Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, February 18, 1905, Image 1

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WEEKLY EDITION OF THE o^- O l F i C I A L T 1 'J8 |k „ „ *^S3^ I ^ S ^ v fc GAN OF W A Y CKO S S A w f VV A R F COU N T Y VOLUMF WA VC ROSS, GA.. SATUROA V. I'!:i>iU T AUV 18, 190;* jSians mm m mm army !3 HANGED. 1 vV;i] (.! Ov Coital Husband Who Killed Young' r ‘Wife Pays Ce-th Penalty, j Bridgeport, N. J., F«b. 16.-—The j crime for which Frank Raisinger to- , * j day is to pay the death penalty whs J Big Eattla Is Now la Progress UhoTmital murder ot his young wifo. | Cvt On Oct. 18. 1904. Raisinger went into j the kitchen where his wife was at work and endeavored to cares her. EXTENSIVE CAVALRY MOVEMENT Sll ° ri 'P l,,! * od h,ru - aud Kaisingcr left Along :h«) Hun River. li\ Wa YEAR! niovcinlicr b io 9 Army of Field Marshal Oyarr.a’s Lett and Center is acing Attached—Rus sians Capture Laohunshi—Other News Frcm Eastern Conflict. Toklo, F*.b. 15.—3 p. m.—The Ru.- aians have begun an extensive caval ry movement against Field Marshal Oyama's extreme left. Last night they were attempting to oross the Hun river west of Liao Yang with 9.000 horsemen. The operation the house. Later he returned and in order to protect herself Mrs. Raisingur [ seized a gun and threatened to shoot her mhusband. He again left the house but a few minutes later Raif.'ngor quietly ro-ontered his home and so- cared the gun and shot his wife. Death was not instantaneous and Raisinger sent another load of shot Into the woman’s body. He then ar ranged the body and clothing of Mrs. Raisinger to make It appear that she had been assaulted and murdered. This was accepted by the neighbors, out later the coroner’# physician pro nounced the case one of suicide and Cave a certificate of burial. An investigation waa begun by the prosecutor of the country and detec tives. Detectives soon fastened the crime on Raisinger. The latter con fessed. He hat bgen placed on trial and his testimony was of such a re volting character that the judge ap pealed to the murderer** counsel to remove the witness from the stand. Civil Liur-iry Bill. WHAT THE CiUTil 23 TO GET j I croass In i 9' I tS »I.\L1) FOR 1 tlriS AT MKtHNti IN ATLANTA. A list Harbors Build. r.d Rivers and Besides Audi' priatlons for Thc»s No of Construction. j! Appro- a Course COAL FAMINE IN IOWA. marquis ota” began tjest of Chiteitza. One of cavalry stole into Laohunshi ; multanrousJ proached Tacha, which la situated 13 miles southwest of Chitaiizu and 27 miles west of Liao Yang. Nine thou sand cavalry, with artillery, approach ed tho river a mile below Talcha and attempted to cross at C o’clock in the evening, advancing on Hcikout&l (Pc- kotal). The shelling of Oyama’s cen ter contlnnues. Continued Cold Weather Puts End to Business in Hawkeye State. Des Moines, Iowa, Feb. 10.—Contin ued unrelenting cold and snow which have practically put an end to busi ness and tied up all trains entering Des Moines and traversing the state, have placed the entire city and state at the mercy of a coal and fuel famine. But one dealer in Des Moines has hard coal for saie and that at a price almost above reach of the consumer, Drifts between the city and the coal fields render teaming almost ini ble by putting off the soft coal supply airy force ap- j n mQny sections of the state the News from Toklo. Toklo, Feb. 10.—A fire took place at the Atauta works, near Nagoya, last Right and the damage dono waa oon- •lderable. The origin of the lire la unknown, but It it considered possibly the work of an incendiary. A search ing investigation la now In progress. The torpedo boat destroyers Arlake and Fubuk, conitructed in Japan, have been placed In commission. Their average speed is 29 knots per hour. The torpedo boat deatroyer Arare Is finished at the Yokohuka navy yard and la ready to be launched. The British steamers A polo and Scotsman bound for Vladivostok, were captured oft Hokkaido yesterday. The Apolo was from Cardiff with coal, and the Sootsman had a cargo of pro visions on board, which, according to her papers, was commissioned to Ja pans. Ate Strychnine for Candy. Bennington, Vt., Feb. 1C.—As a re sult of eating strychnine tablets, mis taken for candy, Leslie El well, 3 year* old. Is dead, and a 7-year-old brother, Calvin, Is In a critical condition, with London, Feb. 16.—A dispatch to a hIs limbs paralyzed. Physicians say news agency from St. Petersburg says | that he will bo a cripple for life it the Russian third Pacific squadron he survives. The children found the sailed from Libau today. {tablets, which their father, D. W. El- — ' well, had in the house as medicine. BESTOWED WEALTH UPON POOR KING’S DAUGHTER WILL WED. farmers are burning corn for fuel. Hundreds of Iowa towns isolated be cause of the stagnant condition of the railroad service are actually suffering. Fuel has advanced to a considerable extent and will be unobtainable at any price If the cold weather continues. Tho associated charities of Des &Iolnes says that In tho history of the association there has never been such intense suffering among the poor. Body of Girl Found In Barn. Philadelphia. Feb. 16.—While clean ing away debris in the rear of the Union Transfer company’s stables a workman found the body of a comely young woman. There was a long gash In tho head, and the throat waa cut evi dently by the tines of a stable fork. The body was dressed in clothes oi fine material and fashionable cut The woman had beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes. Employes of the stable say the placo where the body was found had been cleared away Sunday and It was not tb<re then. Millionaire Who Settled a Million Dol- Belgium’s Monarch Objects to Mar- lars on Relatives Is Dead. rlage v.ith Prince Bonaparte. Chicago, Feb. 1C.—S. B. Roath, who Turin. Italy, Fob. 16.—Prince Louis died last night at Norwich. Conn., 1 Bonaparte has arrived here and has was a life-long associate of John R' been received by bis sister, Princess Sherman, father of the Chicago stock l^tltia, wife of the Duke of Aosta, yards. j Prince Victor Bonaparte is expect- The pioneer announced on Aug. 26, : ed hero to attend tho family council, 1908, that ha had just settled a mil-' which will discuss his proponed mar- lion dollars on a “chosen set of rcla- 1 rlage to tha Princess Clementine, the tives" just to see how they would usa | youngest daughter of Klqg Leopold, of the money. Giving away his fortune, Belgium. he made it clear that upon the beba-! King Leopold is opposed to tho mar- ▼lor of the beneficiaries depended the riage on tho ground that tho prlnco is final division of tho property. ! a Pretenter to tha French throne. The Roath was said to have been attract- stand taken by the king has resulted Cd by the declared purpose of Andrew In tha princess leaving Belgium to Carnegie and D. K. Pearsons, to die live permanently In the south of poor. One peculiar feature of his France, gifts was that practically all went toj poor families—each receiving lnde-| - ^Mr^Itoub wu utlmatad to Un Boodl# Inquoat CIomo. lilt another million. I Baoramanto, Cal, Feb. 16.—The ten- _ . _ , _ , > ate Invaatlgatlng committee baa heard Serloua Defect an Battleship. j t!je dating arguments of counsel In Ban Frandaoo, Fib. 1*.—A serious the case of Senators French, Em- defect has been found In the forward D0U , Wright and Bunkers, accused turret of tha aaw battleship Ohio. Tha at boodlln*. It la eipected that the Ohio left hero on Feb. ( for the Santa j oommltee'a report will ba ready to be Barbara channel and thar tor tha submitted on Wednesday. The gen eral tlma her bi( guns wars flred. A; ( ral opinion Is that tha sanata will return was made to this port and than vote to expel the accused members or H waa tonnd that tho dlaeharta of tha suspend them pending tha result of fuss had uncovered defects In the for I their prosecution la the criminal ward turret It will require four or courts. They will be arraltned la court tre weeks to put the rereal’s turret Friday and their cases set tor trial, la tho prefer condition. I Washington. Fob. 1C.—The sundry civil appropriation Jill us reported contains an appropriation of $50,000 for continuing the construction of the federal prison at Atlanta, and tho wall around the same, and also provision that so much of last year’s appropria tion for the same purpose as has been unexpended shall be made available in addition to the specific new appro priation. • The item contains the eame provi sion as the last bill, which Is that the money shall be so expended as to give the maximum amount of employment to the inmates of the institution. One hundred and thirty-six thousand, one hundred and eighty dollars is also provided for the support of tho Institu tion, of this $46,180 goes for salaries, $40,000 for subsistence, $18,000 for clothing and transportation, $2,000 for hospital supplies, $30,000 for repairs and miscellaneous expenditures. Tho bill also cites the usual provi sion for maintenance of the fish sta tion at Cold Springs, $80,000 is appro priated for completion of tho marine hospital at Savannah for Savannah harbor under continuing contract, $175,000 for Cumberland sound, $40,000 and for tender for the inspector of the sixth light house district Geor gia and Florida, $$0,000. The bill appropriates $05,557,880, which Is an Increase of $7,718,009 over the appropriations for the current year. The incrcuse includes excess required to meet contract obligations for the construction of publio buildings, $3,224,339; excess required to meet contract obligations for river and har bor work under contract includes the following items : Charleston harbor, S. C., $25,000; Cumberland sound, Ga., and Florida, $40,000; Wlnyah bay, S. C., $76,000; Savannah harbor, $176,000; 6t. Johns river, Fla., $205,000; Southwest Pus, Mississippi river. $1,260,000; Tennes see river, below Chattanooga, Tenn.. Alabama and Kentucky, $50,000. The items In the bill for public buildings already contracted for are as follows: Anniston, Ala., $60,000; Charlottes ville, Va., $35,000; Florence, S. C., $55,- 000; Jacksonville Fla., $100,000; May con, Ga., $60,000; Nashville, Tenn., $40,000; Savannah, Ga., $80,000; Sel ma Ala., $30,000. Publio Building Bill. The omlnus public building, carry ing authorization for new public build ings and the purchase of sites amount ing to $9,499,000, was reported to the house. The bill makes the following outbor- izatlons for new buildings, including sites and for costs of buildings already authorized: Alabama—Tuscaloosa, $00,000; Flor ence, $50,000; Bessemer, $65,000. Florida—Ocala, $16,000. Georgia—Gainesville, $40,000; Val dosta, $125,000. Mississippi—Gulfport. S30.000: Yazoo City, $40,000; Jackson, $40,000; Green villa, $50,000. North Carolina—Asheville, $50,000; Salisbury, $60,000; Kinston, $30,000. South Carolina—Sumter, $50,000; Anderson, $50,000. Tennessee—Knoxville, $200,000; Co lumbla, $70,000; Johnson City, $60,000; Paris, $50,000; Murfreesboro, $30,000. Virginia—Roanoke, $75,000; Win chester, $60,000; Manchester, $60,000; Portsmouth, $90,000. In the Senate. Immediately after the senate waa called to order today Mr. Beveridge presented a memorial from the legis lature from Indiana, and Mr. Berry a memorial from the legislature of Ar kausas, both praying for the enlarge ment of the powers of the f&terstate commerce oommlsslon. - Io presenting the memorial Mr. Berry expressed tha hope that the aenate corami'tee on in terstate commerce would soon be able to report n bill on the question cov ered by the petition. “The house has passed a railroad rate bill,” he said, “and the Interest is so general and the demand so great that I hope the measure will be report ed back In time for tho senate to act on it before final adjournment’ Kimbi -ivta TIL'S lions h“lcl Hfc tho ) in Atlanta, Tu(8- ibiy, <1. t s wore tixeil for the fairs to bj l.oM in Georgi i and adjoin* i gatutoi this fall, llio object of tli • iiR'otiuj: was to fix dales for the the holding of fairs so that ono will not conflict with uno her. Way cross was represented at the meet ini' in Atlanta by Mr W. W. Sharpe. Nov. 6th to 9th was fixed for tho holding of the South Georgia Fair in Waycross. Now, that tho date for holding our fair lias been determined, everybody should do everything possible to advertise this exhibis tion, which promises to be the greatest ever hold in South Georgia. Let everybody pull for tho fair. Grand Duchess Carotin* Dean. Weimar- '——The Grand Duch* ess Caroline of Saxo-Welmar died to tty of Inflammation of the longs, caused by Influenia. She was bon In 1M4. WHAT Til lb MAN SAYS Only Bc-ojlioo-e the Sentiments of Ttiutanuds i.i Our Republic. Thy Wit\er< ss reader ih asked to th-»p>u£hl.v inv< stig-ite * he fob lowing. This nan readily be done, for tkp gentleman whosa state men’ i published Wo* will owdy he to» pleased to tins*or any mmunicution mailed to him if the wiifer really suffers from tho annoying con-equeuce which al ways attend inactive or weakened kniLe^C*' Denj’imin Riby who lives ut 127 Bridge Street, Jacksonville, §ays: “Up to the time that I first tried Doan’s Kidney Pills my back had been troubling me for several years. Tnere was a con stunt dull pain across the sm ill of it, worse at night evon than in tlie day time. Often I awoke up in the middle of the night feeling as if a ton weight was pressing upon my hack, and if 1 attempted to turn over, sharp pains wou'd rack me as if 1 had been struck with a knife, and there seemed to bo no strength in my back at. all. 1 would have to use my hands to turn myself over. Thj kidney secretions were badly dis- ordoted, being very dark, fu 1 of sediment and irrevular, and much tf o frequent. I tried many dif ferent remedies and used plasters and liniments, but none of them helped mu at, all. Seeing Doan’s Kidney Pills advertised I got a box and tried them. They gave me almost immediate n lief, and sinco using them my back has b • omo strong, l have none of the pains which formerly troubled me, the urine has been restored "to u normal color and consistency and 1 can go to Led un J .sleep like a top and got up n the morning feeling ready for a h ; rd day’s work. Blent) more proof like this fiom Waycrcs* people. Call ot the Seals Pharmacy and ask what their customers report. For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cent?. Fottor-Milhuni Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the’United Stilts. - Remember the name—Doan’s and take no other. Killed In Jacksonville, l a Mitchell, a niulattj tvumai \va. avckU-ntl t liillwlul her l.o.m 1 Oh Cleveland Street, about o’eb c!f yo.li nlay rcoi'niiu:. A llrst suspicion rested 01 l’at M.tulioll, her liu.-hainl, uln wa arrested by 1 o’iceman Horse • G Till Iter, but who v.as re e Ir 111 ■ eoionei ’s j iry yes.or lay uf yes tin oot Union. I \nlu were it number lack il!c Mi clieil ami hie tvi nlents of Waycro-s for "f y. ars. bin Mitchell Was lvj-jrd.d as a very goi <1 11 gro by the white pe >|.lo for whom she worked in Waycross. It Forms, according to a lengthy re port of the killing in the Timoi- Unioii, strong suspicion at first rested upon I’uto Mitchell as hav Ing murdered his wife. Ho was tho ouly oye-witness to llio kill ing, and aftnr a thorough invest! gation of tho matter, the coro ner’s jury decided that the kill ing was accidental. Will Bettn Operations Soon. Tho German Dye Soap Co., which was rerently oiganized hi re, mention of which was made ill tho Herald at the tiiim, expect 11 begin active operaii u:n within the uoxt two or thr.e w eeks. Ti e a mpany proposes to prod tic > an ■ article of dve soap that will dye tire liaesl fai r es with nit splitt ing tile hands or cloth. Til’s rew enterprise pr< min s I he <|iii'c an important in lu try hr Waycross and tics see! To begin with, lire Compiny will give employment to twelve or li teo.i young holies. The officers of tho German Dy Simp Co., are as follow-: J. E. T Uowden, president, Ueo. VV. Deoti, vloc-prendon', VV. M. Churchill, general man ager and secretary, Dan Lot', treasurer. IS IT RIGHT? Is it right for you to loso M.20 that a dea'er may make 50 coats more by sell ing fourteen gallons of ready- f ir-use paint, at $1.50 prrgal- Ion, than our agent will make by selling eight gallons of I.. A ,Vt. and six gallonsof a better pa n', at <1.20 per gallon. Is it right' The Longman & Martinez L. & M. Paint is sold b) P. N. ilurs cy Hnrdwaro Co. nal say : “in tin Snort, n son of \V. R. Mea I Slredon trustee t Some c t tiro home itoad claim, il REFOP,MS FOR NEW CHINA. Emperor Recognize. Inadequacy or CxiBting Government Machinery. Pekin, Feb. 1(1.—The emperor of China bai lately approved a memorial presented by the pmldent of tho board of revenue, advising the o.tah- ll.hmont of official parliament., where matter, of Import.net, both foreign and domestic can he discussed by tho ohlef metropolitan offlelaln, mambors of the Hanlln college, tha rarloua boards of censors and tha grand aooro- tarlos. Tha council la not to hold dlactts- ■lona at regular Intervals but only only when on by correspondence and not verbally. The formation of this new so-called parliament Is ragardad by the foreign community as entirely Illusory; use less hut Interesting as an Indication that China now recognises the Inade quacy of tho existing government ma chinery. cor|n Dyspopsia—btna of human existence. Burdock Bo d Bi • tors cures it, prompt y, per. m-.nty. Regulates and hint the stomach. Is it a burn? Use Dr. Tlion,- »’E.-lcciiic Od. A eu ? Use I Jr. I llamas’ Oil. At your iruggis'. Uuufjbj, and colds, down t. tho very borderland of con sumption, yi-id to the s o hing healing inlluenc s of Dr. Wood Norway Pine Syrup. Taylor Wants Freedom, ago. Fob. 1C.—A writ of habeas ; for Charles F. Taylor, busi ness partner of Alice Webb Duke, was Issued by Judge fin tlaln Tuesday. Mr. Taylor la ah-gt-a to lutvo -borrowed 13,0011 from li. A. Blount at Nacog- dnehos, T> x, on falne pretenses. Tay lor's attorney went hofui-u Judge Chot- loin with a petition selling forth that tho copy ot a Texas Indictment pro duced here against Taylor Is nut a copy of a valid Indictment and If it Is a true copy of the original Indictment, the Indictment Itself Is not valid. The extrsdltlon papers, Taylor's petition asserts, do not set forth a crlmo. Tay lor’s attorney denied that Taylor Is a fugitive from Justice or Is guilty of ob taining money from Blount under false pretenses. The writ la made return able (mediately. Commits Suicide at Baa. New York. FY-b, Id.—A suicide at aea was reported by the North American Lloyd steamer Kran Prlnx Wllholm. which arrived today from Bremen. Tho victim wqs a fireman named Froh- man, of Hoboken, N. J., on the Amer ican line steamer St. Paul. Frohman Jumped from the st. Paul aoon after •he passed Sandy Hook last Wednes day. The report of the man’s act was oommunlcated by tho Kron Prlna WII- helm by wireless telegraph when the two steamers met at sea. On'y ono romudy in the world tint' will at Oace stop itchincH, of tlm skin in any part of ihc hody; Dt un’» Ointment. A any ilrui: floie, 50 eeut-i. Miss Jessie Royd entertaine I quite a number of her friends Wednesday evening with a valen tine party. Little Mias Nellie Davis with her beanlifnl dancing and singing was a charming feat ure of the evening’s entertain* Mrs. Williams U. Bradley left Miss Lucy Twilty haa returned , this morning for a visit to her from a very pleasant visit to brother, Capt T. L. Bird, at Camilla. I Taylor’s Creek, Liberty Connly, Card of Thanks I desire to return my sincere thank- t» liiosi w.io rendered assistance and extended courte sies during the illndss and death ol my wife. 1 will ever ho'.d in sacred remembrance those who shewed me acts of kindness and spoke voids of consoialion and ci.mfort in aiygreat bereavement May Heaven's richest bless ngs rest upon them all. E. W. Parramoure. mrw lorn, reb. 16.—Tho movement to take the control of the Equitable Life Assurance Society from tho stock holders and place It with the policy holders is to be taken up by tho board of directors tomorrow. At that meeting tomorrow two po- tltlons will bo presented, each signed by 23 officers of the society Including the president and two of the four vice presidents, one petition asking that tho control of the society bo taken from the stockholders and given to the policy holders and the other declaring it to be the opinion of tho : iguors that the re-election of Jarnca If. Hyde, who la tho owner of 61 per cent of tho •tock, ns first vice president, would be prejudicial to the welfare and prog* rets of the society. Georgians!* satisfaction, “President”' Suspenders Com fort. Style nd Service. No raet or leather to toil the thirl. So cents and fi at any store. Made and Guaranteed by The C. A. BDGARTON Mfg. Co. . • SHIRLEY, MASS. • *