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It is only a matter of time when
the factories In New England will be
forced to close their doors and go out
of business or move their plants to
some Southern state. They cannot
compete with the Southern mill so
far away from the cotton fields.
The delicious flavor of the soda
water of the Waycross Bottling Works
Is noticeable, especially when com
pared with other products. Tele
phone No. 165 and bare a case left
at your home. tf.
Repairing Furniture of All Kinds.
Upholstering neatly done. Blinds
repaired and all kinds of light carpen
ter work, such as can be done at the
shop. Saws filed and put in order.
Prices reasonable as can be for first
class work. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Shop on Jane street, near Herald of
fice. J. I. WAITE.
s «
film 0 73
» o
I ill 3 - i
If You are Going Fishing,
Or on an excursion, or off for the
summer, or If you are not going, get
your Accident Policy, or your Acci
dent and Health Policy, From W. C.
Harvard In the
Maiylard Casualty Co., of Baltimore,
First class In every particular,
W C. HARVARD, Agent,
5-2G-12t Waycross, Ga.
Dog Notice.
The dog license for the city of Way-
cross Is now due. Pay up and get
your badge.
J. W. Strickland,
tf. Clerk.
I will sell coal June and July t at
|6.00 delivered In ton lots. After
that time, the price will bo $6.50.
W. W. Ansley.
Is an Old Lint Life Insurance Com
Its Policies give Cash, Paid-up, Loan
and Extension Values. Its Policies
imy Annual Dlviuends to roduco pre
miums. When paid up, policyholder
gets income from company annunlly
for life.
Policies Guaranteed by Stato Do-
posit—Comptroller General Wright
says, deposit law very best guarantee
that policies will be paid at maturity.
DEPOSIT $2,700,000,00.
Increased annunlly. Policy gives An
nuity Option which provides life time
support to wife and children. Insure
with State life Insurance Co. and
get guarantee.
V. L. 8TANTON, Manager,..
Waycross. Ga.
Low Excursion Rates via. Southern
ASHEVILLE, N. C.—Annual Confer
ence Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A..
Juno 0-25, 1905. Rato ONE FARE
plus 25 cents for round trip. Tick
ets on salo June 8, 10, 15 and 17,
with final limit June 28, 1905.
sembly Southern Presbyterian
Church, May 18-26, 1905. Rate ONE
FARE plus $2.00 for round trip.
Tickets on sale May 15. 16 and 17,
final limit May 31. 1905.
TORONTO, ONT.—International Sun
day School Association, Juno20-27,
1906. Rate ONE FARE plus 50
centH for round trip. Tickets on
sale June 19. 20, 22, 23, limited to
luuo 30, 1905.
HOT SPRINGS, VA.—Southern Hard
ware Jobbers* Association. Juno 6-
9. 1905. Rato ONE FARE plus 25
cents round trip. Tickets on salo
Juno 3, 4 and 5, limited to Juno 13,
1905, with privilege of extension to
July 15. 1905.
For detailed Information addresa
any agent Southern Railway, or
Urooks Morgan. Assistant General
Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. „
The best possible coating for apart
ment interiors of any kind.
Send for color card, showing all
P. N. liarlcy Hardware Co
W. A. Mortimer A Co
ancestor, to R. O. Moor, & Co.
Livery, Feed
And .Sale Stables.
rino Teams and Prompt Service Day
or Night Your Patronage Sd!e!ted.
W. A. Mortimer & Co.
'Phono No. M. Alice Street
Near Canal.
fediaa Emma Cole Says that Lydia ■
Plnkham’s Vegetable Compound baa
Saved Her Life and lfada Bor Well
How many lives of beautiful young
girls have been sacrificed lust as they
were ripening into womanhood I How
many irregularities or displacements
have been developed at thin important
period, resulting in yeara of suLerlng t
often puzzle their mothers and baffle
physicians, because they withhold their
confidence at this critical period.
A mother should come to her child's
aid and remember that Lydia E. J’ink-
ham's Vegetable Compound will at this
time prepare the system for the coming
change and start the menstrual period
in a young girl's life without pain or
Miss EmmaColeof Tullahotna, Tenn.,
Dear Mrs. Pink ham:— , *
“ I want to tall you that I am enjoying bet
ter health than I have for years, and I owe
I tall to Lydia B. PInkhanTs Vegetable Com
years 1 had soreness and pain in my sme.
headaches and was dizxy and nervous, and
doctors all failed to help me.
*' Lydia K. Pinkharo'e Vegetable Compound
was recommended, and after taking it my
health began to Improve rapidly, and I think
it saved my Ufa I sincerely hope my experi
ence wiU be a help toother girls who are pass
ing from girlhood to womanhood, for I know
your Compound will do as much for thorn."
If you know of any young girl who la
aick and needs motherly advice ask her
to write Mrs. l'inkham, Lynn, Mann.,
and she will receive free advice which
will put heron the right road toastrong.
healthy and happy womanhood.
Now They Don’t Speak.
Edyth: "You had better look out
for a proposal from Percy Feather
Mayme: "Why, has he said any
thing to Indicate his preference for
Edyth: "Oh no; but he proposed
to me last night, and when I refused
him he threatened to do something
desperate."—Columbus Dispatch.
The Real Thing.
"Then your husband won’t give up
his club?*’ queried the friend.
"No." replied the patient young
wife, "and I don't propose to give up
"The idea! I didn't know you had
"Neither does fie. but the next time
he comes home late from his I'll bo on
hund with mine."—Philadelphia Preae.
No Cause for Worry.
Clnrn—What do you think of Stella'e
Maude—Why, what did she do?
Clara—She eloped with her father's
coachman last night.
Maude—Well, her future is assured.
Clnrn—In what way?
Maude—He has a stable income.
Handsome Higglnaon—Wulkin's said
ter be good fur a feller, but me brud-
d*T BUI didn’t find It so.
Empty Edwards— How’s dat?
Handsome Hlgginson Why, he
walked in front of an automobile an’
now he’s in do hospital.
Made a Slight Mistake.
"Mr. Deeply," said the hostess,
"won't you oblige us with one more
“Oh. really," replied the eminent
basso, "the hour Is so late I’m afraid
my singing will ^disturb the neigh-
"Never mind that. They're got a
dog whose howling disturbs us
night, too.”—Philadelphia Press.
Ready for a Chang*.
Smith—I’m afraid it will be useless
to ask Homer to Join our club.
Jones—W by do you think so?
8mlth—He's a married man.
Jones—Oh, that's ail right; ha haa
been married more than six montka.
Foretells Happier Days.
While the baggageman at the Kan
sas City Union depot waa in the net
of throwing n trunk the ether day It
"They are very peculiar people next
door, said the woman witn tue > x-
pansive society smile. "I am bure
that I have done all 1 could to be
neighborly ever since they took the
house—let me see—two yens ago It
is now, nearly. I called on them in
the first place, although I really don't
believe in being too Intimate with
people Just because they happen to
rent a bouse next door to one; but
In this case Mrs. Glenwood spoke to
me about them. 8he said they were
really very nice people and so I
‘‘They are very nice people in
some respect*—at least Mrs Parks Is
—but very peculiar, my dear. An 1
say, I did my beat to be nice to them
and when they were In their moving
muddle I told them if there was any
thing that I could do for them to be
sure and let me know. Well, they
didn't happen to want anything. 1 sup
pose, for they didn’t ray so then, but
less than three weeks after that Mr.
Parks came to the door and wanted
to borrow my step ladder. You know
I always keep my step ladder down In
the basement and It waa quite a lot
of trouble to go down and get it, but
Mr. Peabody happened to be at home
and he brought It up and gave it to
Mr. Parks. I don’t mind saying that
I waa annoyed, but I am sure that I
didn’t show 1L And, my dear, they
kept that ladder over a day before
they brought K back and then there
waa a speck of whitewash on it that I
am sure wasn’t there when I lent it
to them. Pm sure I would have no
ticed if there had been. Mr. Pea
body always tells me 1 am so partic
ular about my things, but good grac
ious! If people didn’t take cere of
things they never would have things,
would they?
''Then there was the lawn mower.
I was out mowing the lawn one morn
ing. You know Mr. Peabody Isn’t
home once a month hardly and I have
to mow it myself or else get a man to
do it and that is so expensive, you
know. And then men are careless with
things Well. Mr. Parks was sitting
on his front steps and he volunteered
to do it for me. ‘I need the exercise,
anyway,’ he said. But do you know,
as soon as he got through with my
lawn ho wheeled the mover across tho
walk and mowed his own, Just as
coolly! And as if that wasn’t enough,
ho took it on to the Wespers’, next
door to him and mowed theirs. ’May
as well trim up the neighborhood
while we are about it.’ he said, laugh
ing as if it was a good Joke. Of course
the lawns aren’t large, but Just think!
"And then I recommended a laun
dress to them and went in to give
them her address, and one time when
they were out I let tne express people
leave a package for them and took it
in to them myself. I assured them
that It wasn’t any trouble—and it re
ally wasn’t so very much, you know—
only it might occur too often.
"But it was about the telephone I
was going to tell you. They didn’t
have a telephone put in. Mr. Parks
said he didn’t care to have one until
he made up his mind whether he want
ed to take the house for a year, and I
told thorn, of course, that they were
very welcome to use mine at any
time. They said !t was very kind of
me, and so It was, I think, but I didn't
think they would be making a public
convenience of my house. They came
in—oh. several times. They always
apologized, bur that didn’t make It
any more convenient for me to be an
swering.the door and letting them in
and letting them out again. Once or
twice I waa clear up to the top of
the house and had to go clear down
stairs. I was always Just as pleasant
as could be. but 1 think they under
stood that I didn't care much about It,
and they stopped coming until Mrs.
Parks’ illness and then Mr. Parks be
gan coming again—to call the doctor.
It seemed to me, though, that he
needn’t have always left U until It be
came an emergency. Of course. In a
case of sickness I wouldn't think of
refusing anybody and I like to be
neighborly. But aren’t people pecu
liar sometimes?
"Well, thank goodness, they had
about stopped bothering me until last
week, when there came a ring at the
'phone and somebody said: "Is this
Mrs. Peabody?’ I said ’Yes.’ and then
the woman—it was a woman—said:
Tm very sorry to trouble you. but
could you get Mrs. and Mr. Parks
to the '’phone. It’e something very
"I thought that was about the limit
I said: "No, I don't see how 1 can.
I’m very busy and I would hive to
drees and—no, I'm sorry, but I can’t
do It.’
”’Oh, very well; excuse me for
troubling you.* ehe said in a sarcastic
voice and the receiver was shot off.
’Now.'would you believe R? After
all the pains I’ve been to to be nice
to them those people are just is cool
as can be since then. I suppose they
are offended, but I don’t know what
they could have expected me to do."—
Chicago News.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought* and which has been
In use for over 30 yean* has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy*
Allow no one to deceive you In this*
All Counterfeits* Imitations and " Just-os-good M are but
Ex]>criracnts that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment*
Castoria is n harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare*
gorir, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotlo
Mthstuticc. Its ngo Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nn<l allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flntulcncy. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and llovvcis, giving healthy and natural sleep,
Tho Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
Bears the Signature of
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Like; Finding Diamonds
it is to get bold of certain parcels
ot real estate, hang on to them (or a
year or two and sell at great profit.
The world is not going
to come to an end just
yet, and we can show
you lots of chance, for
Sound Investments in city and coun.
try property—the bare lots or inv^
proved with bouses, etc. A viJ f
here soon may put you in the way
of making money before long.
D. & O. LOTT.
Gives rest to the stomach. Cures indigestion, dyspepsia, tour stomach,
tired stomach, weak stomach, windy stomaeh, puffed stomach, nervous
stomach and catarrh of the stomach. A guaranteed cure.
PBtMwil MUaL
I srsucrsf X.C J)»X
Wisdom Suggests
Fire Insurance
Flames have no mercy
Britt ah Army Temperance.
Thera are now 21,171 total abstain*
an la tha army la England aid 24,-
040 la India, which, with the honor
ary members, give • total ot 57404—
■aariy a Quarter at the total strength
of the army. About onethird ot the
recruits sign the pledge eoon after
Call st mv »flat* and pet Mr. VV. C. Harvard to write a
policy < a yeti' p’ipfrtj, your merchandise. store, dwelling
or household furniture
The vptv st-oneest companies represented.
Telephone No. 266. L. JobtlSOfl.
They say money
docs not make people happy
m T7 a box of
We Give Away U
Another 5 lb. Box
On June 10th,
At 5:30 p. m.
Seals Pharmacy
N. B.
Don’t fail to hear our
Electric Piano.