Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, March 07, 1908, Image 7

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\Vaycro*3, who being
•ays that the above and fcresotng
.itaement is a true condition of saia
Bat*. eh lawn by the bcoks of file »n
Serious Measures May Resent From
Present Jap-China Complica
By Telegraph To The Herald.
Pekin, China, March 3.—The report
that the Chinese Government has re
leased the Japanese steamer Tatsu
Maru, Is unfounded. The report or
iginated In Tokio.
Said To Have Been Active Against
Black Hand. Son and Himself
Severly Injured.
Chicago., March 2.—Two unknown
men, said to be members of thej
‘B.ack Hand,” called at the home of
Chief of Police Shlppy shortly after
3'cIock this morning. When
George, tne chiefs son, answered the
/The situation between China and j !oor bel1 thoy °P eneti fire with a rc-
Japan is serious, the Chinese having | voI V Cr * K * dropped to the Hour fatally
ignored thq demand of the Japanese ' vo;mde d- The cleft of po'Jlce tTfen
for the release of the vessel, togeth- ran ,ut<
er with Indemnity.
The Chinese Government will ban*,
ly grant terms isasmuch as the Cus
toms officials reported without doubt
that the vessel was unloading smug
gled arms at the time of the seizure.
Tne Japanese have already
patched four cruisers Into Chinese
waters, and if the Chinese Govern
ment persists In ignoring or denying
their demands, serious measures
New York, March 3.—One hundred
and three thankful voyagers • came
ashore this morning when the big
Porto Rican packet Conma docked af
ter having spent a Jay hard ashore
at Jones Beach.
hallway and grappled
viih one of the men. The other lie
hot dead. Before ho could turn the
evoher on the cthrtr assassin tho
hief was seriously stabbed In the
ide. The stranger then opened fire
at the cihef.
A driver named Foley, rushing into:
the hall, was fatally wounded. I
The police say that Chief Sblppy's |
activity against the “Black Hand’* I
caused a vendetta to be sworrn >
against him gy that organization. (
Attempt Made To Lynch Negro. Had
Stolen Gun And Shells From
Hardware Store.
• Richmond, Va., March 2.—Robert
Faulkner, a negro, supposed to be
ips&ne, Su.ulay hlght broke Into a
hardware store and stole a shot gun
ar.J a supply of shells. He then br
ed Indiscriminately Into a crowd ol
church goers, fatally wounding W.
Cautlry and Miss Mamie Siegels and
seriously wounding a dozen others.
Faulkner shot.down a policeman
who was attracted by the shots, and
will probably die.
Ah attempt was made to lynch
Faulkner but the crowd was frustrat
ed by the police.
Locker Club Officials Must Return
License To City And Promise To
8in No More.
Savannah, Ga., March 2.—Judge
Speer in the United States Court to
day announced his decision as to the
indictments against officials of locker
clubs, v He said that be would accept
a plea of guilty and woulJ suspend
sentence upon promise that they
would obey the law In future and re
turn to the city the license under
which they operate. Many will con
sent to do this.
Recent High Water Practically Put j
. An End to Trade Between Ware|
and Pierce Counties j
The ware County Commissioners j
at their meeting tomorrow will be!
petitioned to take up the matter ofj
the proposed bridge over the Satilla!
river, near the Atlantic Coast Lino}
railroad bridge.
• The new bridge was considered 1
favorably by the commissioners when j
the matter ws3 first brought before’
them some months ago, button r.c-j
count of tso scarcity of funds In the I
county treasury at that um&, no nc-j
Here are somo of the pieia
The upper picture shows Tiio Martinlcn
Campbell after a two-hours fight. Th • i.-ft
I ucknow, where the great battle of Never
cf the barracks at Cawnyore. Whea the r(
to the owurd.
No that the greater portion off
the tax money is in, the county has
aaii*3 funds for the work, and thej
people of the city would be glxul toj
see tome action looking to tho early
construction cf the bridge.
The high v/ater of the last twe or
three mouths almost entirely cut off
connection between Fierce and ware
counties by wagon road, and the mer
chants of this city no doubt lost
Pierce county trade b^causo of
The new road will shorten
o distance between WnycraM j By Telearaph ,~ Th , Hefald ,
and L’iupkshear about two miles, and ‘
ties this will cut out nearly three
milc3 cf the worst sand bed to be
found In this state.
The Plerco ; couuty authorities are
In favor of appropriating their share
of the oxp'nse
ridge and hav
<‘s which arc? htlng thread brcr.dc.'>a? t?;
‘ College, Lucknow, fortified o/the rebel
hand middle picture shows Klin
tier 17th took place. The lew, .-
Hod force under Ilavcloe.t car.!..
gbout England,
nd carried by Sir John
otidh 5 kent, and river bang,
•u v :d.o y-< the battered wulls
t.tey put every Sepoy
™ Scores Or Anarchists Fleeing Fro
| City, Assascln Was Follower c
Emma Galdman.
' BOX PALL ALLEY WILL I Statement of the condition of *
j The new Box Ball Alley will be;
..ready lor opening tomorrow night,I BlXIi
• j and there will be a Liljliunt scene In!.
‘•hat neighborhood If the electric j n * W*)*™*. La., ac ho close
j tight* Mr tfv, M n J° f bU3laeS * Febn,a r y U'*. 190t!.
Myers Is pdtting l:i are
. j ready to be tunfed o.j.
Chicago., March 3,—The body ot j The alleys arrivtui today and
j the mail who attempted yesterday to in all proballlty be ready for use by j
shoot Chief of Police Shlppey, has
been imientlfied as that of Lazarus
Averbuch, a Russian Jew, aged twen
ty. His birthplace Is Kisheneff, Rub*
lor the proposed j 8 j a ^ ftnj j j, e has been in America three
promised to grade
Washington, March 2. -The Inter
state Commerce CommUsion has <te-
nied all the petitions of the railroads
of the country for a postponement or
the operation of the nine hour rail
road low, and It goes into effect to
morrow. The new law gives em
ployment to many thousands of tele
graphers and other railroad men.
the road between the river and Blacx-
tfucar. |
While the expense of the undertak
ing will be sovoral thousand dollars,!
ho merchants cr this city would un-j
ioabtediy receive full returns for the
irpesditure In Increased trade In a*
short while.
months. ,
Averbuch was an anarchist and
follower of Emma Goldman. He w
I employed cue month Ly a produ
m herft.
Tho attack on Chief Shlppcy was
revenge for a rebuff the marchers
In the recent “army of tho unemploy
ed” received at the hands of the po
lice department.
No clue has been obtained as to
Conflabration Oiglnaied In Boarding
House. Forty Acres Business
Ard P-cidence Property Burned.
Tampa, Fla., March 2.—Forty acres
of buslne«H and residence property
was laid to waste, thousands of peo
ple are homeless and out of employ-
wont. and' a million and % a quarter
property loss are tlfo results of yes
terday’s eouilagration which origin
ated la a boarding house in which a
Cuban v.-au lying In bed smo*lng a
clgureUe. •
This morning fluda the city officials
actively at work relieving the Buffer-
era. Subscriptions arc belli? taken
and benefit entertainments havo
been arranged at t!;o theatre*. A
relief committee haa been selected
nnd is In full charge. „
The burned area covered eighteen
and a half city blocks, and 333 build
ings were destroyed, with a property
loss estimated at $1,250,000.
The area swept by lire embraced
all that portion of the city between
Twelfth and Michigan avenues and
Sixteenth and Twentieth streets.
One futality Is reported, a Cuban
woman, who dropped dead during the
Now York, Macr 2.—Thomas A. Ed
ison is doing nicely and physicians
think tho danger of complications has
passed. While they believe ho will
be out within a week, physicians say;
tne operation will not relievo the pa
tient’s ear.
OUti P08ITI0N.
High Seas Running But No Immediate
Danger. 101 Passengers Aboard.
„v York, March 2.—Thirty miles
ut of her course In a denso fog, the
v York and Porto Rica Liner Coa-
today went ashore off Fire Island,
between Lono Hill and Fire Island
life saving station.
\ high sea was running, ami des
pite wifeu from Captain Ualton, com
manding the Cokum that he was Jn
no Immediate dangor, the owuers ,
fear there Is. A hundred and ondf
puj-rseiigers are aboard.
It is feared, that unions the fog
to enable tugs to reach her, the
HAS AR13EN IN CONGRE3S.’the whereabouts' of tbo accomplice of
j the dead anarchist. Several arrests
Washington. March, 2.—A curious have been made but it is not uellev-
situaticn has arisen In Congress witujcd that any of the suspects Arc con-
reference to the law regulating the nectcd directly with the plot,
hours of service for employes on in* Scores cf anarchists are fleeing
terstate rallroadB which was passed!the city on account of arrests made
last spring and was signed on March!by the police.
4th, 1907. This contained the pro- ... ...
tomorrow night. Tne opening of this
most popular and healthful cf all
modern games has been looked for
ward to with a groat deal of pleas
ure by the young people oPfeie city,
both ladles and gentlemen, and it Is
expected that a larce crowd will be
preoent tomorrow night.
Mr. Myers has decided to close his
name contest on the 10th in&C. an.t
all parties who desire to Bend In a
suggestion must do so before that
date. A committee of prominent cit
izens will be selected’ later tp decide
on the name and award the $25.00
in gold offered by Mr. Myers.
loans and Discounts $130,226,73
Demand Loans 7*i7*»afi
. M72.ui> ♦ coama will be driven further in ‘and
will go to pieces.
'Overdrafts 98. <6
Furniture nnd Fixtures.... 4,5‘Gy.oO
Duo from Banks and Bank
ers 6,285.74
Currency S,5~?.Cfl
Gold f..... 2,000.00
Silver, Nickel* nnd Pennies 2,103.31
Checks and Cash Items ... ^553.04
Dxcnangtp for tho Clearing
House 050,14
Clearing House Certificates 4,750.00
Marseilles March. £.—A new canal
to connect the river Rhine^ with the
port cf Marseilles will pass through
a tunnel 4 1-4 miles long. Tne tun
nel will he 72 feet broad and 46 feet be unconstitutional on the same u.
Washington, March, 2.-—In spite of
oil the thousands cf dolars which
tho govern A cut has expended In krmy
end navy target practice It Is a cur
ious fact that the ordnance expert-
have net yet determined the exac* j
position cf a projectile as It strikes j Nctcr
the object aimed at. Whether It hits
head on or broadwise is still a myste
ry, although steps are about lo oe
high. The quantity of material to be
removed In constructing this tunnel
is double that removed Li the ecu-
srtuctlcn of tho Simplon. Tho differ
ence arises frera the great width and
height of the canal tunnel. The time
required for dtcglng it is seven cr
eight years. The entire canal will
cost $:5,C0C,000.
The snow is meting hi the North
and Northern tourist* is the South
are also melting away.
vision that 4t should go into effect at NEW MO*TOR BOAT8 TO
tho end of one year, so that* It will I GO ON 8ATILLA RIVER,
bo practically In epertaien on the 4th t — ■ »■
of thiB month, investigation, which! During the coming spring and sum-
haa been carefully carried on by some mer a number cf motor boats will j taken which will solve this question,
legislators at tho request of various;liacly bo purchased for use on thej it will cost $20,000 to enable ex
labor leaders, points to the certain ( Satilla river near’Waycross. Mr.) perir.cnts to be made to determine
conclusions that this act will prove to W. R. Beach will purchase a beat for this point.
between Waycross and his mill
Total $169,799.11
Capital Stock Paid in $75,000.00
grounds, which induced the supremo juut below Burnt Fort. W. H. Bu-
Court to declare against the Employ- ciianan and It, O. 8crug.?s will pre
era' Liability Act, some weeks ago. j bahiy buy,a motor beat together and
ja par y o? young men are building
ANARCHIST NOT ALLOWED jc sr.r.-I fconre boai. Email motor
rests rrn run with rafe'y in the Sa-
i!”r. about ten ninths in the year,
Worcheolcr, liois., March J.—!u ;vj with.the cleaning cut cf some of
view cf the anarchistic outbreak In the lerr, borta of 1I/.U draft can rurv
the Wc3t, the police cf this c7cy will; uii year nrcumb
not allow Alexander Batkman. the an- —
archl3.‘, to deliver i4s address her® on And they handed Forakcr a very
March 12. large lemon In Ohio.
That plans are taping made for a
strenuous fight on d Isf ranch isomen t
of the negroes at the general election
In Gctcbcr, is admitted by Republican says
leaders in Georgia who declare that .;taement
he chance of success appears to bo Bsc*, as s-xwn
p*r..l to them. They ducl^re that a said B=r.k.
c It. red vote of r.tout 75,000 will te
yoiled, and arj» counting cn a white!
veto of thirty to thirty-five thousand. | *'. •-n rr.J
— this 4th day of
The Kansas Republicans say they
1 are for Taft Hie had suspected it
Surplus Fund 3,750.00
Undivided Profits, left Current
Expenses and Taxes paid. 614.27
Due to Banks end Cankers In
This State 3,194.47
Individual Deposits Subject to
Check 40,091.24
limes Certificates 11,231.13
Bl’lfl Rediscount
ed s.ieloo
Tfiils Fry able, Ir.cludl.ig Time ;
Certificates representing
Borrowed Money 22,550.
Clearing House Loan 6,000.03
Wers That Of Man And Woman Who
Art Supposed To Havs Been
Placed There.
Cy Telegraph To The Heratd.
Bcrdentown, N. J., March 3.—When
the ruins of the unteuanted houses
which were burned during the n7ght
were Investigated this morning, the
charreJ bodies of a man and woman
were found.
The bodlos are supposed to be
those of William Steck, engineer of
tho Roebllng works and Miss Lydia
The police are working on the the
ory that the man and woman were
unconscious when they were carried
!ut the buiMlny, and the place was
ltte- cci on fire.
Total $169,793.11
3rr. o of Georgia, County of War ?.
P./fur® me came Ward Albertson.
Ca&klor cf The
Mr. F. H. McGee today retired a»
vice-president and general manager
of tbu -lout!) Atlantic Car and Manu-
factoring Company. Mr. McGee has
filled that position with the car fac*