Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, February 15, 1908, Image 1

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ACROSS Weekly edition of 7 1 OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS AND WARE COUNTY 1 IIB VOLUME XV V WAYCROSS- GA- SATURDAY FEB IS 1908 s -yjjjas* - *“*3 ANGLIN ON TRIAL FOR NEW YEAR8 SPREE AIRED SAVANNAH COURT. Meldrlm Making 8trong Defense For Young Man Before Judge Sea- brook. Special To The Herald Valpariso, Feb. 13.—Elaborate pre- para’ions are* being made to welcome Adfcnlral Evans' fleet whiafr Js ex pected to pass Valpariso tomorrow. Every craft In these waters ’aas been chartered by excursionists who will sail out to see the great Amei* Savamiali, Ga., Febb 13.—Thomas Anglin, Jr., a young man Charged • with shooting a policeman on New Years eve night and killing the horse of another officer was tried In the Superior Court yesterday. Gen. P. W., Meldrlm who Is con ducting the defense for the young man Is making a hard fight for hlip. His client was tried on February 10, and a mistrial resulted. Judge Paul E. Seabrook Immediately directed the reassignment of the case and ordered that it be heard again beginning yes terday. General Meldrlm attacked this method of procedure in a demur rer. He also demurred to Judge Sea- brooks sitting on the case at all claim ing he had been chosen to preside over the courts of the South Atlantic Circuit and to sit in Chatham county in emergency and that this was. nn- f . Evans is much better. 1 constitutional. The court overruled both demurrers. ITALPARISO READY FOR EVAN’S FLEET. ELABORATE PREPARATIONS TO WELCOME AMERICANS. Fleet Will P*«. Valparaso Tomorrow. Excursion Boat! Chartered To Wltneaa Beautiful 8laht. M. L MOORE TODAY WITHDREWFROM RACE WILL NOT BE CANDIDATE FOR COMMISSION. Business Affairs Prevents Hie Con tinning Through Four Months Campaign, Mr. M. L. Moore today announced that he had decided to withdraw from the race for commissioner of Ward county. Mr. Moore’s candidacy was TJasea on the belief that the Democratic Executive Co|nmlt£eQ wonlJ dualde on an early day for the primary, and when It was put off until Juue Mr. lean fleet, which is a beautiful slglft ( Moore decided timt he would with* ' Valpurleo could hot accommodate J draw. the fleet because of the inadequate { Purely business reasons depth of the harbor. | cause of Mr. Moore’s withdrawal * j a four month’s campaign for an office Washington, Feb. 13.—Tho Navy that Is anything but desirable from department this morning received I a financial standpoint, being cousld* the following telegram from Admir al t Simpson, of the Chillean Navy, who has been In communication with Admiral Evans’ fleet, by wireless: *AH Is going well aboard the fleet SAVANNAH TAKING ON METROPOLITAN AIRS. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13.—3avannaji Is taking on metropolitan airs. Un der a plan .adopted to try to Improve the street car service cars will not stop at'^0ferta!u streets ta all nor in * middle of squares. At a council meet ing president Baldwin,* of the street railway company informed the city that hl3 company • was making* no money in Savannah and it cannot af ford to buy any new cars as was sug gested it do. WHIGHAM MAN CHARTERS . A 8PECIAL TRAIN. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13.—Mr. T. A. Jones a naval Stores operator from ACTIONS OF JAPANESE AROUSED SUSPICIONS. By Telegraph to Hpralcl. . ifentae Monica, Cal., Feb. 13.—On an unfrequented bluff which marks the ng.thern line of Santa Monica Bay, atven Japs have, been for sever al day3 past experimenting with a smhll cannon. It is expected that a portion.of Yho American fleet would pass near here, and the actions of the Japanese* aroused tho suspicions of the Inhabitants. ered more than he could well stand. MR' W. G. CHARLTON - TO TAKE OATH OF OFFICE. Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13.—Mr. W. G. Can lie tor., the -recently appointed Judge cf the Superior Court who Is to succeed Hon. George T. Cann Saturday, Js in Atlanta where he Is to take tho oath before Governor Smith, if the health of that official will permit. He may return today. Judge C^nn la In Augusta* attending the Ephc^pal convention but he will probably return in time to be pr: ont when his sucessor ia introtfcce’.a into office. THE COMING OF ASIA. We find in a dispatch from Toklo, Ja pan,-to the London Teldgraph the fol lowing: “The awakening of Asia is already a cause ‘ {or considerable worry} con cerning the future of European power Whigham came to Savannah* Tuesday J Jn the 0rlent Qre{lt BsUaln , 8 night and ordered a special train £o J tremb jj n g a t the rousing of the mil- carry Slim ' to Statesboro where bla ; lionB of j n ai a . Little Japan proved wife lay ill. Ho reached her before j ^ g | ant when her eyes were op- she died. I ened the possibilities of development. “ jThe awakening of the Chinese dra gon would result In the creation of another giant to Join hands with India DOES NOT ACCEPT THE ANNOUNCEMENT. and Japan in a fight for (the Asiatics." to save the world from terrible Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13.—Mr. T. S. wftrs aa(1 terrible destruction of hu- FEDERAL TROOPS WILL BE RUSHED TO ALASKA. By Telegraph Tjo The Herald Washington, Feb. 13.—It is report ed this morning that the President has ordered Federal troops tushed to Fairbanks, Alaska^ to suppress the rioting |ncldehtal to the sjLrljre of the miners there. THE CAT CAME BACK. Some wgeks ago, Mr. A. M. Sar gent of this city brought from the town of Haverhill a favorite cat and placed her in his store on Union St. Thfe cat remained In the store, appar ently quite contented for three or four days, but one morning upon opening the store she was missing. Nothing more was heard of her, and It was Molse, general manager of the Cen-Jnmn and "animal life Bands of Mercy j SUJ)J)0se( j gbe ha(l been ' K in e j # w j lon tral Railway does not accept as final and Humane education are needed, one day week gbe wag heard the Associated Press announcement 1 . 111 As!a as weU M ~ tt chrl8t,an coun ‘ scratching at tho window of her old that the Cftil Service Commlsfcion Wt ** auJ the S00!lcr "* ^ ^ ae ln Haverhill. She locked Jaded missionaries and Btfads of Mercy to an( j wea t ber beaten, but was other- SECRET AGENTS AFTER ASSASSINS 3EVERAL GOVERNMENTS JOIN IN SEARCH. Want To Get At Bottom Of Plot Resulted in Portugal’* Recent Tragedy. By Tcicgry to Herald. Madrid!™aia,s Feb. 13.—An uncen- sored dispatch from Lisbon received today stated that secret agents from England, Germany and Spain art working secretly to get at the bot tom of the plot which resulted In Qe assassination of King Leopold and the Crown Prince of Portugal. The dispatch also stated that other na tlons. which have been threatened from time to tioio will join the move ment. AWAITING ARRIVAL OFCHAS. W. MORSE FOR PICTURE PLACE SENDING INVITATIONS TO OLD FASHIONED DINNER. Sayannah, Ga., Feb. 13.—Mr. George M. Brinson Is sending out invita tions to an old fashlbned dinner at Sprlngfleld, Effingham county, the terminus of the £’41ew railroad, on Washington’s Birthday. This Is to be gala day In Sprlngfleld. The mili tary from Savannah will camp there two days, February 22, and 23. WILL BE CARRIED TO COi UPON ARRIVAL. Ball in Any Amount Ready To Keep Financier From Prlhon Walls. By Telegraph to Herald. New York, Feb. 13.—The Federal Grand Jury tomorrow will formally present Its findings, and will then hear definitely ln what light the gov ernment Intends to view the case of Charles W. Morse. All arrange- mens have been made for the Indict ment of the financier, and hu will uo brought to court Immediately on ar rival to this country. Ills ball will be prioraply furbished', no matter what amount It may be. SAVANNAH GETTING TOO MUCH SCORCHING. GILCHRIST NOT A HYPOCRITE. General A. W. Gilchrist, candidate for governor, was a visitor to Lake land last-Tuesday. Ho*'met a great number of our people and made a very pleasing Impression on all. He distributed a number of his famous ’monkey cards” nnd explained the ! Inculcated thereby: “See, Hear! Jpcak no Evil.’’ The geulal general j imes ns near living up to hlu motto i anybody we know. General Gilchrist will get a largo vote ia this territory. He Is a south J Florida man and has neighbor!; j Th e first meeting of the creditors Savannah, Ga., Feb. 13.—Savannah- Ians and those living within a radius few miles of Savannah are get ting too much scorching on the part of automobile drivers, before the big races of next month are pulled off.Jium. Ownere of fast machines think noth-J and Mr. Vogjit were thorougly ap ing of racing over the eighcen mlle3 profited, nnd almost every song was course at sixty miles an hour or enchoced.- faster nnd it Is feared someone will j The program for tonight is an- bo killed. An effort will be made nounced on the fourth page todny. In to have the practice stopped. ! addition tp, ike illustrated songs, an WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT PERr FORMANCE TONIGHT. Two Hundred Suggestions Were Sent In. Excellent Program «t Oponing Last Night. The name for the new moving pic ture place which has Just opened on Pendleton street, next to Cherokee Pharmacy,* was this afternoon select ed by a committee composed of G. it, Youmaus, R. L. Singleton, and A. P. Perham, Jr. Tho name selected has been turned over to Mr. Carter, pro prietor of tho place, and will be an nounced on the moving picture bTRW tonight. / Abput two hundred suggestions were sent in nnd the committee fin ally selected the name which the new theatre will bear. Last night’s opening was one of the most auspicious occasions of the kind ever before in the city. .From i’clock until a late hour the place was. crowded, and at every perform ance standing room was at a prem- The singing cf Mr. Austin J entirely now picture will be shown. REPRESENTATIVE. On March 1st, the Bon Ton, 20 Fenj j # dleton street, will add't6 H Tf ENDORSES JUDGE SWEAT FOR ness an up to-date Dressmaking De partment, which will bo ln charge of a lady of exceptional ability and long experience, who copies from' Hop* kln vllie, Ky., the home of dress making. 3t Waycross Evening Herald; ** Gentlemen: Waycross and Ware county has now reached a point where they-re quire a strong, nble, and progressive representative In the legislature, and know of no one, who is better qwnl- dating upon the people. Then he la'of J. W. McQuafg, of Waycross, who ifled to fill this Important office, than FIRST MEETING CREDITORS. has refused to extend tho time for put ting* train dispatchers on 9 hours shifts. He seems to think tho rail- roads have some other remedy up their sleeve which they will be able to use at the proper time. ATTEMPTED 8UICIDE WILE IN TURKISH BATH. Chicago, Feb. 13.—Robert J. Ault, a Cincinnati manufacturer, is In a critical condition as the result of an effort to commit suicide today, tried to kill himself by cutting his throat with a razor while in a Tur kish bath. Seab Wright still looks like a man who would like to get Into some sort of a running match. Seab is fixing to be skinned, —- Secretary Taft seems to hare the Mark Hanna knack of corralling the Ohio Republicans, proclaim "Glory to God, Peace Earth, Kindness, Justice and Mercy to Every Living CVoature” the better It will be for the present and coming generations. We hav e often printed that familiar saying of Xapolian, when urged to conquer certain provinces of China, wise in fair condition. The time that had elapsed betwocn her departure from Lynn and her arrival ln Haver- bill was just six weeks and one day Whether she wag traveling all that time li of course not known. She was brought in a close bog, on tho railroad, by the way of Georgetown, a man who makes friends wherever be goes, and of whom It is hard to find anything objectionable. General Gilchrist remarked that* some of the temperance people have the mistaken Impression that 'ae is opposed to their palleles. As a matter of fact, ae voted for prohibition. In DeBoto county. Ho does favor local option, hotvever the regulation of each communities’ af fairs by. the community Itself. This Iocs not mean that he is in favor of .rohlbltlon, but that he is not a hyp ocrite who will surrender any convic tion to get office. The race soema to bo between Gilchrist and Stockton, with tho rest nowhere.—Lakeland News. recently filed a suit In bankruptcy, was held before Judge Max Isaac lu Brunswick today. Judge J. L\ Sweat representing creiMtors, and Col. C. C. Thomas, representing the bank rupt, and O. J. Allen, who wfla ap pointed receiver by the court. Mr. J. W. McQunlg went down to Brunswick this morning to attend the hearing. Judge' J. L; Sweat He J» an honorable, high toned, gentleman. A lawyer of the highest type, and his business and executive abilities has been demonstrated on" many oc casions, It was largely through his wisdom, planning and efforts, that our car factory Was rebuilt. He la a man that can, and will accomplish whatever hp JORDAN FOUND GUILTY undertakes,, I suggest that you'uFfe GOES TO PEN FOR LIFE. ]his becoming a candidate tbroujn j (he columns of your paper. We might conquer certain provinces j D anvc ‘ r8 and Balem, and the distance and hold them aa the British bold In- did, but we should teach them the art of war, and one of these days they inlght conquer France." Our opinion is that we shall never prevent wars with Asia by fortifying Phillfppine Islands or sending teen battleships to the Pacific. Valparaiso, Feb. 11.—The Chilean Government bat commissioned an American electrical engineer to study the feasibility of changing the first and second sections of the State rail ways for the use of electrical instead of steam power. , . she must have travelled on her re turn could not have beep less than thirty to forty miles. How she suc ceeded In finding her old home, which was a mile and a half west of the center of the *iown, without any scent or possible means of guidance except by her own instinct, crossing the Merriiudc river and several small streams which lay in her direct cours* COMMISSIONED AMERICAN ELECTRICAL ENGINES^ peust ever remain a mistery. If any one knows of a more remarkable case of inltlnct In a cat we should like to hear of It.—Lynn Reporter. Mind your own business and let other people mismanage theirs if they want to* NEW MIL,ITIA BUREAU IS ESTABLISHED. By Telegraph to Herald. Washington, Fell. 10.— Acting Sec retary of War today leaned an order creullng a new division cf ntllltla af fairs. in fucure thla bureau will transact all bualnCsa connected with rtnte militia. Col. Kra.'.nns Si. Beaver will be In charge of the new bureau, j YOUNG MAN RELEASED FROM CHATHAM JAIL. Special To The Herat * Savannah, Oa„ Feb. 11.—Henry C. Griggs, a young" man t from Baxley, who hae been In Jail for aeveral monthe charged -with tending souv enir poet carle to the marehal 01 that town which tended to hold him up to ridicule ha, been -relcaaed by order of Judge Speer. The Judge thought the young men had been eulllcle^tly puntebed tor hi, crlmo by hie tmpriconment. By Telegraph To The Herald: Gulfport, Miss., Feb. 11.—H. L. Jordan, who has been on trial for the killing of Bob Davie, at Ferktneton laai July, was found guilty today with a recommendation for a life sentence. BANDITS SHOT UP MIS30URI TOWN. By Telegraph t« The Herald. Springfield, Mo., Feb. 11,—Five maeked Bandits shot up the town of Wllllard, 15 mile, from - here last night and cracked the bank tale. The robbers secured $10,000 In cash. They ore headed for the Ozark mountains with a posse In pursuit. Respectfully, "CiriZK.SY' ENGAGEMENT REPORTED TO HAVE TERMINATED. By Telegraph to The Herald. Waehlngton, Feb. 11.—rhe engage ment between ex-3enator Henry Da vie, the millionaire octogenarian, and Ul,a Maude Ashdord, formerly e newspaper writer, la aald to have ter minated. It fs Intimated that Jibe Ashford Intends seeking damages. FOR 80LICIT0R-GENERAL. To the voters of the Brunswick Cir cuit: I beg to announce my candidacy ln the next Demovratlc Primary for nomination-for the office of Solicitor- General of the Brunswick Judicial Circuit. On account of the Illness of the present-Solicitor-General, I 'upve -filled this office tor him almost con tinuously for the, past three years, and therefore am familiar‘with )U duties. I solicit your active support, and promise, if elected, lo dleharge the duties of the office honestly and co the best of my ability. A. D. GALE. AFTER EXCITING 8PEECH CASE WENT TO JURY. . By Telegraph to The Herald. Chicago, Feb. 11.—The cobo of Mrs. pora McDonald went to the Jury thla morning after a most exciting clos ing speech by fhtomey James Ifam- llton Lewis. The people wore so worked up extra police were calleJ. One woman became so excited that she struck a policeman and was ar- . a - ■ .. ..-iiiils Even a good physician may go from had to worse.