Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, June 03, 1905, Image 1
WEEKLY EDITION OP THE HUaycross Evening IHerald. - OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS ANT WARE COUNTY VOLUME XXVII WAYCRO-S. GA. SATURDAY. JUNE 3, 1905. NUMBER 2 Czar Urged to Make Peace. German f^mperor Sends Autograph Letter to Russian Ruler. By Telegraph to The Herald. 8t- Petersburg. June 1.—kdvtces re ceived here from Bolin declare that Kaiser William yeaterday forwarded an urgent dispatch to the Ctar urg ing the Emperor be allowed to make peace with the Japanese. The mes sage was followed by a tong auto graph letter from the German ruler to the same effect, pointing out why Russia should give up the yrensent struggle. All the people of Russia, the flnan- clers throughout Europe and all the Russian ministers except the war and navy members of the imperial family, are clamoring for peace. The Csar, urged on all sides. Is wavering. SUBMARINES SQUADRON COM- WERE USED i MANDER KILLED By Telegraph to the Herald. By Telegraph to The Herald. London, Juno 1.—A Tokio dispatch 1 Toklo, Juno 1.—Voo Ikcraham, to the Dally Mat! says submarines commander of the battleship squad- were actually used In the great sea ron of the Russian fleet, It Is announc- flght and proved to be most effective cd today was killed on the first day of weapons of offense. The roar of the tho battle In the coping tower of his cannonade was so terrible that houses | flagship, tho battleship Oztabyn, one at Yamaghuchl, twenty miles from 0 f the vessels sunk by the Japanese, the scene of action, shivered. Tho people Imagined an earthquake was By Telegraph to The Herald, taking place. _ ! Toklo, May 31.—Admiral Yamamo- to, Minister of tho Navy, today sent CHANGED SHIPS | the following telegram to Togo: FIVE TIMES By Telegraph to The Herald. Toklo, June 1.—The Navy Depart ment gave out today the announce ment that Admiral Rojestvensky was hopelessly outclassed In gunnery. It was necessary for him to change bis flagship five times during the engage ment. Finally he took rofugo In a torpedo boat destroyer. St. Petersburg, May 31.—Tho catas trophe that has overtaken the Rus sian fleet has given tremendous Im petus to a demand upon the Emperor for the Immediate convocation of n national assembly. With one single exception, the press pours Indignation and wrath upon the Pureaucracy, which Is held responsible for all the misfortunes of the war. Only the Novostl and the Bourse Gasette de clare that peace should be concluded. Toklo. May 31.—Fighting off Vlad- Ivostock la reported this morning. The Japanese warship Kammlnure, Is reported to have engaged there with some fugitive Russian ships. Chicago, June L—Mrs. Kid McCoy said today that Kid could not marry Mrs. Ellis without committing big amy. She says, greatly to her regrets, she Is still his wife. By Telegraph to The Herald. Toklo, June 1.—Admiral Rojrat- rensky's wound In the forehead Is a slisbt ■ j er-fracture. His other wounds :.:e also slight Wonder what the Russians think of that yellow peril now? TI —ciiy’s second and third squadron, successfully overcoming the difficulties attending their voyage eastward,showed themselves no mean power, but your squadron. Intercept ing them In advance of their destina tion, put them In conruslon, and de stroyed and captured nearly their en tire fleet Your victory docs not end here. You captured the encmlo's Commander In Chief.” The dispatch ends with congratu lations, and says: “The Emperor de sires to personally thank Admiral Togo for having achieved such a great victory. It Is most gratifying to the national cause." New York, May 31.—Holland, tho Inventor of the submarine boat, while not admitting It In so many words. Intimates that he sold sevoral sub marines to tho Japanese. He says that It was the little submarines that did tho business In the great sea light He said that tho large cnes could do much mischief In capablo hands, but the little ones were capable of much more than the large ones. Mr. Hol land thinks that the Russians had too few submarines and did not know how to work them as well as the Japanese, who, he thinks, sre very cunning, and thoroughly efficient manipulators of the submarine war vessels. HOKE SMITH AT BLACKSHEAR By Telegraph to The Herald. Blackshear, Ga., May 31.—Hon. Hoke Smith, of Atlanta, delivered the closing address In the commencement exercises of the Presbyterian Insti tute yesterday. His theme was ‘'Christian Education." He was Intro duced by Hon. W. G. Brantley. exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. Mr. Nesbitt, of Savannah. The auditorium was filled with a large audience. Henry McQueen, of VI- dalia, Ga., was awarded the medal for being the best drilled cadet of the Presbyterian Institute. Captain Me- Elreath, of Waycross, and Captain Davis of Brunswick, were ti e Judge*. MUST PAY BACK MONEY KING VICTOR RECEIVED BACON By Telegraph to The Herald. Rome, May 3l\-KIng Victor Em manuel today received In private au dience Senator A. O. Bacon, of Geor gia, with whom he conversed most cordially, showing perfect V iowledso of American affairs. Tha king said a president of the United States enjoys more power than a king of Italy. By Telegraph, to The Herald. New York,?June 1.—Mr. Prick, in his report to the Equitable, demands the removal of Alexander Hyde. Tar- bell declares that every officer who participated in the syndicate deals must pay back the society money to stockholders. Condemns tho large salaries of Hyde And finds extrava gancy was In every department and millions used personally and to profit certain officers. Extravagant charges were made by Hyde and George T, Wilson for traveling expenses, the former putting In bills of forty thous and and later sixty thousand. Losses During Recent Battle. ANOTHER BOMB FOR ALFONSO Paris, Juno 1.—A second bomb has been found on the line of tho route KJng Alfonso took. Many arrests have been made in the circle of an archists in hopes of finding tho real culprit. UNDISMAYED BY ATTEMPT ON LIFE By Telegraph to Tho Herald. Paris, June 1.—King Alfonso today continued to enjoy the festivities, ap parently undismayed by the anarchist ic attempts on his life while on his way back wltb President Loubct- from tho Gain performance nt tho opera last night. Accompanlod by Presi dent Loubet, be went today to review the troops of the sixth army corps. Everywhere be received a tremen dous ovation. Last night’s outrage awakened a national sentiment of ef- fectlon and aympathy for the young Monarch. St. Petermburg. May 31.—Dispatch es from the front aajra that the news of Rojeitvenaky'a defeat has not been made known to the armlee In Man churia, and that the eotdiora are still —for a Russian naval victory. - ASK JOHN COX about -Fewer gallons; wsars looser." London, Msy 31.—The Toklo cor respondent to the Dally Mall, cablo- ing under date of May 30tb, says: “When tho Knlss Suvslott sank, Admiral Rojestvensky was transfer red to another vesael, but was captur ed off Funle today. He la said to be eeverely wounded In tbe arm. Ad mirals Nebogatoff and Valkersam are also prisoners of war. All tho ships of the Russian fleet are either cap tured or sunk.” Victoria, B. C., May 31.—Advices received hero via. the steamer Em press from Japan, Include Interview with the masters of the German col liers which had been supplying RoJ- estvensky's fleet with coal. The Ger mans say that only one or two Ru slan ships were there, and there waa such discipline aa would ba expected on man-of-war. The officers teemed In fine shape, bat tbe men were disin clined to work. Southern Real Estate Co. The Southern Real Estate Company now pleasantly and conveniently *-■ located In their splendid now quar- tcra on Pendleton street. They nre now In a position to handlo your real eatate In n satisfactory manner, and would like to talk with those who want to buy or sell. Judge R. Hitch, tho capablo manager of the company, haa had years of experience In tho real estate business and can bandlo property, cither town or coun try, to advantage. Col. John T. My ers, attorney for tho Southern Real Estate Co., also knows hts business and will bo pleased to havo .you call and seo him. Don't fall to consult the Southern Ron! Estate Compnny before making Investments. Aged Lady Passe, Away. Mr*. Sibyl Fisher Pennlman, aged 35 year* passed away at an oarly hour this morning. Interment will be made In Greenwodd cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y. Deceased waa tho mother of Messra. W. F. and E. A. Pennlman, and a lovable character. She was the daughter of tho late Hon. Wm Fisher, formerly of Flshorvlllo, CL In their bereavement her family has the sympathy of a wide circle of friends.—Brunswick Journal. Russia Loses 4,000 Killed and 7,000 To 9,000 Captured. Toklo, Juno 1.—A rough estimate ot the Russian losses during the sea battle of Japan exclusive, is placed at nearly .four thousand. Tho estimate of prisoners vary from Bcven to nine thousand. It Is feared that a majori ty of the men perished. Calculating the complements of the sunken and captured ships, at upwards of ten thousand men, seven thousand re main unaccounted for. It Is possible that the ships which escaped resecued some members 4 of the crews of tbo less fortunato ships. Many bodies have been washed ashore on tbo islands and shores of tho neighboring coasts, near the scene of tho battle. Tbo total Japanese casualties are un der eight hundred. Three damaged Russian vessels have drifted ashoro on the coast of tho provinco of Nag- atou. MAYBE CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR By Telegraph to Tho Herald. Moultrie, Ga., May 31.—Hon. Hoke Smith, who addressed an educational meeting hero today, refused to talk for the press relative to hla candidacy for governor, but whllo here ho waa In conversation with local politicians and with them left the Impression that hts candidacy la practically cer tain. TWO MORE YACHTS ARRYIE TORPEDO BOATS SINK CROISERS By Telegraph to The Herald. Nogafrflska, Juno 1.—It is rumore! that the h'lr.iiian armored cr t'. or Russia mwI GroiUilrl havo been s.ik by tho Japanese torpedo boata Fatr and Reulcedor. The crow of tho British steamer Oldhamla, Is at pres ent uncertain. They were aboard the Russian Imtlcshlp Orel, but It is sup posed wore afterward transfected to one of the transports. Lizard, Juno 1.—Yacht Thlstlo pass ed Lizard totlay, tho fourth of the ocean racers to finish. By Telegraph to The Herald. Falmouth, Juno I.—Yacht Flour Do Lis came in before wind this morning. Her sails were torn and mast bent and broken She was badly oat tore*) by the r ugh seas. All her tlfoleu:s were trashed. PERSONAL. From Thursday's Dally. Mrs. J. A. Mock and littlo daugh ter, Elizabeth Cecil, left yesterday for n visit to relatives and friends In Waycross.—Brunswick Journal. Houss Damaged by FI re. From Thursday’s Dally. Blare Thie Afternoon. Tbe explosion of a gasoline, stove In the pressing club of Ed Ballard on Pendleton street at 3:30 this afternoon called out the fire de partment and occasioned somo little excitement around Owena Block. The blase was easily extinguished by the fire department and the damage (a very email. Attempt made In Paris to assassin ate King Alfonso by exploding bomb. A8K YOUR MINISTER about “Fewer gallons; wean longer/ Just before 12 o'clock today tho fire department was called to a firo at Mrs. F. M. Gossett's on tho corner of Thomas and A. streets. The firemen soon extinguished tbo blaze, nnd only tho roof of the building was consum ed by tho fire. Mrs. Gasselt’s house hold effects were not damaged. The Insurance policy on tho house expired a few days ago, and Mrs. Oassett's loss will be ubout $150. From Thursday’s Dally. Mrs Thomas Hart died In Douglas yesterday and tho ~ remains were brought to Waycross and intered In Lott cemetery this morning. Tbe funeral sorvices occurred at the home of Mr. W. T. Brinson on Pendleton street, and were conducted by Rev. R. A. Brown, of tho Presbyterian church. Mrs. Hart was about 25 years old and bad been In declining health for some time. Mr*. Hart la survived by bar husband, who la a half-brother of Mrs. W. T. Brinson. Mrs. II. C. McFadden and mother Mrs. A. II. Walker, of Waycross will shortly arrive to spend some tlmo at Hotel Cumberland.—Brunswick Jour nal. Mayor J. A. Jones nnd Mr. J. M. Bwlcord returned last night from Tampa. Misa Elizabeth Marlow has return ed from a visit to Wilmington, N. C., and Is stopping with her brother at Mrs. Bwlcord’s on Jnno street. Judgo Sweat left this morning for a short visit to Amerious. Mrs. O. C. Furlong and children arrived yesterday from Savannah on a visit to relatives and friends. Mr. Will J. McGee, master mechan ic for the Atlantic Coast Line at Mont gomery, spent today in tho city with relatives. Will McGee has many friends In Waycross who are always pleased to see him. Mrs. W. A. Poale left yesterday for a month’s visit to relatives In Ameri cas. Surely Dan T. Cowart, the soda wa ter manufacturer. Is one of the clev erest fellows that “ever came down the pike.” By hla generosity and «un- Ws- is H - - WBKm . ■