Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, January 21, 1905, Image 1

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weekly Edition or the imiaycrc3s Averring IHeraUL OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS ANT WARF COUNTY - VOLUME XXVI WAYCRO'S, GA.. SATURDAY. JANUARY 21.1905. NUMBER 35 SKIRMISH REPORTED AROUND MUKDEN Russians Lose Five Officers and Forty Soldiers. Japanese outflank .Russians State of Siege Not Renewed in Man* churian Cities by Czar’s Men—Jap* ansae Cruisers Captures Dutch Ves sel Loaded With Coal. fit. Petersburg, Jan. 18.—General Kuropatkin, telegraphing yesterday to Emperor Nicholas reported an attempt of a strong Japanese detachment of Infantry, cavalry and artillery to cut off the column of General Mltschen- ko's cavalry Jan. 14, as the latter waa about to retire northward. The Japanese, under cover of a mist, outflanked the Russians. A battle •asued. The Russian cavalry Inflict- lag losses on the Japanese at short range and then retiring. The Rus sian losses were five officers and 40 men killed or wounded. , General Kuropatkin also reported tho return of a Russian patrol after blowing up the railroad and destroy ing a mile of telegraph 2 miles north of Ta Tcheklao. KILLED BY MEXICAN BANDITS. Wealthy Man Murdered by Half-Breedi j in Mountains. < Chicago, Jan. 18.—Ira A. Sanger, a relative of Mrs. George M. Pullman, of Chicago, has been slain by Mexi can half-breed bandits in the mountain wilds of Sinaloa. Mexico. Robbery was the purpose of the murder. Mr. Sanger, who was well known In Chicago, although for the greater part of bis life a resident ol Colorado, had been in tho northern section of Mexico along the Texas border for three years Interested In mining and ranches. His compan ion In these ventures was Goorgo L. Stewart, of Chicago, who has Just reached El Paso, Tex., with news ol tho murder. The victim probably was ambushed, Mr. Stewart reported. Mr. Sanger was well to do, having property and Investments worth, ac cording to the El Paso estimate, be tween $40,000 and $80,000. He usual, ly carried a considerable sum of monoy with him, but Mr. Stewart de clares ho had but a small amount at tho tlmo of tho attack. Mexican rurales were sent out af* ter tho murderers. Mr. Sanger was about 35 years old. NIEDRINGUAUS IS FULLY EXONERATED ADVANCE MONEY ON COTTON. A Delightful Gathering Icr* Birthday. Finding of Committee In Faror of Republican Leader, HIS ACTIONS FAIR AND HONEST] Oklaho Inaaii Bankers will Loan Farmer! $25 Per Bale. a*, lox.. Jan. 18.—Colonel E. | ANTICIPATED BY DIVISION MEETING Jeis. prfrtjcent of the National i Growers' association, stated | OF ODD FELLOWS TONIGHT, t that ho had received from • i Mown southern bank!ng Arm an t * :o advance $23 on every halo ol | Wednesday's Daily, in Texas, Indian Territory and WILL ESTABLISH LOAN OFFICES Representatives Casey and O’Donnel; not errltory. ns the arrangements ar< nplete, Mr. Petors refused File a Minority Report—Neidring* haus Did Not Contribute $21,000 to Republican Campaign Fund. Jefferson City, Mo., Jan. 18.—Ths majority report of tho committee on tho Nledrlnghaus investigation jwaa read in the lower house today in ths presence of a large crowd. Tho find ings of the committee exonerate Mr. Nledrlnghaus and say that his expla nation of the contribution of $21,000 attributed to him are satisfactory. The report says in part: The action of Mr. Nfedringhaus, so far' 03 investigation of your commit tee Is concerned, which Investigation was full and fair, was honest and above criticism. The report adheres to the* declara tion that the contribution was to the Republican city campaign committee of St. Louis; that Nledrlnghause did Retail Clerks' Association to Protect Members from Sharks. - Chicago, Jan. 18.—Taking tho cue'not contribute $21,000 to that fund, from the Cigarmakers* union, tho Ro-j and that ho filed no such statement St. Petersburg, Jan. 18. The gov- . clerks’ National Protective asso-' with the recorder of deeds because he •rament has not renewed tho state of ( c j at | on attempt to protect its was acting treasurer of the city com- •lege In Manchurian cities at the open- j mom |, er8 j ron , i oan sharks by the es-. mittce. It seems that as chairman ol lng of the new year, civil law in such places replacing military rule. Tho Russian papers protest against the im putation that General Mistchenko’s cavalry violated Chinese neutrality, •Ten If. of which there la" at present „„ Mortla international secretary no evidence, they crossed tho Liao rlv- : of th0 assoclo ao n . who has arrived '-*r »•«* Chwanj, claiming that ! (rom De the tcai „u ar tor S of ths • small strip on tho west h.nk is dIs. nnlon . Tie plan „ lo lh0 fundl tlnctly reserved as Included in the „ th< asauclatlon - a troaaury for Ul „ ^° St . Ue *‘ i purpose. If n member Is out of am' Whl e the daring cavalry raid on tho l nt , nd necd , m he wll lino of the Japanese communications ; iUa „ „„ caB0 w officorl 0 , was welcomed as a heavy augury C \ unlon . Hls ca!0 wU , bo iDvestl . the operations of the new year, the general staff does not give encourage ment to the Idea that It was a pre cursor of a serious Russian movement. to divulge the uamo of tho firm mak ing the offer, but ho declared that II was n thoroughly reliable and respon slide banking Institution of tho south. The plan proposed Is that tho cotton shall ho placed In the custody ol trustees who will pay the money, and See that the cotton is stored In a warehouse acceptable to insurance companies. The cotton is not to b« sold until the owner la willing. Colonel Peters stated that the de tails would bo arranged this week, and that nt present tho bankers were only figuring on whether tho project would require $12,500,000 or $25,000,000. THREE YEARS IN PENITENTIARY “I 1 tablishing of loan agencies at the tho state committee Neldrlnghaua headquarters in the various large cit- j filed a statement. Including tho $21,• lea, where the union men can get J 000 which waa properly credited to money without interest. j him, and that Adolfua Kitsch guaran- This plan has been announced by teed him $2,500 and Otto Stlfcl guar anteed him $3,250 of the said amount; that no money wns contributed by brewers to influence legislation, and with explanations of Nlcdrlnghati, in regard to this $21,000, was satisfac tory. Representatives Casey, of Jackson, and O’Donnell, of St. Louts, Democrat ic members of the committee, filed minority repqrt, along tho lines of ths senate committee’s report made yes terday." Casey moved to aubstltuts gated and If he U found worthy he will bo given $100 without interest : for a stated period. If ho docs not Japanoso Capture Dutch Vessel Toklo, Jan. 17, 2:30 p. m.—A Japa nese torpedo bopt destroyer captured tho Dutch steamer Wllhelmlna, which was carrying Cardiff coal to Vladivo stok In the Tsushima straits, Monday and brought her to Sasebo. A first- class armored cruiser Is being con- pay back promptly he will be black the minority repor for the majority listed and kept from wording. The report. Retail Clerks have 1,050 locals and a membership ol 50,000. .SPY IN AN AMERICAN FORT. Private Soldier Missing, Together With Drawings and Papers. Daltlmoro, Jan. 18.—Private Peter atructed at the naval docks at Kure. ! a. Bramett, a clerk at headquarters at After the motion to adopt the mi nority roport had been second ed by Represrhitaatlvo NVbltecotton (Dom.), of Monroe, a motion was madl to have the Nledrlnghaus testimony read. All Opposition Withdrawn. 9t. Louis, Jan. 18.—A special from Fort McHenry for several months. Jefferson City, Mo., says: All opdo- THREE SUMMER HOTELS BURN and now alleged lo ho an English spy, ,| t | 0n on lh0 part 0 , ,„* Kerens „ *>»• “'"'"F ■»»" Wednes forcaa t0 tb , election of Thomas K. Flra at Rockaway Beach Destroy! day evening. A number of drawing, Nleldringhaus for United Stated sen. of tho fort and other papera are also tor IUCCC e d Mr. Cockrell. Saa dl» The police suspect that he has appeared. Representative Brace, of left the country. 8L Loula, one of the leaders of ths Emmett enlisted at Fort McHenry a movement againat the Republican alatl little more than a year ago. Ho govs chairman, declared at noon that ths hla residence as No. 38 South Greens „ tht WM at an end , and lhat , 1C W0 „U street, this city, and said that hls leC ond the nomination of Mr. Net* nearest relative was George Emmett, J ringhaus. color sergeant of the Twenty-ninth in-1 - __________ fantry. _ Emmett was .it one time In tho Brit.-] PILOT'S QUICK WIT SAVES BOAT ish army. He '•a.rie Into public notice t some time ago wi on it was stated that Menaced by Scow Southfield's Churn number of maps and drawings j lng Screw Averts Impact. th\ street had been shown 1 1200,000 Worth of Property, Now York, Jan. 18.—Three summer : gone, hotels and alx cottages of summer res- ‘ ldonu were burned at Rockaway Beach today, causing a loss of $?00,- 000. The hotels wero the Waldorf, Ger mania and Columbian. The largest of these was the Germania, which had 100 rooms. None of the hotels was occupied except by caretakers. Th blase started in the Waldorf and be fore fire apparatus could be summoned It seemed as though the beach for a - long distance would be swept clean of ^fdund hotels and cottages. Hope of saving - the Waldorf was quickly abandoned, and efforts wero mado to save the other two hotels, hut the heat was •o intense that the firemen could only fight the blaze from a distance. New York, Jqn. IS.—Captain Samuel to him and Identified by him aa accu- j Kohler, of tho Staten Island ferryboat rate reproductions of fortifications at Southfield, by quick work saved hll Gibraltar. Emmett said that he had boat from being rammed by a heavily forir.orly been stationed at Gibraltar. Ex Postmaster Must Serve Term fo» Forgery. Mobile, Ala., Jnu. 18.—The United States court of nppcalS, sitting jit New OrI« ans has confirmed tho sentence ol ex-postmaster Chnrlca A. Piercher, ol Choctaw muff. Ala. At the last term of tho United State/ district court. Kitting at Mobile, Plerch er waa convicted of forgery In connec tion with some contracts for carry ini) the I’nlted States malls, and wax sent by Jorge Cpilmln to three years In the federal penitentiary at Atlanta. | R*^. NV. K. Porter aild O I In several similar cases, where a ne- j Members fivin lodges Pur.-uaut to a cu*l iiv.uta soilc days ivlo by Rtv. \V. E. Porter, of Brutitwick, divM n deputy grnr.il master, Odd Fellows from every lodge in I bo Brunswick judicial ci ten it will assemble in Waycioss tonight to attend the division meeting, which will be held will] Waycr0‘8 Lodge No. 07, in Lott-llitch building. Tho kcal Odd Fellow?, as sisted by the members of Esther Kebcknh IsOdge, have made ample preparation to enter’a'n the visitors in a befitting manner. Committees will meet the delegates at the union station and bid thorn we’come to tho best and most hospitable city m Wire grass Georgia. Tonight at the lodge room, the initiatory and other dogrto-t will bo conferred by well dril oJ degree teams, and other \a’uabl.» instruction will be imparted to members of the order. Addro«scs wi 1 be made Grand Muster John \V. He n then gro waa the chief witness, he Waa ac quitted. In this case he was convicted on ths testimony of M. O. Can doe, a promi nent merchant of Choctaw Uluff, who was shortly afteryards assassinated, an investigation clearing Piercher ol any connection with the crime, ho bo lng: on- bail a! the time. He will be taken to Atlanta to be gin serving hla term. LARGE BLAZE AT JACK80N, GA Only Good Wo.*k Saved Buildings on Public Squaro. Jackson. Ga., Jan. 18.—Part of ths business portion of Jackson Is smold ering In mins from a fire which broke out Monday afternoon from fl defective flue In tho Hotel Jackson. The brick hotel and atore rooms ad joining and the residence of the latl Dr. R. G. Bryans, occupied by J. M. Allen, was tdtally consumed. The fur nlturo of the hotel wu partially de atroyed. One atoro room contained, among household goods, many valu able mementoes and keepsakes of Dr. Bryan and hls Knight Templar eword, which was highly cherished by hll daughter, to whom It had been present ed. All is a comploto loss. An other store room was packed with groceries of the Jackson Mercantile company. It took the combined effort) of thl citizens to save the buildings on the square. r?—•— taunty of Fraud. i hero uru no Rebekuh lodges will bo given ail opportunity t >• night t> bcCi-me monitors «»l E.tli. r Ktbckttli Lodge, No 0 of Waycross.. At the cone usion of he oxer- eiae-’, delicious t.ml- aubstan’i il refreshments will be served. Every membtr of Waycros- Lodge, as well us oiJn r members of the order that may b_- in ti.c city, should avail themselves or the opportunity offered tonight for a pious* nt and most profitable time. Soap Factory Elects Officers. Tie stockholders of the Im penal Soap Company, the new concern which lias 'r.ccutly bo n organised in this city, have elected Mr. J. E. T. Boa den, President of tho company. The other officers ore G, W. Dcen, vice president; Mr Churchill secretary ar d gene rul mint gcr, and I). W. Lott treasurer. The soap fnc'ory is fo ic rroved fruit Atlanta to lids city, und in alout two we*Is will be ready to begin busine-s here. Ltd its, see thoe «ervi~t«s Mobile, Ala., Jan. 18.—Iko L. Rob- mil serviette belts, at Briii-ou & Ilav’x, 100 w AFTER CAMPAIGN BOODLER3. King of Bunco Men Dead. New York, Jan. 18.—“Iko” Vail, lot almost half a coatury known through out this country and Europe aa ths "King of Bunco Men,” Is dead at ths age of 70. Ho passed away under an •rtson, of Abbott, Ala., pleaded guilty to using tho malla to defraud, and was laden scow, and evoked tho cheers ol | remanded for sentence. Ills intend- rj’j, the ferry passengers. ; ed victims were tho Putnam Mnnufac- The Southfield was ready to leavl taring company, of Baxter. Tenn., and ! s 0 „th perry pier on her 2 p. m. tho Wortholmer-Swarts Shoo compa- 1 tl Missouri Officer Getting Evidence trip, when hcow E 39, loaded with dirt ny,,of New Orlo.tnH, to whom ho sent * cor| oraBoi.s and | I'iVi tu 111 mi- About Election Contributions. " tnd stone, broke away from the Bet*! orders for goods to be shipped to hD j s Ci |, y imitaliou of Jefferbon City, Mo., Jan. 18.—Circuit tery pier. Two men on board yellej pretended place of business at Abbott, _ J j,, , w fl ^ (J Havannuli Pro h pi rbiicc to u groat truth : **Tli#} ci ntriilhsution Attorney Arthur Sager has mado a f or help. j Ala., where he claimed to be a deal- % «. « w» .« ...» —........ „ hurried trip here from St. Loula, Captain Kohler quickly rsng full er In dry goods, groceries, hardware the war. '1 he Ninth Will find assumed" name at the home ofhll c * us£(i> ,a sa,< *» developments speed ahead, and «oon hls boat wnf, afld medicine*. ‘out tome thy that tie COti- nephew In tho Bronx and probablj ,n reK " r<1 10 thc lnvesl| K allon 'n' 11 »cnt humping again*! the bridge oh gtitution.lovina Southoin plnnler will bo buried near hla birth place;' co " U : lb , utloD 1 9 ;, the ,CTr > Th « M r « w «««*; Ejpbaaaler Ceta Ten Year., la. niirnly thin tl,„ EJahklll-on-tbe-Hudaon. Ebtlmatea at •' kci) to hls olrlclal P° altlo » and » great wash, which forced tho «cow ; vv-aahlngton, Jnn. I*.—James M. A. , ' . ,, 3 Ao tho money accumulated by Vail dur »"°**ble action In the matter ho i*ld: out In the stream. The heavy over w ,taon. a clerk In thc auditor’! of- ' 1 H|iot:c iru.l*. lng hls palmy days agree Chat he must 1 ^ httV ® only thIs 10 Hay: ^ thl ^ an,? of th0 ucow Hcra md tho sterl g ce 0 f t j, e district government, who 1 „ • . . . » hava taken considerably more that luatlflr P™ aa edlngs under aectlod ,, B 33 was carried psst. A tu| wm accused of embezzling $73,000 and 1 T*» I lie Lad c»h: TeltphOEC us $1,000,000, but he spent It quickly, 7176 of the revl8 * d « ututea of 1893 ' Picked the scow up soon afterward, j recC nt!y convicted on two Indictments and w <i will und }ou u sel'Vlctlu and ... final 1 v driven to plckln, 1 "! n MAY APPEAL TO HIGHER COURT ' Involving $12,820, was today semen- 1 ht end femettih lor ir-«Pec- 1 The section 7176 to which Mr. Sage, i ced to ten years' Imprisonment In the non. Hrtnson * Bay. 106 W referred, provides that lt shall ho un- p|e> |g Baaad 0B th( Fou^.n,, penitentiary. Th* court overruled hla Itwtul for any corporation to Influence Amendmant. , motion for • new trial, or attempt to Influence the result ol, Blrmlngham . AIl , Jan . H ._ In tM <ny election In the .tale or to procur* srimlnal courl ol j 8 ffer,on county thl, and waa Dually pocketa. Pauper Lcavea $600,000. BeUvla, Ill., Jan. 1$.—Daniel Mo tana, an eccentric old man, who died In bit hut on th* banka or the Foa river two month! ago, end who fot years had lived on the charity of kind hearted neighbors, waa possessed ol property valued In probat* court yc» terday at IdSd.OOO. For years the old men Bred alone, having by hie ex treme frugality driven hie wife end •on from bU home. Hie neighbor, considered him e pauper, end nelthei wife nor too knew of hie wealth. Oread Duchess Caroline otto. Weimar, Jen. It.—The Grand Duck, ess Caroline of Sexo-Welmer died to day of Inflammation of the lunge, caused by (nflufuse. She was bon In 1M4. . , . „... Ceulon't Blow Safe Open. the elecloo of any peraon to a publle a(tcrnoon a !(K . al ,u orn ey. represenb j Ufayette, Ala., Jan. U.-Tha Bank L lng n negro prisoner charged with' of Lafayette was entered by robbers But nlhL The vault door waa blown open and tba burglara tried to blow open tho safe, oootalnlng about $20,- 606, but failed No money waa a* enrad. Prlia Fighter* Raided. Naw York, Jan. U.—A remark over heard on an alavntad train by a do tactlva lad to a police nil early today on a kail lo Weat Thirty-eighth ■tract, wfcan a prtea light waa In grograas. Thirty-six persona van captured. Including Charted McNally, of ftovldaaca, R. L, and -Jack- Ktu ny, of this city, who an alleged to have keen the principal*. _ ; murdering another negro, -sought ta Fugitive Killed by Engine. j haTe an | nd | Ct ment quashed upon th, Sprlngfleld, Maas., Jan. 18.—Edwla Brounda mat not a single negro wtl ntee, who escaped Irons the Berkshire on u,e county grand Jury which ro county Jell. In PtttaflelJ, seven year,, tonled tha tnle bm . n , pi*., wM « k ago. waa killed Monday by a switch; vaa biaed 0B tb . fourteenth amend- anglne, near Agawam Junction. New, ; ont to tbe eonatltotloa of tha Unltad of hla death waa tha Brat Intelligence, gm,*., waa 0 „ rral «] by ttt pra** tha Jail anthorltlas bad ncalved ol judge. . J*®’ &^a aUtad whlla dying th.lj u tba }ttry nsdl tb . negro gnllty, ha bad Maads In North Adams and m* cat* will ha appealed to tba av wu making hla way back to old, p « m , mn of tt , Unltwl 8 utu. u uanu Irraspactlva of cons^aeneu dttenata . wb<tbtr or Mt lt „ „ He wu sentenced for a minor of fame and hoitad because ha wu made to waad tha Jail garden. ter grand Juries of tha aevaral lu to hava nagro mam barm. Sunnyside Farm For Reel. Cott-gf, luirn it ml mno'-u house Sixty seres ut.d- r fence and cultivation. Apply to Dr. \Y. P. \Yilliams, Ulacknlicur, Ga. ieo iw . i yy-ii or'' i nlMMglmMc: Our lertna are cash, but we j-iye you the bint at the lowest price. Brinson & Hay. fldw The U. D. C. Chhpter will take part in the exercites, tomorrow morning, to be conducted at the court bouse by the Confederate Veterans. The crosses of honor will be swarded, as it is Lee’s birthday. tVednmdey'a If.nij. Heitdfjuartei's SluIIi Geoigiu Camp, U. C. V.’s., No. Hll). Special order No. 10H. VVny- to.-s, Ga , Jim 10, 1U05. 1st. All members of tlic .South Georgia Camp, U. C. Vs or oth er volcruns are e; muinnilod lo meot in regular session of tho Camp nt the CjutI Hi tiso In Waycross on the JDth of Jan. 1905, ut 10 o’cloult 11 iu. ; wear ing badges and crosses of honor. Como prepaicd to | a.v 'annunl comp dues. Oftleers for the env suing year ere 10 be elected. 2nd. Tlie Daughters of tho Cuufcderncy ut.d other ladies Interested are corditt'ly invited to meet w ill) tho veterans. 3rd. Sliott and eulogistic ltd. diesses will be inndc und poems rend hy young lu'lios. As this dny is (lie anniversary of the bit-ill of tlie immoitnl Lee, it is expec ed and desired tlmt all veternus, wiiii their families ami friends will be pri sent By Cominaud. Ii. I* Jtird, T S Paine, Maj. Comd'g Cnj>‘. a- el As-;t. Adjt. (Jen. TRA8HY BOOKS THROWN OUT. Public Libraries of Brooklyn Will Ex- elude Objectionable Literature. Now York, Jan. 18.—Public libraries Jn Blooklyn bavo determined tbal neither tho morals nor tTio literary tastes of llieir poodle .shall bo con* laminated If thow can prevent. Ordori have been .sent to the branch libraries nine in number, thut all qucatlouabK or truKhy bouka Hhal.l be withdrawn from circulation and Mibmlttud at one! to the director. TIiokc volmnea conKidered positively bad and unfit for perusal In any horn* -will be dOHtroyod, excepting one vol* ume In each Instance, which will bd preserved at the main library. Other books which the director may Consider suitable only tor persons *1 mature ages will be held up tor writ* ten applications. Request Reprieve for McCu*. Charlottesville*. Va., Jan. 18.—John Lee and Tinsley Coleman, of Lynch burg, and Burnley Sinclair, of Cbar lottesville, counsed for J. Samuel Mo Cue, wbo la to be executed Friday fot tbe murder of hls wife, went to Rich*- mood today to ask Governor Mont* ffue for a reprieve. A petition If bo lof circulated here by George El Walker, Sinclair’s partner, asking the governor to grant a respite for such time m be thinks proper. Over 20Q business and professional men have signed the petition. Mr. TdcCue aske this In order to arrange hls buslnesa matters. Texas Vegetables Killed. Weco, Tex., Jan. 18.—The cold weather of the past few daye has killed all of tho fall truck vegetables In central Texas and up and down the Brazos valley. Orders have been placed by local- commission men fot vegetables from south Texas. The cold was followed by heavy frost, which completed tho work of destruo llua. Wo sii-cnlv liopo that tins coltl weather does not reach our friends on Io«l< *»» r ver. In fact, wo ho:*e Flotilla wll 1h3 spared a other bid freeze. Georgians !* satisfaction, t