Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, February 22, 1908, Image 5

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ANNOUNCEMENTS. Announcements of caadldat* in. vte«ln this column ter 15.04 payable strictly is advance. „ FOR TAX ASSESSOR me friends of M. E. Henderson an nounce that he will be supported for re-election to the office of Tax Assess or for Ware county at the primary to he ordered later by tae executlre com mittee. Hr. Henderson has made an efficient officer. HAN'T FRIENDS. For County Commissioner. | • A SOCIAL TANGLE. I Hereby announce my candidacy The Result. of’TrTTtimpt t. Solve tor county commissioner of Were the Complex Problem, oounty, subject to tbs Domocrotto; “Wanted, three competent men primary to be called later. I nsla vacancies _on the editorial this announcement at the solldta- tkm of frlondi, and because I be* Here I am capable to fill tie position, D. J. MILLHR. FOR 8HERIFF. Mr. D. A. Woodard announces that be will be a candidate for. re-election to the offlee of Sheriff of Ware county subject to the action of Che Democratic primary. Mr. Woodard asks the sup- prt of the voters of Ware county. FOR SOLICITOR CITY COURT I hereby announce myself a cam! Slate for Solicitor of the City COu . ~ot Waycross, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be call ed Liter by the Democratic Executive Committee. If elected. I promise to fill the offlee to the best of my ability without fear or favor. I earnestly sol icit the support of the Democratic vot ers of Ware county. A. B. SPENCE. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT 1 hereby announce to my friends and the voters of Ware county tha* 1 will be a candidate for re-election to the offlee of Clerk of the Superior Court at the Democratic primary to be held later. I will greatly appreci ate the support of the voters of the county. E. J. DERRY. D. A. WILLIAMS FOR TREASURER. The friends of D. A. Williams an nounce that he will be warmly sup' ported for the office of treasurer at the coming democratic primary. Mr. Williams has made a most efficient, fficer and has performed all the du ties pertaining to his offlee, to the en tire satisfaction of the people of Ware county and we ask that ho returned to the position ho has so ably and hon estly filled. MANY FRIENDS. FOR ORDINARY. LONG TERM. The friends of Banner H. Thomas announce that he will be supported n the Democratic primary to be call- 1 later, for Ordinary of Wi.rc county, to fill the regular and long term of said offlee. Banner Thomas Is well known to the people of this county and we solicit their support in his behalf. MANY FRIENDS... FOR REPRESENTATIVE, friends of Mr. S. F. Miller have re quest ed him to become a candidate for election to the office of Represen tative of Ware county before the en suing Democratic primary, and ho has consented to do so. The hearty support of the voters of Waro county will be greatly appreciated by. MANY FRIEND3. FOR JUDGE CITY COURT. The friends of Hon. John. C. Mi- Donald announce that he will be sup ported for Judge of the City Court of Waycross at the primary election to be called later. We bespeak for him a large vote. NUMEROUS FRIENDS. FOR ORDINARY. To the Voters of Ware County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for tho offlee of Ordinary of o county, subject to the Demo cratic primary. I solicit the support an<j influence of the voters of the county, and if elected to said office, I pledge a faithful dichargo of the duties thereof, Yours obediently, Wm. MANA3A WILSON. FOR TAX ASSESSOR. Friends of Mr. C. E. Walden an nounce that ho will be a candidate for Assessor of Ware County, sub ject to tho action of the Democratic primary. The support of the voters Ware county is urgently urged in his behalf. MANY FRIENDS. FOR CORONER. Tho Herald is requested to announ ce that* Mr. Jackson Grimes will he supported for re-election to the offlee ' “ ironer of Ware county at the en- Democratic primary. Mr. Grlm- » been a faithful officer, and ms J'rtlffds urge the support of the voters *of the county. FOR TREASURER. Tho frineds of Rev. John F. Har bin beg to announce that he Is a candidate for Treasurer of Ware coun ty, subject to the Democratic prima ry to be called later. The voters of the .county are earnestly urged to sup port Mr. Harbin, resting assured litat if elected he will dichargo tne duties of the office to the best of his ability. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. To the voters of Ware county. As I am serving my first term as tax collector to the utmost of my abil ity I earnestly solocit your support in tho coming primary for a second term and If elected promise to $nve my time and attention to the people s interest .. „ Very Respectfully, Wm. J. MULLIS. D. W. PITTMAN FOR SHERIFF. The numerous friends of D. W. Pitt man announce to the Demorcatic vot ers of Ware county, that his name will be presented t© the primary to be called later for the nomination, as a candidate fir sheriff of said county. Mr. Pittman Is fully qualified to fill tbe offlee to which we desire to see him elected and he Is a cltisen of cterling character and qualities and will make an honorable and efficient officer If elected. We solicit your rotes for Mr. Pittman. MANY FRIENDS. * t FOR SOUCITOR-GENRAL. To the voters of Ware county, and the Brunswick Circuit: I hereby announce myself a candi date for tbt offlee of Solicit©rGen- eral of the Brunswick Circuit, sub ject to the Democratic Primary. I sol icit the tnpport and Influence of the voter, of the Circuit. And If nominat ed end elected to eetJ offlee , I JW e faithful discharge of the dutlee thermae without feer, fevor or affeo- ttoa.V Tour* obldlently. LAWTON WALKER County dommletlsner. ennonnoe my. candidacy • of Wen county, auk- Democratic primary on If elected I will devote my rime to the beet Intonate of the coun ty ee 1 have to the peat I will e» predate the nppori or toe token «f Wan eh*. W. * CARO* June 4. FOR ORDINARY. At tho solicitation of my friends I announce myself a candidnte for Or- inary of Ware coiner nubj--cl to the Democratic primary. Now it's up to my friends to get busy. Their votes and influence will bo highly appreci ated. If elected 1 promise to give the office my undivided attention. Yours truly, OEO. W. BARNES. FOR TREASURER. I beg to announce myself a candl date tor the offlee of Treasurer of Ware county before the Democratic primary to be held later, aad I earn estly solicit the support of the voting public. It Is presumed that we will have n early primary, and it will be impossible for me to meet all tbe voters personally. Pleaso do not think that I do not want your vote because I have not solicited It In person. I will appreciate It only the more. ( R. M. LEWIS. FOR TAX A88E880R. The friends of J. J. Wilkinson, an nounce his name as a candidate for tbe office of receiver of tax returns or Waro county .subject to the Demo cratic primary and respectfully osx the eupport of the voters of the coun ty. Thle February 6, 1908. MANY VOTERS. For County Commissioner. I am a candidate for 'ho office ot Commissioner of Ware county, sub ject to tbe action cf tbe Democratic primary. If electej l will devote as much ot my time to tho county's affairs as should be necessary to conserve tho best Interests of tho public. M. L. MOORE. FUR REPRESENTATIVE, I hereby announce my candidacy for re-election to tho office of Repres entative ot Ware county at the primary to be held on June 4. I,will greatly appreciate too support of tho voters of Waro county. N. A. FRIER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Frfends of Mr. D. Cowart announce that he Is a candidate for Commis sioner of Ware county at the ensuing primary. Mr. Cowart is from the Millwood district'nod is capable in every way to attend to the duties ot tbe office eetlsfactory to the publle. We ask the support of the rotors er Waro county. MANY FRIENRS. FOR TREASURER. 1 hereby announce to the voter* ot Were oounty that I em e candidate for the office of treasurer ot sold county, subject to the action ot the democratic primarv. I solicit the enp- port of toe people and promise elected to perform to* datles to to* best of my ability- R. M. LANIER RESTAURANT NOW OPEN. The Weycros* Restaurant la now open to tbs public, to Polka block on Elisabeth street Meals wrved to regular, customer, and tbe bait toe market affords alwaya enrolled. Oom- ’ tonne onljr • big, bcavy Sip like a mntarioa tleketo to •old tor M-M. •tad of tbe Daily Doleful" The sad circumstances which called forth the shore advertise ment arc a, follows: In yesterday's editorial column appeared a notice that a man named Shore hod married bia stepdaughter by his (Shore’a) deceased wife’s for mer marriage. The aociety editor very thought lessly naked: “What relation would tho chil dren by this marriage and their chil dren hold to tho parents f" The whole staff attempted to solve the problem, with terrible re sults. _ “In the first place,” said the so ciety editor, “the children would be their father’s and mother's second cousins, and their grandfather would he their granduncle by their father’s side, while their grandmother would be their grandaunt and also stc|>- mother as well as their father’s wife; hence they’d he their own children. Gracious! Twice nothing is nothing and two to carry.” And then he tried to stab himself with a paper knife. The night editor said: “As lie married his wife’s daugh ter, tho mother is sister to her own children, and her husband must he their brother-in-law, and if lie’i their brother-in-law, being also a cousin to his wife, her qiiiidren are his second cousins and must he cousin to her husband, so he’s his own cousin. Ilis own cousin, he must have also been his cousins and his uncles end his aunts, and so did his cousins and liis uncles and his aunts, and so did his cousins and his”— And here it became necessary to fasten the night editor in his clmir, where he sits wildly repenting, “And so did his uncles and his cousins and liis aunts,” a hopeless idiot. Then the editor in chief attacked it. nnd in two minutes he made tbe children their own mothors-in-law, and one of them, he declared, was her own grandmother, after which he wus delivered up to tho police for safe keeping. The problem was taken up by tho comps,” and in half an hour every man was sitting witli staring eyes, figuring with his finger on tho back or liis hand and vowing Shore had married his great-grandmother with out a license, while an errand boy jumped out of the window, under the impression that lie was his own ancestor.—I-ondon Tit-Hits. He Worktd In Srrdou. It may not be generally known that M: Sardou, the famous drama tist, once figured in a photograph as a member of the ehomber of dep uties. It happened in this way; A certain photographer was very anx ious to produce the portraits of tho 303 deputies constituting the De- publican majority in tho chamber of 187?, which defeated tho endeavor to overthrow the republic. Ho ob tained the likeness of all of them except a certain Dougc, who was ally and refused to sit. Tho pho tographer in despair asked the ad vice of Gambotta.- “Nothing is sim pler,” Gumlictta said. “You have Sardou’s portrait? Then use that. Ho and Douga arc as rnucli alike as two peas. No one will over know the dilferenee.” Tho advice was taken, nnd M. Sardou figured ail unwittingly in tho number of the red Republicans. Driving e Coed Bargain. The harbor’s small son was in tho habit of plnying around liis father’s shop, ana he wus alwaya kecniy in terested in the patrons. Many ft stray penny found its way into the little chubby hand, and sticks of gum were dropped in quite as though by accident. Judge Blank drifted into tho shop the other aft-1 ernoon for n hair cut. The lad rec ognized tho fact that the judge was a new patron and so wus more than ordinarily interested in him. JJo hung at the foot of tho chair and < looked musingly at tho judge’s bald head. Then he walked slowly to the bock of the chair and surveyed the scanty fringe of hair from that >oint ot vantage. He could contain limielf no longer nnd bunt out in- credulously, “Father, doyou get a quarter for cutting that?"—Lippin- eott’a Magazine. Dogs In Hemeee. Only occasionally in the United States does one see doge in harness, bat it is a common eight all through Canada. There not only bon and I [iris, but grown men, do not disdain be polled by Fido or Brnno, and .. is quite customary when touring through (be country to seo dog’s harnces banging on the stable will betide that of &e bone. Tho little carta used for dags an ao light that they an not burdensome, and ot WAYCROSS LOOSE No. IT, I JO. O. F, Meets every Wed nesday nlyftt et’/i* •’clock /edge roan .aaconio building, Plant Avenue, .. Every member la expeoted to a end and vialtlng brothers are on d tally invited. L. J. COLLIER, Noble Gran O. J. ALLEN, Secretary. ♦ 4- + 4* 4-4- 4- 4- 4* 4- 4- 4- +4* + ♦ 4- + 4* 4> 4* ♦ 4» All of our Patrons are DAMf SCUS C 0 U MANDERY, No. If KNiGHTS TEMPLAf Moots in Maaoni Hall every eocmd and fourth Fr day at 7:80 p. m. All qualified Sir Knights are o© (llally invited to attend. A. G. VILLEE, E. C. E. J. BERRY, Rocordei TOMOCHICHi TRIBE NO. 18, • I. O. R. M. Meet! every Friday night In Lot? Hitch Bldg. II V. Baiuns. Chief Of Records BLAGK3HEAR CHAP- TER, Nc. 9 R. A. Mw Meets in Masonic Hall* Plant Avenue, every ■st end Third Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. All qualified companion!! cordially Invited, and visiting brothers will re* celvo a hearty welcoaio. II. Mitchell. H. P. * Q. W. WIGGINS, Sec. earnestly requested to pay their bills- REDDING & CO. DRUGGISTS 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4- 44- 4-4-4-•'•4-4*4-4 , 4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4> J. H. MARSH BURN Livery Stables ! NEXT TO HOTEL VIBDIE New and up-to-date Vehiclesj and Reliable Teams. Telephone us your orders. Phone No. 63 <SJV WAYCROS3 . LODGE 30S, F. * A. M„ Meet, on ccoond anc fourth Tuoadaya at 7:30 I*. M„ la Mnnoala Hall All qualified brethren are cordial], welcome. , RODERT L. SINGLETON, W M. W. WIGGINS, Secretary. to. veto, ot «».M Vewfemfltnd or some of & moo. to* a»4* to*., •£££•»S* 1 JIre you H Subscriber Co Cbt herald? IF NOT, WHY NOT? 10N T FORGE7 vhen buildinpr (o hav- your house wired for Electric Lights. Tho Only Safe Light. vaveross Kli’cffic 1 fil'd 1<vir C< MAGIC CITY lilMiii sum Lame Forfllng and Interfering ■ oeclalty. . Hand Made Ohoce to Ord arsenal attention given and all-work Guaranteed. AL80 GENERAL REPAIR WORK. W.H. ULMER- Manager. Shop Located On Alloa Street Next to Wetonee-fca Station ’HOME 321, / • FROM ONE SACK of flour we make many vnriettea ot BREAD. Each kind 1« different In thape, dlf- !'5 feront In method ot making and dif ferent la flavor. Hardly necaaxary to •ay that aU are excellent We make nothing that we cannot recommend. J- C- HUBER- ^Vrmnmp'ii i u i First /Vahonal Btm \ WAYCROSS GEORGIA Capitol an J Surplus, • . 1 $245,C00 Shareholder!' Liability. - . . $200,000 Imilra allelatua cl arccunlt ard paya 4 per crnl inlt.eal cn SAVINGS ACCOUNTS and TIME CERTIFICATES J. S. Bailey, Preside.it. G, W. Deen. Vicc-Prea'denl. A. M. Knight, Cmhier. J. W. Beilingcr. Aral. Cashier n a X t KERy£*OIL 5,SORES.BURHE & Rheumatism Your Good Name may bo a matter of prido to yon, but it to of little value If so ota known about it IN THE DIRECTORY of tbe Bell TcU-phcno Company it wUl be constantly before the best people. The Cost to BmalL FOB KFORKAKOII GALL TBE HANACEjS Southern M Telephone and Telegraph Co. B EES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP CONFORMS TO NATIONAL WIRE POOR AND DRUGS LAW. Aa Impreveaient oyer taanr Couth, Lung and Bronchial Rented lea. baeauae ft ride tho tyttom or t told by acting aa o cathartic on the hewcla. No spitted. Guaranteed to giro- atflcftcttou or ruervry rmSuadad. Prepared by PINEULE MEDICINE CO., CHICACO. V.3.A. •HRRORBI PHARMACY. ’