Waycross weekly herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 1908-19??, May 16, 1908, Image 4

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; Since I have!
;ueed rerun a I;
;liavo a splendid :
'appetite, enjoy:
! 1 i fo and perfect’.
• health. |
dlclnel ingredient! of Peruna, and each
tablet If equivalent to one average doee,
Mre. Joeephlne Holst, 1<Q E. Flret 8t.,
Portland, Ore., writes that ehe wee
troubled eeriouely with catarrh of the
throat, that aha need Peruna and wee
wonderfully, helped In two weeke, and
In a little over two monthe her arftem
■ Idllil nf ill 11 nina nf mlai ih
'{Marietta Correspondtnt Atlanta Con-
The r«*»ldence of Hon. Joseph 31.
Hrown, exrailroad commissioner, how
.» candidate for the Democratic nomi
nation for Governor, ia In many res*
jpecta one of the most Interesting and
unique homes In Georgia.
It Is Situated on a historic spot.
Here a generation ago lived ex Gov
ernor Charles J. McDonald, who was
passing when Mr. Brown's father,
Joseph E. Brown, tno famous ‘‘war
governor” was Just stepping Into the
limelight of .jiopular favor. Despite
lhe difference In their ages, there ex
isted a devoted attachment between
the old man and the man Just ent
log ihe prime of nls physical and m<
la) powers.
Governor-elect Joseph E. Brown
■wrote his acceptance of the Democrat
ic nomination for his first term as gov
ernor In 1857 In, ex-Governor McDon
.aid's office which stood but a few- steps
from* the residence now occupied by
Joseph M. Brown, wnare the latter has
)u»i written his nnnoimcemeirt for
the exalted office which his father
ably filled.
Mr. Brown purchased the beautiful
dioiue from General Henry It. Jack-
ami, Georgia's gifted “poet-orator."
moved' to Marietta In May, 1885, a
fair months after his marriage to Miss
Cora McCord of Atijthsta.
The bouse is situated on un ©uil-
aw.nc€ whose sloping eastern front is
-vbadud hy mujestlc (rues. Front this
hill Is to be had a charming view of
the famous Konneaaw mountain, two
miles to the northward, and n part of
lhe little city of Marietta on the east.
Beautiful Homs Life.
in this beautiful homo Mr. and Mrs.
Druwn have lived an Ideal life since
Ahelr union, nineteen years ago, They
have been blessed by three children,
.Joseph Emerson, Charles 3tcDona!d,
-rad Cora McCord, the eldest boy be
ing fourteen years of age. Mr. Brown
Jind hla wife have eudoavored to
* make their home life so attractive to
J.halr children so as to make It their
favorite rosort, and In this they have
entirely succedoed. Not only ‘their
.»\iwji children, but the other young
-children of Marietta have long ago
teamed that a cord Inal welcome al
ways'awaits tqem at the Brown nfan-
.slon, where the happiness of the young
da aa especial aim.
While there la little which might be
~*wtyled expensive In the refldeuce
there la one feature which aau been
tor jear* a source of great enjoyment
Honest Women Who Are Not Afraid to Tell the Truth About Pe-ru-na.
Chlcaga, May 13.—The largest pas
senger locmouiotlvo, In the world Is
In use between New York and Cal-
cago. It weighs with tender, 242.0U0
pounds, compared with 376,000 pounds
for tho formerly largest engine and
tender. The tender carrlea 14 tons
of coal and 8,000 gallons of water and
.to Air. Brown. This Is his library, In I consumes 72 gallons of water a minute
Cjujbt Cold Cosily.
Mrs. F. E. HondorsoOt 221 Ninth 8t., Milwaukee, Wls., writes:
“I nerer had any faith In pstent medicines until I tried Perans, but my
experience with this reliable medicine baa tanght me that there ia one which
can be trusted, and which will not fall in time of need.
“For the past few yesrs I hare found that I canght cold easily, whloh
would aettle In a most unpleasant catarrh of the head. I had to be eepecially
careful about being oat of ereninge, and not to get chilled when dreseed thin
for parties, but since I bare used Peruna my general health is Improved, and
my system is In such good condition that even though 1 am exposed to in
clement wfeataer It no longer affects me.
“I have a splendid appetite and enjoy life, being In y
For two years Dr. Hartman and his
assistants have labored I
creste Peruna in tablet to
strenuous efforts have jnst beer
with soeeets. \ People who c_ w
liquid medicines can now secure 1
tablets. These tablets represent the ma-
THe Value of Health.
Who can eat a money value on
health? It Is abeolntely priceless.
No one in good health can tally
appreciate what it means to have
poor health. The days are long and
ted ions. The nights horrible and
painfnl. Nothing goes right. Even
the mind becomes deluged and In*
Jared by continued poor health.
Once liberated from the thraldom
of sickness words fail to express
the Joy and relief.
Peruna has been tbe means of re
lieving more women from ill health
in the United States than, perhaps,
any other medicine.
A multitude of women stand ready
to give testimony in favor of Perona
whenever occasion offers.
Dyspepsia entirely Relieved.
Miss Lillie C. Martin, Shelbyville,
Tenn^ writes: “Everybody says I
look better than I have for two or
three years, and 1 sincerely thank
yon for your kind advice.
“I believe your treatment has en
tirely cured me. I can eat anything
1 want. 1 believe your remedies will
cue 0 f indigestion or dy«-
Is not entirely free from disease, on u„,je r and by virtue of a power ct
tee high elevation, fever, prevail while M , e contained In a deed to secure
on tho lower levels malaria Is cncoua- dgbl execu t e d by A. C. Aldridge to
tered to a frenter or less extent, ac-, c Cg11 | 118 on t ho 17th day of June
cording to attitude. To overcome' 18# _ and rec , jrded m the office of the
climate affections, Ias3ltude, malaria, o{ , bc g„, )cr | 0 r Court of Ware
Jaundice, biliousness, fever and r.sue , n Bcck 7> la f0 [| 0 the ua-
and general debility, the most offec- 1 lierS | g!ied w ju se |I, at public sale a
live remedy Is Electric Bitters, the (ne court t. oug e doer In said county
great alterative and blood purifier; • on (he Rrst Tuesday in May, 190S, dur
the antidote for every form of bodily |ng (1)e , ega , bour , 0 f , a i e , to the high
weakness, nervousness, and Insomnia. el{ ulddcr for ca5b- the following pro
Sold undor guarantee at all drug stroe er(y , 0 w|l . A!1 t bat tract or parce
Price 50c. of , an . being part of lot of land No.
One Hundred and Two (102) In the
Weak women should read my "Book E|gM Dl8tr|c . of ware county, Geor-
No. 1 For Women." It was written g|3 U|| |ylng and belng ln tbc town of
expressly for women who are not well. W aresbcro, bounded as follows; On
The Book No. 4 tells of Dr. Shoop’s the North bjr lanils o( c . E , van Vorst
‘Night Cure' and just how tbeso and , aBda former ly owned by C. W.
soothing, bealin, antiseptic supposl-1 Inflnger . on tbe East by lands of C.
lories can be successfully applied. The | E yan Vorat and on tbe Soutb by
book, and strictly confidential medical j of j A McDaniel and the right
Is entirely free. Write Dr. SbooP, Ua- J of wdy of ffle AtIllnt | C Coast Lins
cine, Wls. The Night Cure Is sold by J R . !lway Coh „i any . It being the tract
All Dealers • . j convcyed to the said A. Cl Aldredge
[ by C. G. Parker on January 22, 1507
HUMAN FILTERS. j. by de ed of conveyance of that date
duly recorded In the office of Clerk of
Pi'ror'f r CVn^t rf V.*nre ceur.ty fn Jan-
Head and Throat
Mist Helen Sauciblor, 815 Main St.,
St. Joseph, Mich., writes:
“Lest winter I canght a sudden cold
* l-io an aupleaaantca-
1 and throat, depriving
me of my appe ti te and tuasl good up! rl te.
“A friend who had been cured by
Perona advised me to try it and I sent
for a bottle at once, and I am glad to cay
that ln three days tho phlegm nod
*, and I felt belter, my appetite
and within nine days I was In
1 good health.* 1
which he nos accumulated during the
tfwst thirty years many rare and val-
.uubln' vplumvs. As Is well known.
Air. Brown whiles away his leisure
time In literary pursuits, and on such
•'lay* that he cannot get Into tho garden
^ur fiMds, he will bo found !u bU !!•
Mr. Brown, la very fond of horsea
* and Jersey catle aud of raising the
Jmnl lor them. Hls Ideas run tc
tanning In all of Its branches.
An Enthusiastic Farmer.
Vegetable gardens aud orcagrds,
svhcreln are almost all varieties of
fruits .grown In North Oeorgla. are to
be found on the lop and broad sides
of tho hill upon which the residence
4s situated. Bcnind the house Is a
.grove of pecan trees planted by Mr.
-Brown la 186*.
«Ou the upland adjoining he has
island sixty-seven bushels of corn on
.an acre of red land and threshed out
490 bushels of oats from seven acres.
‘‘At tho Atlanta Exposition in 1S95
ho took fa© flrvf prlxe for a Georgia
tnAdc ham, and ths second prlxo for
Mr. Brown’s tastes run In peaceful
Hues, hence hls preference for this
quiet home in tho shade grove, and to
-this no, doubt may be attributed much
•of hls hesitancy for weeks In answer- 1
•ng tho call of tbe peoplo to become a
■central figure in the political field.
Mr. Brown displays deep Interest lu
uhe welfare of Marietta, and has given
Jlherolly of his money and time to its
Its average speed Is about 64 miles an
hour, Including stops.
Savanna.), May 13.—At tho Catho
lic Library Hall this evening Hon W.
W. Sheppard candidate for Congress
from this district will deliver an ad
dress to the people of Chatham county
in hls own Interest Mr. Sheppard will
bo presented to tho mooting by Mr.
W. G. Sutlive. It Is oxpected hlg ad
dress will be a voto getter. He has
not been heard in Chatham during the
present campaign nor bare either of
the other candidates. Mr. Shepard Is
a local optlonlst and for this reason It
Is expected he will get a large vote
In Chatham county.
Savannah, C:»., May 13.—Today St.
Mary's Homo a Catholic Orphanage
has been filled with visitors and this
aTternocn late and tonight there will
be many others tnere drawn by
observance of me 25t!i anniversary
of tho Home. The friends of the In
stitution have been Invited to bo pres
ent during the afternoon. The Inter
l: of the home has been handsomely
decorattcd In silver and evergreen
fer the celebration. This morning at
seven o'clock Rt. Rev. PenJ. Kelley,
Bishop of Savannah celebratrl mass
at the home assisted by several priests
of tho Savannah diocese. St. Mary's
Homo houses many young orphans and
the citizens of Savannah without re
gard to creed or'liect contribute to Its
support. Mr. M. A. O’Byrno, the Pres
ident of the organization having the,
home ln charge was re-elected this
sfternon as were tbe othef officers.
Washington, May 13.—The officers
and men of the Atlantic fleet are to
be w*ell fed on their jaurney from San
Francisco to New York. Bids opened
at lhe Navy Department for 4.148.500
pound* of provisions for tne 15.000 men
and officers on the Journey of 16,000
miles from San Francisco to Australia,
Japan, China and to Manila. Phovls-
ions for the return voyage from Manllo
to Hampton Roads, will be supplied
from the army stores at Manila for
the most part, and fresh, vegetables,
fruits, etc., will be bought at Colombo 1
Aden, and Port Said. Of the total
amount advertised for, there la
be 1,592.000 pounds of meats, 1,500,-
000 pounds of flour, anJ 1.056,500 of
other cereals, vegetables, fruits, and
thi 17th
1 he function of the kidneys is to
.‘ilroin put the Impurities of the blocd
which constantly passing through them uar - v - ;{ *
Foley's Kidney Remedy makes the 23. Said tract of land ccutu.:..*.
Kidneys healthy so they will strain Hundred (100) acres, more or
out all yalst mater from the blood. f° r ihe purpose of paying
Take Foley's Kidney Remedy at .cnco promfsory ncte bearing date th\
and It v‘11 make you well. For sale J a >* of June, 1907, and payable sixty
b- all druggists. I days after date, made and executed
J by the said A. C. Aldrlge, said :iotd
COLDS THAT HAND ON. | being for $304.00 principal, stipulated
CoM.s mat hang on in tho Spring j ^ ln,er " il ma,urll >’ nt thc ra,e
deplete the .jslem exhaust the nerves, ot 8 P er cont P er onaun1 ' t ' lc t0,al ,l “ 8
and open thc way for serious Illness.
Take Foley's Honey and Tar. It quick
ly stops the cough and expels the cold.
It Is safe and certain in results. For
Pale by all druggists.
‘‘The luklest day of my life was
when I bought a box of Bucklen's Ar
nica 6alve;" wrles Charles F. Budahn,
of Tracy California. "Two 25c boxes
cured me of an annoyanc e case of Itch
piles, which had troubled me for
years and that troubled mo for years
and trat yield ed to no other treatment
Sold under guarantee at all drug
torative is recognized everywhere as a
genuine tonic to these vital organs. It
on said uote being *179.73 principal
*8.37 interest find *18.81 attorney fees
together with costs of this proceeding
as provided In such mortgage. A con
veyance will be executed to the pur
chaser by the undersigned, as authori
zed In the said mortgage.
This 13th day of April, 1908.
GEORGIA:—Ware County.
Tojvhom It may concern:
W. J. Morgan has applied for exemp
tion of personality, and setting apart
and valuation of homestead, and I will
pass upon the same at 10 o'clock on
the 10 day of June 1908 at my office.
WARREN LOTT, Ordinary.
Spence & JIcElreath, Attorneys.
builds up and strengthens the worn- .... „ .. . . „
, . ^ Notice of Application fo.* Homcstaed.
out weakened nerves; it sharpens tho
St. Petersburg, 13.—Tolstoy Is
talking the book he la now writing In-
to a Phonoffw*. .. h. find. wrtUn, racnav th<ro waa nota ', ng to Jo bu ' t
V.ldoita Time.
We undentand the, Mr. Gray Tidi
ed New York, about twojwrb. k«0
and made every effort to raise money,
but received In reply that Just so long
ns Hoke Smith continued bit war on
capital In Georgia, Just so long they
would refuse to advance one single
dollar for any enterprise whatever ln
the State, and faillns? to raise the
Irksome. The book is to be a reader
fbr the great masses, and will be he
declares, nls most useful though not
hls greatest work.
in the First National Bank of Mariet
to go Into bankruptcy.
It Is stated that the estate of Walter
P. Inman Is involved as endar^pr to
the exteut of *450,000.
Tbe assets are represented almost
by cotton and futures. Much of them
were bought at prices far htgaor than
those prevailing now.
Ottawa, May 13.—The Canadian
Parliament ass adopted a resolution
in favor of a direct steamship service
between Canada and France, which if
is stated becomes necessary on ac
count of the new redprocrlty treaty
between the two countries.
falling appetite, and universally aids
digestion. It always quickly brings
renewed strength, life, vigor, and am<
bttlon. Try it and be convinced. Sold
by All Dealers
Tired nerves, with that "no ambi
tion” feeling that Is commonly felt ln
Spring or early summer, can be easily
and quickly altered by taking what Is
known to. druggists everywhere as Dr.
Shoops Restorative. One will abso
lutely not a changed feeling within 42
hours after beginning to take the Res
torative. Tbe bowels get sluggish In
the winter time, the circulation often
slows up, the Kidneys are Inactive, and
even the Heart In many, cases gows
decidedly weaker. Dr. Shoop’s Res-
GEORGIA.—Ware County.
J. P. Turner of said county has ap
plied for exemption of personality and
setting apart, and valuation ot home
stead, and I will pass upon same at
10 o’clock a. m., on Monday June 1st.
1908, at my office In the court house la
Waycross in said county.
Warren Lott, Ordinary.
Owns farm of Joseph E. Brown.
In addition to his Marietta home* The failure is admitted to be the
Mr. Bnowa stlU owue the home ot hls I severest blow that has struck the 8ou-
growth.. He Ffve $3,000 toward the^father in Cherokee County, os the.them cotton*industry in a decade as
w.THctioa of a new Baptist church here, J Etowah river, and spends a good deal j It was ihe biggest Southern firm and
and Is vice-president of the Marietta! 1 of hls time there, firing personal di- probably the world's greatest export*
Heard of Education. He is a director j rtctloa to the care of the crops. lug ccnceca. \
A primary was held ln Bartow coun
ty last Friday, for the purpose of nom
inating a candidate for the legislature
t i All the vacancy caused by the death
ot Hon. W. J. Neel, and the race be
tween Brown and Smith was made
the Issue. Mr. J. B. Crawford, the
Brown candidate, won by 300 majority.
Two years ago Bartow gave Governor
imtth un overwhelming majority. We
suppose the Smith men "refused to
vote” Just like the did when the ^traw
ballot was taken In Lawrencaville.—
awrcncovllle Herald.
Berlin. May 14.—The American
Chamber oc Commerce In Berlin, now
lire year. old. ha. about live hundred
member., two third, ot them cttlxen.
ot the United State, and the reat Ger
man.. The American consulate in
Germany, have round In the aaaocla-
tion a valuable adjunct tor (Ivin, In
formation and awl.tance In buxine,..
Don't conch your head off when yoa
Eot a guaranteed remedy In Bae.
Laxative • Q »-np. It Is e,pec-
tally reooanauldd tor children a. Its
pleasant to JbSS is n gentle laxative
thue expect phlegm from the
syatem. Vet colds, croup,
whooping cough hoarseness and all
bronchial trouble. Guaranteed, j
Sold By Cherokee Pharmacy,
You may well tear serious result*
from a cough or cold, Fcley's Honey
and Tar cures the most obstinate
couahs or cold, and prevent, serious
illneea. Refuse substtute. For sale
by all druggists. '
There Is n Pink Pain Tablet made
hy Dr. Shoop, that will poatlvely atop
any pain, anywhere. In 20 minutes.
Druggists everywhere sell them a* Dr.
Shoop'a Headache Tablets, but they
stop other paint as easily as headache.
Dr. Shoop’s Plate Pain Tablets simply
coax blood pressure away from pain
centers—that la all.Paln cornea from
blood pressure—congestion. Stop that
pressure with Dr. Shoop’s Headache
Tabled and pain la Instantly gone.
20 Tablets 26c. Sold by All Dealers.
It ac perron suspects that tehlr
’«:dt> are deranged they should take.
Fn" : Kidney Remedy at once and
no , having Brights disease or. dia
betes. Delay give, the dlteasc a
SOME MORE BROWN COUNTIES. *' foothold and you should not
A trtpnd wilting the Herald from a j Foley'e Ktdney Remedy
neighboring town todey says:
In my opinion. Brooici will go for
Brown, Echols by at least 400,
Lowndes by 2S0, Berrien by 604. and,
from Information, hi Colquit ft will M
very doee, with the chences favoril
For sale by all druggists.
Pile Remeey, Price 60c 1.
fon use.