Newspaper Page Text
lUlaycross S^cning Herald
Ten Men Killed
In A Coal Mine.
Accident Occurred it .Colliery .of and Hudcen Coal Co., aa
Re.ult of Broken Carriage.
By Telegraph to The Herald.
Wllkeabarre, Pa.. April Ten
men were killed at the colliery of
the Delaware and Hudeon Coal Co.
at 7 o'clock thla morning, canned by
the breaking of a rope to the car
riage, which wan being lowered. The
men fell orer 450 feet, and were
erriahed under the mine of the car
riage at the bottom of the ehaft
Waa the Cotillion Given by Mr. and
Mr*. WIIHam Greene Raoul, Jr,
Lett Night
Prom Wedneaday'a Dally.
In reeponce to Invitation! leaned
by Capt and Mr.. William Oieene
Raoul, Jr., a large audience of ladlea
An Acquittal
And Mistrial
Juiy In Cate Againet Mrs. Purdle
and gentlemen assembled al the Rl-, Could Not Agree After Remaining
PV Nat
By Telegraph to The Herald.
Paria, April 4fl.—A 8L Petersburg
despatch to the Matin say* the Rus-
Man Admiralty has received
news that Admiral Rojeavensky,
who announced that
able to communicate with Admiral
Netbogatoff, says he will meet the
latter off Batavia, and thence
united fleets will sail to Vladlvos-
tock by the way of the strait of For-
Gold Found.
By Telegraph to The Herald.
Webster, Haas., April 44.—Thla
town has gone wild over (he an-
announcement that gold baa been
found on the Kirby fannjm
shores at Lake Chsnbunagang. The
metal waa found yesterday afternoon
while men were plowing la a field.
Bought Princess Theatre.
By Telegraph to The Herald.
Loadoa, April 24.-B. F. Keith has
decided to open the Prtaooso Thea
tre on Oxf rod street aa a contlni
performance house aa eooa aa the
necessary alterationa can be finished.
Mr. Keith la now In London, and nas
purchased the Princess Theatre for
about f375,0«0.
Steamship Mat Squadron.
By Telegraph to The Herald.
Paris, April ft.—A Saigon des
patch says that a steamship from the
Polo Condere Islands met Monday
off Cape Bake, fifty miles northeast
of Saigon, a Russian squadron of
nine warships.
Ware British Ships.
By Telegraph to The Herald.
Hong Kong, April 26.—It waa
learned later that the warahlps
sighted off Condere Island were
British and not Russian, as was be
Steaming In Southerly Direction.
By Telegraph to The Herald.
Klaschan, April 2*.—liusslan nav
al officers who are stationed at this
port, have heard that Admiral Ro-
jesvensky’s fleet, after leaving Kam-
ranb Bay, steamed In a soutnerly di
The Baltic Squadron.
By Telegraph to The Herald.
Penang Strait* 8etlement, April
20.—The third Baltic squadron Is ex
pected to reach here today on Its
way through the strait of Melacca.
flea' armory last night to participate
in the cotillion given by this popular
young couple.
By g o'clock, the time appointed
for the dancing to begin, the armory
was full to overflowing. The music
eras of a high order, the floor was al
most aa smooth as glass, and every
thing waa in readiness for the "skip
of the light fantlstlc toe," which was
Indulged In by a large number.
Those who attended the cotillion
have nothing but words of praise for
the gallant captain and his charming
srila. That they understand the art
of entertaining la attested by those
who were present last night It
Indeed, a brilliant social event, and
was planned and carried out In
a most pleartng manner.
Dancing eras indulged In until a
late hour, delicious refreshment*
were served, and all took their de
parture thanking Captain and Mrs.
Raoul for the splendid time they
Railroad Changes.
Several changes have been made
on the Atlantle Coast Line since the
sew schedule went Into effect recent
ly. They are aa follows: Conductor
G. TV. Reid, of the local freight, aai
Flagman Cox, formerly on the vesti
bule. will run together between Tlf-
ton and Waycross, on the local
freight Conductor C. L. Ware will
run the local between Waycross and
Ttfton, with former conductor M. D.
Retd, of the local freight aa flag-
. The through freight conduc
tors are Messrs. W. a Newton, Wal
ter Bullard, J. M. Mahoney and C.
Kendrick. Messrs. Wiggins and
Morrow will run os the night trains
M and N, and Palls and Morris day
trains 17 and M.
Boyd and Charlie Crawford,
two negroes, were arrested by Sher
iff Passmore and Detective McClel
lan In Waycroea several days ago
on the charge of cheating and swin
dling. The two negroes boarded a
freight train at Eddy, and the alter-
It w*e promptly notified by 'phone.
He took the passenger train and
beat them to Waycross. He sum-
moned Detective McClellan to his
assistance, and the officers watched
around the depot until the train
came In and nabbed the two negroes.
There waa a third In the crowd, but
be was run off the car by the con
ductor.—Valdosta Times.
Wheeling, W. Va.. April 28.—
Ctrlc bodies are today trying to ar
bitrate the strike of the Amalgamat
ed Association at Whitaker mill, so
as to prevent further bloodshed. The
strike leaders and company are in
Wreck on the A. A B.
From Wsdnssday's Dally.
A freight train on the Atlantic A
Birmingham, was wrecked last night
at Murray, about four ratios from
Beach. Just what caused the wreck
the Herald has been unable to learn.
A negfo train hand was seriously
Injured and. several others were
bruised up. Trains were unable to
pass Murray this morning, and pas-'
sengera were transferred at that
Some men would rather be Presi
dent than not to bold any office at
LOST.—A gold watch, with my
nstne engraved on lnride case. Find
er er will bs rewarded by returning
9* watch to me. J. A. Miller. 14 Plant
New Colony Is Booming. '
A. N. Land, a member of the SL
George colony company, speaks In
terestingly of the growth of SL
George and states that three brick
blocks and fifty residences are un
der construction In tho colony town,
and at least three hundred people are
permanently located there.
Mr. Land thinks that within a
year’a time the population of * SL
George will be two or three thousand,
and that It will soon become a little
city.—Valdosta Times.
First Bsss Bsll Gams of th* Season
Played Yesterday.
-From Thursday’s Dally.
The Hint base ball game of the
season In this city occurred yester
day afternoon between teams from
the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad and
the Atlantic and Birmingham. The
A. A B. team won after a prettily
played game, the score being 8 to 2.
Another game between these teems
will be played In the park near the
passenger depot next Saturday aft
ernoon. There will be no charge for
admission and erery one Is Invited.
It Is the desire of base ball enthu
siasts to form a "city league.” com
posed of employes of the Atlantic
Coast Line, the Atlantic and Birm
ingham, the car factory and the city.
Teams have already been organized
among employes of the two railroads
and the car factory, and gams* at
least once a week will be played.
There Is a' lot of new material In
Waycross this year, and It Is believ
ed that a better team than In any
former year can be easily organised.
Out For Soma Hour*—Gave Bond
and Was Released From Custody.
From Wednesday’s Dally.
The Jury In the case against'Mr.
and Mrs. E. M. Purdle, charged with
simple larceny, could not agree aa
to the Innocence or guilt, of the lat
ter and a mistrial in
declared. Mr. Purdle waa declared
not guilty by th* Jury.
Th* case was concluded,
turners had made their arguments
and Judge Parker had charged the
Jury yesterday when court adjourn
ed for dinner. Court reconvened at
t o'clock, and the Jury want out to
make op their verdict Aa to the
case of Mr. Purdle, the Jury soon
agreed on a verdict of not guilty, but
after remaining out until a little af
ter g o'clock last night on the ease
of Mrs. Purdle, and no
having been reached, th* Jury waa
called la, and after ascertaining that
the twelve men selected to pass upon
the case could not agree, a mistrial
was declared.
The bond of Mrs. Purdle was fixed
at 1100, which was
The Herald learns that the Jury
stood eight for acquittal and four for
conviction from the first and that no
change was mad* up to th* time th*
Jury was called out and a mistrial
It la said that Mr. and Mrs. Pup
die will return to their former bom*
In Tampa, Fla.
In th* guperfer Court
Annie Howard, • white woessn,
plead guilty In the Superior Court
to keeping a disorderly house, and
Judge Parker uantenoed her to pay
a fin* of 1140 and costs, or to spend
•lx months in the county Jail. Th*
fin* and costs trill probably be paid.
Mr. J. E. LeGreve, an Atlantic
Coast Lina freight conductor, was
convicted of carrying a pistol con
cealed, and was fined 440 and coats.
Th* fine and coats were paid.
Annie Mack, a negro woman, char
ged with ranting a boose to parties
for Immoral purposes, is being tried
this afternon.
Court wtl probably adjourn for the
terln tonight
Memorial Day Observed.
From Thursday's Dally.
In Waycross today. Memorial Day
waa opproprtately Observed. Th*
banks were closed, at the post afflee
Sunday hours were observed, and In
the afternoon many of the business
houses closed In order to give their
employes an opportunity to attend
the Memorial exercises. The pro
gram as published In yesterday's
Herald, was very creditably carried
out A full account of the exercis
es wll be given In tomorrow's Her
Leave To-night for Portland, Oregon.
From Thursday's Dally.
Mr. and Mr*. Walter F. Eaton
leav* to-night for far away Portland,
Ora. to attend the National Conven
tion of the Order of Railway Con
ductors. They will go by way of At
lanta, where they will get aboard
th* O. R. C. special, which goes
through to Portland by way of New
Orleans and San Francisco without
change. Mr. Eaton goes ns a dele-
gate from New Year Division No. 311,
of this city. Returning. Mr. and Mrs.
Eaton will come by way of Salt Lake
City and Denver. They will be gone
for at leaat a month, and daring
their abaeaco will vlait many places
of Interest Tho Herald wishes Mr.
and Mra. Eaton a pleasant Journey
and a aafe return.
J. T. Livingston hss opened a black-
smith and wheelwright shop at 11 To-
beau street. Thirty years experience
building and repairing wagons, bug
gies, plantation tools. All work done
neat and cheap. Will satlafy you
with work and price.
J. T. Livingston.
April 18. lm.
Presentments Of
The Grand Jury.
We, the grand Jury, empanelled
and (worn tor aorvlce at the April
term of Ware Superior Court, IMS.
beg leave to make these general pre
sentments. We beg to present th*
report of the Committee on Convict
Camps, as follows:
W* have visited the camp* at
Waltertown, operated by the county,
and find thla camp In good condition,
and the convicts well eared for and
th* conditions being very good we
! have no suggestions to make to the
County ComtnUalonere concerning
the same, except to exprcu our sat
isfaction therewith.
We Had the City 8tockado operat
ed, and controlled by the City of
Waycroea In a good, healthy and
sanitary condition and the convicts
weB cared for.
W* have visited the camps at
Beach A Company's place and find
In good order, except we think
there should be soma windows cot
In the buildings In order to provide
more light and better ventilation.
The convicts at.thla camp seem
be la very good condition.
W* submit the report of tbc Com
mittee on Public Building*:
"We the Committee on Public
Buildings and Property, beg leave to
report that w* have examined the
Court House and surroundings sad
find them at present In good condi
tion. We recommend that additional
shelter be constructed In th* Court
House yard for the care of hone*
and vehicles. The Jail and yard are
to fairly cleanly condition. We recom
mend that covan or tops be provided
tot-tb* sinks la the Jail aa th* pres
ent arrangement* are offensive toslgbt
and pointing to the air Inside and
not calculated to promote cleanliness
among th* prisoners.
•This commute* I* continued and
will make Inspections from time to
tune of th* public buildings and re
port to th* County Commissioners.
Rtpsrt of Publld Roads.
To th* Grand Jury of Ware County,
Georgia, Spring Term, 1(45:
We your committee appointed to
look Into th* conditions of th* pub
lic roads of the county, bug to inb
uilt the following report thereon:
We find the made In the Wares-
boro district to bo In very good con
dition. We find the roads from Fair
fax to Millwood to be In fair condi
tion, hut from Millwood to tho Cot-
feu county line, tho road Is In bad
condition end needs some repairs.
We find the roods In tho Waiter-
town district In good condition. We
find the road from Elsie to "Little
Hurradne" creek bridge to bo In
bad order and needs repairing. We
And the roads In the Manor dlatrict
In need of some repairs. The bridge!
acroes Cane end Suwannee creeks
are badly In need of repair, end we
recommend that they be looked af
ter at one*. We And the roada In
the Blckley district to Ira In bad con
dition generally, and we recommend
that some repair work bo dono on
them to make them pasinble till
such time aa the road gunk can get
them. We find the roads In the
Waycross district to be.In good coa
lition. We find the made In the Ura
nia dlatrict to be In good condl-
,n, except the road from Waycross
Bnrnt Fort, which needs some re-
J. P. LtDB.
W. J. MU1.IJS.
We have appointed a competent
committee to examine carefully and
ertleally the books of the various
county officials. Justices of the peace
and to Ale their report with the fall
term of tbo grand Jury of Ware Su
perior Court
We recommend that the County
Commissioners pay Mllaey Taylor
and bla wife the sum of six dollar*
county to the pressing need of
brldgee on the caat side of tbo Sa-
tills river, adjacent to the Mock
bridge on the public road from Way.
cross to Blackshear, and hereby pase
tbe following resolution.
J. P. UDE,
Members of Book Committee.
"To tbe Honorable Grand Jury of
Pierce County, Greeting; from
Grand Jury of Ware County. Gen
tlemen: In view of the fact that the
slough on the north side of the Ba
rilla river at Mock bridge la a con-
stant menace and barrier. to easy
travel along that road during wet
weather, and In consideration of the
further fact that the population of
both Pierce and Wan counties
rapidly Increasing and tbe commer
cial and social Intercourse between
the two Is growing to large propor
tions, making It necessary that the
highways between the two be
proved to th* best condition possible
for the many who have to travel thla
"Therefore, bar It raeolved, that we
as a representative body from Ware
county, do hereby petition the hon
orable Grand Jury of Pierce county
to confer with n committee which
has been sent to your body from tbe
Chamber of Commerce of Waycroea,
composed of Hon. Warren Lott, Hon.
John W. Bennett and Mr. John W.
McGee, and that w* do hereby au
thorize aald committee a* messeng
ers from this body to confer with
yon appertaining to the bridging of
said slough or to constructing a turn
pike for th* batter and more conveni
ent travel along the Waycross and
laeksbear road.'
W* have examined th* pauper roll
of th* eonaty and w* recommend
that th* following panpars be In
creased aa to monthly at! pond
from 12.09 par month to
' ' 44.00 par
month to 43.00.
W# have examined th* penstoa Ust
id find th* same to bs correct tad
th* name* th arson legally entitled to
the amount* as paid them.
Realising the benefits that will
acme to this 'section of th* etoto a*
well as to Ware county, by th* ap
pointment of Capt Lemuel Johnson
to th* vacancy on th* board of Rail
road Commissioners, w* have thought
It wise and It becomes our pleasure
our follow drisen.
Capt L.. Johnson, to tbe Governor
for appointment on this board.
Realising tbe great Import*no* of
education to the present 8* well ns
future welfare of tbe elate and na
tion, and to tbe constituent parts of
state, namely, the Individual
counties; and realising that any con
sideration looking to th* betterment
of our school faetUUe* will be a ser
vice well directed, we, th* grand
Jury, assembled at this, the April
term of the court, feel deeply con
cerned about tho educational Inter
est* In our county and we are per
suaded after th* moat careful thought
and Investigation, that It Is Incum
bent upon n* as a pooplo to aw to
It that no effort be spared to bring
our schools up to the best and high
est standard of efficiency. Therefore,
we are fully convinced that In order
to give to this most Important In
terest tbe attention It merits, that
our county School Commlesloner
should give hie entire rime apd at
tention to the dull** of hi* office
and the systematic visitation and in
spection of each and every echaul
In tho county, so that ho may see
the defects and take steps to Im
prove Iho entire system of schools,
In order to do this ho must bo paid
a living salary. At present the emol
uments of tbe office fur the commis
sioner to tench school himself in or
der to supplement his salary. There
fore, In view of the present condi
tion In our schools, and tho Import-
of the Interests Involve,I to our
children -red the best welfare of the
county, that w curge upon tho prop
er authorities that they pay the
County School Commissioner six hun
dred dollars per annum and that he
he required to give his entire rime
and attention to the edncatlonul In
terests of the county. We believe
this salary Is a small amount to
spend In this work when compared
with the crying nets I of the hour for
better educational methods.
recommend that the thanks of
dollars for services performed.
To his honor, Judgo Thomas A.
Parker, we return our sincere thanks
for hie able charge to thla body and'
wish for him every blessing of suc
To the Solicitor General, Hon;
Jna W. Bennett, we exprece our ap
preciation for his courtesies to this
We recommend that (hose present
ments be pnbllehed In the Waycross
Journal and the Herald, and that
they be paid ten dollars each for
Geo. R. Youmnns, Foreman.
J: J. Wllkaraon.
H. O. Gibson,
' R. L. Singleton,
W. T. James,
Jno. M. Cox,
■ j W. H, Booth,
-S. W. J. MuIIlr,
B. M. James,
Ellas Moor*, Jr._
B. J. Mlnchew,
W. W. Cribb,
V. L. Stanton,
L. Johnson,
J. W. Strickland,
D. J. Blackburn,
W. M. Denton,
J. P. tide,
R. P. Bird,
Jno. W. Greer,
.LBS*- S. P. Floyd,
J. C. Humphries,
W. J. Smith,
J. R. Knight,
L. T. Copps,
W. F. Lucas,
H. Stricklin:!,Jr.
Tho above and foregoing general
presentments received and road Id
open court. It Is ordered, considered
and adjudged by the court, that they
be admitted to record aa the general
presentments for th* April tom, IMS,
of War* Superior Court
In open court, thla April 44th, IMS.
Judge a a, a j. c
Filed la office April 44th, IMS.
A Large Audience Delighted by This
Gallant Confederate Soldier's
Memorial Day was properly observ
ed In Wnyeroee yesterday with exert
■ appropriate to the occasion. Tbe
old veteran* end others ass ambled In
large numbers In tbe public school
building, where the program, as pub
lished In Tuesday's Herald, was car
ried out In an Interesting manner.
Maj. a P. Bird, who did valiant ser
vice sa a soldier during the war be
tween the stntoa, was the orator of
the day. Hie address was couched
In the moot beautiful language, end
the largo audience was delighted. Ho
paid a moat touching and beautiful
tribute to the deed heroes of (he
"Lost Cause,” as well ee to tho
Daughters of tho^ Confederacy. Maj.
Bird Is vory familiar with the stir
ring events that occurred during tho
Civil War, and his effort yesterday
waa pronounced ono of the beet ever
heard In thla aoctlon. The epesker
wee loudly applauded, end many went
forward at the conclusion of his pa
triotic remark* to ohake hie hand
and to thank him for the grand ad
dress he hsd made. From the achool
building the crowd, preceded by tho
Waycross Rifles under command of
Copt. William Greene Raoul, Jr.,
marched lo tho cemetery, where tho
graves of the old soldiers sleeping
there were decoratod.
Ware gupsrlor Court Adjourns.
per month aa we consider tbeee par
ties very needy and necessitous. We
reoueat also that Bob Blizle and wlfo this body lie ten.lored to the fore-
Alpbavtlle Free Press: Hon. Hokel ^ pa|(] tw „ dal)a >s permonth. as I man of this laxly. Mr. Goo. R. You-
Smith may be casting sheqp's eyes Be#( , y W e reconimun ,i lhat roan ,, for his courteous rulings and
** * ***' fiefl® 1 *, * ml Jb* Free. [Ije c ount)r commissioners look Into
Press does not believe It.
Sunshine hss not yet been trusti
fied. but weather speculators . ere
probably figuring.
the physical condition and necessity
of Ellas Strickland, who Is seported
to be "In" necessitous condition. This
body by resolution, beg' to call the
attention of tbe grand Jury of Pierce
presidency over this body, and to the
secretary of thla body, V. L. Suntan,
for tho faithful performance of bis
arduous duties, and we recommend
lhat the aecrelary, Mr. V. L-Stanton.
be paid the sum of Mteen (51S.OT)
Frool Thursday's Dally.
, Superior Court adjoumel for
the term yesterday evening. A num
ber of cases were continued. Tho
following esses, In addition to those
already published, were disposed of:
Screven Morton and Mat Roberson,
charged with hunting on Sunday,
were acquitted.
■I. G. Steffcs, charged with assault
and battery, was declared not guilty
by the Jury.
Hunk Muloy, u negro, charged with
robbery l>y Intimidation, was convict
ed. Msloy waa sentenced to pay a
One of 1150 and costs or serve twelve
months on tbo gang. It Is very like
ly that Maloy will have to choose til*
Will Mack, n negro, was convicted
yesterday afternoon of renting a
house to parties tor Immoral pur
poses, and was fined 1204 and coats
or twelve months on' tbe gang. In
this case a motion for a new trial .
tea been made.