Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, March 14, 1908, Image 5
WAYCROSS GEORGIA Capital and Surplus, • . . . $245,000 Shareholder!' Liability, ... $200,000 Inviln all danra ol accounta and payi 4 per cant interest cn SAVINGS ACCOUNTS and TIME CERTIFICATES J. S. Bailey, President. C. W. Deen, Vice-Preiidenl A. M. Knight, Carhitr. a J. W. Bellinger. AuL Cathier g FOR 80LIC1TOR-GENRAL. Co the voters of Ware county, and the Brunswick Circuit: I J,ere by announce myself n candi- d»r.F fo- the offlee of Solicitor-Gen eral! of the Brunswick Circuit, sub ject to the Democratic Prtmnry. I sol icit the support and Influence of the voters of the Circuit, and if nominat ed and elected to aalJ office , I plege a faithful discharge ol the duties thereof, without fear, faver or atfee- Tours obldlently. E. LAWTON WALKER RESTAURANT NOW OPEN. The Waycrosi Restaurant Is now open to the public, In Folks block on Elisabeth street. Moals served to regular, customers and the beat tec market affords always supplied. Com mutation tickets to tho value of $3.60 sold for $3.00. Quick order lunches a specialty. tf. bo ono knows about It, TWO UNWELCOME VISITORS HERE. At this seasen l^Orlppe and Pne umonia cause more deaths than c<-n- sumptlon. Foley’s Honey and Tat curea la grippe cough* that may remit In pneumonia over night. Do not take chances with a cold whan Foley’s oney and Tar will anlckly core It. entra! Pharmacy A Union Pharnuty. IN THE DIRECTORY the best people. Tho Coat li Small. FOB WF03MATI0N CALL TEH HANAG$ PrStMER^^OlL [ & Rheumatism Southern M Telephone and Telegraph £o, AWNINGS—I am eadulrs Way cross ageat for a celebrated awning and tent concern. Can supply you with any kind of tents and awnings at lowest prices. J. C. EnglBb, tf EES LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP J. A. Jones’ Buggy Co., has $16,000 Stuck of Boggled Wagons and Hnr- ese which they aro ’selling at bar gain prices. They need tho cash. It • CONFORMS TO NATIONAL PURE FOOD AND DRU08 LAW. An Improvement over many Cough, Lung and Brenehlal Remedies, because It ride the system of e cold by. acting ts • cathartic on the bowels. No opiates. Suaranteed to glvg satisfaction or notwy refunded. Prepared by PINEUU MEDICINE CO.. CHICAGO, V. 5. A. CH8ROKC8 PHARMACY. THE WAYCHOSS WBKLt HEKALD ANNOUNCEMENTS. Announcements of candidates In. cried In this column for $6.00 payable ttrlcby In advance. FOR TAX ASSESSOR The friends ol M. E. Henderson an nounce that be will be supported for re-election to the offlee of Tax Assess or lor Ware county at the primary to be ordered later by toe executive com mittee. Mr. Henderson has made an efficient officer. I ’ MANY FRIENDS. ..For County Commissioner. If you have Catarrh, rid yourself I hereby announce my eudldaer ] jfTSSS?. w"“% £Sl y™ for countv commlaikmer of Ware freo, a trial box of bis Dr. S'aoop’i county. . U b Ject t0 th8 Democratic yeu'^Surr^'Vutn primary to he called later. I make | well worth knowing. Write Unlay. this announcement at the solicits' lion of friends, end because I be* lleve I am capable to All the position. D. J. MILLER. FOR SHERIFF. Ur. D. A. Woodurd announce* that he will lie 4 candldnts for re-election to the offlee of Sheriff ol Were com:? uubject to the action of the Democratic primary. Mr. Woodard asks the sup- pit of the TOters of Ware counts. FOR SOLICITOR CITY COURT I hereby announce myself a candi date fur Solicitor of tho City Court of Waycross. subject to tae action of the Democratic primary to be call ed later bv the Democratic Executive Committee. If circled, 1 promise to Bll the offlee to tho best of my ability without fear or favor. I parnenlly sol icit the support of the Democratic vot er* of Ware county. A. B. 3FENC—. FOR dUOGE CITY COURT. - The friends of Hon. John. C. Mi- Donald announce that he will be sup ported for Judge of the City Court of Waycross at the primary election to be called later. We bespeak for him a large vote. NUMEROUS FRIENDS. Don’t auffer longer. All dealer*. Use DeWItts Little Esrly Risers, pleasant little pills. They are easy to take. Sold by Redding ft C*. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT 1 hereby announce to my friends end the voters of Ware cou:.ty tout I will be a canrUdato for re-election to the offlee of Clerk of the Superior Court at tho Democratic primary to be held later. 1 will greatly appreci ate the support of the voters of tne C0UmJ '' E.J. BERRY. D. A. WILLIAMS FOR TREASURER. The friends of D. A. Williams an nounce that he will be warmly sup ported tor the offleo of treasurer at the coming democratic primary. Mr. Williams has made a most efficient ffleer and has performed all the du ties pertaining to hla offlee. to the en tire satisfaction of the people of IV are county end wo ask that he returned . as. * lit.. at inc cn nhlV ft Till .TO II* FOR ORDINARY. To the Voters of Ware County I hereby announce myself a candi date for the offlee of Ordinary of Ware county, subject to the Demo cratic primary. I solicit tho support aaj iiiHuenco of the voters of tho county, and ’ if elected to sa!J offlee, I pledge a faithful dlcharge of the duties thereof, Yours obediently, Wm. MANASA WILSON. "Health’Coffee” is realy the closest Coffee Imitation ever yet - produced. This Is the finest Coffee Substitute ever made, has recently been produc ed by Dr. 3hoop of Racine, Wis. Not a grain of real Coffee In it either. Health Coffee la roa<Jo from pure coasted cereals, with malt, nuts, eta Really It would fool an expert—who might drlng It for coffee. No twentj or thirty minutes boiling. "Made I: minute" says the doctor. a minute says tne doctor, to Waycross Gro. Co.. Mutual Gro.,_C to the position he has bo ably and hon estly filled. MAfJY FRIEX D3. FOR ORDINARY, LONG TERM. The friends of Banner H. Thomas announco that he will be supported n the Damocrntlc primary to be call- 1 later, for Ordinary of Wire county, to fill the~rernlar and Ions term said office. Banner Thomas la well known to the people of thia county and we solicit their support in hla behalf. • FOR TAX A3SESSOR. Friends of Mr. C. E. Walden an nounce that he will be a candidate for Tax Assessor of Ware County, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. The support of the voters fare county is urgently urged his behalf. MANY FRIENDS. SIMPLE REMEDY FOR LA GRIPPE La grippe coughs are dangerous as they frequently develop Into pneu monia. Foley's Honey and Tar rot only stops the cough but heals end trengthens the lungs so that no v.a results ne*d bo feared. The gen- hie Foley's Honey and Tar contains o harmful drugs and Is in a yellow package. Refuse substitutes. For s:.^> WAYCROSS LODGE No. 97, I *0. O. -ft*fn^TiL *** MNt> eV#P y We ** I , netdey night at 7:30 o'clock lodge roam, Masonic bulldlnj, Plant Avenue. Every member Is expected to *t- I tend and visiting brothers are cor dially Invited. L. J. COLUBR. Noble Graud. O. J. ALLEN. Secretary. DAMf SCUS COM- MANDERY, No. 11, KNIGHT8 TEMPLAR. Mssts In M a • o n I o Hall every second and fourth Fri day at 7:30 p. m. All qualified Sir Kn!*hti are cor dally invited to attend. A. G. VILLEB, B. C. E J. BERRY. Recorder. f.t all Druggists. KEEPING OPEN HOU8E. Everybody is welcome when w Rood, and we feel that way only our digestive organs are \ properly. Dr. King's New llf« regulate the notion of tho stomach, can’t help fe?Hng good when ho uses '•Jcse pills. 25c at ull druggists. FOR ORDINARY. At the solicitation of my friends announce myself a candidate for Or dinary of Ware corv.y subject to the Democratic primary. Now It’s up to my friends to get busy. Their Votes and Lnfluence will be highly, appreci ated. If elected I promise to give the offlee my undivided attention. Yours truly, GEO. W. BARNES. SUFFERING AND^>0LLAR8 SAVI E. S. taper, of Marilla, N. Y..»a> "I am a carpenter and have had m. severe cuts healed by Bucklln’c nlca salve. It has saved me suf Ing and dollars. It is by far the 1 healing salve I have erry fou Heals burns, sores, ulcers, fevers eczema and piles. 25c at all . gists. TOMOCHICHI TRI3E NO. 18, I. O. R. M. • Meet* every Friday nijjbt TST Lott- Hitch Bldg. li V. ft time*, Chief Of Record* Meet* in Masonic Hall* *******************.i.*4.*.| , i|> 4* i Ah of our Patrons are earnestly requested to pay their bills- REDDING & CO. DRUGGISTS ♦ 4* 4* ♦ + *M» + 44- * * .j. * + 4. 4. 4. .{. 4. .5. .j. 4. 4. 4. J. H. MARSH BURN Livery Stables NEXT TO HOTEL VIRDIK New and" up-to-date Vehicles and Reliable Teams. Telephone us your orders. f lione No. 63 MANY FRIENDS... FOR REPRESENTATIVE. _’rler.ds of Mr. S. F. Miller hafit* oncstr.i him to become a candlonte tor election to the °® ce tatlve of Ware county before tne en suing Democratic primary, and ne lias consented to do so. The hearty repport of tho voter, of Ware county b0 Breatl> MANY FR1END3. For Representative. Subject to the Democratic Primary to bo held on Juno 4, I announce my self as n candidate for representative from Ware County. My platform will be published In full within a day or two. L. V. William*. FOR SUPERIOR VSGffi. TABLES? & FLOWERS. FOR CORONER. The Herald Is reijuested to announ ce that Mr. Jackson Grime* will be supported for re-election to Uio offlee of Coroner of Wnre county th ® . suing Democratic primary. Mr. Grim es has been a faithful officer and his friend* urge the support of the voters of tho county. FOR TREASURER. The frlncds of Rev. John F. Hnr-. bln beg to announce that be la n candidate for Treasurer of Ware coun tv subject to tho Democratic prlraa K'to be caned later. The voter, of the county we earaostly urged to suf port Mr. Harbin, resttaf assured htat if elected he will dlcharge tae duties of the offlee tp the best of hit Our btifttatt".* both in Gird on and Farm .Vod>, i.i oao of *ho largest ir. tli n e-Mtelry, a .csuit FOR TAX ASSESSOR. The friend/ of J. J. Wilkinson, an nounce hi* name as a candidate for the office of receiver of tax returns or Ware county .subject to the Demo cratic primary and respectfully'asa the support of the voters of the coun ity. This February 5, 1908. .(Quality li alwtj'j yjt ^ 5 first ccnsidcr-LticiL MANY VOTERS. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. To fas votora of Wnre county. Aa I am aervln* my flrst term as tax collector to the utmost of my I earnestly aoloclt your support In' the coming primary for n Snn and If elected promise toglre my time and nttontlon to tbs peoples InteresL » B i*SEST D. W. PITTMAN FOR •HERIFP. The numerone friend* of D. W. Pitt man announce to the DemonjU# wtr ers of Ware county, that his namo w”l be prerented to the primary to be called later for the nomination, as a candidate fir sheriff of saM county. Mr. Pittman Is fully qualified to fill the offlee to which we desire to see him elected and he la a gen of Sterling character and Queries and will make an honorable and efficient officer If elected. We solicit your rotes for Mr. Pittman. MANY FRIENDS. For County Commissioner. I hereby announce my candidacy for comlsdoner of Ware county, tub- jedt to the Democratic primary on June 4. If elected I will derote toy time to the best Interests of the conn- ty-os I bare In the past I will ap preciate the nppor of the roters of Ware eounty. W. A CASON. For County Commissioner. I am a candidate for the office oi Commissioner of Ware county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. If elected I will devote as much of my time to tho county's affairs as should be necessary conserve the best interests of the public. M. L. MOORE. Plant Avenue* every first and Third Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. All qualified companions cordially Invited, ^and visiting btoiaera will re- colvo a hearty welcome. ^ H. Mitchell. H. P. Q. W. WIGGINS, tfoc WAYCROSS . LODGE M5 » F * * A. Ms, Meets on aecond and ^.fourth Tuesdays at 7:33 P. M., In Mosonln Hall All qunllfiud brethren, aoe cordially welcome. ROBERT L. SINGIjETON. W M. a W. WIGGINS* Secretary. Jfrc You E Subscriber Co Cbe herald? IF NOT, WHY NOT? ML DON’T FORGET FROM ONE SACK of flour we make many varieties ol BREAD, Eseb kind Is dlfhrent In shape, dif ferent In method o$ making and dif ferent la flavor. Hardly necessary to say that ail are excellent We make nothing that wo cannot recommend. J- C HUBER- FOR REPRESENTATIVE. I hereby announce my canJldec. for re-election to the offlee of Repree- entatlve of Ware county at primary to be held on June 4. I will greatly appreciate the support of tho voter, of Wnre county. N. A. FRIER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER A SENSATION. * • Bee. i-uxutivg Cough Syrup for coughs, coldh creep and whoopleg cough grow, in fncor dally Mother, •bould kocp It on hand for children Is prompt relief to croup. It Is r.tly lax.live, vlng the poison and lilcgm from the syetem. U gives Im- cdlatu relief. Guaranteed. Sol) by Cherokee Pharmacy when building to hdvc your bouse wired fo»* Electric Lights. The Only Sefo Light. Wavcross Kluctnc L £lit & I’cwt r MAGIC CITY Friends of Mr. D. Cowart announce that be is s candidate for Commis sioner of Wnre county at the ledidlnt primary. Mr. Cowart la from Os Millwood district and Is cspaple In svery way to attend to tbs duties ot tho offlee satisfactory to the public. We nek tho lupport of the voter, of Ware county. MANT FRIENRS. Plnesnlre Carbollzed note like n pool- Take DeWItt’s Kidney and Bladder . Th*-y promptly relieve backache I weak back. Sold by Redding ft Co. The First /Vational Hank See. drawe out Inflamitlou and poison. Anilraptlo healing. For chapped hnada Bps, cuts, bunts. Soil By Cherokee Pharmacy. m Bert Barber, of Elton, Wle.. says: have only taken four doses of your Kidney and bladder Pills and they have don* for me more than any oth- er medicine has done. Mr. Barber refers to DeWItt’s Kldnsy and Blad der Plllj. Thsy are sold by Reddlag Lam* Forging and Intsrfarlng a Specialty.'' Hand Mad* Shoes to Ord* Personal attention given and all work Guaranteed. ALSO OENERAL REPAIR WORK. W.H. ULMER Manager. Shop Located On Alias Street Next Your Good Name --*■ = tf.j, n « ;;. yt-:. • j- r ^ iii. Hl i. ' 4 r-*• * 4>4>4”i”»4’4”E4’4”0 4’«