Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, December 29, 1906, Image 1

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WEEKLY EDITION OF THE Herald Official Organ of Waycrost and Ware County. WAYCROSS, GA., SATURDAY, DEC. 29, 1906. JEWS OF A DAY { ' FROM SAVANNAH THRUMS ME UST MW Brunson Appointed Assistant Superin tendent—Much Interest In Foot ball Game Next Tuesday—Hot Political Meeting Held—Savannah THE CONGRESSIONAL LIRRARY POPULAR At The Presbyterian Church An En joyable Affair—Children Brought Gifts For Orphans. ^DURING THE PAST YEAR WAS The Fresbyterian Christmas treej VISITED BY 812,000 PEOPLE. Press Getting Up Funds For Fam I ' BSt evenlllg was ca e»J°y*ble event, i Hiss Of Dead Firemen—Other Dr ' J ' RlpiJard ' th(! efflcient super-! Many ^''K* And Operatives Are Re- News. intendent. made the introductory ex plaining to the children the Thorn- well Orphanage'S little ones, and de light that their gifts would bring to them. The tree this season was a ill. OPERA SUPPLIED OVER THE TELEPHONE WIRES. MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL IS OVERRULED By Means Of LETTER LI8T. List of letters remaining unclaimed — j In the Post office Waycrost*, Ga., week New Device Thou-; endlisic December 26, 1906. When ca!-j J,m John,on * Killed His Own sands, At Home, May Hear Music j f° r these letters please say “Ad- Savannah, Ga., Dec. 27.-The friends «f Col. Wo. Garrard who want him to be Mayor of Savannah met last night to ratify the nomination of that gentleman fob the office. The meet ing aroused a fair amount of enthu- alasm and-for the first meeting of a campaign after the candidate had been selected it was a rather encouraging one. - '. Mr. Jacob S, Collins was the prin cipal speaker of the evening. Mr. Collins has Col.. Garrard’s candidacy in his personal keeping. ■' It was Mr. Collins who got Col. Garrard to run and for that reason he is taking much Interest in the campaign. -He will be made Chalrmlin of Counoll If the ticket la elected. Mr. W. W. Shep ard who jvas defeated for Congress after running a tie race with Mr. A. L. Brannen, of Bulloch county, may qulred For The Work In The Li brary—Contains Immense Num ber Of Rare And Valuable Works. Or Speeches. "Hello, centra', give me toe inter- 1 rue27i from 'CMulia.-l.i Rustlcjna.- j "Ail right—ope minute—hold the j I wire." This is the sort of conversation that j will flow over the telephone wires when the public get to using the tele- j graphone, a new device perefected by i Valdemar Psuisen, the Danish Inven- j tor. Instead of going to the opera large a number of peo'ple'as 1 the bUs! ” e '" ^ weary artar a < la >"' fork, may sit at home with his fam- Washlngton, D. C„ Dec. 27.—No version from all former trees, of the! consult l n ® library In this country and Sunday School. The children carrying none ’ per,la[ls - ln la e world, except nut that great injunction "More bles- j tllat 01 ,bc BrlII “ h Muaeum, is vlsit- sed to give than to receive," by each | ed by bringing a gift lo be sent to the or-1 ,be ub . rar y of Congreas. The mag- phanage at Clinton, S C Mr j i nlBcent “arble Pile on Capitol Hill, ‘' y an(l cnJoy We h< ' s ' ™ U6,C ' » be H. Gillon gave an interesting and' In-j WblCb was e,ec,ed by ‘ ba *° ^ “ PO " ,1C,, ,peeeb ' pe ’" structlve talk. Miss Louise Joiner re-! peol,le at a cost 01 more than -MO.- Ch “ nCe ' ta0ut belng pUihed and j0s ' citation “The Little Mud Sparrow” was quite a gem. The poetical motto rendered by four of the infant class: Misses Sidle and Carrie Andrews, Lilly May McIntosh and Jessie Harris, was well received. Master Walter Paine made a typical Santa Claus and won the hearts of the little ones by his courtesy and liberality. The musical program was an fjey'able feature. The Christmas 000, contains a collection of works that has no equal in America, as a reference library, although, at pres ent, the collection of books is not so tied in a crowd, the teiegraphone will bring it to him. This idea has been partially carried out with the tele phone, but it was not a success be- great in number a* la possessed by | a,,se ^. voluma of sound depressed a few other libraries of this country i* eacb w,re and only n few ' reo l’ le and Europe. It does contain, however could llaten at one ,lme ' an immense number of rare and vai-1 11 has b<,en t0l,nd that by Cl ™blnfng liable works both on printed form and tae lephcne with the new device a (he on Col. Board* Garrard's Aldermanic l tree was arr "« ed !a ^ ln,ant ruom iand was loaded with fruits of every It Is expected that the campaign ■ IilDd ’ whlt,arw 6 presented In’profn- from now to January 8th will be very! 8 ' 011 t0 ev, ' y ODe warm. Col. Garrard is to return to Savannah tomorrow afternoon and he will be on the stump almost every now until election day. old Citizens Club sup- i and office holders will support The supporters of George W. deman are very confident thht be {ill win. Appointed Assistant Superintendent T. D, Brunson has, been appointed Acting Assistant Superintendent of the Savannah Fire Department to take the place of Assistant Superin tendent George Mouro killed in ser vice. Brunson’s friends will try to get the Mayor to make the appoint ment permanent The Savannah PresB has had nearly $2,000 subscribe in manuscript and they are utilized dally by scores of historians, scholars and students in addition to the mem bers of Congreas. During the past year, the Congress ional Library was visited by £12,000 thousand or more subscribers can lis ten to the same opera, concert or speech. It is proposed .accordingly, to equip central-telephone evchanges with a number of telegraphones, each of which will consist of an endless people, a daily average of mors than I s,ccl band ' of w,re runnln S through 12,200 for the 363 days the Instltu- tbc Beld ot a doubIe electro-magnet. ABSURD RUM0R8. The menace of early itar between the United States and J*paa has no better bn sis than the pitiless exac tions of the international news ser vice. The. accogplii&ed gentlemen who get up the facts and fancies for that service are relied on to furnish a certain amount of war gossip at Intervals, not too far apart, and the merit of that gossip is largely deter mined by the quantity and quality of thrills in it. The Balkans refused to produce, Russia had been worked out, nothing doing between France and Germany, Cuba b?.d subsided, Great Britain was at peace and there was nothing left but to arrange a ed to a relief fund for those depend* Bar upon the dead Aaet. Supt. aad rerap between country and Japan «Ser firemen who were killed. .' W,th tbe San Franc “ co « bobl lnd ’ Beth Feet Mashed Off. dent as the casus belli. It takes two J. E. Tanner, teleprnpb operator to make a war and right now Japan fer the Atlantic Coast Line at Rid* would dread nothing so much as a g- land. S. C., la fc the Savannah Ho.- conB, « 01 magnitude, even if ehe had piial wltb both feet mashed off. He a decent cause. She has no more fell under a tralu while trying to tkongbt ot stacking Uncle Sam than board it to come to Savannah to Bh = ta * « potUng bcr fist '« the f3c * ar -stmis. The doctors spy rf Jo5n Bul1 ' 0ne roE ” oan ,ore<!a *‘ M Trill get Tt" .j Uw of the future at well aa an- Much Intereat In Next Gam... |other, for we are all Ignorant alike on Savannah having beaten Forsythe's tb * ta ‘ “ *Kes ««'<> All Star Southern Poothall eleven onl com “° n » an ‘ e aad Knowledge of re- Christmas day there ta now much ln-' cent and curre « “ let “• Know tercet in the game betwen the tone tbat «S>eae Japaneae war rumor, are eleven on New Team Day. While j'abeurd.-Live Oak Democrat. tfce team nominally* represented J Charleston there Is not- a Charleston Preacher end Editor. tion was open to the public. The li brary ig open every day and evening of the year except on til a Fourth of July and Christmas. On other legal holidays and on Sundays the library is open from 2 to 10 p. m., and on al) week days from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m., except on Saturday afternoons in July, August and September. Practi cally a double force of operatives and clerks are required for the work In the library. The largest number of visitors in any month was in April, the dally average being 3,101; March was sec ond with an average of 2,449. The greatest number of visitors on any one day was in April when the total reached 5,284; and the smallest In Jill, 444. connected with special transmitters placed in theatres or concert halls A subscriber who wishes to hear some favorite selection will call up central and ask to be connected with the televraphone which is making a recorded# thal‘jf*T*lcular performance. He can listen to opera, play, concert or speech. When hs has heard one selection he can be “plugged in” with ; another, as the telegraphones in the exchange wll be used to reproduce performances going on in several halls at once The business man detained after offlce hours can ask to be called when some famous prlma donna ap pears, and when he has heard her sing he can continue his work The sound vibrations set up by sing s’ voices or musical Instruments, falling upon the special transmitters, will be conveyed along the telephone wire from the place of amusement to PETITION FOR DISCHARGE, GEORGIA-WARE COUNTY: J. C. Reynolds, executor of the last j the double electro-magnets of the tele- will and testament of H. C. Keith, j graphones In the exchange. The flue* iate of said county, deceased having tuitions of these magnets affect the man on the team. Forsythe has them in Jacksonville now getting them i» trim for the game of next ToesJay. Savannah is rfady to meet the bunch up again when they come on the first A preacher comes at a newspaper man -in this way: “You editors do not tell tbe troth. If you. did you. could not live; your newspapers would has never been beatea but once Is bo failures.’’ The editor replied: confident that it can do the visitors ( “Yotr are right; and the minister who up agin when they come on the liret win at all times and under all clr- toy of 1907. ' Icomataace, tell the waole truth about te diKhftr(ed from thelr , dni | D i,tra- M* jm May Be Appointed. jhia member,, alive or deaf, will not!, |on ud recelre )ett £, ^ dI , m i„ lon htobf a« filed his petitior for discharge, this s to cite all persons concerned to show cause against tbe granting of said dis charge at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary of said county to be held on tbe first Monday in February, 1907. Warren lgtt, j Ordinary. ! GEORGIA—WARE COUNTY: Whereas, S. C. Murray and J. L. Ward, administrators of the estate of W. D. Murray, represents to the court in their petition, duly filed and dfcfttfted on record, that they have fally admtni- stered said estate. This is to j^it^all persons concerned, kindred as**sr*. magnets make**!* possible to send tbe ditoft to show cause, if any the^ can,, same volume of lonntf to pratclally any why said administrators should not j number of subscribers. * wire passing through their field in the form of variable magnetic Intensities. The magnetism is localized and a rec ord made of the voice or Instrumental music at he other end. The magnetized wire passes through a series of reproducing magnets at tached to the wires running to the receivers of tbe suscribers* telephones The fluctuations of these reproducing magnets strike tbe diaphragm of tbe receiver and when tbe latter la placed to the car the sounds In the theatre or concert ball, are heard with perfect clearness -; i* The. fact that each telephone wire will have Its jjfyidfrilr or reproducing i vertlsed." MEN. Allen J D Andeison P P Albird John Austin B F Blntcn J W Bennett Siah Clayton Mileton Cummings J H Clayton W B Cotton Wm Davis Erwin Freeman Charlie Green W P Gfemke John. Hargraves J L Hendricks Jno. Hunter W C Davis Mose s Isom Eddie Jorden E L Jones Izear Johnson Jim Jones James Kirklnad Manning. Kenidic Peter. Lambert W K Mitchell Lee. Mod tan Tom Melrice L A Moore A J Mclnnis Cleveland Nicholson Shelby. Newsom M B (2) Remcy Silas Reed Merrick Right Judgo Smith A Strickler Otto Smith J H Scriben J *• Sikes J D Smith Loralne Thompson Charlie Washington Chaster Yotimanu 8 O Tnckens Walter. WOMEN. Brinson Martha Polly Christina Bryson Clara. Blunt Mrs. W Father I nied New Trial. Colquitt County. De- Tnomasville, Dec. 26.—Judge Rob- j ert O- Mitchell overruled a motion for a new trial In the case of the State vs. Jim Johnson, convicted fit the term of Colquitt superior court of the offense of murdering his own father, John A. Johnson. The attorneys for the defendant. Jim Johnson, will im mediately appeal the case to the su preme court, and If there affirmed, Mr. Jim Johnson will spend the re mainder of his days In the peniten tiary. John A. Johnson, a prominent farm er, living in the southern portion of Colquitt county was shot last Septem ber while at supper with his family, by some unknown person from the outside of the house, with a load of shot. A shot gun^was found near by in a swamp with one empty shell and the gun was left to remain just ns found but secretly watched und Mr. Jim Johnson, it Is claimed, was seen to secretly slip to the gun and more securely bide It in the mud. Later when asked about the gun, denied knowing anything about it This with other circumstances strong ly pointed to his guilt lead to his ar rest, and upon trial before a jury of bis countrymen was found guilty of murder with recommendation, Mr. Johnson has remained in jail ever since awsltlng the final disposition of the matter. Thtfbf aald to be a strong probabl- occupy 'ala pulpit more than one Bun-' on the BrIt MoBd#y lD January, 1907.1 da y and then he will find It neceeeary Division Counsel of the Atlantic trumvtrate.” And tbe great mlnls- 5 t Line Railway at this point to and the pulpit go baud in band wltb l^iV-eed Mr. W. L. Clay, who has re- whitewash brushes and pleasant words magnifying little vlrtnee into big ones. The pulpit, tbe pen and tbe grave stone are a saint making to leave town in a hurry. The preaa ter went away looking very thought- ment and It is under.-tood that be has ful, while tbe editor fnrnej to ble offered it to Meldrim or will do sc., work and told of tbe uniurpaaalng beauty of the bride, wblie In fact abe / Continued on Page 8. wa« aa homely aa a mud fence.—Ex. lity that Gen. P. W. Meldrim will be to Division Counael of the Atlantic i -1 Line Railway at thiB point to Teed Mr. W. L. Clay, who has re signed, Mr. Clay’s resignation will take effect on January let. Mr- W. E. Kay, of Jacksonville, Counsel for tbe Coast Line in this immediate vi cinity, lias the giving of the appoint- Given under my hand and official | ,25 in Gold Given Away. signature this tbe 3rd day of Decern | Th * W * ycr0 “ Busines. College ha. her 1906. decided to give $25 In gold to the first student learning to write 100 words 1 Itriggfi Susan Coleman Janie Home Mary Holmes Martha Holt Hattie Harris Jennie ,1 itlellr.n Mrs A B • .McMillan Georgia c Naston Elsie M M '$)&»£. Rons Jcrusha Robl!n<s Elli * if SesKoms Clare 17 Scalles Gussey ¥ § Smith Mrs L Stephenson Patsie. aid; Bhlslon Sad*e Todd Mary E (3) ^ Blngn Of Apt. When you see n boy skating and you begin to say to yourself, "I could beat him skating when I wns his age," It Is a sign that you ure growing old. Tbe older you get the better you couk skate when a boy. When several of you get together and begin laughing over the escapad es of your boyhood days you have a lot of fun. But when your own boy attempts some of these same pranks you scold him fiercely end tell him be Is headed straight for destruction. Thai Is t sign that you are growing r.-id. When you get up ln Hie morning r.ud Ihlnl; you will walk down town, you feci rs If you coaid wiik forty miles at the rate of about five miles an hour. After you have walked about seven blocks at a moderate gait you- are puffl ng like a porpoise and look ing back over your shoulder! to ««e If a cor is coming. Tbat’a another sign. fern. Washington Sarah Wilkey R V Williams Mary B Washington Miss E WlmbyVcste Wad fins Ada Wilton Mollle Wilson Nora. CHA8. E. MURPHY, l Postmaster. Found Dead In Jacksonville Boarding - House. Jacksonville, Fla., Dec/ 26.— The dead bodies of George Paterson a cab driver, and Alice Clerk, boarding bouse ktoper, were found Into Mat night In different rooma of the boarding bouse. Tbe Indications were either suicide or murder. No cause cao be ascertained. Tbe police are Investigating. Editor Joseph N. Smith, of tbe White Springs Herald, apent a few WARREN LOTT, / Ordinary. Parker's shows and carnival la tbe cleanest thing of the kind ever ex hibited ln Waycrost. Ton can make no mistake by taking your people out for an afternoon. Shah of Persia, reported dying. per minute, new matter. In Ferguson Shorthand, providing there are ten or more contestants. College opens Jan. 2. Wsycross Buslneaa College Co. B. J. Ferguson, M-r. Several distinguished visitors were In Waycross yesterday. Madam Gould Must Pay Bill. Paris, Dec. 26.—It was decided by' minutes In tbe city yesterday after- tbe court today tbat Mme. Gould, for-1 noon and gave tbe Herald office n call, tnerly Countess De Castellane, Is It-1 He was accompanied by bis wife and able for tbe claim of Mile, Namldoff j children and they were returning in tbe sum of $24,040 for jewels, which | home from n visit to 8avannab. were bought by Count Bout, and | which, be said countess. given to thej Mr. D. J. Lewis, of Wbltevllle, N. jc„ a prominent lawyer ot tbe Tar The delivery of certain jewels by I-Isel state is In Waycross today. M. Hartig was proved, and Mme. . ■ Gould ta held liable for half tb- Mr. F. T. Yopp, who waa very III amount, Count Bool to pay tbe other for two or three days, is still Improv- balf. lag. M trig /■wda iritT I of km-t bin over aneo ories ■ our g »P Oak. «vS ■■/ -’foal . I • i EMI