Newspaper Page Text
tho Southern Hotel Block aow occu
pied by tho Waycrosj Post Office, and
that portion of the lands cf L. John-
ton purchased of the Mayor and Coun
cil of the City of Waycros* and form
erly used as a lane; thonce South,
parallel with Lott street at the corner
of the store occupied by II. C. Sea
man; thence East along the Northern J
margin of Elizabeth street ninety (9J) »
feet to the place of beginning. In-j
fcludlng ail the turnhure and llxtures \
of every character owned by the said
L. Johnson in the Southern Hotel and
In the Waycross Post Office on the
!0th day of October, 1906, which real
estate and personal property was con
veyed by the said L. Johnson to the
Bank of Waycross on said date, the
deed of conveyance being recorded In
book “Y” folio 553. Clerk’s office
Ware Superior Court.
Said bids und offers to be in writ
ing and to be mailed for delivered to
the undersigned at Waycross, Ga., and
the same to be subject to acceptance
and apprlval and to confirmation by
the Court.
This Februury 21, 1908.
Receiver Bank of Waycross.
Property Worth Quarter Million Dol
lar! Would Have Been Sacrificed
At Bainbridge Today.
Balnbrldge Ga., March, 3.—When
Sheriff L. E. Black. Jr. went to sen
the propet ty of E. Swindell ft Co., be
fore the court house door this mornln?
lr with a surprise. He waa serv
ed with an Injunction granted by
Judge Emory Speer In the* United Sta
tes Court at Savannah yestorday
which prevented the sale taking place.
3wlndcll & Co., own large tracts of
timber land and have almost complet
ed a railroad from their i^lace to
Bainbridge. The railroad Is eighteen
miles long and only two and a half
miles remain Incomplete. It- la
claimed by R. O. Porter, of Appalachl-. { S *h« simplest thing in
cola, Fla., one of the stockholders In , jJ\JJ 1 ° t jf^ l# ^ l po5?a{ l card < anS
the company Interested that the levy ..v vou want to aet It. I will
by which the sale was to have been
made Is Illegal. He asked thac tne
sale be stopped by an Injunction Is
sued by Judge Speer against Swlndall
ft Co., the Bainbridge State Bank and
L. E. Black, Jr., Judge Speer granted
every request prayed for and appoint
ed J. M. Wilkinson; of- Valdosta, -re
ceiver. It Is claimed the forced sale
of tho property would represent a
great sacrifice of a property slislly
worth $250,00trahd that If a receiver
gives the matter his attention nnd
completed the railroad that the tim
ber on tho land will be of great value.
FIRST TRAIN THROUGH AT 3:3C^om the governors of New York and Advertisement of sale of real estate
.Sew Jersey and other notables.
THIS A.-. wRNOON. After the speeches this evening,
the party will return to Manhattan
• •Cf.icia'a And Sc:re3 invited Gucc5s* 0
at.end aa elaborate banquet
'«kcn Through.. Ban-£jj crr . Vi
q*-cit Tcnigb
By Telegraph To the Herald.
New York, Feb. 25.—Wi.h
jiressure ai an electric button in
3oston Globe: _ Modesty is a great
virtue, but experience has shown that
doesn’t push a mnn aheaJ in poll
tilf tics.
Hcuse at Wasair.gtcn at 3:30
this r.f: -: n .on, President Roosevelt —- - ,
put In moth n the vest machinery of Kew York Sun: Bryan continues
the Bullion River tunnel. to spare neither his own constitution
The preparations were all com-j,or that of the United 8tatea.
pletej for the formal opening of the
tunnel between Manhattan and Hobo- “Does your husband ever seem
"ken this morning, asfd at 3:30 the jealous of you?”
first train, with officials cf the tunnel *%h, no. .You see I keep making
company end scores of Invited guests hint believe he looks ten years young*
were taken to Hoboken where the ?? tjan he |j, M —fhlcago tt^cord-Her-
cvei.t will be celebrated by speeches aid.
is swelling end inflammation of
Hie glands al the side of Hie Hiroatl*.*
used as a qargte and applie
Hie outside of the throat
the swelling and gives instant relief.
for Croup, Quincy Sore Throat,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Pain in Chest or
Lungs this liniment is unsurpasr
Sloan's Liniment is indispensable
when travelling because it is
penetrating,worming, soothing,
healing and antiseptic. ,
* Price 25*,50t 6*1.00 • .
Dr.EoriS.SIoon. Boston. Mom.U.S.A*
The*Best For
The Price
On The
All of our goods sold under
Our Personal Guarantee.
• Wines, Liquors
, Beers, Etc.
517-519 W. Bay Street, Jacksonville, Fla.
Agents for Pabst Blue Ribbon Bottled Beer.
Jung’s Cincinnati Beer.
Lewis’ 66, Sunny Brook, Early Times and
Moncrief Springs Whiskey.
Will will ship yue, | Sheridan Club, 4 quart. (2.72
Paid, the (olowlng packages Sheridan Club, 6 quart* 54,00
4 quarts Sunny Brook 1:.$6.00 Sheridan Club, 12 quarts 18.00
12 quart! Sunny Brook $13,60 Pure North Carolina White Corn.$3.v0
BOTTLED IN BOND. jBlack and Blue Corn, 4 quart. ..$J.o«
4 quarts Mellwood ...34.60 Barred Corn, 4 quart. $2.50
12 quart. Millwood $18.00 Laurel Valle} Corn, 4 quart. ....$0.50
1 quart* Guckenhalmtr • $5.00
2 quart. Ouck.uh.lmer $11.76
I quart. Uoncrlet Spring. $4.00
.2 quart. Moncrief Spring. ,...$11.00
I Old Crow ..........I.’.$6.00
I Fives Hermitage $5.00
loth Old Oooda and Bottled In Bond.
Remember, all above Whiskies are
>ottled In Bond under Government’s
Fine blended Whiskies delivered to
•ou all express chargts paid.
Lewis 66. 4 quarts $5.05
Hunter, 4 quarts $5.60
Harper, 4 qaarts $6.06
Echo Spring, 4 quart* ..........$5.00
Cascade Teaaesae, 4 quarts ....$5.00
Blum's Monogram, 4 qt*. blend or
Blum’s Monogram bottled In bond
4 quarts $4.20
12 quarts Monogram ..........$12.1)0
Blum's Sylvan Gleu. 4 quarts...$3.20
Blum’s Sylvan Olen. 6 quart* ... .$446
Siam's Sylvan Gin, $ quart* ....(640
Imported Scotch Whiskies, Brandies
Gina, Port and Sherries delivered In
4 bottle*, aa fallows:
4 bottles Club Blend Scotch Whis
key delivered (or $5 00
4 bottle. Moralll. Freres 3 Sun
Cognac $6.06
4 bottles of Don Carlos 8berry . .$4.00
4 bottles Nlerport Port $4.00
4 bottles Hill & Underwood Dry
•*or Tom Gin $4.50
4 bottle. Sir Robert Burnett $5.00
4 bottle* Crystalled Rock and Rye
or Peacb and Honey $3.60
Jug Orders Net Delivered.
Per Gallon
Sunny Brook. 9 years old $5.00
Gibson Pure Rye $4,00
Lewi. 66. Blend $4.50
Early Times Bourbon $.3.00
Wfalte Mills Bourbon $3.00
Indian Hm, 100 proof $2.50
iAnd of Flowers, Blend ........$3.06
Green Briar $3.60
McDuffie* Malt 3150
Canadian White Rye ..$3.00
of Bank of Waycross.
Jesse Thompson, et. al, vs. Bank of
Waycross, et. al. Injunction and Re
in Ware Super,or Court, April
term, 10US.
_ Under and by virtue ot nu order
granted In above staled case by Hon.
Whipple, Judge Superior Courts
Cordele Judicial Circuit, on February
19. 190S, taking anj exercising Juris
diction therein, the underalgned A. M.
Knight, Receiver In said case, will
during tho next thirty days, receive
bids and oilers for the purchase for
cash or for cne fourth cash and the
balance in equal Installments on three
six nnd nine moa.lis time, with inter
est at 8 per cent per annum, ot all and
singular the real estate of the said
Bank of Waycross, in parts or parcels
and as a whole, a schedule of which la
as follows:
(a) All and singular all the poper-
ty conveyed by Geo. R. Youmans to
the Hank of Waycross by deed dated
the 14th day of February 1903 and re
corded In Book **W" folio 473 Clerk’s
office Ware Superior Court, except
ing such parts thereof as have been
heretofore sold and conveyed by the
Bank of Waycross, a list of which
now remaining unsold and owned by
the Bank of Waycross being as fol
In the Sth District of Waro county,
All of lot No. 9 on the South side
of Satllla River, being about 150 acres
more or less.
Lot No. 3S In Sth District Waro
county, Georgia.
Deed from Admlnisuttrlx of T. T.
Thigpen to all of said lot. There has
been sold 65 acres In the Southeast
corner to W. B. Thigpen. No title
found In T. T. Thigpen to said lot ex
cept a deed from J. P. Williams & Co.,
for 65 acres and a deed from N. R-
McDaniel tg T. T. Thigpen for 60
acrea in the Northeast corner. This
has not been sold nnd If It was the
proporty of Thigpen it is owned by
the Bank of WaycrJss.
All of lot No. 67 except that part
South of Cex’a creek, now owned by
J. R. Thigpen, the exception contain
ing about 20 acres, more or loss.
Lot No. 68 in 8 th District, Ware
county, Georgia.
Vjlnety acrea, more or leaa, of said
lot bounded on tbo North and West
by original land line* and on the
South and Eaat by Cox’s creek.
(b) All and slnglar all the proper
ty conveyed by Peter Likely to the
Bank of Waycross on the 1st day of
December, 1896. as shown by a Jced
which la recorded In Book ”8’’ folios
622 to 624, Clerk’s offlee Ware Super
ior Court, excepting such parts there
of aa have been heretofore sold to
various parties by dis Bank of Way-
cross, there yet remaining, held and
owned by the Bank ol Waycross of
said tract of land about sixty acres,
to which deed reference I* hereby
made and aa well to the several deeds
'made by the Bank of Waycross to
various purchasers conveying a part
ol said Irlglnal tract for the purpose
of ascertaining th* exact acreage held
and owned by the Bank of Waycrosi.
(c) Also elghty-two (S3) acre, of
lot of land No. 37 in the Sth District
of Ware county, Georgia, bounded aa
follows: North and W#st by a ditch
and lands formerly owned by T. W.
Cole, South by original land line and
land owned by T. H. King, on the
Not A!! Alike
You have to pay the same price for them so
why not net ihe bc^t. That*# the kind we grow.
Our tim e is d 2voted to this work and nothing
more. Money canrot produce better plants than
ours. We want to give you the best
Wc select our plants and
Give us a trial order, and if you don’t find
them satb'actorv v ur money will fc refunded
Early Jersey Wakefieltf, Charleston Wake ieid
Succession, Flat Dutch, Drum Head.
l,ooo to 4,000, $1.5o per thousand
5,ooo to 9,<ioo, “ “ to 2o,ooo, $1 oo “ “
F. O. B.
S. C.
for a fsw minutes of your time. No one who has
a home to live In can afford to mlaa thla truly
To taeura FREE of charge a Clock, the
' i«, n io?. ln9 B» h FirGO A L n S
rnn «retl VC ADO
tuch a i/iocK, noi utnu ■ ir «*«■
To tat this beautiful Cloak
TRKB ll th. thine In
Savannah, Ga:. March. 3.—The Dem
ocratic Committee of tba First Dis
trict la holding'* meeting today at
Lyon, for the purpose of arranging
a date and plana for the Congression
al primary. It la expected there will
be plana made which will provent n
deadlock such aa occurred two yeara
ago. It Is anticipated that the rules
will call for the running ot a aecoml
primary provided no candidate gets a
majority In the Itrst 'one. Tho an
nounced candidates for Congress aro
C. Q. Bdward* the incumbent wh4
seeks re-election. W. W. Sheppard
who tied With Brannen, of Bulloch.
Bast by original land line and lands, ^ u0 Wm cl i rtoni 0 f Mo-
formerly owned by T. T. Thigpen, • Int(wh (Q| , E K Overstreet, of Serf-
now owned by the Bank ot Waycross. ^ Thev eac -, fcave representative::
said land being In the Southeast cor
ner of ealJ lot of land, tha same being
described In a deed made by W. H.
» Will* IU« m
■ay you want to yet it. Z will
than sand you br mall, pre
paid, a carefully wrapped
package of handsome portraits
of George Washington, and
ask you to show them to your
These portraits ara copies of
Ifca beat known pointing of the
•rat President of tha United
States, and are different fror*
and handsomer than any pf‘
ture of the kind you over
**Thl* I, Just th, picture
S ir the dining-room or pit-
ng room. and. becnu.o the
Tory nemo Wash
ington strengthens tho love
ot horn, and country In old
nnd young nllko, everybody
will want ont of thorn nnd
will be glad to per for It
on tha liberal proposition
t will authorise you to
make. Too only here to (
collect II In thle way to 1
make th* Olorloua Clack
yoara forever.
Not to Tarnish,
and to Km
Tim* lor Tm
yours forever. - ww» use vae.
In addition to the Clock 1 have two other lovely preeants which X wlll’gt
•an—two more handeome ornament* which anyone who lore* a pretty.hoe
will be delighted with, one ot these girt* I will lend to yon Fftkffi 1
paid as soon aa X rscalve th* postaueanl with your name an It.,
one I will give to you Juat for being prompt in following my Instr
will tell yon *11 abaut lb* second extra-gift,'* when I send the first
I will de as soon at X hoar from you, aoJnmRT UP. - -, *-
Georgia School
of Technology
They each have representatlvoa
at the meeting today.
sn's SylvanGita. II «oarti ...H.06Fleetwood Rye
described In a deed mane ny w. <*■ eEVEN HUNDED
King to the Bank if Waycross on the.
14th day of October, 1907, and recorded | STREET CARS BURNED.
In book “A” folio 355. tjlerk’a office ■ Ne w York. March X.—New York.
Ware superior Court. . had another serious conflagration Sat-
(d> All the following described j urdiy night which destroyed the *'
property, situated In the City of Way-' bam. of the New York City Railway
cross, Ware county, Georgia, and ’ company, entailing a loaa or $2,600,000
known a* the Southern Hotel Block
and described as follow*: Commenc
ing at tit Northeast , corner of Lott
and Bllxabeth street, thence running
North along Western margin ol said
Lott Street two hundred (X00) feet,
more or leas, to the Southwest cor
ner of'Lott and Mary attest*; thence
West along the Southern margin of
Mary *tt**t ninety (90) feet, more or
More than 760 street car* were de
stroyed. The street car company suf
fered another loaa last year when the
barns of Madison avenue were burned
Wherever you go yon hear It said
that Wm. O. Brantley la the coming
man for Governor when Hoke Smith
steps down and out.
nmim nit sciounxnirs asjicnid to uci
wm. It «M nfuSnf IDs DWNUaAy,
m, ddvuwl warttf la Mehta-
Clvn Infloierlvf,
l*0a»«al Ottnltlnr, and Cbemlxtry. Ixtrailri
Cffiontarkt, tic.
hraUbriry ul ao, Chtdcsl Ulmlory. Dtaund
tm UntraM ctUIofus tad Infc.-ciCc* gdttctt,A.RL,Ll.S^rTMM«L