Newspaper Page Text
The man who is always hoping tor
the best may not ever reach it, but he
has a happy time whistling on the
The saying Is, we learn sad lessons
In tho School of Experience; but if
wo didn’t gain experience we’d never
know which way the road turned.
are not always on the bright
mfo of life, but we really need the
aarkness sometimes—for resting pur*
Sorrow makes friends of people that
ne^er would be friends with the light
shining around them forever. j
There are many worlds about
but our only duty is to make this
Togo’s Advantage.
The New Orleans Picayune has lit
tle doubt ot Togo's victory iu the
coming naval battle. It says:
“Considerable anxiety has recent
ly prevailed as to Admiral Togo's
chances, when, as u mutter of iact
there is no good cause for unxiety,
us he has a great preponderance of
actual fighting strength,
OF WARE. To tho Superior Court
of said County
The petition of J. B. Whitehead, H.
F. Haley, J. R. Haley and J. T. Lup-
ton, respectfully shows: /
i. That they desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and us-
signs, to become incorporated under
the name and style of “THE WAY-
COMPANY,” The terms for which
While it petitioners ask to be incorporated
one better for having lived in it— an has, moreover, eight first class
that Russia bus seven battle- twcuty (20) years, with the privilege
ships, only four of these arc new ves- of renewal at the end of that time.
2. The capital stock of said cor-
bel». 1 in. Japanese oil the oilier , )ora ,| ou )s t0 lvvo thousand ICJ.OOU)
hand, liuve six battleships, and not dollars, divided into sharos of one
four, as is generally supposed. Of hundred ($100.00) dollars each. Pe-
j these, five are new ships of the lat- 1 ^loners, however, ask the privilege
' est type, aud one an old ship cap-
' tured from China ten years* ago. Jap-
Atlanta Constitution.
'Well," iald*the pro-Jap, triumphant- j sh “ ,s are naw - and Russla has noth
j armored cruisers, mounting eight,
nine and ten inch guus. All of these
ly, “1 guess you'll agree now that tho
Russians won’t stop short of Mukden.*’
“Oh, I don’t know,” replied the pro-
Russian. I’m sure they’ll make a
stand at Shcnklng.”
“At Shenklng. If not there—certain
ly at Shenyang.”
“Pooh!" responded the pro-Jap.
“They’ll go right to Mukden."
“Well," Insisted the pro-Russian.
"I’ll wager they make a stand at Fen-
Tlenfu, anyway."
These names were all new to ths
pro-Jap, so he dld’t take the wager.
And it was well he didn’t, for when
he went to the library and consulted a
map of Manchuria he found that Fen-
Tlenfu, Shenyang, 8henklng and Muk
den were all one and the same place.
—Philadelphia Press.
Direet Evidence.
The lawyer shook his finger warn-
I fngly at the witness and said: “Now
I we want to hear Just what you know,
I not what some one else knows, or
I what you think, or anything of that
I kind, but what you know. Do you un-
“Wall, I know," said the witness,
I with emphasis, as he lifted one limber
■leg and placed It across the other, “I
now that Clay Grubb said that Bill
Thomson told him that he heard John
homas’s wife tell Sid Snuford’s gal
at her husband was there when the
ht tuk place, and that he said that
hey slung each other around In the
bushes right con&id’able.”—Youth’*
Ing, either In tho fleet with Rojestven-
sky or in Europe that can compare
with them. The only armored cruis
ers that Russia now has that are mod
ern, Include the Rossla and Gromobi,
at Vladivostock, and it Is very doubt
ful if these are in very proper condi
tion since their terrible mauling at
the hands of Admiral Kamlmura last
August. Japan has, therefore, four
teen armored cruisers, all but one of
the newest type, compared with Rus
sia's nine ships, only six ot which are
new. The balance of the Russian
cruisers with Rojestveusky are out
numbered by the Japanese cruisers
almost two for one. In torpedo boats
and torpedo boat destroyers, Russia
can make no showing at all compared
with the Japanese available fleet of
at least sixty such vessels.
“That there should exist so much
doubt as to the Japanese strength Is
not surprising, considering tho strict
censorship Japun maintains on all
sources of news.
consistent with law.
Respecttnilv submitted,
SIMON W. & J. \\\ HITCH.
titiou for charter of A. M. Knigi
et ai, as to tho Waycross luvestuicr
Company as the same appears of ill
in office of Clerk of Superior Court.
Witness my hand and seal of o
lice this April 18th, 1905.
Clerk S. C.. W. C.
GEORGIA—Ware County.
door of Ware county, on June
Cotton and turpentine are both on
the up grade. This means good mon
ey for tho South.
He Found it..
In one of the neighboring cities a
fcmily was seated at dinner, when the
feoorbell was rung. The servant went
> the door. It was noticed that she
^eld long parlying, and It was sur-
consequently, that there was
ome element of uncertainty in the
dew. On her return, the master
house inquired:
fell, Bridget, who was it?”
It was a gentleman, sir, looking
[>r the wrong house.”—Philadelphia
Ubllo Ledger.
Waste of Time.
| The experienced highwayman was
ting about his apprentice,
f’l never will learn that fellow any-
ng,” he growled. “He holdsup peo.
j that ain’t seen a penny for days."
I’Dld he hold up a beggar?" asked
| friend.
Yorse than that. He held up a
coming home from summer
Ltion." #
In After Years.
Green—“William, what objec-
have you to that young man who
[ling on our daughter?”
^^ien—“He Is silly, Mary.”
Mrs. Green—“Oh, that because he’a
In love. I remember when you were a
silly young man.”
n—“Silly isn’t tho proper nnrae
lit, Mary. I was a measly idiot—
I’s what I was.”
The end of the Chicago strike Is
not near so near as the building of
the A. C./L. shops at Waycross.
Other Side of it.
But,” protested tiio prospective
the house Is awfully damp.”
My dear sir,” replied the agent,
t is one of its many advantages. In
e of fire It isn't likely to burn.”
And there is no water Tn the well,"
litnued tho would-be renter.
'Why, another advantage,” said the
ent. “In case your children happen
fall in it they won’t drown.”
Notice is hereby given of an inten
tion to apply to the next General As
sembly of Georgia for the passage of
a bill, the title of which is as follows:
An act to repeal, an act to author
ize the establishment and mainten-
ence of a system of sewerage and
drainage in and around the City of
Waycross, and a system of water works
for s.iid city: to provide fir the ap
point r.en: of s an*.t.»r/ aud vv.t»»r
works commissioners for said city,
and to prescribe their duties ana pow
ers, and for other purposes, approved
September 19th, 1SS9; to provide that
all the duties and powers conferred
upon the sanitary and wan- works
commis* oners undsr tin net afoie-
said, shall be by this Act conferred
upon the Mayor and Council of the
City of Waycross or upon tho Regu
lar Standing Committee of the Coun
cil upon water works; and all that
could heretofore be done by said
Board may, after tho adoption of this
uct, be done by tho Mayor and Coun
cil of tho City of Waycross or by tho
Regular Standing Committee upon
water works, and for other purposes.
J. A. JONES, Mayor.
of increasing the capital stock from
time to time, not to exceed In the
aggregate twenty thousand ($20,000)
dollars, and similarly to decrease the
same from time to time to any amount
not less than two thousand ($2,000) .
the said corporation shall not bo numbers thr
individually liable to the creditors ot No. three, in the
tho said corporation in any amount | noM», m.n • muv, uccordu-.; to Gee
or sum whatever except for raeh Walter-, aJ'.uonti sal,l city levied
amount as the stockholders may boj . . . ..
due for stock actually subscribed for.» on * n P° 88eas *°n of tho defendant,
3. The whole of said capital stock 1 under
of two thousand ($2,000) dollars has .Court
been actually paid la. Thomasvllle National Bonk, for u«o, I 7‘
4. The object and purposes of said n r Joe Lott,
proposed corporation is pecuniary a £ a * n8 * h. J. McIntosh. | ^ ^ jj„ c
gain and profit to tho stockholders.* 6 * T ,s ”
The particular business proposed to j This May 8th, 1905.
be carried on by said corporation is
the bottling and sale of carbonated
coca cola, mineral waters, fruit fla
vors, and all other carbonated drinks.
5. Petitioners desire that said cor-'j. J. Keen having applied,
poration shall have the right to buy, * Court of Ordinary of said county for
lease, hold and own real and per
sonal property necessary for the
furtherance of the object of tho cor
poration; to borrow money and to
pledgo the property of said corpora
tion, real and personal* as security
therefor, by mortgage trust deed, or
other form of security, and also to
issue bonds and preferred stock when
ever necessary and convenient for
the carrying on of tho business of the
^jrporation; to act as general or spe
cial agents for other persons or com
panies in selling or handling any ar
ticle or class of articles appertain
ing to the business of such corpora
tion, or usually or conveniently con
nected with the business hereinbe
fore mentioned.
6. The principal office and place
of business of said corporation Bhall
be in the City of Waycrosk, Goor-
gia, with tho right to establish
branches, and to do business, any
where in the state of Georgia or else
where, through agencies established
for that purpose, or otherwise,
may be deemed meet and proper.
WHEREFORE, petitioners pray to
be made a body corporate, under the
name and stylo aforesaid, entitled to
the rights, privileges and Immunities,
and subject to the liabilities fixed
by law.
Attorney for Petitioners.
Original filed in office this April
22nd, 1905.
Next Thing to It?
I heerd you had quite a rellgous j 8tralghten
vakenin’ in your church last Sun-
"Well, no, you couldn’t hardly call
in awakerfln 1 although it come m(gh-
clost to it Old Deacon Whlffletree,
bo was sleeping on the back seat
irred uneasy-like an’ Deacon Surcln-
le quit snorin’, an’ let out a couple
rousin’ yawns.—Indianapolis Sun.
Beyond Doubt.
'Do you believe that two can live as
heaply as one?' he asked, for the
eason that he undoubtedy wished to
BOW. •
“Yet,” replied the fellow who drawe
nore fool questions than his share.
I believe that most any two men
ould live on what my wife spends.”
-Chicago Tribune.
new Whereof He Spoke.
if the world," remarked the •
Notice is hereby given of an Inten
tion to apply to tho next General As
sembly of Georgia for tho passage of
a bill, the fitly of which is as follows:
An act to amend section 17 of the
charter of the City of Waycross ro
tating to the “power and authority
vested in the Mayor and Aldermen of
said city to open, lay out, widen,
otherwise change tho
streets and alleys thereof, and for
for other purposes therein named,”
approved November 1st, 1889, by giv
ing authority to the Mayor and Coun
cil of Waycross to provide for the
paving and improving of the streets
alleys and sidewalks of said city and
to assess the cost thereof, including
two-thirds of the necessary curbing
for the same, on the real estate abut
ting on the street, and on the side of
the street on which the side walk Is
so Improved, and for other purposes.
J. A. JONES, Mayor.
Notice is hereby given of an Inten-
tarty with the quotation habit, j tlon to apply to the next General As-
‘doesn’t know how the other half - - ‘ *“ *
“I guess that’s right,” rejoined the
aarried man, “but the feminine half
forks overtime trying to find out.”
Chose the Lesser Evil.
Tees—That horrid Mr. Hansom In-
lsted upon kissing me last night.
Jess—Why didn’t you scream?
Toss—I didn’t want to scare ths
►oof fellow.—Philadelphia Press.
Hew She Knew.
IdWAr* they really rich?"
May— H I should say so. When they
Upped eereral spoons and saucers
their ciiM Ob hotel clerk said It
raa merelytfc# eoerealr hobby.”
sembly of Georgia for the passage of
a bill, the title of which Is as follows:
An act to authorize the Mayor and
Council of the City of Waycross to
Issue bonds in the sum of sixty-three
thousand dollars ($63,000.00), payable
in thirty (30) years and bearing In
terest at a rate not to exceed 5 per
cent, per annum, for the purpose of
providing additional school faculties
for the City of Waycross, for the
purpose of paving the streets of said
city and for the extension of the
water mains and sewerage system
thereof, and for other purposes.
J. A. JONES. Mayor.
on the estate of W. B. Keen lat
said county, deceased. All persons
concerned aro required to show cause
In said court by the First Monday
In June, next. If any they can, why
said application should not be grant
This May 1st, 1905.
Appointment of Guardian,
R. L. Singleton, a resident of tho
State of Georgia, having duly applied
to be appointed guardian of tho per
son and property of Burrell Single
ton, a minor under the age of 14
years, resident In said county, no
tice Is hereby given that said appli
cation will bo passed an at the next
Court of Ordinary for said county,
to bo held on the first Monday In
June, 1905.
Witness my hand and official sig
nature, this April 27, 1905.
Warren Lott,
Jurors for Next Superior Court.
1 H. A. Harris,
The following list of Grand un.
D. S. Taylor,
Traverse Jurors have boon drawn for
X. J. Stewart.
tho November term of the Superior
; F. H. Hargraves,
Court of Waro county:
j W. O. Thrift,
I M. D. Blackshcar,
1 W B Goodrich,
B. H. Thomas,
1 M IV Cason,
| W. H. Bradley,
1 C II Rahn,
j G. A. McGowen,
I Arthur (illlls.
j W. 1). O'Quinn. •
j Randal King,
j J- B. Taylor,
| John Bourn,
J J- W. Mallon,
L R. Rouse,
i Diuilei Corbitt,
Geo. W. White, H
! F. II. McGee.
Bryant Crews,
j John Lynn,
L. S. Taylor,
1 G. W. Gray,
C. A. Fret well.
' W. L. Hinson,
J. R. Whitman,
i W. L. Cason,
R. A. McCranle,
, J. O. Justice,
D. A. Jordan,
, G. G. Parker,
J E McClellan.
i J. C. Rouse,
C H liowther,
r j J. S. Bailey,
J. J. Henderson,
R. U. Ballard,
Wm. Griffis,
1 \V. H. Cason,
W. D. Booth,
j Wm. Corbitt,
P. S. Archibald,
| M. L. Goodyear,
C. W. Tyre,
| 8. L. Henderson,
J. A. May,
I G. H. Roberts,
J C. McFoy,
J Joe Lott,
C. E. Wnhlen,
J C. C. Buchanan,
Geo. Howell,
J W. M. Wilson,
A. M. Knight,
j J. A. Lott,
Geo. A. Croom,
I G. W. Deen,
J. T. Strickland,
I O. P. Pollan!,
P. L. Hatcher,
j A. H. Morgan,
C. I. Allen.
Wm. Guy, Jr.,
1 H. J. Jeffords,
H. B. Pittman,
! J. R. Bunn,
R. C. King,
T. H. King,
J. W. Adams,
Jesso Griffin,
H. L. Herrin,
J. J. Hargraves,
E. P. Peabody,
B. Mills,
Borrinn Bngloy,
J. M. Kirkland,
Lemuel Westhcrry,
C. H. Harley,
B. C. Baum,
C. W. Rlgdon,
GEORGIA—;Waro County.—To all
whom it may concern.
A. B. Fisher having appllod for the
guardianship of the person and prop
erty of Ruby Pearl, Chester Arthur,
Henry Grady, William Leo Fisher,
minors ofB. F. Fisher, late of said
county and state, deceased, notice is
hereby given that said application will
bo heard at my office on the first Mon
day In Juno 1905. Given ugder my
hand and official signature this, Cth
day of May, 1905.
Warren Lott,
fleers, their duties end compensation,
and by its by laws to regulate Its
affairs end provide the method of dis
posing of eny portion of its proper
ties, end by its by lews generally to
regulate the carrying on of Its cor-
County.—Notice Is horoby given that
tho undersigned have applied to tho
Ordinary of said county for leave to
soli certnln land, described In the
petition which Is of file In the office
of said Ordinary, belonging to tho
state of W. Wr-Beach, for tho pur
pose of distribution. Said applica
tion will bo heard at tho regular
i of the Court of Ordinary for
county to be hold on tho first
Monday in Juno, 1905.
This, tiio 20th day of April, 1905.
Administrators upon tho Estate of
W. \V. Bead).
J. A. Douglas,
W. A. McDonald,
E. D. Moore,
C. A. Sheldon,
H. L. Gray,
W. L. Knox,
J. B. Thomas,
M. E. Henderson,
J. A. Vann,
J. M. Miles,
F. 13. Irons,
J. M. Henderson,
M. A. Thigpen,
J. W. Newton,
H. W. Wilson,
T. J. Darling,
I. A. Martin,
R. O. Lee,
J. W. Gates,
J. A. M. Johnson,
H. J. Thompson, Jr.,
A. J. Music,
Clcoro Wilkinson,
B. J. Smith,
L. Stephens,
W. M. Kenton,
J. A. Miller,
John Jordan,
R. Thigpen,
Jns. Knox,
nrad Watson,
There seems to bo an epidemic of
suicide and murdor In Georgia. What
is the matter with tho pcoplo?
Missouri now has a law which pro
vides that tho fcathors of domestic
fowls, only, can be used on femlutuo
An English scientist says tho oarth
hnH 30,000 enrthquako shocks each
year. Wo also havo other shocks
j too numerous to mention.
the Superior Court of said county:
The petition of A. M. Knight -and Si
mon W. Hitch of Ware county, Geor
gia, and George W.‘ Haines of Duval
county, Florida, respectfully shows:
1. That petitioners with their as
sociates desire to become Incorpor
ated under the provisions of the laws
of Georgia and to be made a body
l>olltlc under the name and stylo of
2. That the object of said Incor
poration Is the prosecution for profit
to its stockholders of the business
hereinafter specifiod, and the particu
lar business proposed to be carried
on ia the buying and selling of real
estate at Waycross, in Ware county,
Georgia, and elsewhere in tho state
of Georgia, tho purebaso and Improve
ment of real estato for Investment,
I lie renting of property and collect
ing tho rents thereon, and generally,
the doing of all the acta of a person
engaged In tho buying, selllrig and
handling of real estate.
3. The chief office of said corpor
ation shall bo at Waycross, Ware
county, Georgia, but petitioners pray
the privilege of having branch offices
at other places and points whero
paid corporation may desire to do
4. The capital stock of said cor
poration shall be the sum of twenty
live thousand ($25,000.00) dollars, di
vided into two hundred and fifty
shares of one hundred dollars each,
no pnrt of which has yet been paid
in, but petitioners desire tho privil
ege of commencing business under
the charter to be granted hereunder
as soon as ten per cent, of said cap
ital stocy has ben paid In cash, and
to issue stock fully paid and non-as-
sessable in the purchase ot and pay
ment for property of any character.
Petitioners desire tho right to In
crease the capital stock from tlmo to
time to any apiount not exceeding
fifty thousand ($50,000.00) dollars by
a vote of two thirds of the then out
standing capital stock.
6. Petitioners desire the privilege
of borrowing money upon real estate
and other property owned and ac
quired by them and securing such
borrowed money by making a mort
gage, deed of trust, Issuing bonds, or
otherwise In a proper legal way se
curing the same.
6. Petitioners pray to be Incorpor
ated under the laws of the state of
Georgia for a period of twenty (20)
years, with the privilege of renewal,
as allowed by law, and to be clothed
with all the powers and privileges
Incident to such a corporation, In
cluding tho power to sue and bo sued,
plead and to be Impleaded, have and
use a corporate seal, to make con
tracts of every character In keeping
with Its corporate business, to pur
chase, hold, mortgage and convey
real estate and other property ac
quired in the course of Its corporate w , mm ^ „ .
“O'- 1 ”* »«•« lld 1 un ’ s Tonic will not eradicate every trace and taint of
Panitnfa'a ho* 4nat atiftwoh
Notice Is hereby given that a bill
will be Introduced at tho approaching
session of the Legislature of Georgia,
incorporating the town of Millwood,
in Waro county, Georgia, giving the
municipality thus created the usual
powers incident to such a corpora
tion. This May 9, 1905.
. .. B. A. Beunctt, ..
C. O. Bennett,
E. L. Rouse.
Lamar’s Lemon Lax
ative 1 is a reliable, harm
less, old-time remedy
Indigestion, Constipation, Headaches.
It is prompt, pleasant and perfectly harmless,
beinK purely a veffetablc preparation, cleansing
the system, toning up the bowels, kid
neys, liver, etc. to a condition of per
fect health. Good doctors use it, and
good druggists sell it.
50 Doses
50 Cents
— OF-
le It Right?
Is It right that a property-owner
should lose $4.20 to lot a dealer make
60 cents? A dealer makes 60 cents
more on fourteen gallons of ready-
for-use paint, at $1.60 per gallon, than
our agent does on eight gallons of L.
& M. paint and six gallons of linseed
oil, which makes fourteen gallons of
the best paint in the world, at $4.20.
Is It right?
It only requires 4 gallons ot L. &
M. and 3 gallons linseed oil to paint
a moderate sized bouse.
Ten thousand churches painted
with Longman 4b Martinez L. ft M.
Liberal quantity given to churches
when bought from P. N. Harley Hard
ware Company.
Lasting all SUMMER. By Special ar
rangements with The
Tho journal of Bunt., A forfeit of $5.00 wU! be made If a coarse of John.
om.torl.1 Pandora’, box Jut enough |
to reveal the italwart form of Hon.!
Hoke Smith. The Journal U evident- j
Ir lotting for aomebody—anybody—to |
bent Clark Howell.—Albany Herald.