Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, April 25, 1908, Image 6

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X petition for chapter
To tba Superior Court of Said county
The Petition of J. H. McDavls, 8.
• M. Jackson. W. L. Davla, A. C. Jones
C. II. Barnes, and J. M. .'dcDavI- r*»-
pectlully shows:— 1
1st That they desire fo.* ihemselv s
their associates snecMAV* and a 1
slgc.v V* be-come Incorporated un»
the name and style of tee "Grand
United Order of Knights if Kac!
2nd. T.iat the term fo- which pe
tltloners ask to be Incor; oratea
twenty years, with tha 1 rlvllege of
renewal at the explratl)'* of that
3rd. There shall be no capital stock
of said corporation, tbo * ne not be
Ing ono for gain and »*it of petl
tloners, but being wholly a beneval
ent organization.
4tb. The Object and purpose of
the proposed corporation »s to stab
llsty subordinate lodges i*f a benefici
ary order for the benefl*. ri Its mem-
Oers and their beneficlar!*.*; to have a
representative form of government
and a lodge system, wl*: ritualistic
form of work for the mating of Its
subordinate bodies, to m-ke provis
ion* for the payment of benefits In
case of death, sickness, wnpora-y or
permanent disability, eltiu r as a re
sult of disease, accident 'i old age;
to accumulate, maintain, apply od dis
burse among Its membership a reserve
emergency or other fund*, as m.-.y be
provided for In the Constitution and
by laws; and to do any >.r.u all other
acts In connection with the establish
ment of a fraternal beneficiary order
not In conflict With- the law* of this
state; to mako a constitution, by laws,
rules and regulation* consistent with
the Existing laws of the state, for the
-government of all under Us authority,
for the management of lt» properties,
and the due and orderly conduct of It
5th. Tho domicile of said purposed
corporation shall l>e In Way cross, Wi
County, Georgia, with the prlPliego
of establishing subordinate lodge
throughout tho state.
Ota. Petitioners for themselves
thflr nsjoclates, successors and
situs deslro tho right to ov.n and sell
real or personal property; .0 take and
receive security f>y mortgage; to. have
and use a common seal, sue and be
aued, plead and Implead, and generally
do and perform nil such other matters
and things not hereinbefore enumer
ated as are or msy be incident to the
establishment of fraternal beneficiary
John T. Myers having applied as
executor, for probato Jn solemn from
of the last will and testaments of
Jacob M, Stlger, late of said county
deceased, you, Sarah C, Balnhrhlge,
Lydia 8. Ellington,- Jennie E. Carter,
Ellen H. Chamber*, Lizzie . Fail lips,
Ester Ellington, Francis A. Stlger,
Mrs. W. W. Bain bridge, Dora W. Ar
nold. Roy Arnold and William Dennis
Arnold, as one of the heirs at law of
the said Jacob M. Stlger, together
with all other heirs at law and per
sons Interested in said estate, are
hereby required to appear at tho
courts of Ordinary of said county on
the : ji :» • 'n April, next, when
said application will be heard.
To all whom It may Concern:
Mrs. Virginia Fain, having la pro
per form applied to me for permanent
Letters of Administration on the esta
te of E. W. Fain, late of said county,
uotice Is hereby given that said appli
cation will bo heard at he regular
term of the Court of Ordinary for saU
county to be held on the first Monday
in April, 190b.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 11th day of March 1908>
for a few minutes of your time. No one who hae
Savannah, Ga., April IS.— W. 8- a home to live in can afford to mlse this truly
Sims, a negro lineman, in the employ GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY.
To secure FREE pf charge a Clock, the
most Important thing In the home* And
ouch a Clock, too! BEAUTIFUL GOLD
To all whom It may Concern*
Henry Burnham having In proper
form applied to mo for permanent let
ters of Administration on the estate
of Frank Burnham, late of said county,
this Is to cite all and singular the
creditors and next of kin of Frank
Burnham to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by law, and
show cause, If any they can, why per
manent administration should not be
granted to said Henry Burnham on
the tstate of said Frank Burnham.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture. this the 14th day of March 1908.
WARREN LOTT, Ordinary,
WHEREFORE, petitions# pray U
be made a badly corporate under th
same and atylo aforesaid, entitled t
the rights, privileges,, and immunities
and subject to the liabilities fixed by
the law.
This April, 10th, 1908.
Crawley A Crawley.
Attorneys for Felitlontra.
I, E. J. Berry do hereby certify that
fee above and foregoing U a true copy
of the original as of file in my office.
This April, Uth. 1908.
K. J. Berry.
Clerk 8. C, W. C.. Ga.
GEORGIA—Ware County.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has applied to the ordinary
of aald county for leave to eel)
land belong to the estate of W. J.
Kennedy for the purpose of paying
debts and distribution. 8aid appli
cation will be heard at the regular
term of court of ordinary for said
county to be held on the first Monday
In May 1908.
Thla 6th day of April, 1908.
This 6th ay of April, 1908.
Lizzie gennedy.
Administratrix upon the estate or
W. J. Kennedy.
GEORGIA—Ware County.
Notice Is hereby given to all cred
itors of the estate of Warren Lott,
late, of said county, deceased to ren
der In an account of their demand*
ft me within the Ume prescribed bj
law properly made ouL And all
persons Indebted to said deceased
« : *»reby requested to make Imme
diate payment to fee undendineJ.
Thla, 13th day of February, 1108'.
Executrix of the will of Warren Lott,
I whom It may concern:
I). J. Miller having, In proper form,
applied to me for permanent letters
of administration on the estate of
James A. Miller, late of said county,
this Is to cite all and singular tho cre
ditors and next of kin of James A,
Miller to be an appear at my office
within tho time allowed by law, an
show cauze, If nny they con, why per
manent administration should not be
granted to D. J. Miller t*n Jatnes A.
Miller’s estate.
Witness, my hand and official slg
nature, this 4th day of March, 1908.
WARREN LOTT, Ordinary,
GEORGIA—Ware County.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the ordi
nary of said county for leave t ■.
and belonging to the estate o'
Jackson, for the purpose
button, said application will
..io regular term of the court 01
aary fer said county to held on lu
’rst Monday In May, 1908. '
rills the Cth day of April, 1908.
Emmett McElreath
Administrator upon the estate of Fan
nle Jackson.
of the Savannah Electric Company met
with Instant death yesterday after
noon while working forty feet In the
air on the corner of Abercorn street
d Duffy street lane. Sims was
working on one wire that was dead.
was strapped to a pole wit
leather strap'abo"* hl«j waist. It Is
loved In reaching over he came Ip
contact with a live wire and 2,400
volts cf electricity paged through his
body. He did not cry out or give any
sign that he had been shocked except
that hl3 body fell limp suspended be
side the polo on the belt he wore
was cut down and lowred into i
•m. His death was.purely acclde;
Not to Ttrnlth,
to Koop
Time for Tm
the simplest thing In
the world. All you have to do
la write me a postal card and
say you want to get it. I will
then send you by mail, pre
paid, a carefully wrapped
package of handsome portraits
of George Washington, and
ask yr ' “*■— " t ‘*~
‘ hi
ortralts are copies of
GEORGIA:—Ware County.
To .all Whom It May Concern:
Lilia Polite Webb having. In proper
form, appeared before me for permao-j — — -
ent Letters of Administration on the INVITATIONS ARE OUT
Schenectady, X. Y., April 20.—A
cold wave, accompanied by a snow
storm set In at 10 o’clock this morn
ing and Is still raging. Snow la now
falling at Rochester and throughout
the northern portions of the tsate.
These p,
the best known painting of the
first President of the United
States, and are different from
and handsomer than any pic
ture of the kind you ever
saw. **
This Is Just the picture
for the dining-room or sit
ting room, and. because the
very name George Wash
ington strengthens the love
of homo and country in old
and young alike, everybody
_ the liberal proposition
I will authorize you to
make. You only have to,
collect $5 In this way to
make this Glorious Clock
yours for ever.
GEORGIA—Ware County.
To si! whom It may concern:
Dan T. Cowart, of said State having
applied to me for letters of administra
tion, with will annexed, on the estate
of E. o’Hagaa late of said county, and
also for letters of administration on
the estate of Lennle O'Hagan late zt
said county, this Is to cite all an;
singular tho creditors and next of
kin of said E. O'Hagan and Lennis
O’Hagan to be and appear at i.«*
'April term 1908 of the oourt of Or
dinary of said county, to show cause
If any they can, why letera of admin
istration, with the will annexed,
should not be (ranted to said Dan T.
Cowart on the estate of E.O’Hsgsn
and aa well 'letters of administration
on the estate of said Lennle O'Hagan.
Witness my official signature. ..
4th day of March 1908.
H. R. Smith, Guardian of , Dixie
6mlth having applied to the Court of
Ordinary of said County for leave to
sell a certain house and lot located
on tho Southeast corner of Sweat and
Reynolds streets In the City of Way-
cross In said countyfl said lot front
ing sixty (CO) feet on tho south side
of Reynolds street and with this
front extending back south along the
east side of Sweat street one hundred
(10Q) feet, for the purpose of paying
debts, charged and liens, against his
ward and the property of hia ward.
V.l persons concerned are required
to show cause In said Court by the
First Monday In April next. If any they
can, why said application should not
be granted.
Thla March 3. 1908.
Every time a girl builds an air eta
tie she puts a different man In it
estate of Anna Polite, Istte of said
county, this Is to cite all and singu
lar the creditors and next of kin of
Anna Polite to be and appear at my
office wltrln teh time allowed by law,
and show cause, If any th. y can, why
permanent administration should not
be granted to Lilia Polite Webb o.< her
Witness, my hand an 1 official sig
nature, this 10th day of Av.rll, 1998.
Warren Lo t. Ordinary
! Invitations are out fer a Joe Brown
rally and entertainment to be held in
the Phoenix hotel park on Saturday
night next by Joe Brown .club, com
mencing at 7:30 o’clock. There
be music, singing, speakln? and lots
! of fun. There U no unpropriety In
J ladles attending these rally's and they
are Invited to come.
In addition to the Clock I have two other lovely presents which I will glvw
you—two moro handsome ornaments which anyone who loves a pretty homo
will be delighted with. Ono of these gifts I will send to you FRED AND PRE-
PAID as soon as I receive the postal card with your name on it* The other
one I will give to you just for being prompt In following my Instructions. H
will tell you all about the second extra gift, when 7 sand the first on#, which
I will do as soon as I hear from you, so HURRY UP. v * «a|
scribed It, and If It does not delight you in every way, you may send it back
and I will pay you handsomely In cash for your trouble. Also. If you get sick
or for any other reason fall to collect all of the (5,1 will pay you well for what
you do. So you see. YOU CAN'T LOSE, iff alt right down and writ# to me aa
follows: * «D. R. osnoRNE, Manager, Nashville, Teas. Please scad m# the per-
traits of Geeorge Washington and. complete oatflt for earafag th# Glorious
G#ldea Clock, with th# understanding that thla docs not hind as# to gay yea
aae cent.** Than put your name and address. - - — ■
Georgia School
Of Technology
Georgia— ware county. ; REPCRTEO STR0NC
By virtue of «-.:« orccr granted by. POLITICAL ALLIANCE
the Court of Ordinary or said county ( Savannah, Ga., April 29.-
at the April term 1908, tho undersigned I ,ort «*I ™ thc streets of Savannah Sat-
H. IL Smith, as guardian of Mrs. Dixie urda / night and this mornin? there
Smith, will sell at public outcry to bad been a political conference be-
iho highest bidder for cash, within tween Mr. W, W. Osborne and Mr. It.
tho legal hours of gale on Tuesday. J - Davant through which it was hoped
tho Cth day of May 1908, before the| to cement the forcc-s of these two sent?
d'-or of the <*ourt house In the CItyj' 0,aen tho idea of running M
of Way cress In said county, the foI«y| Davant for mayor next year. Xeltlu
lowing described property, being thejer the gentlemen most concerned have j
property of hU 3aid ward, to wit. A j keen seen relative to this report a.iitj
certain house and lot In the City of
Waycross, Ware county, Georgia, on
the Southeast corner of Reynolds and
Sweat streets, said lot fronting CO
feet on tho South side of Reynlods
street, end with this front running
back south along the east side of
Sweat street 100 feet; same being
sold for the purpose of maintenance,
paying debts, liens, charges, etc. Tnis
April 7tb, 1908.
(Signed) H. R. Smith,
Guardian of Mrs. Dixie Smith.
Alice Broxton vis C. E. Broxton—
Petition to dissolve and set aside mar
riage contract In Ware Superior
Court, April Term, 1998.
To C. E. Broxton, defendant in
above stated case: You are hereby
commanded to appear at next term ol
said court, to be held on fee third
Monday in April, 1908, then and then
to answer the complaint of plaintlf
in said case. Witness the Hon. T.
A. Parker, Judge of said Court Thh
March 20th, *08. E. J. Berry,
*j > Clerk
everycne does not accept It us so. M;.
Osborne might support him he has let
It be very widely known that he has re
tired from politics for good and that
he will give his attention to his law
practice and his banking business at
the end of his present term of service
as Solicitor-General. If such a combi
nation has been made it will prove a
strong one, for both the gentlemen
have very large followings.
, N CITY C ouRT.
Savannah, Ga., April 21.—Yesterday
was return day In the City Court and
several suits for damages were filed.
The Savannah Electric Company, own
er of the Savannah Street Rallwar was
the defendants lb several of them.
Among those suelng for personal In
juries and the amounts they osk are:
Jennie More, (2,000, Sherman Taylor,
(15,000; Frank C. Walloston, (570;
Hugh H. Schaeffer sues the Central
Railway for (10,000 for Injuries receiv
ed while at work in the shops of tho
Wrtta ct coco rttfzrtlnf lira e^ortenKy.
11 lf * dtpertwentt
‘5"’* ve . r S' 10 ™- Advanced courses In Mechjit-
rk 1 '*! 1 Ji Klnln T> ,r,d Civil Eufinecrlntf,
.‘J 1 * Chemistry. Extensive
°L ! lhop.mil. UUorsttrits, etc.
STAS™? “i .* mboretory. Demeni
SxfSSiS^sVts. erKUrU “ 3,tI '
Tor mounted citslofue end InfonnMIon eddross
U >nur. liver I* right you teel well
•!J over. L. L. L. keepe K right.
u bo yotir liver is wrong and you
-ed L L L Ask your druggist
ibout It
One of the candidates for governor
of Georgia is charged with having
written a book called “Aytyantax.”
Locks to the Washington (D. C.) Her
ald as If thhf'mlsht be a serious charge
•I* “ ~*
It Is the Albany Herald that remarks
If the Georgian succeeds In "lying;
up" legislative candidates as It did
gubernatorial candidates, on the prohi
bition question, legalized liquor In
Georgia is many a day, many a year,
off.—Augusta Chronicle.
Governor Smith seems to think that
It’s the Railroad and the Liquor Ring
that is afer his scalp. If he would get
out nto the woods among the one-gal-
lus farmers he will see that there are
others in the chase.
Governor Smith’s clerks are running:
the state now, says an Atlanta dispatch
Well there is Calvin Hitch, executive
that somo of toe mo.t blatant reform- , ecretary to , ie ,ovemo>. we would aa
era In Oeortfa appear to have fallen tnilt Wb ln charg(! „ f t!le c , pl .
from grace. ' tol a. Hoko.
A SprainmStrain
must have immediate attention
. Slpeavs Liixinveivt
is invaluable in an emergency of This kind.
11 quickly relieves me soreness and conges *
reduces the swelling and strengthens tne
weak muscles. !
Because of its antiseptic and healing
properties, Sloan’s Liniment is the best
remedy known tor cuts.wounds,bruises
stinqs, burns and scalds.
> PRICE 254 504 & $1.00*
Dr.Eorl S.Sloan* Boston, Mass';