Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, May 27, 1905, Image 6
/ mt. v v n» TRUST COMPANY CLOSES ITS DOORS ATTORNEY SAYS SUSPENSION 18 ONLY TEMPORARY. Closing of tho Banking House Caused No Surprise or Alarm In Wall Street Circles. New York, May 23.—The announce ment was made this morning by Sam uel Untermeyer, counsel for Jacob L. Phillips, president of the Merchants' Trust Co., following the meeting of the directors, that the company had decided to close its doors. The State bank examiner was present at the meting. This Is tho company about which rumors have excited Wail street for several weeks. The news of tho closing of tho Trust Company caused no surprise or clamor in Wail street. Untermeyer says tho suspen sion Is only temporary. , Sartorial. Excesses. .... A magazine writer, who says that he has carefully gathered his facts from dressmakers, milliners and all other sources within reach, estimates that <5.000 women of New York spend fully $40,000,000, or on an averago of $6,000 each on their wardrobes an nually. That Is to say, less than 1 per cent of the women of New York squander on their clothes a sum greater thnn Is devoted to the vast school system of the metro pollsjrad nearly 40 per cent of the entire mu nicipal budget. "In Republican America, whose old Ideal was one of r ~.simplicity of life, wo are rivaling the sartorial excesses of Neronic Romo." NEWS AND NOTE8. Savannah has hall and wind storm. Some of the hull stones were as large as hen eggs. Japs capture a Junk filled with Rus sian officers. Tho Georgia Northern Railroad will bo built from ilarwick to Boston. Trains to bo running by Sept. 1st. Threo white men, Fort, Burnoy and Strickland, have been Indicted In Brunswick for Iioubo burning. La Fontaine, tho extradition com missioner, will render his docislonin the Greene and Gay nor caso on Mon day, next. Six men klllod by boiler explosion In Columbus, Ohio. Tho saw mill and barrel fnctory nt Pelham, Ga., destroyed by Are. lx>ss $60,000. Negro who fired Into sheriff’s pob- see, riddled with bullets nt Owens- burg, Ky. Further efforts being made to set tle Chicago strike. Hoko Smith says he will not run for governor. *3,000,000 FOR VENICE CHURCH. Remarkable Will of Italia* Prince Was Made In 1403. In 1403 the Italian Prince Glovanelli made a will leaving his fortune to bis direct descendants, and in case of the extinction of the principal line, to the offspring of the younger branch. There was added, however, a codicil, which was only to be opened on tbo extinction of the direct branch. This event occurred a few days ago, and on opening tha codicil it was found that the fortune was left to the Church of 8t. Mark in Venice This bequest, which by this time amounts to ovor $6,000,000, Is now being disputed by a postal official of Naples named GJo- vanelll. Wives of Russian Priests. A white Russian priest must be married, but be cannot marry a sec ond time. If his wife dies be must enter a monastery. Hence the Rus sians tell many stories of the extra ordinary means to which the priests resort In guarding the health of their wives. If the priest's consort sneezes, a mild panic ensues in the household. —The World's Work. Do Nothing Without Thought. People often make the excuse that they have bad memories when the truth is they are too slovenly to use their brains. Nothing, however in significant should be done without re flection. First thoughts are often best, but It Is sometimes not until we have thought many times that we can make them so. Chautauqua Assembly. The Chautauqua assembly Is held at Fair Point, at the western shore of lake Chautauqua in western New York. It started 81 years bop In that denomination. Wasting and Overeating. When it happened that a be so wasteful. Think how many hun dreds of lltte children there are starving." As if, by ov her own child could make th< of others less terrible. Columbus Statue. was modelled and cast in bronze, un- oouirui oimon s oad Song. Slender Sarah saw Sandy Simon sitting sadly, Simon said, ‘ Sweet Sarah, so sunny, sing somethlngsoul- ful."s So Sarah sang "Sweetheart Still.' Simultaneously Simon sang stentorlously. Suddenly Sarah stopped singing. She saw snakes slowly sliding side wise. She screamed, "Snakes, Si mon! Strike strongly!" Simon’s sin gle shot struck squarely. Sarah shudderingly said, "Saved Skillful Si mon! - ' Simon simply said, 'Serving Sarah seems sweet.” Sara.i simpered. Simon stood stupidly staring. Sarah satirically said, “Sappy Simon so si- ' lent! Skip! Simply Scott!" Simon shrewly scorned sceooting. Suddenly Simon spoke suppliantly. Saluting Sarah’s sunny strands. Sarah's sen es scattered. Simon Stammered. ; Speak seraphic Sarah!" Sarah shy-! ly succumed.—Life. " | r i Grand Prize I St. Louie, 1904 olumbia ^jraphophones BEST TALKING MACHINES MADE Cylinder Machines $7.50 to $100 Disc Machines $12 to $65 The Graphophono reproduces mlI kinds of muslo perfeotly — band, orchestra, violin, vocal and Instrumental solos, quartettes, eto. It Is an endlesa source of amusement Thirty red bosoms fried brown, ! warm corn bread, strong hot coffee, j and a two gallon can of buttermilk • with a chunk of Ico In It, was tho bill j of fair which four gentleman of Way- i cross sat down on the grass to Sat- \ urday last, where the Satllla flows be-j neath the live oaks and the willows. I Now, wo call that living. j France pretends that she Is very; 8 much afraid of the yellow peril. This j Is all bosh. France only fears loos-; ing the money she has loaned Russia. •» 215,000 Tons of Macaroni. of macaroni, in 5,500 factories, em ploying 1,500 persons. The ea Low Excursion Rates via. Southern Railway. ASHEVILLE, N. C.—Annual Confer ence Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., Juno 0-25, 1905. Rato ONE FARE plus 25 cents for round trip. Tick ets on salo June 8, 10, 15 and 17, with Anal limit June 28, 1905. FORT WORTH, TEX.—Gonoral As sembly Southern Presbyterian Church. May 18-26, 1905. Rate ONE FARE plus $2.00 for round trip. Tickets on sale May 15, 1$ and 17, Anal limit May 31, 1905. TORONTO, ONT.—International Sun day School Association, June20-27, 1905. Rate ONE FARE plus 60 cents for round trip. Tickets on sale June 19, 20, 22, 23, limited to June 30. 1905. HOT 8PRINQ8, VA.—Southern Hard ware Jobbers' Association, June S- 9, 1905. Rate ONE FARE plus 25 cents round trip. Tickets on sale Juno 3, 4 and 6, limited to Juno 13, 1905, with privilege of extension to July 15, 1905. For detailed Information address any agent Southern RaHway, or Brooks Morgan, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. Notice. On my second round receiving tax returns, 1 will visit tho follow ing places on ditos named: Waltortown, May 1. 8wcats, May 3. Blcklcy, May 5. 1 Warosboro, May 8. Millwood. May 10. Manor, May 12. Glenmore, May 13. Bragmnza, May 15. Waycross, May 16, 17, 18. SV. R. HARBIN, — Tax Assessor. New Gem Discovery. An extraordinary discovery bles, sapphires and emeralds has been these -precious stones, totaling 386 karats, was exhibited to the share holders of the company owning the two loads of earth. To Govern Oneself. If peoplo would only give as much thought to governing themselves os they do to the government of the na tlon, tho welfare of all would be as sured. To Find Your Own Opinion. Schopenhauer said: "If you want to And out your real opinion of any one. observe tho Impression made up on you by tho Arst sight of a letter from him." Cactus In Australia. The government of Queensland of fers a prize of $25,000 for a method of exterminating the opuntla a species of cactus Imported from America. Prussian Railway Investment. Tho Prussian State railway system contains 21,104 miles of track and ita net earnings for one year were $140,- 000, x being 10 to 12 per cent, on tht Investment. Industrial Schools in Saxony. 8axony has seven special industrial schools founded for the solo purpose of training locksmiths and black smiths. Rubbtr Market of Antwerp. Every year 5.000 tons of Congo rub ber are sold In the market of Antwerp. This rubber Is gathered by natives, who get 50 cents a week and pay their own expenees. Mis Nina Hines, a charming young lady of Wadley, Ga., Is visit!ng"tEe family of her ancle, Judge R. P. Bird, ob Butler street Size of the Oceans. The PaclAc ocean contains an area of 80.000,000 square miles, Atlantic 40,000.000, Indian 20,000,000, Southern about 10,000,000, Arctic 5,000.000. LAWYERS. r AW OFFICE OF U J. L. SWEAT A 8 in. Offlce In New Lott and Hitch Building. • OIMON W. A JAMES W. HITCH r KJ Attorney's A Cocasstom at Law. Lott A Hitch Building, Wsycrost, Gs. 2 TOHKW. BENNETT' *» Attoraer-a Office In Loll A Hitch building, :lolIritor-Qeneral of th. Bronawlck Clicnil |W.rcro„.Q»; O’ K JEFFORDS, Lu. LAWYER. W.rcroM, pr ■ • Oeorrtr JOHN T. MYERS, • Anouitr at Law. J Saw r 0 tt Rnlldtur fOHN c. McDonald, a Attorney-st-Law, Folks Block. Wayereas. Gtor,»>. I WALTER BENNFTT. " • _ LAWYER narcaoM, . . G«o«<u,, POO.VKR A REYNOLDS. L Aitnrntra and foon^llon-a-!,.*.' L-Jll ,t Hitoh builtinc PHYSICIANS. f\R8. WALKER A ItLAR- 1 k, °“ c -“P , 5. ,l ™ w «i«« A HcCniUr hlocS- Office hour. U »10 a. 3 to 1 p. m„ and (i to a p. m. Dr, YVa ker'i ■ Mldeuceou Oiimpr. itreet. Dr, lilar 1 , ntldence Otlmuta klreet. Telephone con. "action, at offlcaa and reMdcncw 1 l C. RIPPAUD. A • Phyilciau and tiarneoa Qniort should be left at 8e«l> Pharra*fr. Oftfce *t Residence. Brunel.Street/""* Telephone No. UO. 1 >K. J. H. REDDINO, AJ FhrMd.n anil burgeon, office orer but Clothing; btore. Kt.i. dence neat corner, office hour. S It ' « a. to iJ ro l p, nt. 1 W. \V. An.ley, Collector. Dr. E. M. Nolan, Practice limited to EAR. NOSE AND THROAT JACKSONVILLE. PLA _ Special Surgeon of the Atlantic CoMt Line, la at the Waycroa* Hoapital every Mon day. Private ratirnt* may convnlt him tbore dJkw OENTISTS. 1 • j fhR. ALLKN BROWN. D. D.S. Ly.lfflo, up .tain In NcCnll.r A Walkar’a bnutlng, tenJen hla proJMon.l MrrlOM 0 to :h* ..nalir . |We>cnea.«.Knia Germany's Dormant Water Power. Measures are being taken by the German government to exploit the now dormant water powers of the country on a large scale. Life cf Partings and Meetings. Life is made up of partings and meetings. But It usually happens that we part with those we love and meet only bores. . A Statue €>000 Years Old. There is a statue made of sycamore wood In the museum of Glxeh nearly C(Hn) years old. which la reported to be sound and natural In appearance. Scandinavian Immigrants Beet The Canadian authorities say that the beet Immigrant! that come to the country are from Norway and Sweden. up-staire. Redding Building Plant Avenue. Residence at Mrs. Olens tu’e. It will be to vour interest to we m* before bavins work done R.UJ* I ntertaalntnjE O aptlvutlnjr o utwearlng csonant D cllghtfuf S uperlor COLUMBIA Gold Moulded Cylinder Records COLUMBIA DISC RECORDS “7-Inch, SO cents each) (5 per dozen lO-Inch, $1 each, 910 per dozen Orand Opera Records, (made In IO>lncH die only) 92 each Phonograph Company, . 43 Peachtree Street, ATLANTA, GA. J M Grand Prize I t St. Louis. 10041 Stanley’s Business College. MACON, GEORGIA. TO PARENTS You, no doubt, are deeply interested about the future prosperity of your children You can insure their inde pendence by giving them a thorough, practical business education. With a well rounded knowledge of modern business methods, no matter what financial reverses may come, your children will be cS^i0ENT.Aui.ET» Sgfflkwrw Bm». wftf. wmv&STS. c DSWIFM Our business is to give ist this kind of an edu ction. A common school ducation is not sufficient. If you can’t pay in full ’ewill wait on you, i To cet the benefit of this fer, address at once. G. W. H* Stanley* President. Stanley's Business College, Pythian Castle Building, Macon, Georgia. CJw Missouri Wines Are the Best. Why not Give Us a Trial? £ One Case 5 12" Bottles Assorted $4.00 and we pay the freight to W ay cross. Send cash with order. Our Brandies are of the same superior excellerce as our wines—more could not he said fur any product. Write for Price List. Stone Hill Wine Co., Hermann, Mo. Wm. Fedder, Commission Merchant 916 North Third Street, Kansas City, Mo. Our homegrown trucas are about all killed. We must draw our supplies from Southern points. So would like to handle your ship* meats this seasoa. Write for Stencils and Market Quotations Reference—Franklin Bank or Kausas City Packer Egtablished 1890. CASTOR IA for Tnftntt and Chflfai. Dm KM You Hitf Ahrayt Bogtt MO ■ONE FULL QUART OF ■ WHISKEY FREE W* know the noaolne of words and will do as we my. »l»*m !•» La lUo litur't-prlci I Wklak r ■ £,.» 11 Larte.i Stall «r4ff M kUXey l>v«ra la t!.- b >*th. All tl IhTuIi 1 b.CoW-Uerv-* 90 t>J i da tav!uiV.fci«|i lo«yk.wwhd«-thww nrr! fcaar.t: If '•t »h‘sJc-/ a. .. 1. »«■ r. iU-i i-.r r-.iri-y . ,| Iwaivrirp. Mas. U icoro t-nui—r o 4 whJaWey aad l*-i* water lid jV T r k Ttr-SAtiia in. JSSiSraSSSTSu: Iwayogi^r UffxaL Tout rod UC8 lUU cl\\ tfMihoraanJ p - I - WWW I. -r ..Iw... .. imu.