Weekly edition of the Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 190?-1908, February 15, 1908, Image 4

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{ HARDWARE Building iVlatetial, Paints and Oils Stoves and utensils Everything In our Line. Watt Hardware Co, Placing the Blame. Conntcl (a giant in the world of cross examiners)—You are contin ually bringing actions, aren’t you? illv bringing Plaintiff—11 - have brought a few. Counsel—You didn’t succeed in tbe list, did vou? Plaintiff—1 came out of it all right Counsel—Do you mean to say you didn’t lose it? Plaintiff—I did not. Counsel—You didn’t? Remem ber. sir, you arc on yo«r oath. Plaintiff—I know that Counsel—And yet you swear you didn’t lose that action ?' Plaintiff—I did not. You threw it away for mo.—London Scraps.' Har Eloquent Glance. The plea of a man arrested lor swearing at bit mother-in-law was that "she commenced with him first.” "Did she swear at yon?*' asked the judge. \ “No, your honor, bat she looked it”—St. Louis Republic. | KoJol Is a sclcnttfllc preparation, of vegetable achls with aitnral digei- tanta and contains the same jntces round la mb Uealty atSmScb. Each dose will dlgeit more than J.009 grains ol good foood. 801d by Redd- dlnr, A Co. NEIGHBORHOOD FAVORITE. Mrs. E, i». Charles. * or Harbor, Maine, apeaklas ot Electric Bitters, says: "It It a neighborhood favorite here with us,'" It deserves to be a favorite everywhere. It give, quick relief In dyspepsia, liver complaint, malnutrition, nervnuaness, weakness and reneral debility. Its action on the. blood, as a thoroueher purifier makes It especially useful as a spring medicine. This grand alterative too- fe Is sold under) guarantee at all druggists. 60c. ® Wood Varnedoe £>0s'O®OOOOO C- 0 y 5 O O O 9 $ tiing s Little Liver HUs wake up Dr. Whoop’s Nig'ht Cure ’’ALL DEALERS” EVERYTHING NEW, BEST OF IRL’GS WILL GIVE MY PER80NAL TTENTION TO PRESCRIPTIONS', tf. JO. ft. BPINSON. ’sty livera, clean the eystem anti clrar the akin. Tty them for hUllour- pese and lick headache. Price !Sc. Soli by •/ . . ' *** • .^pberokee Pharmacy. TIT *S WZXKl.Y HERALD TWO VISITORS UNWELCOME HERE. At tills season LaGrippe and Pne umonia cause more deaths than con sumption. Foley'® Honey, and Tar cures la grippe coughs that may In pneumonia over night. Do not take chances with a cold wh?n PoI«y*i oney and Tar will quickly cure It. eatral Pharmacy k. Union Pbartnary. GRIND Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take The new laxative. Does not grfpe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles.and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach, liver and bowels. lltutM. Price SC IAL PHARMACY. UNION PHARMACY SIMPLE REMEDY FOR LA GRIPPE La prlppe couyiia are dangerous ns they frequently develop Into pneu monia. FoleyV Honey and Tar not only stops the cough hut heals and strengthens the Jungs bo that no ncr luis remits need he feared. The gen uine Foley's Honey and Tar coutaln3 no harmful druga and Is In a yellow package. Ruffito substitutes. For sale f.t all Druggists. * Health Coffee" Is realy the closest Coffee Imitation ever,yet produced. This la tne finest Coffee Substitute ever ninde, has recently bt*en produc ed by Dr. 3hoop of Racine, Win. Not a grain of real Coffee In It either. Health Coffee Is made from pure toasted cereaD, with muh, nuts, etc. Really It would fool an expert—who might firing It for coffee. No twenty ''or thirty minutes boiling. "Made In a minute" nuys tho doctor. Tho \Yaycioag Grp. Co., Mutual Oro., Co. SUFFERING AND DOLLARS SAVED K. 8. Ixiper, of Mnrltla, N. Y., says: "1 am n carpenter and have had many se\ore cuts healed by Bucklin'* Ar nica salve. It has saved ino suffer ing and dollars. It Is by far the best healing salve I have evry found.” Heals burns, sores, ulcers, foversores eczema ami piles, 25c at all dm* gists. Open Publicity Insures a fair, square and honest deal. It characterises the policy ol Dr. Pierce as relates to the composition of his time-proven and most popular medicines. Their ingredients are on "-zb bo* tie-wrapper, attested under oath and printed in plain English. Dr. Pierce’s Fa vorite Prescription is the only medicine designed for *he cure of wom an's peculiar ailments and sold by druggists, the makers of which publish on each bottle-wrapper what the medicine contains. write Prescription con i’r.d no narcotics or ■ habit-forming tiroes, rum its publi -t * Dr. Pltrce’a Fi tain® no tleoho other harmful i as win be wan gredientn. It rnatiiir.fi onfy such native, medicinal r-.</s a* arc inert highly rec ommend''! by I radii;? medical writer* and pract'iioneri of all the several •cboolsof 5 ractirp, inr the euro of wom an's del; and peculiar ailments. It U sate v: vo.nen to t.ika in unu con dition cf (}■- »U‘ten, cs it assists Mature In rente,:; ; the healthful action of ail tbe organ:- distinctly /ertb.iuc. Nature’s own cure. In fact- "Fa vorite Prr crintion" is Vatnre’fi own cure for U:j many derangements and weaknesgfM peculiar to women. It is advised for no other dteea^es. If you are a weak, tired, nervous, over-worked, broken-down, pain-racked woman, either young, old or middle- aged, suffering from frequent headaches, backaches, dizziness or fainting spells,, gnawing or distressed feeling in stomach, perhaps see imaginary epecks, or dark spots floating before the eyes, have dragging-down or heavy feeling in lower abdomen, or pelvic region, with, per haps. pelvic o\tnrrh,T>r other symptoms of functional or organic affections of the distinctly feminine organs, then you will make no mistake if you resort to the txse of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. The most advanced medical science knows no better agents for the cure of all such diseases than arc happily and harmoniously combined in this widely- famed " Prescription w of Dr. Pierco. You can’t afford to accept any secret nostrum of unknown composition and of questionable merit as a substitute for this proffwiotKtlly endorsed and time- tested remedy or k sown 1 com position, aimply that some unprincipled dealer jiny make a little larger profit. Don’t expect it to perforin miracles but give it a fair, persevering trial and it is not likely to disappoint you. It won't "dis- •oh-o tumors"—no medicine will. It will cure a lar.jer percentage of all cur able ailments which especially afflict womankind than any other medicine sold by drugghta for that purpose. As to l)r. Pierce's Golden Medical for its blood cleansing and specific cura tive effects upon the diseased mucous membranes. It will enre a very large K er cent, of oil cases, even after they avo reached tho ulcerative, or chronic stage, and no matter of how many years’ standing they way U. It is equally efficacious in affections of the'mucous Jin tg of the larynx, bronchia and res piratory organs in general, thus cuving bronchitis, laryngitis and other 'aff«*c- tions giving me to obstinate, hang-on- coughs. It is not so good in ac its coaghs following nudden colds, as ifi ti n lingering, chronic coughs. Nor must the "Golden Medical Discovery" be expected to work miracles. It will not cure consumption in its advanced stages—no medicine will do that, but for all obstinate hang-on-coughs due to laryngial or bronchial irritation ana kindred affections, of the throat which, if neglected or badly treated, are likely to lead up to consumption, the "Dis covery " can be relied upon to produce the fcest curati.vo results. Tho " Golden Medieal Diacovery" is, from its tonic and specific curative con trol over mucous surfaces, especially efficacious in curing indigestion, dys pepsia, weak stomach and "Liver Com plaint,'* or biliousness. Even ulceration ci the stomach and bowel.? has in tiiSu- sands of cases been cured by it; altc* obstinate chronic diarrhea. In addition to all the foregoing, not tho least valuable of the mantdously efficacious properties poe^ssed by th® "Discovery" is the uncounted regulat ing and strengthening effect exerted by it over the heart's action. It has mad® some wonderful cures of verv pro nounced valvular and other affections of that organ. The reason v. ky *■ Golden Medical DiBCOV'*ry r verve rn « i-’n a ranr- ..f dia* eases i ■ ma.Ie •, !. !n a booklet sent free on ‘. 1 to Dr. B. V. v ‘ . If interested, Pierce, Bubal, tend (pi The p Hying pi oovery." for the ( tions; Discovery it has a very largo range of | skin affections KEEPING OPEN HOU8E. EveiyUoUy Is welcome when wo feel good, and wo-Xerl that way oqly when our digestive. organs arc working properly, Dr. King’s Now Llfo Pills regulate the action bf tho stomach, can’t help feeling good when ho xises these pill®. 2uc at all druggists. To stop that pat a In the back, that stiffness of the Joint® ant muscles, take Plueules. They are guaranteed. Don’t suffer from rheumatism, bacck- ache, kidney trouble, when you got 30 day’s treatment for $1.00 A single .dose ot bed time proves their merit, Get them today. Sold by ••• Cherokoe Pharmacy • Use .petVitts Little Early Risers, pleasant little pills. They nre easy to take. 8old by Redding & Co. If you tave Catarrh, rid yourself of this repulsive disease. Ask Dr. Slioop of Racine, WIs., to mall you free, .a trial box of his Dr. 8hoop’s Ctarrh remedy, A simple, single cent will surely toll you a Catarrh trutn well worth knowing. Write to-ds^v. Don’t suffer longer. AH dealers. DoWltt’s CarbolUed Witch Hazel Salvo Is especially good for pflae. Sold b)'' Redding & Co. , Bert Barber, of Elton, WIs., says "I have only taken four doses of yqur Kidney and bladder Pills uad they have done for me more than any oth er medicine has dflne. Mr. Barber refers to DoWltt’s Kidney and Blad der PUD. They are sold by Redding & Co. Pinesolve carbolizorf acts Ilk® a poul tice, draws oat lnfltmatlou ai)d poison. Antiseptic healing. Fori chapped hands Ups, cuts, bnms. Soli By ••• • Cherokee Pharmacy. application, yet it is by no means ... ointnrmlinl as a "Cure-All." It nos- ressfti marvuloufl alterative, or blood vitalising, properties and is at tho same time a most invigorating tonic, or strength giver. It cxcris a specific, cleansing, soothing and liealing effect Upon all the lining mucous luemoranes of the system; hence, its Rrvat curative value • in all catarrnal aff.*vtions, no matter w here located. In Chronic Nana! Catarrh, it is well to clean so tho plumages two or three times a day with Dr. Sage*® Catarrh Remedy fluid, while persisting in the t*'® of the '* Golden Medical Dis<e”«ry" all err.ti vi or Mood pnr- p ft jd by U;e " F‘v .Mirully 9uy?'i’«t ■ itp ujc ilctcnes, pimples, emp , fjit-rheum, and other rhfch it Nrts made remarkable lous sores and ohl, open ulcers, or rat ing sore’). To heal the latter, use Dr. Puree's AU-Healing Salve ns a local application, while taking tlie "Golden Medical Discovery " to correct the blood and cleanse the system. A box will 4ju mailed to any address on receipt of fifty-four cent* in stamps. If your druggist don’t have it instock, add/ees Dr. Fierce, as above. Dr. Fierce’,! Pleasant Pellets are the original Little Liver Fills, first put up by old Dr, Fierce over 40 years agot Much imitated, but never equaled Easy to take &s candy. Dickins’ Livery Stables 13 STEPHENSON ST. Fine Horses and Rubber- & RELIABLE DRIVERS SPECIAL ROAD TEAMS FOR TRAVELING MEN. PHONE 200 . RESIDENCE PHONE 481 PICK YOUR FRUITS carefully. Don’t be iatlsfled with any but the best. It 1® the only kind safe to cat. TRY OURS f you would enjoy gralt perfection. You will find them as rellclous in taste a* they nre attractive In a? jearance. And you don’t Lave to be. - millionaire to tuy hare. I^et us prove i: PHOTOGRAPHING ANIMALS. Som# Dsncsrs the Man Bahind tl.l Cam era Eneountara. Today flie camera penetrate* everywhere, and soraetiraea its use is attended with considerable dan ger and difficulty. Nowhere is this more pronounced than when the camera is brought into use in tak ing lifelike pictures of wild ani mals in captivity. IJow hazardous this may be is shown i*r the following incident, whieh happened not long ago at a big zoological garden abroad: S. fine white leopard had been added to the collection, and ns soon as it ap peared to hove settled down the au thorities decided to have it photo graphed. It seemed to l»o a fairly quiet creature—nervous and timid, to be sure, but without any sign of temper. When the keener entered its cage it had token little notice of him be yond the usaal spitting end hissing j natural to its kind. The pbotogm- j pher therefore followed the keeper i into its cage without apprehension of trouble. lie set up his apparatus, adjusted it, took several pictures of the leopard, and all seemed satisfactory. As he shut up his camera, however, the operator chanced- to shuffle his feet once or twice on the floor of the rage. Like a 'streak <;f Jightaing the leopard, with an* ominous, sn.nl. leaped at him. and before he could the ttirmal was gripping his nkie with his , fere paws and f.i- rioiudy biting at his foot. Luckily the keeper ar.d sour.’ assistants suc ceeded in boating off the boast in time to save the photographer's life, but it was n narrow squeak. At.the same zoo some time after when an attempt was made to pho tograph one of the llamas—an ani mal generally considered tp be a fairly docile creature, with nothing particularly objectionable about it beyond its habit of spitting—the photographer's “subject” revealed its true nature by suddenly making a dash for camera and operator, and before the latter could be rescued ho was the recipient of innumerable scratches, cuts and bruises which took some weeks to heal. It is an open question whether seals and sea lions are vicious or not. They are cerrainly extremely curious and anxious to find out tilings for themselves, and a pho tographer who tried to take a pic ture of a troupe of performing sea lions had an experience worth re cording. lie erected his tripod and camera and was about to make the exposure when one of the sea lions wriggled oft his pedestal ana made straight for the camera. It was ad done so quickly that before the photogra pher realized it the camera was up set and the sea lion wus biting the man’s legs and feet pretty sharply The trainer got him away, and no serious harm was done, but he ex plained to the camera man that sea lions often did n little biting just to find out what an object was made of!—Pearson’s Weekly. Claney’t Employer. Benjamin F. Butler of Massachu setts was a tireless worker when he started on anything. He , and his iecretarv, Clancy, says the Balti more Sun, oftentimes sat in the li brary until almost daylight when the general wanted to finish up any thing. * During the night sessions of the senate toward a close of congress a senator called on General Butler one morning at ,1 o’clock. The same senator called again when the senate cdjourre.l the following morning at daybreak and found the general and Clancy still nt work. “Don’t you ever stop?” the sen ator asked. M Xo,” General Butler said. “Sa tan finds some mischief still for idle hands to do.” “General, I never knew before just who my employer was,” Clancy said, bowing. Cabbage Plants. We have a lew hundred thousand early cabbage plants ot the Early Jersey and Charleston Wake- fig Id and some Flat Winter, now- ready for transplanting. If you want winter garden, or some fervb green cabbage to supply your winter trade, now la the time to put them out. Price, f. o b. Young's Island.: 500 tor $1.00. 1 to 4.000, at $1.SC per 1,000. 5 to S,000, at $1.25., per 1,000. 9 ti 20.000. at $1.00 per 1,000. Write your name and shipping addres, plain. J. M. GIBSON, Young’s Island, S. C. THE 'Exch&sige. OP’ WAYCROSS. CAPITAL- S75 000.00 Per On Depo-it in Savings Department y Cent Interest Compounded Quarterly. V Ml 1 Si-C',! Y Per Con Ob .Certifies?e of D;,.> sit tor S..i Mottu'iS Or. certificate of Deposit f. r Twelve Months. Issued W. R. S-a. ;n. Ceshler :h: SOUTHERN R AILWAY OFFERS UNEXCELLED SERVICE North, South, Cast &.nd West , For Rates, Routes and Sched ules or any Other Informa tion, address... G. R. PETTIT, Traveling Passenger Agent, MACON. - - GEORGIA. We a k Women i?§£ .oUfctt women, then It ol kaat ana Isok Altar Tie = FLUES The King Flue Base, Recommended by Insurance com pas ***■ nu * «TW7 requirement af ( Clrr *1.11* OBDINANCB I Price Only $!.50