Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, March 07, 1908, Image 8

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Ur. Hartman lui claimed tor many jttn that Perun* ii an 1XCXLLEHT
CATABBH BEXXDT. Bom. of the doctor’, oritics have disputed the doctor',
claim at to tlM tflcacj of Perusa.
Since th* ingredients of Pirotin bolonger a eecret, whatdoth*medi
al authorities mj cone ruing the remote* of which Perun* It eompoeed 1
Take, for <—*-»»» the ingredient HTDEA5TI8 CANADENSIS, OB
SOLDEHSXAL. The United Itatee Dlepeaeotery eaye of thio herbal remedy,
that it it largely employed ia the treatment of depraved mucoue membrane*
chronic rhinitie (natal catarrh), atonic dyspepsia (catarrh of the etomachi,
•chronic intoetinal catarrh, catarrhal jaundice (catarrh of the liter), and in
Aiwemd mucoue membrane* of the pelvic organa It ia alio recommended for
the treatment of tariom forme of diuaeca peculiar to women.
Another ingredient of Perun*, COE YDALIS FORMOSA, it classed in the
United State* Dispensatory ae a tonic.
CEDBOH SUM ie another ingredient of Perun*, an excellent drug that
hae been ten largely overlooked by the medical profmlon for the past fifty
The United State* Dinenaatory eayt of the action of cedron thatitieneedu
• bitter tonic and in the treatment of dyeentery, and in intermittent diteaiea
OH, OF COPAIBA, another ingredient of Parana, it clamed by the United
itee Dimnmteiy a* a mild stimulant and diuretic. It act* on the etomach
■1 intestinal tract It acts u a stimulant on the genito-urinary membranep.
Useful in r r r»rfccrt'*ii,chronio dys
entery ana wui.iau, aul tome chronic
Our Peruna Tablet
Is Peruna With
Fluid Removed.
disease* of the liver and kidney*
These opinion* as to the ingredients
of Peruna are held by all writers on
the subject, including Bartholow and
Bcudder. f
BAYS it it applicable to stomatitis
Governing the Manufacture, Storage
Cafe and Use Within the Corporate
Limit* tof the City of Waycroe
Georgia, of Combustible, Explosive
cr Dangerous Materials.
Be It ordained by tae Mayor an<
Aldermen of the City of Waycrosz.
Georgia, an follows, to wit:—
1. Permits and license herein pn
vlded for to be issued only upon ap
plication in writing to the City Coun
cil of Waycross, Georgia.
2. The City Council reserves thf
right, if at any time in the judgmen
the public safety *ha*i require It, to
amend and ad«l to the requirements
or restrictions herein prescribed be
fore the expiration of any permit or
Icense granted hereunder, and to re
quire compliance with such amend
ment of additions. ^
By the term •“explosive com
pound or mixture" is meant any com
pound or mixture capable of causing
a sudden and great development of
gases and consequent violent increase
of pressure by rapid combustion or
No person. Arm or corporation,
without first procuring a permit or|
license therefor from the City Council
shall within the corporate limit
the city of Waycross, Ga., transport,
have, store, keep, manufacture,
or sell any explosive compound or
(oatarrh of the rnnoone enrfooe* of tho month), follicular pharyngitis (catarrh
• of the pharynx), ehronie oorysa (catarrh of the boad). This writer classes
hydroati* as a stomachic tonic, useful in atonio dyspepsia (chronic gastric
catarrh), catarrh of tho duodenum, catarrh of tho gall duct, catarrh of the
intestine* catarrh of tho kidneys (chronic Bright’* disease), catarrh of tho
bladder, and catarrh of other pelvic organa
BABTHOLOW BEO ABUS COPAIBA as an excellent remedy for chronic
catarrh of tho bladder, chronic bronchitis (catarrh of tho bronchial tabes).
BABTHOLOW STATES THAT CUBES, an ingredient of Peruna, pro
motes tho appetite and digestion, increase* the circulation of tho blood. Use-
I— - * atxtvrm compound ado,
Hove* hoareenee* Useful In atonio dyipeptia (catarrh of the stomach), and in tion or contrtveanco an explosive
chrcnlo catarrh of tha oolon and rectum, catarrh of the bladder, proetatorchea, Ivompounii or mixture, but this probi-
and chrt^bronchiaUfiecUma ■ bltlon shall not apply to the ordinary
MILL8PAU0H, MEDICINAL PLANTS, one of tho most authoritative
•works on modldnal herb* in tho English langoago, in commenting upon
OOLLINSON1A CANADENSIS, eayt that it acta on the pneomogaetrie and
waeo motor nerve* It increase* the secretions of the mucous membranes in
general. Ia the mountains of Virginia, Xeatocky, Tennessee and Carolina,
coUinsonla reswUeeii le considered a neeaoee for many disorder* Including
■foeadache, cell* cramp, dropsy and indigaatiea. DB. SCUDDEB regards it
‘ i ehronie disease* aftha lugs heart disease and asthma.
r candid mind that Pa
rana ia a eatanfowamedy. Sorely, nek herbal rtmate* that aommaad tha
loss than two feet. At! generating j
grains must be charged in the day-, deslr „ ^ he alth.
an*i no artificial U&'at shall by] vnica ia impossible unless the kidac-y
permitted within the enclosure
he appartua is Installed. (orm* of kidney and blader disorders.
6. No permit to he Issued , or the «2? ££& S' andX
storage or keeping for aale or use oi : beter. All dealers,
saaollne, benzine or naphtha in bulk,; *
save in metal tanka, with no opening j Xt wl11 be to go through
for drawing off contents below the i a paIn * u, » e *oensIe operation for Piles
level of the ground, but to be drawn
/row by pumps, and no such tank
capable of containing more than 10
(ten) galons will be permitted within
100 feet of buildings, but any suen
jink containing less than 125 gallons,
./ properly buried underground, may
if you use Man Zan Put up In col
iapslble tube with uozzle, tyady tc
•«Pldy For any form Pile, price
6Cc Sold by
Cherokee Pbarnmcv
• Pert barber, of Elton, WIs., says:
"I have oflly taken four dozes of your
Kidney and bladder Pills and they
have done for me more than any oth
er medicine las done. Mr. Barber
refer* to DeWitc'a Kidney aud Blad
der Pills. They are gold by Bedding
& Co.
o!ey*a Orlno Laxative is a new
rmedy an improvement on the laxa-
be located within ten feet of other tires of former years, as It does not
9. No perxon, firm or corporation,
without first procuring a permit or A weak stomach means weak atom-
license therefor as herein provldeu. ls t a . ! *
if fr.ie of the Heart and Kidneys. It s
shall, within the corporate limits o* pity that sick ones continue iu drug
Waycrossc, Ga., store, manufacture, i!£ e ° r . 4tl “ u, ? te tJle ^ eart
l or Kidneys. The weak nerves, not
keep for sale or keep for use In any! the organs, not the organs themselves
art, trade or manufacture, any car-! lfc toTal? e * pIa,ns
* Lr. Shoops Restorative has, and is
bide that will free an inflammable ga 8 * promptly helping so many sick ones.
by contact with water or rnol.l T or i ?.*"*■ dl ! r e „ ct , l ° the
disease*. Test this vital truth, and
any chemical element which wilT Tree see. All dealers,
contact wlthj
At this seasen LaLrlppe aud Pne
umonia cause more deaths than con
sumption. Foley's honey aud Tar
cures la grippe coughs that may re*u<&
Ju pneumonia over ulglu. Do not take
chances with a cold when Foley's,
oney and Tar will qjlckiy cure it.
eutra! Pharmacy sc Union Pharmacy.
Kodol is a scientific preparation,
of vegetable acids with natural dlges-
tants and contains the same juices
.. „ w . found in ah heaity ttomucx Each
gripe or nauseate and Is pleasant to ‘ doae will digest uior-j t.un 3,000
take. It is guaranteed. All druggists! grains of good foood. Sold by Redd-
- ■■ ding, & Co.
foighly at a remedy in <
Thee* citaUan* eught to be saSdent to ehav I
a catarrh-remedy. Saraly, soch hartal t
laUaaaafidaoaa aftha hlfhaet aatharlttaa ataalaabl* breorkt ta
Sb wapar coaiblaatten, aafkt to aaka a catarrh raaady af tha Ughast a
This 1* ear elfia, and «• an able ta aatataatlat* tkia data by
If -(.Ittle Joe nrown" rune for fov* Editor Jesse ltercer rays he may
eruor we would not be eurprltel to see never be elected prison commissioner
tilm bct.i a.l previous surprising re- hut If some other good man Is he will
It I* said that If th* service furnish
ed the agricultural train by the rail-
roads, if charted for *i regular rates,
would coet the elate f2S,*00.
it sow seems certain that >
Brown will make th* race tor aover-
aor. Here’s luck to Jo* sad we be
lieve he will he elected.
Tom Watrnn says the kin man hu
fallen from (trace. It Is Indeed true,
and this reminds ua that all earthly
Idols tumble eoonrr cr later.
As a rulo we have admired thoee
whom Tom Watson abused. His ar-
ratgnmem of Hoke Smith, however,
la no: having that effect Just at this
time present.
Bryen says (he Democratic party la
waited and tbla is another reason why
•nccess may be expected In the na
tional election. Glad to bear it
not ’nave any regrets. Jesse need ! tc
worry; Wiley seems to ho coming In
cn a walk, and Wiley Is a good man.—
Griffin News.
———-—fr— 1 1
During the debate In the senate the
other day on the Aldrich bill Senator
Lodge, Jeplorlng the apparently limi
ted knowledge of the preaent member-
•hip of the senate regarding financial
problems, told of a story the late Sena
tor Vance used to tell of alls speech In
North Carolina during a financial
crisis, when he.facej hit audience and
modestly admitted Hint, In fact, he
knew very little about finance, ’’Albert
the only financial principle with
which I am entirely famlljar," Sena
tor Vence added, “la that It takes two
names to float my note.’’
Tom Watson says MaJ Hanson eas
ily hypnotized Gov. Smlth’a adminis
tration. MnJ. Hanson, on the other
hand, probably auspects the Governor
has been faking, and that he haan’t
been uudgr control at all—New*
If Watson taken thoee twenty-three, WANTED—3W* green
fhmissnd populist vote* which actu
ally elected Hoke Smith, away from
the governor anJ putn them In some-
hodyelies hat, there will be Quite a
abr’.nkase f.-atn Mt tromer majority.
cane for seed.
J. M. BELL. Waycross.
acta gently bnt promptly on the bow
els. It stops the cough by soothing
the throat and lung Irritation. 8old
by Redding and Co.
keeping and sale of small arms am
munition as practiced in hardware and
sporting goods houses.
5. No person firm or corporation,
without first procuring a permit or
license therefor as herein provided,
snail within the corporate limfts of
Waycross, Ga., store, manufacture or
keep for sale or keep for use In any
art. trade or manufacture, anl liquid
at a temparatore below 110 legreea
at a temperature blow 110 degrees
Fahrenheit, as tester In G. Tsgliabue'a
closed Pyrometer, except tbit if kept
In self-closing metal cant, oof exceed
ing one gallon of gasoline, benzine
or naphtha may be kept in a building
without a permit therefor, and not ex :
seeding fire galons may be kept out
side a building without obtaining a
special permit therefor.
C. A permit for the manufacture or
fas from gasoline, benzine or naphtha
shall only be Issued where the gener
ating apparatus is either outside o(
building hnd underground at least
two feet, or else In a building isolated
from all other buildings and used ex
clusively for manufacturing said gas.
iftRl building to be removed a distance
of not lest than thirty feet from alt
other buildings, streets, or public
places, In accordance with the alze
and capacity of the generating ap
7. All apparatus used for generat
ing or holding acetylene gas shall be
so constructed, located und used at to
secure the greatest measure of saTety
all such apparatus to be located out
side of building. All acetylene gener
ating gas holding apparatus must be
Installed in a fire proof vault or room
satisfactory to the chief officer of the
fire department, such fire proof room
or vault must be supplied with two
ventilators not less than three Inches
In diameter, the outer ends of which
must extend clear above the ropf of
the main building for ^distance of not
infiamable gas by
A permit may be issued for the
storage and weeping of calcium car
bide iu hermitlcally sealed iron re-
ceptables and in quantities not ex
ceeding 100 pounds in the aggregate,
ia the isolated buildings where it will
not be an exposure to any adjoining
property, provided the building it
water proof, well ventilated and rain
ed, with floors raised above tTTOrade
upon which It stands.
11. If the building is used exclu
sively for the storage of calcium car
bide and if it Is detached at least
thirty feet from other buildings,
written permit may be given by the
City Council for the storage In quanti
ties in excess of 100 pounds and no*
exceeding 600 pounds provided the
calcium carbide Is stored in not ex
ceeding 100-pound packages In sealed
Iron receptables. In such buildings
no artificial or fire other than Ifiban-
descent electric light shall be permit
“Consumption had me i nits grasp;
and I had almost reached the jump
ing off place when 1 was advised to
fry Dr. King's New Discovery; and
I want to say right now, It saved my
life. Improvement began with the
first botle, and after taking one dozen
bottles I was a well and happy man
again," says George Moore, of
Urimesland, N. C. As a remedy for
coughs and colds aid healer of weak,
sore lungs and for preventing pneu
monia New Discovery is supreme.
50c and $1.00 at All druggists. Trial
bottlo free.
Mrs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor,
Maine, speaking of Electric Bitters,
lays: "It is a neighborhood favorite
here with us." It deserves to be a
favorite everywhere. It gives quick
relier In dyspepsia, liver complaint,
malnutrition, nervousness, weakness
and general debility. Its action on
the blood, as a thorougher purifier
makes It especially useful as a spring
medicine. This grand alterative ton
ic ia sold under guarantee at all
druggists. 60c.
Bees istiuiuve Couga Syrup for
coughs, coma croup and whooping
cough grows in facor daily Mothors
should keep it on hand for children
It Is prompt relief to croup, it is
r,tly liuauvt., ving the poison ami
hlcgm from the system. U gives im-
edlate relief. Guaranteed. Soil by
Cherokee Pharmacy.
Pinesalve Carbolized acts like a poul-
Take DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder
Pills. Th**y promptly relieve backache
and w*eak buck. Sold by
Redding L Co.
tlce, draws'out inflamatlou and poison.
Antlceptic healing. For chapped hands
Zips, cuts, burns. Soil By
••• Cherokee Pharmacy.
Correct the mistake of risking pneu'
monia by neglecting a cough or cold-
when Foley's Honey and Tar will not
only atop your cough but expel the
cold from your (system. Foley's
Honey and Tar contain! no opiates
sea , k „. 1AA _• nwuaj auu tar cuuwini DO opiates
li. Not more than 100 pound, oi lMd the beat and terezt throat and
calcium carbide, either In bulk or in lunf remedy. All! druggist*
cartridges, abell be Stored or kepJ
io aa> building used tor * dwelling,
Ween headquarters for
Ctmai end Cleuar leads. Bead
Oat* Seed Potato** Caw
, Ma I
Stop that tickling Cough!
Shoop'e Cough cure wll surely stop
mercsiulle or manufacturing purpoe-ilt, and with perfect safety. It le so
. , ...... k. k .„, . 'thoroughly harmless, that Dr. Shoops
*»• »od thli amount ahall he kept only -[.u, mothers to use nothing else
on permit obtained from the City, with eery young behlea The
„ „ . k .„ . |wholesome green leatre* and tender
Council, which permit shall provlao | |[ t ]g| of a lung healing mountain*!
that *11 quantities In excess of two
pouoda shall he in tight matal packag
es and kept elevated at leaat six Inch
es from the floor in a fire-roof safe
or vault, located above the street
grade, or In galvanlred lrm cans, pro
vided wl;h secure.y fattened totem,|
Mt on metal leg.
ou» shrub furnish the curative pro
perties to Dr. Snoop's Cough Cure.
U calms th* cough, and heala the
tentative bronchial memhranea. No
oplcm, no chloroform, nothing harsh
used to Injure or suppress. Demand
Dr. 8boop's take no other. All De
Ring's Little Uver Pills wake up
at least »lx Inches ] t , iy u wl< e lten the system and
Everybody Is welcome when w «;
good, tad we feel that way only
onr digestive organs are >
properly. Dr. King’* New Lift • i
regulate the action of tho stomach,
ran't help feeling good when he uses
dies* pills. 2Gc at nil druggist*
•tar ! dear the skin. Try them for billion, j SUFFERING AND DOLLARS SAVI
IS. AU devices or appartua uied; 1M , aa|] 1|ck b ,. dK ., ... *• 8- l-»P*r. of Marilla, N. T..*aj
connection with the handling, keep,*.,, b/ ^
In cr storing acetylene carbide, ts»o-! ' "Icn salve. It hat saved me inf
jug and dollars. It Is by far the I
beozlnc or naphtha .hall con-j t 0 it0 p | B u, e back that
ret both *« to construe; Ion aud In-1 lt |ffness of the joints enl muscles,
rt- nation, to the current rule* of tae p|„,ules. They ere guaranteed.
National UosrJ of Fire Underwriters Don't suffer from rheumatism, bncek-
All ordinances and parti of ordln- t( ,he. kidney trouble, when yon get
ance* In conflict with this ordinance :0 dky ., treatment for tl.00 A slngl.
era repealed. Any person or peraon* doie , t b , d tllne proTei theIr mer „
violating any of the provisions of this 0et them today. Sold by
ordinance shall, upon conviction la «• Cherokee Pharmacy
the Police Court, he subject to the! .
penalty prescribed In Section » of 1 Th , marvellous curative properties
the Charter of the City ot Waycross. of Foley’s Honey and Tar has proven
ii isns '* «n many cue, of severe
September 13. 1908. coughs and colja that had refused
Approved: to yield to other treatment Foley's
. U virnm I Honey and Tar will stop your cough
A. II. KNIGHT, ,he*l the lungs and expel the cold
v- Mayor, trom your system. Contains
,..u.ft.i orurs. All druggist*.
healing zslve I have .... ....
Heals burns, sores, ulcers, fevers
eczema and piles. 2Cc at all .
Dr.Miles*Anti-Pain Plus
Pain inchest.
Distress in
* If you have
™ Try One
Take One
of the Little Tablets
and the Pain is Gone.
They Relieve Pain
Quickly, leaving no*
bad After-effects
25 Doses
25 Cents
Never Sold in Bulk*!
Health Coffee" Is resly the closest
Coffee Imitation ever yet produced.
This Is the finest Coffee Substitute
n, i de ' hM recea,| y been prodno-
ed by Dr. Shoop of Racine, WIs. Not
* of real Coffee In It either.
Health Coffee It made from pure
toasted cereal* with malt, nuts, etc.
It would fool an expert—who
dring lt for coffee. No twenty
or thirty minutes boiling. "Made 1st
minute" says the doctor. Th
"“J’cross Gro. Co., Mutual Gro., C
La grippe coughs are dangerous
o» they frequently develop Into pneu
monia. Foley’s Honey end Ter rot
nly stops the cough but..heals tod
strengthens the lungs to that.no eur
us results need be feared. The gen-
iine Foley's Honey and Tar contsln*
o harmful drugs and Is In a yellow
tekage. Refute substitutes. For stje
t all Druggist*
If you bare Catarrh, rlj yourself
inis ronulftve disease. Ask Dr.
shocp of Racine, WIs.. to mail you
ro—' - a trIal , tox ot w * Ur. Shoop's
Ctarrn remedy. A simple, single test
»l.l surely tell you s Catarrh trntn
•'(’ll Worth knowing. Write tCMlay.
Umt suffer longer. All dealers.
Use CcWltts Little Early Rllers.
'.“ieent llttie plils. 1 Trey are easy
o rs,:e. Sold by Redding & Co.
■ Jones' Bu-yy C .. ha, }!5,(»i>
eek of Ilhcsien. W-.-on S n ! Har-
■'* ! - 4 ’ ere. »,’J!ng at bar-
ir. tr.-ei. They need the cash. 11 .