Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, July 07, 1906, Image 5

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All persons sending: us in 25 cents in CASH or STAMS during the month of July will receive THE WEEKLY HEKZLD ..... ' • FOR FULL 12 MONTHS. 1 This offer will not be continued after July 31st. DON’T FORGET The Weekly Herald, ONE YEAR, 25 CENTS. f t odist church In Detroit If to hare Wife. Bjlstol, V*.. July 2—As a train wss pulling out from the union passenger station in this city at 1 o'clock this •.fi'rnoon lies ring Mrs. NIU Orr, wife if John .W. Orr, of Bristol, an: Georg-; 8. Jones, who were about to elope, the husband appeared op the sipehe spd •.vIt».*Sftdly.:alm ilstlberately shot Jones In the heck three times, all the lots taking effect.and from which > lied some houry later. Tap tragedy created a sensation And was directly due to the alleged Ml ■"^hfWoeeur to-fcse- rsasoalnf «masy betw-n Jones and me p. R rough the power of prayer a new Killed Th. Man Eloping With his odist Church In Detroit Is to hare a $7,000 organ. Some time ago the pastor, Rer. Mr. Allen, prayed for the organ, and- a few day* afo announced that he had recelred the money need ed. No eubacrlptlona had been taken up and no special collection* made -since Mr. Allen prayed for'the organ, iao the member* of the congregation were taken by surprise when he said he bad the moner. He didn’t tell how ’It came to him, except - that It wafts answer totteprayer;—Newsl voter* of Georgia, who are sapporttag Hoke Smith on hla dlsranchlaemenf Issue, that whle the older generation of negroes may be debarred from vot ing by having a big unpaid tax at- sessment piled up against them, that the younger generation of blacks, and -who are becoming of age every year, and are educated at the expense of the white people, will not have any taxes to pay, and no law we can frame ■will keep them from voting? Hoke Smith's plan tor disfranchising the negroes Is a miserable and temporary make shift, by which we try and dodge an Issue that our children and grand- children must confront and cannot evade—Southern Field. young wife of Orr. Clean From Pasture to Can. Washington, July 3.—By direction of the President, Secretary .Wilson today Issued a, statement saying that Amer ican live stock are the healthiest'In the world and that the supervision and Inspection provided by the legislation which has Just become effective wtll be extended from the pasture to the package, '' ; “The Federal stamp upon the can,." says tb^stgtement, "will be gums tee not poly', of^thf. heaUhitulness ;of the -animal, hut that th* product was pre pared In sanitary suroundings end with the addition of no deleterious chemical or preservaot meat food pro duct : bet ring the. government stamp will bo lit for food." The only mishap reportel on Tybe* beach yesterday was the loss of a stocking by one of the lady bather*. Shall ATLANTA con tinue to name our Gover nor for all time? , Wm. J. Bryan’s wealth Is placed at $181,325—showing that the president ial candidate business Is prolltabe.— Ex. 0 Guy W. Gray, of thta city was registered In. Valdosta yesterday. Cotten. Has Cons to Crass In OVCrgls.- Atlanta, July {.—"Cotton crops of Georgia are in a won* condition than t have ever known," said Commls sloner of Agriculture Hudson thl* morning. He says that this Is caused by the rains which'have occurrod In I all sections of the state and the great quantity of grass. Assistant Commissioner Wright, In discussing the dilemma, said! "My father tells me that In all his long life as a farmer he has never seen such conditions and poor prospects.” rteso reports came from all sections of the state. Poor prospects may have a tendency to give cotton prices a sprint upward. The Herald Is wide open for com- unlcatlons of moderate length on elec tric light anJ bond question. We hope however, no one In future will refer to those citizens of Waycross who are making an honest light for the muni cipal control of electric lights In Waycross as "Silly, Billy Children." Rachel Coppell, a white woman, Is confined In the county Jail on a charge of larceny from the person. Th* prisoner Is a slater of lfary Cop pell, who committed sutckt* several day* ago. If Hoke Smith-is elect ed Governor who will really control the affairs of the State? Will It not be Tom Watson? If J. W. Strickland, our present ef ficient Clerk of Council, Is not able, with some slight assistance and a little more pay to attend to the once business of the water works and elec tric light plant for Waycross, we would no longer claim Un with him. Dr. W. H. Buchanan, Ware’s re presentative’ Ip the Legislature, came home Tuesday night and spent yeater- day with his family. He returned to Atlanta last night. Mr. W. H. Pollard, the well known mall carrier, Is off on a vacation to his old home In Virginia. He will be gone far severs) weeks and Mr. V. D. Wilkins I* tilling hla place as mail carrier. Card From Qso. W. Dssn. Editors Herald: I am sure l have the Interest of Waycross ’at heart and I shall vote bf bonds; HOfw • any-; one can-look at the crowded* condition of opr public achotf and |our streets spd sidewalks alipost Impassable In many places, and so many people suffering With Sickness for *tpt of city water an d'sewerage, I can’t understand bow any. progressive wldna-wake citizen naijapijrieil the hood Issue, other !le- euot should not be Injected In this election to confuse dad defeat It; I hare advocated la the’ past and do jyet the municipal ownership of Its fran chises and It certainly will not be' long until Waycross wilt be operating Urn electric light plant t hope all will turn out Saturday and vote for btfllJs. - 0. W. DBEN. Among the visitors In the city who are Inspecting the good roads machin ery on ezhlbltlon here, are J. W, Hin son, of Braxton, and J. C. Vaughn, of Thotnssvllle. For forty yean Atlan ta has named Georgia’s Governor. Mr. John Lynn, h wall known farm er of the Bolen section, who l»s been alck for some time, was able to be In the elty today, Dr, W. M. Taylor and Mr. Charlie Cason are spending today In Savannah. in your county does the negro help to elect your city, or your county or your state officers? NO! Is he not already absolutely disfranchised? Mrs. B. B. Whittington tad Chil dren left today for 'Dublin, Os., to visit her parents, Rer. and Mr*. & H. McGehee. Judge J. F. Slope, of.the county of Grady wm* in the city yesterday tT0t- lag bis numerous fritpds. He. gave the Herald office a pleasant call. , -If Hoke Smith Is elect ed Governor what power will he have to carry out his many promises? NONE, Mr. H. }.■ Oray was painfully In jured at his saw mill Tuesday noon while trykig to adjust tome the machinery. A pltco of wood hit Mr. Gray la the face, cutting a gash Just above the eye and tng him unconclacous for a few min- ate*. Mr. Gray It getting along very well now. A letter to the Herald from Dr. W. N'. Brown, of Blackshetr, states that Dr. Allen Is quite III at hla home In Blackthear and Is unable to attcnJ to the dullea at hla office In thla city. Mcatrs. \V. L. Fisher and L. J. Pat terson spent tho fourth In turning home this morning. Atlanta seems to be having an epi demic of Suicide*. We thought people who live in Atlanta wanted stay there. At anyrate ws don’t believe the trusts have furnished Mr. Bryan wlthj The Herald surrenters much of Us any of the boodle. W* have aa Idealspace today to the discuss loo of that he has made hfs money honestly, bond election day after tomorrow. The Herald pins It* faith to Mayor Knight’s promise that he will exert hit best energies In the direction of an electric light plant for Waycross to lie ownod and operated by the city |tr. J. A. Too mans, of Brtnaon, Gat, was In the city yesterday. The oppeeltlon to Col. Esttil lu this county It becoming less evident every day. He will carry thla county by a large majority.—Clinch County Newt. Col. Estlll It rapidly gaining In* strength throughout tha state and es pecially In Booth Georgia, ft Is be lieved that he will carry this section by almost every county.—Clinch County News.