Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, March 14, 1908, Image 1
Waycross Weekly Herald OFFICIAL ORGAN OF WAYCROSS AND WARE COUNTY AND COUNTY COMMISS IONERS VOLUME XV WAYCROSS 1 GA- SATURDAY MARCH 14 1D08 .(Stork Superior Court. NUMBER ; ELELYN THAW WILL MARRY WESTERNER PROMPT RETRIBUTION . FOR VENEZUELA. SO REPORT HAS IT IN COOO,THIS GOVERNMENT TO TAKE AUTHORITY. 8TEPS MATTER, Sector Lodge Will Introduce Resolu tion .Authorizing .President .To Take Matter in Hand, “She Can Never Be Happy Again Thaw." Says Her Attorney, Daniel O'Reilly. WILL CLOSE FOR MERCHANTS TO CL08E STORES FOR HOUR EACH DAY. Washington, .Marca 13.—Menace of New York, March IS.—It la report ed on aeeniluely good authorky taut Mr?. Evelyn Nesbitt Thaw, when sue Fromptf- l:iJ effective retiibutiou succeeds in getting a divorce, will im- k ft2 «» a over the head cf Venezuela and mediately marry again and will go^ 8 Executive-President Castro, west to live. The successful suitor 1 Whea Scale Department sends to ner hand is said to bo a wealthy the correspondence between the Gov- western man of prominence. .crnaients of the United States and Daniel O'Reilly, coun»el for Mrs.! VeaeInola ,0 Coasress, Senator Thaw, said this morning: “I have U>«SO. It Is understood, wLl tatpMuce heard nothing Of it. Of course Sve- 8nother i° llt resolutlcii authorfeins lyn Is young and has much to look “>« President to take measure, and forward to. Naturally, under the * uch toreea “ >“ ' al * J uJ * n » !nt oe nec- clrcumatances, ahe could never be ta t4e event ^f Venezuela's re- happy again with Thaw.” j fusBl “ * lve 8atis,ac ti C n to fals Gov- The young millionaire's attorneys eminent, met today to frame an answer to his' ™« 1 "’ m Probably be followed by wlfe'a suit. It Is hinted that Evelyn' a » appropriation to cover the eipem f has other groups than Insanity for -* ea of a commissioner to the republic the annulment of her marriage. j cf ^®nesuela. Mir NAVE JOINEO FIDDLERS’ CONTEST. ABOUT TWENTY WAYCROSS FIO- le:*.s already on list. WALSH SENTENCED FOR FIVE YEARS. JUDGE DENIED PETITION FOR PETITION FILED IN FEDERAL ANOTHER HEARING. COURT CF NEW YORK. Will Give Clerk* and Proprietors Op-' Numbers of Country People Will Help Acto of Waleh Unparalled In portunlty to Hear Rtv. Cates at Un-I To En!ivan Great Convention To Thirty Yeara Experience, Ion Meeting. I <* H.ld on March 23. j Judge. 4 AND THERE IS A 8HORTAGE OF, SAVANNAH ,N COMMUNICATION OVER $200,000.00. j WITH ADMIRAL EVAN’S FLEET Southern Cotton OH Company’s Plant! Savannah, Ga., March IS.—Savaa- Short Its Manager. Wa* Social nail’s wireless statlca held a short conversation with the fleet of Admiral Evans last night and Monday night. By Telegraph To The Herald It is no trouble at all to get the fle»t Chester, S. C., March 12.—Manager up since it got so near Frisco x.nd mes- J. J. Hardin, of the Southern Cotton sages are conteandy* being sent here Oil Company's plant here, has disap- to be relaid fer Washington and New reared, leaving a shortage of over Yu; it. On Monday njgnt, when It was $200,000. -Hardin was a social favor- clear and cold the operator iere took ite throughout the state. ja message from the Minnesota while | she was 2,500 miles from Frisco. H STEWART-PARKER. ** not general known that the wire Ilezs work3 better In cold weather A most Interesting Wedding Occurred In warm but this ig the case. At Willscoochee, March 10 j Warm weather seems to kJJJ the effect A most Interesting event was the *1*8 sound waves and they uo not marriage of Miss Ada May Stewart penetrate so far. and Mr. George Daniel Parker, which j — occurred on March^lOth at the spacl^MISS HARDEE TO BE ous home of the bride’s brother, Mr. J W. W. Sewart at Willacoochee, Ga.! The bride I. lovely, In botll penonj 0a ., Ml ch 13 ._An«nge- and character and for .even year. meata are bdng made for the Inte:- ha. been doing millenary work In M1 „ Elizabeth H ardee. the Br..* Toe groom wa. u former re-j ab y0UDg l6dy W4B kllled eldent of N(jjr Orlean. but bu also by ber partner and co-work- beeu a missionary to Brasil for several „ Sarab WeedJn e , chool nfar year.. About filly gueafti witnessed The pall bearer, have been the ceremony, which wa. performed: , elrttoJ Iad plan , ma j e {or the by the Rev. Mattalr, In a very lmpre.- totennant wll£n hody arrlvel , ,, «lve manner. The hcu.e was beautl- h , Isected Bomei t me today. The ojl'.y decorated with Brazilian and T m probably take place on Mexican curiosities, quantities of cut ggtuuriy. flowers also the entwined flags of Bra.ll end United State., I CIVIL WAR VETERAN The only attendant, were. a ni.ter cf the bride. Mia. Lutle M. Stewart; DICD LA8T NIGHT - Macon, Ga., March 13.—Capt. T. L. We, the undersigned business men, A * 1-t’t, Waycross is to noid a and merchants ti Waycross, Ga., hew- .Convention and Contest, by a-sree to close our plages o* utiil* Si*and entertainment has been oeas from ten to eleven-thirty for ahe °f Georgia for many weeks and day services of the Union Meeting, to ttd » created u great interest, in that bo conducted by it »v. George 3. Catea. at t&bJ* to revive the oJd tJrae melo- of Louisville, Ky. ' i dies," which our grand fathers and T. L. Pains (bock store) is rami mothers used to sing and play. W. H. Hughes, Prop. Barber shop. {Vce Fiddlers Contest has been ar- P. N. Harley Hardware Co. ranged for I he cole purpose of keep- It. B. Pollard, Prop. The Waycross lag tbes e old time melodies, as it Bazaar. I must be aJmitted that the present Jno. W. McGee, Dry Goods, Clothing! popular music compare with “Cotton and Millinery. jEyed Joe” and many other old gen«» Singleton Furniture Co. j that have to be heard to be o>prec!ai Thomas and Smith, Buggies, Wag- ©<f. or,s, etc. Geo. L Steele It. J. Anthony Hardware Co. The J. A. Jones baggy Co. L. H. Barnhill Hardy Bros, Grocers. Jas L. Jordan, Bicycle Store. All the old fiddlers in the county have been notified of the Convention to be held here and many hnvo al ready responded by letter and inner- wise, that they will be on hand to join the fiddlers ut Bailey*Theatre Monday night the 2JrJ. It is hoped to have Chicago, March 13.—John It. Walsh the convicted president of the Nation al Burnt of Chicago, was this fiiornlng denied a new trial by Judge Ander son. Every contention for another hearing of the bank wrecker case was knocked,over by the ruling. "John R. Walsh’s acts Included the most utter disregard for the law,” said Judge Anderson. “The disre gard was bo great, I have never Been it paralled in my thirty years exper ience in the courts.” Judge Anderson then sentenced the banker to live years Imprisonment, this being too minimum sentence prescribed by law. \V. C. Harvard & Son, Real Estate, i about 200 participate In the Contest D’JRIED IN SAVANNAH. C. B. .Myers, Box'Ball Alley. Geo. R. Youmans, Jeweler. Dleklns Shoe Store. Dfeca Realty & Improvement Co. W. W. Sharpe, Jr., by A. C. L The Prlce-McCullough Co. Watt Hardware Co. . W. L. Hinson, Furniture, D. ft O. Lott, Real Estate. Humphreys & Williamson Jry 'good G. Klein, Shoemaker. S. Roscnzvel;. J. M. Young, Jr., Druggist. Lett ft Peabody, Insurance. The Seals Pharmacy. Miss Eddie Parnell, Millinery. C. Adamson, Taller. C. H. Redding, real estate. W. D. O'Quinn, Clothier. Lott, Fain ft Co. Gem Pharmacy, C. J. Paine. Grace Brantley Co. G. R. Brinson, Druggist. The Bon Ton Millinery Sto^e. Cherokee Pharmacy. Sweat, McDonald ft Parker. Myers & Parks. I Lewis-Watson Co. , Williams ft Co. A. J. Jordan {Vaycross Clothing Store. H. C. Seaman. Jones Furniture Co. R. G. Scruggs, Druggist. j and today there wero about 20 flddierB i.i the city who aavo expressed a di ! tire to enter tnu Contest, among i whom are: Aieck Lowther, l/juia An* itapuy,A. B. Woodard, J. P. Harmon, J W. F. Crawley, Obedia'u Barber, J. ; W. Strickland, J. M. Joiner, T. B. jBanihlU, Jim Barnhill, L. H. Barnhlil, ; D. P. Woo ley and a dozen others. , ' T. iJ^tlarnhlll claims his violin 13 ’ the oldest in the state, It being over 106 years old. There will be many THOMPSON WAS 6IVEN SEVEN YEARS. Twenty Times Millionaire New Pcnni- leva. Co It Is Callt/cJ ■„ Fi nancial Circles. New York, March 13. A petition to havo Charles W. Morse, the deposed financier, declared an involuntary, bankrupt, was filed In the Federal Court today by Chas. A. Hanna, re- celver for the Bank ofNortnAmerica. It Ig believed in financial circles that the former twenty times million aire Is now practically penniless. The petition alleges that l^rso owes the bank over two hundred Thou sand dollars, which Is only parttall? secured. Two brokerage firms Join tn the pe tition claiming smaller amounts aro due them. - • LITTLE QIRL NAROWLY E8CAUED DEATH. F03QER AND EMBEZZLER * TO PENITENTIARY. GOE3 Savannah, Ga., March 13.—Little Ethel McCuen the Bevcn year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Mc Cuen of Eden, a small statlqn on the Central Railway, a aliort distance from Savannah, will leave for her home with her parents this afternoon after a most miraculous escapo V/. G. Thompson Plead Guilty on One f rom death. Thursday afternoon tho of the Eight Indictments Against • chJ|(1 atteni , )teJ to cross West Broad hlm * | street near the Union station. Sho ■ • was struck by an electric car and Savannah, Ga., Marcn 13.—G,^^noc^d down. The car passed en- Thompson, former treasurer of the t|re|y over „„ and whon ' the con . I’almer Hardware Company, who wa»| ductor ran buk expecting to «nj the , ■■ecently Indicted on eight count, of I maa g |C d remains of Cue little one bo old Addles used at the Contest . , forgcry and embenlomont, entered '• L KOV orod that she was barely .cratch many with a ulstory connec ed. p lca of guilty upon one charge of for-' ed Tbe niatber md (atber 0| tho The Judges havo been selected and gel . y the SuIwrlor Court toda y. laro as follows: Prof. A. B. Pound, Mr. jj. E. Wadley, Mr. Geo. W. Doon, »Ir. j Cary Sweat, Mayor A. M. Knight, J. S, Bailey and J. W. Strickland. These Judges have been carefully. Selected aud ar. disinterested parties and will give fair dedalon to all who Play. COMMITTE NOW INSPECTING THE PUBLIC 8CHOOL8. Savannah, Ga., March 13.—Aa a rc- | suit of the agitation brought about 1 by the Are In tbe public school at I Collin wood, O., It la expected In a j r.hrt tlmo all the public achoola of I Savanna:) will be supplied with push I buttons connecting them with the nearest engine houac. This button AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL A8K8 H ^ " to ' FOR MORE MONEY. ! £ttVECnah f ' Va/ ‘V "on- j believed sn engine could reaca Uo Savannah, Ga.) Marcn 13.—Tbe fc ,.„ e of the Are within a minute nad First District Agricultural achool la a balf after an alarm waa Bounded, preparing to SSX the legislature for The Board of Education baa a com I little girl were atandlng on tbe pavo- Judgo Paul E. Soabroqk sentenced' mont „„ 4aw t ; le car , trlk0 bcr Tb0 Thompson to seven years In the pent-' moUler ra0 (r , nt |cally forWdrtl anU tentlary. His term of Imprisonment will begin at once. RAN AWAY WITH COACHMAN BUT WILL FIGHT DIVORCE. By Telegraph To The Herald. . New York, March 13.—Mra. Alfred E. Delterlc'n, wife of the Standard Oil magnate, who gave up. u place moat exclusive to go to Europe with Henry Brcnchley, formerly coachman for Al fred G. Vanderbilt, will fight her hue- band’ suit for divorce. Her nnawer makes spoclAc denials of Delterlch'a allegations. Tbe young woman now taka financial considera tion. Sbe la worth upward of a mil- took the Ittle girl from the motorman and carried her t a doctor. A slight bruise on tbe cheok and -8 little bruise on tbe bead where ahe struck tbe pavement wa. all the harm done the little ona. and Mias EvaTarker, sister cf the groom. The bride wore a handsome Maiserbcrg. w'a 9 during life civil war it* nf hm-arn nanamn commat^ed Masserberg’s battalian cloth The mAld of honor Miss Lutle' wieT ' 0ram ' Stonewall Jackson, mobe *- It has been found that; mlt ,ce out now Inspecting the school StownrL wore a handsome green tat- ^ '«« night after several week. Ill- I.U» a *P«»' a '» * 2 ' 0M » > c * r « r “‘’lMMbig. and malrtn, auggeatlona n. ^ aeas jer than the Income. It U proposed to to Improvements and It Is thought fet. »wn and carried an lmmensa; 3 * ' L k tbe le gi.|.ture to give the school 1 wlII te on. cf tho thing, recom- heuet of Amerlcm. beauty rcaes. Miss, - f.„ tt e proceed, from tbe sale offend*]. Parker wore light green silk and car-, rled pink rases. The brides’ boque 1 , was carried by Mias Hattie O'Berry. ( After an extended tour the happy couple will return to Brail! In June, where their many friends will cord! GAME 8SACCN f CLGCE8 TOMORROW. t The game season In Oecrata for I psrtrldgee, doves we birds cf that class will clcse tomorrow and most fertiliser tigs Instead of only n portion cf the sum as la now the case. DISAGREEMENT AMONG CONSIDERABLE OPPOSITION TO DISFRANCHISEMENT. Savannah, Ga., March 13.—Consider- ALIA SENTENCED TO DEATH. Dencer, Col., March 1*.—”I» there no appeal?” These wore tbe only words spoken by Gulieppe Alia when Inform ed by Interpreter Matter that the Jury found him guilty of murder In tile Drat degree and fixed sentence at death. Just eighteen days after firing the •hot which brought death to Father Francis Loo Heinrich at the altar In St, Ellxaboth'n Catholic church while In the act of administering the hoi? 1 sacrament, this wnndorcr from Italy, an alleged, but not proven anarchist, SPEAR DENIES CHARGES OP CONGRESSMAN HOBON. Washington, March 13.—Lawrence heard hla doom. Spear, agent for the Electric Power! In tbe court room not three blocks Boat Company, who, according to from tho church where he committed Representative Hobson attempted to | hla crime and within the sound of tho get tbe latter to favor tho giving of chimes which he said drew him to that bis company tho monoply of aubmar* j church, Alla received the Judgment ine construction, said this morning | delivered by tbe Jury, tbat Mr. Hobson wan mistaken. Hej ■—r—• d* ■ rled that hla offer to help Hob- Years may stray, fade away. HITCHCOCK'S LAWYERS, j ab j e opposition Is developing In Sav- „ , , .. , ' .. of the sportsmen havo takea their i New York, March 13.—There wan a, annab to the proposed amendment to ally welcome them, end where they * i ... , i , _ . .,» last hunt this season. Partridges ur ve disagreement between the lawyers de- t :c constitution which will dlsfraa will resume their lire work. The hride and groom received many handsome and beautiful presents. Mra. H. J. Sweat, o? T.'aycross, was among the many Invited guests. become aa scarce that there Is cot much fun In looking tor them, while tbe doves In various localities have been wiped out almost la a morning's (booting. TORPEDO BOAT WAS ' 2** * 0Cd "”° a » n *" ***•? SUNK 7* COLLISION.'™ 17 P™* 8 ’* *»• bt » ,e0 ‘' of blrda next neaaon, as thty multi- Cuxhaven, March 13,—The torpedo ply very rapidly. .This la eapeclally boat, ”8 II." waa sank In a collision go for partridgea. Tho rainy lessons, with an unknown vessell at the month ( however, while the birds are young of the Hirer Elbe, this morning: The are the greatest dangers that they crew of the torpedo boat escaped. Jhare to enoounter. fending tbe actor Hitchcock, when bis trial waa resumed this morning, and John K. Stanchfleld will hereafter be in full charge of the ease. Flora Zabelle, the beautiful wife of KItchcsck, did not accompany him to xinrt today. Helen Von Hagen, the IS-year-old witness was called to con- -lude her testimony against the com- c'nlse tbe negro. It la expected prom inent men In Eavannab will begin an agitation against the mehsure aa it Is c aimed that It will result In cutt ing Jown our- representation ?a Con gress. The farmers In thfa beginning to want rain. Mr. Taft Is reported to he flitting about from city to city like a spring butterfly. However, If a 'stray star •honld gat too near the'earth and strike him It would probably bounce oS. was prompted by feelings of friendship, and was connected with a quaml between Hobson and another! Congressman. * Still In our hearts those memoriae stay. ”Yc Olde T/me FUdtora. 1 ' 1 The time for Jack Frost's annual There are eight Union and ten Con-^ assault* on the peach crop kaa arrlv- federate veterans in the United States ed. The governor should order but senate. ' !|he state militia to suppress the gen- Many ^ congressman wants eon- tleman. gTeaa to sbnt up shop so he can go! • , ^ ■ -■ — home ar>d find a stamp and aa andl-j A battery of catling gun a ought to ence. * figure In one of the raids of Kentucky «r 'night riders. It would clear up Cto They have fired a policeman In New! situation In tho dark districts wondar- Orleans because be dropped hla pis tol. . They want xhota to count lo the Crescent City. folly. Men's Belts—Dlcklas.