Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, December 08, 1906, Image 1

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WEEKLY EDITION OF THE oe vau Waycross Evening Her alp, VOLUME XIV. WAYCROSS. OA., SATURDAY, DEC. 8 1908. Official Organ of Waycross and Wars County. NEWS OF A DAY FROM SAVANNAH MR. Q. W. TIEDEMAN NOMINATED FOR MAYOR BY PEOPLE’S LEAGUE Mr. Tiedeman Will Accept Nomination And Will Probably Be Elected— Varioup pity Departments Piling t Their fBudgeta . For..Next Year- Other News. Savannah, Ga. Dec. 6.—-The nomina tion of Mr. George W. Tiedeman for 'Mayor by the People’s Democratic League probably means that he will be elected, Mr. Tiedeman has enounc ed that he will accept the nomination when tendered him. This will be done at a mass meeting to be held within the near future. The nomination of Mr. Tiedeman ia a victory for the con servative element of the League. Some of the radical members of the organization. did not want him and they will .spilt away from the party organization now and may run Mr. J. S. Collins, for-Mayor. If they do this there will be a three cornered race for the office. |fr. Tiedeman is in the wholesale grocery business. He Is also President pf the Georgia State Loan and Build ing Association and a Director in the Germania Bank. He served with Mayor Myers as an alderman for sev eral terms and proved himself an able financier. He took charge of the City’s finances when they were con- slderaby run down and did much to rehabilitate them. ' He will be opposed by Capt. R. J. Davant. Filing Their Budgets. The various departments of the city government are filing their budgets for the coming year with the Mayor. Wiflmut exception every department wants more for tT»)7 than it was given In 1906. It is not expected that all these demands for more cash can be met. Mr. P. D. Daffln, tne Chairman of the Park and Tree Commission, an nounces in his request for more money that if he is given what he wants he will make Savannah the prettiest city In the world. It is evident that the city’s Income next yea* will be greater than that of the year now passing but some of this surplus will be taken up In pay ing the higher salaries to the firmen. Ing the higher salaries to the firemen, by Council last night. J. O. U. A. M. Entertainment. Last night at Pembroke, Bryan county, the members of the Dramatic Club of Wm. P. Speas Council J. O. U. A. M. gave a dramatic perform ance for the benefit of the Pembroke council of the order which has Just been organized. The members return ed to Savannah this morning. A QUIET HOME WEDDING Mr. J. W. Horton And Mist Mattie Bremer Were United In Marriage Laat night. Mr. J. W. Horton and Miss Mattie Bremer were married last night at 8 o'clock at the residence of bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Bremer, on the corner of Francis and Mc Donald -street*. The wedding was a very quiet home affair, and the cere mony was performed by Rev. W. H. Scruggs, pastor of the First Baptist Church. After the marriage a supper was served, and Mr. and Mrs. Horton went to Mrs. Way’s on Tebeau street, A GOLD WATCH FREE! GE ™ GETTING READY FOR RUSINESS For Best Story on * Waycross and Ware” for The Herald's Ind stria! Edition. The Herald mints an extra good story abont “Waycross and Ware County" tor Its Industrial Edition. There are many young people below the age of 26 In Waycross and Ware county who can furnish us Just the story we want, and we are going to give free to the author of the. best story on the subject of our home town and county, a beautiful gold watch. We want this story to contain not more than S04 words; to be written only on one side of the paper used, and to be sent to the Evening Herald, Industrial Edltoln Department, not later than Jan. 1. Pupils of the schools of the city and county are especially desired where they will board for the present. it0 con,rll >ute an article under the terms or Oils contest, but all young The bride is a young lady that has i people under 28 years of age ere re mealed to send In a story, many friends and admirers in Way-■ The beat story will he selected from those sent In by threw gentlemen cross, where she has spent all of he.- 0 f (he county not connected with the Herald. Two watches are now cn display at the store of Little ft Odom. The successful author may te.ect either law lady’s or the gentleman's watch. Call by Little ft Odom's and see watches Inttetf'ft'IOTow, and pre pare your story before the holidays commepco. life. Mr. Horton Is from 8outb Caro lina and is a valued employe of the Gem Pharmacy. He has made many friends slDce coming to Waycross and they are showering him with congra tulations today. Mr. Burrell Sweat arrived In the city last night from Savsnnah, having been called here on account of the death of his brother-in-law, Mr. J. W. Highsmith. A. C. L. Machinists Get Ralss of Wages Wilmington, N. C., Dec. 8.—A Joint commute representing the mschlnlsts In the employ of the Atlantic Coast Line between Richmond, Va.,end Tam* pa, Fla., concluded satisfactory con ferences with the railroad management here today and announce thet they have secured an Increase In wages of 15 centa a day on the second and third division* of the eystem. south of Florence and 2i cents * day on the first division, north of Florence. The Increase affect* 350 men, who will receive from UM to $3.10 per day under the new acele. A similar In crease was given the holler mehers In the shops of the system earlier In the R.B. BALLARD YARDMASTER Was Appointed By Superintendent Riddle This Morning And Hat As sumed His Duties. Mr. R. B. Ballard was this morning appointed yardmaster (or the Atlantio Coast Line at Waycross and has al ready commenced his duties. Mr. Riddle, superintendent of the second division of the Atlantic Coast Line came in this morning from Savan nah, and after going over the yard troubles which has existed here for some weeks, requested Mr. Bal lard to take charge and straighten hings out. Mr. Ballard has serve I as yard mas ter before and while he had charge liter# was little trouble in hand ling the freight. Tne freight busi-j ness is much greater now, however, i ind the yard men have been greatly handicapped for want of tiack room, j Mr. Niblock, Representing Nelson Morris A Co., Here To Look After Opening Of Branch Packing House. Mr. B. Niblock^ representing the big packing bouse of Nelson, Morris A Co., of Chicago, is in the city look ing after the opening of a branch packing house the company proposes to establish here. A location for the packing house has not as yet been selected, but the company is anxious to begin business here just as early oa possible. Nelson, Morris & Co., are among the largest packers In the country and their decision to estatA lish a branch in this city goes ta show the desirability of Waycross as a distributing point for big concerns of this sort. RAWLINGS BOYS MAY_N0T HANG PRISON COMMISSION TO TAKE UP THEIR CASE8 TOMORROW. A mass Of Petitions, Letters And Telegrams Will Be Presented To The Commission In Behalf Of Tho Booys— More Than 1,000 Names To Petitions.. Mr. R. S. Newman left at the Her ald office yesterday a sample of the finest syrup we have Been this season. It was rode on one of the old fashion ed hollers. Melville W. Fuller Gillette Found Guilty. Herkimer, N. Y., Dec. 6.—"Gillette is guilty and should have been punished,” said the aged father of Grace Brown whom Gillette was con victed of murdering. Mrs. Brown said: I am so glad he was convicted; 1 1 feared the wretch might escape, some-, how.” Gillette planned suicide last night by | means of bis gas stove, but the! MR. JAMES W. HIGHSMITH DEAD THE PRIMARY ELECTION TODAY. A Well Known Citizen Dies After A Called By Mayor Knlgfit For The Long Illness—Funersi Tomorrow Morning At 10 O'clock. Mr. James W. Highsmith, who has been sick for a long time, died last guards discovered the plan and re-, n , ght lt 9;30 0 . clMk at Wi home on moved the stove from his cell, has recovered compoaure and has pe culiar confidence in escaping the death chair. Herkimer la quiet today. Gill ette's counsel will appeal, declaring that there arc many errors that will allow a new trial. A verdict of murder In the first de gree against Chester Gillette, for the mnrder of his sweetheart, Grace Brown, on Big Moose lake, on July 11 was returned last night by the Jury which was out five hours, having been given the case at 5:80 o'clock. Sen tence will be pronounced Thursday morning. Gillette’s counsel have an nounced that they would move to have the verdict set aside. Finley Elected To Succeed Spencer- New York, Dee. 6.— At a special meeting of the board of directors of the Southern railway, held here to day, W. W. Finley was elected presi dent to fill the vacancy caused by the dettb of 8amuei Spencer. Mr. Finley was formerly second vice-president of the company. The Tbomasrllla T.-E., (tact that a million gallons of whisky war* made In Gtorlte loot year. Where’* our share? Paralell street. The deceased was among the first aettlers of Waycross, coming here from Waynesvllle. Mr. Highsmith wlis once postmaster of Waycroaa and for a number of year, conducted a hardware store on Plani Avenue. He was also Justice of the Peace for several years and was well known in this section. He is survived by a wife and two children. Mr. Hlghsmllh hod been a member of Trinity Church for a number of yeara, and the funeral services will be held st that church tomorrow morn ing at 10 o'clock and the Interment will be at Lott cemetery. The funeral services will be conducted by Rev. B. B. Whittington, satiated by Beva. J. Harmon and R. A. Brown. ODD FELLOWS ELEGT OFFICER8. At a regular meeting of Waycroaa Lodge No. 97, I. O. O. F., last night, the following officers were elected for the eniulng term: J. W. 8. Hardy, Noble Grand. Frank Drexler. Vice Orand. O. J. Allen, Secretary. J. T. McGee, Treasurer. Three men killed by falling elevator Chambertrarg, Pa. Election Of Three Aldermen And Three Members Board Education. The primary for the selection of three aldermen and three members of the hoard of education has keen called by Mayor Knight for next Sat- urd.y, Dec. 8. The lerma of Aldermen J. A. l>olt, 1. B. Ballard and A. S. Morton ex _;lre In January, bs does alio the •rms cf Mo'«. W. J. Carswell, J. C. Iwnphrevi end A. M. Knight, mem- ier» of tne board of education. All three of the members of the hoard of education will probably be elected without opposition, and Meat. J. A. Lott and A. S. Morton will no doubt be returned as aldermen with out any opposing cnndldite. Mr. R. B. Ballard will be unable to serve the city for another term as he will move Into the second ward of the city In January. Mr. J. O. Justice has been mentioned for al derman, from the third ward In Mr. Ballard’s place. Mr. Justice has served the city as alderman for sev eral terms, and should he be Inclined to allow hit name on the ticket nest Saturday will be elected without op- poslton. Mayor Kolghl'a call for the elec tion is oa followa: PRIMARY ELECTION—In accord- one* wltb cuatom, a primary election la beraby colled for Saturday tb* lib of December for tb* purpose of nom- ARCTIC EXPLORER ROBERT E. PEARY 8ucering With Cold After Braving The Icy Terrore Of The Arctic— le Hard At Work On Hie Report. Washington, Dec. 5.—After braving the Icy terrors of the Arctic, Comman der Robert E. Peary arrived In Wash- ington'only to be seized with a bad cold, something from which ho was immune all through his da»h toward the North Pole. The explorer lunch* •d with the President on Saturday, af ter laying his rouped* to Secretary Ilona) arte, who congratulated him warmly on hi* feat of reaching "farth- oat North,” declared his accomplish- Atlanta, Dec. 6.—There will be a man of petitions, lettera and tele grams before the Prison Commission tomorrow when It meets to consider the application for commutation to life Imprisonment of the sentence of Milton and Jesse Rawlings. More than 1,000 citizens in Lowndea and Irwin counties have signed peti tions urging that clemency be granted the boys. Besides these, there are many individual letters along the semo line. There is no counter petition and only one of two iettres, including one from B. F. Barfield, of Hahlra, urging that tho-boys be hanged. Telegrams came today from Rev. M. H. Morgan, pan* tor of the Methodist Church at Val dosta, and from James M. Johnson of that city, urging that the law Is now •* satisfied in so far as the death pen alty is concerned and that the boys be given Imprisonment for life. Atlanta, Ga., Dec. 7.—The lives of the RawilnB boy* have been saved by the state pardon board and Gov. Ter rell has signed the order for life Im prisonment. THE JAPANESE SITUATION- Washington, Dec. f».—While the Sbato Department Is preserving an air of outward calm, there I* little . doubt that the Japanese situation Is ment reflected credit on the United j occosslonlng much uncnHincHH. Flush- Staten navy. Commander Peary Ih at C( j w u*, th C j r recent victory in the: work o n his report of tho trip, but ho cIaH |, w|lh | luHM | a the little brown will not be able to get well under way mo|| Rr( , mill , lo , )fl H polIli,K for n until the arrival of the ship Roosevelt ^ Rn ,j japan now seems to be In at New York, h moKt of IiIh notes are j ^ international ring with a chip on till In lii* cabin. He will have plenty; n H nhouMor. Tho recent troubles in of time in which to draw up t.ie ac- J gan Francisco have come at a time? count of his latest expedition, for the whon Ul0 Japanese war spirit needed two years' leave of absence granted him do not expire until April. little to fnn it into flame, and as a re sult relations are said to bo far moro severely strained than the government Is willing to admit. Professor Ben jamin Ido Wheeler, of the University of Ctitfpornliv, called at the White- House this week with Ihe statement that the situation on the Pacific coast Is daily becoming more acute. Sen ator Flint, of California, also ia dfa- turbed, and in hia report Rear-AdmfraE Brother Of Mrs. Lovelace Asiaselnated Columbus, Ga., Dec. f—Charles H. Brooks, a prominent citizen of Chip- ley, Ga., was shot to death by un known parties at his home there at G o’clock this evening. He was sitting in his room before his fire, alone, when there was a loud report a charge of shot came crash- George A. Converse Chief of the Bur- ing through the window and ho fell e] „ 0 f Navigation, makes significant back In his chair, dead. recommendations for an increased Hia wife, who was in the rear of nava j f orce on the Pacific and the ea- tho house, heard the report, but did Hutment of native Americana only In not dream that a tragedy had been the naval service. Secretary Met* enacted and when she went Into his ct |f t w j, 0 investigated conditions la room, found her husband’s lifeless gan Francisco, has made his report body In the chair. He had been shot to the President, but the tezt has not through the head. been m ide public. It Is not believed The tragedy created a sensation at however, that the Metcalf report will Cblpley. Telephone messages were at throw much Htfht on the subject, for once sent to LaGrange and other t he Secretary was unable to make placet for bloodhounds. There la ab- more than a superficial investigation, solutely no clue to the murderer. tnd bis findings are baaed entirely on Mr. Brooks was a man everybody evidence submitted by both sides to* in the community liked, and the ama* the controversy, which arose over the salnation la a complete mystery, as exclusion of Japanese students from It waa not known that he h?d an ene- tbe public schools, my in the world. ■ ■ — — Hotel Vlrdls Changes Hands. Mr. Brooks waa a brother of Mrs. Mr> R . j* Paschal will take charge Dr. Lovelace of Waycross. Dr. and of fte Vlrdle Hotel Monday morning, and Mrs Lovelace left toJay for Chip- having taken the lease of the present ley. proprietor* for the balance of the ^year. Mr. Paschal has leased this splendid property for another year, inating one alderman from each of jj e comes here with a fine reputation the following wards: First, third t| a hotel man and the Herald wishes and fifth, and three member* of the b im success. Board of Education. i - — A. M. KNIGHT, Kingston Island of 6L Vincent, has Mayor, ga earthquake lilting 80 leconds.