Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, April 11, 1908, Image 3
THE WAYCROSS WEEKLY HERALD JOE BROWN CLUB WAS ORGANIZED |a -vc ttnoWN CYCLONE CAYS • GloSCN. I HAS MEMBERSHIP OF MORE THAN FIVE HUNDRED. Mr. C. M. Sweat Wes Elected Presi dent of Organization. Cevera Addresses Were Made. The \Var e County Joe Brown Club was organized last night, a meeting of supporters cf Mr. / Brown being held in the parlor cf the Phoenix Ho tel. Reports from the those who hav< been soliciting names for the club ia this city showed that more than 50 J signers had been secured for the club practically all of whom are voters In Waycross, no effort having been made as yet to secure members at any o the country precincts. The meeting was called to order by Ca,.t. It. B. Ballard, temporary caairman, and a formal organization cf the “Ware County Joe Brown Club’ was made. Mr. Cary M. Sweat was elected president of the club, Ben F. Huber Yice-ptresident and It. B. Ballard sec rotary. Short addresses were heard from many of those present, among the most interesting of which was that o Mr. W. E. Dempster. Judge H. P Brewer, A. C. Jones and Mr. Yatea. An invitation was extended to Mr Jos. M. Brown to visit Waycross uur ing the campaign. Among those present at last night’ meeting were: B. F. Hubert, W. E. Bates, d-V- E Dempster, J. Q. Ke.tterer, J. M. Bell Allen James, T. J. McClellan, \V, W Sharpe, A. C. Jones, F. B. Trent, u R. Youmans. A. B. Coe, J. D. Sinclair N. IJ. Garrett, \V. B. Blackshear, A W. Leach, D. E. Harris, W. W. Phil lips, C. E. Jeffords, J. W. Clark, H B Ballard, C. M. Sweat, H. P Brewer. J T. Strickland, C E. Strickland, 8. AI Cannon, C. W. Parker, Harry An drews, J. M. Yates, W. T. Seaman J. C. Humphreys aud Brad Watson. | Maccn, April, April, f.—Dr. O. C j ! Gibscn. who returned yea-or day front : White Springs, Fla., is check full ct * ' enthusiasm over what Is heard aa.lj j saw of what he calls the Jce Brown j j cyclone. He says he never suw any i ; thing like it in all his born days. I There is a Joe Brown club at White Springs, though the springs are in Florida. Yesterday he made it a point to get off at every station and ask-everybody, farmers and all, how they stod for Governor, and every last ii.au £.ud Joe Brown, and not a ! Smith man did he find. He polled i the passengers on the train and every I men was for Joe Brown. At meet* I ing and junction points he asked the conductors how they found it. it was all for Joe Brown. He says he thought sure he would find some farmers for Smith—couldn't find one. He said he read what J. T. Lewis of Valdosta, had written, to his brother in Macon„ about all the, counties from Quitman to Savannah For old people who suffer • from rheumalism.stiff joints, gouUumbago! neuralgia,sciatica and paralysis- Sloaav’s Limnveivt V. dives quick relief. It penetrates through the nerves and tissues,relieves rhe inflammation and congestion,quickens blood and gives a pleasant tingling * .comfort and warmth, ivery little rubbing. sensation At oil dealers PRICE 25*50* & $1.00 Dr.Eorl S.SIoon, Boston Mass,] L u: BROWN CLUB. Beautiful 8ouvenlp Post Cards. 3,100 NAMES ON FULTON COUNTY L’ho souvenir post cards Issued by : the Atlantic, Birmingham & Atlant.c being solid for Joe Urown, and (he M anj provJn(! exceed|Bgly fa pular. They are pdlnted in colors and represent aitarctlve scenes Joctor says that’s true and swear to It 'It’s worse than a cyclone says the doctor. “Talk about it being noise so it is noise, the loudest sort of noise and it’s heard from Raburn Gap to Tybe© Light—in the valleys and on the mountains. It’s heard in the remotest .corners of the stdte. It’s a cyclone, I tell you nothln^glse bat a cyclone. ’ SAVANNAH HAS GOOD CHANCE FOR VANDERBILT CUP RACE. Savannah, Ua. f April 8.—Tip: ropgrts received, from Mr. F. C. Battey, Pres ident of the Savannah Automobile I Association In New York, Indicate mat Savannah has a goed chance To the Vanderbilt Cup race, the great est event in the Autoin? world, next November. Mr. Battey says the propo sition he has cubmitted and the facts he has presented made a fine impres sion. The place for holdiug the race v.ill be determined in a few weeks. along the line. A set of seven of these cards can be secured by sending ten cents t W. H. Leahy, General Passenge Agent, Atlanta, Ga., tf Foley’s Laxative is best for warn* md children. Its mild action and .dea-ant taste makes it preferable to violent purgatives, such as pills, tab lets, etc. Cures constipation. .. .. CratTal & Union Pharmacy. DeWitt’s Carbollzed Witch Hazel Salve. It is especially good f^r piles. Sold-by Redding & Co. A BLOW TO SMALL COUNTIES. From the Macon Telegraph. It does not seem to be generally known that the primary this year for governor is not to be by counties, but, • 4>y the consolidated vote of the whole state, Just cm in the general election. This gives greater political power to • the large conties, and less to the sraal- f ler counties. It la a departure from the old method and is not one likely to be popular with the nnaller coun ties. j MR. J.f F. EVAN8 FOR JUDGE OF SUPERIOR COURT . Savannah, Ga., April 8.—Sir. J. F 3vans has made formal announcemen n|)f his candidacy for Judge of the Sup Tjfrlor Court Mr. W. G. Charlton the Lresent incumbent of tbe office is al o a candidate and ii is believed he Here comes the Spring Winds to chap, tan and freckle. Use Fine- salve Corbolized, (Acs Ilk? a # **»il- XZtlce) for cuts, sores, burns, chapped skin. / Sold By Cherokee Pharmacy. "E. C. DeWItt & Co., Chicago, Ill.,— Gentlemen—in 1897 I had a disease; of the stcauich and bcwipls. In the: spring of 1902 I - bnvio c»j Kodol and the bdLvfit I ty-aavi*! a! ! lie gold in Ge; .•* i-u%iid u* i b-..- AL* 1 ' /on live long i nd j rtsper. Vo„ .% vui ♦rajyCC- N*. Cornell, Boding, Ga- Au. ;7, 1996.” Sold By Redding k C..> DeWitt’s Kidney and Bladder PHH are prompt and thorough ami will in a short time strengthen weakened kidneya and allay troubles arising from Inflair-etion of the blad<V?r. Sold by Redding £t Co. Large stook of farm wagons at tbe right prices for cash. See tf. J. A. Jones Buggy Co. 30 Day’s Trial $1.00 is the offer or. Plnulca. Relievos Backache, Lame Back, Rheumatic pains. Boat on sale for Kidneys, Bladder and Blood. Good for young and t'U. Satisfaction guar- tied or money jefunded. id B- Cherokco Pbaru uuy. DEATH WAS ON HI8 HEALS. Jeeee P. ^dorrls, of Lkipcr*. Va. had a close call la ihe spring of 1900. He says; “An attack of pneumonia left me so weak and with such a fear ful cough that my friends declarcJ consumption had n.e, and death was ill be re-elected. Mr. Evans is a 0 n my heals. Then I was purauadeu ery popular young lawyer but Judge riharlton will be a very hard man to See J. A. Jones’ Buggy Ce., for | /agonp, Buggies and Harness. Large ocfc to select from, and they are :eJIng cash Is why they are mak- g sacrificing prices. to try Dr. King's New Discovery. It helped me imcdlatcly, and after tak ing two and a half bottles I was a well man again. I found out that New Dis covery Is the best remedy for coughs and colds and lung disease Do Witt's Little Early Risers the famous little liver plIU. Sold by Rrdiilng & Co. A TWENTY YEAR 8ENTENCE. “I hav e just completed a twenty year health .sentence, lmjiosed by Buck- ien's Arnica Salve, which cured me of bleeding plies Just twenty years ago,” writes O. S. Wollevor, of LeRuysvillo S. Y. Buckfen's Arnica Salve heals tbe worst sores, oiles, burns, wounds and cuts In the shortest time. 25c at all drug stores. Atlanta, April 7.—It was announc ed at the Jo© Brown headquarters to day that 3,100 members have already been secured fro the Fulton County Brown Club, and that rei>orts of sim ilar success are being received from other big cities of the state. The above number of names are on lls»s that have been received at headquar ters, while several lists are s',ill out. Several flections of the city have not been canvas?.) <1. Mr. Brown’s friends are confident cf receiving outright pledges from u large majority of Ful ton County voters. Owing to the many local contests that are on about 12,000 will be roistered and they claim that the Brown club will con sist of more than O.COO. ?vcral friends t.f the candidate held « confer* nee this morning anil selected 250 men whose nnmes aw on the lists already received for the county executive committee. After the other lists have been received an additional 250 will be taken, making up a local executive comltte of 600. Cu the list announced today are the names of representative men in every Mialk of life, from millloflareg to workmen. It is a trimly representa tive. Several leading merchants are on it, as well as union labor lend-{ era and mechanics, clerks, etc. It i» virtually bare of the names of men who crnld be classed ns politicians. Thus carrying out Mr. Brown’s plan to waie a purely business campaign. SURGICAL OPERATION Don’t cough your head off when you get A guaranteed remedy In IJoea Laxative a,,r, ip. It is espoc- lully reooaiARTi. V.t tor children as its pleasant to Wh? S3 « gentle laxative thus expci]LT$< &s> phlegm from the system, ft* 'ranks, coldo, croup, whooping cough hoarseness and all bronchial trouble. Guaranteed. Sold By Cherokee Pharmacy. Kodol For Indigestion Onr Gutranlee Coupon If. site ' oting two-thlrda of a li.ee tools of Kodol. rf t can houettly it? It baa not tons- Mod rot mo will refund yoer money. Try Kodolto* by on Ibla luarantte. Fill oat sad otgm lbs Mlowiof, proaoni it to lb# dtalar at tbo lima of dui chase. If It fails to satisfy yoa C votiirii tbs bottle ccnlalaior ona-tbird of tbs adieiaa to the dealer frofi whom you tossbl sad ws will rsfaad root bossy. Town Elato If thcrbtSt any one thing that a woman dreads more than another it to a surgical operation. We cun btntp without fear of a contradiction that there mo hun dreds, yes, thousands, of operations performed u]K»n women in our hos pitais wiiicii lira entirely unneces. sary atul many have been avoided l»y LYDIA E.PINKHAM’S VEGETABLE COMPOUND For oiYxif of tliia statement read the following letters. Mrs. itarbara Huso, of Kinsman, 1viiiin:w, writew to Mrs. Pinklmm: " For eight years I suffered from the most severe form of female troubles and was told that an operation was my only hope of recovery. 1 wrote Mrs. Pinkhnm for advice, and took Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and it has saved my' life and made mu a well woman.” Mra. Arthur It. ]Iou*e, of Church Rood, MooreHtown. N. J., writes: “ I feel it is my duty to let people know what Lydia E. I’inkhain’s Vege table Compound has done for me. I suffered from femule troubles, and last March my physician decided that an operation was necessary. My husband objected, and urged mo to try Lydia E. Piuhham’a Vegetable Compound, and to-day I am well and strong.” FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty yciirn Lydia K. rink- hnm’i) Vcgcialilo Compound, nude from root* and horlut, mix been tho xtundnrd romody for female ilia, andlinH jiosltively (Mired thouxandsof women who liaro la-en troubled with dlspIni«mr-ntK,innainmation,ul<’i!ra- Mon, fibroid tumoni, irremilariticB, I perkxlio pains, and tiHcknofic. Mrs. Plnkham InvtUM all sink women to write lier for advice. She ha, guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Moss. Trade Mark* Deiion* Copyrights Ac. Anrnnn «entlln* s ikstch anddwtrrl tHImi mot qnlrklT MKwruin our oiHntoa frss WRStbsr sd Invention U protosnly »ittot*hfsrj:«in»sn»«i. ttona Btiiethr conSdtntiJTHlIlOBgps on tt<nt frets, indeel sssoey fof.McnrinfJnrtwa*-, 1‘utnnta taken tnroueli Mann A co. recelrs fpfcial not Ice, wltboat eheras. In Ins Scientific Hmcrican, A bsndsomslf llhutrsted wssklr. Lmreet etr- — Wo live up to our advorliAcments f2.00 -Istce Curtuins solns tor $1.00 ■ por pslr. Don't get mixed on fraction. Mulling Dnnkrupi Store, 2t. 100 Plant Avo. ANNOUNCEMENT. .. BEGINNING APRIL STH WE WILL HA'.T “—5 WAGONS MAK ING regular delivery op ice. PARTIES DSitts'NG OUR DRIVERS TO CALL OW THEM PLEASE TEL EPHONE HE WE GUARANTEE PROMPT AND REGULAR SERVICE AND WILL APPRECIATE REPORT OP ANY NEGLECT OR LACK OF SERVICE BY OUR DRIVERS. WB SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. BREWER A 8IRMAN8 property for IMS will be open April l.L Call at my offlee, City Hall, and make your returns. 20 If. CHAS A. SHELDON, Tax Aueaaor. Tile city tax books for return of KgestsWhatYouEat And Makes the Stomach Sweet Kennedy’s Laxailvo Cough Syrup j **C. Da WITT Mt CO.» Gllitis, SUs .. * .. v REDDING 4 CO. acta promptly yet gently on (he bow-, the j els, through which ih^could is forced; »— -■ ■ -■ ■ - ■ i ■■ ■- wcrld.”^ Sold under guarantee at all out of the aystem, the aame! North Carolina Seed PeanuU, Seed drug stores. 50c. and $1.00 Trial J time it allays Inflamaticn. Sold by Corn. Many varieties, bottle free. | Redding & Co. tl d. w I.Ardy aros. TIMS HAS DEMONSTRATED Tbs ctalEM wS* rot KKTnUtXX't KXCXUIOI BLOOD PUKl* FIXX Uut K Ik tb« grcateit Wood nedlcloe of tbt Eft. Sufiriaf to aU others becauM it MMatt —tors in nature's own wsy, tor«4 I* Iks Ilfs ut Dm kodv. IIH is lsis*tr«4 ikakadyssSsn. Mmi pslylprpH4M»>b|« spsadM mn, It kef act bask jwrtb to tit K K.IUrtr'a Ixcalilor Slant ParifUr Caros imf dlMsss af Um kkm4. This alaiw It tlsSMtlp | by tbs iMfsitorsn. MM«I.W»btMto. jUpalaatoraS Dr. Miles* Anti-Pai n Pills Headache Neuralgia. Sciatica. .Rheumatism, Backache. Ruin inchest. Distress in stomach. StHPtoswss Take One of Ihe Little Tablets and the Pain is Gone. If you have Headache Try One They Relieve Pain Quickly, leaving no# bad After-effects 25 Doses 25 Cents Never Said fat Bu&. I For first class horseshoeing, see Mr, Fleming at McGee’s shop. Satisfaction guaranteed. tf | :vgb;Ufa I FOLEY’S (KIDNEY CURE \CURE YOU Jof ar. of Kidney or Bladi .. --se that b not | beyoi r - 3-ach of tsedi- 1 cine. T .V/ftat once. Do i notriskl > i f -Bright'sDis- : ease or Diaoetes. There ia {nothing gained by delay, j 50c. end 01.00 Bottlse.