Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, March 11, 1905, Image 1

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WEEKLY EDITION OF THE Kdavcross XSV&ning' "Herald official organ of waycross ant warf county VOLUME XXVI WAYCROSS, GA., SATURDAY. MARCH 11- 1905. NUMBER 42 RUSSIANS HEMMED IN BY JAPANESE Fighting Now Resembles Siege i Uore Than A Battle. RUSSIANS OEFEAT INEVITABLE Dispatch from the Front Indicate that Big Battle Is Very Favorable to Mi kado's Army—Czar's Men Giving Way to KurokJ. General Kuroki’s Headquarters in the Field, via Fushun, March 8.— Morning-—The Russians last night un der cover of the darkness evacuated the whole line along the shakhe riv er and are now Jn full retreat north ward. The Japanese infantry Is press- linf them closely^ * * ••• Before retreating the Russians set fire to great heaps of supplies, which burned Throughout the night. The fall of Mukden appears imminent. The Japanese are pushing the Russians hard on the east. 1 General ICuroki'i Headquarters in the Field, March 7s via Fusan—De layed In Transmlssion.^-The last day of the Japanese attacks finds the bat tle progressing favorably. Its long duration Was expected, and It will probably continue several days more before it is concluded. The Jap anese forces have nearly reached Muk den, within 2 miles of the railway, and is bombarding strongly. The Russians everywhere are mak ing desperate resistance, frequently trying offensive operations and arrang ing every defensive device known to modern warfare. The fighting resem bles a siege more than a battle. The past two nights there has been hard fighting in front and east of Witosan. The infantry were closely engaged, while the Russian batteries shelled the trenches and star shells were used to illuminate the battlefield. Hand gren ades are used frequently at close range. Japanese Pursuing Enemy. Tokio, March 8—4 p. m.—The follow ing dispatch has just been received from the headquarters of the Japa nese armies in Manchuria: "Our force, which has been engag ing a superior force of the enemy in the neighborhood of Machuntian (southeast of Mukden) dislodged the enemy from his position at 8 o’clock this morning and is now pursuing him northward. ‘ a Onliumy private or press dis *' of today’s battle have yet arrived here and the mere fact that the curtain i: run down, taking a leaf out of past experiences, is pessimistically inter preted. There are ugly rumors circu lated in the streets that the day is lost and that the Russian army is in full and disorderly retreat with only the gallant re*r guard fighting off the vic torious Japanese. " police Escort to Church. Charlotte. N. 0., jVIarch 9.—The youfig wo?nen of the Presbyterian col lege were escorted from* the First Pi-esb^ylun cbujCjj to tjg roltew by the police on acount of the aniioykhce caused by a certain set of young men of tl)e city who have persisted in forc ing their attentions on the college girls. The molestations of the young men have became such a nuisance that the college authorities finally ap pealed to the police to protect them from the town flirts. RUSSIANS IN CALIFORNIA. Emigrants Were Landed by Mistake In South American Republics Los Angeles, Cal., March 10.—It il reported that a party of 20 Russian emigrants on their way from Russia to Los Angeles have been landed from ft steamer at Buesnos Ayres, Argentine republic, by mistake. v Among the number are said to be several families, the agents of whic preceeded them to Los Angeles, arriving some weeks ago and are now awaiting the arrival of the women and chil dren. The mistake was made, it Is stated, by the emigration agent in Rus sia, who booked the party for the wrong port. The condition of the unfortunate Russians who are all. of the lower classes, interior Russians, is said to be pitiable. The local Russian colony is much presented by the citizens of Galveston, have taken steps to have the emigrants re-embarked and brought to this city. News from Japanese Capital. Tokio, March 8.—Noon.—Imperial army headquarters makes the follow ing announcement today: In the direction of Sing King on the morning of March 6, our force ad vanced toward Huaijen. It first occu pied Pinshj^hata, and then Huaijen. ^The actuation In tl*S dlrectjo^ gf Tie- ta and Maicfiuntun Is unchanged. In the direction the Shakh^^h* er, east of the railway at jl j’cTock^ !p the mornjng of .March T, the 3iSSyr infantry attsckeil^ie heights north of Tunchlatun, but were repulsed. The enemy left 30 dead on the fi«-ld. A 2 o’clock on the mornlg of March ’ the enemy’s artillery concentrated it! fire on the* lines between Ta moun tain and Wan Pao mountain, and i large body of Infantry attacked us but. was enUr'Av reunited nt 4:3 o’clock. West of the railway we occupi: east Hanchenpao at 11 a. :n. on Marc! 7, and later we repulsed an attempt oj the enemy to retake the right bank of the Hun river. There are indications of the enemy’s gradual reinforcement and of a gi. ti ering of troops In the vicinity of Yang- shitun, 7 miles southwest of Mukden News st St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, March 8.—1:60 p. m. —Tokio dispatches anouncing that General Kuroki fs making progress and had already approached a point 14 miles south of Fushun yesterday showing that Lieutenant General Line- vitch, commander of the first Manchu rian army, Is again giving way, Is the latest and worst word which reached St. Petersburg this morning of the sit uation at the front. The Associated Press Is now In a position to positively deny the current rumors that General Kuropatkin’s line of communication have been cut Within an hour a cipher dispatch from Kuropatkln to Emperor Nicholas containing a report of the day's oper ations baa arrived and Is now being transmitted to Tiar»koe»8elo. its con tests are unknown except that Kuro patkln at nightfall atlH held Mukden. With the fate of the gigantic strug gle between General Kuropatkln and Field Marshal Oyama probably al ready decided, and It Is now 7 o'clock at night In Mukden and with the 6L Petersburg waiting - breathlessly for Strike In Southern Russia. St. Petersburg, March 10.—A tele gram from Ekatorinoslav, South Rus sia, says that five miners have been killed and 15 wounded In a conflict be tween strikers of the Shoerblnoff mines and the Auerbach quicksilver mines and soldiers In the district of Bakhmult. The strikers started loot ing and the troops threatened to shoot. The former thereupon fired at the sol diers with revolvers and also threw stones at them, whereupon the troops fired a volley, and order was restored. Revolutionary disorders have broken out at Smolensk, Middle Russia. Bands of demonstrators are marching through the streets carrying red flags. Marquis Anglesy Dying. New York, March 10.—The Marquis of Anglesy Is, according to an Ameri can dlspatch/from Monte Carlo, dying there from Consumption. His condi tion took a sudden turn for the wrose Wednesday and w^s^ reported that he could live t>ut a short ume? The jnanjuiSj who wasjjprn in 1875, attract- ed much atfention after succeeding to his title through his lavish expendi tures on Jewels and theatriouls. Not long ago he was thrown Into Bank ruptcy with liabilities aggregating nearly $3,000,000. Woman Asks for Mercy. Lynchburg, Va., March 10.—Mrs. Sallle M. Hanna, who administered rough on rates to a family of t(lx per sona because the family had given shel ter to the husband of the prisoner, whom she had run away from home, appeared in court, waived trial by Jury and threw herself on the mercy of th<* court. The Judge announced that he would take the matter under ad visement, and It is probable that he will hear the evidence in the case at an early date. ‘! Gets Another Appointment COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION SE LECTS THIS PAPER AS THEIR OF FICIAL ORGAN. Mr. W. A. Berry, CVumy School Commissioner, this morning notified the Herald of its appointment ns the of ficial paper of the Bounty Board of Education. The appointment was made at the regular meeting of 'he board last Saturday morn ing, but the Herald was not aware of this action until to day. The Herald is now the legal representative of every public official and every pub lic body in Ware county. Seed Cane For Sale. Stored on place of W. .1. Smith, near Waycross. For information apply to VV. A. I’rice, W. J. Smith. W. W. Sharpe oi*G. R. Youmans. 70dw I Division Meeting April 12th. I Rev. W. K. Potter, division grand master of theOdd Fellows, has issu.d a cail to nil the lodges in tlie Brunswick circuit to send representatives ra a division meriting to be held nt Josttp on ’ Apfil l'Jlli. The first meeting of ,thei division wis held in Way- cross some weeks ago, and much ’interest is beit g manifes'ed in these gatherings. No doubt large delegations from tho various lodges will be present at tho meeting in Jcsup. Mr. Porter has also notified Ws'yciOss Lodge No. 07 that he will pay an official visit to the order hereWednesday night. He is very anxious to meet every member of the lodge on this oc casion. As there will he work in the initiatory degree for Way- cross Lodge Wednesday night, and this as well as the presence of Division Grand Master Porter, will no doubt draw a largo ciowrd. Mr. Ernest Cason received a letter this morning from his mother, who is nt the bedsido of her daughter, Miss Annio Sum ner, at Dothan, Ala Mrs.Cason states that her daughter is some better, and the young lady’s mitty friends in Wnycross hope for her recovery. Mr. R. H. Force is s'H quite sick at his homo on Ends street. Capt. L. Johnson For Railroad Commissioner. The friends of Capt. L. John son in South Georgia will urge his appointment on the board of railroad commissioners for this state when a vacancy shall cnr. Capt. Johnson is nil old railroad man and has long ex pcrionce in that line. Personally tio man stands higher or has more personal friends in this section than Capt. Johnson and his thousands of friends will back up his application. South Georgia should have a man on tile board and Capt. Johnson is the man. Strikes Hidden Rocks. When your ship of health strikes the hidden rocks of Consumption, I’neu* monio, etc, vou are lost, If you don’t get help from Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. J. VV, Mc Kinnon, of Talladega Springs, Ala., writes: “1 had been very ill with Pneu monia , under the care of two doctors, but was getting no better when 1 began to take Dr. King’s Now Discov ery, The first dose gave relief, and one bottle cured me. Sure eure for sore throat, bronchitis, coughs and colds. Guaranteed at oil diug Ftores, price 50c and 81.00 Trial bottle free. ung doesn’t digest the food and give the stomach a rest. It isn't necessary to starve voursslf iu order to rest vour stomach—take Kodol Dyspep^u Cure. It will digest any quantity of all the wholesome food yoa want to eat while your htoiuuch takes a rest—iecuper- ates and grows strong. 7 his wonder ful preparation fs justly entitled to all of its many remarkublo cure-. Sold by Mrinson Sr. Hay. WHAT Tills MAN SAYS Only Re-echoes The Sentiment a of Thousands iu our Republic. Tho Colonel's Waterloo. Coloner John M. F-” Grove Texas. »• _ *,ipr. til Honey from Id- ..vary tilel Mi Wulvrlv*- c- ..or and VtuUy double. Iu a r« ..Hi VMbF*, tie say-: ‘‘I wa- nearly dv^iV. of these complaints, and, ul- thought I tried my 'utuily doctor, he did mo no goodj so I got a 50e. bottle of your great Electric Hitters, w hich cured me. I consider them the best medicine on earth, and thank God who gave you the knowledge to mnk«* them,’’ Pold and guaranteed to cure niyapepaia, biliousness and kidnov disease, by all druggists« at 50c. a bot tie. the above is a cut of the Double flagazine type setting machine which has recently been purchased by the Herald from the IVlergentlialer Linotype Com pany, of New York. The machine is now being con structed and will be ready for shipment to Waycross on the 25th inst. The ost of the machine when ready for operation in the Herald office is about $4,000. A Dinner Invitation. Alter a heart, meal a .lose of Kollo Dyspepsia Cure will prevent an ultack of lnklirestion, Koiloi is n thorough .ligestnnt and n guaranteed cure for [n.Hgesttou. Dyspepsia, (las on the Stomach, Sour Risings, Hail Breath and nil stomach trouble. I ivns utthet- d with stomach trouble for fifteen vears end have luken six hott.es of 'our Kodnl Dyspepsia Cure, whleh ha- ntlretv cured ire. Tno six bottles wro worth SI.000 to me." Sold by ftrlnson A ffay. , Louisville Will Handle Tobacco. Louisville, Ky.. March 10.—As eveii j ing paper says that It Is announced I that arrangements have been conclu.l-* > oor HlOWlDg Ina'ic* on rot Gill in Kii es I’ut t)n I’rubalian. , Released From Jail. A tlisp .tell r r .m Atlanta -tat- j J. Al. Jenkins, the b iiler maker that the Wayc oss Rill s, as vv.i 1 j who was arrosio I In Savunn ill a four other other military cam t iind brought back to Watcrss . .. ies, hive been pul on piobx-jund lodged in jail on a chitg. : of tion by the Adjutant General nu-| tv fe beating, was reh a s ed from ti’ -Vay ltd, as the resu t of the custody list night, Mrs. Jenkins ed for handling tho tobacco crop ot the Owensboro district In the Louis ville market. There is no contract between the farmers and the Louis ville Tobacco Warehouse company to that end, hut a deal has been mad- with Owensboro rehandlers which meanB that the tobacco dried and prized In Owensboro will be ultimately •hipped to this market for sale. The rehsndlers agree to tske the tobacco from the farmers, making certain ad vances per pound. Englnatr Bsdly Mangled. Augusts, Gs., March 10.—Walter E. Slrvla, an engineer on the Southern railway, had one leg cut off at the knee and the other foot Jnat above tha ankle as the result of an accident In Ham burg. 8. C., Just across the river from Auguita. Mr. Slrvla was brought to this city and Immediately carried to the city hospital. There ere chances for his recovery. speciion by Col. W. G. Obear, ...cpecior gt n.ral T: ore js Do fear in Waycr. »?, however, bm what the Rities w.ll show up »•! right at tho n> xt inspectio i aft -r May 1st. Mr. W. G. Raou 1 , Jr., who w.is t lecied some days ug<> io the captaincy of tho Rifles, will be sworA in us anon as he has been examined. He Is a mili tary man of considerable experi ence, and will no doubt, as s on as he assumes command, infuse new life into the company. Youmans Bros, have disposed of the Bay restaurant on Riaot ave.ue, Mrs Alice Williford, who recently moved to Waycross front Patterson, being the pur. I chaser. haviug withdrawn the criminal .charge against her husbutid Tina practically ends the prop cu- llon of Jenkins on the wife b. at- ing charge, though he is mi lor bond, after hating pnid all cost in tile ense. Tho politiou of Mrs. Jenkins for alimony, however, was not dropped, but lias been acted upon by Judge Parker, who has ordered that Jenkins sha 1 pay to his wife tho sum of 120 U0 per month alimony. This amount is to be paid to the cicrk of Ware Superior Court the first of every month. Incredible Brutality. would have been incredible bru tality if Chan. F. Lembergor, of Hyra '»«*, N. Y., bad not do no the teat b nld for Ilia buffering *on "My bov," • aaya, rut a .fearful gash over hla e, ho 1 applied lliickten’ft Arnica Sulvu AAhich quickly healed it and d liin eye. Good for burns and r* too. Only 25c at all druggi-t*. The Waycross render is asked to thoroughly investigate the following. This can readily bo done, for the gouth limn whose statement is published below will unly be too pleased to answer any communication mailed to him if tlie writer really buffers fremtho annoying consequences which al ways attend inactive or woukened kidneys: Bcnj. Reiloy, who lives at 127 Bi idgo street, Jacksonville, suys: "Up to the time Hirst tried Doan’s Doan’s Kidney Pills my had been troubling mo for tevoral years. There was a constant dull pain across the small of if, worse at night even titan in day time. Often I awoke up in tho middle of tho night feeling as if a ton weight was pressing upon my back, and if I attempted to turn over, sharp pains would rack mo ns if I had been struck with a knife, artl there seemed to 1 ' strength in my lacks* ee'ficf would have lo me Ail- I turn myself o\e - -oy hands to secretion, v The kidney being >- .ero badly disordered, an ' -ery dark, full ofbodiment .j irregular, anil much too fre quent. I trie I many different rt me,lies and used plasters and liniments, but none of them ii.lped meat ail. S' n - n S Doan’s KiJney Pills advertised I box and tried them. They gave" me ulmo.t iramedin'e re ic", aud since Using them my luck has lx come strong, I have cone of the pains which formerly troubled me, tlie urine lias been restored to a normal color ami consistency slid lean goto bed and sleep like a top and get up in tho morn ing feeling ready for a I ard day’s Work,” Plenty mere proof like this from Waycross people, (’all at the Seals Pharmacy and ask what their customers report. For snlo by all tlcaleis. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., s do agents for tho United Slates Remember tho minie-D- an'f— anj take no other. Truly, it is n o:o ble g V: ill iii to re eive. •d to A Dcsiruct vo Fine. To draw tho firo out of a h ruck- edito Ontrn. Ala., D.rVVitt’* When family for IMu», tho best ha ve on ''ninf ly mhould t < by ItrinHon Sl II . • I bayn H Sulvu lo i •■id burns, murknt. F St titling Mortality. • “J: Superintendent G.jO. Smith, of the Atlantic and Birmingham Railroad, registered at the Phoenix today. rill: idea'. S .1 Cu.mm llo.im sa •. * They have n< ktipation and biiiousi druggibtA. id ppritooltifi. .•wawf.il (li. la bio lunnory loco, Chicago jual for con- By tho Tonic Rou’e. The p)]j» that act a* a tonic, and not at* a drastic purge, are De Will’* Little Ktrly Rthcra. They cure Headache Couvtipation, IliliouftueM, etc. E*rly Ribera are kmall. oa*y to take and eaay to act—a safe pill. Mack Hamilton, hotel clerk at Valley City, N. I)., aav-: "Two bottle* cured me of chroniccon- -tipation.” Hold by llrlnson St Hay. Pleasant and Harmles*. Don't drug the stomach to cure a cough. One minute Cough Cure cut* the mucua. draws the inflammation out of the throat, lungs and bronchial tubes, heal*, soothes and corea. A quick cure for Croup and Whooping Congh. Sold by Brinson k Hay.! How Is YourHeart? Is your pulse weak, too slow, too fast, or does it skip a beat ? Do you have shortness of breath, weak or hungry spells, fainting,smothering or choking spells, palpitation, fluttering, pains around the heart, in side and shoulder; or hurt when lying on left side? If you have any of these symptoms your heart is weak or diseased, and cannot get better without assistance. Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure strengthens weak hearts, and rarely ever fails to cure heart disease. Try it, a.id see how quickly you will find relief. "About January tat, 1S02, I took- down with weakness and dropsy, and gradually crow won*. I wm told, by my family nhynlclan that my caae waa houelfNK. My neighbors and fam ily had given me op to die. My limb* and body ware «..••'Hen to one- third larger than normal >!z». and water had collected around m, heart. For at least three months I hod to alt propped up In bed to keep from emoth- erlng. J sent for five bottlee of Dr x IIIIw; Heart Cure, awl by tha tiro, f had .taken them ell f woe entirely cured. I feel better than I have tor twenty years, and I am able to do any kind of work on my farm. Ur pn^BeSW iSSe^&i W d "lTt, CURU WSmore. Ky. E^jgggVhZ Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind