. Kuro* patkia seeds the report that the Russians have recaptured Metre Hill at Port Arthur. No parti culars of the reported fetapture is obtained. Union Associated Press. Tokio, Dec. 22.—Official de- . epatches from the front state the Japanese have captured some important positions on Pigeon Bay. . Will be Suspended, Union Associated Press. New York, Dec. 22—Prof. Hutton, of Columbia University, after bearing the cases of the sophs who were engaged in hazing and efforts to kidnap freshmen, will make his report tomorrow. The sophs will fare ill, as it is pretty certain that they will be suspended for two weeks, which is a very serious matter at this time of the year. [ le N it for ten j'eais has there been such crowds oP vis t rs to this .delightful section. Many are there to invest money in homes ami groves. The new boom which the writer has often predicted for South Florida has come. The poverty stricken population just aijtor (lie terrible freezes will soon all be million aires again, and no one rejoices over their good fortune more than the writer. Injiired by Sno^ Ball. Union Associated Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 22.—A snow ball, six feet in diameter, rolling rapidly down Logan Hill last night, creabsed into a parly of coasters, injuring several,_and breaking a number of sleds, ree boys have been taken to "•4ljospi|a!. The snow ball dfe by a party of boyS, who rolled it wnen the hill was crowded with coasters. / Negro Earns $26. Per Week. Mr. W. T. 'Brinson was up town today buying Christmas presents for eyery one of the men working at his cross tie camp near Bolen, Ga. Mr. Brin son employes ubout fifty men, most of whom are negioes and ho never lets « Christmas puss without giving every one of his employes a present of some kind. A negro mimed Jim Stewart, »lm cuts ties for Mr. Brinson, drew his salary for five week* work yesterday, and received tlie sum of <1120.78. Stowart cuts by the piece, and his aver age earnings for five weeks was about $20 CM) per week. As the average pay for tie choppers is about <0 00 per week, Stewart is evidently a negro who bolieves in hard work. Saturday Night Marriage. Saturday night, at the homo of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jordan, near the iron bridge, Miss Annie Jor dan was married to Mr. James L. Bennett. The ceremony was performed by ltev. T. J. Mins chew. The l ride is an accom plished youhg lady and is a s’s- ter ot Messrs. A. J. and James Jordan, well known young busi ness men of Waycross. Mr. Ben nelt is engaged in the furniture business at Lakeland, Fla., and he and his bride left for that plate yesterday, where they will make their home. YOUKS FOR A BRIGHT COM PLEXION. Health’s Critei'iou Conferred By Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur. Inactive glands^jf ..tbe.^faca harboring minute dust particlch causes acne—the most preva lent facial blemish among ladies. An effective tonic for the skin, Hancock’s L'quid Sulphur en livens the facial glands to ac tion and affords a bright com plexion, thus enhincing natural beiuty. Being Nature’s greatest germ ietde, Hancock’s Liquid Sulphur cures eczema, ucuc, itch, herpes, ringworm, pimples, priccky heat, diphtheria, catarrh, canker aiid other ulcerated conditions of the mouth, nose, throat, scalp and eyelid-*. Burns and scalds have in it an effective remedy. Consult your druggist and write for booklet to Hancock Liquid Sulphur Co., Baltimore, Md. Speer's cm) I tat Valdoitn It so happens that someof Mr. Cioom’i host friends live near that place, and he lias been seen sev eral times during the coarse of the neck going and returning either to or from the horns ol these friends, and each time it was evident that he had been fed quite to his liking. These friends have teen kill ing hogs all the week and back bones and ribs have been to spare. It is said that each train pas sing through Valdosta during the time that Mr. Croota was off duty has been loaded down with tubs of those delegate products of hog killing time. All the while the aforesaid gentleman has been picking bis teeth aud wearing a smile that wont come off. This is the rea son that his friends »ro now all asking. “Does Cronm like chit terlings?”—Bainbridge Search Light. Legal Advertisements. linker. Chaiulk _ rf , tlay of December, 1004- J. i>. DAY EXPORT. STATE OF OKOKOIA—C-ouiity of Wary. To the Hoti. T. A. Parker, judge of tho Monday’s dally Mrs. Younmns, the aged moth er of Mr. George R. Youmans, of WaycroiS, died last night about 12 o’clock at her home just over the river in Pierce county. The decrased is survived by a num ber of children ami a large circle of relatives and friends. The interment occqrred in Pierce WhirtytMS«Tt8ttKJon'nt-2 o’clock. iho Kind You Ilnvo Always Bought, nml which lias licen In, uso for over 30 years, 1ms borno the ct-ynatnro of — uml 1ms been inn-' r his per- *?:, sonol supervision rs Infancy. Allow no ono todece.. > you in tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations and **Just-ns-good” are Imfc Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Expcrlcuco against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Outoria Is a harmless substitute for Cnstor Oil, Pare* gorlc, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16 3 ntalns neither Opium, Morphine nor other NarcotlO bstanco. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Oollb. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates vho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleeps fhe Children’s Fanacea-Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAY8 Bean the Signature of t'pci it it !*. Da venport blit Tbe Kind Ton Hare Always Bought In Uso For Over 30 Years. Governor W.'P. Durbin, wife and son. of Indiana, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C McFadden, on Pendleton street, will leave tonight on tbe return trip home. Accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. McFadden, Governor Dutbin 'and his party, consisting of his wife, son, and Messrs. W, B. 'Beebe, of Coiambus, Oliio, and E. H. Tripp, of Indianapolis, traveling oo a special train, visited Jacksonville. They were m'st ccrdially, received by tbe citizens of Jacksonville and hid a most delightful trip. Relief.in Six Hours. Distressing Kidney and Blad der Disease relieved in six Ilnurs bv “New Great South American Kidney Cure.” It is a— great surprise on account of its ceedirtg promptness in relieving ))iin in the ohuldor, kidneys or ujck, in male or fem.-ile. Relieves retention of water almost iiumo diately. If you want quick ru lief and cure this is the remedy. Sold by Gem Pharmacy, Wav cross, Ga. Russians admit tho lots, of thoir ships at Port Arthur, Georgians f satisfaction, Petition to Change Name. The* petitioner the 0- W. Gray'Comber Company shown: 1. That it is a private corporation K*4gcu in general planing mill,sawmill, dry kiln and vmiety work business, with it* princip.il office and pluceof business in the city of \V»)cross, said State and county, having been originalJy incorporated on tbe '/7th day of June. 1!)0I, by said court. 2. That it desires its said charter atnunl- ed by having its corporate usme changed fr *m that of the U. W. Grny Lumber Cbm pany to the MitobelUParry Lumber Com pany. and that It be authorized to carry on its business aforesaid in future under tbe name ofihe Mit.-hall* Parry Lumber Co. Wherefore, petitioner prays for the grant of an order by said court changing its oor porate name from the G. W. Gray Lumber Co., lo that of. tbe Mitchell* Harry Lum bar Company as aforesaid. This November 30,10o4 . LEON A. « 1L80K. Att’/. for Petitioner. Original (IUd In office tfiii Nov. 30. 1004 K.J. BERRY. Dec. 1 4 tw- - Clerk. Lib ral quantity of L & M. Paint given to churches when ever they paint. Only requites a few gallons to paint a bouse. Call on P. N. Harley Hardware Company. new pair Qr your money bad; on “PrHr T SuSDCii I b $2.25 Rye EXPRESS PRE-PAID! OUR CELEBRATED COBB COUNTY CORN IS GUARANTEED 3 YEARS OLD* Copper distilled la tho good old fashioned styla over an open foraaoo, which gives a delicacy af flavor not to he had in other brands. Order to-day and wo will ship la plain case oae gallon of this excellent Whiskey express prs-pald for $2.25. Harris Favorite II Years Old 4 Full Quartt, Ex pres* Prepaid, $3.00 This fine old Rye Whiskey has no eqaal ao natter what yon pay. It le the kind of mellow taste, good, too, for medicinal use. We will also ship 1 gallon Cobb County and 1 quart Harris Favorite Rye together for f3.00, express prepaid. Send us yonr trial order to-day. OUR GUARANTEE! If you are not entirely pleased and onr goods aro m«t as represented, we refund your monoy by nort tuail. Wo mako no C. O. D. shipments. Our references! Third National Bank or Express Office. Send Express or Postoilce Mono * Ordor. A. H. HARRIS. 12 Walton Street. ATLANTA. GA. SPECIAL MONEY WHISKEY OFFER. I Guarantee Everything i Sell SAVING "ONLY THE BEST OF EVERYTHiNB" “ OLD PHARAOH HIE WHISKEY $2.95 Expren Prepaid. To be exactly as top- resented. If you uru not thoroughly pleased return the goods at my expense. You will get your money back by next mail. I refer you to any business house or bsnk in Atlanta. Write for complete Free Catalogue. Remit by Postoffice or Express Money Order. I make no C. O. D. shipments. LHsOPPENHEBf, 7-9 E. Alabama St, Atlanta,Ga. guardii Z. That he desires to * ent at private gale property, tbe name being ■II for re- invcjt- fol lowing . . .... ----- —„ _ »—*t of the estate of bis laid ward, to-wit: ('oinmeno- ingat t lie couth west corner of lot of land, number one hundred end seventy two(l72) In the eighth district of Ware county; thence north along tlie original land line to the public road, known as the Old Stage Hoad, thence east along said public road • distance of three hundred yerds, more or leu.to a lightwood tree for a corner :thcnco northeasterly nlong the strands of ponds, which line has been established and mark ed out to ihe original land line on the north side of said lot of land; thence east along the original land line a distance of fifteen hundred feat, more or less, to the northeast corner of taid Jot of land; thence south along the original land line to tho southeast corner of laid lot of land; thence west along the original land line to the southwest corner of said lot of land at the f omt or place ofbcfinning. . 8. That said property is yielding no- profits, and it is therefoit advisable to sell same, and Invest the money in other prop* •tty that will yield proms. 4. Petitioner desires to invest the prc*> r* da of *ucb a#Ia in a certain house and lot iu Brunswick, Georgia, to-wit: Bounded on the north by ’’Q" street; on the* east by property of the First National Bank; on tho south by property of Bricetnick estate, ami on the west by property of Tom Edwards; said property at present belonging to Andjr 6. Petitioner shows that notice of his in* tension to make this application has been publislicd once a week for four weeks, a» required bylaw. J. D. DAVENPORT. Sworn tn and •ulmcrlhcd before me, this (itb day of December, JA04. A P PERHAM.JR., Rotary Public. Ware Co„ Ga. Administrators Hale. Georgia—Ware County Will he »old to tie h/gbeet bidder for cash on ibe first Tuesday in Januaiy next, before the couit house thor of aaid county, bet went the Itgul h< ura of aale, the ton wiig dfarnbtd property, to*>rit; Onmienciiig on tbe south aide of Al bany avenue,'at corner of Jot owned ny Carrie K Mrickland, thence eaaterly along said Albany hviui o. fifty-five (fib) fed in re it Ie as to lot owued by <*siate ol D J i raw e), thence south along aaid Crawley’s lot, ninety (00) feet more or leas to right of way ot U A W railroad, tin nee westerly afong said right of way filty*five (06) feet more or Iras to lot ot said Came K Btricklund, thence north along aaid Carrie E HiMkland’a lands- to point or place of begiuntng, and fur- , tlier dcacribed aa the let where Baptist church formerly stood. Hold aa tbe property of tbe estate of James Knox, Hr., deceased, under and by virtue of an order ot the Court ot Ordinary of said county, for the purpose of paying debts and making dhtribu* tion. This Dec. 8, 1904, - James Knox, Administrator. Administrators Hale. Georgia—Ware County Under and by virtue rf nn order fronv the Ordinary’s Court ol aaid co.inty, will be sold on the fir«t Tutaday in January before the court house door in Waycroaa the following described property to*wit: All that tract of land lying and being the northeast corner of lot number o hundred him! fifty.two (202) iu the filth district of Ware couuty. It be* rig ail oi said lot ol b*ls in the east side ul a cuttmu creek, running through aaid ♦ , except, one buodred seres in tho utbeast comer, bounded as follows: o ilie south by land <1 S K Jordan, on e east bj A K Smith, c p the north d west by D A Jordan, contrining ir hundred aud forty* five mcioe more • ie-s. This land I-sold »ubjecl to a le-iiuie interest of Mr». "town Joidan, jr Id lor th-* purpose oi settlement of the eet »■«. "Teirna cu-di, D I Walker. Aduiiriietrator ot the estate or W II Jor*» Ian, Citation. GEORGIA-Ware County. lo all whom it may concern—John G Hu flea having, in proper form, applied. 11 me f r pt-rmsm n’ lei'cr* *.f ud nioh- (ration widi the wi t annexed on the ci* late ol David B S not o, Int** o| aaid county, this is t” cl’eall and singular * the creditors and neat ot kin of said David B Htautou to be und apprar at my oifice within the time atiowed bylaw, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not be*/ granted to ar-d John U Hteffea on said- v e tate. Wftnes*, nty hand and oiflemL signature, this O h day of Dec. 1904. * Warren Lott, Ordinary. fforset And Mulct. I have just opened my silo- •table in tbe Virdio Livery od Tebeau sf reef. I have on band at all time* a fine lot of horses and moles. Bee my stock beforo buying elsewhere, tfw* ' M. Downey.