Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, May 02, 1908, Image 6

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To tfifl superior Court of Said county
The Petition of J. H. KcDavta, S.
f.1. Jackson. W. U Dayla, A. C. Jones
C. It. Barnes, and J. M. idcUavlc rs«*
ppctfully phnw*:~
1st. That they desire for tbem^elv •»
their associates «ucce»«.v : an<l a
sign/. V. be-come Incorporated un
the name and style of *:.e ‘'Grant!
United Order of Knights i f Ka-’eah."
2nd. That the terra !o* which pe
tltloners ask to be ihcor orate.i I
twenty years, with the j rlvllege of
renewal at the expIratlj-T of that
3rd. There shall be no capital stock
of said corporation, the sue n<
Ing one for gain and ./’.nit of petl
tlonera, but being whol!> a bcnova!
ent organization.
4th. The Object and purpose of
tho proposed corporatlo?t .s to stab
Hsh subordinate lodges of a benefici
ary order for the benefl*. rj Its mem
bers and their beneficlar!-*. 1 ; to have
representative form of government
and a lodge system, wl': rlttnUnue
form of work for the m ating cf Its
subordinate bodies, to m'ke provis
ions for the payment of benefl!
case of death, sickness, t- nipora^y or
permanent disability, elMnr as a re
sult of dlscsse, accident r old age;
to accumulate, maintain, apply od dis
burse among Its membership a reserve
emergency or other fund*, as ni:-.y be
provided for In tho Constitution and
by Jaws; and to do any > r.U all other
acta In connection with the establish
ment of a fraternal beneficiary order
not In conflict with the laws of this
state; to mako a constitution, by laws,
^uloa pptj ‘regulation* consistent with
the existing laws of the state, for the
government of all under Us authority,
for the management of In prop:rtier,
and the duo And orderly conduct of it
strain. « i
Gih. Tho domicile of said purposed
corporation shall be In Wayrros
^peunty, Goorglrt. with the privilege
of establishing subordinate l'.-dgo
throughout the state.
Cth. I’ctltlonera for meinselves
their associates, miccesri-is and as
sir ns de.'.lre the right to ov.n and sell
real or personal property; io take and
receive security by mortise; to nave
and use a common seal, sue and bo
sued, plead and Implead, and generally
do and perform nil such other mattors
and things not hereinbefore enumer
ated as are or may be Incident to tho
establishment of fraternal beneficiary
WHEREFORE, potitlon.-w pray ti
bo made a badly corporate under th
name and style aforesaid, entitled t
the rights, privileges,, and immunities
and subject to tho liabilities fixed by
the law.
This April, 10th, 1908.
Crawley f. Crawley.
Attorneys for PeUtlonsrs.
I, E. J. Berry do hereby certify that
the above and foregoing la a truo copy
of tho original ag of fllo in my office.
This April, 11th. 190S.
E. J. Berry.
Clerk S. C. W. C. Ga.
John T. Myers having applied as
executor, for probale jn solemn from
of the last will and testaments of
Jacob M. Stlger, late of said county
deceased, you, Sarah C. Balnbrldge.
Lydia 8. Ellington, Jennie E. Carter,
Ellen H. Chambers, Lizzie . Faillips,
Ester Ellington, Frauds A. Stlger,
Mru. W. W. Balnbrldge, Dora W. Ar
nold, Roy Arnold and William Denn
Arnold, as one of the heirs at law of
the aald Jacob M. 8tlger, together
with all other heirs at law and per
sons interested in said estate, are
hereby required to appear at tin
courts of Ordinary of said county on
the first Monday In April, next, when
said application will be heard.
To all whom It may Concern:
Mrs. Virginia Fain, having In pro-
... I.rn ap.ltaj to no (or Hnool! Sivaroait. On. .tprll S3.-T6* [H. [ STEw? tolUlSTtWi .3?
Letters of Administration on the esta-lcratJc Executive Committee of Chat-
te of E. W. Faln^ lato of said county, J
notice Is hereby given that said appli
cation will be heard at he regular
I term of ir.e Court of Ordinary for said
county to be held on the first Monday
In April, 100b.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 11th day of “March 1908.
To all whom It may Concern-
Henry Burnham having In proper Administrator upon the eatatc of F
GEORGIA—Ware County.
Notice Is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the o ~li-
nary of said county for leave t *.
land belonging to the estaio o'
Jackson, for tho purpose
button, said application will
the regular terra of the court oi
nary for said county to held on t.,t'
first Monday In May, 1908.
This the Cth day of April, 1908.
Emmett McElreatli
county will held a meetin
Friday night at the Court House for
the purpose of fixing rules and regula
tions fui the county primary
held on June 4th. For the- first time
In many years Chatham county wit
nesses a race la Is year between indi
viduals and not betw-een the fixed tick
ets of clubs. There is no organization
taking any part In this campaign. It
is a case of every man for himself.
Col. W. L. Grayson who is running
for Clerk of the Superior Court against
Mr. J. K. P. Carr, -tho present Incum-! ‘ b0 klna >rou
To secure FREE of chsrge s Clock, the
moot Important thing In the home. And
such a Clock, tool BEAUTIFUL GOLD
To get this beautiful Clock
FREE is the simplest thing in
the world. All you have to do
is write me a postal card and
say you want to get it. I will
♦hen send you by mail, prat
paid, a carefully wrapped
package of handsome portraits
of George Washington, and
ask you to show them to your
These portraits are copies of
Uie best known painting of the
first President of the United
Not to Ttmtoh,
*hd to Koop
Time (or Tn
form applied to me for permanent let
ters of Administration on the estate
of Frank Burnham, late of said county,
this is to cite all and singular the
creditors anj next of kin of Frank
Burnham to be and appear at my office
within the time allowed by luw, and
show cause, If any they can, why per
manent administration should not be
granted to said Henry Burnham on
the tstate of said Frank Burnham.
Witness ray hanJ and official signa
ture. this tho 14th day of March 1908.
WARREN LOTT, Ordinary.
:iie Jackson.
GEORGIA:—Ware County.
bent has challenged him to a joint
debate hut it Is not believed Mr. Carr
will accept. This race is causing
more talk and exciting more Interest
than any other race In the county.
Mr. Grayson is making a very aggres
sive light.
This Is Just the picture
ior the dlning>room or sit
ting room, and. because the
GEORGIA—Ware County.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned has applied to the ordinary
of said counrty for leave to sell
land belong to the estato of W. J.
Kennedy for the purpose of paying
debts and distribution. Said appli
cation will be heard at the regular
term of court of ordinary for said
county to be held on tne first Monday
In May 1908.
This Cth day of April, 1908.
This Cth ay of April. 1908.
Lizzie Kennedy.
Administratrix upon the estate of
W. J. Kennedy.
GEORGIA—Ware County.
Notice Is hereby given to all cred
itors of the estate of Warren Lou.
late, of said county, deceased to ren
der In an account of their demands
tr me within the time proscribed by
law properly made out. And all
persons Indebted to said deceased
**- “ ereby requested to make Ira me*
- dlate payment to the taidcraiynsd.
This, 13th day of February, 1908.
Bxecutrix of the win of Warren Lott.
To all whom It may concern:
D. J. Miller having, in proper form,
applied to mo for permanent letters
of administration on the estate of
James A. Miller, lute of said county,
this is to cite all and singular the ere-
•lltorn and next cf kin of James A.
Miller to he nn appear at my office
within the time allowed by law, an
show cuiiae, if any they enn, why per
mar.ent administration should not be
cranio J to I). J. Miller tn James A.
Mlllnr'a 'estate*
Witness, my hfin.l and official nig
Sitting For County Purposes.
Upcn te report of H. J. Thompson,
John Lee and L. P. Tayor, Commission
ers appointed to examine into the mat
ter and If necessary or expedient
To all Whom It May Concern:
Lilia Polite Webb having. In proper
form, appeared before me lor permnn-'to mark and define the contemplated
ent Letters of Administration on the now district to be composed of about
estate of Anna Polite, I*:* of said that part of Ware county composing
county, this Is to cite all and Klngu-'the Sixth Land District and hereto-
lar the creditors and next of kin of fore more fully described, which has
Anna Polite to be and appear at my! been found by said report to be expe-
office wltrin teh time allowed by law, diene and necessary and said commis-
and show cause, If any th. y can. why sloners having laid out and defined
permanent administration should not said district, as above described,
be granted to Lilia Polite *.Vebb o. : herjcordlng to law; and it further apear-
estate. % j Ing that said new district with a les:
Witness, my hahd and official s!g ' number. It Is therefore ordered by
i nnlure, this 10th day of A'lril, 1998. J the Court that said new district be
Warren Lo 1 .*.. Ordinary' an, l Is hereby established, and the
report of said Commission approved.
JEORGIA—WARE COUNTY. Civ*! under my hand and official
By virtue t! or-;.- granted by. 8eal thla I5th ,la >’ °‘ 190S.
the Court of Ordinary c? said county
at the April term 190S, the undersigned
Hi It Smith, ns guardian of Mrs. Dixie
Smith, will sell at public outcry to,
:hc highest bidder for cash, within
very name George Wash
ington strengthens the love
of home and country In old
and young alike, everybody
will want one of them and
will be glad to pay for it
on the liberal proposition
I will authorize you to
make. You only have to,
collect IS in this way to
make this Glorious Clock
yours forever.
In addition to the Clock I have two other lovely presents which I will giv«
you—two more handsome ornaments which anyone who loves a pretty home
will be delighted with. One of these gifts I will send to you FREE AND PRB-.
PAID as soon as I receive the postal card with your name on it. The other
one I will give to you Just for being prompt in following my instructions. X
will tell you all about the second extra gift, when I send the first one. which.
I will do as soon as I hear from you, so HURRY UP.
1T0U TAKE NO CHANCES to writing to me, because. If the Clock does
1 re , Ir' 6 , . .. y nMnw6 ® i n o t prove to be even better than Z have de
scribed It, and If it does not delight you in every way, you may send it back
and I will pay you handsomely In cash for your trouble. Also, if yon get sick
or for any other reason fall to collect all of the $8,1 will pay you well for what
you do. So you see, YOU CAN’T LOSE, s$ sit right down and write to me as
follows: “D. R. OSBORNE, Mansger, Nashville, Teas, Please send see the pet*
J!*. 1 ! - °L°t* or * # Washington nnd complete outfit for earning the Glerlena
Golden Clock, with the understanding that this dees net Mad M te pay yea
•ne cent/* Then put your name and address. e
Warren Lott, Ordinary.
To the qualified voters of the city of
the legal hours of sale on Tuesday,! Way cross:
the 5th day cf May 1903, before the Notice i 3 hereby given that an elcc-
darjr of th 0 f'ourt house In the City Bon will be held in the City of Way-
nature, this 4th day of March, 1908. j of Wayeross In said county, tho fol-j cross on the 4 2nd day of May, 190S, at
WARREN LOTT, Ordinary, j tewing described propercy, being the tnc voting precincts of said city for
property of hU said ward, to wit. A the purpose of determining whether
certain hou30 and lot In the City of
Waycross, Ware county, Georgia, on
the Southeast corner of Reynolds and
Sweat streets, said lot fronting 60
feet on tho South side of Reynlods
street, and with this front running
back south along the cast side of
Georgia School
of Technology
- 1 k • fc*£• |
G T •'RGIA—Ware Coun ty.
To all whom it may concern:
Dan T. Cowart, of said State having
applied to me for letters of administra
tion. with will annexed, on the estate
of ]£. o’Hnga* late of said county, and
also for letters of administration on
tho estate of Lcnnlo O'Hngan late jf
said county, this U to cite all ar..1
singular the creditors and next of
kin of said E. O'Hngan and Lennia
O'Hagan to bo and appeur at tu*
April term 1908 of the court of Or
dinary of said county, to show cause
If any they can, why letors of admin
istration, with the will annexed,
should not bo granted to Bald Dan T.
Cowart on the estato of E.O'Hagan
and ns well letters of administration
on the estato of said Lonnie O'Hagan.
Witness my official afgnature. ...t
4th day of March 1908.
II. U. Smith, Guardian of Dixie
Smith having applied to the Court of
Ordinary of said County for leave to
sell a certain house and lot located
on tho Southeast corner of Sweat and
Reynolds streets tn the City of Way-
cross in said countyil said lot front
ing sixty (CO) feet on the south side
of Reynolds street and with this
front extending back south along the
east side of Sweat street cue hundred
(100) feet, for the purpose of paying
debts, charged and liens, against his
ward and the property of his ward.
Wl persons concerned are required
to show cau*c la said Court by the
First Monday In April next. If any they
can, wh7 said application should not |
no granted.
Thla March 2. 1908.
nn Ordinance shall bo passed by the
Mayor and Alderman of said city to
preveut cattle running at large within
the limits of said city. Thoso voting
in favor of the passage of such ordi
nance shall have written or printed
on their ballots the words "For Cattle
Sweat street 100 feet; same being; Running at Large, and those voting
sold for the purpose of maintenance,
paying debts, liens, charges, etc. Tula
April 7th, 1908.
(Signed) H. R. Smith,
Guardian of Mrs. Dixie Smith.
Alice Broxton vis C. E. Broxton—
Petition to dissolve and set aside mar
rlago contract In Ware Superior
Court. April Term, 1908.
To C. E. Broxton, defendant in
abovo stated case: You are hereby
commanded to appear at next term ol
said court, to be held on the third
Monday in April, 1908, then and then
to answer the complaint of plalntif
(n said case. Witness tho Hon. T.
A. Parker, Judge of said Court. Thh
March 20th, '08. E. J. Berry,
against said ordinance shall have writ
ten or printed on their ballots the
words "Against Cattle ' Running at
Large.’ The returns of said election
shall be made to the Mayor and Al
dermen of the City of Waycross who,
after examining the s.irae and deciding
upon all question* which may arise
out of said election, shall declare the
result. <*
This April, 23rd, 1908.
Mayor Pro. Tem.
Writ, it can retarding j cpportunlty.
r enSfiS5S^5 C ]JS OL , OF , T ech MWGY Is better
equipped and organized In «n its deerr*rurAz
. . S'**™ before. Advanced courser In Meehan-
cni1 Ecrtrenfaf,
EnJIntertni; Chemistry, and Chemistry. Frlentlve
Shop, MIIL Lahoratel-s, etc.
JT Chcmic;! taKwator-. Demand
mucl ‘ pester tts.i tit Stir-ay.
Nest session begins Sept. a. 1 - 1
For lUastrated calibre end Information eddrsso
J(.G.MATHIS0N,A.M„Ll.D. t President,
PIER that it U the greatest biaod oeiIt
* ‘ “ ' tui. ...
ipnlrrst thaW-t'
to all other* because It aarlata nature In nature'
Ulood It the lit* s>f the WMy. If II I* Impnlrrrt tho ‘ *
■Ifti-Ird cure. U kriasi
h5e*w£»i llil
Kettcrcr's Excckior Blood Par'fisr
« every di**e«e c4 the bh»4. Thif eleii* <• dlrtlnrlty erari
it nsuefacterers. i’nee |1.00 • bottle. lUeefeLWrest hy
Jacksonville, P.orlda
If your liver la right you feel well
all over. L. L. L. keeps It right
u so your liver Is wrong and you ^
cd L. L. L. Ask your druggist
Clerk shout It. ^ *
Complete assortment of Bines—
10 h. p. to 126 h. p. in stock for
Immediate delivery, .%
Save money by writing direct to
the manufacturers. .'. .-.
Alee Cora Mill*. I.w Mills,
Tanks and Towns
Braaclu Sit Empire BIAS., Atlanta, Cm.
Every time n etrt bullds an air can
tl* oho pnti a different man In IL
A Sprain or Strain
must have immediate attention
Slo&iVs Liivinveivt
is invaluable in an emerqency of this kind.
Il quickly relieves the soreness ana conaf“'‘“
reduces the swelling and strengthens tn
weak muscles. A
Because of its antiseptic and heatinq
properties, Sloan’s Liniment is tn^bes'
remedy known for cuts.wounds,bruises
stinqs, burns and scalds. ^
PRICE 25* 50* & $1.00.
'Dr.Earl S.Sloan, Boston* Mass.