Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, December 15, 1906, Image 1

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WEEKLY EDITION OF TIIE -> aycross Evening Herald. f (XVIII. WAYCR088, GA.. SATURDAY, DEC. 15, 1006. i-g' UX-SENATOii iSiiOWii I UF UTAH DEAti was shot av mrs. bradley LA8T SATURDAY AFTERNOON. The Woman Will-Be Arranged On A v Charge Of Murder—Will Put Up Plea Of Justification Under The “Unwritten Law” In Shooting Brown. Official Organ of Way cross and Ware County. NEWS OF A DAY FROM SAVANNAH MANOEL’S ACQUITTAL CAUSES IN- DIGNATION AMONG COTTON MEN. i FORMER GOV. MOSES OF S. C„ DEAD Wa« The Scalawag Governor of Pal metto State In 187C— Died At Win- thrcp, Mats-, In Poverty. DESTRUCTIVE FIRE ON PLANT AVE. TAMMANY CHIEF RETURNS TO N. Y. I WOR8T FIRE IN YEARS OCCURRED | THIS TURNING. Washington, Deb. 12.—Former Unit ed Stages Senator Arthur Brown, of Utah, who was shot In his apartment at , the Hotel Raleigh Saturday after noon by Mrs. Anpa M. Bradley of Salt Lake City, died .at midnight tonight at the Emergency Hospital. Mrs. Bradley will be arrnlnged in Police Court tomorrow on the charge of murder. Her attorneys will set up the defense that she was justified, un der the “unwritten law,” In shooting Mr. Brown. Mr. Brown’t life was prolonged bj the Injection of saline solution and by administering oxygen. Death was due to complications arising from kidney trouble, aggravated by the shock of the wcund. An asr-stant district attorney made every effort to secure an ante-mortem statement, but Senator Brown refused to talk. ware Company And J. A. Jones Buggy Company Suffer. Wlntbrop Mass., Dec. 11.—Former' Mayor Myers Uses Pruning Knife On a ° v - F ran klin .1. Moses, of South Caro-, F<re ^ twrted * n Mr * Lar 9 * p,ace Budget—will Of Mrs. filulong ' 'L m> , was found dead la bed In his loda- j Those Who Had Goods otored Filed—The 3»v»nnsh Ministerial ln S nt Wlnthrop Beach today, death! Loae Hcsyily—R. J. Anthony Hard- Association. . jbeln? caused by asphyxiation. . - | When his room was broken Into, gas Savannah, Ga., Dec. 12.—The ac- ;vnj * found escaping from a small stove lulttal of Samuel MauJcl, of Sparta, i whIch was used to heat the place. jy a jury of the Superior Court on the} M°* c « wns CO years of age. He hap! charge of- forgery on Monday night, r0s, ‘led In Wluthrop fpr several years has excited the greatest Indignation nnd occasionally had acted as modem- ,Ion that tho 1>roperty ,0SM mong cotton nun in Sa aanoh. Man- for nt * ,s town meetings; Moses had a varied career, und, al- del admitted that he got the money on j x raised order for cot» »n. He did though onco wealthy It is said he died lot make any attempt io deny It but ln comparative poverty. >e put In the plea that :ae forgery had j He w. tin, realawar, Governor of nro.a Sewln* MacMnp SmWy and Re- jeen committed In II ncock county Soul!, Carolina In IS70. ' ,alr hm,ae - *’ ,d lmd Jlkel >’ been * mou| - The most disastrous, lire in years occurred hero this morning, and for a short while there was every Indira ould bo greater than nt any previous fire ln Waycross. The blaze ; prohnbiy sfarlod from a defective flue in the store of tho Way* Ccmmenri Preaident’3 Action. Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 11.—Tho Ar- I kansds State Guard Association, ati organization including, all officer® of the Arkansas Statu Guard, passed a resolution today, commending.Presid ent Roosevelt for the stand taken it* *» unimiKiuii, iw, iz.—unarms ** , dlsmlslng from the service three com- Murphy, biggest elder In the Tummnny panies of negro soldiers, nicnibor® or Wigwam and turner of the Tammany jibe Twenty-fifth Infantry. Tho reso- tud the “doctored’’ paper had merely jeen presented in Savannah. H!s attorney claimed that this maJe dering between tho celling and roof some .imo before discovery. A Pretty Live Subject. The tt jarm was turned in nhaut 7 ... . . , .... Wnsnlngton, Doc. 12.—Senator Bur- o’clock and ns soon as possible six ■ r 4 ” I kc!t ’ of Nebraska, -faIs week nskejl 8 , rt , aul8 of wa ter were turned on the permission in .tho Senate to have fl re< *pj ie blaze was hard to get to Hancock county if anywhere. The Jury accepted this view and Ala add I a u . , , | Son-te document,a “History of a8 ^ was confined between the roof - .. ' ““ p oced n |the Congressional Cemetery.” Imme-, aDd cclllng and , t was probably two Z: l c ; a ca ; ,iia,oi> - to !,,b r " iht —• *»«. be, 0 rc . h c tried la Hancock county. * 1 * Cotton buyers ;nd exporters declare hat this is a dangerous law and that ator Morgan, of Alabama, aged eighty-1 t ingutshed. two. and Ills'colleague Senator Pettus, j Th „ er Ji oa t loss will fall upon GENERAL REVISION NATIONAL TAXATION The President Is 8ounding Congress- men pn The Subject Of A General Revision Of National Taxation. Washington, D. C., Dec. 13.—Within . a few days, It has been borne upon the minds of members of Congress that President Rossevelt has in contem plation, not merely a readjustment of •he tariff, but a general revision of the national system of taxation. In dis cussions of the subject with members of both the Senate and the House, he has impressed upon them the idea that he hopes for a consideration of the tariff, the inheritance tax and the tax on Incomes. t oj-,t.i i i , «_ , . | aKed ^ty-flve. On a sofa in the rear, those who had household goods stor- t should be In some manner repealed.' - . .. . 1 fni? i t , i of chamber reclined Represents- C( j nw ay.on the second floor of t adds a new danger to the cotton bu> •. - » •. .. , . „ , - , tlToBaakacaJ-wJfo recently was select--, aag . s p!ai . e . It estimated that ness a.; a man can utter a forgery in ; , . , ... . . , cd by Alabama as an alternate Senator | j», e va j ae 0 j {bis property alone was meccnnty.go to the next and profit 1 10 . loM hlmae]f , n iy r .:i.i unlawful act and escipe punish- Mandel and his wife, who has been here with him, are .preparing to return o Sparta ‘and live happy ever after.” Mayor Used ^riuning Knife. Troro was a very Important meeting jf Council last night. The budget for the coming year was considered. It 3 understood that Mayor Myers stood >ver tho estimate of the various depart- neats woth a pruning hook nnd insist ed. upon some of them being cut down very much. Tho fire department estlm nte and that for the police were cut to jomo extent nnd the Board of Health and Pa cadiness to step into the shoes of cither of the State’s senators who may die. Senator Mor gan looked over at Bankhead, and then, turning to Senator Pettus, said: “Pretty live subject this Congression al graveyard matter, eh, Pettus?” Both tiio nged Senators laughed, while Mr. Bankhead looked uncomfortable. tigur, stopped a few hours in Washing ton on his way hack to Now York. Mr. Murphy has been resting nt Hot Springs, Vn., after the strenuous cam- Ipnlgn in New York, hut he Insisted that he had been there only for a rest ami not to lay further political plans. However, the New York republicans here would like to know the true in wardness of the appearance nt tho Homestead hotel, the big hostelry nt the resort, of W. J. Conners, of Buffa lo, the Henna lieutenant in the north ern part of tho Empire State and the many long walks taken by tho two political chiefs over the Virginia hills. Despite the statement by william It. Hearst that ho never again will seek political office, thoro are those who doubt the sincerity of the announce ment, and tho burden of tho confer-' enco of tho two leuders at he Virginia | watering place might lo of iaicivu:. I | Unions also urged that action he taken by Congress for repeal of all laws now In vogue, which permits negroes to enlist in the army and tho navy. Tho resolution recites that it is “danger ous” to have negroes lu tho army or Masons Elect Officers. Wuycross Lodge No. 300, F. & A. M. elected the following; officers last night for tho ensuing term: W. D. Morton, \V. M. Robert L. Singleton, S. W. L. II. Joiner, Jr. W. Wnrron I.ott, Treasurer. C. W. Wiggins, Secretary. H. S. Hopkins. Tyler. , V. TERRELL'S XMAS G FT To Georgia Will Be Over A Half Million Dollars In Agricultural Colleges. Complete i Returns. New York, Dec. 11.—Complete and. official returns of tho voto cast for Governor Terrell’s Christmas gift to state officers In every county of Now Georgia will he property worth con- An Incident Of Interest. Washington, Dec. 12.—As an Indica tion of how near to tot 11 elimination Is sectional feeling In the United Sta ten, an incident that took place this week la of Interest. For several years Boston has prized highly a tattered and Squares also got the’and torn Confederate battle flag cap tured ln New Orleans by “Ben” But ler. 8ome few weeks # ago it. wj„ de cided to return the banner to New Or gans. Mayor Fitzgerald, of Boston, it :cordlngly brought the old flag to Washington this week, and wi met Mayor Behrman of New Orleans, at the waterways convention, to which both were delegates, ho announced his Intention of surrendering it. in the neighborhood of $10,000, and practically everything in the storago room was destroyed. Among those who had household goods and other articles stored with Mr Lang were: A. H. Morgan, J. Staten Smith, R. B. ! ?arrnir.ore, G. W. Dcen, Mrs. Mitch Young. Clarence Downey, Dr. J. E. Hodge, Mr. Goldberg, Mrs. Nix, Mrs. Beavers and Mrs. Clurk. There wns 3mnl! Insurance on some of tho.-:o goods. Mr. Lang's stock on the first floor was greatly damaged by wutcr His 1 „ „ ,. mil*. | * , diistry in the United Slates Is growing personal loss will be In the neighbor-! 7 H hod of $1,500 with about $000 Insiir- York state, in the recent stato elec tions, show that tho entire Democratic state ticket except its candiate for Governor, was elected. * Charles E. Hughes, Republican can didate for Govornor, wus eloctod by n plurality of 57,973. The pluralities for tho Democratic candidates for the stato offices below that of Govornor ranged from G.-H2 for Chandler to 14,250 for Martin II. Glynn the Demo cratic candidate for controller. The Canning Industry. Washington Decl2.—Tho cunning In- hooks thrown into them. Mayor Myers la very anxious to go In a tentative way. the President Is L ut of offlcc next month wlth a good re . sounding Congressmen on tho sub- j , c ,. r| , n1 |s y as ansl011g to haV e Ject with a view to ascertaining what, „ )owor tax rnte for nest year. Ho In- the sitnatlon may be when he toraial- ' l8tcd that the c)ty mu8t cut | t8 19n7 Iy presents the natters to them for: eX p 8n8e8 80 that there can be a reduc- considcratlon. He thus far has re * j ,; rr . m taxes. The people are with him eelved much encouragement, but in' |n conaMt | on . this connection It is curious to note i The Ministerial Association, what a considerable figure selUsh and! Thc aavanna -, Ministerial Assocla- M ■yor Behrmnn promptly replied that special Interest® cut ln a matter of t j oa j a |j 0 g| nn j nK to occupy the posl-|xew Orleans didn't want it. The war supreme interest and selfish lmpor- tion of the three tailors of Tooleyjwas over, the old differences has been tance to all people. street so far ns public affairs fu Sav-1 forgotten and national patriotism vain a mah are concerned. When the Abso-! too firmly established to require our- 8ummerell-Walk#r. | cl.Uk>n was first formed several years | ward evidenced. The two mayor's At the residence of Che bride’s moth-: ag-o i t was a representative body. The! parted the best of friends nnd Boston er, Mr®.. T. D. Massey, on Parallel}pastors of almost every church In Sav-'undoubtedly has more respect for Now- street, Mis® E. I* Summerell was unlt-| anr ah of the Protestant denomination . Orleans, ns New Orleans must have ed to Mr. R. L. Walker ln the holy- membership In It. Then the for Boston. bonds of matrimony. The ceremony was performed by Judge R. P. Bird at high noon Dec. 13th; The bride 1® the daughter of Mr*. T. D. Massey and granddaughter of Mrs. R. L. Baker of Charlton county. The groom is thc non of Mrs. C. T. Clark, of this city Lutheran? dropped out and one Pres- — ■ — byterlan minister does not act with the j Richmond, Va., Dec. 11. Tae State Association. This leave® two Presby- Corporation Commislon tonight coni- obert Bidault, the Reynolds reef grocery merchant who has been quite sick for sometime, is now much bettre. Mr. Bidault's friends hope to «v-e him out again loon. Mr. O. H. Lowther, of Bowling Grten, Fla., I» In tho city greeting hie many Waycross friends. Proprietor Paecbel of the Vlrdlo Hotel ii putting In eeveral thoueand dollar* worth of new furniture. terlan ministers nnd four Methodist pleted Its Investigation Into the wreck ministers with three Baptist* to con- In which President Spencer nnd six Ftltuta a Ministerial Association In a guests lost their lives. It has made city whose churches comprise two’ Syn- no pronounced progress, but the whole a cogues, two Lutheran churches, three tenor of tho testimony given before It. Catholic churches Christian church, and the practical admission on tho wit- Swedenborglan church an*a few other ness stand of Operator Mattox, hlm- denomlnatloni. This Is why some of self. seem, to ^ | store occupied by tho Anthony Hard- i ware Company, and this loss will be ial Association” meet with A freight wreck near Manor on the Atlantic-Coast Lino drlayed trains on t’r'at division this morning. Two tight,ops: and a locomotive werejihe pronouncements of. the “Minister*, ktor H Rangoon was |d$ to have been off the track. | ance. The J. A. Jones Buggy Company oc cupled the store room cast of Lang’i store and their loss will bo in thc neighborhood of $1,000 which is cov- • red by insurance. Practically everything in the store f the R. J. Anthony Hardware Com- any was damaged by water nml It is iuipossible to gain an idea of tho dam age In this place. Mr. Anthony’s stock was worth between $8,000 and $10 000 and he had Insurance policies nRRregatlng $5,500. The policies will cover the damages sustained In Mr. Anthony’s store. In tho factory of tho J,a Favorlta Cigar Company, upstairs in the W. J. Smith building, neaiiy ail the tobar- in stock was ruined, principally by the smoke, which was dense In their place for seveial hours. Mr. J. L. Ballard, proprietor of the cigar fac tory, carried a small amount of In surance. The building occupied by Mr. Lang and the J. A. Jones Buggy Company is owned by Mre. Fannie L. Sharpe. The damage to this building may reach $500, which Is covered by In surance. Mrs. John W. Adams • owned tho rapidly. The Census Bureau has just Issued a report showing the strides made. Tho largest Item Is canned vegetables, the value of which In 1901 reached $45 202,148. San Franciaco Wants Big Fair In 1913. San Francisco, Dec. II.—San Fran cisco propose® to huvu i world's fair In 1913. Fifteen citizen® have formed n coriionitloii to be known n« tho Pa cific Ocean Exposition Company, which plans to give n mammoth fair In 1913 to commemornto tho four hun- siderably over half a million dollars— rather a neat holiday remembrance. With niue out of the eleven con gressional district agricultural school® decided the actual cush given for establishing these schools amounts to $389,000. In addition to t’.io money 2,- 382 acres of flrst-class hul ls have boon given. At a conservative estimate tiioso lands ure worth 320 an ncre now figur es which ninny will contend are too low—and which will Increase In value as scientific farming brings the vuluo upward. Most of the sit •« have been located near county scats, which, of course, increases tho value of t!re property A majority of the bids Included electric lights, waterworks system and telephone service, worth several tliou- send dollars. When tue otiier two dis tricts are determined It will ho seen • that Georgia will hnvo a property worth more than half a million, and which will increase !:i value year by year. Gbvernor Terrell is content to round out his service to the state with thl« • splendid legacy. Tho CHtnhllshmetit of snille tii®. accident. when they are delivered. It Is kaown 11 that to make an Impression the Aswv j The separation of church and state elation ha® to go out of It* member-jin France commenced >esterda$\ •hip and Invite minister® who are not [ In It to help them discuss aubjects of j A nJckles worth of fun I® better public Interest. The latest things to than a dollar* worth of bad temper, come under the ban of the Ministerial Tailors are thoee who sell liquor to their patron®. The little band of preachers at the Association think they should be stopped. borne by tho insurance companies. Miss Mary K. Young f® at home ■to her friend® at the residence of Mr. W. W. Ansley on Brunei atreet. Mrs. Swan 1® visiting her niece, ; Mn. w. N. Jones, on Isabella street, j several of her relatives $1,000 each. | Will Filed. The will of Mr*. Ann Slssfon® has just been filed. 8he leave® $2,000 each to Bt. Paul Episcopal church, Bethcsda Orphans home sod the asms sum to!Let ft wipe another's tears, different relatives. She Also leaves| Till in Heaven the deed appears, Pass It on. Hare you a kindness shown? Psbs it on. Twas not meant for you alone; Pass it on. Let It travel down the years, dredth anniversary of tho discovery | tb<w» district schools In connection of tho Pacific ocean by Balboa, and ( with tho central agricultural college- the completion of tho Panama Canal, at Athens, for which tho legislature- Tho organization Is capitalized at $5.- K«ve $100,000, means a grent deal to* 000,000, (ho agricultural future of Georgia. .. ii — ! It means educated farmers to bulld- A Robin At The Funeral. up the state, farmers who will know A few weeks ago a llttlo dog had to and practice scientific agriculture, ho taken by force from tho grave of Aside from any mere consideration of his ml-tress In Itoydoa churchyard, the value of the properties now, those England. Tho affair has remind- schools will In a few years odd millions ed tho bishop of Barking of to the wealth of the State, an Incident In tho same village when - was officiating at tho funeral of tho New York, Dec. 11.—Fines agrogat- late vicar. Ho say*: “After thc coffin log $150,000 were Imposed today by had boon placed In tho chancel and Judge Holt In the United States Clr* 'ust as tho service was beginning a cull Court upon thc American Refining .little robin hopped up tho center aisle, Company, and tho Brooklyn CooiwragQ glancing to right ard left at tho Villas- Company, after thc defendant® through er* and mourner®, and finally alighted counsel, had pleaded ziiVSy fo Indict* on t.ie coffin, whero as the service pro- ments charging the acceptance of re* reeded ho aung a few note® at Inter bites on sugar shipments In violation vals. I was told after tho service ton*, of the Elkin® anti-rebating act. the same little bird was a pet of tho vicar’s and was present la tho church Roosevelt Is certainly having hla on several omnslons and among them share of troubles. Don't think he will when he preached hi* last sermon ho- want to he President again except sa fore his death.” * matter of ®pito and ambition. Bend us s little flavoring and we’ll An exchange suggests that, Japan borrow a few eggs and a little sugar might discover Just by feeling* round from s neighbor. the edge* of it, that the United States —■ - - Is not Russia. Brunswick Is to have a steamboat —— Hue from Dublin. Brunswick is reach- Russian bark at Odessa robbed Of lug out by' land tod water. $14,500. . .•