Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, May 13, 1905, Image 4

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Che evening IHcraia. A. P. PERHAM & SON, Editors and Publisher*. The Evening Herald la published ■overy evening except Sunday. The Weekly Herald every Saturday. All subscriptions payable In ad vance. „ .Advertising rates reasonable and •made known on application. Ratea of Subacrlptlon: Dally, One Year *5 00 Dally, Six Montba 2-50 Dally, Three Montba 1-2® Weekly, One Year Weekly, Six Montba 25 WAYCEOSS, 0A„ MAY I), IMS. Mo prayer la lifted on atllted phases. No man ever lost any time In the heavenly race by stopping to help another. Togo seems to be waiting to get the Russian ships all In a bunch so he can kill several at a shot. Repeal the Chinese exclusion law /ind let tho Chinese In to cultivate .Southern farm lands. That’s what we say. The so-called Russian Christians tare inassacreclng the Jews again. "Why don’t these Russian murderers Hast and try their hand on the .Japs? It Is reported that Roosevelt is on HRs way to take a hand In the Chica go riots. A fellow who can kill hears •by the dozen ought to he able to put a few thousund strikers out of busi ness. Birthday's in Japan. The good old custom of lynching for the crime of outrage Is still ad hered to In this country. It has sav ed untold thousands of white women from a fate worse than death and it will continue to do duty. O. B. Stevens Is by far tho most efficient Commissioner of Agriculture Georgia has over had and you nre reckoning without your host and talking through the top of your som brero when you think to make a “scape goat” of him. Russians Still Massacre Jews. By Telegraph to tho Herald. Kleff, May 10.—'This Is the fifth -day of tho massacre of the Jews at Zhltmore, 85 miles north of this city. Tho killing began Saturday and Is being continued. Reports indicate iho streets nro full of dead bodies. The Japanese Imv celebrating birthdays. Instead of a party In June for little Tama and party in September for littleOTatsu and a party in December for little Ume, theres u party In February In honor of all the little girls, and one In May for all little boys. In Februa ry every little girl receives from all her grown-up relatives and friends gifts of dolls, and besides these dolls her mother takes out of the closet many of the dolls she had when she was a child, and some even older dolls thnt the little girl’s grand mother had when she was a tot, and I dare say there are dolls that belonged to the little girl’s great grandmother, and even to her great-great-grandmother, quaint dolls in faded clothes of a hundred years and more ago, carefully handed down from mother to dtughter ever since. saw one old doll about 6 Inches tall dressed as a daimlo, or great lord of by-gone times, In gorgeous brocade robes, covered with steel armor of little overlapping pistes. Just as beautifully made aa if for a real wor- rlor. He wore a tiny helmet and car ried two tiny swords not as large as matches. You could draw the rwords out of their scabbards just like real , and they were r.s sharp as they could be. Well for about a week all Japan Is one grand a?.’!** tea party. And non the festival is over, and all the best dolls, even the presents to tho little girl, are put carefully uway, never to be even looked at tvhj'e >\-ar. I don’t see now I the little Jf.pauese i.l.'.s can bear I that part of It. j Then at the 1st of M ./ comes tho boys’ fesii 'ul—the fish festival,, It Is *?very faml'\ that Is lucky j to have a boy pm i up n flag I ado In tho door yard, o) perhaps lamllles 001111)1110 to use tho same polo and have It a bigger, hand j somer one ban one family could af- ! toril. On the top of tho polo Js a gilt ball or else a basket with something bright nnd tlnselly in It. And Hying from the pale In the brisk, spring winds Is a whole airing ofcarp ! mndo of oiled paper or cloth, painted In bright colors nnd any* herefrom , f. to 15 feet long. Kacli fish belongs HE WAS A HERO. queer way of Bui He didn't know It wi. Bullet, Bui xing round Him. t Speaking of great civil war atorlei. i Miss Ada Sweet, when In Denver re* I ccntly, told the following: Her father, Gen. Sweet, of Chicago, was taking hla regiment Into action. ! Ho aent forward a detail of men Jo ' make gapes In a rail fence to avoid the ■ heavy low sure to result If tho whole ' body of men paused to tear It down. The coolest and finest man In the detail was a young aoldler who had never been under fire before. When he began pulling down the fence be disturbed a nest of hornets, and they sang fiercely about hi* Mrs. But the lad was not going to run from hornets when there was more serious busi ness ahead. Ignoring the angry Iniecta, he open ed the fence and rejoined the regiment without being stung. After a time he was appointed second lieutenant and called on Gen. Sweet to thank him. "But," he said, modestly, "I dnn't think I deserve promotion over tb* others." "My boy," replied the general "I saw you pull down that fence. Yon were the coolest man under fire I ever eaw!" The man gasped, stared and turned pale. "Good God!" he exclaimed, loosing all caution and grammer. "Was them bullet*?"—Denver Post. Gay Deceiver. Fred—"Jack has succeeded In mak ing hla fiancee believe that black la white." Joe—"Speaking of what?" Fred—"ilia character." Glad Of It. An out-of-tow-n visitor stepped Into Russian Ambassador Recalled. By Telegraph to tho Herald. Washington, May 10.—Connl Cns- alnl.the Russian amhnssador has been recalled. The reason Is not made known. It Is announced that he will bo sent to Madrid. to some particular hoy nnd the carp an auction room the othor day to see Is chosen because It Is n hla stron - wllal " ort of knlcknacks were being s chosen because It Is u Olg, stron, , o|( , d , d not know that aMend . fish and not only can swim against R nce was composed mostly of proles* tho most rapid currents, but in It* atonal buyer*, and noted that It looked •,.*e,i,esb to g;t tti .null will leap shabby. straight up waterfalls. The gold l "Now. 111 Blv0 > rour pocketbooks a hall means u treasure, which tho , r f l,t ’" ,hB autloneor.“Here Is a . »lmpla llttlo vase with China designs. carp, leaping nnd struggling, but- what am j lll(1 fottod by the wind. Is forever trying to reach. Ami the whole thing means that the boy, when ho Is man, will have to battle his own way the sturdy cap struggles up tho river. Tho fishes look so very pret ty nnd gay, flying over hls house, nnd the hoy gets so ninny trents ul fish festival time that I dont Jhink ' ho minds even If the carp Is a nice Jot ly lecture on ambition.—St. Nlchol la s. An Irishman was silling In tho do- pot smoking the other day, when a woman canto and, sitting down, re marked: "Sir, If you were a gentle man you wouldn’t smoke hene." -Mum,” he said, "If ye* was * lady ye’d alt farthor away." Pretty soon the woman burst out: "If you were my husband I’d give you poison.” "Well, mum.’’ returned the Irishman, ns he puffed away at hla pipe.’ "It ycx wuz me wotfe, I’d take It." An exchange makes this rathetaen- slide observation: "On the ground -taken by scrupulous clergymen that the Rockefeller contribution to the aupport of foreign missions should -not be accepted because Mr. Rocke feller did not come honestly by hls money. It will no longer he safe to -’jtass eround the hat’ for miscellane ous collection for religious purposes. U will be Impossible to make the nec essary dlfferentatlons between the cash offerings of salats and sinners" "The gamblers, we mean the men who persist In playing cards for mon ey In FHtgerald, are not our person- ■al enemies, and If they were we would not take a single mean advan tage, but we owe a duty to the pub- He we must hot overlook. The ex* iitenee of gamgllag In flttgersM (or nny other oommuaity). exercise* a demoralising Influence atjd It Is our duty to discourage It.—Fitigerahl .Enterprise. The Savannah Proas says; Rail road men returning from Wilmington within the last day or two report that at Chadbourn, N. c., there are liundreds of cars of strawberries for which cars cannot be procured and ■which are rotting in thc boxes. About the station they are piled high ■over acres of ground. It is said -(hat the Coeit Line and the South ern Kxprcs Company are responsible zaad that they w|l have to pay out VHhably a half million dollars dam- •tm m the result of their Inability to mom the ear*. Newark Has DlMStrous Fire. By Telegraph to the Herald. Newark, May 10.—Fire swept orer more than half a block, within a block of tbo main street of the city thle morning. Four store buildings, a number of dwellings nnd portions of other dwellings went burned. Serer- nl times tbe Umpire theatre was on fire. .The flames at ono time threat ened to lend tho street and wipe out n large Boction of tho city. Ilarrle Jordan culdn’t make your Uncle Jim Smith hold hie cotton for 10 cents. Your Uncle Jim Is a can didate for governor nnd needs tho money In hls business. He held up a (lusty, diminutive piece of porcelain, which looked rather pretty through the dust. ” Flvo," said some one. "Ten." sold a second. "Fifteen,” said the Interested on looker, Jingling hls valuablo 30 cents in hls pocket. The vase was bid up until ths man from out of town reluctantly bid hls 35 cents. "I’ll have to walk home" he re flected, "but It Isn’t far to the hotol. I don’t son how these people make any money.” But the price soared up till the vase was finally knocked down to the last bidder at 80. Then the out of town man’s knees ware loosened and hls tongue cleared to the root of hls mouth when he saw the purchaser nonchalantly hand over four ISO bills.—Chicago Inter-Ocean. The papers that Inveigh against sectionalism In tbd selection o( a Governor, arO the papers that would confine the selection of a candidate to the northern end of the state. That Is the kind of sectionalism that thc Enterprise opposes.—Fltxgerald Enterprise. Albany Herald: Truck farming Is going to divide hooom with cotton In Southwest Georgia before many more jean. Tho world must fed aa well as clothed, and a greater variety of food crops can be grown right here In Southwest Georgia than In any other part of tho world. Irishman’s Cant Hook. A farmer, accompanied by several of hie hired men, went Into the woods one morning In the fall of the year to cut down tome trees, when about to begin work It was discovered that the cant hook had been left behind. Turn- Ing to ono of the men, an Irishman not very long over, tho farmer In structed him to drive back to the farm for the missing tool. Tho Irishman I did not know what a cant hook looked Uke, but wm avorse to exposing hls Ignorance, so drove off on hls errand, trusting to find someone at tbe farm who would enlighten him. At the barn, however there was no one to help him out pf hie dilemma, Casting bit eyes about the place for the thing which would be most likely to bear the name of ’’cant hook." he ■aw a mooley cow with never a sign of a horn upon Its heed, and concluded It was that ha had been sent for. Procuring a rope, he fastened the cow to tho rear sad of hie vehicle and exultantly drove back to the ft Is Understood that experiments 1st* shown’that sugar etas can be •uoceesfully grown on tho East poast south of Miami for the manu facture of sugar, the development of the sugar Industry will, if success- “Whst In 8am Hill have you there?' shouted the farmer on seeing hls mss- senger end the cow. "I sent you for s cut hook to used In moving the logs; what have you brought that cow tor?" "Be liberal boss, dlvtl another thing could I see around the barn that cu’t book but this."—Star of Hope. In the Old Bern. Sally—"Of course I know Silas tovea me. Why, we have a flirting system. When he stamps hls boot one* that meana. Til meet you at the cow pen.' When he stampa twice that means, ful, provide a great resource for that j T® your sugar plum - part of Florida. This paragraph la from the New Orleans States: “Some tender eoula Threo-MlUtonsEmboixler Bigelow for being forced to leave hls sumptuous home for a humble twostory cottage in the unfashionable quarter of the town, pending hie trial. This la one of the advantages of being a big thief. The Uttle thief when nabbed •» straightaway hustled Into tho Jail’s Molly—"That must be the stamp language I read to much about." Is life la high and low crime." "Darling," he whispered, ardently, "when you Bret refused me I felt like a drowning mu’ "Yes," she responded, slowly, -1 noticed yon came up three times." Safest Way. Silas—"By hack! Yon can learn to raise base by mall these days." Cyrus—"Gosh! That’s a good way to raise them. Then yon wont gag v.'i- :* Promotes DigestioniCheerfui- ness and Rest.Con tains neither Opium.Morpliine nor Mineral. NOT NARCOTIC. Aw fMo-sdMzumaex A perfect Remedy forConfltipn- lion. Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss or SLEEP. Facsimile Signature or CtmtVfffZSSii NEW YORK. ■Enanm|sBoA !xi3isxb«hszq ■■■ EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. The Kind v-jti Always Bougiu Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Give Nature a Chance BY USING Newbro’s Herpicide The ORIGINAL remedy that "kills the dandruff germ ” It destroys the tiny vegetable grow tli i n the sebaceous glands of the scalp, after which the liuir will grow as na ture intended. Don’t wait until it is too late, for chronic btldness is incurable. _ The microbe of dandruff and baldness makes the hair dull, brittle and lustreless. It fills the hair with dandruff and causes itching of the scalp. Later, it chokes the ter life out of Ihe hair and causes it to fall. Save it wit Nxwnno’s Hf.kpk.tde. Extraordinary results follow ilg use Read These Three Letters. After typhoid fenr roy physician rscom mended Hcrpictdu for mj hair which vn felling. I need it anunil>«rof mon h» tod my hair U leaser now than ever before, measuring more than fire feet in length. 8t. Paul, Minn. (Signed) Marie A. McIvttbx. The lop of my heed wm completely held and fifty dollars worth ef Heir Grower*” foiled to benefit me. Ify photograph show* the reenlt of e thorough treatment with your dandrnrt eertn destroyer. (Signed) Cutigjrcg ramiltox. Atlanta, Ga, Police Dept, At an early age my hair began to fall. I was almost bald when I wm induced to try your rained remedy and now 1 bare a fine head of hair. (Signed) C J Washington, R. 1. tferpidde contains no grease, it wfll not stain or dye. STOPa ITCHING OF THE I Seni 10 eta, in stamp* tc The Hkeficidb Co i Ptpt, t, Trtrolt Hub CHEROKEE PHARMACY, •Special Agents. Some people are not only at home when opportunity knocks but they aro prepared to seize it and drag It Inside behind doors locked with a combina tion known only to themselves. Made Shirt In 8 Minutes. During a recent visit made by an English social reformer to a shirt fac tory the foreman started a piece of cloth on the rounds and made It come out a finished shirt In Just six min utes. Seven glrla worked on the shirt. One machine made 18.800 buttonholes In a day, of twenty-eight a minute. In ten houra In this shop a man can cut 250 dozen, or 3,000 shirts. Discovery of Alum. Alum Is one of the latest mineral substances of value to be added to tho list credited to Colorado. A blanket deposit four feet thick and of great width has been discovered a few miles east of Florence, and it Is pronounced to be of high commercial quality, this Is the first discovery of alum In Color ado Some men are born great, wm achieve greatness and some remain lit tle to the end. Perhaps some people are deecended from monkeys, while others merely dress differently. It was probably some married man who first discovered that troubles never come eingly. Every Heart=Ache Every pain in the breast, dif ficult breathing, palpitation, fluttering or dizzy spell means that your heart is straining it self in its effort to keep in motion. This is dangerous. Some sudden strain from over exertion or excitement will completely exhaust the nerves, or rupture the walls or arteries of the heart, and it will stop. Relieve this terrible strain at once with Dr, Miles’ Heart Cure. It invigorates and strengthens the heart nerves and muscles, stimulates the heart action, and relieves the pain and misery. Take no chances; make your heart strong and vigorous with Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure. “I suffered terribly with heart dis ease. I have been treated by different physicians for my trouble without ’ * “ “*■**"' clan In and .... Cure to i unt I ct to say throe 1. CHARLES mwmsuvd. CaruthersviUe. Mo. Dr. Mils*' Hssrt Curs Is sold toy your druggist, who will gusranteo that (ho first oottle will benefit. If It folio ho will refund your money. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind “Yes” Churches School Houses and Homes PlK—. Asy oa. c«a brush 11 "on--ml cold water. Plain tinting and whitening, an< th« mom eUboret. relief, .MojU work so (bgario.VsntTful namesandSnixed wlthho fl*?, or other snlmsl matter, which rots "^ hed . off . tT *9 r year-cost work. Bay Alnh—Mno only It ALABASTINE COMPANY, Grind Rapids, Mkh. or IN Water St, N.Y, For a< e in Waycrovs, Ga., b; Watt ffdw. Co. & Sinpletoi Furniture Co. ECZEMA Evi-SiSS- I*.* i.. ( n t..go, an .Vn ««! e .*o cc* • to? m« thin o I. : ir*Ai ?" rM Vf^aed ti.u I have sir.;;wi t;r t m .vtivmt CASTORIA For Infiicti and Children