Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, June 16, 1906, Image 1

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WKFKI V EDITION OF THE KCClapcross evening iHerald. OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCR08S AMD WARE COUNTY. VOLUME XXVII. 'in fri m) 1 . • WAYCROSS, GA„ SATURDAY. JUNE 16. 1906. NUMBER 5T Of The Panama Canal Zone. p,, “ d * w ‘ , r A ' i terday—Funeral Ana Candidates for I change madi in bri<q2j^ tor f iW .^ Harry D. Peed Talks i “jf i'lfoct i) , <1.1. The Nominatin '"*™'*" ****•"'"• ~ * Urge Or* ,t the | M I ,n ' *’ I H m.w.irt -' 8T r I Heruld ha. been kio.lly furnleh fta.hiDetco, June H.—Pe-*Men(la! The brick yard at Wa>ne»vllle, own ed with (be fotlowtnc intereatlng ootee Ike Ixtbniua for *lx mouth* politics frequently is dlscuased, in an : 0,1 , y J A M " n, * onl ' r >'> 18 ,a b, ‘ maJe informal way. at meeting* of the Cab-'° m ' " ,he large “ B ln <:,iB inet. Several members of President! h 1 "' 1 of ,be 8,a "‘- N>w '• a r , ' al b " 8 Roosevelt s ofllclnl family have beenl bwn lnv, ' , ‘"'' 1 n ‘' w nu ’'“' rn ma<,b,n - MRS. J. G. SE; SOU'S DEAD. President's Uncle Dies At Age 7a At Americut. 1'eleg. to tb'iierald. tithed about as candidates for the Presidency and the other members of the Cabinet have a lot of sport those who hove been singled out in this favorable way by their country men. Wlille Secretary of State Root and Postmaster General Cortelyou have been mentioned as Presidential candi dates, the members of the Cabinet principally talked of in connection with the Republican nomination are Secretory Shaw, of the Treasury, and Secretary Taft, of the War Depart ment. A little while ago. Secretary Taft went ,0 Atlantic City to deliver I croM - w '" b0 Mr. Mont an address before some association I goaeT * rnmln "'' 8 ,0 nwn ,be j fly of the stock. I During the past few months an en- I ery installed and hereafter the ma chine* wil be kept constantly busy and *he great demand on this yard for bsick will be supplied. A stock company has bei n organ ized during the past jew Jays which will Invest a large sum in the Indus try. Those in the company arc W. A. I Price and J. R. Whitman, of Way- cross rnJ G. R. Krnnss, of this city. Under the new arnngement Mr. I Montgomery will continue to manage the plant which will hereafter be known as the Wayne County Brick Company, J. R. Whitman, of Way- in regatd to the Panama Canal, by Mr. Harry Day Reed. Executive* a**c- cretary Government t A the Canal Zone. Mr. Reed eft Panama a month thinks tlit r New York. .tunc 14.—Robert Bi msevcjt, uncle of the President, him* • self a prominent figure In national pol itics died four o'clock this morning IO many In Waycrc. a* she wu, well! ; " kl “ h< ’"' e L,ko °« r 8 “’' known and much beloved w. «~! v,lle - l8,aa "- H « *»• ' uu j Mrs. J. G. ScsNoms died yesterday 'I i after a short illness with typhoid 1 Gorgas.. the Chief Sanitary offl-j feVl . r at hrr bODle Jn AnfJll , ugJjlt AIa Is no danger of an- The pews of her death brings sorrow l uh title of that disease. Mai-! s also been greatly reduced.! since and It now spending a vacation ( With the Improvement of health eon- f„ re „,„ rrl „ CP , Mrs Sessnms wu Miss wiih his parents In ibis city. Harry, ditions. and the providing of comfort- M ary Weston .tnd made her home fr went down wltn the first offlelal party, sole quartern, many American cm- this city and wan married to Mr. Ses and has spent three years In the canal. ployees are now taking their futilities ion , B horr Her father. Rev .1 W He occupies a responsible and *o the Isthmus, and social conditions Weston, was presiding Elder of the | years of age but has been In failing I health since last winter. Unlike hit I nephew he was a staunch democrat in session there. One of the speakers of the evening referred In highly eulog istic terms to Secretary Taft and nom inated him for the Presidency, ex tire set of new machinery *.ias been Installed In the plant. It is the very pressed hi. conviction that be would la,< “" ln ,h " wav °* brl< * raachlnery ■weep the country. The Secretary re marked to the gentleman sitting next to him at the banquet table that he thought the speaker was drawing his Presidential ambitions in pretty strong terms. “Oh, that’s all right,” responded his neighbor. ‘We nominate distinguished man who comes here for the Presidency.” Secretary Taft told the story at a Cabinet meeting a few days later. After be had concluded. Secretary Shaw remarked that he had had a sim ilar experience at Atlantic City. "AnJ Taft’a experience and my own,’ continued Mr. 8haw, “reminds me of a alory. A little while ago a roan of the name .of Isaacs was a candidate for alderman in Chicago. He called bn hla fritehd Solomon, one day. a. J asked for his support and, incidental ly, requested him to use his Jnfluenoe particularly with a ward leader named Brown. Solomon said he would call tip Brown on the telephone light away Getting Brown on the 'phone, he said: " 'I want you to Jo anything you can for my friend, Isaacs, who is a candidate for alderman in your ward. He la a very fine man and would be satisfactory to all and has their interest at heart.' “Isaacs thought that was a great recommendation gnd, thanking ihia friend Solomon, left much elated. "After be had gone, Solomon cal led Brown again, when he spoke to him aa follow*: •• ’I spoke to you awhile ago about that infernal scoundrel, Isaacs, who Is a candidate for alderman. Just forget what I told you. He Is no good, at all, and hasn't strength enough before the people of the ward to get it out of the wet. He would be a horrible misfit in that office.’ "A day or two later, a friend met Solomon on the street and remarked: •That was a mighty funny story I beard about your recommendation of Isaacs. When you cilled up Brown the first time you gave Isaacs a great send^fT; and about twenty minute* later you called him names and said he was no good at all. How about that?' Well und can turn out 40,000 to 50,000 bricks daily. The Wayne County Brick Company will cater mostly to important position fith the comrnls- -oe more agreeable than they I Mon and is thoroughly conversant ■ been at any time in the past. Among with the state of affairs on the lath-j the employees and the members o| mus. Hurry's friends in Wayeross their families there have been organlz are very much pleased with his pre- «d social clubs, athletic clubs, for ferment and the nigh stand he has baseball and other outdoor sports, and taken. This is n report of bln inter-! seven I mus lea I organizations, lnelud view: | ing two brass bands. Iu Panama The past year has been one of .there is a Y. M. C. A., nnd t.ie Cat hoi great progress on the Isthtnup. The'ic Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist preliminary work Is largely completed, | und Episcopal churches have repres- ind actual work on the canal is ai- rntative the Isthmus. ready under way. The most import- j ant woik of preparation has been, of course, the work of sanitation. Be- ! tween 2,500 and 3 000 men have been . engag*d on that work, fumigating and cleaning bouses, draining swamps, * of cleaning yards and streets, etc., und si During the past two years the Gov- rniuent of the Can.il Zone has dev*d- I into what a well-know.) magazine rlter recently described us a”State ith ail the machinery and equipment | i Wayeross district for some time. j R‘*v. and Mrs. Weston were at the bedside of their daughter when end came. Mrs. Sessoms leaves a husband and two small children. The funeral nnd interment will occur at American old home of Mrs. Seshomb’ moti Convicts to Commsnd Big Prices. Atlanta, June 13.—Judge J. S. Ttir- or, chairman of the Sjtale Prison Commission, in discussing I lie value of convict labor, said today. “The contracts now in existence lie- bon., civilization a lapted to] „ jp S|al „ (i ,. wfla unge ; ©da." men wlm i To Select Chairman and Secretary By irking the felony eon- the Florida trade and already hs , i more than 2,«0« men are ,11.1 engaged | There I. a complete Judicial ayalent. I v|rtt „ plrc Apr „ ,. , 909 . order* on hand for many thou.and j on 11 11 »'■' b " n. ee*»ary to keep a j eoattletlng of municipal and circuit the 8tatc conc , ude , l0 dl ,p, )W 'urge *anltary force at work all th, r courts and a aupren.e court, police. j 0( |hc 1>||0r „ f „ mvlcU j „ time. Under Chief Engineer Steven, Internal revenue and cualom* depart- j fh , Mme maBnl . r , , „„ , h „ opinion I, u ,„. Kat( '. Panama a city of 25.000 people, has nieuirf, a postal dcpuUnu nt 1 brick. That the industry will prov to be one of the largest In this sec tion there can be no doubt. There is a great demand for brick now in all sections and with an unlimited amount of clay the Wayne county company will be able to operate on full time constantly. Cant Move Convicts, Atlanta. June 13.—Judge Pendleton today rendered his decision In the in junction suit brought by the Georgia Km and Coal Company agalnnt the State Prison Commission and Hamby & Toomer, lessees of a large number of convicts from the state. The suit was brought to prevent the removal of fifty convicts originally leased by Hambey t Toomer. from the mines of the Georgia Iron and Coal Company ln Dade to Wdre "county. The plain tiff company claims the right to the labor of these convicts under a sub contract. Judge Pendleton refused to grant the Injunction as against the Prison Commission, but granted a permanent injunction preventing Hamby £ Toomer from removing the convicts. The matter will go to the Supreme Court for final determination. I that th been provided with modern sewer anJ j twenty post offices, a public school at Jh<? water systems, and the streets have j system with twenty schools uow and been paved with vitrified brick. Work ( thirty five organised lo open in the of the same character is under way . fail, and a wonderful health depart- at Colon, but the problem there is a nent. For the purposes of local gov- more serious one, a* that city iu built. eminent, the Zone is divided into five on a low, swampy islund, while .Pan- ( nmniclp.il districts, which have now uma is on a hill sloping in three direc- J under way public improvements. In tions lo the bay. However, before the the shape of new building*, roads, beginning of the next dry season, in, Street*, public lighting, etc., agri-gut- January of next year, Colon will be Ing $100,000 in cost. Under Oov* r- raised, the swamps drained, the streets j nor Magoon the Government of Hie macadamized, and modern water and;Zone bus become an object lesson in sewer systems installed. Many place* 1 public a {ministration, between Panama and Colon on the When 1 left the Isthmus the latter line of the canal have alreaJy been part of Muy Mr. Stevens had fifteen provided with water and sewers, and]steam shovels at work on Ihe Canal of the camps and villages where employees are stationed will be so provided. OIJ French houses have been re paired and new houaes built, so that there are now quarters for nearly 30,000 men including those working and four at work double tracking the Panama Railroad. The monthly ex cavation Is now between three and four hundred thousand cubic yurds. Within a few months it will be Increased to u million cubic yard per month. Canal Interest is centered for the Panama Railroad. There are just now in the question of the type of amide accommodations for all labor-1 canal, and It Ik hoped by all who are ers, and within three or four months, I connected with the work that a do able bodied men will bring, ery lowest figure, $30 a month. “In April, 1!»04, when the convicts labor of the State was disposed of, we thought $250 a year for the men was n magnificent price, but now these men, under a system of suit-contract ing for their labor, are bringing I DO a head by th" year. "In my opinion th*ic will be a much greater demand for convict labor for road work at the expiration of the exlstivg contracts, than there was at the time that these contracts went In to effect, or is today, and If the labor of filiO more convicts Is withdrawn from the market, for use on the public roads, there will be such a strong de mand for the remaining 1,000 convicts that they will bring n big price. The scarcity of labor is the cause of these high prices for convicts." gr.’ph to the Herald. Savannah. Ga, June 14 —The newt r elected Demociatle Executive Commit tee will hold a meeting this after noon for the pur|H)sc of organization They will select a chairman and a eecretary Mr. H. R. Wilson was made- chairman of the committee nod A. P. Wright, vice-chairman, nnd John E Schwm/., secretary. The retiring chairman of the com mit fee Mr. A A faiwreneo has been at the head of the party of Chatlwuri for several years. He was elected: by.- a commiltec chosen In n contest Just the present committee was. The new committee is a very im portant factor in the coming guber^ nalorlal primary * on August 22nd i-b speculation jih to what latlve to the selecting of the gubernatorial prim- iry. Col. .1 II Rsllll’s friends are confident of carrying the county amt lending a full delegation to Atlanta. Dr. J. H. Connor At Homs. comfortable and adequate quarters ill be provided outside of the cities tor all American employees, some of ot whom are now living in rented quarters in Panama. Most of the white omployees and many of the laboreis are fed at hotels and kitchens Mrs. M. H. Connor and son. Dr. J operated by the Canal Commission. James H. Connor, arrived home this! and arrangements are now being made morning from Evansville, Ind. Dr. Connor stood the trip well. He has almost entirely recovered from the accident that befell hTm in Evansville, an acount of which was published In the Herald, and will soon be ready to resume the practice of dentistry. Dr. Connor i* being warmly greeted by his frit n Is. to feed all th* laborers. It Is hoped by providing them with better food than they buy for themselves, to raise dhe st ndard of efficiency among th* laborers. The feeding of this army ot 30,000 men will be a great under taking. cirtinn will be reached at an early date. The Chief Engineer, the major ity of the members of the Commission, the Secretary of War and the Pres ident have nil recommendcJ a lock canal. The majority of the Senate Committee have reported In favor of a *ea level canal, and the report is now pending in the Senate. The Southern states are vitally interested in the construction of the csn^l. and It mea is much to them whether the canal In available for the transporta tion of their products within seven years from now or within from fifteen to twenty-five years. The six-months-old infant of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Holt died this morning about 1 o'clock at their home near ou my <!<-ar frl»nii.' i the <yrup station. The remain* will replle-1 Solomon, ‘the first time I eal-1 he earrle.l to Jeeup tonight for Inter- led up Brown, I*aacs w»* there. See? ment. Iiaaca w,a there!” I ———~ j The City Court adjourned yeater- — ■ — ■■ ‘ j,jr afternoon for the term. The The blnckberrlet hold, a Tery e»,e» af»!n»t Meaara. Ben. end J. B. humble poaltlon la th# category of jone*. charged with aelllng Intoilcat fruita hut It la a great bleeein* to thla log drtnke, were called. Both were Motion and helpt to tide orer what tried on the charge# preferred agalnat Otherwise would he many n neant them, and the jury In ntcb ca*e return ed n verdict of not guilty. Correspondents Wanted, THE HERALD WANTS A CORRE SPONDENT IN EVERY TOWN AND VILLAGE IN SOUTH GEORGIA. IF YOU CAN GIVE US THE NEWS OF YOUR HOME TOWN, PLEASE WRITE US FOR 8TAMP8 AND STATIONERY. jm^ThE HERALD, Wayeross. Ga. Attending University Commencement, By Telegraph to Ihe Herald. Savannah, Ga., June 14.—Judge Sarnue; B. Adams left last night for Athens fo attend the c*/nmniencernent ! exercises ot the Slate University. It Is hoped in Sav -nnah that at the meet- J Ing of the Board of Trustees of the) University that Col P. W. Meldrlm j will be elected Chancellor. Co) Mel drlm has Just rented hi* handsome home in Savannah. This Ik one the cities historic spot* on Bui! ati It was the headquarters of Gen. SI man when he captured Savannah. DANCE TUE8DAY NIGHT. Pleasant Affair at Old Elks Hall. Many Young People Present. Several young men of the city en tertained their lady friends at a danco at the old Elks' hall Tuesday night. De lightful music was one of the features of the occasion. Those present worn Mrs. I. A. Nlcholls, Mrs. Robert Bran ham, Misses Mary Young, l*ivinla Young, Annie May Phelan, Mamie Turbeville, Jimmie Ketterer, Francis Ketterer, Anna Bell McGee, Virginia Lyon, Fiorrle Farr, Allle Stokes, Eu genia Bowden; Mesa. Walter Youurf. William Nlcholl*, I. A. Suggs, Jac* Phelan, M. II. Catherwood, R. C. Craw- ley, Arthur Knight, Fred Murphy. C. B. Watt, Win. Tucker, Jack William*. George Mayo. Important Meeting. By Telegraph to the Herald Sivannah, Ga., June 14.—There was a very Important meeting of the Board of Managers of the Port Society last night. The Chaplain Rev. Win Iver son has given notice that he is to leave and the meeting last night was to look about for a successor. Rev Johln Swain, once a sailor before the mast but now an a**Jstapt lo Rev. Morgan of Grace Methodist church will probably be chosen In Mr. Tver son s stead. Mr. Swain met the mem bers of the board last night and they talked over the,jailer In such a apir it aa would indicate that ht may be- Delightful For Th# Homo. The Waycroa Bottling Works ana now putting up a combination of drinks which will no doubt b© popular In the Wayeross homes tht» summer. Mr. O'Hagan s famoaa. ''American Beauty" Ginger Ale which, in known to Jovers of this Jcltgftrfti# diink » s equal to any of the Imported, is now put up in pint bottles. Besides the "Amirisan Beauty” the Waycrosa Bottling Work’* home combination In cludes Cream Soda, Sarsaparilla nna Strawberry, all delightful drinks for borne use. with an unusual d?llcloua flavor. A full case of any of the abov# flavors wJJI be delivered at any homo in the city for $1.00, and parties Jo- siring a case will ptease telephone tho Waycrosa Bottling Work*, ‘phone Na 1€5 or 531. It would appear that a ''yardstick* for measuring democrat* we hear so much about from the Macon Telegraph it that paper’s own Big Stick.—Quit- man Free Pres*. No matter whose stick it lo sinew It gives correct measurements aa<l that’s what The Telegraph la doln* t'ofloc warm June days — Hawkinavlllsj